This review presents a comprehensive techno-economic and life-cycle assessment of sustainable aviation fuel(SAF)production from biomass.The critical need for transitioning towards environmentally sustainable alternati...This review presents a comprehensive techno-economic and life-cycle assessment of sustainable aviation fuel(SAF)production from biomass.The critical need for transitioning towards environmentally sustainable alternatives for liquid fuel and aviation industry is first discussed.Key insights encompass the evolutionary progression of biofuel production from first-generation to second-generation biofuels,with a focus on utilizing non-food sources like woody biomass for enhanced sustainability.Available data from the literature on techno-economic assessments of various SAF production pathways are analyzed including production costs,conversion efficiency,and scalability.Moreover,results of lifecycle assessments associated with different SAF production pathways are presented,providing essential insights for decision-making processes.The challenges of scaling up woody biomass-based SAF production are discussed based on the assessment results,and recommendations are proposed to steer stakeholders towards a greener and more sustainable trajectory for aviation operations.展开更多
The forest ecosystem plays an important role in the global carbon cycling. A study was conducted to evaluate soil CO2 flux and its seasonal and diurnal variation with the air and soil temperatures by using static clos...The forest ecosystem plays an important role in the global carbon cycling. A study was conducted to evaluate soil CO2 flux and its seasonal and diurnal variation with the air and soil temperatures by using static closed chamber technique in a typical broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest area on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province, China. The experiment was carried out through the day and night in the growing season (from June to September) in situ and sample gas was analyzed by a gas chromatograph. Results showed that the forest floor was a large net source of carbon, and soil CO2 fluxes had an obvi-ous law of seasonal and diel variation. The soil CO2 flux of broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest was in the range of 0.302.42 mmol穖-2穝-1 with the mean value of 0.98 mmol穖-2穝-1. An examination on the seasonal pattern of soil CO2 emission suggested that the variability in soil CO2 flux could be correlated with variations in soil temperature, and the maximum of mean CO2 flux occurred in July ((1.27±23%) mmol穖-2穝-1) and the minimum was in September ((0.50±28%) mmol穖-2穝-1). The fluctuations in diel soil CO2 flux were also correlated with changes in soil temperature; however, there existed a factor for a time lag. Soil CO2 flux from the forest floor was strongly related to soil temperature and had the highest correlation with temperature at 6-cm depth of soil. Q10 values based on air temperature and soil temperature of different soil depths were at the ranges of 2.09–3.40.展开更多
[Objective] The aim was to improve meteorological service of protected agriculture and to reduce effects of meteorological disasters. [Method] Characters of temperature variation in solar greenhouse and minimal temper...[Objective] The aim was to improve meteorological service of protected agriculture and to reduce effects of meteorological disasters. [Method] Characters of temperature variation in solar greenhouse and minimal temperature forecast models in winter were analyzed based on meteorological data inside and outside of solar greenhouse in winter during 2008-2011, as per correlation and stepwise regression method. [Result] Temperature was of significant changes in solar greenhouse in sunny and cloudy days and the change was higher in sunny days. In overcast days, temperature in solar greenhouse was lower and plants were affected seriously. In addition, the minimal temperature was of good correlation with outside temperature and humidity, temperature and soil temperature in greenhouse. [Conclusion] The minimal temperature forecast model of solar greenhouse is established and the average absolute error of the forecasted minimums in different types of weather was less than 1 ℃ and the average relative error was lower than 10%.展开更多
Fluctuating market price of fossil fuel and overwhelming emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere have resulted in climate change and have been a global concern in this decade. Hence, biodiesel has become an alt...Fluctuating market price of fossil fuel and overwhelming emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere have resulted in climate change and have been a global concern in this decade. Hence, biodiesel has become an alternative option to fossil diesel as it is renewable and environmentally friendly. Nevertheless, this alternative fuel that is usually derived from terrestrial oil crops will cause shortage in food supply and deforestation if mass production is realized. In recent years, cultivation of aquatic microorganism(particularly microalgae) to produce biodiesel is considered as a practical solution due to their high growth rate and ability to synthesize large quantity of lipid within their cell. However, the development of energy and cost-efficiency of microalgae cultivation system are the main issues in producing renewable microalgae biodiesel. Of late, wastewater or organic compost has been used as the cultivation medium as it can provide sufficient nutrients to sustain microalgae growth.Microalgae cultivation method and system are vitally important as these factors undoubtedly affect the final microalgae biomass and lipid yield. In this review, the cultivation system of microalgae, nutrients demanded for microalgae production, cell harvesting and drying, microalgae oil extraction, and utilization of microalgae biomass for biodiesel production are introduced and discussed. It is anticipated to convey clearer perspectives in upstream and downstream processes in microalgae-derived biodiesel production.展开更多
The annual series of δ13C were measured in tree rings of three Cryptomeria fortunei disks (OF-1, OF-2, and OF- 3) collected from West Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province, China, according to cross-dating tree ring a...The annual series of δ13C were measured in tree rings of three Cryptomeria fortunei disks (OF-1, OF-2, and OF- 3) collected from West Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province, China, according to cross-dating tree ring ages. There was no obvious decreasing trend of the δ13C annual time series of CF-2 before 1835. However, from 1835 to 1982 the three tree ring δ13C annual series exhibited similar decreasing trends that were significantly (P ≤ 0.001) correlated. The distribution characteristics of a scatter diagram between estimated δ13C series of CF-2 from modeling and the atmospheric CO2 concentration extracted from the Law Dome ice core from 1840 to 1978 were analyzed and a curvilinear regression equation for reconstructing atmospheric CO2 concentration was established with R2 = 0.98. Also, a test of independent samples indicated that between 1685 and 1839 the reconstructed atmospheric CO2 concentration .using the δ13C series of CF-2 had a close relationship with the Law Dome and Siple ice cores, with a standard deviation of 1.98. The general increasing trend of the reconstructed atmospheric CO2 concentration closely reflected the 10ng-term variation of atmospheric CO2 concentration recorded both before and after the Industrial Revolution. Between 1685 and 1840 the evaluated atmospheric CO2 concentration was stable, but after 1840 it exhibited a rapid increase. Given a longer δ13C annual time series of tree rings, it was feasible to rebuild a representative time series to describe the atmospheric CO2 concentration for an earlier period and for years that were not in the ice core record.展开更多
Global environmental meeting, legislating a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases for planet earth, is what mankind now hopes for, having realized the enormous dangers in the process of climate change. Global ...Global environmental meeting, legislating a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases for planet earth, is what mankind now hopes for, having realized the enormous dangers in the process of climate change. Global warming is no longer denied by the so-called cornucopians (e.g. Lomberg), but global policy-making originating in reunions of 190 governments or more stumble on collective action difficulties, spelled out in game theory. Paris will not succeed where Copenhagen failed, namely to arrive at a binding and enforceable global environment policy that will be implemented before it is too late. Instead, there will be massive transaction costs from negotiating and re-negotiating, endless voting, the making of promises exante and reneging ex post, as well as the futile attempts at any enforcement action, given state sovereignty. Mankind will have to learn how to cope with the outcomes of global warming, as resilience is the only hope.展开更多
In this study, discharge at the outlet of Xijiang River, the biggest sub-basin of the Zhujiang River, was simulated and projected from 1961 to 2099 using the hydrological model HBV-D. The model uses precipitation and ...In this study, discharge at the outlet of Xijiang River, the biggest sub-basin of the Zhujiang River, was simulated and projected from 1961 to 2099 using the hydrological model HBV-D. The model uses precipitation and temperature data from CISRO/MK3 5, MPI/ECHAM5, and NCAR/CCSM3 under three greenhouse gas emission scenarios (SRES A2, A1B, B1). The results in water resources and flood frequency suggest that annual precipitation and annual runoff would increase after 2050 relative to the reference period of 1961-1990. In addition, increasing trends have been projected in area averaged monthly precipitation and runoff from May to October, while decreasing trends in those from December to February. More often and larger floods would occur in future. Potential increase in runoff during the low-flow season could ease the pressure of water demand until 2030, but the increase in runoff in the high-flow season, with more often and larger floods, more pressure on flood control after 2050 is expected.展开更多
Climate changes in Guangdong are studied based on temperature data of 86 meteorological stations in Guangdong Province during 1961 – 2000, temperature data in Guangzhou during 1908 – 2002, and sea level data in the ...Climate changes in Guangdong are studied based on temperature data of 86 meteorological stations in Guangdong Province during 1961 – 2000, temperature data in Guangzhou during 1908 – 2002, and sea level data in the South China Sea during 1958 – 2001. Significant climate warming and sea level rise in Guangdong is demonstrated. Possible influences of climate warming on agriculture in Guangdong are discussed in terms of thermal resources, crop and breed layout, crop yield, diseases, insect pests and weeds as well as agrometeorological disasters, etc. In the final part, agricultural strategies of mitigating and adapting to the climate changes are given.展开更多
The accurate simulation of the equatorial sea surlhce temperature (SST) variability is crucial for a proper representation or prediction of the El Nino-Southern Os- cillation (ENSO). This paper describes the trop...The accurate simulation of the equatorial sea surlhce temperature (SST) variability is crucial for a proper representation or prediction of the El Nino-Southern Os- cillation (ENSO). This paper describes the tropical variability simulated by the Max Planck Institute (MPI) forr meteorology coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (CGCM). A control simulation with pre-industrial greenhouse gases is analyzed, and the simulation of key oceanic features, such as SST, is compared with observa- tions. Results from the 400-yr control simulation show that the model's ENSO variability is quite realistic in terms of structure, strength, and period. Also, two related features (the annual cycle of SST and the-phase locking of ENSO events), which are significant in determining the model's performance of realistic ENSO prediction, are further validated to be well reproduced by the MPI cli mate model, which is an atmospheric model ECHAM5 (which fuses the EC tbr European Center and HAM for Hamburg) coupled to an MPI ocean model (MPI-OM), ECHAMS/MPI-OM.展开更多
The partial substitution of clinker by mineral additions offers very significant, both economical and environmental benefits. This adds value to industrial waste, and contributes also in the preservation of natural re...The partial substitution of clinker by mineral additions offers very significant, both economical and environmental benefits. This adds value to industrial waste, and contributes also in the preservation of natural resources, like clay and limestone, as well as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2). This study is interested in the simultaneous effect of BFS (blast furnace slag) and SF (silica fume) on setting time and water requirement of cement paste. The volumetric variations are tested in mortars, prepared in the same mixture of pastes, and the tests indicate that the addition of slag increase the fluidity, reduce the water demand, shrinkage and expansion, compared to the mortar, containing ten percent (10%) of Silica Fume only. The images of pastes obtained by SEM (scanning electron microscopy), are indicated an improvement of the microstructure of the paste with a large amount of slag, which leads to improve durability.展开更多
The paper is based on author's observations during long geological field investigations in the Nepal Himalayas and various other international researches pertaining to natural hazards, global warming and climate chan...The paper is based on author's observations during long geological field investigations in the Nepal Himalayas and various other international researches pertaining to natural hazards, global warming and climate change. High mountains all over the world including Nepal Himalaya are threatened by global warming. In addition, Nepal lies at heart of Himalayan orogenic belt and is prone to both geological and hydro-meteorological hazard. Tremendous geographic diversity from high mountains to fiat plains presents specific hazards like earthquakes, avalanche, glacial lake outburst flood, debris flow, floods, landslides, thunderstorm, fire, cold and hot waves, etc. These natural hazards combined with anthropogenic hazards aggravate and degrade the fragile eco-systems, put human lives at risk, and cause immense economic losses. In last 25 years, it has attributed to an average annual loss of about 850 lives, damage of infrastructures and properties equivalent to about 6% of the annual development expenditure. GHGs (Green House Gases) are the chief sources of global warming and climate change. In Nepal, these are marked by an average of 0.06℃ per year rise in temperature, fast snow melting, retreating glaciers, vertical shift in snowline, decrease in amount of snowfall, appearance of new glacial lakes and increase in their size and volume. There is a need of strong commitment of international community to work together to reduce GHGs, CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon), and international and regional cooperation to face the present challenges of global warming and climate change. Government of Nepal already prepared the National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management for building a resilient nation emphasizing on assessment, identification, and monitoring of disaster risk and enhancing early warning system.展开更多
With the series of annual and seasonal temperature during 1957 – 2001 in Dongguan, Guangdong, the statistical characteristic and power spectrum and secular trend and sudden change phenomena are computed in this paper...With the series of annual and seasonal temperature during 1957 – 2001 in Dongguan, Guangdong, the statistical characteristic and power spectrum and secular trend and sudden change phenomena are computed in this paper. From the results it is known that (1) the temperatures have obvious characteristics of monsoon climate but do not have normal distribution, showing biased distribution of high or low kurtosis; (2) over the recent half- century, the temperatures tend to rise, specially in the last 10 years, in which mean temperature have quickly ascended by about 1.5°C, and except for the spring, there were sudden change of seasonal temperature rising from the 1980’s to 1990’s, which really reflected the influence of developing and opening and urbanization on Dongguan temperature; (3) except for the spring, the temperature of other seasons show some oscillatory periods in Dongguan and some of them also include long-term variation trends.展开更多
The purpose of this paper is to apply "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to assess the impacts of climate change and deforestation on stream discharge and sediment yield from Phu Luong watershed in Nort...The purpose of this paper is to apply "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to assess the impacts of climate change and deforestation on stream discharge and sediment yield from Phu Luong watershed in Northern Viet Nam. Among the three climate change scenarios B 1, B2, and A2, representing low, medium, and high levels of greenhouse gas emission, respectively were set up for Viet Nam, the B2 scenario was selected for this study. Two land use scenarios (S1-2030 and $2-2050) were formulated combination with climate change in WSAT simulation. In B2 climate change scenario, mean temperature increases 0.7℃(2030) and 1.3 ℃ (2050); annual rainfall increases 2.1% (2030) and 3.80% (2050) respect to baseline scenario. The results show that the stream discharge is likely to increase in the future during the wet season with increasing threats of sedimentation.展开更多
This paper presents methods and strategy promoted by an operator of tire rubber manufacturer in order to reduce CO2 emissions. This paper presents calculation methods of GHG emissions and data on production activities...This paper presents methods and strategy promoted by an operator of tire rubber manufacturer in order to reduce CO2 emissions. This paper presents calculation methods of GHG emissions and data on production activities, as well as fuel consumption, energy, etc. This example shows that environmental investments are effective primarily in the environmental aspect, but they can become profitable (the carbon trading market of GHG allowances and by providing alternative energy in national energy system, resulting in "green certificates").展开更多
During the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15), Parties agreed that reducing emissions from deforesta- tion and forest degradation and enhancing 'removals of greenhouse gas emission by forests' (REDD+) in d...During the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15), Parties agreed that reducing emissions from deforesta- tion and forest degradation and enhancing 'removals of greenhouse gas emission by forests' (REDD+) in developing countries through positive incentives under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was capable of dealing with global emissions. As REDD+ seeks to lower emissions by stopping deforestation and for- est degradation with an international payment tier according to baseline scenarios, opportunities for ecosystem benefits such as slowing habitat fragmentation, conservation of forest biodiversity, soil conservation may be also part of this effort. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate ecosystem-based benefits of REDD+, and to identify the rela- tionships with carbon stock changes. To achieve this goal, high resolution satellite images are combined with Normal- ized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to identify historical deforestation in study area of Central Kalimantan, In- donesia. The carbon emissions for the period of 2000-2005 and 2005-2009 are 2.73 ×10^5 t CO2 and 1.47× 10^6 t CO2 respectively, showing an increasing trend in recent years. Dring 2005-2009, number of patches (NP), patch density (PD), mean shape index distribution (SHAPE_MN) increased 30.8%, 30.7% and 7.6%. Meanwhile, largest patch index (LPI), mean area (AREA MN), area-weighted mean of shape index distribution (SHAPE_AM), neighbor distance (ENN_MN) and interspersion and juxtaposition index (IJI) decreased by 55.3%, 29.7%, 15.8%, 53.4% and 21.5% re- spectively. The area regarding as positive correlation between carbon emissions and soil erosion was approximately 8.9 x l03 ha corresponding to 96.0% of the changing forest. These results support the view that there are strong syner- gies among carbon loss, forest fragmentation and soil erosion in tropical forests. Such mechanism of REDD+ is likely to present opportunities for multiple benefits that fall outside the scope of carbon stocks.展开更多
Several food companies are implementing effective strategies to evaluate the environmental impacts of their products or processes and to estimate the greenhouse gases emissions (GHG) using a life cycle approach. Par...Several food companies are implementing effective strategies to evaluate the environmental impacts of their products or processes and to estimate the greenhouse gases emissions (GHG) using a life cycle approach. Particularly, a sector which can play an important role to reduce the impact on the environment through the life cycle thinking is the beverage packaging. In this context, the aim of this study was to use the life cycle assessment (LCA) method to investigate the consistency of the preference order across two alternative beverage packages through the application of two impact assessment methods, namely the IPCC 2007 which is focused on the GHG emissions estimation and the EcoIndicator 99 which considers several environmental categories including impact on climate change. The results showed that the life cycle approach employment was a useful strategy to investigate the consistency of the preference order across two beverage packages, especially, whether the results are made more reliable by the utilization of primary data. The investigation on climate change conducted on two level, initially, the quantification of the GHG emissions and secondly the estimation of the related diseases and mortality, demonstrated that the laminated carton presents lower impacts than the high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottle.展开更多
文摘This review presents a comprehensive techno-economic and life-cycle assessment of sustainable aviation fuel(SAF)production from biomass.The critical need for transitioning towards environmentally sustainable alternatives for liquid fuel and aviation industry is first discussed.Key insights encompass the evolutionary progression of biofuel production from first-generation to second-generation biofuels,with a focus on utilizing non-food sources like woody biomass for enhanced sustainability.Available data from the literature on techno-economic assessments of various SAF production pathways are analyzed including production costs,conversion efficiency,and scalability.Moreover,results of lifecycle assessments associated with different SAF production pathways are presented,providing essential insights for decision-making processes.The challenges of scaling up woody biomass-based SAF production are discussed based on the assessment results,and recommendations are proposed to steer stakeholders towards a greener and more sustainable trajectory for aviation operations.
基金This research was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40171092).
文摘The forest ecosystem plays an important role in the global carbon cycling. A study was conducted to evaluate soil CO2 flux and its seasonal and diurnal variation with the air and soil temperatures by using static closed chamber technique in a typical broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest area on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province, China. The experiment was carried out through the day and night in the growing season (from June to September) in situ and sample gas was analyzed by a gas chromatograph. Results showed that the forest floor was a large net source of carbon, and soil CO2 fluxes had an obvi-ous law of seasonal and diel variation. The soil CO2 flux of broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest was in the range of 0.302.42 mmol穖-2穝-1 with the mean value of 0.98 mmol穖-2穝-1. An examination on the seasonal pattern of soil CO2 emission suggested that the variability in soil CO2 flux could be correlated with variations in soil temperature, and the maximum of mean CO2 flux occurred in July ((1.27±23%) mmol穖-2穝-1) and the minimum was in September ((0.50±28%) mmol穖-2穝-1). The fluctuations in diel soil CO2 flux were also correlated with changes in soil temperature; however, there existed a factor for a time lag. Soil CO2 flux from the forest floor was strongly related to soil temperature and had the highest correlation with temperature at 6-cm depth of soil. Q10 values based on air temperature and soil temperature of different soil depths were at the ranges of 2.09–3.40.
基金Supported by Special Funds for Scientific Research on Public Causes of China Meteorological Administration(GYHY201006028)~~
文摘[Objective] The aim was to improve meteorological service of protected agriculture and to reduce effects of meteorological disasters. [Method] Characters of temperature variation in solar greenhouse and minimal temperature forecast models in winter were analyzed based on meteorological data inside and outside of solar greenhouse in winter during 2008-2011, as per correlation and stepwise regression method. [Result] Temperature was of significant changes in solar greenhouse in sunny and cloudy days and the change was higher in sunny days. In overcast days, temperature in solar greenhouse was lower and plants were affected seriously. In addition, the minimal temperature was of good correlation with outside temperature and humidity, temperature and soil temperature in greenhouse. [Conclusion] The minimal temperature forecast model of solar greenhouse is established and the average absolute error of the forecasted minimums in different types of weather was less than 1 ℃ and the average relative error was lower than 10%.
基金Supported by the Ministry of Higher Education,Malaysia(FRGS with cost center015AB-L25)Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS(YUTP-FRG with cost center 0153AAH46)
文摘Fluctuating market price of fossil fuel and overwhelming emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere have resulted in climate change and have been a global concern in this decade. Hence, biodiesel has become an alternative option to fossil diesel as it is renewable and environmentally friendly. Nevertheless, this alternative fuel that is usually derived from terrestrial oil crops will cause shortage in food supply and deforestation if mass production is realized. In recent years, cultivation of aquatic microorganism(particularly microalgae) to produce biodiesel is considered as a practical solution due to their high growth rate and ability to synthesize large quantity of lipid within their cell. However, the development of energy and cost-efficiency of microalgae cultivation system are the main issues in producing renewable microalgae biodiesel. Of late, wastewater or organic compost has been used as the cultivation medium as it can provide sufficient nutrients to sustain microalgae growth.Microalgae cultivation method and system are vitally important as these factors undoubtedly affect the final microalgae biomass and lipid yield. In this review, the cultivation system of microalgae, nutrients demanded for microalgae production, cell harvesting and drying, microalgae oil extraction, and utilization of microalgae biomass for biodiesel production are introduced and discussed. It is anticipated to convey clearer perspectives in upstream and downstream processes in microalgae-derived biodiesel production.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49771001).
文摘The annual series of δ13C were measured in tree rings of three Cryptomeria fortunei disks (OF-1, OF-2, and OF- 3) collected from West Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province, China, according to cross-dating tree ring ages. There was no obvious decreasing trend of the δ13C annual time series of CF-2 before 1835. However, from 1835 to 1982 the three tree ring δ13C annual series exhibited similar decreasing trends that were significantly (P ≤ 0.001) correlated. The distribution characteristics of a scatter diagram between estimated δ13C series of CF-2 from modeling and the atmospheric CO2 concentration extracted from the Law Dome ice core from 1840 to 1978 were analyzed and a curvilinear regression equation for reconstructing atmospheric CO2 concentration was established with R2 = 0.98. Also, a test of independent samples indicated that between 1685 and 1839 the reconstructed atmospheric CO2 concentration .using the δ13C series of CF-2 had a close relationship with the Law Dome and Siple ice cores, with a standard deviation of 1.98. The general increasing trend of the reconstructed atmospheric CO2 concentration closely reflected the 10ng-term variation of atmospheric CO2 concentration recorded both before and after the Industrial Revolution. Between 1685 and 1840 the evaluated atmospheric CO2 concentration was stable, but after 1840 it exhibited a rapid increase. Given a longer δ13C annual time series of tree rings, it was feasible to rebuild a representative time series to describe the atmospheric CO2 concentration for an earlier period and for years that were not in the ice core record.
文摘Global environmental meeting, legislating a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases for planet earth, is what mankind now hopes for, having realized the enormous dangers in the process of climate change. Global warming is no longer denied by the so-called cornucopians (e.g. Lomberg), but global policy-making originating in reunions of 190 governments or more stumble on collective action difficulties, spelled out in game theory. Paris will not succeed where Copenhagen failed, namely to arrive at a binding and enforceable global environment policy that will be implemented before it is too late. Instead, there will be massive transaction costs from negotiating and re-negotiating, endless voting, the making of promises exante and reneging ex post, as well as the futile attempts at any enforcement action, given state sovereignty. Mankind will have to learn how to cope with the outcomes of global warming, as resilience is the only hope.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2010CB428401)
文摘In this study, discharge at the outlet of Xijiang River, the biggest sub-basin of the Zhujiang River, was simulated and projected from 1961 to 2099 using the hydrological model HBV-D. The model uses precipitation and temperature data from CISRO/MK3 5, MPI/ECHAM5, and NCAR/CCSM3 under three greenhouse gas emission scenarios (SRES A2, A1B, B1). The results in water resources and flood frequency suggest that annual precipitation and annual runoff would increase after 2050 relative to the reference period of 1961-1990. In addition, increasing trends have been projected in area averaged monthly precipitation and runoff from May to October, while decreasing trends in those from December to February. More often and larger floods would occur in future. Potential increase in runoff during the low-flow season could ease the pressure of water demand until 2030, but the increase in runoff in the high-flow season, with more often and larger floods, more pressure on flood control after 2050 is expected.
基金Key Research Planning Project of the National Natural Science Foundation (90211010)
文摘Climate changes in Guangdong are studied based on temperature data of 86 meteorological stations in Guangdong Province during 1961 – 2000, temperature data in Guangzhou during 1908 – 2002, and sea level data in the South China Sea during 1958 – 2001. Significant climate warming and sea level rise in Guangdong is demonstrated. Possible influences of climate warming on agriculture in Guangdong are discussed in terms of thermal resources, crop and breed layout, crop yield, diseases, insect pests and weeds as well as agrometeorological disasters, etc. In the final part, agricultural strategies of mitigating and adapting to the climate changes are given.
基金supported by the National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals, the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2012CB955202 and 2012CB417404)"Western Pacific Ocean System: Structure, Dynamics, and Consequences" of the Chinese Academy Sciences (WPOS+1 种基金 Grant No. XDA10010405)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41176014)
文摘The accurate simulation of the equatorial sea surlhce temperature (SST) variability is crucial for a proper representation or prediction of the El Nino-Southern Os- cillation (ENSO). This paper describes the tropical variability simulated by the Max Planck Institute (MPI) forr meteorology coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (CGCM). A control simulation with pre-industrial greenhouse gases is analyzed, and the simulation of key oceanic features, such as SST, is compared with observa- tions. Results from the 400-yr control simulation show that the model's ENSO variability is quite realistic in terms of structure, strength, and period. Also, two related features (the annual cycle of SST and the-phase locking of ENSO events), which are significant in determining the model's performance of realistic ENSO prediction, are further validated to be well reproduced by the MPI cli mate model, which is an atmospheric model ECHAM5 (which fuses the EC tbr European Center and HAM for Hamburg) coupled to an MPI ocean model (MPI-OM), ECHAMS/MPI-OM.
文摘The partial substitution of clinker by mineral additions offers very significant, both economical and environmental benefits. This adds value to industrial waste, and contributes also in the preservation of natural resources, like clay and limestone, as well as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2). This study is interested in the simultaneous effect of BFS (blast furnace slag) and SF (silica fume) on setting time and water requirement of cement paste. The volumetric variations are tested in mortars, prepared in the same mixture of pastes, and the tests indicate that the addition of slag increase the fluidity, reduce the water demand, shrinkage and expansion, compared to the mortar, containing ten percent (10%) of Silica Fume only. The images of pastes obtained by SEM (scanning electron microscopy), are indicated an improvement of the microstructure of the paste with a large amount of slag, which leads to improve durability.
文摘The paper is based on author's observations during long geological field investigations in the Nepal Himalayas and various other international researches pertaining to natural hazards, global warming and climate change. High mountains all over the world including Nepal Himalaya are threatened by global warming. In addition, Nepal lies at heart of Himalayan orogenic belt and is prone to both geological and hydro-meteorological hazard. Tremendous geographic diversity from high mountains to fiat plains presents specific hazards like earthquakes, avalanche, glacial lake outburst flood, debris flow, floods, landslides, thunderstorm, fire, cold and hot waves, etc. These natural hazards combined with anthropogenic hazards aggravate and degrade the fragile eco-systems, put human lives at risk, and cause immense economic losses. In last 25 years, it has attributed to an average annual loss of about 850 lives, damage of infrastructures and properties equivalent to about 6% of the annual development expenditure. GHGs (Green House Gases) are the chief sources of global warming and climate change. In Nepal, these are marked by an average of 0.06℃ per year rise in temperature, fast snow melting, retreating glaciers, vertical shift in snowline, decrease in amount of snowfall, appearance of new glacial lakes and increase in their size and volume. There is a need of strong commitment of international community to work together to reduce GHGs, CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon), and international and regional cooperation to face the present challenges of global warming and climate change. Government of Nepal already prepared the National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management for building a resilient nation emphasizing on assessment, identification, and monitoring of disaster risk and enhancing early warning system.
文摘With the series of annual and seasonal temperature during 1957 – 2001 in Dongguan, Guangdong, the statistical characteristic and power spectrum and secular trend and sudden change phenomena are computed in this paper. From the results it is known that (1) the temperatures have obvious characteristics of monsoon climate but do not have normal distribution, showing biased distribution of high or low kurtosis; (2) over the recent half- century, the temperatures tend to rise, specially in the last 10 years, in which mean temperature have quickly ascended by about 1.5°C, and except for the spring, there were sudden change of seasonal temperature rising from the 1980’s to 1990’s, which really reflected the influence of developing and opening and urbanization on Dongguan temperature; (3) except for the spring, the temperature of other seasons show some oscillatory periods in Dongguan and some of them also include long-term variation trends.
文摘The purpose of this paper is to apply "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to assess the impacts of climate change and deforestation on stream discharge and sediment yield from Phu Luong watershed in Northern Viet Nam. Among the three climate change scenarios B 1, B2, and A2, representing low, medium, and high levels of greenhouse gas emission, respectively were set up for Viet Nam, the B2 scenario was selected for this study. Two land use scenarios (S1-2030 and $2-2050) were formulated combination with climate change in WSAT simulation. In B2 climate change scenario, mean temperature increases 0.7℃(2030) and 1.3 ℃ (2050); annual rainfall increases 2.1% (2030) and 3.80% (2050) respect to baseline scenario. The results show that the stream discharge is likely to increase in the future during the wet season with increasing threats of sedimentation.
文摘This paper presents methods and strategy promoted by an operator of tire rubber manufacturer in order to reduce CO2 emissions. This paper presents calculation methods of GHG emissions and data on production activities, as well as fuel consumption, energy, etc. This example shows that environmental investments are effective primarily in the environmental aspect, but they can become profitable (the carbon trading market of GHG allowances and by providing alternative energy in national energy system, resulting in "green certificates").
基金Under the auspices of National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2012CB955800,2012CB955804)National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41171438)+2 种基金Foundation of Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (No.EBLU2010-01NSY-Suneetha)Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. XDA05050000)Science Foundation of Government of Henan Province & Ministry of Education (No. SBGJ090110,2010YBZR043)
文摘During the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15), Parties agreed that reducing emissions from deforesta- tion and forest degradation and enhancing 'removals of greenhouse gas emission by forests' (REDD+) in developing countries through positive incentives under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was capable of dealing with global emissions. As REDD+ seeks to lower emissions by stopping deforestation and for- est degradation with an international payment tier according to baseline scenarios, opportunities for ecosystem benefits such as slowing habitat fragmentation, conservation of forest biodiversity, soil conservation may be also part of this effort. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate ecosystem-based benefits of REDD+, and to identify the rela- tionships with carbon stock changes. To achieve this goal, high resolution satellite images are combined with Normal- ized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to identify historical deforestation in study area of Central Kalimantan, In- donesia. The carbon emissions for the period of 2000-2005 and 2005-2009 are 2.73 ×10^5 t CO2 and 1.47× 10^6 t CO2 respectively, showing an increasing trend in recent years. Dring 2005-2009, number of patches (NP), patch density (PD), mean shape index distribution (SHAPE_MN) increased 30.8%, 30.7% and 7.6%. Meanwhile, largest patch index (LPI), mean area (AREA MN), area-weighted mean of shape index distribution (SHAPE_AM), neighbor distance (ENN_MN) and interspersion and juxtaposition index (IJI) decreased by 55.3%, 29.7%, 15.8%, 53.4% and 21.5% re- spectively. The area regarding as positive correlation between carbon emissions and soil erosion was approximately 8.9 x l03 ha corresponding to 96.0% of the changing forest. These results support the view that there are strong syner- gies among carbon loss, forest fragmentation and soil erosion in tropical forests. Such mechanism of REDD+ is likely to present opportunities for multiple benefits that fall outside the scope of carbon stocks.
文摘Several food companies are implementing effective strategies to evaluate the environmental impacts of their products or processes and to estimate the greenhouse gases emissions (GHG) using a life cycle approach. Particularly, a sector which can play an important role to reduce the impact on the environment through the life cycle thinking is the beverage packaging. In this context, the aim of this study was to use the life cycle assessment (LCA) method to investigate the consistency of the preference order across two alternative beverage packages through the application of two impact assessment methods, namely the IPCC 2007 which is focused on the GHG emissions estimation and the EcoIndicator 99 which considers several environmental categories including impact on climate change. The results showed that the life cycle approach employment was a useful strategy to investigate the consistency of the preference order across two beverage packages, especially, whether the results are made more reliable by the utilization of primary data. The investigation on climate change conducted on two level, initially, the quantification of the GHG emissions and secondly the estimation of the related diseases and mortality, demonstrated that the laminated carton presents lower impacts than the high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottle.