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作者 杨宝忠 《励耘语言学刊》 2011年第2期1-16,共16页
汉语书面语言中,同一个词(或语素)用两个或两个以上的字形记录,这种现象称作"异形词"(或称"同词异形")。异形词有由通假字、异体字、古今字等用字不同造成的,也有因字形讹变造成的,由字形讹变造成的异形词,称作"讹变异形词"... 汉语书面语言中,同一个词(或语素)用两个或两个以上的字形记录,这种现象称作"异形词"(或称"同词异形")。异形词有由通假字、异体字、古今字等用字不同造成的,也有因字形讹变造成的,由字形讹变造成的异形词,称作"讹变异形词"。字典辞书在处理讹变异形词时存在大量的问题,这些问题造成了多方面的负面影响。 展开更多
关键词 讹变 变异形
小佛肚竹秆形变异规律的研究 被引量:2
作者 余学军 陈荣 +1 位作者 吴令上 汤定钦 《竹子研究汇刊》 北大核心 2009年第4期18-22,共5页
小佛肚竹以特形秆作为观赏性状的重要观赏竹之一,但在自然选择条件下,数量少且变异不稳定。通过正交实验的设计方法,讨论了小佛肚竹在不同的密度、光照、外源激素的条件下,其秆型的变异规律。结果表明,通过人工调控可以改变秆型变异率,... 小佛肚竹以特形秆作为观赏性状的重要观赏竹之一,但在自然选择条件下,数量少且变异不稳定。通过正交实验的设计方法,讨论了小佛肚竹在不同的密度、光照、外源激素的条件下,其秆型的变异规律。结果表明,通过人工调控可以改变秆型变异率,在30%遮阴条件下,小佛肚竹的秆形变异比例最高,达80.0%;密度模式为45 cm×45 cm时,小佛肚竹的秆形变异比例最高,达93.3%;外源激素GA3处理,小佛肚竹的秆形变异比例最高,达77.8%。 展开更多
关键词 小佛肚竹 变异 外源激素
螺旋藻直线形变异藻株的生理特性研究 被引量:1
作者 赵洪新 陈盈 +2 位作者 华秀英 张瑾 孙军德 《水产科学》 CAS 北大核心 2004年第11期9-12,共4页
对钝顶螺旋藻进行研究和应用过程中分离筛选,获得一直线形变异藻株(Sp-L)。长期观察培养发现,分纯得到的直线形藻株能保持稳定遗传。对其形态、生长曲线、产量、上浮性、蛋白质含量以及常见金属元素(Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、Ca、Mg)含量进行测... 对钝顶螺旋藻进行研究和应用过程中分离筛选,获得一直线形变异藻株(Sp-L)。长期观察培养发现,分纯得到的直线形藻株能保持稳定遗传。对其形态、生长曲线、产量、上浮性、蛋白质含量以及常见金属元素(Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、Ca、Mg)含量进行测定,结果表明直线形变异藻株具有藻丝体长、蛋白质和常见金属元素含量与正常螺旋藻接近及易于采收等特点,为研究直线形螺旋藻提供了基础性的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 螺旋藻 直线变异藻株 生理特性 应用过程
小佛肚竹竹丛结构对新竹秆形变异的影响 被引量:1
作者 陈双林 杨清平 郭子武 《浙江林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期123-126,共4页
竹丛结构状况直接影响着竹子的生长环境。通过丛初植立竹数、立竹空间分布和丛立竹数等对小佛肚竹Bambusa ventricosa秆形变异的影响进行研究。结果表明:新竹畸形秆率随丛初植立竹数和栽植后年份的增加而降低,丛初植立竹数以2~3株为... 竹丛结构状况直接影响着竹子的生长环境。通过丛初植立竹数、立竹空间分布和丛立竹数等对小佛肚竹Bambusa ventricosa秆形变异的影响进行研究。结果表明:新竹畸形秆率随丛初植立竹数和栽植后年份的增加而降低,丛初植立竹数以2~3株为宜;出笋后的丛立竹数与竹丛外围、内围新竹数分别呈正相关和负相关,与新竹畸形率呈负相关;竹丛畸形秆新竹数随丛立竹数(出笋前)增加呈先升后降的趋势,丛立竹数与新竹畸形率呈负相关,人工栽培的丛立竹数应控制于4~6株。 展开更多
关键词 森林培育学 小佛肚竹 丛初植立竹数 丛立竹数 变异
双侧原发性乳腺梭形细胞变异型弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤 被引量:1
作者 鲁昌立 王军臣 +2 位作者 符雪莲 卢婉平 石凤娟 《临床与实验病理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2003年第6期668-669,共2页
关键词 双侧原发性乳腺梭细胞变异型弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤 乳腺肿瘤 细胞 免疫表型 病理诊断
作者 厉明山 王斌 《建筑施工》 2012年第8期788-789,共2页
金华市体育中心体育馆整个屋面系统支撑在环梁上,其荷载是通过梁环下的V形柱传递给下部结构的,故其V形柱上部与下部的截面形状大小不一,给V形柱混凝土结构的施工带来了难度。针对施工难点,介绍了曲线形环梁下渐变异截面V形柱混凝土结构... 金华市体育中心体育馆整个屋面系统支撑在环梁上,其荷载是通过梁环下的V形柱传递给下部结构的,故其V形柱上部与下部的截面形状大小不一,给V形柱混凝土结构的施工带来了难度。针对施工难点,介绍了曲线形环梁下渐变异截面V形柱混凝土结构的施工技术。该施工技术具有施工速度快、质量缺陷少、施工安全、定位准确等特点,值得类似工程借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 变异截面V 混凝土结构 施工技术
抗羟脯氨酸水稻变异系的筛选及其特性的研究 被引量:12
作者 郭岩 张耕耘 +2 位作者 陈少麟 刘燕 陈受宜 《实验生物学报》 CSCD 1993年第2期101-107,共7页
利用Hyp反复筛选经EMS处理的水稻愈伤组织,得到4个抗性细胞系。它们的游离脯氨酸含量高于对照2—25倍。Hyp(2 mmol/L)和NaCl(1%)胁迫对M_1、M_2变异系γ-谷氨酰磷酸合成活力及游离脯氨酸积累的影响呈一定的正相关性。变异系在0.8%,15Na... 利用Hyp反复筛选经EMS处理的水稻愈伤组织,得到4个抗性细胞系。它们的游离脯氨酸含量高于对照2—25倍。Hyp(2 mmol/L)和NaCl(1%)胁迫对M_1、M_2变异系γ-谷氨酰磷酸合成活力及游离脯氨酸积累的影响呈一定的正相关性。变异系在0.8%,15NaCl 培养基中分化出植株。与对照相比,各变异系在愈伤组织、植株水平上均表现较强的耐盐性,且与游离脯氨酸的积累量呈正相关。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 羟脯氨酸 变异形 筛选 育种
作者 李晶晶 朱艳君 +1 位作者 孙琦 刘斌 《诊断病理学杂志》 2020年第1期49-49,53,共2页
患者男性,46岁。左上腭包块1年,渐进性增大、疼痛加剧6个月。专科检查:左侧上腭可见一3 cm×3 cm大小外生性肿物,前界至左侧上颌B4水平,后界至上颌结节处,内界位于腭中线左侧,外界至上颌腭侧牙龈缘外侧0.5 cm,肿物边界不规则、质硬... 患者男性,46岁。左上腭包块1年,渐进性增大、疼痛加剧6个月。专科检查:左侧上腭可见一3 cm×3 cm大小外生性肿物,前界至左侧上颌B4水平,后界至上颌结节处,内界位于腭中线左侧,外界至上颌腭侧牙龈缘外侧0.5 cm,肿物边界不规则、质硬,触痛明显。行腭部恶性肿瘤扩大切除+上颌骨部分切除术。 展开更多
关键词 细胞变异 弥漫性大B细胞性淋巴瘤 病理诊断 鉴别诊断
基于SRAP标记的不同干形云南松遗传基础研究 被引量:6
作者 何承忠 吴治洋 +3 位作者 沈德周 甘沛华 周安佩 纵丹 《西南林业大学学报(自然科学)》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第2期1-10,F0002,共11页
采用SRAP分子标记对6个居群不同干形云南松180份样品进行全基因组扫描,并对不同干形特有差异条带进行克隆及测序比对,预测调控干形变异的候选基因。结果显示:14对引物共扩增出584条带,多态带551条,多态带百分率为94.35%,平均每对引物扩... 采用SRAP分子标记对6个居群不同干形云南松180份样品进行全基因组扫描,并对不同干形特有差异条带进行克隆及测序比对,预测调控干形变异的候选基因。结果显示:14对引物共扩增出584条带,多态带551条,多态带百分率为94.35%,平均每对引物扩增出41.7条带和39.4条多态带。6个居群云南松的有效等位基因数(Ne)为1.4516~1.4872,Nei's基因多样性指数(H)范围为0.2703~0.2904;2种干形云南松的有效等位基因数(Ne)介于1.3655~1.4541之间,Nei's基因多样性指数(H)变幅为0.2181~0.2687。居群间的遗传分化系数(Gst)和基因流(Nm)分别为0.1573和2.6787,干形间的遗传分化系数(Gst)和基因流(Nm)分别为0.0087和56.7002,表明居群间、不同干形云南松间的基因交流频繁,遗传分化较小。对26条不同干形云南松之间的特有差异条带序列分析表明,过氧化氢酶(kat A基因)、核酸内切酶、糖基水解酶和AN1锌指蛋白(SAP6)等可能参与了云南松干形发育的调控。 展开更多
关键词 云南松 变异 遗传 基因 SRAP标记
作者 赵丽明 《广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期2-9,共8页
数千年来 ,汉字在约定俗成和不断规范中形成了自己的体制原则。它在周边民族和国家的使用与传播中 ,由于不同的文化背景 ,发生了种种变异 ,经历了五种形态 :汉字汉文→汉字某 (民族 )文→某族汉字→自创民族文字→新“书同文”和大字符... 数千年来 ,汉字在约定俗成和不断规范中形成了自己的体制原则。它在周边民族和国家的使用与传播中 ,由于不同的文化背景 ,发生了种种变异 ,经历了五种形态 :汉字汉文→汉字某 (民族 )文→某族汉字→自创民族文字→新“书同文”和大字符集建设 ,并因而形成了汉字系文字以及使用汉字系文字的国际区域。汉字的这种变异与地理、历史、儒学、宗教、民族等东方文化背景有关 ,并呈现出层次性、离合性。 展开更多
关键词 汉字体制 汉字传播 汉字变异 功能变异 变异 语义变异 性质变异 变异规律 离合性 文化背景
基于简化基因组测序的不同干形云南松遗传分析 被引量:2
作者 吴治洋 纵丹 +3 位作者 甘沛华 刘子腾 朱梅彩 何承忠 《云南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期285-293,共9页
【目的】研究直干形和扭干形云南松遗传差异,揭示其遗传变异特点。【方法】分别以胚乳和针叶为材料,采用简化基因组测序技术对直干形和扭干形云南松22份样本进行单核苷酸多态型(SNP)位点挖掘及遗传分析。【结果】样本间共获得772240个变... 【目的】研究直干形和扭干形云南松遗传差异,揭示其遗传变异特点。【方法】分别以胚乳和针叶为材料,采用简化基因组测序技术对直干形和扭干形云南松22份样本进行单核苷酸多态型(SNP)位点挖掘及遗传分析。【结果】样本间共获得772240个变异,其中SNP变异762699个,InDel变异9541个。在SNP变异中,颠换(38.28%)类型小于转换(61.72%)类型;而InDel变异中,缺失型变异与插入型变异数量大致相等。遗传差异分析结果显示:直干形云南松胚乳组(ES)、直干形云南松针叶组(NS)、扭干形云南松胚乳组(ET)和扭干形云南松针叶组(NT)中SNP位点的多态性信息含量(PIC)、基因多样性指数(N;)以及Shannon信息指数(Ⅰ)分别在0.1633~0.1837、0.2345~0.2625和0.3043~0.3448之间,云南松分析样本具有较低的遗传差异水平。直干形和扭干形云南松之间具有中度的遗传分化(F;=0.1071,F;=0.1437)和较高水平的基因流(N;=2.0839,N;=1.4893)。位于27条序列上的39个SNP位点能够很好地区分不同干形云南松。SNP注释结果表明:多向耐药性蛋白(PDR3)、乙烯响应转录因子(ERF017和RAP2)及MYB相关蛋白340(MYB340)等可能在云南松直干形和扭干形的发育中发挥着调控作用。【结论】云南松干形扭曲变异主要受遗传因素调控,但环境因素的协同作用增强了该特征的显著性。 展开更多
关键词 云南松 变异 遗传基础 简化基因组测序 双酶切基因分型 单核苷酸多态性
Effects of rolling parameters of snake hot rolling on strain distribution of aluminum alloy 7075 被引量:11
作者 张涛 吴运新 +2 位作者 龚海 郑细昭 蒋绍松 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第7期2150-2156,共7页
The realization way of snake rolling was introduced. Flow velocity, strain and stress distribution of 7075 aluminum alloy plate during snake rolling and symmetrical rolling were analyzed in Deform 3D. Effects of veloc... The realization way of snake rolling was introduced. Flow velocity, strain and stress distribution of 7075 aluminum alloy plate during snake rolling and symmetrical rolling were analyzed in Deform 3D. Effects of velocity ratio, offset distance between two rolls and pass reduction on the distribution of equivalent strain and shear strain were analyzed. The results show that flow velocity and equivalent strain on the lower layer of the plate are larger than those of the upper layer because of the larger velocity of the lower roll and the gap is increased with the increase of velocity ratio and pass reduction. The shear strain of roiling direction in the center point is almost zero during symmetrical rolling, while it is much larger during snake rolling because of the existence of rub zone. The shear strain is increased with the increase of velocity ratio, offset distance and pass reduction. This additional shear strain is beneficial to improve the in_homogeneous strain distribution. 展开更多
关键词 finite simulation 7075 aluminum alloy snake rolling shear strain velocity ratio offset distance pass reduction
Temperature dependence of anisotropic stress-rupture properties of nickel-based single crystal superalloy SRR99 被引量:9
作者 韩国明 杨彦红 +1 位作者 于金江 孙晓峰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第8期1717-1721,共5页
In order to reveal the temperature dependence of anisotropic stress?rupture behavior of SRR99 single crystal superalloys under conditions of temperature ranging from 650 to 1 040 °C and typical stresses,fracture... In order to reveal the temperature dependence of anisotropic stress?rupture behavior of SRR99 single crystal superalloys under conditions of temperature ranging from 650 to 1 040 °C and typical stresses,fracture morphologies and microstructure evolution were investigated by SEM and TEM.From the Larson-Miller curves,it is found that single crystal with [001] orientation has the optimum stress rupture property in comparison with [011] and [111] orientations at lower and intermediate temperature.With increasing temperature to 1 040 °C,stress-rupture properties of single crystals with three principal orientations tend to be equivalent.Based on the fracture surface and microstructural observations,superior stress?rupture behavior of single crystal with [001] orientation was rationalized and the effect of misorientation of single crystal on stress rupture property was also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 single crystal superalloy stress-rupture property ANISOTROPY deformation mechanism
Microstructure of asymmetric twin-roll cast AZ31 magnesium alloy 被引量:4
作者 赵虎 何良菊 李培杰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第11期2372-2377,共6页
The microstructural distribution along thickness of asymmetric twin-roll cast AZ31 magnesium alloy slab was investigated. It was found that the microstructure along the thickness of the slab was significantly inhomoge... The microstructural distribution along thickness of asymmetric twin-roll cast AZ31 magnesium alloy slab was investigated. It was found that the microstructure along the thickness of the slab was significantly inhomogeneous. There were many deformed bands with flow form near the upper surface of twin-roll cast plate. Very few deformed bands could be seen in the central part of the plate where the dendrites were thick. Fine dendritic structures dominated near the lower surface of the twin-roll cast strip. It is concluded that the shear strain caused by linear velocity difference between surfaces of upper and lower rolls results in the deformed bands of the twin-roll cast slab. Aluminum, zinc and manganese segregate to the boundary of dendrites, while silicon distributes inside the α-Mg solid solution. 展开更多
关键词 AZ31 magnesium alloy asymmetric twin-roll casting deformation bands PRECIPITATE
弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤梭形细胞变异二例 被引量:3
作者 王军臣 施达仁 +2 位作者 符雪莲 鲁昌立 卢婉平 《中华病理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期55-56,共2页
关键词 弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤梭细胞变异 诊断 外周血 腹主动脉 淋巴结肿大
小佛肚竹cDNA文库的构建与分析 被引量:2
作者 周明兵 王晓飞 汤定钦 《竹子研究汇刊》 2005年第3期5-8,共4页
以同一丛小佛肚竹新萌生的正常杆笋尖和畸形杆笋尖为材料,分别提取总RNA,经纯化成mRNA后,合成cDNA双链,以Uni-ZAPXRvector为载体,构建了两个cDNA文库。正常杆笋和畸形杆笋cDNA文库的滴度分别为7.4×109pfu·mL-1和8.7×109p... 以同一丛小佛肚竹新萌生的正常杆笋尖和畸形杆笋尖为材料,分别提取总RNA,经纯化成mRNA后,合成cDNA双链,以Uni-ZAPXRvector为载体,构建了两个cDNA文库。正常杆笋和畸形杆笋cDNA文库的滴度分别为7.4×109pfu·mL-1和8.7×109pfu·mL-1,含插入片段的频率均达到是99%以上,插入片段的大小均在500~3000bp。这两个cDNA文库的成功构建为探究小佛肚竹秆形变异的分子机理奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 小佛肚竹 变异 CDNA文库 佛肚竹 构建 VECTOR 总RNA mRNA 分子机理
The New Discoveries of Specific Characteristics of Yulania Spach 被引量:2
作者 赵东欣 赵东武 孙军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第1期54-59,共6页
The research history and new discoveries of the specific characteristics of Yulania Spach were reported, as to the specific characteristics, such as the terminal , axillary and fascicled similar flower buds,sometimes ... The research history and new discoveries of the specific characteristics of Yulania Spach were reported, as to the specific characteristics, such as the terminal , axillary and fascicled similar flower buds,sometimes polycymes; 2-4 flower types of a plant; two spathe-like stipoles of single flower; drape or overlap of tepals, deep split or shallow split on the edge of tepals. The discoveries could provide valuable information for the further studies on the taxonomic system, anthotaxical evolution, phylogenetic relationship and breeding. 展开更多
关键词 Yulania Spach Specific characteristics New discoveries
Shear deformation and plate shape control of hot-rolled aluminium alloy thick plate prepared by asymmetric rolling process 被引量:10
作者 左玉波 付兴 +4 位作者 崔建忠 汤翔宇 毛路 李磊 朱庆丰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第7期2220-2225,共6页
Asymmetric rolling (ASR), as one of severe plastic deformation (SPD) methods to make ultra-fine materials with enhanced performance is mainly used to prepare foil and thin strip. The asymmetrical rolling was achie... Asymmetric rolling (ASR), as one of severe plastic deformation (SPD) methods to make ultra-fine materials with enhanced performance is mainly used to prepare foil and thin strip. The asymmetrical rolling was achieved by adjusting the diameters of the upper roll and the bottom roll and was used to prepare hot-rolled thick plate of 5182 aluminium alloy. The shear deformation and plate shape control were experimentally studied. The experimental results show that asymmetrical rolling has a significant effect on metal deformation stream and can somehow refine microstructure and improve the uniformity of microstructure and properties. The asymmetrical rolling process can also reduce the rolling force. However, bending of rolling plate often happens during asymmetrical rolling process. The factors affecting the bending were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 asymmetric rolling shearing deformation 5182 aluminium alloy plate shape microstructure mechanical properties
作者 潘汝亮 Charles Oxnard 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 2000年第4期308-322,共15页
In order to analyze skull variation in the genus Macaca ,seventy seven craniodental variables were taken from eleven species.They were first defined seven functional units comprising three anatomical regions.Twenty s... In order to analyze skull variation in the genus Macaca ,seventy seven craniodental variables were taken from eleven species.They were first defined seven functional units comprising three anatomical regions.Twenty seven variables were finally selected to carry out the morphology of the whole skull.The data,organized in these ways,were examined to discover variations between and within the various species.The methods used were Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA).PCAs of the functional units anatomical regions,and the whole skull provided similar,though not identical,separations of species clusters in both sexes separately.These differences in structure could be related to size,sexual dimorphism,diet,ecology,classification and phylogeny.The question of size should have been easy to settle.Unfortunately,this is not the case.In this study where the raw data are measurements of the specimens,the main differences should be size.However,the size differences seem to occur in both the first and second (independent) multivariate axes.In some analyses the size differences between the species are biggest and appear in the first axis.In other analyses it is the separation between the sexes (and these too are largely size) that are the biggest and appear in the first axis.Yet in other analyses,both of these size separations,though still orthogonal to one another,present in the combination of the first two axes.This certainly implies that a single axis of body size is not present and that shape differences have not been isolated form size differences.It also implies that sexual dimorphism is a complex matter.As a result,the question of the relationships between the species is therefore also complex.One cluster of species that includes M fascicularis,M sinica and M radiata was significantly isolated from all others regardless of level of analysis.This relationship is quite different from that proposed on the anatomy of the reproductive organs (Delson,1980;Fooden,1976,1980). 展开更多
关键词 PRIMATES MACACA Craniodental variation Morphometric analysis Functional adaptation PHYLOGENY
Grain statistics effect on deformation behavior in asymmetric rolling of pure copper foil by crystal plasticity finite element model 被引量:4
作者 陈守东 刘相华 刘立忠 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期3370-3380,共11页
The grain statistics effect was investigated through asymmetric rolling of pure copper foil by a realistic polycrystalline aggregates model and crystal plasticity element finite model.A polycrystalline aggregate model... The grain statistics effect was investigated through asymmetric rolling of pure copper foil by a realistic polycrystalline aggregates model and crystal plasticity element finite model.A polycrystalline aggregate model was generated and a crystal plasticity-based finite element model was developed for each grain and the specimen as a whole.The crystal plasticity model itself is rate dependent and accounts for local dissipative hardening effects and the original orientation of each grain was generated based on the orientation distribution function(ODF).The deformation behaviors,including inhomogeneous material flow,decrease of contact press and roll force with the increase of grain size for the constant size of specimens,were studied.It is revealed that when the specimens are composed of only a few grains across thickness,the grains with different sizes,shapes and orientations are unevenly distributed in the specimen and each grain plays a significant role in micro-scale plastic deformation and leads to inhomogeneous deformation and the scatter of experimental and simulation results.The slip system activity was examined and the predicted results are consistent with the surface layer model.The slip band is strictly influenced by the misorientation of neighbor grain with consideration of slip system activity.Furthermore,it is found that the decrease of roll force and the most active of slip system in surface grains are caused by the increase of free surface grain effect when the grain size is increased.The results of the physical experiment and simulation provide a basic understanding of micro-scaled plastic deformation behavior in asymmetric foil rolling. 展开更多
关键词 foil rolling grain heterogeneity crystal plasticity finite element deformation behavior
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