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作者 朱泽锴 付子佳 +3 位作者 李丰池 乔虎 叶卓荦 隋博文 《临床医学进展》 2024年第1期1289-1295,共7页
本文将简单介绍龙江医派的起源,围绕龙江医派及中医养生学的相关理念,阐释了因发知受相关信息,其中包括内涵,思维方式,应用,以及实践方法。通过对“因发知受”理论来源及应用的梳理,结合养生学的相关概念,以黑龙江地域文化,饮食,生活习... 本文将简单介绍龙江医派的起源,围绕龙江医派及中医养生学的相关理念,阐释了因发知受相关信息,其中包括内涵,思维方式,应用,以及实践方法。通过对“因发知受”理论来源及应用的梳理,结合养生学的相关概念,以黑龙江地域文化,饮食,生活习惯等诸多方面为背景,阐述了基于“因发知受”中医经典指导下的龙江医派寒地养生普及研究,并对传统中医养生的弊端进行分析,发现其存在的问题,并与寒地养生相比较,希望为后续的研究者提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 中医养生学 寒地养生 因发 审证求因 龙江医派
“因发知受”的思维原理剖析 被引量:6
作者 夏淑洁 李灿东 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1421-1423,1435,共4页
中医认识疾病的独特之处在于“因发知受”,即通过分析一组有内在联系的症状、体征来推测内在病变机制,以探求疾病发生的真正病因。该病因是内外因的综合,其内涵主要包括两方面:一是司外揣内,通过表现于外的病理现象推测机体内在状况;二... 中医认识疾病的独特之处在于“因发知受”,即通过分析一组有内在联系的症状、体征来推测内在病变机制,以探求疾病发生的真正病因。该病因是内外因的综合,其内涵主要包括两方面:一是司外揣内,通过表现于外的病理现象推测机体内在状况;二为审证求因,求因实是求病机,为辨证论治在病因探析时的具体运用。而“因发知受”的具体运用离不开整体观念与恒动思维,前者主要体现在四诊合参与内外因综合分析,后者主要体现在体质从化与证候演变。此外,在辨析症状时应结合时令地域、情志变化、体质因素等进行全面综合分析,以辨明邪正盛衰、虚实真假及特殊疾病的基本病机,从而寻得导致疾病发生的真正原因。 展开更多
关键词 因发 审证求因 司外揣内 整体观念 恒动思维 辨证思维
作者 张连法 《科教文汇》 2007年第07S期44-45,共2页
关键词 语文教育 思想性及育人功能 文采性及受知功能
卓发之生平补考 被引量:1
作者 王德娟 周生杰 《淮北职业技术学院学报》 2013年第4期98-99,140,共3页
卓发之为晚明著名诗人、词曲家卓人月之父,是当时江南文坛知名度极高的诗人。卓发之少年时曾受知于樊良枢和叶灿两位先生,这两位先生对卓发之的一生有着重要的影响,主要表现在理学、文章之学等方面。卓发之从早年罢举南归到中年的积极入... 卓发之为晚明著名诗人、词曲家卓人月之父,是当时江南文坛知名度极高的诗人。卓发之少年时曾受知于樊良枢和叶灿两位先生,这两位先生对卓发之的一生有着重要的影响,主要表现在理学、文章之学等方面。卓发之从早年罢举南归到中年的积极入仕,再到抨击八股制艺取士,再到晚年的功名无所谓幸屈,其心态历程无不具有普遍性。卓发之与当时众多名家有交游,有一定的研究意义。 展开更多
关键词 卓发之 生平补考 受知 科举 交游唱和
作者 郭哲峰 《新闻爱好者》 2013年第11期46-49,共4页
传播效果是媒体或记者刊播的新闻报道引起受众心理、态度和行为方式等的变化,是新闻媒介活动对受众和社会产生的一切影响和结果的总和,因此从更长远的观点看,要想把"走转改"长期有效地开展下去,必须对活动的效果进行深入研究... 传播效果是媒体或记者刊播的新闻报道引起受众心理、态度和行为方式等的变化,是新闻媒介活动对受众和社会产生的一切影响和结果的总和,因此从更长远的观点看,要想把"走转改"长期有效地开展下去,必须对活动的效果进行深入研究和有效把控。本文拟从加强议程设置、培养受众共识和填补传受知沟等三个方面入手分析"走转改"活动的实际效果,力图为"走转改"活动的健康发展提供一定借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 走转改 效果 议程设置 共识 受知
从“因发知受”到中医状态辨识 被引量:8
作者 夏淑洁 李书楠 +2 位作者 林雪娟 朱龙 李灿东 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期27-30,共4页
中医认识疾病受古代象思维的影响,其独特之处在于"因发知受",即通过分析一组有内在联系的证候来推测机体内在的病变机制,以探求疾病发生的真正病因。"因发知受"的内涵主要包括司外揣内和审证求因,其运用离不开整体... 中医认识疾病受古代象思维的影响,其独特之处在于"因发知受",即通过分析一组有内在联系的证候来推测机体内在的病变机制,以探求疾病发生的真正病因。"因发知受"的内涵主要包括司外揣内和审证求因,其运用离不开整体观念、辨证思维、恒动思维等中医思维的指导。而中医状态辨识以"因发知受"为原理,在立足于中医理论的前提下,借助于系统工程与数据挖掘等技术,创造性地从宏、中、微三观对人体某阶段生命特征进行多层次、多角度的判断与分析,体现了对中医原创思维的继承与发展,在此基础上实现对机体健康或疾病的状态进行全面、客观、准确地认识。 展开更多
关键词 因发 审证求因 中医状态 状态辨识 整体观念
“五辨”思维在新型冠状病毒肺炎中医诊治中的应用 被引量:10
作者 夏淑洁 陈淑娇 +2 位作者 吴长汶 林勇 李灿东 《天津中医药》 CAS 2020年第7期726-732,共7页
2019年12月新型冠状病毒肺炎的爆发,是人类的一场新的重大灾难,目前中西医结合取长补短、共同探索以提高疗效成为了共识。新型冠状病毒肺炎属于中医"疫病"范畴,在与疾病抗争的几午年里,中医以整体观念为核心,通过"因发知... 2019年12月新型冠状病毒肺炎的爆发,是人类的一场新的重大灾难,目前中西医结合取长补短、共同探索以提高疗效成为了共识。新型冠状病毒肺炎属于中医"疫病"范畴,在与疾病抗争的几午年里,中医以整体观念为核心,通过"因发知受"的疾病认识视角,建立起了独特的辨证论治方法体系。文章通过对各地区前线病例报道及有关文献进行总结梳理,运用五辨思维,从辨证、辨症、辨病、辨人、辨机的不同角度凝练中医对新型冠状病毒肺炎的认识过程,并围绕"湿毒"为患这一核心病因,兼顾疾病发展阶段性"湿、热、毒、虚、瘀"病理变化过程,进一步总结遵循给邪出路、三因制宜、病证结合、分期论治的方法原则,以期为在攻克本次疫病的关键时刻提供一些中医诊治的理论与方法依据。 展开更多
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 疫病 五辨 中医防治 因发
从因发知受探讨中医疾病风险预警的思维与原理 被引量:3
作者 雷黄伟 吴长汶 +1 位作者 杨朝阳 李灿东 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期280-282,共3页
中医疾病风险预警是近年来中医药领域的研究热点。因发知受是根据机体在疾病中所反应的证候特征,确定感受邪气的性质。文章认为司外揣内、审证求机、因机测发是因发知受的内涵与核心要义。因发知受所体现出的丰富的内涵、独特的思维逻... 中医疾病风险预警是近年来中医药领域的研究热点。因发知受是根据机体在疾病中所反应的证候特征,确定感受邪气的性质。文章认为司外揣内、审证求机、因机测发是因发知受的内涵与核心要义。因发知受所体现出的丰富的内涵、独特的思维逻辑是中医疾病风险预警的思维基础,并为中医疾病风险预警提供了实施路径,进一步为未发知受、因发知受和因发知传(变)3个不同阶段的风险预警提供理论与方法学支持,为构建完善、可行、准确性高的中医疾病风险预警平台奠定了良好的基础。 展开更多
关键词 因发 中医 疾病风险 预警 思维基础 原理
“因发知受”是中医诊断思维的体现 被引量:4
作者 陈谦峰 李灿东 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期1004-1006,共3页
"因发知受"是中医诊断思维的体现,其既蕴含着取象比类的中医思维,又体现了司外揣内的诊断原理,并确定了审证求因的辨证方法。中医诊断的过程主要是通过"因发知受"来探求病因,认识发病,辨识状态。随着时代的发展,微... "因发知受"是中医诊断思维的体现,其既蕴含着取象比类的中医思维,又体现了司外揣内的诊断原理,并确定了审证求因的辨证方法。中医诊断的过程主要是通过"因发知受"来探求病因,认识发病,辨识状态。随着时代的发展,微观信息应该纳入"发"的范畴,它可以扩展中医传统四诊的范围,弥补状态辨识依据的不足。因此,正确认识"因发知受"对于把握中医诊断思维具有一定意义。 展开更多
关键词 因发 中医诊断思维 审证求因 取象比类 司外揣内
对“因发知受”发病学原理的探讨 被引量:10
作者 宋美芳 陈家旭 +2 位作者 卞庆来 彭晨习 孙雪彬 《北京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期709-712,共4页
清初医家钱潢用"外邪之感,受本难知,发则可辨,因发知受",高度概括了机体因感受外邪而发病,医家们再依据发病的症状体征推测病因,从而求得病机、进行论治的思维过程。因发知受的本质,实际上包括了审证求因、由因求机和审机论治... 清初医家钱潢用"外邪之感,受本难知,发则可辨,因发知受",高度概括了机体因感受外邪而发病,医家们再依据发病的症状体征推测病因,从而求得病机、进行论治的思维过程。因发知受的本质,实际上包括了审证求因、由因求机和审机论治3个过程,由"因机"预测"发",由"发"知"因机",再审机论治。在临床中,结合现代科技手段及现代辨证体系,对还未显现出临床症状的疾病进行预测和干预治疗,即"未发"亦"知因机",实现"司内揣外",与传统中医"司外揣内"相互补充。因发还能知传知变,对疾病的预后与转归有一定指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 因发 病因 病机 发病 审证求机
The relationship between acceptance of illness and quality of life among men who have sex with men living with human immunodeficiency virus:A cross-sectional study 被引量:2
作者 Chang Gao Xueling Xiao +3 位作者 Li Zhang Hehua Xu Min Wang Honghong Wang 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第3期313-320,共8页
Objectives To explore the relationship between acceptance of illness and quality of life(QOL),and factors associated with acceptance of illness among men who have sex with men(MSM)living with human immunodeficiency vi... Objectives To explore the relationship between acceptance of illness and quality of life(QOL),and factors associated with acceptance of illness among men who have sex with men(MSM)living with human immunodeficiency virus(HIV).Methods Three hundred and one MSM were recruited from an HIV clinic between August and December 2018.The battery of measurements consisted of the Acceptance of Illness Scale,World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire for HIV brief version,HIV Cognitive Appraisal Scale and a self-designed questionnaire used to collect general information.Pearson correlation test was used to examine the relationship between acceptance of illness and QOL.Univariate and multivariate ordinal logistic regression analyses were used to examine whether the general data(demographic and HIV-related clinical data)and HIV cognitive appraisal were associated with acceptance of illness levels.Results Descriptive analysis showed the acceptance level among MSM living with HIV was moderate(Mean=26.29,SD=5.28).Those with a better acceptance of illness had a better QOL(r=0.69,P<0.01).In the multivariate ordinal logistic regression model,education level,threat appraisals(OR:1.09;95%CI[1.06–1.13]),and controllability appraisals(OR:0.82;95%CI[0.71–0.94])were significantly associated with acceptance of illness.Conclusions Results showed acceptance level was moderate and had a positive correlation with QOL.High level of education,low threat appraisals and high controllability appraisals were related to high illness acceptance.This finding highlights the importance of focusing on HIV-infected MSM with low education and on their perceptions of threat and controllability about HIV-related issues when designing interventions to promote illness acceptance in this vulnerable population. 展开更多
关键词 Acceptance of illness Cognitive appraisal HIV infections Male homosexuality Quality of life Sexual and gender minorities Vulnerable populations
Meta-analysis of meditative/relaxation-based interventions for cognitive impairment in cancer patient 被引量:1
作者 Yang Zhang Yanhua Luo Yingchun Zeng 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 2017年第3期322-327,共6页
Objective:This meta-analysis aimed to review any form of meditative/relaxation interventions for managing cognitive impairment in cancer patients,and to examine its intervention effect.Methods:Three databases(PubMed,P... Objective:This meta-analysis aimed to review any form of meditative/relaxation interventions for managing cognitive impairment in cancer patients,and to examine its intervention effect.Methods:Three databases(PubMed,PsycInfo,and CNKI)were searched until September 30,2016.Randomized controlled trials(RCTs)of meditative/relaxation-based interventions for the management of cognitive impairment in cancer patients were considered for inclusion.Results:A total of 4 RCTs were included in this meta-analysis.Four RCTs with a total of 290 subjects indicated that meditative/relaxation interventions significantly improved subjective cognitive function of cancer patients.The weighted mean difference was 5.29(95%CI:2.97,7.61).The overall effect of Z score was 4.47(P<0.001).The meditative/relaxation-based interventions had positive effects on the physical and mental QOL(quality of life)of cancer patients.Although the improvement of physical QOL was in favor of interventions,there is no statistically significant difference(Z score=1.81,P=0.07).For the effects of meditative/relaxation interventions on metal QOL,there is significantly statistical difference(Z score=2.99,P=0.003).All included RCTs had a follow-up assessment within six months.Conclusion:Mediation-based interventions had statistically significant difference in improve subjective cognitive function and mental QOL in cancer patients.However,since the conclusion of this meta-analysis was drawn based on limited number of RCTs,future research should be conducted to confirm its positive intervention effects. 展开更多
关键词 Cancer patients Cognitive impairment MEDITATION QIGONG YOGA
Influences of Microwave on the Cognitive Function of Chickling and the Gene Expression of NMDA Receptor Subunit
作者 邢瑞 车轶 +1 位作者 崔勇华 徐世清 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第3期389-393,共5页
[Objective] The research aimed to study the effects of microwave on the chick embryo development and the cognitive function of chickling. [Method] The microwave which was transmitted by the permatron and was 2 450 MHz... [Objective] The research aimed to study the effects of microwave on the chick embryo development and the cognitive function of chickling. [Method] The microwave which was transmitted by the permatron and was 2 450 MHz was used to simulate the microwave radiation source to radiate the hatching eggs until the chickling was hatched out. The disposable passive avoidance learning and RT-PCR were respectively used to detect the influences of microwave on the cognitive function of chickling and the expression amounts of NMDA receptor NR1 and NR2 subunits. [Result] After the microwave radiation,the avoidance rate of exposed group was significantly lower than that in the control group. Especially the avoidance rate of highest radiation intensity group was extremely significantly lower than that in the control group. Meanwhile,the body weights of two groups of chickling in the exposed group increased,and the hatching time in one group increased. Via RT-PCR analysis,the expression amount of NR2 subunit increased on the 10th day and the 15th day. The expression amount of NR1 subunit only decreased on the 15th day. [Conclusion] The microwave had the certain influence on the individual development. By changing the structure composition and function of NMDA receptor in the endbrain,the microwave made the self-regulation ability of chickling decline,which had the certain damage on the cognitive function. 展开更多
关键词 MICROWAVE Cognitive function NMDA receptor NR1 subunit NR2 subunit
作者 武利平 《中国社区医师》 2021年第18期93-94,共2页
感冒属于多发常见病,治疗看似容易,但临床上感冒患者常常伴随多种兼证,治疗时需综合考虑,采取最佳治疗方案。感冒的诊治需因时、因地、因人制宜,进行多角度体质辨证,在中医核心用药基础上进行个体化药物调整和日常饮食指导,即采用内核... 感冒属于多发常见病,治疗看似容易,但临床上感冒患者常常伴随多种兼证,治疗时需综合考虑,采取最佳治疗方案。感冒的诊治需因时、因地、因人制宜,进行多角度体质辨证,在中医核心用药基础上进行个体化药物调整和日常饮食指导,即采用内核圈联合外圈维度方法辨证治疗。个体化治疗有助于准确快速治疗感冒,减轻患者症状,缩短病程,减少并发症,更加彰显社区中医医生的职责。 展开更多
关键词 感冒 现而 体质辨证 外圈维度
Exploring Tourists’Low-carbon Cognition and Influencing Factors from the Dimension of Education Level
作者 CHENG Jinhong 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2024年第4期1083-1093,共11页
The cognition of low-carbon tourism among tourists is closely related to education level.In this study,the degree of coordination of low-carbon cognition with different educational levels is assessed by the coupling m... The cognition of low-carbon tourism among tourists is closely related to education level.In this study,the degree of coordination of low-carbon cognition with different educational levels is assessed by the coupling model in Wutai Mountain,and the effect of each factor on low-carbon cognition is analyzed by the geographical detector.The results show that:(1)The six cognition aspects of low-carbon tourism gradually transition from the level of intermediate coordination to good coordination with the advancement of the education level.Both the low-level and lower-level tourists belong to the lag type of low-carbon visiting cognition,and the higher-level tourists belong to the lag type of low-carbon shopping cognition,while the high-level tourists show the lag type of low-carbon food cognition.(2)According to the individual factors and interactive effects in the geographical detector,each impacting factor has a decisive effect on tourists’cognition of low-carbon tourism,and the effect of any two factors after interaction shows either a double-factor or nonlinear enhancement.The findings of this study provide valuable practical implications for helping tourism destinations to educate tourists and improve their low-carbon tourism options.At the same time,this study will provide theoretical standards for measuring tourists’cognition of low-carbon tourism,so as to enrich and improve the theoretical research related to low-carbon tourism. 展开更多
关键词 low-carbon tourism cognitive differences education level model of coupling coordination degree Geo-detector
Development of Morphological Awareness through English Songs:A Case Study
作者 滕锋 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2016年第2期167-184,246,共19页
The present study investigated the effects of English songs on morphological development-- inflection, derivation, and compound words. Fifty Chinese EFL students were involved in this study. Two tests were administere... The present study investigated the effects of English songs on morphological development-- inflection, derivation, and compound words. Fifty Chinese EFL students were involved in this study. Two tests were administered to each learner immediately before and after the study. Results from the pre-tests revealed that all three groups with different vocabulary sizes brought some morphological knowledge to the study. The findings exhibited some evidence to support the fact that teaching through English songs can lead to the development of learner's receptivity to morphology. However, exposure to the song was insufficient to develop productive knowledge in most of the learners. The study also revealed that groups with smaller vocabulary tended to achieve lower scores than groups with larger vocabulary. Based on these results and previous findings, pedagogical implications were made. 展开更多
关键词 MORPHOLOGY English song RECEPTIVE productive knowledge VOCABULARY
中医诊断基本原理中的象思维运用 被引量:5
作者 乔世杰 王章林 +4 位作者 付超 赵文 陈启亮 吴长汶 高碧珍 《中医学报》 CAS 2022年第11期2261-2264,共4页
中医诊断基本原理是指导中医诊断疾病的基本规律,不仅对中医“病证”的诊断起指导作用,而且具备独特的思维方式。中医诊断基本原理中的象思维运用非常重要,深刻剖析中医诊断基本原理中所体现的象思维,将象思维运用到司外揣内、见微知著... 中医诊断基本原理是指导中医诊断疾病的基本规律,不仅对中医“病证”的诊断起指导作用,而且具备独特的思维方式。中医诊断基本原理中的象思维运用非常重要,深刻剖析中医诊断基本原理中所体现的象思维,将象思维运用到司外揣内、见微知著、以常衡变、因发知受中,对于充分地把握病情内在本质或变化规律和强化中医思维、提升临床诊断水平具有重要的意义。不仅在中医诊断原理中,在整个中医理论体系的发展中,象思维都起着重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 象思维 中医诊断基本原理 司外揣内 见微 以常衡变 因发
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