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作者 区镜添 周宗文 《南开大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1995年第1期98-101,共4页
本文用变分累积展开对Ising模型的临界温度的计算提出一种直观的图示解法,使计算大为简化。应用此法求得各阶临界温度与其他文献推算结果相一致。本文利用此法计算二维Ising模型八阶临界温度Tc(8)=2.47671,此... 本文用变分累积展开对Ising模型的临界温度的计算提出一种直观的图示解法,使计算大为简化。应用此法求得各阶临界温度与其他文献推算结果相一致。本文利用此法计算二维Ising模型八阶临界温度Tc(8)=2.47671,此法也可以推广到三维的情形. 展开更多
关键词 变分累积展开 伊辛模型 临界温度
用变分累积展开方法计算磁性薄膜的临界指数γ(L)与β(L) 被引量:1
作者 仁毅志 霍炳海 区镜添 《南开大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期68-72,共5页
Lin Douliang等人把变分累积开展 ( VCE)方法用于薄膜 ,计算了各种结构的磁性薄膜的临界温度[1 ,2 ] .本文是文献 [1 ]的继续 ,计算了 L层磁性薄膜的临界指数 γ( L)与 β( L) ,计算结果与文献 [3~ 5]的实验结果符合 .对于 L=1 (相当... Lin Douliang等人把变分累积开展 ( VCE)方法用于薄膜 ,计算了各种结构的磁性薄膜的临界温度[1 ,2 ] .本文是文献 [1 ]的继续 ,计算了 L层磁性薄膜的临界指数 γ( L)与 β( L) ,计算结果与文献 [3~ 5]的实验结果符合 .对于 L=1 (相当于 2维 )这一特例 ,我们的计算结果与精确解符合得相当好 . 展开更多
关键词 磁性薄膜 变分累积展开 临界指数 VCE
采用SYMANZIK改进作用量的 SU(2)格点规范理论的变分累积展开研究(英文)
作者 李红 陈天仑 +1 位作者 王庆 卢强 《南开大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期35-40,共6页
应用变分累积展开方法 ,将具有 Symanzik改进作用量的 SU( 2 )格点规范模型的内能和比热展开到第三级 .变分参数由主变分方法确定 ,并将计算结果与蒙特卡罗和标准 Wilson模型的结果进行了对比 ,证明 VCE方法可给出与蒙特卡罗方法一致的... 应用变分累积展开方法 ,将具有 Symanzik改进作用量的 SU( 2 )格点规范模型的内能和比热展开到第三级 .变分参数由主变分方法确定 ,并将计算结果与蒙特卡罗和标准 Wilson模型的结果进行了对比 ,证明 VCE方法可给出与蒙特卡罗方法一致的结果 . 展开更多
关键词 格点规范理论 改进作用量 变分累积展开
作者 吴强 张菁 陈洪 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第5期517-522,共6页
发展了变分累积展开方法 ,并用于处理量子Heisenberg模型 ;显示从自由能的解析性质出发 ,原则上能确定系统的临界温度到任意精确的级次 ;给出了立方格点上自旋 1/ 2体系达到三次累积展开的临界温度 ,并与存在的结果作了比较 .
关键词 变分累积展开法 量子Heisenberg模型 临界温度
作者 仲嘉霖 江学范 《常熟高专学报》 1993年第2期11-14,共4页
关键词 变分累积近似 临界温度 相图 伊辛模型 临界性质
磁性薄膜热动力学性质的变分累积展开研究 被引量:6
作者 陈洪 阎玉立 梅花 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第10期2607-2611,共5页
采用变分累积展开方法 ,研究了立方格点上磁性薄膜的热动力学性质 .计算自发磁化强度、内能和热容到了三级累积展开 ,并对每一级给出了这些物理量对薄膜原子层数的依赖关系 .虽然变分累积展开的收敛性还没有严格证明 ,但计算结果显示这... 采用变分累积展开方法 ,研究了立方格点上磁性薄膜的热动力学性质 .计算自发磁化强度、内能和热容到了三级累积展开 ,并对每一级给出了这些物理量对薄膜原子层数的依赖关系 .虽然变分累积展开的收敛性还没有严格证明 ,但计算结果显示这些物理量的变分累积展开收敛很快 .三级计算结果足已表明 :对低于某一临界厚度的薄膜 ,自发磁化强度随原子层数的减少而减小 ;不论在临界温度以下 ,还是在临界温度以上 ,每单位格点的内能都随原子层数的减少而增大 ;每单位格点的热容在临界温度以下随原子层数的减少而增大 。 展开更多
关键词 磁性薄膜 热动力学性质 变分累积展开 自发磁化强度 内能 热容 原子层数
量子Heisenberg薄膜临界点的变分累积展开研究 被引量:12
作者 陈洪 郑瑞伦 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期293-296,共4页
采用变分累积展开法研究了超立方格点上任意自旋的量子Heisenberg薄膜的临界点.从自由能的解析性质出发,原则上能计算作为多层膜层数l函数的临界约化温度θ(n)(l)到任意累积展开级次n.给出了θ(n)(l)的前三级解析表达式和数值结果,并对... 采用变分累积展开法研究了超立方格点上任意自旋的量子Heisenberg薄膜的临界点.从自由能的解析性质出发,原则上能计算作为多层膜层数l函数的临界约化温度θ(n)(l)到任意累积展开级次n.给出了θ(n)(l)的前三级解析表达式和数值结果,并对结果作了分析和讨论. 展开更多
关键词 量子Heisenberg薄膜 临界点 固体物理 变分累积
作者 卢强 李红 陈天仑 《高能物理与核物理》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期95-100,共6页
在计算有限温度SU(2)格点规范模型Polyakov线的过程中,考虑到变分 累积展开法中有限距离相互作用效应与 Monte Carlo中的有限体积效应的相似 性,采用了新的方法来确定相变点.与已有的方法以及 Monte C... 在计算有限温度SU(2)格点规范模型Polyakov线的过程中,考虑到变分 累积展开法中有限距离相互作用效应与 Monte Carlo中的有限体积效应的相似 性,采用了新的方法来确定相变点.与已有的方法以及 Monte Carlo模拟给出的 结果比较,新方法给出的结果更接近 Monte Carlo结果. 展开更多
关键词 格点规范理论 退禁闭相 变分累积展开
q=6态矢量Potts模型相变性质的研究 被引量:1
作者 孙秋华 麻文军 赵言诚 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2002年第2期101-105,共5页
用变分累积展开方法 (VCE)研究 q=6态矢量Potts模型的相变性质 ,用两变分参数的尝试作用量 ,计算了 q =6态矢量Potts模型的自由能和内能累积展开到 4级的近似值 ,比热、磁化强度及自发磁化率累积展开到三级的近似值 ,并讨论其相变点及... 用变分累积展开方法 (VCE)研究 q=6态矢量Potts模型的相变性质 ,用两变分参数的尝试作用量 ,计算了 q =6态矢量Potts模型的自由能和内能累积展开到 4级的近似值 ,比热、磁化强度及自发磁化率累积展开到三级的近似值 ,并讨论其相变点及相变性质 .所得结果与MonteCarlo数值计算结果符合较好 .从此结果可以验证 ,尝试作用量应等效于系统作用量 . 展开更多
关键词 变分累积展开 矢量Potts模型 尝试作用量
作者 陈洪 赵福川 郑希特 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1994年第5期478-481,共4页
利用变分-累积展开方法,研究SU(3)纯规范格点模型的相结构,着重在于讨论累积展开在中间耦合区的适应性,从累积展开与关联长度的联系阐明了在中间耦合区高级次展开的必要性.采用几级展开对零级展开的修正为零的条件定几级计算... 利用变分-累积展开方法,研究SU(3)纯规范格点模型的相结构,着重在于讨论累积展开在中间耦合区的适应性,从累积展开与关联长度的联系阐明了在中间耦合区高级次展开的必要性.采用几级展开对零级展开的修正为零的条件定几级计算中的变分参数,结果显示不仅在强、弱耦合区与蒙特卡罗符合很好,而且在中间耦合区随着近似级别的增高,可信的计算越来越逼近蒙特卡罗结果。 展开更多
关键词 格点模型 变分累积展开 色规范群
用3-态Potts模型研究液晶薄膜相变 被引量:1
作者 仁毅志 刘景泉 区镜添 《南开大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期123-125,共3页
用 3态 Potts模型研究液晶薄膜相变 ,对给定的 L层薄膜 ,每层的相变温度都由自由能最小决定 .自由能采用变分累积展开方法计算 .在此基础上进一步计算了热容 ,计算结果与实验 (样品为 5 4 COOBC液晶薄膜 )基本符合 .
关键词 3-态Potts模型 液晶薄膜 变分累积展开方法 哈密顿量 热容 自由能
作者 张君霞 《后勤工程学院学报》 2005年第3期66-68,72,共4页
关键词 磁性合金 相图 变分累积展开 HEISENBERG模型
量子Heisenberg磁性薄膜热动力学性质的研究 被引量:2
作者 袁敏 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期351-355,共5页
以量子Heisenberg模型为基础研究了磁性薄膜的热动力学性质.采用变分累积展开方法,以图解方式给出了简立方格点上自旋为1/2的量子Heisenberg磁性薄膜不同晶面的热动力学性质.计算临界约化温度、内能和比热到三级累积展开,分析不同晶面... 以量子Heisenberg模型为基础研究了磁性薄膜的热动力学性质.采用变分累积展开方法,以图解方式给出了简立方格点上自旋为1/2的量子Heisenberg磁性薄膜不同晶面的热动力学性质.计算临界约化温度、内能和比热到三级累积展开,分析不同晶面的临界约化温度随原子层数的变化,并对结果进行比较;同时比较和讨论了薄膜原子层数对不同晶面的内能和比热变化的影响. 展开更多
关键词 量子Heisenberg磁性薄膜 变分累积展开 晶面 临界温度 内能 比热
作者 霍炳海 区镜添 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1998年第2期51-54,共4页
The variational cumulant expansion developed in recent years has been extended to treat the Ising model in statistical physics.In this paper,a detailed calculation of the critical temperature T c (L) and criti... The variational cumulant expansion developed in recent years has been extended to treat the Ising model in statistical physics.In this paper,a detailed calculation of the critical temperature T c (L) and critical exponent β(L) for the magnetic film of L layers are presented by means of the variational cumulant expansion.For L >1,the results of our theoretical calculations are in approximate coincidence with the experimental ones made before,and for the special case of L =1 (2 D),the results of the calculation are identical to the data from other reports. 展开更多
关键词 variational cumulant expansion critical temperature critical exponent
Seasonal characteristics of Carex lasiocarpa biomass and nutrient accumulation in the typical wetland of Sanjiang Plain, China
作者 王洋 刘景双 +1 位作者 窦晶鑫 赵光影 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期389-393,400,共6页
Seasonal dynamics of above- and belowground biomass and nutrient characteristics (nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus) of Carex lasiocarpa were investigated in the typical wetland of Sanjiang Plain, China from May 2007... Seasonal dynamics of above- and belowground biomass and nutrient characteristics (nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus) of Carex lasiocarpa were investigated in the typical wetland of Sanjiang Plain, China from May 2007 to September 2008. The results show that the changes of aboveground biomass during the growing season are best described by the twice function curve model, whereas the changes of belowground biomass follow the exponential increase curve model. Both the organic carbon contents in the above- and belowground plant parts show significant positive linear correlations with the growing time, and the coefficients R2 are 0.983 and 0.746, respectively. The carbon accu-mulations of the above- and belowground plant parts during the growing season show the same dynamics as those of the biomass. However, the nitrogen contents and accumulation in C. lasiocarpa aboveground and belowground parts show exponential increase during the growing season. The dynamics of C. lasiocarpa phosphorus contents follows the twice function curve model, whereas the accumulation of phosphorus shows the linear increase. The ratios of C/N in different parts of C. lasiocarpa fit the negative linear relations with total nitrogen content in the growing season. Moreover, the ratios of C/P in C. lasiocarpa plant also fit the negative linear relations with total phosphorus content. The results show that nitrogen is the primary limiting nutrient for C. lasiocarpa growth as compared with carbon and phosphorus. 展开更多
关键词 Carex lasiocarpa nutrient accumulation the Sanjiang plain seasonal changes
作者 Yang Shaoquan Chen Weidong (School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2002年第1期99-103,共5页
A new feature based on higher order statistics is proposed for classification of MPSKsignals, which is invariant with respect to translation (shift), scale and rotation transforms of MPSK signal constellations, and ca... A new feature based on higher order statistics is proposed for classification of MPSKsignals, which is invariant with respect to translation (shift), scale and rotation transforms of MPSK signal constellations, and can suppress additive color or white Gaussian noise. Application of the new feature to classification of MPSK signals, at medium signal-to-noise ratio with specified sample size, results in high probability of correct identification. Finally, computer simulations and comparisons with existing algorithms are given. 展开更多
关键词 Higher order statistics Cumulant invariants Modulation classification
Salt-Water Transport in Unsaturated Soils Under Crop Planting: Dynamics and Numerical Simulation 被引量:7
作者 XU Li-Gang YANG Jing-Song +1 位作者 ZHANG Qi LIU Guang-Ming 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第5期634-640,共7页
A laboratory salt-water dynamics experiment using unsaturated soils in packed silt loam and clay soil columns withdifferent soil texture profiles and groundwater levels under crops were conducted to study the changes ... A laboratory salt-water dynamics experiment using unsaturated soils in packed silt loam and clay soil columns withdifferent soil texture profiles and groundwater levels under crops were conducted to study the changes of salt-waterdynamics induced by water uptake of crops and to propose the theoretical basis for the regulation and control of salt-water dynamics as well as to predict salinity levels. The HYDRUS 1D model was applied to simulate the one-dimensionalmovement of water and salt transport in the soil columns. The results showed that the salts mainly accumulated in theplow layer in the soil columns under crops. Soil water and salt both moved towards the plow layer due to soil waterabsorption by the crop root system. The salt contents in the column with lower groundwater were mostly greater thanthose with high groundwater. The water contents in the soil columns increased from top to the bottom due to plant rootwater uptake. The changes in groundwater level had little influence on water content of the root zone in the soil columnswith crop planting. Comparison between the simulated and the determined values showed that model simulation resultswere ideal, so it is practicable to do numerical simulation of soil salt and water transport by the HYDRUS 1D model.Furthermore, if the actual movement of salt and water in fields is to be described in detail, much work needs to be done.The most important thing is to refine the parameters and select precise boundary conditions. 展开更多
关键词 crop planting numerical simulation salt accumulation salt-water dynamics
Metric of Carbon Equity:Carbon Gini Index Based on Historical Cumulative Emission per Capita 被引量:1
作者 Fei Teng Jiankun He +1 位作者 Xunzhang Pan Chi Zhang 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2011年第3期134-140,共7页
This paper uses Lorenz curve and Gini index with adjustment to per capita historical cumulative emission to construct carbon Gini index to measure inequality in climate change area. The analysis shows that 70% of carb... This paper uses Lorenz curve and Gini index with adjustment to per capita historical cumulative emission to construct carbon Gini index to measure inequality in climate change area. The analysis shows that 70% of carbon space in the atmosphere has been used for unequal distribution, which is almost the same as that of incomes in a country with the biggest gap between the rich and the poor in the world. The carbon equity should be an urgency and priority in the climate agenda. Carbon Gini index established in this paper can be used to measure inequality in the distribution of carbon space and provide a quantified indicator for measurement of carbon equity among different proposals. 展开更多
关键词 climate change carbon equity long-term mitigation goal cumulative emission per capita carbon Gini index
Robust user equilibrium model based on cumulative prospect theory under distribution-free travel time 被引量:3
作者 王伟 孙会君 吴建军 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期761-770,共10页
The assumption widely used in the user equilibrium model for stochastic network was that the probability distributions of the travel time were known explicitly by travelers. However, this distribution may be unavailab... The assumption widely used in the user equilibrium model for stochastic network was that the probability distributions of the travel time were known explicitly by travelers. However, this distribution may be unavailable in reality. By relaxing the restrictive assumption, a robust user equilibrium model based on cumulative prospect theory under distribution-free travel time was presented. In the absence of the cumulative distribution function of the travel time, the exact cumulative prospect value(CPV) for each route cannot be obtained. However, the upper and lower bounds on the CPV can be calculated by probability inequalities.Travelers were assumed to choose the routes with the best worst-case CPVs. The proposed model was formulated as a variational inequality problem and solved via a heuristic solution algorithm. A numerical example was also provided to illustrate the application of the proposed model and the efficiency of the solution algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 user equilibrium cumulative prospect theory distribution-free travel time variational inequality
Hybrid reliability model for fatigue reliability analysis of steel bridges 被引量:1
作者 曹珊珊 雷俊卿 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期449-460,共12页
A kind of hybrid reliability model is presented to solve the fatigue reliability problems of steel bridges. The cumulative damage model is one kind of the models used in fatigue reliability analysis. The parameter cha... A kind of hybrid reliability model is presented to solve the fatigue reliability problems of steel bridges. The cumulative damage model is one kind of the models used in fatigue reliability analysis. The parameter characteristics of the model can be described as probabilistic and interval. The two-stage hybrid reliability model is given with a theoretical foundation and a solving algorithm to solve the hybrid reliability problems. The theoretical foundation is established by the consistency relationships of interval reliability model and probability reliability model with normally distributed variables in theory. The solving process is combined with the definition of interval reliability index and the probabilistic algorithm. With the consideration of the parameter characteristics of the S-N curve, the cumulative damage model with hybrid variables is given based on the standards from different countries. Lastly, a case of steel structure in the Neville Island Bridge is analyzed to verify the applicability of the hybrid reliability model in fatigue reliability analysis based on the AASHTO. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid reliability model (HRM) consistency relationships linear and bilinear S-N curve fatigue reliability normal distribution
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