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新型喷射—吸收式变热器的研究 被引量:7
作者 史琳 王文 +1 位作者 王鑫 尹娟 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期543-545,共3页
本文在分析现有的单级、两级和双效吸收式变热器结构的运行特点的基础上,提出了一种新型结构形式,即喷射─吸收式变热器.文中对喷射─吸收式变热器进行了详细的参数和性能分析.结果表明,其具有结构简单,输出温度较高,且效率也较... 本文在分析现有的单级、两级和双效吸收式变热器结构的运行特点的基础上,提出了一种新型结构形式,即喷射─吸收式变热器.文中对喷射─吸收式变热器进行了详细的参数和性能分析.结果表明,其具有结构简单,输出温度较高,且效率也较高的特点. 展开更多
关键词 喷射吸收式变热器 输出温度 节能
不同工质对吸收式变热器热力性能的影响 被引量:8
作者 尹娟 史琳 +1 位作者 朱明善 韩礼钟 《制冷学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期19-24,共6页
吸收式变热器是一种有广阔应用前景的余热回收利用装置 ,可以有效回收 50 %左右的低品位余热 ,但还需要进一步分析可用工质对和它们相关的性能参数。本文以H2 O/LiBr、TFE/NMP、TFE/E1 81和TFE/PYR为工质对 ,对单级吸收式变热器进行了... 吸收式变热器是一种有广阔应用前景的余热回收利用装置 ,可以有效回收 50 %左右的低品位余热 ,但还需要进一步分析可用工质对和它们相关的性能参数。本文以H2 O/LiBr、TFE/NMP、TFE/E1 81和TFE/PYR为工质对 ,对单级吸收式变热器进行了热力学分析。结果表明H2 O/LiBr适用于低温热回收 ,TFE/NMP、TFE/E1 展开更多
关键词 吸收式变热器 H2O/LiBr 制冷工质 力性能
双效吸收式变热器热力性能分析 被引量:8
作者 尹娟 史琳 +1 位作者 王鑫 朱明善 《流体机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第8期50-53,共4页
以H2 O/LiBr和TFE/NMP为工质对分析了双效吸收式变热器的热力性能。结果表明双效吸收式变热器可达到和两级吸收式变热器同样高的温度提升 ,但运行范围比两级吸收式变热器窄。以TFE/NMP为工质对的双效吸收式变热器比以H2 O/LiBr为工质对... 以H2 O/LiBr和TFE/NMP为工质对分析了双效吸收式变热器的热力性能。结果表明双效吸收式变热器可达到和两级吸收式变热器同样高的温度提升 ,但运行范围比两级吸收式变热器窄。以TFE/NMP为工质对的双效吸收式变热器比以H2 O/LiBr为工质对的双效吸收式变热器得到的温升高 ,但系统性能降低。 展开更多
关键词 双效吸收式变热器 力性能分析 制冷工质
吸收式变热器性能的影响因素 被引量:2
作者 王辉涛 王华 《重庆建筑大学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期114-118,共5页
在运用热力学第一定律和第二定律的基础上,对吸收式变热器的理论循环进行了研究,分析了各种影响因素(冷源温度T0、余热温度T1、得热温度Th)对变热器性能的影响程度,同时建立了类似LiBr-H2O工质对的实际单效吸收式变热器性能的数学模型,... 在运用热力学第一定律和第二定律的基础上,对吸收式变热器的理论循环进行了研究,分析了各种影响因素(冷源温度T0、余热温度T1、得热温度Th)对变热器性能的影响程度,同时建立了类似LiBr-H2O工质对的实际单效吸收式变热器性能的数学模型,并给出了该模型的数值求解方法,对吸收式变热器的性能系数影响按程度大小排列依次是冷源温度T0、余热温度T1、得热温度Th,同时LiBr溶液结晶温度和溶液热交换器换热性能的系数φ也明显地影响变热器的性能。 展开更多
关键词 吸收式变热器 理论循环 数学模型 数值求解
吸收式变热器应用分析 被引量:1
作者 邹江 李智敏 彭晓峰 《工业加热》 CAS 2001年第2期10-12,共3页
吸收式变热器是一种新型的节能装置 ,有着显著效果。介绍了吸收式变热器的工作原理 ,从应用的角度分析了它的性能指标和影响因素 ,并举实例来说明它的应用情况。由于目前装置费用比较高 ,实用还不广泛。随着不断的研究开发 ,它必会发展... 吸收式变热器是一种新型的节能装置 ,有着显著效果。介绍了吸收式变热器的工作原理 ,从应用的角度分析了它的性能指标和影响因素 ,并举实例来说明它的应用情况。由于目前装置费用比较高 ,实用还不广泛。随着不断的研究开发 ,它必会发展得更高效 ,实用更方便 。 展开更多
关键词 节能 吸收式变热器 低品位源利用
氨水吸收式制冷机的基础理论与设计之十四——氨水吸收式热泵与变热器 被引量:1
作者 杨思文 《流体工程》 CSCD 北大核心 1990年第11期55-62,共8页
一、概述顾名思义,热泵是一种将热量从温度低处送往高处去的装置。从工作原理来讲,热泵和制冷机是一样的。所以同一台装置既可用作制冷机,也可用作热泵。只是在用作制冷机时,我们感兴趣的是它的低温侧,即蒸发器中的制冷效果,而在用作热... 一、概述顾名思义,热泵是一种将热量从温度低处送往高处去的装置。从工作原理来讲,热泵和制冷机是一样的。所以同一台装置既可用作制冷机,也可用作热泵。只是在用作制冷机时,我们感兴趣的是它的低温侧,即蒸发器中的制冷效果,而在用作热泵时,则是要利用它的高温侧,即冷凝器中的制热效果。因此热泵有着和制冷机一样多的种类,如蒸气压缩式、蒸气喷射式、吸收式等。 展开更多
关键词 氨水吸收 制冷机 变热器
作者 史琳 朱明善 《油田节能》 1998年第4期6-10,共5页
在工业生产中低渐(79~100℃)余热管普遍存在,因此说,低温余热利用的意义重大,吸收式变热器与其他余热利用装置比较,只需要余热本身作为驱动能量,而且余热利用效果比较好,如果根据现场实际情况采用吸收式变热器与其他余热... 在工业生产中低渐(79~100℃)余热管普遍存在,因此说,低温余热利用的意义重大,吸收式变热器与其他余热利用装置比较,只需要余热本身作为驱动能量,而且余热利用效果比较好,如果根据现场实际情况采用吸收式变热器与其他余热利用装置的有机结合方式,则其节能效果将会更加显著。 展开更多
关键词 变热器 利用 装置
二次提升型吸收式变热器热力性能分析 被引量:9
作者 尹娟 史琳 +1 位作者 朱明善 韩礼钟 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第10期88-91,共4页
为有效地回收低品位余热 ,该文以水 /溴化锂(H2 O/ L i Br)工质对为例 ,分析了 3种二次提升型吸收式变热器 ,指出其中第一级吸收器和第二级蒸发器相连接的形式(A1- E2型 )是最可取的。并着重分析了 A 1- E2型二次提升型吸收式变热器的... 为有效地回收低品位余热 ,该文以水 /溴化锂(H2 O/ L i Br)工质对为例 ,分析了 3种二次提升型吸收式变热器 ,指出其中第一级吸收器和第二级蒸发器相连接的形式(A1- E2型 )是最可取的。并着重分析了 A 1- E2型二次提升型吸收式变热器的热力性能 ,结果表明 ,二次提升型吸收式变热器比单级吸收式变热器有更高的温度提升 ,运行范围扩大 ,但系统性能有所下降。根据对不同工质对的热力分析 ,该文还提出了第一级采用 H2 O/ L i Br,第二级采用三氟乙醇 / N -甲基 - 2 -吡咯烷酮 (TFE/ NMP)为工质对的二次提升型吸收式变热器的设想 ,它既能获得较高的温度提升又有相对较高的性能系数。 展开更多
关键词 吸收式变热器 力性能 回收 二次提升型
变换换热器的化学清洗 被引量:1
作者 聂桂兰 王建武 《中氮肥》 1994年第4期52-53,共2页
变换换热器的化学清洗聂桂兰,王建武(山西省原平化肥厂)我厂变换系统采用饱和热水塔流程,饱和热水塔填料为瓷环。由于腐蚀,饱和热水塔顶部的高效过滤网失效,今年4月16日更换的换热器(材质为ICr18NigTi)至6月:3... 变换换热器的化学清洗聂桂兰,王建武(山西省原平化肥厂)我厂变换系统采用饱和热水塔流程,饱和热水塔填料为瓷环。由于腐蚀,饱和热水塔顶部的高效过滤网失效,今年4月16日更换的换热器(材质为ICr18NigTi)至6月:30日已有不少列管被堵塞。8月30日... 展开更多
关键词 氮肥 换换 化学清洗
作者 张滨 《电力安全技术》 1997年第6期32-34,共3页
关键词 锅炉 压过 形分析 电厂
炼油厂低温热回收利用的途径及技术 被引量:39
作者 廖家祺 陈安民 《炼油设计》 2000年第9期60-62,共3页
介绍了炼油厂低温热回收利用的一些途径及技术 ,首先是直接用作热源取代原来使用的高、中温位热源 ,如作重沸器的热源 ,用于加热采暖和洗浴用水等 ;然后是升级利用 ,如用热泵、低温热制冷、低温热发电和变热器等技术 ,将低温热升级利用... 介绍了炼油厂低温热回收利用的一些途径及技术 ,首先是直接用作热源取代原来使用的高、中温位热源 ,如作重沸器的热源 ,用于加热采暖和洗浴用水等 ;然后是升级利用 ,如用热泵、低温热制冷、低温热发电和变热器等技术 ,将低温热升级利用。重点介绍了变热器技术。对炼油厂低温热的利用提出了建议。 展开更多
关键词 炼油厂 低温回收利用 重沸 变热器
A 1×4 Polymeric Digital Optical Switch Based on the Thermo-Optic Effect 被引量:1
作者 唐奕 张昊 +2 位作者 杨建义 王明华 江晓清 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期692-695,共4页
We present a 1 × 4 Y-branch digital optical switch in which S-bend variable optical attenuators are integrated. The S-bend waveguides, which are always introduced to connect the switch and the standard fiber arra... We present a 1 × 4 Y-branch digital optical switch in which S-bend variable optical attenuators are integrated. The S-bend waveguides, which are always introduced to connect the switch and the standard fiber array, are made use of and designed as variable optical attenuators. A compact device with low crosstalk and larger branching-angle is obtained. The device is fabricated on the thermo-optic polymer materials,and the performance of the device is measured. With an applied driving power of less than 200mW, the device has a low crosstalk of less than - 35dB at a wavelength of 1.55 μm. 展开更多
关键词 bend waveguide variable optical attenuator thermo-optic effect digital optical switch integrated optics
Thin film design for advanced thermochromic smart radiator devices 被引量:4
作者 冯煜东 王志民 +1 位作者 马亚莉 张福甲 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第6期1704-1709,共6页
This paper describes the research on the materials and design methods for advanced smart radiator devices (SRDs) on large-area flexible substrates utilized on spacecraft. The functional material is thermochromic van... This paper describes the research on the materials and design methods for advanced smart radiator devices (SRDs) on large-area flexible substrates utilized on spacecraft. The functional material is thermochromic vanadium dioxide. The coating design of SRD is similar to the design of broadband filter coatings in a mid-infrared region. The multilayer coatings have complex structures. Coating materials must be highly transparent in a required spectrum region and also mechanically robust enough to endure the influence from the rigorous environments of outer space. The number of layers must be very small, suitable for the deposition on large-area flexible substrates. All the coatings are designed initially based on optical calculation and practical experience, and then optimized by the TFCALC software. Several designs are described and compared with each other. The results show that the emittance variability of the designed SRDs is great than 400%, more advanced than the reported ones. 展开更多
关键词 optical design THERMOCHROMIC vanadium dioxide smart radiator device
Multi-objective Thermal Optimization of Dual-input Aeronautic Static Inverter Based on MOEA/D
作者 YAN Jie GE Hongjuan +1 位作者 WANG Yongshuai LI Huang 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2022年第S01期65-72,共8页
To solve the multi-variable and multi-objective optimization problem in the thermal design process of the dual-input aeronautic static inverter,an optimization method based on the combination of the multi-objective ev... To solve the multi-variable and multi-objective optimization problem in the thermal design process of the dual-input aeronautic static inverter,an optimization method based on the combination of the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition(MOEA/D)and the fuzzy set theory is proposed.The heat transfer path of the power device is analyzed and an equivalent heat circuit is conducted.We take junction temperature of the power device,mass,and cost of the heat sink as optimization goals,and take the heat sink structure parameters as design variables to conduct thermal optimization based on MOEA/D.This paper carries out a comparative study,and the results show that the proposed improved algorithm can meet the different requirements for multi-objective weights,and have good rapidity and robustness. 展开更多
关键词 aeronautic static inverter thermal optimization heat sink MOEA/D fuzzy set theory
LabVIEW based temperature transmitter-a simple and realizable approachfor experimental cum application study in the laboratory 被引量:1
作者 T K Maiti Madonna Narzary Ankur Jyoti Barman 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2019年第4期322-328,共7页
In this paper,we have presented a simple approach for experimental and application study on LabVIEW based temperature transmitter with NI myRIO device in the laboratory.In this work,to study the small range of tempera... In this paper,we have presented a simple approach for experimental and application study on LabVIEW based temperature transmitter with NI myRIO device in the laboratory.In this work,to study the small range of temperature(40-100℃)although different temperature sensors can be used still,we have used here a K-type thermocouple as the measuring temperature sensor.The analog output voltage of thermocouple is amplified by instrumentation amplifier and the amplified signal is fed to the analog input of NI myRIO device which converts the analog input voltage signal as per the algorithm developed with virtual instrumentation based programming and provides the corresponding 4-20 mA output current signal in the analog output terminal of the device.Results show that input-output i.e.temperature-current relationship is linear.This low cost developed transmitter is very simple and it can be recommended for academic,scientific and industrial development of data acquisition systems,control and analysis of instruments. 展开更多
关键词 temperature transmitter virtual instrumentation programming K-type thermocouple LABVIEW NI myRIO device
Modelling of Transduction Heaters Using Transformer Equivalent Circuit and Finite Element Analysis
作者 Lisiate Takau Pat Bodger 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第6期1085-1092,共8页
This paper presents the modelling of transduction heaters using the TEC (transformer equivalent circuit) model and FEA (finite element analysis). Each model was used to simulate a set oftransduction heating experi... This paper presents the modelling of transduction heaters using the TEC (transformer equivalent circuit) model and FEA (finite element analysis). Each model was used to simulate a set oftransduction heating experiments and the results compared. Analysis of the TEC calculated results suggested modification of three parameters: the secondary resistance, the core tube eddy current resistance and the core tube magnetizing reactance. The improved TEC model was then used to design, build and test a 6 kW transduction heater. The measured results are compared with calculated results from the TEC and FEA models. The TEC model accurately predicts the performance of the heater. 展开更多
关键词 Induction heating transduction heating transformer equivalent circuit finite element analysis.
Thermal Design of Power Transformers via CFD
作者 Ralf Wittmaack 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第1期102-107,共6页
At Siemens, an in-house CFD (computational fluid dynamics) code UniFlow is used to investigate fluid flow and heat transfer in oil-immersed and dry-type transformers, as well as transformer components like windings,... At Siemens, an in-house CFD (computational fluid dynamics) code UniFlow is used to investigate fluid flow and heat transfer in oil-immersed and dry-type transformers, as well as transformer components like windings, cores, tank walls, and radiators. This paper outlines its physical models and numerical solution methods. Furthermore, for oil-immersed transformers, it presents an application to a HV (high voltage) winding in a traction transformer of locomotives, cooled by synthetic ester. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal design CFD physical models numerical methods.
Cooling Device Using the Natural Convection, Phase Change of Substance and Capillary Effect
作者 Patrik Neme~ AlexanderCaja Milan Malcho 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第8期1520-1526,共7页
Paper deals about testing of device with gravity assisted heat pipes and about researching of wick heat pipes used to effective heat transfers from power switches of energy converter. At first, to simulate ambient con... Paper deals about testing of device with gravity assisted heat pipes and about researching of wick heat pipes used to effective heat transfers from power switches of energy converter. At first, to simulate ambient condition was designed thermostatic chamber where was monitoring temperature course on main parts of cooling device (energy converter, air cooler and heat pipes) at various position of cooling device. It was found, if the cooling device is in tilt position the cooling performance is better. But if the tilt angel of gravity assisted heat pipe is higher the heat transfer is lower. From reason improve heat transfer cooling device at tilt angle are manufactured heat pipes with the sintered, mesh screen and grooved capillary structures and tested their thermal performance at vertical and tilt angel 45~ position by calorimetric method. Article describes manufacturing process and thermal performance measuring method of wick heat pipes. This experiment testify that the wick heat pipe is able operate at tilt angle position than gravity assisted heat pipe and application of wick heat pipes into cooling device will improve his cooling performance. 展开更多
关键词 Heat pipe heat transfer cooling device natural convection phase change capillary effect.
Thermal performances of non-equidistant helical-coil phase change accumulator for latent heat storage 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG GaoWei HU Peng LIU MingHou 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第5期668-677,共10页
Helical-coil is a common structure of heat exchanger unit in phase change heat accumulator and usually has the equal coil pitch between adjacent coils. Its thermal performances could be improved by improving the unifo... Helical-coil is a common structure of heat exchanger unit in phase change heat accumulator and usually has the equal coil pitch between adjacent coils. Its thermal performances could be improved by improving the uniformity of the phase change material (PCM) temperature distribution. Thus, a novel non-equidistant helical-coil structure was proposed in this study. Its coil pitch decreased along the flow direction of heat transfer fluid, which made the heat exchange area in unit volume increase to match the decreasing temperature difference between the heat transfer fluid and PCM. The structure was optimized using numerical simulation. An experimental system was developed and the experiment results indicated that the proposed non-equidistant helical-coil heat accumulator was more effective than equidistant helical-coil for latent heat storage. The uniformity of the temperaalre distribution was also confirmed by simulation results. 展开更多
关键词 heat storage helical-coil heat accumulator phase change uniform temperature distribution
Study of Contact Melting Inside Isothermally Heated Vertical Cylindrical Capsules 被引量:4
作者 ChenWenzhen ChengShangmo 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1993年第3期190-195,共6页
Close-contact melting processes of phase change material (PCM) inside vertical cylindrical capsule are studied. PCM are heated by the capsule isothermally at the bottom and side. The theoretical formulas of the meltin... Close-contact melting processes of phase change material (PCM) inside vertical cylindrical capsule are studied. PCM are heated by the capsule isothermally at the bottom and side. The theoretical formulas of the melting rate and thickness of liquid layer during the heat transfer process are obtained by analysis, which are convenient for engineering predictions. Finally, the factors that affect melting are discussed, and conclusions are drawn. 展开更多
关键词 MELTING heat transfer phase change film theory CAPSULES
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