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作者 宋常 王睿 《国际商务财会》 2012年第3期75-78,共4页
2010年~2011年,近30%的新股首日发行跌破发行价,实务界称之为"破发潮"。"破发潮"的屡屡出现成为监管者,发行公司以及投资者共同关注的重大问题。本文基于我国股票市场特殊的IPO暂停制度并结合了不同时期的市场环境,分析了新股"破... 2010年~2011年,近30%的新股首日发行跌破发行价,实务界称之为"破发潮"。"破发潮"的屡屡出现成为监管者,发行公司以及投资者共同关注的重大问题。本文基于我国股票市场特殊的IPO暂停制度并结合了不同时期的市场环境,分析了新股"破发"的成因与机理,指出本次"破发潮"与外围经济环境以及市场情绪有重大关系。建议上市公司可以顺延上市计划,等待良好时机再申请上市。 展开更多
关键词 IPO 首日破发 IPO发行机制 发潮
作者 陈生 《股市动态分析》 2010年第6期34-34,1,共2页
时下,新股"破发潮"愈演愈烈,且大有蔓延之势。面对这种中国股市从未有过的现象,市场总体表现平静,甚至以往对"炒新"独有情衷的中小股民,在接受的网络调查中,也有七成表示再不会去申购新股。因为此时的新股,已从之前... 时下,新股"破发潮"愈演愈烈,且大有蔓延之势。面对这种中国股市从未有过的现象,市场总体表现平静,甚至以往对"炒新"独有情衷的中小股民,在接受的网络调查中,也有七成表示再不会去申购新股。因为此时的新股,已从之前的"包赚不赔",沦落到"包赔不赚"了。这倒是市场的一大"进步"。 展开更多
关键词 新股发行定价 网络调查 中国股市 询价 行政管制 发潮 申购 市场总体 发行机制 研讨会
破发潮倒逼 新股发行市盈率降低
作者 陈斌 《股市动态分析》 2011年第7期39-39,共1页
农历春节假期后第一周,A股迎来10只新股申购,10只新股发行市盈率算术平均值仅50.51倍,最高的捷成股份74.32倍,最低的春兴精工34.04倍;较前期有明显降低。去年年底以来的新股破发潮已经对一级市场定价产生影响,而与此同时下周只有四家新... 农历春节假期后第一周,A股迎来10只新股申购,10只新股发行市盈率算术平均值仅50.51倍,最高的捷成股份74.32倍,最低的春兴精工34.04倍;较前期有明显降低。去年年底以来的新股破发潮已经对一级市场定价产生影响,而与此同时下周只有四家新股申购,发行节奏有放慢的迹象。 展开更多
关键词 发行市盈率 新股申购 算术平均值 发潮 市场定价 食品添加剂液体二氧化碳 发行人 铝合金结构件 上市 精工
作者 小彦 《花城》 北大核心 1996年第5期2-2,共1页
与乡村懒散悠闲的话题不一样,城市令人发潮地想起迎面扑来的每一天。人类其实很早就开始了走进圈成四方格的城市的历程,群居的习俗使我们愿意拥挤在一起,而孤独的本能又使我们厌恶每一个擦身而过的同伴。我们就是属于那种自相矛盾从而... 与乡村懒散悠闲的话题不一样,城市令人发潮地想起迎面扑来的每一天。人类其实很早就开始了走进圈成四方格的城市的历程,群居的习俗使我们愿意拥挤在一起,而孤独的本能又使我们厌恶每一个擦身而过的同伴。我们就是属于那种自相矛盾从而令人讨厌的种类。呆在吵杂的马路上忘怀不了乡村的阳光、青草和家畜,可真的泡在乡村又觉得缺少车水马龙、灯红酒绿般起伏的激情。人类不可救药地走向自我营造的紧张的氛围,自觉地担负起滞重而疲惫的角色。我们在城市无声地嘶喊,有节制地酗酒,撑着雨伞晃荡在没有一点诗意的雨巷与马路,在每一辆车之间蹦蹦跳跳。我们抚摸着古老而斑驳的门柱,脚踩残旧的门槛,而历史居然像一堆废纸片,只配在楼宇间飘散。结果色彩迅速消退,图像象压缩饼干一样单调。在这一切境遇当中, 展开更多
关键词 城市 发潮 故事 乡村 自相矛盾 人类 压缩饼干 马路 雨巷 习俗
作者 王杰 《饭店现代化》 1998年第5期25-25,共1页
春夏之际,一股时尚的薰风悄然登陆,是来自法国巴黎的天桥上?还是来自香港的娱乐圈?总之,又一个新的美发潮流开始了。如果你是个明眼人,应该发现在街头巷尾的人流中,留着短发或超短发的俊男靓女比比皆是,仿佛有“一夜之间春风过,万缕青... 春夏之际,一股时尚的薰风悄然登陆,是来自法国巴黎的天桥上?还是来自香港的娱乐圈?总之,又一个新的美发潮流开始了。如果你是个明眼人,应该发现在街头巷尾的人流中,留着短发或超短发的俊男靓女比比皆是,仿佛有“一夜之间春风过,万缕青丝落尘埃”的感触了。在一些娱乐杂志上,在一些电视节目中,五颜六色的短发面孔更是显尽风光,叫人眼前一亮的是那些天马行空的色彩,鬼斧神功的造型,那是在暗示潮流的最新动向,还是要告诉人们短发、超短发的创意是没有任何限制的。显而易见,容易梳理而又富有变化性,以健康的发质和亮丽的发色为重点,是本季发型趋势的主流。它以精湛的剪短,打层,漂染等剪发技巧来塑造时尚风格,从而打破了“长发永远不过时”的定律。 展开更多
关键词 发潮 电视节目 最新动向 头发 变化性 嗜喱水 设计指标 穿好衣服 流行时尚 新趋势
作者 王天怡 《经济界》 1996年第3期59-62,共4页
关键词 中国房地产 基本建设 第二次开发 经济增长 发潮 一次开发 经济起飞时期 中国经济发展 高速公路 世界强国
作者 夏寄山 《南方人口》 1988年第4期58-59,共2页
前年我送退伍老兵到码头,临上船时,我对一班长说:“你可不要感情用事啊!”不料这个身高一米七五、体重75公斤、性格爽朗、刚毅的堂堂男子汉,竟泣不成声地说:“我知道,可是感情上……我实在丢不开呀”我理解他。“男儿有泪不轻弹,只是未... 前年我送退伍老兵到码头,临上船时,我对一班长说:“你可不要感情用事啊!”不料这个身高一米七五、体重75公斤、性格爽朗、刚毅的堂堂男子汉,竟泣不成声地说:“我知道,可是感情上……我实在丢不开呀”我理解他。“男儿有泪不轻弹,只是未到伤心处”。我第一次离开家上县城读书况且一步三回头,眼睛不知不觉地发热发潮,更何况要他与青梅竹马。 展开更多
关键词 理智 痴情 爱情 身高 码头 班长 性格 体重 要义 发潮
作者 舒婷 《中学语文(大语文论坛)(下旬)》 2002年第18期14-15,共2页
手扶着窗棂,我的心突然发疼。这是一个普通的夜,白天刚下过阵雨。风特别湿潮。犹如海的呼吸,轻悄地穿过荒芜的花园,抚摸了我一下,脸上一阵凉意。是什么使眼睛发潮?为什么会想起你?窗外黑黝黝的屋脊,像几条卧鲸。深深浅浅的灯光,似乎要... 手扶着窗棂,我的心突然发疼。这是一个普通的夜,白天刚下过阵雨。风特别湿潮。犹如海的呼吸,轻悄地穿过荒芜的花园,抚摸了我一下,脸上一阵凉意。是什么使眼睛发潮?为什么会想起你?窗外黑黝黝的屋脊,像几条卧鲸。深深浅浅的灯光,似乎要从万千人生故事中,泄露一点什么消息。好比一本书的封面,引诱你去翻阅。不料记忆能及的那一页,竟是老朋友你。 展开更多
关键词 天空 乌骨鸡 记忆 老师 眼睛 母亲 玻璃纸 发潮 呼吸 窗棂
作者 顾明 《股市动态分析》 2010年第7期46-46,共1页
关键词 投资者 无人区 股票 新股 波段操作 交易风险 发潮 瘟疫 股市 延时
作者 黄瑞民 《中国经济和信息化》 1998年第43期39-39,共1页
汽车作为现代制造业的代表,集中地体现了当今的新技术与新工艺。近几年来,汽车工业作为我国的支柱产业之一而得以迅猛发展,取得了可喜的成绩。但与发达国家相比,其差距明显地表现在基础素质低、生产规模小、技术革新能力差、科技含量少... 汽车作为现代制造业的代表,集中地体现了当今的新技术与新工艺。近几年来,汽车工业作为我国的支柱产业之一而得以迅猛发展,取得了可喜的成绩。但与发达国家相比,其差距明显地表现在基础素质低、生产规模小、技术革新能力差、科技含量少等方面,这就使得我国汽车制造业国际竞争能力低、适应市场的能力弱。面对当前全球竞争日益激烈的市场,我国汽车工业核心如何生存和发展?这是摆在每一个企业面前的严峻挑战。 展开更多
关键词 力差 基础素质 严峻挑战 汽车工业 短秤 游生 发潮 翼根 垒球 迅猛发展
作者 杨海梅 《农业与技术》 2016年第4期12-12,共1页
为了保证玉米收成状况,就要对玉米种子进行有效的保存。农民靠天吃饭,一年到头就看农业收成,难免碰上雨水少的年头,这样肯定会导致粮食减产,这就需要对玉米种子进行储蓄,方便第2年再使用。对玉米种子进行储存的唯一要求就是保证玉米种... 为了保证玉米收成状况,就要对玉米种子进行有效的保存。农民靠天吃饭,一年到头就看农业收成,难免碰上雨水少的年头,这样肯定会导致粮食减产,这就需要对玉米种子进行储蓄,方便第2年再使用。对玉米种子进行储存的唯一要求就是保证玉米种子的活力,保证玉米种子具有高质量,因此要注重对玉米种子的储存。可以对玉米种子进行改进,符合储存条件,并且还要提供合格的储存环境,保证玉米种子顺利存放到第2年。以下就如何安全储存玉米种子以及保证玉米种子跨冬储存进行讨论。 展开更多
关键词 玉米种子 储存 发潮 发芽率
作者 谢学喜 《福建农业》 2001年第2期26-27,共2页
一、忌水分过高 在贮粮时,玉米含水量在14%以下,籼米含水量在13%—13.5%以下,豆类在12%以下,掌握含水量,严防发赏(?)、发热、结露、霉变。
关键词 农家贮粮 水量 粮食 结露 温度过高 有毒物品 发潮 骤热 忌烟 热变质
作者 杨鸿江 《税收与社会》 1999年第6期7-12,共6页
1994年10月12日8时,陕西省西安市户县地方税务局干部杨建昌就已到了县水泥厂。已是第四季度了,但任务还差50多万没完成,杨建昌心里着急,已经一连几夜没睡好觉了。半个多月来,他没有一日不感到头痛。母亲曾劝他:“去检... 1994年10月12日8时,陕西省西安市户县地方税务局干部杨建昌就已到了县水泥厂。已是第四季度了,但任务还差50多万没完成,杨建昌心里着急,已经一连几夜没睡好觉了。半个多月来,他没有一日不感到头痛。母亲曾劝他:“去检查一下吧,别等病得重了,就麻烦了。... 展开更多
关键词 发潮 税务干部 中国共产 《税收与社会》 扣押的货物 感到不舒服 母亲 税务所 西安市 金婚纪念
作者 蔡晓铭 《股市动态分析》 2010年第7期8-9,1,共3页
随着2月9日中国一重上市首日开盘即下跌3.8%,自2009年新股发行重启以来,已有近20只新股破发,另有10余只新股濒临破发边缘。"破发潮"之下,各种声音熙熙攘攘。愤激者将矛头指向新股发行定价过高,以及新股发行定价机制存在的问... 随着2月9日中国一重上市首日开盘即下跌3.8%,自2009年新股发行重启以来,已有近20只新股破发,另有10余只新股濒临破发边缘。"破发潮"之下,各种声音熙熙攘攘。愤激者将矛头指向新股发行定价过高,以及新股发行定价机制存在的问题。在破发潮中遭受损失的部分投资者,则感到自己"很受伤",并且这种受伤有些无辜,打新的意愿已大大降低。亦不乏拍手称快者,将破发视为价值的自然回归,以及市场化发行下的一种进步。 展开更多
关键词 市场化 新股发行定价 新股申购 债券型基金 二级市场 发行价格 发行市场 投资者 发行市盈率 发潮
New progress in the processing and efficient utilization of coal 被引量:9
作者 Zhao Yuemin Liu Jiongtian wei xianyong Luo Zhenfu Chen Qingru Song Shulei 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第4期547-552,共6页
Coal accounts for about 70% of the primary energy sources in China. The environmental pollution and resources waste involved with coal processing and utilization are serious. It is therefore urgent to develop highly-e... Coal accounts for about 70% of the primary energy sources in China. The environmental pollution and resources waste involved with coal processing and utilization are serious. It is therefore urgent to develop highly-efficient coal resources utilization theory and methods with low-carbon discharge. Based on our long-term basic research and technology development, the progress in beneficiation, cleaning, and trans- formation of coal, which includes dense phase fluidized bed dry beneficiation, deep screening of wet fine coal, micro-bubble flotation column separation, molecular coal chemistry, and transformation and sepa- ration of coal and its derivatives into value-added chemicals under mild conditions, is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Coal Low-carbon discharge Separation Coal conversion
Analysis of the integrated test and evaluation methods of tidal current energy generating devices in the offshore testing site
作者 郭文瑞 朱永强 +3 位作者 叶青 李雪临 王鑫 段春明 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2014年第2期60-71,共12页
Actual sea condition testing and inspection and evaluation method research are carried out for tidal energy devices to provide scientific and effective technical support for the ocean high-tech achievement transformat... Actual sea condition testing and inspection and evaluation method research are carried out for tidal energy devices to provide scientific and effective technical support for the ocean high-tech achievement transformation and marine renewable energy development. By analyzing three core indicators, including the power output characteristics of the tidal current device, the generating capacity, energy conversion efficiency, proposed the test contents and evaluation methods of indicators are proposed in this paper; and based on the research of wind farms, power quality testing and assessment methods of offshore tidal energy device are proposed; given the security access to the test contents of tidal current energy device, tidal current energy device running conditions in the testing ground are comprehensively assessed. 展开更多
关键词 testing ground tidal current energy generating device integrated test evaluation method
Temporal and spatial characteristics of harmful algal blooms in Qingdao Waters,China 被引量:4
作者 袁涌铨 俞志明 +1 位作者 宋秀贤 曹西华 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期400-414,共15页
Qingdao waters,including both the semi-enclosed Jiaozhou Bay(JB) and the adjacent water out of JB(OJB),have been the areas that are most frequently affected by harmful algal blooms(HABs) in the western Yellow Sea(west... Qingdao waters,including both the semi-enclosed Jiaozhou Bay(JB) and the adjacent water out of JB(OJB),have been the areas that are most frequently affected by harmful algal blooms(HABs) in the western Yellow Sea(west of 124°E).In this research,HAB occurrences in Qingdao waters from 1990 to 2009 were investigated using spatial tools in geographic information system(GIS) and are discussed in terms of their connection to temporal variation.Additionally,the effects of each HAB occurrence were further evaluated using a simple model.The calculated results were then visualized using a GIS software to indicate the effects of HABs in Qingdao waters during the entire period.As a result,the OJB was proven to be responsible for the frequent HAB occurrences in Qingdao waters after 2000,although JB was traditionally believed to be the principle source of HAB occurrences in Qingdao waters.In addition,increasing nitrogen and N/P structure imbalance were essential for increasing HAB occurrences in Qingdao waters throughout the entire period,especially for the recent HAB occurrences in the OJB.The results of this research would improve the current understanding on HAB occurrences in Qingdao waters,which would benefit HAB monitoring and the implementation of a control strategy in China as well. 展开更多
关键词 harmful algal blooms (HABs) geographic information system (GIS) effects evaluation ofHABs Qingdao waters
A Preliminary Study on the Use of NCEP Temperature Images and Additive Tectonic Stress from Astro-Tidal-Triggering to Forecast Short-Impending Earthquakes 被引量:8
作者 Ma Weiyu Zhang Xingcai +1 位作者 Dai Xiaofang Xie Fang 《Earthquake Research in China》 2007年第1期85-93,共9页
Taking the three earthquakes which occurred in Tibet, China during the period of July 12 to August 25, 2004 as an example,the paper analyses the M_S≥6.0 earthquakes that occurred in China and M_S≥7.0 earthquakes tha... Taking the three earthquakes which occurred in Tibet, China during the period of July 12 to August 25, 2004 as an example,the paper analyses the M_S≥6.0 earthquakes that occurred in China and M_S≥7.0 earthquakes that occurred overseas since May of 2003 by combining the image data from the National Center for Environmental Prediction of America(NCEP)with the additive tectonic stress from astro-tidal-triggering (ATSA) and makes the following conclusions: The abnormal temperature image data of NCEP can better reflect the spatial-temporal evolution process of tectonic earthquake activity; The ATSA has an evident triggering effect on the activity of a fault when the terra stress is in critical status; using the NCEP images and the ATSA to forecast short-impending earthquake is a new concept; The three earthquakes occurred during the same phase of the respective ATSA cycle, i.e. that occurred at the time when the ATSA reached the relatively steady end of a peak, rather than at the time when the variation rate was maximal. In addition, the author discovered that the occurrence time of other earthquake cases during 2003~2004 in Tibet was also in the same phase of the above-mentioned cycles, and therefore, further study of this feature is needed with more earthquake cases in other areas over longer periods of time. 展开更多
关键词 Additive tectonic stress of astro-tidal-triggering (ATSA) NCEP temperature images Impending earthquake forecast TIBET
A Review on Tidal Triggering of Earthquakes 被引量:3
作者 Li Jin Jiang Haikun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第1期128-141,共14页
Research of tidal triggering of earthquakes in recent years is systematically reviewed,focusing on the relationship between the phases of the moon and seismic activity,earthquakes triggered by tidal forces and its com... Research of tidal triggering of earthquakes in recent years is systematically reviewed,focusing on the relationship between the phases of the moon and seismic activity,earthquakes triggered by tidal forces and its components,based on the large sample statistics to discuss the tidal triggering of an earthquake.The relationship between the phase of the moon and seismic activity is a preliminary study of tidal triggering of earthquakes,and the modulation ratio is a quantitative description of it.Using the resolution of tidal stress to study seismic activity is a way to reveal the relationship between the tides and earthquakes from the mechanics point of view.Large sample statistics is another way to study the relationship between the tidal and earthquake from the view of statistics.In many statistical methods,Schuster's test is used more widely,which takes many factors into account,such as focal mechanism,tidal stress,and statistical tests to quantitatively analyze the tidal triggering effect on earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic activity TRIGGERING Tidal force Schuster's test
Characteristics of acoustic emission signals in damp cracking coal rocks 被引量:17
作者 TANG Shoufeng, TONG Minming, HU Junli, HE Xinmin School of Information and Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第1期143-147,共5页
A uniaxial load experiment on coal rocks at different stress rates was carried out, based on the characteristics of acoustic emission (AE) signals in cracking coal rocks, decomposition, de-noising and reconstruction f... A uniaxial load experiment on coal rocks at different stress rates was carried out, based on the characteristics of acoustic emission (AE) signals in cracking coal rocks, decomposition, de-noising and reconstruction for the AE signals through wavelet packet transform for solving the current problems created by the presence of noise in AE signals and the existing problems in AE signal processing. The results show that the various characteristics of AE signals in coal rocks cracking under different situations can be clearly reflected, after the AE signals are de-noised by the wavelet packet. Compared to dry coal rocks, the number of AE occurrences in damp coal rocks was significantly reduced, as well as the average amplitude. The number of AE occurrences in damp and dry coal rocks clearly increased with increases in the loading rate, but the largest amplitude of the AE signals in damp coal rocks has been reduced. There is no clear evidence of change in dry coal rocks. 展开更多
关键词 coal rocks cracking Acoustic Emission (AE) signal processing wavelet packet analysis DE-NOISING
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