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桩-承台-土复合受力体的拟静力模型试验 被引量:1
作者 郭昭胜 贺武斌 白晓红 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期3321-3330,共10页
在1.2 m×1.2 m×1.2 m小型土工箱中完成了4组采取不同桩头连接构造的单桩-承台-土复合受力体缩尺模型的低周往复水平加载抗震试验,获得了试件破坏形态、荷载-位移滞回曲线、刚度退化曲线、桩身弯矩及桩侧土压力等数据,研究了... 在1.2 m×1.2 m×1.2 m小型土工箱中完成了4组采取不同桩头连接构造的单桩-承台-土复合受力体缩尺模型的低周往复水平加载抗震试验,获得了试件破坏形态、荷载-位移滞回曲线、刚度退化曲线、桩身弯矩及桩侧土压力等数据,研究了不同桩头连接构造对试件水平受力性能的影响。研究表明:桩头部位采取不同的节点连接构造措施对桩头破坏形态和破坏程度、体系耗能能力和水平极限承载力及桩身弯矩分布规律均有一定的影响,但对桩与承台侧面的土压力分布规律和大小的影响并不显著。对于桩头普通连接的情况,以桩头嵌入深度为0.5D(D为桩径)为宜。桩头加强环连接与桩头嵌入深度1.0D时的连接具有大体相当的桩头约束效果,但加强环的制作相对复杂,其约束效果和破坏形态与加强环的截面尺寸、混凝土强度及配筋参数均有关系,应进一步深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 桩-承台-土复合受力体 土工箱 拟静力试验 破坏机制 约束度
关于惯性力的施力体与受力体的讨论 被引量:1
作者 冯振宇 《力学与实践》 CSCD 北大核心 1997年第3期61-61,共1页
关键词 力体 受力体 惯性力 质量动力学
作者 戴淑华 《重庆师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2000年第3期90-91,共2页
惯性力在两种场合出现。一是在非惯性参照系下建立质点的动力学方程时需引入适当的惯性力 ;一是在用动静法解动力学问题即达朗伯原理中出现。仔细对比这两种场合出现的惯性力 ,便会发现它们是两个不同的概念 ,存在明显的差异 ,在非惯性... 惯性力在两种场合出现。一是在非惯性参照系下建立质点的动力学方程时需引入适当的惯性力 ;一是在用动静法解动力学问题即达朗伯原理中出现。仔细对比这两种场合出现的惯性力 ,便会发现它们是两个不同的概念 ,存在明显的差异 ,在非惯性系下建立质点的动力学方程时引入的惯性力只有受力者 ,没有施力者 ,而达朗伯原理中出现的惯性力都是物体之间的相互作用力 ,有施力者 ,有受力者。 展开更多
关键词 惯性力 力体 受力体 理论力学
《野外生存生活训练》课程中绳索攀爬的动力学分析 被引量:1
作者 李俊波 潘华峰 《浙江体育科学》 2009年第2期126-128,共3页
关键词 野外生存生活训练 动力学 受力体 分析 攀爬技术
作者 唐殿豪 《青海社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第1期104-107,共4页
理论界在研究生产力与生产关系这一重大课题中,提出了“生产关系超前生产力”的观点。这对于认识生产力与生产关系之间的关系及其运动规律不无启发,但是从它们的本来意义和社会实践来看,这种观点在理论上存在着虚幻性,在实践中否定了变... 理论界在研究生产力与生产关系这一重大课题中,提出了“生产关系超前生产力”的观点。这对于认识生产力与生产关系之间的关系及其运动规律不无启发,但是从它们的本来意义和社会实践来看,这种观点在理论上存在着虚幻性,在实践中否定了变革生产关系的必要性。对于这一问题的进一步探讨,将有利于我们走出“先进的生产关系, 展开更多
关键词 生产力与生产关系 生产力的发展 虚幻性 新的生产关系 受力体 全民所有 人与人的关系 支点 人与自然的关系 决定作用
作者 潘云瑞 李佩 《魅力中国》 2010年第6期372-372,共1页
结构力学(StructuralMechanics)是固体力学的一个分支,它主要研究工程结构受力和传力的规律,以及如何进行结构优化的学科。所谓工程结构是指能够承受和传递外栽荷的系统,包括杆、板、壳以及它们的组合体,等。本文通过举例探讨了... 结构力学(StructuralMechanics)是固体力学的一个分支,它主要研究工程结构受力和传力的规律,以及如何进行结构优化的学科。所谓工程结构是指能够承受和传递外栽荷的系统,包括杆、板、壳以及它们的组合体,等。本文通过举例探讨了结构力学在生活中的一些运用。 展开更多
关键词 结构力学 载荷 受力体 安全
作者 余学农 《武魂》 2013年第12期7-7,共1页
关键词 劲道 冲击应力 弹性受力体
一种斜坡桥梁桩基础自由段桩长确定方法 被引量:4
作者 董捷 杨越 +1 位作者 徐永明 宋绪国 《中国铁道科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期15-23,共9页
以斜坡桥梁桩基自由段桩长的确定方法为研究目标,将桩前自由段桩长范围内存在变形趋势的岩土体视为三维楔形受力体,考虑桩前受力体的自重及两侧拉力、受力体底部的极限抗滑力和摩阻力、桩土间接触压应力,推导其滑动力合力计算式,依据受... 以斜坡桥梁桩基自由段桩长的确定方法为研究目标,将桩前自由段桩长范围内存在变形趋势的岩土体视为三维楔形受力体,考虑桩前受力体的自重及两侧拉力、受力体底部的极限抗滑力和摩阻力、桩土间接触压应力,推导其滑动力合力计算式,依据受力体的临界稳定状态确定斜坡桥梁桩基自由段桩长,并采用C#开发斜坡桥梁桩基自由段桩长的计算程序。运用该程序对斜坡桩基自由段桩长取值影响因素进行的敏感性分析结果表明:斜坡坡角、桩土接触压应力、内摩擦角对自由段桩长取值的影响较敏感,而桩周岩土体重度对自由段桩长取值的敏感性较小。采用此方法对长昆客运专线部分陡坡桥基自由段桩长设计取值的计算结果表明:当斜坡坡度较缓、地层较为坚硬时,位于其上的桥基内力计算可忽略自由段桩长的影响;当斜坡坡度较陡或斜坡岩土体强度较低时,计算得到的自由段桩长取值相对较大,斜坡桥梁桩基础设计须考虑自由段桩长对桩基内力计算的影响。 展开更多
关键词 斜坡 桥梁桩基础 楔形受力体 临界稳定状态 自由段桩长
作者 彭亮 《中国新技术新产品》 2011年第11期99-99,共1页
加固结构为二次受力体,工作特点决定了加固材料的混凝土应变滞后而本体构件钢筋应力将会超前,这种特性带来的结果是在受压区混凝土破坏时,构件的挠度、裂缝都较相同情况下的未加固梁大得多,而受拉区钢筋的应力比未加固梁在较低的荷载作... 加固结构为二次受力体,工作特点决定了加固材料的混凝土应变滞后而本体构件钢筋应力将会超前,这种特性带来的结果是在受压区混凝土破坏时,构件的挠度、裂缝都较相同情况下的未加固梁大得多,而受拉区钢筋的应力比未加固梁在较低的荷载作用下就可能达到屈服。因此,为保证新老结合部分混凝土工作整体性得到保证,分析加固结构的结合面就尤为重要。针对目前国内对界面层分析的研究较少的现象,论文分析了不同材料、厚度的界面剂和加固片材对界面剪应力的影响。 展开更多
关键词 加固结构 二次受力体 有限元分析 界面剂 剪应力
作者 王小庆 《建材技术与应用》 2016年第4期28-30,共3页
地基作为建筑物的最终受力体,其承担着建筑的所有荷载,因此被认为是建筑物的根本,其质量直接关系到建筑物的安全和使用性能。作为地基的土体,本身种类繁多,加之复杂的地质条件,造成各地域地基土的工程性质相差较大。当地基土的强度与稳... 地基作为建筑物的最终受力体,其承担着建筑的所有荷载,因此被认为是建筑物的根本,其质量直接关系到建筑物的安全和使用性能。作为地基的土体,本身种类繁多,加之复杂的地质条件,造成各地域地基土的工程性质相差较大。当地基土的强度与稳定性不足,不能满足建筑物的要求时,需要对地基进行处理。地基处理方法的选择恰当与否,不仅影响工程的造价和工期,而且直接关系到整个工程的质量,因此人们越来越认识到选择合理的地基处理方法的重要性。针对不同性质的地基,提出了相应的地基处理方法。 展开更多
关键词 最终受力体 地基 地基处理方法
贵州某高速公路半挖半填路基滑移处治案例分析 被引量:1
作者 于波 《山西建筑》 2017年第34期149-150,共2页
以贵州某高速公路半挖半填路基滑移处治为工程案例,分析了路基滑移的原因及滑移的机理;多方案处治比选,从工程技术、安全、质量、工程造价、运营安全、环境保护等方面综合分析考虑,采用了桩墙联合受力体支挡结构进行了处治,该案例为类... 以贵州某高速公路半挖半填路基滑移处治为工程案例,分析了路基滑移的原因及滑移的机理;多方案处治比选,从工程技术、安全、质量、工程造价、运营安全、环境保护等方面综合分析考虑,采用了桩墙联合受力体支挡结构进行了处治,该案例为类似工程处治提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 半挖半填路基 路基滑移 桩墙联合受力体
作者 赵国梁 《甘肃教育》 北大核心 1994年第9期44-44,共1页
摩擦力总是做负功吗临洮县二中学生赵国梁指导教师张镇江摩擦力是宏观领域中的一种实物接触力。由于它具有相互性,所以属牛顿力。当两物体在接触面的法线方向互相挤压,而在接触面的切线方向有相对运动或相对运动的趋势时,便在接触面上... 摩擦力总是做负功吗临洮县二中学生赵国梁指导教师张镇江摩擦力是宏观领域中的一种实物接触力。由于它具有相互性,所以属牛顿力。当两物体在接触面的法线方向互相挤压,而在接触面的切线方向有相对运动或相对运动的趋势时,便在接触面上产生阻碍这种运动或运动趋势的力。... 展开更多
关键词 摩擦力 受力体 临洮县 赵国梁 运动趋势 接触面 力体
作者 黄福宗 《内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 1990年第3期51-57,共7页
“权力是一种几乎和人类社会一起诞生的充满魔力的社会现象”。无论国际政治、国内政治以及在日常生活中无不涉及权力这个重要的问题。开展对权力问题的系统研究是非常必要的和有益的。一、关于权力的种种论说仅力概念在不同学派的学者... “权力是一种几乎和人类社会一起诞生的充满魔力的社会现象”。无论国际政治、国内政治以及在日常生活中无不涉及权力这个重要的问题。开展对权力问题的系统研究是非常必要的和有益的。一、关于权力的种种论说仅力概念在不同学派的学者那里有不同的定义。据统计,各家权力概念达几十种之多,到现在为止,也没有形成共同认定的权力定义,可谓众说纷纭,莫衷一是。 展开更多
关键词 权力分析 受力体 力体 国际政治 权力意志 权力概念 国内政治 运行规律 日常生活 能力
作者 张玉洪 高禄芳 《初中生辅导》 2004年第2期50-51,共2页
做力的图示,就是在物体上把受到的力用一根带箭头的线段把力的三要素(大小、方向、作用点)用画图的方式表示出来。具体的作法是:沿力的方向画一条线段,线段的长短表示力的大小,在线段的末端画个箭头表示力的方向,用线段的起点或终点表... 做力的图示,就是在物体上把受到的力用一根带箭头的线段把力的三要素(大小、方向、作用点)用画图的方式表示出来。具体的作法是:沿力的方向画一条线段,线段的长短表示力的大小,在线段的末端画个箭头表示力的方向,用线段的起点或终点表示力的作用点。做力的图示还要在图上附上标度,指出某一长度表示多少牛的力。做力的图示是初中力学的基本内容。 展开更多
关键词 歌诀 初中力学 三要素 物体 作用点 受力体 标度 重力 画图 箭头
Influence of soil liquefaction on the vertical mechanical behavior of submarine pipeline under the wave loading 被引量:1
作者 游启 许国辉 +3 位作者 王秀海 吕楚岫 刘志钦 孟庆生 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2015年第1期11-25,共15页
In this paper, the influence of soil liquefaction on the vertical pressure of submarine pipeline was investigated under the wave loading through the wave flume test. The experiment was set with the same waves on the l... In this paper, the influence of soil liquefaction on the vertical pressure of submarine pipeline was investigated under the wave loading through the wave flume test. The experiment was set with the same waves on the liquefied seabed and unliquefled seabed respectively, and the current pipeline vertical pressure was measured with the pressure transducers installed on the two opposite directions (i.e., straight up and straight down) at the same cross-section of the pipeline. The results showed that when the seabed was unliquefied, the two pressure curves varied periodically and overlapped completely, reaching the maximum and minimum at the same time respectively, and the resultant pressure fluctuated within a limited range. However, when the seabed was liquefied, the two pressure curves varied periodically, but they did not overlap completely. They did not reach the maximum (minimum) value at the same time either, and the resultant pressure fluctuated within a wider range. The experiment showed that the submarine stood higher resultant pressure in the vertical direction when the seabed was liquefied, which may cause the frequent sinking and fioatation of the pipeline, leading to its fatigue damage. 展开更多
关键词 silty soil LIQUEFACTION the vertical pressure of pipeline phase lag flumeexperiment
Innate immunity in inflammatory bowel disease 被引量:13
作者 Jesus K Yamamoto-Furusho Daniel K Podolsky 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第42期5577-5580,共4页
The human intestinal tract is home to an enormous bacterial flora. The host defense against microorganisms can be divided into innate and adaptive immunity. The former is the most immediate line of response to immunol... The human intestinal tract is home to an enormous bacterial flora. The host defense against microorganisms can be divided into innate and adaptive immunity. The former is the most immediate line of response to immunologic challenges presented by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The mucosal immune system has evolved to balance the need to respond to pathogens while co-existing with commensal bacteria and food antigens. In inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), this hyporesponsiveness or tolerance breaks down and inflammation supervenes driven by the intestinal microbial flora. Bacteria contain compounds and are recognized by a variety of receptors, including Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and NODs (a family of intracellular bacterial sensors) and are potent stimuli of innate immune responses. Several mutations in these receptors have been associated with development of IBD. 展开更多
关键词 INNATE IMMUNITY Toll-like receptors Inflammatory bowel disease
A meta-analysis of soluble suppression of tumorigenicity 2 (sST2) and clinical outcomes in pulmonary hypertension 被引量:5
作者 King Sum Luk Christina Ip +10 位作者 Meng-Qi GONG Sunny Hei WONG William KK Wu Mei DONG Guang-Ping LI Ka Pang Chan Yi-Mei DU Tong LIU Martin CS Wong David Shu Cheong Hui Gary Tse 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第12期766-771,共6页
Suppression of Tumorigenicity 2 (ST2) is a member of the interleukin (IL)-1 receptor family The ST2 receptor exists in two isoforms - ST2 ligand (ST2L) and soluble ST2 (sST2).ST2L is a membrane receptor and sS... Suppression of Tumorigenicity 2 (ST2) is a member of the interleukin (IL)-1 receptor family The ST2 receptor exists in two isoforms - ST2 ligand (ST2L) and soluble ST2 (sST2).ST2L is a membrane receptor and sST2 is a trun- cated receptor which is soluble in the blood, allowing it to be detected in serum. IL-33 is a member of the IL-1 family of ligand and is the fimctional ligand of ST2L receptor. It binds to the ST2L, thereby mediating its immune function. 展开更多
关键词 MORTALITY Poor outcomes Pulmonary hypertension Soluble suppression of tumorigenicity 2 SST2
Adult celiac disease with acetylcholine receptor antibody positive myasthenia gravis 被引量:1
作者 Hugh J Freeman Helen R Gillett +1 位作者 Peter M Gillett Joel Oger 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第38期4741-4744,共4页
Celiac disease has been associated with some autoimmune disorders. A 40-year-old competitive strongman with celiac disease responded to a gluten-free diet, but developed profound and generalized motor weakness with ac... Celiac disease has been associated with some autoimmune disorders. A 40-year-old competitive strongman with celiac disease responded to a gluten-free diet, but developed profound and generalized motor weakness with acetylcholine receptor antibody positive myasthenia gravis, a disorder reported to occur in about 1 in 5000. This possible relationship between myasthenia gravis and celiac disease was further explored in serological studies. Frozen stored serum samples from 23 acetylcholine receptor antibody positive myasthenia gravis patients with no intestinal symptoms were used to screen for celiac disease. Both endomysial and tissue transglutaminase antibodies were examined. One of 23 (or, about 4.3%) was positive for both IgA-endomysial and IgA tissue transglutaminase antibodies. Endoscopic studies subsequently showed duodenal mucosal scalloping and biopsies confirmed the histopathological changes of celiac disease. Celiac disease and myasthenia gravis may occur together more often than is currently appreciated. The presence of motor weakness in celiac disease may be a clue to occult myasthenia gravis, even in the absence of intestinal symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 Acetylcholine receptor antibodies Celiacdisease Myasthenia gravis Transglutaminase antibodies
Why forefoot striking in minimal shoes might positively change the course of running injuries 被引量:9
作者 Irene S.Davis Hannah M.Rice Scott C.Wearing 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2017年第2期154-161,共8页
It is believed that human ancestors evolved the ability to run bipedally approximately 2 million years ago. This form of locomotion may have been important to our survival and likely has influenced the evolution of ou... It is believed that human ancestors evolved the ability to run bipedally approximately 2 million years ago. This form of locomotion may have been important to our survival and likely has influenced the evolution of our body form. As our bodies have adapted to run, it seems unusual that up to 79% of modern day runners are injured annually. The etiology of these injuries is clearly multifactorial. However, 1 aspect of running that has significantly changed over the past 50 years is the footwear we use. Modern running shoes have become increasingly cushioned and supportive, and have changed the way we run. In particular, they have altered our footstrike pattern from a predominantly forefoot strike(FFS) landing to a predominantly rearfoot strike(RFS) landing. This change alters the way in which the body is loaded and may be contributing to the high rate of injuries runners experience while engaged in an activity for which they were adapted. In this paper, we will examine the benefits of barefoot running(typically an FFS pattern),and compare the lower extremity mechanics between FFS and RFS. The implications of these mechanical differences, in terms of injury, will be discussed. We will then provide evidence to support our contention that FFS provides an optimal mechanical environment for specific foot and ankle structures, such as the heel pad, the plantar fascia, and the Achilles tendon. The importance of footwear will then be addressed, highlighting its interaction with strike pattern on mechanics. This analysis will underscore why footwear matters when assessing mechanics. Finally, proper preparation and safe transition to an FFS pattern in minimal shoes will be emphasized. Through the discussion of the current literature, we will develop a justification for returning to running in the way for which we were adapted to reduce running-related injuries. 展开更多
关键词 shoes running injuries strike predominantly landing tendon striking plantar locomotion
GPCR A2AAR Agonist Binding and Induced Conformation Changes of Functional Switches
作者 庞雪芹 刘建勇 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期29-38,I0003,共11页
Agonist binding of A2A adenosine receptor (A2AAR) shows protective effects against inflammatory and immune. Efforts are exerted in understanding the general mechanism and developing A2AAR selectively binding agonist... Agonist binding of A2A adenosine receptor (A2AAR) shows protective effects against inflammatory and immune. Efforts are exerted in understanding the general mechanism and developing A2AAR selectively binding agonists. Using molecular dynamics (MD) simula- tions, we have studied the interactions between A2AAR and its agonist (adenosine), and analyzed the induced dynamic behaviors of the receptor. Key residues interacting with adenosine are identified: A63^2.61,I66^2.64,V84^3.32,L85^3.33,T88^3.36,F168^5.29,M177^5.38,L249^6.51,H250^6.52 and N253^6.55 interacting with adenosine with affinities larger than 0.5 kcal/mol. Moreover, no interaction between adenosine and L167^5.28 is observed, which supports our previous findings that L1675^5.28 is an antagonist specific binding reside. The dynamic be- haviors of agonist bound A2AAR are found to be different from apo-A2AAR in three typical functional switches: (i) tight "ionic lock" forms in adenosine-A2AAR, but it is in equilibrium between formation and breakage in apo-A2AAR; (ii) the "rotamer toggle switch", T88^3.36/F242^6.44/W246^6.48, adopted different rotameric conformations in adenosin-A2AAR and apo-A2AAR; (iii) adenosine-A2AAR has a flexible intracellular loop 2 (IC2) and s-helical IC3, while apo-A2AAR preferred s-helical IC2 and flexible IC3. Our results indicate that agonist binding induced different conformational rearrangements of these characteristic functional switches in adenosine-A2AAR and apo-A2AAR. 展开更多
关键词 A2A adenosine receptor Molecular dynamics ADENOSINE Specific binding Conformational dynamics Ionic lock Rotamer toggle switch Secondary structure
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