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分布式发电实验室的潮流仿真 被引量:4
作者 吴红斌 孙辉 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期49-52,共4页
对分布式发电实验室系统进行了建模和潮流仿真分析,介绍了光伏发电、风力发电的潮流计算模型。最后,利用仿真软件对实验室系统在并网和孤岛运行等各种情况下的潮流进行了仿真分析。该实验室平台可以为今后进行分布式发电系统的理论研究... 对分布式发电实验室系统进行了建模和潮流仿真分析,介绍了光伏发电、风力发电的潮流计算模型。最后,利用仿真软件对实验室系统在并网和孤岛运行等各种情况下的潮流进行了仿真分析。该实验室平台可以为今后进行分布式发电系统的理论研究提供试验验证工具。 展开更多
关键词 分布式发电实验 光伏发电系统 风力发电系统 潮流仿真
作者 朱坤博 陈鹏宇 +3 位作者 王彪 刘航宇 孙磊 王志军 《中国现代教育装备》 2021年第15期66-68,共3页
介绍了一种基于温差发电原理而制作的温差发电实验装置,用此实验装置测量了F40550温差发电片在不同温差(10℃,20℃,30℃,40℃,50℃)下的电学输出特性数据。测试结果表明,输出电流与负载电阻R成反比;输出电压先随负载迅速增大,然后逐渐... 介绍了一种基于温差发电原理而制作的温差发电实验装置,用此实验装置测量了F40550温差发电片在不同温差(10℃,20℃,30℃,40℃,50℃)下的电学输出特性数据。测试结果表明,输出电流与负载电阻R成反比;输出电压先随负载迅速增大,然后逐渐趋于饱和;输出功率先随R从0迅速增大至最大值(负载电阻9~15Ω区间达到最大值),然后逐渐衰减至0;最大输出功率与温差呈非线性关系,可用二次函数进行拟合。实验结果显示,我校制备的温差发电实验装置实验所得数据合理、较为准确,可以运用到实验教学中。 展开更多
关键词 温差发电实验装置 电学输出特性 温差发电
绳系卫星系绳发电实验的成与败 被引量:1
作者 周以蕴 《航天》 1996年第4期22-23,共2页
关键词 航天飞机 绳系卫星 发电实验 系统发电
作者 张可喜 《中国高校技术市场》 2001年第6期41-41,共1页
关键词 日本 太阳能发电实验 宇宙空间 能源短缺问题 实验装置
《农村实用技术与信息》 2004年第3期55-55,共1页
关键词 华中科技大学 太阳能烟囱发电实验装置 工作原理 涡轮发电
太阳能与风力发电仿真(实验)系统的研制 被引量:7
作者 秦大为 陈汉峥 蔡苏瑾 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第1期63-65,共3页
关键词 太阳能 风力 发电实验系统 研制
基于LABVIEW的风力发电综合实验平台监控系统设计 被引量:3
作者 张湘 肖建 郭育华 《计算机测量与控制》 北大核心 2013年第12期3206-3208,共3页
详细介绍了风力发电综合实验平台监控系统的开发;监控系统由数据采集节点、RS232/CAN转换器、工控机构成,数据采集节点和转换器通过CAN总线相连,转换器和工控机通过串口实现通信;系统采用LabVIEW设计监控软件;监控软件设计包括数据通信... 详细介绍了风力发电综合实验平台监控系统的开发;监控系统由数据采集节点、RS232/CAN转换器、工控机构成,数据采集节点和转换器通过CAN总线相连,转换器和工控机通过串口实现通信;系统采用LabVIEW设计监控软件;监控软件设计包括数据通信设计、软件功能设计和人机界面设计三部分,软件采用多线程并行结构;通过VISA函数对串口的配置、读取和写入及RS232/CAN转换器对数据的转换,软件实现了工控机和数据采集节点之间的数据通信;实验结果表明,监控系统工作正常,监控数据准确,通信稳定可靠,实现了实验平台的实时监控。 展开更多
关键词 风力发电综合实验平台 监控系统 CAN总线 串口 数据通信
基于Modbus协议的发电机微机励磁实验装置内部通信方法及实现 被引量:3
作者 张雪美 周有庆 +2 位作者 鲁文军 周旭辉 吴涛 《测控技术》 CSCD 2008年第10期51-54,共4页
简单、可靠地实现发电机微机励磁实验装置内部模块之间的数据传递,关系着整套实验装置的稳定性和可靠性。而选用明确、合理的通信协议又是该装置通信安全和快捷的关键所在。作为工业控制领域常用的通信协议——Modbus,有方便易用,性价比... 简单、可靠地实现发电机微机励磁实验装置内部模块之间的数据传递,关系着整套实验装置的稳定性和可靠性。而选用明确、合理的通信协议又是该装置通信安全和快捷的关键所在。作为工业控制领域常用的通信协议——Modbus,有方便易用,性价比高,传输高速、高效等优点。简要介绍了发电机微机励磁实验装置的结构与功能,以及Modbus协议的基本内容。在分析本装置内部通信数据的基础上,分别给出了主机和从机的通信程序。系统运行结果表明,本发电机微机励磁实验装置采用Modbus协议安全、迅速、可靠地实现了主机和从机间的相互通信,既很好地满足了该实验装置的功能要求,又有效地降低了装置的生产成本,具有很好的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 发电机微机励磁实验装置 MODBUS协议 DSP CAN通信
作者 朱坤博 刘震 王志军 《大学物理实验》 2021年第2期13-15,共3页
用自制的温差发电实验仪测量了SP1848温差发电片在不同温差(10℃、20℃、30℃、40℃、50℃)下的电学输出特性数据。测试结果表明:输出电流与负载R成反比;输出电压先随负载迅速增大,然后逐渐趋于饱和,输出功率先随负载从0迅速增大至最大... 用自制的温差发电实验仪测量了SP1848温差发电片在不同温差(10℃、20℃、30℃、40℃、50℃)下的电学输出特性数据。测试结果表明:输出电流与负载R成反比;输出电压先随负载迅速增大,然后逐渐趋于饱和,输出功率先随负载从0迅速增大至最大值(负载电阻8-15Ω区间达到最大值),然后逐渐衰减至0;最大输出功率随温差呈非线性关系,可用二次函数进行拟合。实验结果显示,所制备的温差发电实验装置数据合理,较为准确,可以运用到实验教学中。 展开更多
关键词 温差发电实验 电学输出特性 温差发电 SP1848
作者 姜佳彦 赵剑飞 《电力系统装备》 2021年第24期166-169,共4页
基于虚拟仿真与电力电子模块化控制技术,通过分析光伏电池模型及其特性,研究出光伏电池特性模拟的软件编程虚拟仿真方法;提出并研制一种新型具有双向能量流功能拓扑结构的变流器模块,用于实现大功率光伏电池电源特性,此模块在实验中既... 基于虚拟仿真与电力电子模块化控制技术,通过分析光伏电池模型及其特性,研究出光伏电池特性模拟的软件编程虚拟仿真方法;提出并研制一种新型具有双向能量流功能拓扑结构的变流器模块,用于实现大功率光伏电池电源特性,此模块在实验中既可以作为电源,也可以作为负载使用;研制了功率级(10 kW)虚拟仿真与实物模拟结合的光伏发电综合模拟实验平台,此平台可以完成多种科目的实验研究。实验结果证实了此实验平台的可行性和有效性,这对光伏发电实验教学与科学研究具有应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 光伏电池模拟 虚拟现实仿真 光伏发电模拟实验平台 电力电子模块化技术
省级电气工程实验教学示范中心建设与实践 被引量:2
作者 魏德仙 莫嘉嗣 许俊云 《中国现代教育装备》 2019年第1期21-23,27,共4页
以创建省级电气工程实验教学示范中心为契机,结合华南农业大学电气工程及其自动化专业实验教学建设的具体案例,通过对发电厂继电保护实验和新能源发电实验等项目的重点建设,阐述了实验教学示范中心的建设思想、教学理念、规划设计、师... 以创建省级电气工程实验教学示范中心为契机,结合华南农业大学电气工程及其自动化专业实验教学建设的具体案例,通过对发电厂继电保护实验和新能源发电实验等项目的重点建设,阐述了实验教学示范中心的建设思想、教学理念、规划设计、师资建设、体系内容等,并总结了取得的实验教学成果。 展开更多
关键词 实验教学示范中心 电气工程专业 发电厂继电保护实验 新能源发电实验
水力旋流器溢流余能回收技术探究 被引量:4
作者 韩岳桐 樊民强 张兴芳 《中国矿业》 2021年第11期163-168,共6页
为充分利用旋流器溢流剩余动能,利用水轮机发电原理设计了一套于旋流器溢流管出口处安装的溢流余能回收装置。为探究该装置的余能回收效果以及对旋流器分级效果的影响,分别进行清水试验、发电试验和煤泥分级试验,试验变量为旋流器入料... 为充分利用旋流器溢流剩余动能,利用水轮机发电原理设计了一套于旋流器溢流管出口处安装的溢流余能回收装置。为探究该装置的余能回收效果以及对旋流器分级效果的影响,分别进行清水试验、发电试验和煤泥分级试验,试验变量为旋流器入料压力、旋流器溢流管直径和叶轮叶片角。根据清水试验结果绘制入料压力与转轴转速关系图,得到清水条件下叶轮转速随着入料压力的增大而变大的规律,其中叶轮最佳叶片角为20°。同时利用该叶轮进行发电试验,验证了余能回收装置能够有效地将转化而来的机械能变成电能的功能;通过入料压力为0.14 MPa、旋流器溢流管直径为40 mm时的煤泥分级试验,得到该入料压力下叶轮最佳叶片角为15°,证明在此入料压力条件下叶片的安装对旋流器分级效果基本无影响。 展开更多
关键词 水力旋流器 溢流余能回收 转速 煤泥分级 发电实验
作者 常冰 《国外核新闻》 2002年第6期10-10,共1页
关键词 冷聚变 声致发电实验 美国橡树岭国家实验 脉冲中子源 中子发射
Influences of different substrates on simulated lignite biogas production 被引量:1
作者 Wang Aikuan Qin Yong Shao Pei 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第6期991-995,共5页
Using lignite samples, selected from Zhaotong basin, Yunnan province, China, as the parent source, simulating experiments of lignite biogas were conducted with 0.1% methanol, 5 mg/L yeast extract and 0.2 mol/L sodium ... Using lignite samples, selected from Zhaotong basin, Yunnan province, China, as the parent source, simulating experiments of lignite biogas were conducted with 0.1% methanol, 5 mg/L yeast extract and 0.2 mol/L sodium acetate solutions as the exogenous substance respectively. Variation characteristics of gas production, gas composition, VFA content and activity of coenzyme 1:42o in the simulated process were analyzed to discuss the influence of different substrates on lignite biogas generation. The results show that 0.1% methanol and 5 mg/L yeast extract solutions increase VFA contents in the biogas generation system (p 〈 0.05) and inhibit coenzyme F420 and methanogen activities significantly, so they decrease both gas amounts (p 〈 0.05) and CH4 contents (p 〈 0.05). 0.2 mol/L sodium acetate solution activates coenzyme F42o and methanogen activities and improves the efficiency of enzymatic reaction, so the gas quantity (p 〈 0.05) and the CH4 content (p 〈 0.01) increase significantly. Therefore, sodium acetate can be one kind of good exogenous substance for the generation of lignite biogenic gas. 展开更多
关键词 SubstrateLigniteBiogenic gasInfluence characteristics
作者 WONG Pak-kin TAM Lap-mou LI Ke 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第5期80-86,共7页
In modem four-stroke engine technology, variable valve timing and lift control offers potential benefits for making a high-performance engine. A novel electro-hydraulic fully variable valve train for four-stroke autom... In modem four-stroke engine technology, variable valve timing and lift control offers potential benefits for making a high-performance engine. A novel electro-hydraulic fully variable valve train for four-stroke automotive engines is introduced. The construction of the nonlinear mathematic model of the valve train system and its dynamic analysis are also presented. Experimental and simulation results show that the novel electro-hydraulic valve train can achieve fully variable valve timing and lift control. Consequently the engine performance on different loads and speeds will be significantly increased. The technology also permits the elimination of the traditional throttle valve in the gasoline engines and increases engine design flexibility. 展开更多
关键词 Fully variable engine valve train Dynamic model Simulation
Experimental Small Scale Solar Power Tower in Iraq
作者 Ghanim Kadhim Abdulsada Afreen Emad Sa'ad-Aldeen 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第1期69-72,共4页
Solar energy is the most available, clean and inexpensive source of energy among the other renewable sources of energy. This work deals with experimental steady to determent the performance of solar tower steam produc... Solar energy is the most available, clean and inexpensive source of energy among the other renewable sources of energy. This work deals with experimental steady to determent the performance of solar tower steam production for power generation. Designed and fabricated of a solar tower, consist of a central receiver tank (0.4 m × 0.6 m × 1.0 m) and 150 heliostat mirrors arranged around it. The central tank was made of galvanized steel. Each heliostat consisted of two (0.5 m × 0.5 m) mirrors. The results of this work produce steam at temperature 110 ℃. Large steam quantity could be obtained when using large scale experimental. The results of the work give good indication for application of solar energy to produce power in Iraq. 展开更多
关键词 Solar central tower HELIOSTAT steam generation concentration system.
Development of Adsorption Steam Generator without the Fossil Fuels Consumption
作者 Tsuguhiko Nakagawa Takahiro Nishi +9 位作者 Yu Notoji Yoshiaki Kawakami Masayuki Tanino Yoshio Abe Kasumi Ito Kenji Marumo Toshiyuki Aoyama Yoshinori Itaya Kouichi Nakaso Jun Fukai 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第4期589-595,共7页
Reducing CO2 emissions and restraining dependence on nuclear power generation are serious concerns in the prevention of global warming since the Great East Japan Earthquake. To do so, it is necessary to use and expand... Reducing CO2 emissions and restraining dependence on nuclear power generation are serious concerns in the prevention of global warming since the Great East Japan Earthquake. To do so, it is necessary to use and expand natural renewable energy source such as solar energy and to promote energy conservation. However, in high-latitude regions, it is difficult to directly and effectively use solar power due to on insufficient amount of solar radiation. If steam can be generated from warm water at less than 373 K, it is possible to obtain steam by solar water heaters from weak solar radiation and industrial waste warm water without the consumption of any fossil fuels. In this study, the authors have been developing a system which generates steam over 423 K from warm water at less than 373 K using an adsorption heat pump with zeolite. Therefore, bench-scale equipment which generates steam continuously and the experimental results are mentioned. 展开更多
关键词 Steam generation heat pump solar thermal utilization energy conservation.
Regulation Law of Turbine and Generator in Organic Rankine Cycle Power Generation Experimental System
作者 潘利生 王怀信 史维秀 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2014年第4期237-242,共6页
In the performance experiment of organic Rankine cycle power generation experimental system, the loadresistance-regulation method is one of the most important regulation methods. However, the regulation law has not be... In the performance experiment of organic Rankine cycle power generation experimental system, the loadresistance-regulation method is one of the most important regulation methods. However, the regulation law has not been clear enough to guide the experiment, which is unfavorable to the experimental research on organic Rankine cycle. In this paper the regulation law of turbine and generator by the load-resistance-regulation method is studied theoretically and experimentally. The results show that when the thermal cycle parameters keep constant, the turbine speed increases with the increase of load resistance and there is a maximum value of transmission-generator efficiency with the variation of the turbine speed; when the turbine speed and generator speed keep constant, the transmissiongenerator efficiency decreases and gradually tends to zero with the increase of load resistance. 展开更多
关键词 organic Rankine cycle (ORC) regulation law load-resistance-regulation method
Experimental Study on a Cascade Flapping Wing Hydroelectric Power Generator
作者 Hisanori Abiru Akira Yoshitake 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第9期1429-1436,共8页
A hydroelectric power generator, which is able to extract the water flow energy from the hydroelastic response of an elastically supported rectangular wing, is experimentally investigated. An electric motor is used to... A hydroelectric power generator, which is able to extract the water flow energy from the hydroelastic response of an elastically supported rectangular wing, is experimentally investigated. An electric motor is used to excite pitching oscillations of the wing. Both the wing and the electric motor are supported by leaf springs which are designed to work both as a linear guide for the sway oscillations and as elastic elements. The wing mass in sway direction necessary to achieve a hydroelastic response is obtained by utilizing a mechanical snubber mechanism. The appropriate load to generate electricity is provided by magnetic dampers. In the previous paper, the generating power rate and the efficiency were examined through the experiments with a single wing model, and the feasibility of the flapping wing hydroelectric power generator was verified. In this paper, the influence of the neighboring wings is examined by using two experimental apparatuses, with the intention of achieving a practical cascade wing generator. Tests revealed that the cascade moving in-phase with the neighboring wings at narrower intervals has a higher rate of electric power generation. 展开更多
关键词 Natural energy distributed generation hydroelectric power generation FLUTTER cascade.
Wind-power estimating model based on the experimental data in laboratory
作者 HUANG Chung-neng 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2009年第9期60-66,共7页
Wind-power (WP) estimation is necessary for power system in several operations, which are as the optimal power flow between conventional units and wind farms, generators scheduling, and electricity market bidding. E... Wind-power (WP) estimation is necessary for power system in several operations, which are as the optimal power flow between conventional units and wind farms, generators scheduling, and electricity market bidding. Estimating the output power of a wind energy conversion unit (WEC) mainly bases on the incident wind speed at the unit site by using the power characteristic curve. In addition, several time-series models have been using in wind speed forecasting. These models are characterized with requiring a large set of data. In order to prevent from the wind speed measurement and the need of a precise wind turbine model, an novel method basing on neural network and the grey predictor model GM (1,1) is proposed. Though the method, the estimating model can be built only by using the experimental data, which are obtained from the WP system in laboratory. The effectiveness of the estimating model is confirmed by the simulation results. 展开更多
关键词 wind-power estimating model neural network grey predictor model
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