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复杂构造区块裂缝发育密度与构造关系的定量表征——以川东北普光气田为例 被引量:5
作者 左代容 何胡军 +1 位作者 曾大乾 毕建霞 《断块油气田》 CAS 2014年第3期318-321,338,共5页
对于褶皱和断层都发育的复杂构造区块,裂缝发育不仅受地层变形(褶皱)影响,还受断层影响;如何建立裂缝发育密度与褶皱和断层之间的定量关系式,是实现裂缝发育密度定量预测的关键。前人虽然对复杂构造区块的裂缝发育密度与断层和褶皱之间... 对于褶皱和断层都发育的复杂构造区块,裂缝发育不仅受地层变形(褶皱)影响,还受断层影响;如何建立裂缝发育密度与褶皱和断层之间的定量关系式,是实现裂缝发育密度定量预测的关键。前人虽然对复杂构造区块的裂缝发育密度与断层和褶皱之间的关系进行过研究,但以定性描述为主,未能实现定量化。文中以普光气田长兴组、飞仙关组为例,在建立裂缝发育密度与地层变形(构造曲率)之间的定量关系时引入距断层距离参数,在建立裂缝发育密度与断层之间定量关系时引入构造曲率参数,较好地建立了复杂构造区块裂缝发育与构造曲率和断层之间的定量关系式,为实现裂缝发育密度的定量预测提供了一条有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 复杂构造区块 裂缝发育密度 定量表征 普光气田
水稻不同插秧密度对生长发育及产量的影响 被引量:7
作者 宋智慧 《垦殖与稻作》 2004年第6期19-20,共2页
用田间试验的方法,研究了绿色水稻不同插秧密度对其生长发育及产量的影响,结果表明:水稻秧苗在 壮秧超稀植栽培30.0 cm×(16.5-20.0)cm条件下,每穴基本苗2株为理想的插秧密度,水稻产量高,值 得在生产上推广应用。
关键词 水稻 品种 插秧密度 生长发育 产量
作者 郑翔 滕忠才 +3 位作者 张旭 刘廷辉 李瑞军 聂志英 《江苏农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期123-125,共3页
对黄顶菊入侵初期的生长发育规律进行定点连续的系统调查,初步系统掌握了黄顶菊田间种群发生动态,为黄顶菊防除提供了参考。结果表明:黄顶菊从4月中旬开始出苗,6月下旬进入快速生长期,生长趋势呈逻辑斯蒂曲线,植株高度主要分布在80~160... 对黄顶菊入侵初期的生长发育规律进行定点连续的系统调查,初步系统掌握了黄顶菊田间种群发生动态,为黄顶菊防除提供了参考。结果表明:黄顶菊从4月中旬开始出苗,6月下旬进入快速生长期,生长趋势呈逻辑斯蒂曲线,植株高度主要分布在80~160 cm,主干叶对数主要分布在10~20对。密度是影响黄顶菊种群生长、发育的主要因素之一,在黄顶菊1个生长周期中,种群密度呈先增高后降低的趋势并最终趋于平衡,最高密度达到55万株/m2,黄顶菊的株高和主干叶对数随着种群密度的增加而逐渐减少。不同密度的黄顶菊种群株高分布和主干对数分布也有较大差异;但不同密度的黄顶菊种群从5%现蕾到95%现蕾所用时间均为20 d;从5%开花到95%开花所用的时间均为25 d。黄顶菊的现蕾和开花均不受密度影响。 展开更多
关键词 黄顶菊 密度生长发育
重庆市地下河的空间分布及水资源 被引量:25
作者 蒲俊兵 袁道先 蒋勇军 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期34-39,共6页
文章利用ArcGIS软件提取重庆市1∶20万水文地质图信息,统计出重庆市地下河约380条,总长度约为1 898.43km,多年平均流量约144.20m3/s,水资源量约45.47×108m3/a。总的来说,重庆市地下河主要分布在渝东北、东南地区,其分布范围和重庆... 文章利用ArcGIS软件提取重庆市1∶20万水文地质图信息,统计出重庆市地下河约380条,总长度约为1 898.43km,多年平均流量约144.20m3/s,水资源量约45.47×108m3/a。总的来说,重庆市地下河主要分布在渝东北、东南地区,其分布范围和重庆市碳酸盐岩分布范围一致。同时利用地下河发育密度和多年平均径流模数,结合各地区多年平均降水量,对重庆市地下河水资源的分布规律进行了分析,得出地下河发育密集地区并不一定就是水资源量大的地区;降水量高的地区也不一定是地下河水资源量大的地区,二者在重庆市存在较大差异。这主要是和各地下河的地质背景、构造条件、岩性、汇水面积、降雨特征等因素的相匹配情况有关。 展开更多
关键词 岩溶地下河 发育密度 多年平均径流模数 水资源
作者 陈匀序 朱艳 《甘肃科技纵横》 2013年第11期50-52,共3页
介绍了某电站库区泥石流发育情况,对泥石流的数目及密度进行了统计,并对几条典型的泥石流,如,朱倭希沟泥石流、安古溪沟泥石流、博兹沟泥石流、杜西沟泥石流的发育形态、特点、类型及危害情况进行了分析,对泥石流的发生趋势进行了预测... 介绍了某电站库区泥石流发育情况,对泥石流的数目及密度进行了统计,并对几条典型的泥石流,如,朱倭希沟泥石流、安古溪沟泥石流、博兹沟泥石流、杜西沟泥石流的发育形态、特点、类型及危害情况进行了分析,对泥石流的发生趋势进行了预测及对周边生产和生活的影响。 展开更多
关键词 泥石流 发育密度 环境地质评价 危害性分析
四川岩溶地下河空间分布规律研究 被引量:3
作者 陈思燕 曾敏 《地下水》 2015年第3期4-6,81,共4页
利用mapgis软件提取四川省1:20万或1:50万水文地质图信息,初步查清四川岩溶水地下河的空间分布规律,统计得出岩溶地下河约168条,总长度约77.23 km,多年平均枯季流量为470.02 L/s,地下河发育密度为0.88 m/km2,多年平均径流模数为9.52 L/s... 利用mapgis软件提取四川省1:20万或1:50万水文地质图信息,初步查清四川岩溶水地下河的空间分布规律,统计得出岩溶地下河约168条,总长度约77.23 km,多年平均枯季流量为470.02 L/s,地下河发育密度为0.88 m/km2,多年平均径流模数为9.52 L/s·km2。四川地下河长度以中、短型为主,小于5 km的占67.92%;流量以中、小流量为主,小于200 L/s的地下河占总量的49%。从区域构造来看,主要分布于准扬子地台的上扬子台坳、四川台坳、龙门山-大巴山台缘坳陷、康滇地轴等;从行政区划来看,主要分布于古蔺县、叙永县、筠连县、邻水县、盐源县等地。 展开更多
关键词 岩溶地下河 分布规律 发育密度 径流模数 四川
Effects of Plant Population on Growth, Development and Oil Yield of Safflower
作者 Vallantino Emongor Otsoseng Oagile Boipuso Kedikanetswe 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第5期321-333,共13页
Two field trials were clone to evaluate the effects of plant density on the growth, development and yield of safflower. The results showed that plant density and season of growth had significant (P ≤ 0.01) effects ... Two field trials were clone to evaluate the effects of plant density on the growth, development and yield of safflower. The results showed that plant density and season of growth had significant (P ≤ 0.01) effects on growth, development, yield components, yield and oil content of safflower. Increasing safflower plant density from 100,000 to 250,000 plants ha^- significantly reduced plant height (13.2%-21.3%), branch number plant^-1 (37%-54.7%), leaf number plant^-1 (39%-39.2%), leaf area (19.5%-53%), plant spread (39.6%-54.4%), root length (28.1%-54.4%), plant biomass (17%-50%), capitula size (12%-12.7%), capitula number plant^-1 (39.5%-50.5%), seed number capitula~ (39%-45%), capitula weight (3.3%-3.6%), seed yield (67.9%-69.8%) and seed oil content (14.7%-20.8%). The reduction in vegetative growth, yield components, yield and oil content of safflower due to increased plant density was attributed to inter and intra-plant competition for light, nutrients and water necessary for growth and development. The differences between winter and summer grown safflower were attributed to difference in day and night temperature (DIF) and the average daily temperature which were optimum for safflower growth in winter. It was concluded that under Botswana conditions or in semi-arid areas, safflower should be planted at 50 cm × 20 cm or wider in order to maximize yield and oil content and allow the plants to express their maximum genetic potential. 展开更多
关键词 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) plant density vegetative growth yield and yield components oil content.
Influence of different sports on fat mass and lean mass in growing girls
作者 Esther Ubago-Guisado Esmeralda Mata +3 位作者 Javier Sánchez-Sánchez María Plaza-Carmona María Martín-García Leonor Gallardo 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2017年第2期213-218,共6页
Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the effects of different sports(swimming, football, basketball, and handball) on fat mass and lean mass in prepubertal and pubertal girls.Methods: Two hundred ... Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the effects of different sports(swimming, football, basketball, and handball) on fat mass and lean mass in prepubertal and pubertal girls.Methods: Two hundred girls(10.6 ± 1.5 years old, Tanner stages I–III) participated in the study and were divided into 5 groups: 40 swimmers, 40 football players, 40 basketball players, 40 handball players, and 40 controls. Fat and lean masses at whole body, arms, trunk, and legs were measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry(DXA). Pubertal status was determined using Tanner test. Effects of different sports on fat and lean masses were assessed through analysis of covariance with height as covariates. Analyses were performed separately in 2 groups depending on the Tanner stage(prepubertal and pubertal).Results: The girls of the control group had less lean mass and more fat mass compared to the girls who play sports(p < 0.05). There were differences in body fat between sports. The swimmers and football players had less body fat(p < 0.05). On the other hand, handball players showed the highest values in lean mass(p < 0.05).Conclusion: Impact sports(football, basketball, and handball) and low-impact sports(swimming) provide an appropriate development of lean mass in growing girls. We can conclude that people practicing sports at early ages ensure a lower fat mass and higher lean mass compared to those who do not practice. These results may be useful as a preventive method of adult obesity. 展开更多
关键词 Body composition DXA Female players Physical activity SPORTS
汶川地震触发崩塌滑坡数量及其密度特征分析 被引量:80
作者 黄润秋 李为乐 《地质灾害与环境保护》 2009年第3期1-7,共7页
“5·12”汶川地震由于震级高、持续时间长、震区地质环境复杂,因而触发了大量的崩塌、滑坡。地震一年来,作者根据灾后对崩滑地质灾害的应急排查,并结合震后有限的ALOS、ASTER以及航空摄影等多源数据对地震重灾区的崩滑体数量进... “5·12”汶川地震由于震级高、持续时间长、震区地质环境复杂,因而触发了大量的崩塌、滑坡。地震一年来,作者根据灾后对崩滑地质灾害的应急排查,并结合震后有限的ALOS、ASTER以及航空摄影等多源数据对地震重灾区的崩滑体数量进行了统计分析,获得确定性的崩滑灾害点有16704处,但是,由于排查范围及遥感数据的局限性,上述数据并不能代表这次地震触发崩塌滑坡总的数量。为了查明这个问题,本文在上述资料的基础上,采用不同烈度地区典型抽取样本统计的方法,获得了不同烈度区崩塌滑坡的发育密度,进而根据不同烈度区面积统计得出了本次地震触发崩塌滑坡数量的估计值,并与国际上若干大地震触发崩塌滑坡数量及分布面积进行了对比分析。最后,作者给出了灾区地震触发崩塌滑坡的密度分布图,并讨论了其分布特征。本文的研究结果表明:汶川地震触发的崩塌滑坡数量约为3.5万处,分布面积约为10×10^4km^2,发育密度最高在映秀一北川断裂上盘都江堰和彭州段以及沿岷江河谷的映秀一草坡段,约为5~6处/km^2。 展开更多
关键词 汶川地震 崩塌滑坡 数量 发育密度 遥感解译
Exploring Sustainable Development in Kibera: A Case Study
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第8期508-515,共8页
Kibera is the largest urban slum in Nairobi with over 900,000 inhabitants. This urban slum is plagued by unsanitary conditions, such as high density, dust, mud, squalor, hazards, litter, and smell. As a result of thes... Kibera is the largest urban slum in Nairobi with over 900,000 inhabitants. This urban slum is plagued by unsanitary conditions, such as high density, dust, mud, squalor, hazards, litter, and smell. As a result of these deplorable conditions, Umande Trust, a local non-governmental organization (NGO), has developed a new educational initiative using biotechnology to turn human waste into gas for cooking. This initiative supports Freire's (2000) theory pedagogy of the oppressed, which will serve as the theoretical framework, in which the people who have been oppressed and/or have had to endure the horrible conditions in which they live play an active role in their development to regain their humanity. Jacobson (2004) raised a critical question that will be the focal point of this study regarding development: "Who is better suited to help Africa determine her future" (p. 75). Using a qualitative case study design, the answer to this question will be answered in terms of Kibera specifically and its use of bio-technology as a sustainable development initiative. This study will also assess the use of communication in this approach. 展开更多
关键词 Kibera sustainable development bio-technology
作者 林振华 孙宝珍 《医用放射技术杂志》 2003年第7期66-66,共1页
关键词 骨斑点症 骨斑病 弥漫性浓缩性骨病 骨质密度先天发育异常 X线检查 鉴别诊断 石骨症 成骨性转移瘤
咀嚼能力 再不锻炼就来不及了
作者 刘遂谦 张群 +1 位作者 刘莹 昊旻 《时尚育儿》 2018年第2期78-80,8-9,共3页
泥糊样和半流质食物在单位体积内的能量和营养素密度都太低,无法满足宝宝生长发育的需求,特别是当宝宝以三餐为主、奶为辅以后,每次都吃个"水饱"的宝宝,只是假象的"饱"——满足了饥饿信号,却没满足身体真正的营养需求。而越是如此,... 泥糊样和半流质食物在单位体积内的能量和营养素密度都太低,无法满足宝宝生长发育的需求,特别是当宝宝以三餐为主、奶为辅以后,每次都吃个"水饱"的宝宝,只是假象的"饱"——满足了饥饿信号,却没满足身体真正的营养需求。而越是如此,宝宝的消化道消化"粗糙"固体食物的能力就越弱,进而出现恶性循环,体质易感,生长缓慢。 展开更多
关键词 咀嚼能力 饥饿信号 半流质食物 营养素密度 固体食物 生长发育 牙列拥挤 萌出 营养问题 食材
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