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陕西地区栓皮栎种群统计特征的区域变异性研究 被引量:9
作者 韩照祥 张文辉 +1 位作者 山仑 卢志军 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 2004年第3期148-153,共6页
种群统计是种群生态学研究的核心 ,主要研究种群在时间和空间上的数量变化规律。本文通过样方法对陕西不同地区栓皮栎的年龄结构、大小结构、密度结构和组成构件四个方面探讨栓皮栎种群的区域变异性规律。结果表明 ,从分布中心到分布边... 种群统计是种群生态学研究的核心 ,主要研究种群在时间和空间上的数量变化规律。本文通过样方法对陕西不同地区栓皮栎的年龄结构、大小结构、密度结构和组成构件四个方面探讨栓皮栎种群的区域变异性规律。结果表明 ,从分布中心到分布边缘 ,沿生境梯度栓皮栎种群年龄结构呈现出不均匀分布 ,绝大部分样地幼苗和幼树的个体数量偏少 ,但栓皮栎种群能顺利通过瓶颈。不同样地不同年龄的栓皮栎种群的大小结构分布不一 ,种群中胸径小的个体与胸径大的个体数量比较少 ,中等大小的个体数量较多 ,种群表现出增长的趋势。不同样地的密度随径级的变化特点是低径级的密度高 ,高密度的径级小 ,密度在不同样地平均径级上的分布呈现出明显的负相关。不同样地的栓皮栎叶面积指数的变化 ,反映出栓皮栎种群的生长活力。 展开更多
关键词 栓皮栎 年龄结构 径级结构 区域变异 种群统计 种群生态学 落叶乔木
高脂血症患者脂蛋白脂酶基因外显子4区域变异的研究 被引量:2
作者 赵迎社 冯建生 +3 位作者 蒋建伟 吴美玉 杨中汉 周天鸿 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期519-522,共4页
为了探讨广东地区高脂血症患者脂蛋白脂酸(lipoprotein lipase,LPL)基因的分子变异,从258例高脂血症患者外周血白细胞中提取基因组DNA,用PCR-SSCP方法分析外显子4及其附近区域,对SSCP带型异常样品进行克隆和序列测定。在2名高脂血症患... 为了探讨广东地区高脂血症患者脂蛋白脂酸(lipoprotein lipase,LPL)基因的分子变异,从258例高脂血症患者外周血白细胞中提取基因组DNA,用PCR-SSCP方法分析外显子4及其附近区域,对SSCP带型异常样品进行克隆和序列测定。在2名高脂血症患者LPL基因内含子3的3’端-6bP处发现C→T转换突变,252例正常对照中未发现该突变。IVS-3的C→T突变可能与高脂血症有关。 展开更多
关键词 高脂血症 脂蛋白脂酶基因 外显子4区域变异 多聚酶链反应 单链构象多态性
东海黑潮区域性变异的分析 被引量:10
作者 汤毓祥 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第4期22-29,共8页
基于中日黑潮合作调查研究期间所获历史和现场观测资料,本文较详细地分析了东海黑潮区域性变异。结果表明:(1)与PN断面及其邻近海域的黑潮中段相比,台湾东北海域的黑潮南段,流轴有较大弯曲,并有明显的季节变化。但该海域黑潮... 基于中日黑潮合作调查研究期间所获历史和现场观测资料,本文较详细地分析了东海黑潮区域性变异。结果表明:(1)与PN断面及其邻近海域的黑潮中段相比,台湾东北海域的黑潮南段,流轴有较大弯曲,并有明显的季节变化。但该海域黑潮的流速和流幅,以及它们的季节间变幅却比黑潮中段和北段小。(2)东海黑潮南段不仅流轴变化复杂,而且其左侧常有气旋性冷涡出现。而黑潮中、北段接壤区,既是黑潮向东流的转折处,又是黑潮锋面涡旋频繁发生的区域。可认为该两处海域是黑潮影响东海及其邻近海域的关键区段。(3)初步分析指出,地形是导致黑潮区域性变异的主要因素。此外,季风和密度场的变化也起着重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 东海 黑潮 区域变异
利用中芯一号SNP芯片检测隆林猪全基因组拷贝数变异 被引量:4
作者 路玉洁 莫家远 +8 位作者 朱思燃 杨丽丽 陈奎蓉 吕冬玲 李月月 刘笑笑 梁靓 兰干球 梁晶 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第1期23-31,共9页
【目的】检测隆林猪的全基因组拷贝数变异。【方法】采集33头隆林猪的耳组织样本,通过酚-氯仿法提取DNA后,使用猪中芯一号50K SNP芯片进行基因分型,得到的原始数据通过Genomestudio软件和Linux系统进行处理,使用CNVPartition和PennCNV... 【目的】检测隆林猪的全基因组拷贝数变异。【方法】采集33头隆林猪的耳组织样本,通过酚-氯仿法提取DNA后,使用猪中芯一号50K SNP芯片进行基因分型,得到的原始数据通过Genomestudio软件和Linux系统进行处理,使用CNVPartition和PennCNV软件分别检测拷贝数变异(copy number variation,CNV),并利用Bedtools软件将CNV合并为拷贝数变异区域(copy number variation region,CNVR),使用Biomart对CNVR进行基因定位,利用David网站对定位到的基因进行GO和KEGG富集分析,使用猪QTL数据库对共同CNVR进行QTL注释。【结果】CNVPartition软件共检测到260个CNVs,合并为47个CNVRs,其中缺失型40个、获得型5个、混合型2个,共定位到84个基因,显著富集到13条信号通路;PennCNV软件共检测到96个CNVs,合并为15个CNVRs,其中缺失型9个、获得型1个、混合型5个,共定位到8个基因,显著富集到8条信号通路;2个软件检测结果定位到的基因主要富集在嗅觉相关通路和G-蛋白偶联相关通路中,其中INPP5B、NEURL1和GAPDHS基因显著富集到精子活力通路;2个软件获得了3个共同CNVRs,其中缺失型、获得型和混合型均为1个,共定位到8个基因,显著富集到涉及嗅觉感官知觉的化学刺激检测通路、嗅觉受体活性通路、嗅觉转导通路、G-蛋白偶联受体活性通路、G-蛋白偶联受体信号通路、膜整体组件通路和质膜通路共7条信号通路;共有130个QTLs与3个共同CNVRs重叠,其中与背膘厚、肉质和乳头数相关的QTLs分别有11、9和6个。【结论】隆林猪CNV可能与嗅觉功能、繁殖性能、背膘厚、肉质和乳头数性状相关。 展开更多
关键词 隆林猪 猪中芯一号50K SNP芯片 拷贝数变异 拷贝数变异区域
蒸发互补关系的区域变异性 被引量:11
作者 杨汉波 杨大文 +2 位作者 雷志栋 孙福宝 丛振涛 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期1413-1416,共4页
为了研究蒸发互补关系的区域变异性,该文引入了水汽压-温度(p-t)状态空间。在蒸发互补关系中,湿润环境蒸散发量通常采用Priestley-Taylor(P-T)公式进行计算。研究表明:大气环流和洋流将热量和水汽由低纬度向高纬度输送,导致P-T公式中的... 为了研究蒸发互补关系的区域变异性,该文引入了水汽压-温度(p-t)状态空间。在蒸发互补关系中,湿润环境蒸散发量通常采用Priestley-Taylor(P-T)公式进行计算。研究表明:大气环流和洋流将热量和水汽由低纬度向高纬度输送,导致P-T公式中的参数α随纬度增高而增大;海陆之间的大气运动将水汽由海洋输送到陆地,导致α随着离海洋距离的增加而减小。这与中国108个流域的水文气象数据所揭示的规律是一致的。 展开更多
关键词 蒸发互补 区域变异 湿润环境蒸散发 Priestley—Taylor公式 状态空间
我国诱导需求的数量估计 被引量:22
作者 毛正中 蒋家林 《中国卫生经济》 2006年第1期65-67,共3页
目的:证实在我国的医疗服务领域中存在诱导需求,并估计诱导需求的程度;方法:利用2003年全国卫生服务调查的资料,以所谓“小区域变异”的方法,采用对数-线性回归模型,在控制了各个协变量后,考察供给数量对需求的影响,以推断诱导需求的存... 目的:证实在我国的医疗服务领域中存在诱导需求,并估计诱导需求的程度;方法:利用2003年全国卫生服务调查的资料,以所谓“小区域变异”的方法,采用对数-线性回归模型,在控制了各个协变量后,考察供给数量对需求的影响,以推断诱导需求的存在及其程度;结论:确实存在诱导需求,若医师多10.0%,则门诊消费多3.6%,若床位多10.0%,则住院消费多6.1%。 展开更多
关键词 医疗服务 诱导需求 “小区域变异”法
局部快速微调遗传算法 被引量:37
作者 刘习春 喻寿益 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期100-105,共6页
给出了一种进行局部快速微调的遗传算法———在变异中,将适应值高的个体和适应值低的个体分别进行诱导和随机动态区域变异;在交叉操作中,划分为搜索阶段和微调阶段,分别采用随机线性交叉和部分确定性诱导交叉.应用该算法对全局最优解... 给出了一种进行局部快速微调的遗传算法———在变异中,将适应值高的个体和适应值低的个体分别进行诱导和随机动态区域变异;在交叉操作中,划分为搜索阶段和微调阶段,分别采用随机线性交叉和部分确定性诱导交叉.应用该算法对全局最优解邻域进行搜索,能在较短的时间内找到高精度的数值解.对10个典型测试函数优化问题的实验表明,该方法具有快速、稳定和易于实现的优点.如果合理调整控制参数,其全局搜索的收敛速度和解的质量明显优于传统GA. 展开更多
关键词 遗传算法 局部微调 诱导和随机动态区域变异 随机线性组合交叉 部分确定性诱导交叉
作者 脑民塔拉 纳日嘎 +3 位作者 王希生 满都胡 芒来 董俊斌 《家畜生态学报》 北大核心 2018年第4期82-86,共5页
狂蝇科昆虫种类多、分布广,在畜牧业上具有重要的经济意义。近年来,线粒体基因组已成为双翅目昆虫分析系统发育研究中很重要的遗传标记,并普遍应用于双翅目昆虫各个阶段的研究中。文章就狂蝇科线粒体COⅠ基因的结构、排列、碱基组成及... 狂蝇科昆虫种类多、分布广,在畜牧业上具有重要的经济意义。近年来,线粒体基因组已成为双翅目昆虫分析系统发育研究中很重要的遗传标记,并普遍应用于双翅目昆虫各个阶段的研究中。文章就狂蝇科线粒体COⅠ基因的结构、排列、碱基组成及进化速率等进行介绍,探讨其在分子系统学研究中的应用,为狂蝇科昆虫分子信息学研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 狂蝇科 COⅠ基因 线粒体基因 系统发育研究 变异区域
基于B细胞算法的克隆选择算法的收敛性分析 被引量:2
作者 方贤进 慕学海 +1 位作者 刘凌冰 王兴旺 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期772-775,共4页
克隆选择算法(CSA)已经广泛应用于计算智能领域,而针对其理论方面的分析和研究工作相对较少。为了丰富克隆选择算法的理论基础,将含有多个体种群的克隆选择算法抽象为含单个体的B细胞算法(BCA),简化了克隆选择算法的数学模型。给出了在... 克隆选择算法(CSA)已经广泛应用于计算智能领域,而针对其理论方面的分析和研究工作相对较少。为了丰富克隆选择算法的理论基础,将含有多个体种群的克隆选择算法抽象为含单个体的B细胞算法(BCA),简化了克隆选择算法的数学模型。给出了在BCA中使用的一种变异算子——连续区域超体变异算子(CRHO)和BCA的Markov链模型,提出了一个新的构造算法的状态跃迁矩阵的方法,证明了BCA的绝对收敛性。由于BCA是一般克隆选择算法的一种抽象,因此可以推断克隆选择算法的收敛性。 展开更多
关键词 克隆选择算法 B细胞算法 连续区域超体变异算子 MARKOV链模型 收敛性
作者 曹勇 张亚红 《西安建筑科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第2期116-119,共4页
关键词 相对性 英语变体 区域变异 语言变化 交际能力
Multi-dimensional Analysis on Regional Land Use——Taking Bijie City as an Example
作者 陈笑筑 张定义 文兴耀 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期1002-1007,共6页
Based on the theory of information entropy, time series and spatial variation of land use changes of Bijie City in 2009-2013 were analyzed from different dimensions such as land use degree and land use diversity. The ... Based on the theory of information entropy, time series and spatial variation of land use changes of Bijie City in 2009-2013 were analyzed from different dimensions such as land use degree and land use diversity. The result showed that in 2009-2013, the forest vegetation was well protected, and the construction land was under reasonable expansion under the influence of economic development, the land use degree of which developed gradually to width and depth, and the trend of information entropy showed a graduate increase, indicating that land use scale became more reasonable and the area of different land type became more balanced in Bijie in the period. The study results showed that land resources in Bijie City were used rationally under the strategy from central government local government,and Bijie was in the benign development of economic development—resource distribution—scale change. Moreover, Bijie chould further improve land use pattern such as redevelop stock construction land, optimize the industrial land use pattern and mountain agricultural land development in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Land use Diversity index Information entropy Regional differences Dynamic changes
作者 张在沛 《实用医学进修杂志》 2000年第2期74-75,共2页
关键词 中鼻道区域解剖变异 慢性副鼻窦炎 CT
ABO血型基因启动子区域碱基变异导致B抗原表达减弱的分析 被引量:2
作者 冯丽 何婷 +2 位作者 韩军 任晓艳 李萌 《中华医学遗传学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2022年第6期637-640,共4页
目的探讨4例ABO血型抗原表达减弱样本的分子生物学机制。方法采用微柱凝集法及盐水试管法进行ABO血型血清学检测,对ABO基因第1~7外显子及其上游启动子区域PCR产物直接测序进行ABO血型基因分型。结果4例样本(3例为患儿,1例为患儿的母亲)... 目的探讨4例ABO血型抗原表达减弱样本的分子生物学机制。方法采用微柱凝集法及盐水试管法进行ABO血型血清学检测,对ABO基因第1~7外显子及其上游启动子区域PCR产物直接测序进行ABO血型基因分型。结果4例样本(3例为患儿,1例为患儿的母亲)的红细胞与B抗体反应均出现混合视野(mf)现象,3例患儿表型为ABweak、例2母亲为Bweak。基因测序显示3例样本在ABO基因启动子区域发生-35至-18位的碱基缺失,通过家系分析,提示该变异发生在B等位基因;1例样本ABO基因在启动子区域发生-119位C>T新变异。结论启动子区域序列发生变异可导致ABO血型抗原的表达减弱。 展开更多
关键词 ABO血型 抗原减弱 基因测序 启动子区域碱基变异
作者 YANMin-hua DENGWei +1 位作者 CHENPan-qin LIANGLi-qiao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第4期320-325,共6页
The characteristics of zonal anomaly and change rule of temporal distribution of annual precipitation in the northeastern China are revealed in this paper with EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) and REOF (Rotated Emp... The characteristics of zonal anomaly and change rule of temporal distribution of annual precipitation in the northeastern China are revealed in this paper with EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) and REOF (Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function) methods and results are drawn in the standard relief maps with GIS technology for practical application. Data used in the study were obtained from 208 meteorological stations over the northeastern China from 1961 to 2001. EOF results show that the first 3 loading vectors could give entire spatial anomaly structure of annual precipitation. In the Northeast Plain including the Songneng Plain and the Liaohe Plain, there is a regional compatibility (whether wet or dry) of annual precipitation change and this precipitation pattern has occurred since the late 1980s to the present. There also exist annual precipitation patterns of wet (or dry) in south and dry (or wet) in north and wet (or dry) in east and dry (or wet) in west. REOF results display 8 principal precipitation anomaly areas by the first 8 rotated loading vectors: the west plain, the Liaodong hills, the Sanjiang Plain, the Liaoxi hills, the Changbai Mountains, the Hulun Buir Plateau, the southwest plateau and the Liaodong Peninsula. 展开更多
关键词 annual precipitation northeastern China zonal anomaly precipitation characteristics
Vector transformation and reduction to the pole for regional magnetic data with variable field direction 被引量:3
作者 Luo Yao Wu Mei-Ping 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第1期107-116,145,146,共12页
The vector transformation and pole reduction from the total-field anomaly are signifi cant for the interpretation.We examined these industry-standard processing procedures in the Fourier domain.We propose a novel iter... The vector transformation and pole reduction from the total-field anomaly are signifi cant for the interpretation.We examined these industry-standard processing procedures in the Fourier domain.We propose a novel iteration algorithm for regional magnetic anomalies transformations to derive the vertical-component data from the total-field measurements with the variation in the core-fi eld direction over the region.Additionally,we use the same algorithm to convert the calculated vertical-component data into the corresponding data at the pole and realize the processing of diff erential reduction to the pole(DRTP).Unlike Arkani-Hamed’s DRTP method,the two types of iterative algorithms have the same forms,and DRTP is realized by implementing this algorithm twice.The synthetic model’s calculation results show that the method has high accuracy,and the fi eld data processing confi rms its practicality. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic anomaly diff erential reduction to the pole three-component magnetic data large-area magnetic survey
作者 WANG Wu-yi ZHANG Li +3 位作者 LI Hai-rong LI Ri-bang YANG Lin-sheng LIAO Yong-feng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第3期200-205,共6页
This study focuses on the development stages of ageing and its regional differences in China based on examination of official statistics and documents. The development of ageing in China has experienced three major st... This study focuses on the development stages of ageing and its regional differences in China based on examination of official statistics and documents. The development of ageing in China has experienced three major stages. Firstly, in the 1950s, low coefficient of elderly population (over 65 years) paced up to primary adult type. Secondly, there was a deeply drop of the elderly population because of natural disaster and political factors in the 1960s. Thirdly, from the 1970s to the end of 20th century, the constant increasing of elderly coefficient made China close to elderly society. With statistic data of population, Logistic model is used to simulate the future development of ageing, and two characteristics of development of ageing are presented. Firstly, as for ageing from 2005 to 2050, the elderly coefficient will grow up significantly from 8.48% to 16.30%. Secondly, after 2025, the increasing rate of elderly coefficient will slow down gradually. The regional differences of elderly population in China can be summarized as follows: 1) the eastern China possesses higher elderly coefficient and huger elder population than the western China; 2) about 47.4% of municipalities and provinces in the eastern China become elderly especially Shanghai, Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province, Beijing, Tianjin and Shandong Province; 3) ageing intensity is higher in rural area than urban area but getting close each other, and there are more elderly people in rural area than in urban area. Therefore, these will arose aged care problems, and it becomes important issue to establish the social security system in rural areas as soon as possible for elderly people. 展开更多
关键词 ageing ageing in rural area China
Shadow detection combining characters of human vision
作者 李建锋 邹北骥 +1 位作者 李玲芝 高焕芝 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期659-667,共9页
A shadow detection method using pulse couple neural network inspired by the characters of human visual system is proposed.More precisely,lateral inhibition of human vision and coefficient of variation are combined tog... A shadow detection method using pulse couple neural network inspired by the characters of human visual system is proposed.More precisely,lateral inhibition of human vision and coefficient of variation are combined together to improve the pulse couple neural network.Shadow detection is considered to be a shadow region segmentation problem.Experiment shows that the presented method is consistent with human vision compared to shadow detection methods based on HSV and pulse couple neural network(PCNN) by both subjective and objective assessments. 展开更多
关键词 pulse couple neural network lateral inhibition shadow detection coefficient of variation weight matrix human vision system
Dynamic Changes,Regional Differences,and Influencing Factorsof CO_2 Emission Performance in China 被引量:2
作者 Wang Qunwei Zhou Peng Zhou Dequn 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第3期47-57,共11页
This paper proposes to use DEA models with undesirable outputs to construct the Malmquist index that can be use to investigate the dynamic changes of CO 2 emission performance.With the index,the authors have measured ... This paper proposes to use DEA models with undesirable outputs to construct the Malmquist index that can be use to investigate the dynamic changes of CO 2 emission performance.With the index,the authors have measured the CO 2 emission performance of 28 provinces and autonomous regions in China from 1996 to 2007;with the convergence theory and panel data regression model,the authors analyze the regional differences and the influencing factors.It is found that the performance of CO 2 emissions in China has been continuously improved mainly due to the technological progress,and the average improvement rate is 3.25%,with a cumulative improvement rate of 40.86%.In addition,the CO 2 emission performance varies across four regions.As a whole,the performance score of eastern China is the highest.The northeastern and central China has relatively lower performance scores,and the western China is relatively backward.The regional differences are decreasing,and the performance of CO 2 emissions is convergent.The influence of some factors on the performance of CO 2 emissions is significant,such as the level of economic development,the level of industrial structure,energy intensity,and ownership structure.The influence of some factors,such as opening-up to the outside world,on the performance of CO 2 emissions is not significant.. 展开更多
关键词 carbon dioxide undesirable output Malmquist index CONVERGENCE panel date model
Analysis of Abnormal Characteristics of Regional Crustal Deformation before the Menyuan MS6.4 Earthquake by GPS Continuous Data 被引量:2
作者 Ma Haiping Feng Jiangang +1 位作者 Guo Peng Shi Xuelu 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2017年第2期234-238,共5页
In order to study the characteristics of crustal deformation around the epicenter before the 2016 M_S6. 4 Menyuan earthquake,the GPS continuous stations of the period from 2010 to 2016 were selected according to the o... In order to study the characteristics of crustal deformation around the epicenter before the 2016 M_S6. 4 Menyuan earthquake,the GPS continuous stations of the period from 2010 to 2016 were selected according to the observation data of the tectonic environment monitoring network in Chinese Mainland. The deformation characteristics of the crust before the earthquake were discussed through inter-station baseline time series analysis and the strain time series analysis in the epicentral region. The results show that a trend turn of the baseline movement state around the epicenter region occurred after 2014,and the movement after 2014 reflects an obvious decreasing trend of compressional deformation.During this period,the stress field energy was in a certain accumulation state. Since the beginning of 2014,the EW-component linear strain and surface strain rate weakened gradually before the earthquake. It shows that there was an obvious deformation deficit at the epicentral area in the past two years,which indicates that the region accumulated a high degree of strain energy before the earthquake. Therefore,there was a significant background change in the area before the earthquake. The results of the study can provide basic research data for understanding the seismogenic process and mechanism of this earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 Menyuan Ms6. 4 earthquake GPS reference station Baseline time series Strain time series
鸡1号染色体114701476-115068911区域与生长性状的关联分析 被引量:1
作者 李健 林希冉 +3 位作者 陈佳虹 张奕 陈家欢 张细权 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期1368-1370,共3页
拷贝数变异(CNVs)作为遗传变异的重要来源,在表型变异和进化过程中起着重要的作用。本试验以华南农业大学杏花×隐性白洛克全同胞资源家系为材料,利用SNP Beadchip芯片的基因分型结果分析1号染色体114701476-115068911区域对鸡生长... 拷贝数变异(CNVs)作为遗传变异的重要来源,在表型变异和进化过程中起着重要的作用。本试验以华南农业大学杏花×隐性白洛克全同胞资源家系为材料,利用SNP Beadchip芯片的基因分型结果分析1号染色体114701476-115068911区域对鸡生长性状的影响。结果显示,此区域内部GGaluGA038110与GGaluGA038117这2位点处于强烈的连锁不平衡,GGaluGA038239与单胺氧化酶A基因内部GGaluGA038203也存在连锁不平衡关系,且GGaluGA038239、GGaluGA038110与GGaluGA038117这3个SNP位点与鸡生长性状显著相关,表明1号染色体114701476-115068911区域在鸡的生长过程中起着重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 拷贝数变异区域 SNPS 生长性状
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