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作者 李明军 李胜男 李桂波 《沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2017年第1期68-72,共5页
研究变粘性系数的2维MHD驻点流问题。平板被放置在大小为H0的磁场中,对Navier-Stokes方程组进行计算,其中粘性系数是温度的函数。通过物理分析得到变粘性系数的MHD驻点流动的Navier-Stokes控制方程组。通过相似变换,将控制方程组转化为... 研究变粘性系数的2维MHD驻点流问题。平板被放置在大小为H0的磁场中,对Navier-Stokes方程组进行计算,其中粘性系数是温度的函数。通过物理分析得到变粘性系数的MHD驻点流动的Navier-Stokes控制方程组。通过相似变换,将控制方程组转化为常微分方程组。数值分析了磁场效应和温度变化对壁面摩擦系数、壁面传热及流场特征等的影响,并得到了速度、磁场及温度随各参数的变化趋势。 展开更多
关键词 驻点流 MHD流 变粘性系数 相似解 打靶法
作者 张小宁 孙中宁 +1 位作者 孟现珂 徐广展 《核动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期23-26,共4页
在整体加热多孔介质热工水力实验回路上,以纯净水为冷却工质,研究变粘性效应对含内热源多孔介质流动阻力特性的影响。结果表明,流体流过加热多孔介质通道时,由于温度变化引起粘度的改变对多孔介质流动阻力特性产生影响。低雷诺数时变粘... 在整体加热多孔介质热工水力实验回路上,以纯净水为冷却工质,研究变粘性效应对含内热源多孔介质流动阻力特性的影响。结果表明,流体流过加热多孔介质通道时,由于温度变化引起粘度的改变对多孔介质流动阻力特性产生影响。低雷诺数时变粘性效应对阻力压降的影响显著,随着雷诺数的增加其影响逐渐减弱。入口温度较低时,加热与绝热情况下的无量纲阻力压降曲线有明显差别;随着入口温度的升高,两者之间的差别逐渐减小,曲线最终趋于一致。提出了新的Hazen-Dupuit-Darcy(HDD)模型的修正因子ξμ和ξC,由此得到的阻力压降系数的计算值与实验值的相对误差在±11.8%的范围内。 展开更多
关键词 变粘性 流动阻力特性 多孔介质 感应加热
作者 李胜男 《流体动力学》 2016年第4期69-81,共13页
本文研究了考虑变热传导系数和粘性系数的二维定常MHD驻点流动问题。其中热传导系数和粘性系数是温度的函数。通过相似变换,将N-S控制方程组转化为常微分方程组;再利用打靶法计算此常微分方程组的数值解。分别对不同的磁场参数、流体粘... 本文研究了考虑变热传导系数和粘性系数的二维定常MHD驻点流动问题。其中热传导系数和粘性系数是温度的函数。通过相似变换,将N-S控制方程组转化为常微分方程组;再利用打靶法计算此常微分方程组的数值解。分别对不同的磁场参数、流体粘性参数和普朗特数进行了数值计算,详细分析了磁场效应和温度变化对壁面摩擦系数、壁面传热及流场特征等的影响。 展开更多
关键词 驻点流 MHD流 相似解 热传导系数 变粘性系数
作者 宋丽娜 《山东海洋学院学报》 1987年第2期8-19,共12页
关键词 浅海流体动力学 粘性系数 流速分解模型 风暴潮
作者 宋丽娜 《山东海洋学院学报》 1986年第3期15-27,共13页
对于像我国渤海、黄海和东海等半封闭的边缘海和陆架海及其附属的海湾和河口等浅水域中,浅海动力学的探讨,不仅对水位预报和流场描述等方面具有实际应用价值,而且也有理论价值。以半日或全日为周期的海洋潮汐运动,基本上控制着日常... 对于像我国渤海、黄海和东海等半封闭的边缘海和陆架海及其附属的海湾和河口等浅水域中,浅海动力学的探讨,不仅对水位预报和流场描述等方面具有实际应用价值,而且也有理论价值。以半日或全日为周期的海洋潮汐运动,基本上控制着日常的水位变化和流场形态,其潮位和潮流分别有1米和1米/秒的量阶。 展开更多
关键词 浅海流体动力学 粘性系数 流速分解模型 海洋潮汐运动
下地壳流变与造山带同挤压期地壳伸展的动力学关系 被引量:14
作者 何建坤 刘金朝 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期483-496,共14页
应用不可压缩非牛顿粘性流体的本构关系 ,对造山带同挤压期下地壳流变及其与上地壳构造伸展的动力学关系进行了二维有限元数值模拟 .结果表明 ,在板块侧向挤压下 ,当造山带山根下陷和地表隆起达一定程度后 ,地壳不同层圈岩石将发生复杂... 应用不可压缩非牛顿粘性流体的本构关系 ,对造山带同挤压期下地壳流变及其与上地壳构造伸展的动力学关系进行了二维有限元数值模拟 .结果表明 ,在板块侧向挤压下 ,当造山带山根下陷和地表隆起达一定程度后 ,地壳不同层圈岩石将发生复杂的粘性流变 .流变的运动学方式和分布范围不仅与时间有关、同时还受地壳厚度转变带形态的制约 .在构造挤压和山体荷载达到弹性平衡状态后 ,地壳流变首先发生在造山带下地壳山根 ,但经一定的Maxwell时间后 ,流变将不断局限于造山带前缘的厚度转变带 .这一流变方式的变化是导致造山带浅部地壳动力学转变的主要原因 .它造成造山带内上地壳最小主应力从近水平挤压不断转化为近水平拉张 ,由此使造山带前陆发生挤压冲断的同时 ,山体的核部发生上地壳的拉张伸展 .最后 ,应用这一结果讨论了青藏高原南缘南北向地壳伸展的动力学性质 . 展开更多
关键词 动力学关系 同挤压期伸展 碰撞造山带 下地带粘性 数值模拟 地表隆起
作者 郑镇丰 周健 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2006年第10期19-20,共2页
关键词 粘性土层 静压管桩 持力层 粘性土触特性
作者 陆云光 宣本金 《数学物理学报(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 1996年第2期187-194,共8页
关键词 伸缩不变粘性消失法 双曲型方程组 RIEMANN问题
超塑性拉伸似粘性变参数流变方程 被引量:5
作者 宋玉泉 高柏恩 王习文 《中国科学(E辑)》 CSCD 1998年第3期193-197,共5页
给出了能精确表达Zn Al2 2 % ,Al Zn Mg和Al Zn Cu Cr比较典型的 3种超塑性合金的lgσ lg ε关系的多项式 .进而用m(ε·)和k( ε)的解析表达式求得m和k均为变数的似粘性流变方程 ,方程中包含了与m lg ε曲线相关的 3个参数mm ,mk... 给出了能精确表达Zn Al2 2 % ,Al Zn Mg和Al Zn Cu Cr比较典型的 3种超塑性合金的lgσ lg ε关系的多项式 .进而用m(ε·)和k( ε)的解析表达式求得m和k均为变数的似粘性流变方程 ,方程中包含了与m lg ε曲线相关的 3个参数mm ,mk和 η ,并且指出 ,mm,η ,mm/mk 越大 ,合金的超塑性越好 ,而且Backofen方程只是变参数本构方程的一个特例 . 展开更多
关键词 超塑性拉伸 粘性方程 超塑性合金
大别造山带构造超压形成的碰撞力学机理 被引量:4
作者 武红岭 董树文 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 2001年第4期478-483,共6页
提出了大别山构造超压形成的点碰撞模型 ,简要分析了大陆碰撞带构造运动引起的粘性介质中粘性应力和平均应力随岩石物性的变化规律 ,探讨了构造压力对超高压的贡献及对成岩深度的重要意义。研究表明 :构造运动引起的岩石圈中的附加压力... 提出了大别山构造超压形成的点碰撞模型 ,简要分析了大陆碰撞带构造运动引起的粘性介质中粘性应力和平均应力随岩石物性的变化规律 ,探讨了构造压力对超高压的贡献及对成岩深度的重要意义。研究表明 :构造运动引起的岩石圈中的附加压力可能与静岩压力有相同的数量级 ,大陆造山带两陆块不规则边界的碰撞会引起局部应力集中 ,产生较大的构造压力。岩石介质的流变学分析表明 ,在相同外力作用下 ,岩石圈上部的高粘度性质决定了其在构造活动期间增温效果显著 ,但增压效果有限 ;而粘性较低的岩石圈下部则增压效果明显。为此 。 展开更多
关键词 点碰撞机制 构造超压 粘性 大别造山带 岩石圈 撞力学机理
超塑性拉伸似粘性流变方程中本构参数的力学解析 被引量:2
作者 宋玉泉 程永春 王习文 《中国科学(E辑)》 CSCD 1997年第5期385-385,共1页
在回顾超塑性拉伸似粘性流变方程中本构参数m和k研究历史的基础上,建立了m和k均为变数的微分关系.通过用已知函数模拟应变速率敏感性指数m与应变速率(?)的关系曲线,从理论上求得m(?),k(?)以及k和m关系的解析表达式,论证了m和k均为材料... 在回顾超塑性拉伸似粘性流变方程中本构参数m和k研究历史的基础上,建立了m和k均为变数的微分关系.通过用已知函数模拟应变速率敏感性指数m与应变速率(?)的关系曲线,从理论上求得m(?),k(?)以及k和m关系的解析表达式,论证了m和k均为材料的应变速率敏感性参数,明确了m为应变速率敏感性指数,k为应变速率敏感性系数,建立了m和k的力学解析理论,理论曲线与3种超塑性合金的实测曲线拟合得很好,为了定量计算,还给出精确模拟的3种合金的m(?)曲线和k(?)曲线的多项式. 展开更多
关键词 超塑性拉伸 粘性方程 本构参数
Determination of interfacial adhesive properties for polymeric film by blister test 被引量:1
作者 王子菡 马增胜 +1 位作者 周益春 卢春生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第10期3033-3039,共7页
The interfacial adhesive properties ofpolypropylene/stainless steel were studied by the blister test. The polypropylene film with a squared free-standing window was pressured by oil from one side of film. The correspo... The interfacial adhesive properties ofpolypropylene/stainless steel were studied by the blister test. The polypropylene film with a squared free-standing window was pressured by oil from one side of film. The corresponding deformation field was observed by a digital speckle correlation method. The experimental results show that the squared film deforms and debonds from stainless steel with the increase of pressure. The debonding of the squared film in initiates from the center of edge and extends to the comer, and then the deformation of film evolves from square to circle shape. The interfacial adhesive energy of polypropylene/stainless steel is (22.60±1.55) J/m2, which is in agreement with that measured by film with a circular window. 展开更多
关键词 blister test polymeric film interracial adhesive properties DEBONDING whole-filed deformation
作者 张耀宗 宋玉泉 王习文 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第22期2449-2452,共4页
描述材料变形力学规律的本构方程,常力求其数学形式简单明了,避免难以承受的复杂运算。然而,计算机的运用和开发使相当复杂的运算已成为可能,更复杂、更精确、更深刻的本构方程便应运而生。文献[1]从求解定义m值的微分方程出发,求得超... 描述材料变形力学规律的本构方程,常力求其数学形式简单明了,避免难以承受的复杂运算。然而,计算机的运用和开发使相当复杂的运算已成为可能,更复杂、更精确、更深刻的本构方程便应运而生。文献[1]从求解定义m值的微分方程出发,求得超塑性拉伸似粘性流变方程。文献[2]进行了超塑拉伸似粘性流变方程本构参数k和m变化规律的力学解析。本文不研究本构参数k与m的函数关系,也不由k和m的解析式直接求得变参数流变方程,而是从定义m值的微分方程出发建立其超塑拉伸的变m值流变方程,并由此说明需有与白口铸铁m-lgε曲线几何形状相关的3个参数m_m,m0和η才能判定其超塑性。 展开更多
关键词 白口铁 规律 超塑性拉伸 粘性规律
Primary-transient creep and anelastic backflow of pure copper deformed at low temperatures and ultra-low strain rates
作者 申俊杰 Ken-ichi IKEDA +1 位作者 Satoshi HATA Hideharu NAKASHIMA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期1729-1735,共7页
Creep and anelastic backflow behaviors of pure copper (4N Cu) with grain size dg=40 μm were investigated at low temperatures of T〈0.3Tm (Tm is melting point) and ultra-low creep rates of ε≤1×10^-10 s^-1 b... Creep and anelastic backflow behaviors of pure copper (4N Cu) with grain size dg=40 μm were investigated at low temperatures of T〈0.3Tm (Tm is melting point) and ultra-low creep rates of ε≤1×10^-10 s^-1 by a high strain-resolution measurement (the helicoid spring specimen technique). Analysis of creep data was based on the scaling factors of creep curves instead of the conventional extrapolated steady-state creep rate. Power-law creep equation is suggested to be the best for describing the primary transient creep behavior, because the pre-parameter does not apparently change with elapsed time. The observed anelastic strains are 1/6 of the calculated elastic strains, and linear viscous behavior was identified from the logarithm plot of the anelastic strain rate versus anelastic strain (slope equals 1). Therefore, the creep anelasticity is suggested to be due to the unbowing of there-dimensional network of dislocations. 展开更多
关键词 pure copper CREEP DISLOCATION ANELASTICITY constitutive creep equation
作者 张庆贺 曾小清 《国际学术动态》 1998年第8期66-67,共2页
首届亚洲岩石力学会议——地下结构的安全与环境保护是国际岩石力学学会的一个地区性分会议,于1997年10月13~15日在韩国汉城展览中心召开。来自亚洲、欧洲、美洲和大洋洲的专家学者参加了会议。会议期间,代表们讨论了各地区、各国家的... 首届亚洲岩石力学会议——地下结构的安全与环境保护是国际岩石力学学会的一个地区性分会议,于1997年10月13~15日在韩国汉城展览中心召开。来自亚洲、欧洲、美洲和大洋洲的专家学者参加了会议。会议期间,代表们讨论了各地区、各国家的岩石和软土特性以及地下结构安全与环境保护的问题。我国学者在会上宣读了两篇论文,具有内容先进、易于推广、实用等特点,达到国际相关专业的前沿水平。 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 软岩 粘性 强度参数
Viscoplastic friction and microstructural evolution behavior of laser-clad Co-Cr-Ni-Mo coating 被引量:2
作者 李瑞迪 李京龙 +2 位作者 梁毅 籍成宗 袁铁锤 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期681-691,共11页
The viscoplastic friction and nanostructure formation mechanism of laser-clad Co-based coating were studied by rotary friction between laser-clad Co-Cr-Ni-Mo coating and WC-Co rod.The friction coefficient,friction int... The viscoplastic friction and nanostructure formation mechanism of laser-clad Co-based coating were studied by rotary friction between laser-clad Co-Cr-Ni-Mo coating and WC-Co rod.The friction coefficient,friction interface temperature and axial displacement—time curves during rotary friction process were measured.The results showed that all the curves firstly experienced rising stage and then steady stage.The rising stage corresponded to sliding friction while the steady stage corresponded to viscoplastic friction.After viscoplastic friction processing,three typical zones of viscoplastic deformation zone,thermo-mechanically affected zone,and original laser-clad zone can be observed successively from the friction surface to the interior.The viscoplastic deformation significantly crushed the network M23C7 phase in original laser-clad zone and made it dispersively distributed with equiaxial shape and in nano-scale.The viscoplastic zone,in width of 37-131 μm,is mainly characterized by refined M23C7 and α-Co phase with grain size bellow 50 nm,and even a small quantity of amorphous.Thus,the hardness of viscoplastic zone about HV997 was improved compared with the hardness of original laser-clad zone about HV600. 展开更多
关键词 viscoplastic deformation severe plastic deformation laser cladding Co-Cr-Ni-Mo coating nanostructure rotary friction
Stability of Oil Film and Output Speed of Hydroviscous Drive Affected by the Pressure of Control Oil 被引量:4
作者 黄晓光 魏宸官 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2001年第3期266-271,共6页
Based on the theories of hydraulics and nonlinear control system, the model of hydroviscous drive (HVD) was established, the influences of small ripple of control oil pressure on the output speed of HVD and the stabil... Based on the theories of hydraulics and nonlinear control system, the model of hydroviscous drive (HVD) was established, the influences of small ripple of control oil pressure on the output speed of HVD and the stability of oil film between friction disks were analyzed. The conclusion presents that when the frequency of the control oil's pressure ripple is higher than 60?Hz and the peak is less than 0 05?MPa, HVD can work stably. The result is useful for studying the application of frequency conversion technology in regulation of control oil pressure. 展开更多
关键词 hydroviscous drive frequency conversion nonlinear system
Relationship between rheological manufacturing process and optical performance of optical fiber coupler 被引量:3
作者 帅词俊 段吉安 钟掘 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第2期175-179,共5页
Through theoretical analysis and experiments, the viscoelastic mechanical model of optical fiber coupler in the process of fused biconical taper was established, and the numerical analysis in non-uniform temperature f... Through theoretical analysis and experiments, the viscoelastic mechanical model of optical fiber coupler in the process of fused biconical taper was established, and the numerical analysis in non-uniform temperature field was made. The results show that the rheological parameters, such as drawing speed and fused temperature, have a tremendous influence on stress distribution and performance of optical fiber coupler, especially the influence of fused temperature. The change of fused temperature by 5℃ can lead to the change of the maximum stress by 30% and stress difference by 20% in the same cross section. The change of temperature gradient by 3% can result in the change of stress difference by 90%. In the present condition of rheological technology, rheological defects such as crystallizations and microcracks are easy to generate in the optical fiber coupler. 展开更多
关键词 optical fiber coupler fused biconical taper viscoelastic rheology
Study on the rheology of coal-oil slurries during heating at high pressure 被引量:4
作者 Bingfeng Yan 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2017年第3期274-280,共7页
Using the self-developed viscosity measuring device, the viscosity variations of coal-oil slurries with temperature increasing during coal-oil co-processing were studied. The results show that the viscosity of coal-oi... Using the self-developed viscosity measuring device, the viscosity variations of coal-oil slurries with temperature increasing during coal-oil co-processing were studied. The results show that the viscosity of coal-oil slurries prepared by different kinds of oil varies differently during heating. The viscosity of the coal-oil slurry prepared by the catalytic cracking slurry (FCC) generally decreases during heating. However, the viscosity of the coal-oil slurry prepared by the high-temperature coal tar (CT) will peak at 338 ℃ during heating. The differences in viscosity variations of coal-oil slurries are analyzed. In addition to the temperature, the properties of the solvents and coal are the main influencing factors. Because the used coal contains a large number of polar functional groups, the swelling behavior of the coal in polar solvent (CT) is stronger than that in non-polar solvent (FCC). The swelling effect of the coal can result in the appearance of the viscosity peak. Therefore, before 100 ~C, the solvent molecules entering into the coal pores is the main influencing factor of coal-oil slurries viscosity variations. After 100 ℃, the increasing of particle size of coal particles is the main influencing factor of coal-oil slurries viscosity variations. 展开更多
关键词 Coal-oil slurry · Rheology· Swelling · High temperature and pressure
Viscosity of Sea Surface Microlayer in Jiaozhou Bay and Adjacent Sea Area 被引量:2
作者 张正斌 张安慧 +3 位作者 刘莲生 刘春颖 任春艳 邢磊 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期351-357,共7页
This study on the temporal and spatial variability of the viscosity and some chemical parameters in the sea surface microlayer (SML), the relationship between the viscosity and chemical parameters, and the influence o... This study on the temporal and spatial variability of the viscosity and some chemical parameters in the sea surface microlayer (SML), the relationship between the viscosity and chemical parameters, and the influence of the viscosity on the mass transfer coefficient ( K ) in the flux of materials through the air sea interface revealed that: The values of viscosity and some chemical parameters in the SML are higher than those in the sub surface layer (SSL), and at daytime are higher than those at night. The viscosity has positive corelation with chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and salinity. The "SML effect" on K need not be considered because the SML effect on materials concentration is so small. 展开更多
关键词 VISCOSITY sea surface microlayer Jiaozhou Bay
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