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作者 丁立平 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期105-109,共5页
少数民族的变服改饰有三大成因:同一民族适应不同自然环境而改变服饰;为利于族群认同对有图腾意义的部分进行巧妙保留;为呼应文化环境,外来民族变服化俗融于当地民族,包括中原王朝对边疆少数民族文化及其服饰实行移风易俗、相邻民族相... 少数民族的变服改饰有三大成因:同一民族适应不同自然环境而改变服饰;为利于族群认同对有图腾意义的部分进行巧妙保留;为呼应文化环境,外来民族变服化俗融于当地民族,包括中原王朝对边疆少数民族文化及其服饰实行移风易俗、相邻民族相互习染借鉴、少数民族服饰影响和改变了整个中华民族服饰。少数民族的变服改饰是少数民族对其他文化的主动接受、被动适应和各民族文化相互习染的结果。 展开更多
关键词 变服改饰 自然 族群认同 文化 适应
作者 夏渌 《中南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1987年第4期123-127,115,共6页
中外历史上不乏"外来户"成为土著人民的统治者,他们有的凭借暴力入侵;有的以比较先进的文化,经过长期的"变服从俗",与土著人民打成一片,融合一体,赢得了当地人民的拥护,随着历史的推移,转变成统治者;也有"文... 中外历史上不乏"外来户"成为土著人民的统治者,他们有的凭借暴力入侵;有的以比较先进的文化,经过长期的"变服从俗",与土著人民打成一片,融合一体,赢得了当地人民的拥护,随着历史的推移,转变成统治者;也有"文武结合"、"软硬兼施"外来的异族变成了土著的君长。凡是"外族"定居下来,与土著打成一片,通过若干代人的婚姻、文化习俗的交流融合,形成新的人民共同体,统治者与被统治者之间,除了阶级、贵贼的差别比较明显外,种族的差别终于模糊不清了,都属这一类。试为"变服从俗为长说"。 展开更多
关键词 荆蛮 王族 统治者 巫山神女 族源 民族起源 楚国 王室 湘夫人 变服 巫音 巫风 楚舞 双重性 太伯 楚歌 楚王
论张竞生的“变服”主张 被引量:3
作者 张竞琼 孙庆国 《装饰》 北大核心 2006年第6期38-39,共2页
关键词 张竞生 变服 主张 评价
舌下含服变应原疫苗滴剂治疗尘螨所致变应性鼻炎疗效观察 被引量:6
作者 麦周生 官树雄 冯锡坚 《海南医学》 CAS 2015年第12期1819-1821,共3页
目的观察舌下含服变应原疫苗滴剂治疗尘螨引起的变应性鼻炎的临床效果。方法选取2010年1月至2012年1月期间在我院接受治疗的尘螨所致变应性鼻炎患者300例。根据治疗方法将300例患者分为观察组和对照组。观察组200例患者采用舌下含服变... 目的观察舌下含服变应原疫苗滴剂治疗尘螨引起的变应性鼻炎的临床效果。方法选取2010年1月至2012年1月期间在我院接受治疗的尘螨所致变应性鼻炎患者300例。根据治疗方法将300例患者分为观察组和对照组。观察组200例患者采用舌下含服变应原疫苗滴剂治疗,对照组100例患者根据自身情况给予适量的抗组胺药口服、鼻用类固醇激素局部喷鼻治疗。比较两组患者治疗后的症状得分、体征得分、血清尘瞒特异性、不良反应和治疗后24个月时的临床疗效。结果治疗后第3个月开始观察组患者的日平均症状和日平均体征得分明显低于对照组,两组间比较差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗前两组患者血清中总Ig E、尘螨特异性Ig E比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),治疗后两组患者血清中总Ig E、尘螨特异性Ig E比较差异也无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗后观察组患者的总有效率为78.00%,明显高于对照组的59.00%,两组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组患者的不良反应发生率低于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论使用舌下含服变应原疫苗滴剂治疗尘螨引起的变应性鼻炎有较好的临床疗效,但长期疗效仍然需要观察。 展开更多
关键词 舌下含应原疫苗滴剂治疗 尘螨引起的应性鼻炎 临床疗效
多民族文化接触中的互动与认同——以《南诏中兴画卷》中人物服饰变化为例 被引量:2
作者 邓启耀 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期69-80,共12页
南诏在中国西南文化史中处于这样的多重结点上:在空间关系方面,是内地、西藏与东南亚几大人文地理板块的结合部;在族群关系方面,是以乌蛮、白蛮为核心的多民族共同体与汉、藏及东南亚诸族的互动;在意识形态方面,是本土泛灵信仰或巫教、... 南诏在中国西南文化史中处于这样的多重结点上:在空间关系方面,是内地、西藏与东南亚几大人文地理板块的结合部;在族群关系方面,是以乌蛮、白蛮为核心的多民族共同体与汉、藏及东南亚诸族的互动;在意识形态方面,是本土泛灵信仰或巫教、道教、儒家思想与佛教的杂糅。文中仅以南诏时期宗教艺术遗产的两种文本略做管中之窥:一种是民间口述及相关的视觉"遗址"文本,一种是官修的图像文献文本。通过对南诏发祥地云南巍山有关南诏兴国的民间传说,以及南诏时代著名画卷《南诏中兴画卷》图像的视觉人类学分析,结合部分田野考察,观察民间传说与官修文献,怎样具有不同的世俗指向;重点通过分析《南诏中兴画卷》中僧俗服饰变化的情况,探讨佛教传入中国西南少数民族地区时,如何与当地文化习俗融合,变服从俗,在不同地域或文化群体中完成在地化。 展开更多
关键词 文化交汇 变服改饰 文化认同 南诏中兴画卷 在地化
作者 丁丽 《艺术设计研究》 1996年第1期16-18,共3页
西南民族服饰文化功能重合转化变异丁丽西南是中国少数民族最多的地区,这里有中国迄今为止所发现的最古老的人类"始祖"化石。中国几条主要河流呈辐射状从这里流向中原,流向海洋。这里孕育了二十九个少数民族,其中有他们的文化模式... 西南民族服饰文化功能重合转化变异丁丽西南是中国少数民族最多的地区,这里有中国迄今为止所发现的最古老的人类"始祖"化石。中国几条主要河流呈辐射状从这里流向中原,流向海洋。这里孕育了二十九个少数民族,其中有他们的文化模式和社会形态,与中原民族有许多不同的... 展开更多
关键词 民族饰文化 文化模式 中国少数民族 现代 大襟衣 辐射状 苗族刺绣 变服 宽脚裤 西南少数民族
作者 彭赟乐 《美术大观》 2008年第9期66-67,共2页
关键词 赵武灵王 变服 军戎 左衽 武灵王
简论丧礼的易服 被引量:1
作者 徐峰 《重庆交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期94-96,107,共4页
古礼丧服不是一成不变的,要依据丧期和祭礼的变化多次"易服"。"易服"具体可以分为成服、变服、受服、除服四种情况。"成服"是依据丧制从平时的服装改变为丧服;"变服"、"受服"是成服... 古礼丧服不是一成不变的,要依据丧期和祭礼的变化多次"易服"。"易服"具体可以分为成服、变服、受服、除服四种情况。"成服"是依据丧制从平时的服装改变为丧服;"变服"、"受服"是成服之后,依据丧期和丧情的变化对丧服进行的改易;"除服"则是丧礼结束后,改回平时的服装。丧服制度中,"服以饰情"、"变而从宜"的思想通贯于整个丧礼易服过程中,同时也是儒家"制之礼义"基本思想的具体表现。 展开更多
关键词 变服
作者 熊若佚 《全国商情》 2012年第05S期90-92,共3页
关键词 魔术音乐剧 饰造型 局部 扑克“四花” 多“
MR damping design of the drive joints of the lunar-based extravehicular spacesuit booster mechanism
作者 Lü Hongzhan Yang Hai Jiang Yu 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2024年第4期410-416,共7页
Considering the special walking behavior of astronauts on the lunar surface,to reduce the impact on their bones and improve safety during extravehicular operations and walking,a magnetorheological(MR)damping mechanism... Considering the special walking behavior of astronauts on the lunar surface,to reduce the impact on their bones and improve safety during extravehicular operations and walking,a magnetorheological(MR)damping mechanism of power assisted transmission joint used in a new type spacesuit is proposed.In order to improve the damping performance of the MR damper,the influence of the damper s structural parameters on both the output and dynamic adjustable range of the damping torque is examined.According to the theoretical mechanical model,the output damping torque is calculated,the finite element method is used to conduct numerical tests.At the same time,the structural parameters of the damper are optimized by the response surface methods.The results indicate that the simulated torque aligns with the theoretically designed torque,and the damping characteristics of the optimized structure are effectively improved by the response surface method.Compared with the initial structure,the damping torque is increased by 10.8%,and the dynamic adjustable range is expanded by 52.9%. 展开更多
关键词 extravehicular spacesuit MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL flexible transmission damping characteristics
Mathematical Model Analysis of Quasi Preconsolidation Soft Clay
作者 杨树才 邓学钧 +1 位作者 韩世莲 周虎鑫 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 1998年第1期93-97,共5页
Soft clay may cause quasi preconsolidation effect under the constant hydrostatic pressure after some time. The result of drained triaxial test represents the effective stress yield surface, which can be described by ... Soft clay may cause quasi preconsolidation effect under the constant hydrostatic pressure after some time. The result of drained triaxial test represents the effective stress yield surface, which can be described by simple binary linear fabric model. Therefore the pore pressure and deformation of clay can be decided. It also can be used to resolve the real boundary problems with finite element method. 展开更多
关键词 soft clay quasi preconsolidation pressure yield surface DEFORMATION
Plastic yielding of NiTi shape memory alloy under local canning compression 被引量:3
作者 江树勇 胡励 +2 位作者 赵亚楠 张艳秋 梁玉龙 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第10期2905-2913,共9页
As a new attempt, local canning compression was applied in order to implement large plastic deformation of nickel-titanium shape memory alloy (NiTi SMA) at room temperature. The plastic mechanics of local canning co... As a new attempt, local canning compression was applied in order to implement large plastic deformation of nickel-titanium shape memory alloy (NiTi SMA) at room temperature. The plastic mechanics of local canning compression of NiTi SMA was analyzed according to the slab method as the well as plastic yield criterion. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to study the microstructural evolution as well as deformation behavior of NiTi samples under local canning compression. Increasing the hydrostatic pressure with the increase in the outer diameters of the steel cans is responsible for suppressing the initiation and growth of the micro-cracks, which contributes to enhancing the plasticity ofNiTi SMA and avoiding the occurrence of brittle fracture. Plastic deformation of NiTi SMA under a three-dimensional compressive stress state meets von-Mises yield criterion at the true strains ranging from about 0.15 to 0.50, while in the case of larger plastic strain, von-Mises yield criterion is unable to be met since the amorphous phase arises in the deformed NiTi sample. 展开更多
关键词 NiTi alloy shape memory alloy yield criterion plastic deformation plastic mechanics
Impacts of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Service Value in Yanchi County of Ningxia 被引量:3
作者 杨越 孙保平 +3 位作者 哈斯 杜会石 赵岩 赵瑞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第11期1687-1692,共6页
Based on TM image data in 1989, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2006 and 2009 of Yanchi County of Ningxia, the land use date of Yanchi County in each year were extracted supported by RS and GIS technology, and used to analyze the d... Based on TM image data in 1989, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2006 and 2009 of Yanchi County of Ningxia, the land use date of Yanchi County in each year were extracted supported by RS and GIS technology, and used to analyze the dynamic change of land use. The land use data were studied for estimating the change of ecosystem services value caused by the land use change of Yanchi County, using the evaluation method of China terrestrial ecosystem services value. The results showed that the changes of land use were obvious during 1989 to 2009. The area of woodland and construction land had an increasing tendency; grassland area changed from decreasing to increasing, which was in contrary to farmland and un-used land areas (from increasing to decreasing); water area fluctuated slightly. The ecosystem services value of Yanchi County had an increasing tendency during 1989 to 1995, because the increasing woodland area had took the major role in raising the total ecosystem services value. The grassland accounted for a large proportion of the total ecosystem service value of Yanchi County, with its contribution rate from 49.8% to 60.4%. And the composition of the ecosystem services value of Yanchi County happened benign change for the increasing contribution rate of woodland. The ecosystem services value sensitivity index of each land use type was less than 1, indicating that the ecosystem services value of Yanchi County lacks flexibility on its service value index, and the research results are reliable. 展开更多
关键词 Ecosystem services value Land use change Yanchi County of Ningxia
《当代体育(扣篮)》 2004年第22期45-45,共1页
英雄不问出处,小奥尼尔当年在开拓者的糗样子相信许多人已经不记得了,这也难怪.因为他当时根本很少上场。但当年开拓者巨星云集,小奥尼尔虽无上场机会.但却也结交了不少朋友。如今开拓者分崩离析.各路豪杰各为其主.见面已不是朋友.如果... 英雄不问出处,小奥尼尔当年在开拓者的糗样子相信许多人已经不记得了,这也难怪.因为他当时根本很少上场。但当年开拓者巨星云集,小奥尼尔虽无上场机会.但却也结交了不少朋友。如今开拓者分崩离析.各路豪杰各为其主.见面已不是朋友.如果再要将小奥尼尔当作当年的小娃娃看待.他们一定会吃大亏。 在常规赛中.曾经的大师兄克里夫·罗宾逊对小奥尼尔不敬,两人险些动武。赛后.两人均感后悔.彼此握手言和。如今到了季后赛. 展开更多
关键词 奥尼尔 常规赛 杰梅因 罗宾逊 里夫 布莱恩 碑格 格兰特 变服 罪感
Analysis of plane strain bending of a strain hardening curved beam based on unified yield criterion 被引量:1
作者 傅军 庞苗 +2 位作者 宋广远 张永强 杨博 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第3期339-345,共7页
The analysis of plane strain elastic-plastic bending of a linear strain hardening curved beam with a narrow rectangular cross section subjected to couples at its end is conducted based on a unified yield criterion. Th... The analysis of plane strain elastic-plastic bending of a linear strain hardening curved beam with a narrow rectangular cross section subjected to couples at its end is conducted based on a unified yield criterion. The solutions for the mechanical properties of plane strain bending are derived, which are adapted for various kinds of non-strength differential materials and can be degenerated to those based on the Tresca, von Mises, and twin-shear yield criteria. The dependences of the two critical bending moments, the radii of the interfaces between the elastic and plastic regions and the radial displacements of the points at the symmetrical plane on different yield criteria and Poisson’s ratios are discussed. The results show that the influences of different yield criteria and Poisson’s ratio on the two critical bending moments, the radii of the interfaces between the elastic and plastic regions and the radial displacements of the points at the symmetrical plane of the curved beam are significant. Once the value of bis obtained by experiments, the yield criterion and the corresponding solution for the materials of interest are then determined. 展开更多
关键词 curved beam plane strain strain hardening elastic-plastic bending unified yield criterion
Response of Ecosystem Service Value Based on Land Use Changes and Analysis of its Driving Factors in Typical Hilly Region with Red Soil 被引量:6
作者 邹金浪 王金政 +1 位作者 王鹏 乐文年 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第11期150-154,共5页
The contribution rate of ecosystem service value variation was used to analyze the effects of land use changes on the changes of ecosystem service value in Xingguo County during 1996-2005.Grey integrated correlation w... The contribution rate of ecosystem service value variation was used to analyze the effects of land use changes on the changes of ecosystem service value in Xingguo County during 1996-2005.Grey integrated correlation was employed to explore the contribution level of the indicators such as total population,urbanization level,proportion of primary industry and investment of social fixed assets on ecosystem service value,and the correlation analysis was also carried out.The results showed that the ecosystem service value in Xingguo County during 1996-2005 mainly was woodland,and the decrease of woodland area was the major reason for the sustained reduction of ecosystem service value.With the further increase of market demand and the incentives of local government,the garden area rapidly increased during 2001-2005,and the influence degree of garden towards the changes of ecosystem service value was only second to woodland,ranking No.2.Four socio-economic indicators had different correlation degree with ecosystem service value during the different research periods.Total population,urbanization level and proportion of primary industry had high correlation degree with ecosystem service value,whereas the influence degree of various socio-economic indicators on ecosystem service value was equal with each other day by day.Urbanization level,investment of social fixed assets and total population had significant negative correlation with ecosystem service value,while the proportion of primary industry had positive correlation with ecosystem service value. 展开更多
关键词 Ecosystem service value Land use change Gray correlation analysis Driving factor Hilly region with red soil
Analytical solution for stress and deformation of the mining floor based on integral transform 被引量:5
作者 Feng Qiang Jiang Binsong 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第4期581-586,共6页
Following exploitation of a coal seam, the final stress field is the sum of in situ stress field and an excavation stress field. Based on this feature, we firstly established a mechanics analytical model of the mining... Following exploitation of a coal seam, the final stress field is the sum of in situ stress field and an excavation stress field. Based on this feature, we firstly established a mechanics analytical model of the mining floor strata. Then the study applied Fourier integral transform to solve a biharmonic equation,obtaining the analytical solution of the stress and displacement of the mining floor. Additionally, this investigation used the Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion to determine the plastic failure depth of the floor strata. The calculation process showed that the plastic failure depth of the floor and floor heave are related to the mining width, burial depth and physical–mechanical properties. The results from an example show that the curve of the plastic failure depth of the mining floor is characterized by a funnel shape and the maximum failure depth generates in the middle of mining floor; and that the maximum and minimum principal stresses change distinctly in the shallow layer and tend to a fixed value with an increase in depth. Based on the displacement results, the maximum floor heave appears in the middle of the stope and its value is 0.107 m. This will provide a basis for floor control. Lastly, we have verified the analytical results using FLAC3 Dto simulate floor excavation and find that there is some deviation between the two results, but their overall tendency is consistent which illustrates that the analysis method can well solve the stress and displacement of the floor. 展开更多
关键词 Integral transform Mining floor Plastic failure depth Floor heave Analytical solution
Evaluation of time-dependent rheological properties of cemented paste backfill incorporating superplasticizer with special focus on thixotropy and static yield stress 被引量:4
作者 WANG Xiao-lin WANG Hong-jiang +3 位作者 WU Ai-xiang JIANG Hai-qiang PENG Qing-song ZHANG Xi 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第4期1239-1249,共11页
Superplasticizers are widely used to reduce the pipe flow resistance of cemented paste backfill(CPB), which is characterised by high concentration and high yield stress. This study aimed to assess the time-dependent r... Superplasticizers are widely used to reduce the pipe flow resistance of cemented paste backfill(CPB), which is characterised by high concentration and high yield stress. This study aimed to assess the time-dependent rheological properties of CPB containing superplasticizer, with special focus on static yield stress and thixotropy. The results indicate that with the increase of the superplasticizer dosage, the static yield stress, dynamic yield stress and thixotropy of CPB decreased significantly, while the plastic viscosity decreased slightly. The curing time has a significant effect on the static yield stress, dynamic yield stress and thixotropy of CPB containing superplasticizer, which increase by 46.6%-87.1%,15.2%-35.6% and 79.4%-138.2%, respectively, within 2 h. The static yield stress, dynamic yield stress and thixotropy of CPB without superplasticizer only increase by 4.9%, 6.3% and 16.1%, respectively, within 2 h. The curing time has a significant influence on the plastic viscosity of CPB regardless of superplasticizer addition, the plastic viscosity increases by 13.2%-19.7% within 2 h. Regardless of superplasticizer dosage, plotting of both static yield stress and dynamic yield stress versus thixotropy produces clearly linear curves. The findings of this study are conducive to the design of pipe transportation of CPB containing superplasticizer. 展开更多
关键词 cemented paste backfill SUPERPLASTICIZER curing time yield stress THIXOTROPY
Mechanical characteristics of intact Middle Pleistocene Epoch loess in northwestern China 被引量:4
作者 钟祖良 刘新荣 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第4期1163-1168,共6页
In order to research the mechanical characteristics of intact Middle Pleistocene Epoch loess, triaxial shear tests and isotonic compression test of intact Middle Pleistocene Epoch loess were conducted by improved SJ-I... In order to research the mechanical characteristics of intact Middle Pleistocene Epoch loess, triaxial shear tests and isotonic compression test of intact Middle Pleistocene Epoch loess were conducted by improved SJ-IA triaxial shear equipment. According to test results, it can be found that the intact Middle Pleistocene Epoch loess has the properties of shear dilatancy and shear shrinkage. With the increase of confining pressure, stress-strain curve develops from softening to hardening. The failure mode of intact Middle Pleistocene Epoch loess is shear failure with the rupture angle between 55° and 61°. And it is better to determine the yield stress (py, qy) of the intact loess under different confining pressures by using the εv-q/p curve. Along with the increase of confining pressure, yield deviatoric stress qy and yield spherical stress py present logarithmic relationship. Besides, the strength parameters, elastic modulus K and G of intact loess, are obtained, which are benefit for loess projects design. 展开更多
关键词 yield stress compression testing failure model Middle Pleistocene Epoch loess
The Policy Evolution From Social Governance To the Holistic Pension Service
作者 CHEN Shanshan 《International English Education Research》 2017年第2期19-21,共3页
Amid the complex domestic and international environment, Chinese management of the country transits from control gradually to the governance, national governance modernization pattern have also entered the stage of im... Amid the complex domestic and international environment, Chinese management of the country transits from control gradually to the governance, national governance modernization pattern have also entered the stage of implementation strategy. The fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward the implementation strategy of the refinement of social governance, making the policy more operable in the implementation level. This paper mainly analyzes the policy evolution fTom the social governance to the holistic service of the aged. 展开更多
关键词 GOVERNANCE holistic pension service refinement supplement policy evolution
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