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论明清戏曲选本的戏曲发生观 被引量:2
作者 朱崇志 杜磊 《艺术百家》 北大核心 2003年第3期21-24,32,共5页
明清戏曲选本蕴涵了大量理论内容,戏曲发生现是其戏曲理论的出发点,主要涉及了两方面内容:一,从“声”、“辞”、“戏”三个角度追溯戏曲源头;二,分论南北曲体,进行辨异和认同。戏曲选本的戏曲发生观既响应了整体戏曲理论论争潮流,又表... 明清戏曲选本蕴涵了大量理论内容,戏曲发生现是其戏曲理论的出发点,主要涉及了两方面内容:一,从“声”、“辞”、“戏”三个角度追溯戏曲源头;二,分论南北曲体,进行辨异和认同。戏曲选本的戏曲发生观既响应了整体戏曲理论论争潮流,又表现出作为选本附载品的独特文化个性。 展开更多
关键词 明清戏曲 戏曲选本 戏曲发生观
黎锦熙“句本位”中的句法生长发生观及其发掘 被引量:4
作者 肖娅曼 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期67-73,共7页
黎锦熙提出的"句子由最简单的到极繁复的形式,仿佛像一种有机物底生长",是一种崭新的句法生长发生观,它否定了"词源"语源观预设和句法组合发生观预设,与"分类命名集"语言观根本对立,与索绪尔的"符... 黎锦熙提出的"句子由最简单的到极繁复的形式,仿佛像一种有机物底生长",是一种崭新的句法生长发生观,它否定了"词源"语源观预设和句法组合发生观预设,与"分类命名集"语言观根本对立,与索绪尔的"符号价值系统观"一致,并对汉语研究的难题有很强的解释力。 展开更多
关键词 黎锦熙 句法生长发生观 语源
我国上市公司股票融资偏好的一种解释:实际发生观 被引量:3
作者 刘常青 《中国管理信息化》 北大核心 2008年第19期34-36,共3页
我国上市公司偏好股票融资的原因有很多,我国财务管理教材中体现的实际发生观可以提供这方面的一种解释。基于此,本文分析了实际发生观的主要表现及其在上市公司偏好股票融资中的作用,通过与西方对比,解释了中西企业不同融资偏好的原因... 我国上市公司偏好股票融资的原因有很多,我国财务管理教材中体现的实际发生观可以提供这方面的一种解释。基于此,本文分析了实际发生观的主要表现及其在上市公司偏好股票融资中的作用,通过与西方对比,解释了中西企业不同融资偏好的原因,进一步提出单纯的实际发生观和单纯的机会成本观都不能涵盖融资成本的全部内涵,在理性市场上融资成本应该是遵循风险与报酬匹配原则下机会成本与实际成本的统一体。 展开更多
关键词 股票融资偏好 实际发生观 融资成本
作者 韩效伟 《文教资料》 2008年第7期37-39,共3页
近年来,以MacWhinney为代表的一派学者提出了一种新的概念框架--自然发生观,取代了传统的先验论与经验论的对立,他们认为语言既非完全先天决定,又非完全后天学习,而是相对简单的学习机制接触了大量复杂的语言环境后自然发生的.本文简单... 近年来,以MacWhinney为代表的一派学者提出了一种新的概念框架--自然发生观,取代了传统的先验论与经验论的对立,他们认为语言既非完全先天决定,又非完全后天学习,而是相对简单的学习机制接触了大量复杂的语言环境后自然发生的.本文简单介绍了自然发生观的基本内容,并探讨了自然发生观与连通主义相结合的问题.随着对自然发生观的深入研究,该理论在语言习得领域一定会有更广阔的应用前景. 展开更多
关键词 自然发生观 语言习得 连通主义
論《老子》首章及其“道”的原型 被引量:4
作者 王小盾 《中华文史论丛》 CSSCI 2010年第2期287-312,共26页
“道”是老子哲学的核心概念,其思想素材来源于上古时代的生命发生观。这种观念认为:人类的个体生命始于妇孕三月之时,亦即胚胎初分阴阳之时。在此之前的受精卵是作为元气存在的;到婴儿自母腹降生,生命便进入“有名”的形态。老子... “道”是老子哲学的核心概念,其思想素材来源于上古时代的生命发生观。这种观念认为:人类的个体生命始于妇孕三月之时,亦即胚胎初分阴阳之时。在此之前的受精卵是作为元气存在的;到婴儿自母腹降生,生命便进入“有名”的形态。老子据此建立了“道”、“始”、“母”等概念,进而提出了他的宇宙生成图式、伦理学图式和宇宙演化图式。这些图式是上古时代公共知识和仪式行为的产物,须在人类学视野中加以考察。 展开更多
关键词 《老子》 原型 生命发生观
作者 白晨阳 《科学.经济.社会》 2015年第2期149-153,共5页
新文学的诞生有其鲜明的标识:其一要有完备的、可实际操作的文学理论体系;其二更要创作出具备新样式的文学作品。这一过程循序渐进且有迹可循,对新文学起点的笼统划分往往存在忽略文学细节的弊端。以阅读原始资料的方法回归理论文本和... 新文学的诞生有其鲜明的标识:其一要有完备的、可实际操作的文学理论体系;其二更要创作出具备新样式的文学作品。这一过程循序渐进且有迹可循,对新文学起点的笼统划分往往存在忽略文学细节的弊端。以阅读原始资料的方法回归理论文本和创作文本,是从微观角度爬梳文学实事、还原文学之"新"的逐步确立,有利于建构一种更客观真实的新文学发生观。 展开更多
关键词 1917-1918 新文学 批评理论 创作 发生观
活动教学理论基础探讨 被引量:6
作者 潘洪建 《绵阳师范高等专科学校学报》 2000年第6期77-81,共5页
活动教学是一种基本的教学形态。索尔蒂斯和波拉尼的缄默知识论、皮亚杰的发生学知识观、杜威的经验主义知识观、列昂捷夫的活动心理学说、自我教育理论、主体教育理论为活动教学提供了重要的理论依据 。
关键词 活动教学 缄默知识理论 发生学知识 经验主义知识 活动心理学 自我教育理论 主体教育理论
人性研究的方法论思考 被引量:11
作者 苏富忠 《太原师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 1999年第2期22-28,共7页
人性研究是运用一定思维方式展开的关于人的哲学研究。从思维方式的角度看,既有的人性研究有两个历史类型:一是运用经验思维形成的发生论的人性观,是把人生之初具有的规定性当成人性的人性观;二是运用抽象思维形成的本质论的人性观... 人性研究是运用一定思维方式展开的关于人的哲学研究。从思维方式的角度看,既有的人性研究有两个历史类型:一是运用经验思维形成的发生论的人性观,是把人生之初具有的规定性当成人性的人性观;二是运用抽象思维形成的本质论的人性观,是把与人的诸种现象相对立并规定这些现象的人的本质当作人性的人性观。在今天的科学眼界内应当运用具体思维建立规定性的人性观,以揭示人的蕴含着不同层次、不同维度的特殊规定性和相互间的差异性的特有共性为己任的人性观。这种人性观的具体内容就是人的自觉行为主体观:人是由猿进化来的在一定遗传素质基础上、在一定环境中广泛吸收社会文化而形成的追求创造实现价值的。 展开更多
关键词 人性研究 发生论的人性 本质论的人性 规定论的人性 人的自觉行为主体
作者 柳友荣 《巢湖师专学报》 1999年第1期61-65,共5页
关键词 梁漱溟 心理学 中国 哲学 心理发生观 心理发展 心理健康 学习心理
Landscape Design Method of Sustainable Development Based on the Modest Principle
作者 许克福 龚杰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期717-720,共4页
"Over" phenomenon exists in all fields of society, and over thoughts and behaviors not only waste resources, but also destroy the ecological environment.Landscape design is also facing the dilemma of over planning, ... "Over" phenomenon exists in all fields of society, and over thoughts and behaviors not only waste resources, but also destroy the ecological environment.Landscape design is also facing the dilemma of over planning, over design and over construction. Based on the paraphrase and explanation of "degree", the principle for modest landscape design with the concept of sustainable development was explored through the analysis on the concept of sustainable development, which emphasized the "degree" standard in landscape design, and the combination of regional features with native features to carry out ecological design, with the aim to facilitate the landscape designers to design the "modest" landscape with sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 Over-design Sustainable development Landscape design MODEST Ecological design
Isolation and Identification of a Taxol-producing Endophytic Fungus Identified from Taxus media 被引量:8
作者 李佟清 张志建 +5 位作者 张鹏 王春兰 刘博 刘婷婷 付春华 余龙江 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期38-40,68,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to isolate and identify a taxol-producing endophytic fungus from Taxus media. [Method] 32 strains of endophytic fungi were identified form the inner bark of T. media,and their fermentation prod... [Objective] The aim was to isolate and identify a taxol-producing endophytic fungus from Taxus media. [Method] 32 strains of endophytic fungi were identified form the inner bark of T. media,and their fermentation products were detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). [Result] Through the screening,a strain of taxol-producing endophytic fungi M57 was obtained,which could produce 45-50 μg/L of taxol,and M57 was defined as Rhizopus sp. through morphological observation and 18S rDNA sequence analysis. [Conclusion] The finding of Rhizopus sp. M57 provided a promising strain for producing taxol with taxol-producing fungi fermentation process. 展开更多
关键词 Taxus media Taxol Endophytic fungi HPLC 18S rDNA
Rural Ecological Landscape Construction from the Perspective of Rural Revitalization Strategy 被引量:2
作者 YE Feng MA Jinggui 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第4期135-137,共3页
Based on the strategies for mral revitalization proposed in the 19th National Congtess report and 2018 No.l Document of CPC Central Committee, combined with the current situation of rural environmental pollution ... Based on the strategies for mral revitalization proposed in the 19th National Congtess report and 2018 No.l Document of CPC Central Committee, combined with the current situation of rural environmental pollution in China, tiiis paper first elaborated die connotation of rural ecological landscapes, and analyzed the structure, fimctions, and values of rural landscape ecology. The principle of building rural landscape ecology under the strategy of rural revitalization was studied. Finally, the methods and approaches of rural landscape ecological construction under the strategy of rural revitalization were studied. 展开更多
关键词 Rural fevitalization strategy Rural ecologicallandscape Landscape construction path
Age and Some Genetic Characteristics of Vertisols in China 被引量:2
作者 ZHANGMIN LIULIANG-WU 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第1期81-88,共8页
The ages of organic matter of some dark-colored horizons and calcareous concretions in some Vertisols from tropical, subtropical and warm-temperate zones of China were studied using radiocarb on dating method. The rel... The ages of organic matter of some dark-colored horizons and calcareous concretions in some Vertisols from tropical, subtropical and warm-temperate zones of China were studied using radiocarb on dating method. The relationship between soil age and genesis of Vertisols was also expounded based on the study of their genetic charactens-tics and micromorphological features. The results show that although Vertisols have developed for a relatively long time, their weathering and soil forming process are weak and young with little horizonation. This is closely related to their special geochemical soil forming environment. Low-lying terrain, heavy texture, clay minerals dominated by montmorillonites and alternative drying- wetting climate give rise to the vertic features expressed in intense swelling-shrinking and cracking-closing in soils. As a result, the soil development and soil leaching process are resisted, and the climatic effect on the horizonation is impeded. Moreover, pedoturbation eliminates the horizonation in the upper part of soil profile, and postpones their evolution into zonal soils. So Vertisols show certain pedogenic inertia and stay at relatively young developmental stage. Therefore, Vertisols are intrazonal soils dominated by local soil forming factors such as the relief and parent materials. 展开更多
关键词 soil age soil genesis soil micromorphology Vcrtisols
Sustainable Development and the Basic Value of Natural Environment 被引量:1
作者 Jia Zhong Li Jianhua 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第1期89-93,共5页
Contrast with artificial environment, the multi-level self-organizational system of nature has great gain. Sustain-able material environment should respect nature: non-rubbish and super-cycle quality of natural ecosys... Contrast with artificial environment, the multi-level self-organizational system of nature has great gain. Sustain-able material environment should respect nature: non-rubbish and super-cycle quality of natural ecosystem offers the material source of human development, fractal structure of nature offers new field of space and information source to this high-density and information-based society, dissipative structure of nature links the new system of energy with whole ecosystem organi-cally, and life-chain regulation is the base of sustainable life environment. Nature guarantees the physical healthy environ-ment by its all-dimension healthy factor, constructs the mental healthy environment by its quality of co-ordinate and chaos, so that guarantees the whole emergence of sustainable develop-ment on the 'super-science' level. In the view of sustainable development, construction, green economy and human health are basic fields. With the concept of ecosystem regulation, we can relate these fields organically and fulfill the task of human health, welfare and sustainable development. Ecosystem regulation is the base of sustainable development's new para-digm. 展开更多
关键词 sustainable development natural environment ECOSYSTEM HEALTH SELF-ORGANIZATION
Histological Observation of Germ Cell Development and Discovery of Spermatophores in Ovoviviparous Black Rockfish(Sebastes schlegeli Hilgendorf) in Reproductive Season 被引量:6
作者 FENG Junrong LIU Liming +2 位作者 JIANG Haibin WANG Maojian DU Rongbin 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第5期830-836,共7页
Black rockfish(Sebastes schlegeli) is an important species for culture; however, its reproductive characteristics have not been fully documented. In this study, we investigated the morphology and developmental process... Black rockfish(Sebastes schlegeli) is an important species for culture; however, its reproductive characteristics have not been fully documented. In this study, we investigated the morphology and developmental process of germ cells in this ovoviviparous rockfish in reproductive season(October 2011–November 2012) with histological methods. We found that the gonad of mature fish showed notable seasonal changes in developmental characteristics and morphological structure. The sperm cells matured during a period lasting from October to December, significantly earlier than the oocytes did. A large number of spermatozoa and other cells occurred in testis at different developmental stages. Vitellogenesis in oocytes began in October, and gestation appeared in April next year. Spermatophores were discovered for the first time in Sebastes, which assembled in testis, main sperm duct, oviduct and genital tract, as well as ovarian cavity in October and April. These organs may serve either as production or hiding places for spermatophores and spermatozoa which were stored and transported in form of spermatophores. Testicular degeneration started from the distal part of testis in April, with spermatophores assembled in degenerating testis and waiting for transportation. The copulation probably lasted for a long period, during which the spermatozoa were discharged in batches as spermatophores. These spermatophores were coated with sticky materials secreted from the interstitial areas of testis and the main sperm duct, then transported into ovary. 展开更多
关键词 Sebastes schlegeli germ cell development SPERMATOPHORE copulation period
Protection and Innovative Development of Marine Ecological Cultural Heritage in China
作者 WANG Ningxuan 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第4期90-92,共3页
The marine ecological cultural heritage demonstrates tiie long-standing wisdom of human marine ecological culture. Its effective protection and inheritance is a continuation of the traditional marine ecological lifest... The marine ecological cultural heritage demonstrates tiie long-standing wisdom of human marine ecological culture. Its effective protection and inheritance is a continuation of the traditional marine ecological lifestyle, and is also an important impetus to the current construction of marine ecological civilization in China. The paf ticipation and interaction of cultural origins should be pfomoted, system protection management systems should be continuously improved, policies, reguktions and supporting mechanisms should be improved, and scientific evaluation mechanisms should be established, gradually realizing innovative development. 展开更多
关键词 Marine ecological culture Cultural heritage PROTECTION Innovative development
Effects of penehyclidine hydrochloride on rat intestinal barrier function during cardiopulmonary bypass 被引量:35
作者 Ying-Jie Sun Hui-Juan Cao Qiang Jin Yu-Gang Diao Tie-Zheng Zhang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第16期2137-2142,共6页
AIM:To test the ability of penehyclidine hydrochloride (PHC) to attenuate intestinal injury in a rat cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) model.METHODS:Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into six groups (eight eac... AIM:To test the ability of penehyclidine hydrochloride (PHC) to attenuate intestinal injury in a rat cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) model.METHODS:Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into six groups (eight each):sham-operated control;sham-operated low-dose PHC control (0.6 mg/kg);sham-operated high-dose PHC control (2.0 mg/kg);CPB vehicle control;CPB low-dose PHC (0.6 mg/kg);and CPB high-dose PHC (2.0 mg/kg).Blood samples were collected from the femoral artery 2 h after CPB for determination of plasma diamine oxidase (DAO),D-lactate and endotoxin levels.Spleen,liver,mesenteric lymph nodes and lung were removed for biochemical analyses.Intestinal tissue ultrastructure was examined by electron microscopy.RESULTS:In the sham-operated groups,high-and low-dose-PHC had no significant impact on the levels of DAO,D-lactate and endotoxin,or the incidence of intestinal bacterial translocation (BT).Serum levels of DAO,D-lactate,endotoxin and the incidence of intestinal BT were significantly increased in the surgical groups,compared with the sham-operated groups (0.543 ± 0.061,5.697 ± 0.272,14.75 ± 2.46,and 0/40 vs 1.038 ± 0.252,9.377 ± 0.769,60.37 ± 5.63,and 30/40,respectively,all P < 0.05).PHC alleviated the biochemical and histopathological changes in a dosedependent manner.Serum levels of DAO,D-lactate,and endotoxin and the incidence of intestinal BT in the high-dose PHC group were significantly lower than in the low-dose PHC group (0.637 ± 0.064,6.972 ± 0.349,29.64 ± 5.49,and 14/40 vs 0.998 ± 0.062,7.835 ± 0.330,38.56 ± 4.28,and 6/40,respectively,all P < 0.05).CONCLUSION:PHC protects the structure and function of the intestinal mucosa from injury after CPB in rats. 展开更多
关键词 Penehyclidine hydrochloride Intestinal mucosa injury Cardiopulmonary bypass
Study on Precursory Features of the Lop M_S6. 0 Earthquake Based on GPS Continuous Observation Data and Mobile Gravity Data
作者 Zhu Zhiguo Li Guirong 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2015年第3期386-393,共8页
Through calculating and analyzing of GPS continuous observation data and mobile gravity data,the study results from the data are as follows.( 1) The different movement rate of the fault ends provides conditions for st... Through calculating and analyzing of GPS continuous observation data and mobile gravity data,the study results from the data are as follows.( 1) The different movement rate of the fault ends provides conditions for stress accumulation.( 2) The high value zone of gravity anomaly appeared in the monitoring area before the earthquake,and gravity variation contour lines are parallel to the strike of fault; and the process of enhancingweakening-enhancing appeared in the regional gravity field before earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 Lop earthquake GPS Gravity field Precursory features
Improving Linear Type Traits to Improve Production Sustainability and Longevity in Purebred Sahiwal Cattle
作者 Ashutosh Dubey Sharad Mishra Vikas Khune Pavan K. Gupta Bhooshan K. Sahu Arvind K. Nandanwar 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第5期636-639,共4页
In order to determine various traits which need to be improved for improving the productive life span and longevity, purebred Sahiwal cows available at bull mother experimental farm and cattle breeding farm located at... In order to determine various traits which need to be improved for improving the productive life span and longevity, purebred Sahiwal cows available at bull mother experimental farm and cattle breeding farm located at Veterinary College, Durg, Chhattisgarh, India were used. For present investigation, 17 linear type traits were measured, scaled and scored as per the guidelines of International Committee for Animal Recording (2001). The average score point (ASP) under 1-9 point scale score system along with respective observed group for different linear type traits were stature (6.88; taller), chest width (5.30; intermediate), body depth (4.11; intermediate), rump angle (4.27; intermediate), rump width (5.09; intermediate), rear leg set-side view (4.55; intermediate), rear leg set-rear view (5.95; intermediate), foot angle (5.66; intermediate), udder depth (5.71; intermediate), rear udder height (4.90; intermediate), udder balance (5.27; intermediate), udder cleft (3.75; intermediate), fore udder attachment (5.55; intermediate), teat length (3.54; intermediate), fore teat placement (5.33; intermediate), rear teat placement (6.37; intermediate) and teat thickness (2.76; narrow). For most of the traits, ASP which lies near midpoint (i.e. near five) is known to be ideal for dairy type cattle. Moreover, some traits also showed the presence of undesirable ASP. Hence, the traits such as body depth, rump angle, foot angle, udder depth, rear udder height, udder cleft, fore udder attachment, teat length, and teat thickness needs to be improved for improving the production sustainability and herd life of Sahiwal cattle. Thus, present investigation gives explicit clue to incorporate these conformation traits in selection program of this valuable germplasm commonly found in Southern part of Asia (India, Pakistan, Srilanka, etc.). 展开更多
关键词 SAHIWAL linear type traits production sustainability and longevity.
Road-Spine versus Road-Tube: Roads as Space Generators
作者 Alfonso Annunziata 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第8期901-911,共11页
Arteries devoted to sustain streams of users, resources and debris, are a foremost factor and pre-condition of the development of urban areas and of the transformation of landscapes. Roadscapes reflect outcomes relate... Arteries devoted to sustain streams of users, resources and debris, are a foremost factor and pre-condition of the development of urban areas and of the transformation of landscapes. Roadscapes reflect outcomes related to super urbanization tendencies. Often conceived as isolated tubes, roads cut and obscure form, structure, biotic and abiotic factors of sites, urban fabrics and spaces. A broad vision of landscape is a basis for reconceiving roads. The concept of road-spine emerges: the road is conceived as the basis of a bundle of routes, nodes, surfaces, poles and tiles, devised to frame and shape a mosaic of open spaces, crops, farms, stores, basins and service areas. The road-spine entails the idea of a permeable infrastructure devised to integrate diverse functions: from serving various forms of motion, by ordering an isotropic grid of routes, to framing a porous urbanscape; from disposing surfaces meant to preserve biocenosis and biotopes, to favoring osmosis amid land uses. It also prefigures a distribution of land uses dependent on site vocations, and a mosaic of scenarios open to encounter, evasion, rest, amusement, participation, and to spontaneous practices of space. 展开更多
关键词 Infrastructure LANDSCAPE open space edge road.
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