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毛白杨压缩变形回复工艺与应用的研究 被引量:1
作者 王茜 薛童 +3 位作者 胡逢海 史旭斌 樊越 闫丽 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期247-251,共5页
采用水煮软化和浸泡-微波软化方法处理毛白杨(Populus tomentosa),然后在120、140、160℃热压温度下横纹压缩,再通过冷水浸泡回复处理使压缩变形回复。分析软化工艺、热压温度对木材回复率的影响。探索基于木材黏弹性的压缩变形全回复... 采用水煮软化和浸泡-微波软化方法处理毛白杨(Populus tomentosa),然后在120、140、160℃热压温度下横纹压缩,再通过冷水浸泡回复处理使压缩变形回复。分析软化工艺、热压温度对木材回复率的影响。探索基于木材黏弹性的压缩变形全回复优化工艺参数并采用该工艺制作工艺品。结果表明,优化工艺参数,将试材浸泡12h后采用80kW微波功率处理30s,再在140℃下进行横纹压缩,经冷水浸泡10h回复率可达到80.26%;工艺品应用实例证明了该工艺方法在生产实际中的可行性。本研究结果为提高低质速生木材的产品附加值提供新途径。 展开更多
关键词 木材 黏弹性 压缩 变形回复
作者 向娥琳 黄荣凤 《木材科学与技术》 北大核心 2023年第3期27-34,共8页
木材表层压缩和加压热处理相结合是一种环保、低成本的物理改性方法,能显著提高低密度木材的硬度和尺寸稳定性。本研究对毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)边材试样进行表层压缩并形成干燥变定的压缩木,再用180℃、0.1~0.7 MPa加压热处理永久... 木材表层压缩和加压热处理相结合是一种环保、低成本的物理改性方法,能显著提高低密度木材的硬度和尺寸稳定性。本研究对毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)边材试样进行表层压缩并形成干燥变定的压缩木,再用180℃、0.1~0.7 MPa加压热处理永久固定压缩变形,分析表层压缩和蒸汽压力对压缩木压缩变形回复、硬度以及细胞壁微力学性能的影响规律。与未压缩材相比,当压缩率为20%时,压缩层的平均密度、表面硬度以及木材硬度分别提高了98%、70%、55%。蒸汽压力对固定压缩变形的效果极显著。当蒸汽压力为0.5 MPa时,吸湿状态下压缩变形完全不回复,吸水变形回复率降低至2.64%;当蒸汽压力增加至0.7 MPa,98%以上的压缩变形得到永久固定。随着蒸汽压力升高,表面硬度和木材硬度均呈先降低后增加的趋势,但差异在统计学上不显著。当蒸汽压力高于0.5 MPa时,纳米压痕测定的细胞壁弹性模量和硬度显著增加。 展开更多
关键词 木材 表层压缩 加压热处理 变形回复 硬度
SMA丝增强SHCC拉伸时的变形和裂纹自回复性能研究 被引量:2
作者 王钢 孙明清 +1 位作者 刘记立 王应军 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第6期1728-1733,1741,共7页
将单根形状记忆合金(SMA)丝埋入应变硬化水泥基复合材料(SHCC)中,采用循环拉伸试验研究SMA丝的预拉伸应变大小(分别为0%、2%、4%和5.5%)对SHCC拉伸应力-应变关系、残余应变回复率、裂纹平均宽度、裂纹回复性等的影响。结果表明,SMA丝的... 将单根形状记忆合金(SMA)丝埋入应变硬化水泥基复合材料(SHCC)中,采用循环拉伸试验研究SMA丝的预拉伸应变大小(分别为0%、2%、4%和5.5%)对SHCC拉伸应力-应变关系、残余应变回复率、裂纹平均宽度、裂纹回复性等的影响。结果表明,SMA丝的埋入提高了SHCC的初裂强度、极限强度和极限应变。SMA丝的预拉伸应变较大时,SMA增强SHCC的延性和强度较高。采用加热方法驱动SMA丝可使SHCC的残余应变减小,含预拉伸SMA丝的SHCC试样的变形回复率达到60%~90%,而含未预拉伸SMA丝的SHCC试样的变形回复率仅为20%~42%。SMA丝预拉伸应变增加时,SMA丝驱动后SHCC中裂纹的平均宽度变小。当驱动预拉伸应变为5.5%的SMA丝时,SMA增强SHCC的裂纹平均宽度约为10μm。 展开更多
关键词 形状记忆 应变硬化 变形回复 裂纹平均宽度 自愈合
作者 吴玉章 吕建雄 李坚 《木材工业》 北大核心 2015年第6期5-8,13,共5页
通过浸渍压缩方法制备杨木强化单板,提高单板的物理力学性能,探讨单板压缩率、树脂含量(以单板增重率WPG表征)等对杨木强化单板性能的影响。结果表明:在试验范围内,杨木强化单板的物理力学性能比普通单板大幅提高;提高单板压缩率与WPG,... 通过浸渍压缩方法制备杨木强化单板,提高单板的物理力学性能,探讨单板压缩率、树脂含量(以单板增重率WPG表征)等对杨木强化单板性能的影响。结果表明:在试验范围内,杨木强化单板的物理力学性能比普通单板大幅提高;提高单板压缩率与WPG,可有效抑制单板变形回弹,并改善其力学性能;杨木强化单板的胶合性能良好,能够满足特殊用途胶合板用材的要求。 展开更多
关键词 木材改性 强化单板 压缩率 增重率 力学性能 变形回复
户外用压缩防腐木——ACQ-D木材的处理技术初探 被引量:4
作者 毛佳 曹金珍 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期100-105,共6页
为研究压缩处理在木材防腐方面的应用,该研究测定了经过不同水浴和喷水预处理后的径向压缩木材在胺溶铜季铵盐-D型防腐剂中浸泡后的吸液量和变形回复率,并测定了由此制备得到的压缩防腐木的表面硬度、厚度方向上的密度分布和CuO保持量... 为研究压缩处理在木材防腐方面的应用,该研究测定了经过不同水浴和喷水预处理后的径向压缩木材在胺溶铜季铵盐-D型防腐剂中浸泡后的吸液量和变形回复率,并测定了由此制备得到的压缩防腐木的表面硬度、厚度方向上的密度分布和CuO保持量分布情况。结果表明:①变形回复率和吸液量之间有很好的对应关系,一般变形回复率越大,吸液量也越大;②经过预处理的压缩试材和素材相比,吸液量可以提高1.5倍左右,表面硬度可提高3-4倍;未经预处理的压缩试材和素材相比,吸液量可以提高2倍以上,但是表面硬度的提高不大;③经过预处理的压缩防腐木,其厚度方向上的密度分布比较均匀,另外CuO的保持量比未经预处理的压缩防腐木高,并且呈现表层高、逐步向内层递减的趋势。由此看出,由该研究方法制备的压缩防腐木可同时实现表面密实化和提高防腐性能的目的,尤其适用于户外设施中。 展开更多
关键词 木材 压缩 防腐 变形回复 吸液量
Flow softening behavior and microstructure evolution of Al-5Zn-2Mg aluminum alloy during dynamic recovery 被引量:13
作者 李落星 王冠 +1 位作者 刘杰 姚再起 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第1期42-48,共7页
The flow stress behavior and microstructure development of Al-5Zn-2Mg (7005) aluminum alloy were studied by hot compression tests at deformation temperatures between 300-500 &#176;C and strain rates between 0.05-50... The flow stress behavior and microstructure development of Al-5Zn-2Mg (7005) aluminum alloy were studied by hot compression tests at deformation temperatures between 300-500 &#176;C and strain rates between 0.05-50 s-1. The deformed structures of the samples were observed by optical microscopy (OM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) analysis. The calculated activation energy is 147 kJ/mol, which is very close to the activation energy for lattice self-diffusion in aluminum (142 kJ/mol). Dynamic recovery is the dominant restoration mechanism during the deformation. At high strain rate of 50 s-1, temperature rise due to deformation heating leads to a significant flow softening. Microstructure observations indicated that the remaining softening after deformation heating correction at high strain rate and the softening observed at high temperature are associated with grain coarsening induced by grain boundary migration during dynamic recovery process. 展开更多
关键词 7005 aluminum alloy DEFORMATION dynamic recovery flow softening microstructure evolution
基于MSCR试验的SBS改性沥青高温性能评价 被引量:8
作者 余沛涵 聂忆华 +2 位作者 孙世恒 高闻靖 周晨阳 《公路工程》 2022年第1期130-134,共5页
对不同老化程度的SBS70^(#)改性沥青进行多重应力蠕变恢复试验(MSCR),结果表明:随着温度的增加,老化前后SBS70^(#)改性沥青的J_(nr)呈现出增大的趋势,而R则呈现出减小的趋势;J_(nr)对应力的敏感性较高,而R对应力的敏感性较低;当试验温度... 对不同老化程度的SBS70^(#)改性沥青进行多重应力蠕变恢复试验(MSCR),结果表明:随着温度的增加,老化前后SBS70^(#)改性沥青的J_(nr)呈现出增大的趋势,而R则呈现出减小的趋势;J_(nr)对应力的敏感性较高,而R对应力的敏感性较低;当试验温度为58℃和64℃时,老化前后SBS70^(#)改性沥青的J_(nr)0.1和J_(nr)3.2值随着老化时间的增长呈现出先增大后减小的趋势,在老化时间为40 min时,J_(nr)0.1和J_(nr)3.2值最大;当试验温度为70℃时,老化前后SBS70^(#)改性沥青的J_(nr)0.1和J_(nr)3.2值也随着老化时间的增长呈现出先增大后减小的趋势,在老化时间为85 min时,J_(nr)0.1和J_(nr)3.2值最大。 展开更多
关键词 SBS改性沥青 多重应力蠕变恢复 不可恢复蠕变模量 变形回复
Hot deformation behavior of high Ti 6061 Al alloy 被引量:3
作者 陈微 官英平 王振华 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期369-377,共9页
The hot deformation behavior of a high Ti 6061 aluminum alloy in the temperature range from 350 to 510 ℃ and strain rate range from 0.001 to 10 s^-1 was investigated using stress-strain curve analysis, processing map... The hot deformation behavior of a high Ti 6061 aluminum alloy in the temperature range from 350 to 510 ℃ and strain rate range from 0.001 to 10 s^-1 was investigated using stress-strain curve analysis, processing map, transmission electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction analysis. The results show that the peak stress decreases with increasing deformation temperatures and decreasing strain rate. The average deformation activation energy is 185 kJ/mol in the parameter range investigated. The flow stress model was constructed. The main softening mechanism is dynamic recovery. The processing map was obtained using dynamic material model, and the suggested processing window is 400-440℃ and 0.001-0.1 s^-1. 展开更多
关键词 6061 A1 alloy hot deformation dynamic recovery hot processing map DISLOCATION
Dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization of NiTi shape memory alloy under hot compression deformation 被引量:12
作者 江树勇 张艳秋 赵亚楠 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期140-147,共8页
Mechanical behavior of nickel?titanium shape memory alloy(NiTi SMA) under hot deformation was investigated according to the true stress—strain curves of NiTi samples under compression at the strain rates of 0.001-... Mechanical behavior of nickel?titanium shape memory alloy(NiTi SMA) under hot deformation was investigated according to the true stress—strain curves of NiTi samples under compression at the strain rates of 0.001-1 s-1 and at the temperatures of 600?1000℃.Dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization of NiTi SMA were systematically investigated by microstructural evolution.The influence of the strain rates,the deformation temperatures and the deformation degree on the dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization of NiTi SMA was obtained as well.NiTi SMA was characterized by the combination of dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization at 600℃ and 700℃,but the complete dynamic recrystallization occurred at other deformation temperatures.Increasing the deformation temperatures or decreasing the stain rates leads to larger equiaxed grains.The deformation degree has an important influence on the dynamic recrystallization of NiTi SMA.There exists the critical deformation degree during the dynamic recrystallization of NiTi SMA,beyond which the larger deformation degree contributes to obtaining the finer equiaxed grains. 展开更多
关键词 NiTi alloy shape memory alloy dynamic recovery dynamic recrystallization hot deformation
Characterization of dynamic microstructure evolution during hot deformation of Al-4.10Cu-1.42Mg-0.57Mn-0.12Zr alloy 被引量:1
作者 刘灿 张辉 蒋福林 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第11期3477-3485,共9页
The Al?4.10Cu?1.42Mg?0.57Mn?0.12Zr alloy was compressed to different strains at deformation temperature of 300 oC and strain rate of 10 s?1 on Gleeble?1500 system. The dynamic complex microstructures evolutions were i... The Al?4.10Cu?1.42Mg?0.57Mn?0.12Zr alloy was compressed to different strains at deformation temperature of 300 oC and strain rate of 10 s?1 on Gleeble?1500 system. The dynamic complex microstructures evolutions were investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The true stress?true strain curves exhibited a peak stress at critical strain, after which the flow stresses decreased monotonically, showing a dynamic flow softening. As the strain increased, the dislocation tangled to cell structure and sub-grain structure, which indicated the occurrence of dynamic recovery during deformation. Dynamic precipitations ofS (Al2CuMg),θ (Al2Cu) and Al3Zr phase were accelerated and coarsened by deformation. ContinuousS phases precipitated in the Al matrix and discontinuousS phases were found to be nucleated near the Al3Zr phase and at the sub-grain boundary. The flow softening mechanism was resulted from the reduction of dislocation density which attributed to dynamic recovery and precipitates coarsening. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy hot deformation flow softening dynamic recovery dynamic precipitation
Microstructure characterization of Al-cladded Al-Zn-Mg-Cu sheet in different hot deformation conditions 被引量:5
作者 Bin LIAO Xiao-dong WU +5 位作者 Chang-jian YAN Zheng LIU Yan-li JI Ling-fei CAO Guang-jie HUANG Qing LIU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期1689-1697,共9页
Al-cladded Al-Zn-Mg-Cu sheets were compressed up to70%reduction on a Gleeble-3500thermo-mechanical simulatorwith temperatures ranging from380to450°C at strain rates between0.1and30s-1.The microstructures of the A... Al-cladded Al-Zn-Mg-Cu sheets were compressed up to70%reduction on a Gleeble-3500thermo-mechanical simulatorwith temperatures ranging from380to450°C at strain rates between0.1and30s-1.The microstructures of the Al cladding and theAl-Zn-Mg-Cu matrix were characterized by electron back-scattered diffraction(EBSD)and X-ray diffraction(XRD).Themicrostructure is closely related to the level of recovery and recrystallization,which can be influenced by deformation temperature,deformation pass and deformation rate.The level of recovery and recrystallization are different in the Al cladding and theAl-Zn-Mg-Cu matrix.Higher deformation temperature results in higher degree of recrystallization and coarser grain size.Staticrecrystallization and recovery can happen during the interval of deformation passes.Higher strain rate leads to finer sub-grains atstrain rate below10s-1;however,dynamic recovery and recrystallization are limited at strain rate of30s-1due to shorter duration atelevated temperatures. 展开更多
关键词 Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy Al cladding hot compression recovery RECRYSTALLIZATION
Evolution of microstructure, phase composition, and tensile properties of severely cold deformed titanium metastable β alloy in rapid continuous heating 被引量:3
作者 P.E.MARKOVSKY V.I.BONDARCHUK +1 位作者 YU.V.MATVIYCHUK O.P.KARASEVSKA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期1365-1371,共7页
Influence of severe cold deformation of titanium alloy Ti-1.5%A1-6.8%Mo-4.5%Fe in metastable β condition on the evolution of phase composition, microstructure, and tensile properties during continuous rapid heating w... Influence of severe cold deformation of titanium alloy Ti-1.5%A1-6.8%Mo-4.5%Fe in metastable β condition on the evolution of phase composition, microstructure, and tensile properties during continuous rapid heating was studied. As-deformed alloy was characterized by quasi-amorphous single-phase β condition with an abnormal temperature dependence of electric resistance that was normalized after 48 h exposure at room temperature as a result of isothermal ω phase precipitation. Subsequent rapid heating with a rate of 5 ℃/s caused recovery and recrystallization. Tensile properties of the alloy after different treatments were determined and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 titanium alloy severe cold deformation rapid heating recovery and recrystallization phase composition MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical properties
Flow behavior and dynamic softening mechanism of Pt−10Ir precious alloy
作者 Xin-pei ZHANG Jun-jie HE +7 位作者 Lin PI Quan FU Wen-yan ZHOU Jun CHENG Sheng-wen BAI Xuan ZHOU Yi LIU Yong MAO 《中国有色金属学报》 2025年第1期225-242,共18页
The hot deformation behavior of Pt−10Ir alloy was studied under a wide range of deformation parameters.At a low deformation temperature(950−1150℃),the softening mechanism is primarily dynamic recovery.In addition,dyn... The hot deformation behavior of Pt−10Ir alloy was studied under a wide range of deformation parameters.At a low deformation temperature(950−1150℃),the softening mechanism is primarily dynamic recovery.In addition,dynamic recrystallization by progressive lattice rotation near grain boundaries(DRX by LRGBs)and microshear bands assisted dynamic recrystallization(MSBs assisted DRX)coordinate the deformation.However,it is difficult for the dynamic softening to offset the stain hardening due to a limited amount of DRXed grains.At a high deformation temperature(1250−1350℃),three main DRX mechanisms associated with strain rates occur:DRX by LRGBs,DRX by a homogeneous increase in misorientation(HIM)and geometric DRX(GDRX).With increasing strain,DRX by LRGBs is enhanced gradually under high strain rates;the“pinch-off”effect is enhanced at low strain rates,which was conducive to the formation of a uniform and fine microstructure. 展开更多
关键词 platinum alloy hot deformation microstructure evolution dynamic recovery dynamic recrystallization
Effect of high temperature on compression property and deformation recovery of ceramic fiber reinforced silica aerogel composites 被引量:5
作者 LYU ShuangQi YANG XiaoGuang +3 位作者 SHI DuoQi QI HongYu JING Xin LI ShaoLin 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第11期1681-1691,共11页
Ceramic fiber reinforced silica aerogel composites are novel insulation materials in the thermal protection field for hypersonic vehicles. Before the aerogel composites are applied in load-bearing structures, it is ne... Ceramic fiber reinforced silica aerogel composites are novel insulation materials in the thermal protection field for hypersonic vehicles. Before the aerogel composites are applied in load-bearing structures, it is necessary to investigate their mechanical properties including load-bearing and deformation recovery capabilities. High temperature from service conditions will have important effects on the mechanical properties of thermal protection materials. In this paper, compression tests including loading and unloading stages were conducted for ceramic fiber reinforced silica aerogel composites at room temperature and elevated temperatures(300℃, 600℃ and 900℃). Influences of thermal exposure to high temperature and high temperature service environment on the compression property and deformation recovery were both investigated. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) were applied to help understand the mechanisms of mechanical property variations. The experimental results show that the compression modulus and strength both increase with the increasing thermal exposure temperature and testing temperature,but the deformation recovery capability decreases. The micro structure changes caused by thermal sintering are considered as the main reason for the property variations.Viscous flow and matter transport due to high temperature resulted in the fusion of aerogel particles. This made the particle skeleton thicker and stronger, which led to higher stiffness and strength of the composites. However, matrix cracks induced by the formation and fracture of larger pores made unrecoverable deformation more serious. In the tests at elevated temperatures,the aggregation of aerogel particles in a fused state got more severe because of the addition of mechanical load. As a result, the degradation of deformation recovery capability became more significant. 展开更多
关键词 aerogel composites high temperature deformation recovery thermal exposure thermal protection SINTERING
On the material invariant of 110°-conjugate angle of shear bands——Reply to Gomez-Rivas and Griera(2015)
作者 ZHENG YaDong ZHANG JinJiang WANG Tao 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第12期2363-2368,1-3,共6页
After their experimental data were re-explained in terms of the maximum-effective-moment (MEM) criterion, Gomez-Rivas and Griera (2015) challenge the validity of the MEM-Criterion in terms of shear fractures, whic... After their experimental data were re-explained in terms of the maximum-effective-moment (MEM) criterion, Gomez-Rivas and Griera (2015) challenge the validity of the MEM-Criterion in terms of shear fractures, which have mixed up with shear fractures and shear bands. The two features are similar in appearance but different in deformation mechanism (s). The MEM-criterion proves that ±55° to σ1era are the maximum effective moment directions and the shear bands that formed by mate- rial-line (beddings or fabrics) rotation mechanism have a constant conjugate angle of 110°. Theoretically, the 55° or 110° is a material-invariant, and practically, a statistic-invariant or preferred direction with average deviation of -10°. By this angle, shear bands can be easily recognized from shear fractures with conjugate angle never over 90°. The High-strain deformation in the lozenges usually predates the surrounding shear bands. Two stress states can not coexisted simultaneously in the same place and the resolving cr1' normal to the related shear zone represents 0-100% deformation partitioning, depending on the original kinematic vorticity of the shear zones. 展开更多
关键词 kink-bands/shear bands deformation localization MEM-criterion deformation partitioning
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