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麻黄临床用量研究 被引量:4
作者 徐立鹏 仝小林 《中国临床医生杂志》 2014年第1期81-83,共3页
麻黄在中医临床上应用已有2000多年的历史,且屡建奇功。但近年来麻黄的应用却有日益减少的趋势。这一方面与国外报道服用含有麻黄的减肥药致死事件,以及麻黄碱涉及毒品有关,另一方面,中医医生常虑其发汗力猛,耗损正气而视之如虎狼... 麻黄在中医临床上应用已有2000多年的历史,且屡建奇功。但近年来麻黄的应用却有日益减少的趋势。这一方面与国外报道服用含有麻黄的减肥药致死事件,以及麻黄碱涉及毒品有关,另一方面,中医医生常虑其发汗力猛,耗损正气而视之如虎狼,畏而远之。 展开更多
关键词 麻黄碱 临床用量 中医临床 中医医生 减肥药 发汗力 应用
作者 顾洪彬 《中老年保健》 2017年第8期20-20,共1页
辛凉解表 指使用药物性味辛凉、发汗力弱但有退热作用的方法治疗表证.本法适用于怕冷轻微、发热较重或有汗的风热表证,以及麻疹初期疹未透出等症。如果风寒表证误用辛凉解表.可使病情加重或拖延。常用的辛凉平剂、治风热表证的方剂... 辛凉解表 指使用药物性味辛凉、发汗力弱但有退热作用的方法治疗表证.本法适用于怕冷轻微、发热较重或有汗的风热表证,以及麻疹初期疹未透出等症。如果风寒表证误用辛凉解表.可使病情加重或拖延。常用的辛凉平剂、治风热表证的方剂为银翘散(银花、连翘、苦桔梗、薄荷、竹叶、生甘草、荆芥穗、淡豆豉、 展开更多
关键词 中医 辛凉解表 风热表证 药物性味 退热作用 风寒表证 辛凉平剂 发汗力
Electricity Sector Transitions in an after War Country: A Review of Afghanistan's Electricity
作者 Mir Sayed Shah Danish Najib Rahman Sabory +4 位作者 Sayed Mir Shah Danish Tomonobu Senjyu Gul Ahmad Ludin Ahmad Samim Noorzad Atsushi Yona 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2017年第7期491-496,共6页
Afghanistan electricity sector has experienced many ups and downs of transitions from 1893 to date. With the growing global interest in Afghanistan rehabilitation, this paper presents an over view of Afghanistan elect... Afghanistan electricity sector has experienced many ups and downs of transitions from 1893 to date. With the growing global interest in Afghanistan rehabilitation, this paper presents an over view of Afghanistan electricity sector which includes the historical development trends, power generation potential, sustainable energy exploitation, electricity policy transition and immature policies experiences, and the legacy of the war. The lack of access to the basic information about Afghanistan power sector was one of the serious concerns of international donors and investors. Still, this information somehow has been kept in official documents wrap up. In this collection, the Afghanistan's electricity sector is pictured as a reference for Afghanistan electricity. It can be opening toward primary sources of Afghanistan electricity sector of the lessons learned and asset for researchers interesting in this topic. 展开更多
关键词 Afghanistan electricity electricity sector development Afghanistan renewable energy
Electricity Sector Development Trends in an After-war Country: Afghanistan Aspiration for an Independent Energy Country
作者 Mir Sayed Shah Danish Najib Rahman Sabory +4 位作者 Sayed Mir Shah Danish Tomonobu Senjyu Gul Ahmad Ludin Ahmad Samim Noorzad Atsushi Yona 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2017年第8期553-557,共5页
The rapid change in economic growth and human civilization has led to a dramatic increase in energy utilization and electricity demand. That faces nations with the challenge of maintaining cost-effective and clean pow... The rapid change in economic growth and human civilization has led to a dramatic increase in energy utilization and electricity demand. That faces nations with the challenge of maintaining cost-effective and clean power energy production. This paper aims to present Afghanistan electricity sector development and energy resources exploitation in a broad context. With the global growing interest in Afghanistan rehabilitation, this paper presents energy development trends in Afghanistan. Besides, the future outlook up to 2032 and the challenges that face electricity sector are highlighted. This study tries to emerge the historical development, current status, and future direction of Afghanistan electricity sector till 2032, in a precise collection. 展开更多
关键词 Afghanistan electricity electricity development trends electricity sector challenges electricity policy.
评麻黄的发汗作用 被引量:3
作者 李佺 魏武英 徐立然 《北京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1994年第1期17-18,共2页
评麻黄的发汗作用李佺,魏武英,徐立然(河南中医学院450003河南省中医药研究院450004)关键词:麻黄;发汗力;文献整理;现代药理研究麻黄是发汗解表之常用药之一,一般认为其发汗力峻猛,为发汗重剂。但据本人临床验证... 评麻黄的发汗作用李佺,魏武英,徐立然(河南中医学院450003河南省中医药研究院450004)关键词:麻黄;发汗力;文献整理;现代药理研究麻黄是发汗解表之常用药之一,一般认为其发汗力峻猛,为发汗重剂。但据本人临床验证,其发汗力并不峻猛。查阅古代文献亦... 展开更多
关键词 麻黄 发汗力 文献整理
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