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碳纤维发热装置控制系统的设计 被引量:2
作者 王春萌 张大鹏 《农业网络信息》 2013年第1期44-46,共3页
关键词 碳纤维发热装置 STM32 FREERTOS 端口保护
两种自发热装置在寒区战伤救护中的应用实践 被引量:3
作者 孙蕊 张鑫彤 +3 位作者 祁兴顺 王春婷 王韶刚 陆辉 《西北国防医学杂志》 CAS 2020年第7期410-413,共4页
目的:探讨两种自发热装置在寒区战伤救护低温输液中的应用效果。方法:选取一次性输液加温贴、一次性加温棒为伤员输液加温,比较分析两种自发热装置的性能及加热效果。结果:一次性输液加温贴的平均重量约为70 g,体积约为60 cm 3;一次性... 目的:探讨两种自发热装置在寒区战伤救护低温输液中的应用效果。方法:选取一次性输液加温贴、一次性加温棒为伤员输液加温,比较分析两种自发热装置的性能及加热效果。结果:一次性输液加温贴的平均重量约为70 g,体积约为60 cm 3;一次性加温棒的重量约为200 g,体积约为550 cm 3。当环境温度12℃、输液滴速60 gtt/min时,使用两种自发热装置后,输液器出口处药液温度均可达32℃~34℃。结论:两种自发热装置均具有遇空气自动升温、结构设计合理、不需外接电源、发热持续时间长、体积小、重量轻、携带方便、操作简单等特性,适用于寒区战伤救护低温输液时使用。 展开更多
关键词 发热装置 一次性输液加温贴 一次性加温棒 低温输液 应用实践
作者 廖志文 朱朋辉 《科技资讯》 2019年第1期28-28,32,共2页
近年来,随着架空输电线路使用程度的大幅度提升,加剧了其负荷程度,紧固螺栓等结构的缺陷也逐步突出,增大电网风险。该文介绍了一种带电处理35~220kV输电线路耐张线夹发热装置,基于研究背景和重难点,对此装置进行了介绍,通过应用效益对... 近年来,随着架空输电线路使用程度的大幅度提升,加剧了其负荷程度,紧固螺栓等结构的缺陷也逐步突出,增大电网风险。该文介绍了一种带电处理35~220kV输电线路耐张线夹发热装置,基于研究背景和重难点,对此装置进行了介绍,通过应用效益对比分析,发现该装置能创造出更高效的抢修效率,提升供电稳定性,值得推广运用。 展开更多
关键词 输电线路 耐张线夹 发热装置
作者 邢滕 李永安 刘学来 《制冷与空调》 2009年第1期36-41,共6页
运用遗传算法对横流板式间接蒸发热回收装置的经济性进行分析,建立优化设计数学模型,并对新、排风风量均为540m3/h的横流板式间接蒸发热回收装置进行优化求解,探讨其经济性随各结构参数的变化规律。研究结果表明:遗传算法可以很好地实... 运用遗传算法对横流板式间接蒸发热回收装置的经济性进行分析,建立优化设计数学模型,并对新、排风风量均为540m3/h的横流板式间接蒸发热回收装置进行优化求解,探讨其经济性随各结构参数的变化规律。研究结果表明:遗传算法可以很好地实现横流板式间接蒸发热回收装置的优化;得到横流板式间接蒸发热回收装置的优化结构;随各结构参数的变化,目标函数呈抛物线的变化规律。该研究对于横流板式间接蒸发热回收装置的设计有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 横流板式 间接蒸发热回收装置 遗传算法 经济性 结构设计 优化
基于多旋翼无人机的输电线路清障装置开发及应用 被引量:2
作者 陈益平 《机电信息》 2017年第3期29-30,共2页
在大风气候条件下,风筝、广告条幅、塑料薄膜等飘流物经常被吹到输电线路本体上,极易造成输电线路相间短路或单相接地短路导致线路跳闸事故。鉴于此,研究了多旋翼无人机输电线路清障装置开发及应用的可行性。与传统模式处理飘挂物相比,... 在大风气候条件下,风筝、广告条幅、塑料薄膜等飘流物经常被吹到输电线路本体上,极易造成输电线路相间短路或单相接地短路导致线路跳闸事故。鉴于此,研究了多旋翼无人机输电线路清障装置开发及应用的可行性。与传统模式处理飘挂物相比,多旋翼无人机二次开发装置拥有效率高、人员配备少、操作简便、无需停电等优势。该装置能代替作业人员进行带电工作,因此降低了人身风险,提高了工作效率和线路供电可靠性,保证了线路安全运行。 展开更多
关键词 多旋翼无人机 发热装置 清障装置 自动脱钩
作者 李伟 于福生 《电子世界》 2017年第7期135-135,共1页
关键词 全自动煮沸消毒器 发热装置 升降系统 电路板控制器
作者 邢耀峰 《消防月刊》 1994年第12期23-23,共1页
1.热水器应安装在与外界空气保持流通的室内或过道(最好装有换气扇); 2.不能有强气流直接吹向热水器; 3.热水器上部和两侧自由空间各应保持大于0.2米的距离;
关键词 热水器 防火安全 强气流 外界空气 自由空间 发热装置 换气扇 废气污染 热损失 安装位置
《技术与市场》 1997年第2期6-6,共1页
家电新品人个电话只要你身边有电话机,你例可将某一电话号码设定在这台电话机上,这样,当别人拨你的号码时,就能通过你身边的的话机找到你,犹如随身带个“大哥大”这就是“个人电话”“个人电话”号码不属于某一台电话机,而属于某... 家电新品人个电话只要你身边有电话机,你例可将某一电话号码设定在这台电话机上,这样,当别人拨你的号码时,就能通过你身边的的话机找到你,犹如随身带个“大哥大”这就是“个人电话”“个人电话”号码不属于某一台电话机,而属于某一个人,因此打电话的人不会知道你接... 展开更多
关键词 个人电话 电话号码 电话机 隔热材料 血液循环 电子体温计 发热装置 理疗作用 电子温控 控制器
《技术与市场》 1997年第12期3-3,共1页
市场潜力大的家电据有关权威部门分析,新近有六种小家电市场潜力很大,亟待开发。浴室电暖灯。它采用防爆红外线灯泡辐射加热,能使家庭浴室瞬间升温15—20摄氏度,不需取温时,又可将其转换成普通60W的电灯。因是红外线辐射,... 市场潜力大的家电据有关权威部门分析,新近有六种小家电市场潜力很大,亟待开发。浴室电暖灯。它采用防爆红外线灯泡辐射加热,能使家庭浴室瞬间升温15—20摄氏度,不需取温时,又可将其转换成普通60W的电灯。因是红外线辐射,还具有疏通人体经络、加速血液循环的... 展开更多
关键词 市场潜力 电话号码 隔热材料 电话机 小家电市场 显示器 红外线灯泡 血液循环 电子体温计 发热装置
Thermal Design for 5 Watt Power LED 被引量:1
作者 WANG Cai-feng NIU Ping-juan GAO Tie-cheng YANG Guang-hua FU Xian-song 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期41-44,共4页
With the consideration of the thermal management and heat sink requirements,a cooling device is designed and the thermal resistance of this device is calculated with a single 5 W power LED.The thermal design of a sing... With the consideration of the thermal management and heat sink requirements,a cooling device is designed and the thermal resistance of this device is calculated with a single 5 W power LED.The thermal design of a single 5 W power LED is reasonable,effective and the result has been simulated.This design also instruct other power LEDs' thermal design.Provided is a reliable and effective method for the design of power LED illumination lamps and lanterns. 展开更多
关键词 thermal management power LED heat sink junction temperature
几种调温型电热毯的安全保护特性分析 被引量:2
作者 梁冰 《家电科技》 2016年第4期40-41,共2页
关键词 电气安全 热安全保护 发热保护装置 漏电保护
Investigation of Excessive Material on Insulating Properties Using Different Heat Transfer Fluid for Thermal Energy Storage Development
作者 Tanti Zanariah Shamshir Ali Rosli Abu Bakar Gan Leong Ming Billy Anak Sup Mohd Farid Zainudin 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第10期1673-1679,共7页
Though TES (thermal energy storage) is developed hugely in most of the solar power generation plants, it is less growth in implementing a modular type of TES in a solar plant, e.g., solar dish/stifling engine applic... Though TES (thermal energy storage) is developed hugely in most of the solar power generation plants, it is less growth in implementing a modular type of TES in a solar plant, e.g., solar dish/stifling engine application. The main issue in designing the TES system is its thermal capacity of storage materials, e.g., insulator. This study is focusing on the potential waste material as an insulator for thermal energy storage applications. The insulator usage is to reduce the heat transfer between two mediums and the capability is measured by its resistance to heat flow. It is needed to obtain optimal materials to energy conversion at the same time reduce the waste generation. Therefore, a small-scale experimental testing of natural cooling process of an insulated tank within a confined room without any forced cooling system, e.g., fan. The testing is repeated by changing the insulator using the potential waste material from natural and industrial waste and also by changing the HTF (heat transfer fluid). The analysis is performed on the relationship between heat loss and the reserved period by the insulator. The results indicate the percentage of period of the insulated tank withstands the heat compared to non-insulated tank, e.g., cotton reserved the period of 14% more than non-insulated tank to withstand the heat transfer of cooking oil to the surrounding. The paper finally justifies the most potential waste material as an insulator in different heat transfer fluids. 展开更多
关键词 Energy storage waste material insulator.
Boosting solar steam generation by structure enhanced energy management 被引量:15
作者 Yida Wang Xuan Wu +3 位作者 Bo Shao Xiaofei Yang Gary Owens Haolan Xu 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第16期1380-1388,M0004,共10页
Interfacial solar-steam generation is a promising and cost-effective technology for both desalination and wastewater treatment.This process uses a photothermal evaporator to absorb sunlight and convert it into heat fo... Interfacial solar-steam generation is a promising and cost-effective technology for both desalination and wastewater treatment.This process uses a photothermal evaporator to absorb sunlight and convert it into heat for water evaporation.However solar-steam generation can be somewhat inefficient due to energy losses via conduction,convection and radiation.Thus,efficient energy management is crucial for optimizing the performance of solar-steam generation.Here,via elaborate design of the configuration of photothermal materials,as well as warm and cold evaporation surfaces,performance in solar evaporation was significantly enhanced.This was achieved via a simultaneous reduction in energy loss with a net increase in energy gain from the environment,and recycling of the latent heat released from vapor condensation,diffusive reflectance,thermal radiation and convection from the evaporation surface.Overall,by using the new strategy,an evaporation rate of 2.94 kg m^-2 h^-1,with a corresponding energy efficiency of solar-steam generation beyond theoretical limit was achieved. 展开更多
关键词 Solar-steam generation PHOTOTHERMAL Energy management Latent heat recycling Reduced graphene oxide DESALINATION
A combined dynamic inhalation device designed for moxa-smoking toxicity testing 被引量:3
作者 Lan Lei Chang Xiaorong +1 位作者 Zhang Guoshan Shi Jia 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期90-98,共9页
OBJECTIVE: To design a combined dynamic inhalation device for testing the toxicity induced by moxa smoking. METHODS: The new apparatus (Patent No. 201120101911.5) includes air renewal and recycling systems, a gas ... OBJECTIVE: To design a combined dynamic inhalation device for testing the toxicity induced by moxa smoking. METHODS: The new apparatus (Patent No. 201120101911.5) includes air renewal and recycling systems, a gas generating device, a gas control unit, and a device to measure and control tem- perature and humidity. Sprague-dawley rats were tested for acute and sub-chronic toxicity after exposure to moxa-burning smoke.METHODS: The new apparatus (Patent No. 201120101911.5) includes air renewal and recycling systems, a gas generating device, a gas control unit, and a device to measure and control tem- perature and humidity. Sprague-dawley rats were tested for acute and sub-chronic toxicity after exposure to moxa-burning smoke.RESULTS: We found an LQ0 of 1.2× 10^4 mg/m^3 in the acute toxicity assays. In sub-chronic toxicity tests the organ coefficients studied showed no sig-nificant differences within rats groups of the same gender after treatment with moxa smoke or a month of recovery. However, mean gray degree of lung 70 heat shock protein (HSP70) was significantly elevated in the high dose group in comparison with the low dose group (P 〈 0.05), mean gray degree, mean optical density, gross area of HSP70 in other organs and caspase-9 parameters showed no significant differences between groups.CONCLUSION: These results suggest that moxa smoke had no overt toxicity in rats. This work pro- vides evidence and reference for the design of dy- namic inhalation exposure systems. 展开更多
Development and Testing of Aluminum Micro Channel Heat Sink
作者 G.Kumaraguruparan T.Sornakumar 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第3期245-252,共8页
Microchannel heat sinks constitute an innovative cooling technology for the removal of a large amount of heat from a small area and are suitable for electronics cooling.In the present work,Tool Steel D2 grade milling ... Microchannel heat sinks constitute an innovative cooling technology for the removal of a large amount of heat from a small area and are suitable for electronics cooling.In the present work,Tool Steel D2 grade milling slitting saw type plain milling cutter is fabricated The microchannels are machined in aluminum work pieces to form the microchannel heat sink using the fabricated milling cutter in an horizontal milling machine.A new experimental set-up is fabricated to conduct the tests on the microchannel heat sink.The heat carried by the water increases with mass flow rate and heat input.The heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number increases with mass flow rate and increased heat input.The pressure drop increases with Reynolds number and decreases with input heat.The friction factor decreases with Reynolds number and decreases with input heat.The thermal resistance decreases with pumping power and decreases with input heat. 展开更多
关键词 MICROCHANNEL heat transfer pressure drop friction factor heat transfer coefficient.
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