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作者 张锡松 赵汉林 《江苏农机化》 1999年第2期14-14,共1页
随着农村土地实行家庭承包经营以后,以及二、三产业的发展,许多农户往往图省事,化肥施用量增大,使用有机肥减少,导致耕作层越来越浅,土地越来越板结。而三和镇三南村连续10年种水稻,土地却越种越松软。为此,我们请农业局土肥站专家到三... 随着农村土地实行家庭承包经营以后,以及二、三产业的发展,许多农户往往图省事,化肥施用量增大,使用有机肥减少,导致耕作层越来越浅,土地越来越板结。而三和镇三南村连续10年种水稻,土地却越种越松软。为此,我们请农业局土肥站专家到三南村现场采样检测,测检结果表明:土壤容重水稻田为1.18g/cm^3,测试旱田为1.25g/cm^3;有机质含量水稻田为1.57%,旱田为1.07%;耕作层水稻田为12.75cm,旱田为7.25cm。是什么原因使三南的土地越种越肥?通过调查,我们知道关键在于实行了机械化作业。他们的主要做法: 展开更多
关键词 调查与启示 土地状况 水稻田 秸秆还田 南村 农业可持续发展 变肥 施用量 耕作层 农村土地
桑园自走式变比配肥定向撒肥机设计与试验 被引量:4
作者 刘莫尘 赵庆吉 +3 位作者 韩守强 宋占华 李法德 闫银发 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第S02期120-130,140,共12页
为实现桑园内氮、磷、钾和有机肥按需均衡施肥,保障桑叶产量、质量,减小肥料不合理使用造成的面源污染,设计了一种能够变比配肥和定向撒肥的桑园自走式变比配肥定向撒肥机。根据桑园农艺要求设计的整机长为1450 mm、宽为655 mm、高为114... 为实现桑园内氮、磷、钾和有机肥按需均衡施肥,保障桑叶产量、质量,减小肥料不合理使用造成的面源污染,设计了一种能够变比配肥和定向撒肥的桑园自走式变比配肥定向撒肥机。根据桑园农艺要求设计的整机长为1450 mm、宽为655 mm、高为1141 mm,并对履带行走系统、变比配肥掺混机构进行设计。通过离散元法对变比配肥掺混过程和撒肥盘撒肥效果进行仿真分析,发现槽轮转速在20~80 r/min范围内,配肥偏离度标准差低于0.4,掺混均匀性较好;抛撒肥料时,曲线形叶片撒肥盘肥料分布呈对称形状,撒肥效果较好。通过正交试验优化设计定向撒肥板长度为450 mm、高度为80 mm、折弯角为100°。通过响应面法分析因素对撒肥分布变异系数的影响,主次顺序为:撒肥盘转速、碰撞掺混腔收料口与撒肥盘中心距离、整机作业速度,并确定较优工作参数:撒肥盘转速为290.1 r/min、碰撞掺混腔收料口与撒肥盘中心距离为88.2 mm、整机作业速度范围为0.5~0.7 m/s。通过田间试验验证,桑园自走式变比配肥定向撒肥机工作时撒肥分布变异系数低于40%,试验表明自走式桑园变比配肥定向撒肥一体机田间工作时具有较高的可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 比配 槽轮排 定向撒 桑园
作者 刘瑞英 杨新颜(指导) 《小学生导刊(高年级版)》 2019年第3期50-50,共1页
我们的种植实践基地里长满了各种各样的菜,有辣椒、黄瓜、四季豆,等等。刚开始,这里是一片光秃秃的泥沙地。这样的土地怎么种得出菜呢?事实证明,通过我们的双手,贫瘠的土地也能变成肥沃的土壤。我们花了一个下午的时间翻地,拣出里面的... 我们的种植实践基地里长满了各种各样的菜,有辣椒、黄瓜、四季豆,等等。刚开始,这里是一片光秃秃的泥沙地。这样的土地怎么种得出菜呢?事实证明,通过我们的双手,贫瘠的土地也能变成肥沃的土壤。我们花了一个下午的时间翻地,拣出里面的大石块和小石头。 展开更多
关键词 四季豆 小石头 变肥 黄瓜 辣椒 荒野 石块 土地
四槽轮配肥器肥料颗粒碰撞掺混离散元分析与优化设计 被引量:5
作者 闫银发 赵庆吉 +3 位作者 王瑞雪 韩守强 宋占华 田富洋 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期49-59,共11页
为解决精准施肥过程中变比配肥施肥机械搅拌掺混效率低、掺混均匀度一致性差等问题,设计了一种带有二次碰撞掺混锥形体的四槽轮变比配肥器,可根据4种肥料的需肥量控制4个槽轮以不同转速排肥,二次碰撞掺混腔实现变比配肥的非机械搅拌均... 为解决精准施肥过程中变比配肥施肥机械搅拌掺混效率低、掺混均匀度一致性差等问题,设计了一种带有二次碰撞掺混锥形体的四槽轮变比配肥器,可根据4种肥料的需肥量控制4个槽轮以不同转速排肥,二次碰撞掺混腔实现变比配肥的非机械搅拌均匀掺混。测定了4种肥料颗粒的物料特性及在不同含水率条件下的破碎力和粘附力。采用离散元法,选用Hertz-Mindlin无滑动接触模型,分析4种肥料排料运动和碰撞掺混规律。通过正交试验和方差分析,发现槽轮转速在20~80 r/min范围内时,转速对掺混偏离度标准差影响不显著,四槽轮变比配肥器可以实现变比配肥均匀掺混;优化设计二次碰撞掺混锥形体在圆柱形掺混腔内最优高度为12.1 mm,在此高度下二次碰撞掺混锥形体锥角为57.9°。利用力链分析肥料颗粒在槽轮排肥器工作时受力分布,解算4种肥料颗粒所受到的挤压力均小于其破碎力,变比配肥时不会造成肥料颗粒破碎。另外,利用高速摄影分析不同频率、振幅的振动对肥料颗粒碰撞掺混的影响,发现振动对碰撞掺混均匀度影响很小;进行变比配肥碰撞掺混试验,试验结果表明,各组配肥掺混均匀度基本一致,实现了多种肥料的变比配肥和非机械搅拌均匀掺混。 展开更多
关键词 比配 四槽轮施 离散元 碰撞掺混 掺混均匀度
《新农业》 1996年第12期34-34,共1页
混浊鱼塘变清洁鱼塘混浊会使鱼逐渐消瘦,甚至造成塘鱼死亡,必须引起重视。实践证明,用碳酸氢铵可使混浊鱼塘变清。方法是:一般每亩水面放碳铵12.5-15.0公斤,先将碳酸氢铵装入化肥袋,用绳子扎牢袋口,绑在竹竿上,在袋底... 混浊鱼塘变清洁鱼塘混浊会使鱼逐渐消瘦,甚至造成塘鱼死亡,必须引起重视。实践证明,用碳酸氢铵可使混浊鱼塘变清。方法是:一般每亩水面放碳铵12.5-15.0公斤,先将碳酸氢铵装入化肥袋,用绳子扎牢袋口,绑在竹竿上,在袋底部穿个杯底大小的孔。然后投入鱼塘悬... 展开更多
关键词 鱼塘 碳酸氢 浮游生物 水质 实践证明 塘鱼 变肥 入化 扎牢 碳铵
《医学信息》 1996年第8期17-17,共1页
利用微波治疗前列腺肥大症日本《日经产业新闻》报道,美国食品和药物管理局批准了利用微波照射前列腺,破坏变肥大的组织。治疗约1小时,无须局部麻醉,不必住院。在美国和欧洲,以375人为对象,调查了微波照射治疗的效果,查明有... 利用微波治疗前列腺肥大症日本《日经产业新闻》报道,美国食品和药物管理局批准了利用微波照射前列腺,破坏变肥大的组织。治疗约1小时,无须局部麻醉,不必住院。在美国和欧洲,以375人为对象,调查了微波照射治疗的效果,查明有75%的患者的症状改善了。改善的患... 展开更多
关键词 前列腺大症 微波治疗 美国食品和药物管理局 微波照射治疗 局部麻醉 症状改善 治疗后 男子 变肥 新闻
宠物粪便一体化处理装置 被引量:2
作者 王麒然 李赢 +2 位作者 刘月秋 舒涵 何海琪 《山东化工》 CAS 2021年第2期168-169,共2页
关键词 自主跟踪 自动打包 户内外冲洗消毒 定点回收 生态
Emission and Fixation of CO_2 from Soil System as Influenced by Long-Term Application of Organic Manure in Paddy Soils 被引量:8
作者 CHEN Yi WU Chun-yan SHUI Jian-guo WANG Jia-yu 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2006年第6期456-461,共6页
The observations of 25-yr long-term experiment in Zhejiang paddy soils showed that the soil organic matter could increase continuously with applying organic manure, and the increase in rate enhanced along with the app... The observations of 25-yr long-term experiment in Zhejiang paddy soils showed that the soil organic matter could increase continuously with applying organic manure, and the increase in rate enhanced along with the application rates of organic manure. By mathematical modeling, the soil organic matter increased by 22 kg when 1 t of fresh FYM was applied. The CO2 emission resulting from the mineralization of soil organic matter increased with the increase in the application rate of the organic manure as well as the increase in the root residues. It is expected that the CO2 emission will be at 10.04-21.61 t ha-1 yr-1 when 16.5-49.5 t ha-1 yr-1 of fresh FYM is applied. The soil organic carbon from mineralization and release of applied organic carbon (fresh FYM and root residues) will affect the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. So, the higher the application rate of organic manure, the more is the fixed organic carbon. The CO2 fixation will be at 1.885-3.463 t ha-1 yr-1 when 16.5-49.5 t ha-1 yr-1 of fresh FYM is applied. Thus, the CO2 fixation will increase by 46.7 kg by applying 1 t fresh FYM. To apply organic manure continuously in rice fields may reduce the contribution to the increase of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. 展开更多
关键词 paddy soil organic manure carbon cycle carbon dioxide global climatic changes
Hypertrophic cardiornyopathy: from gene defect to clinical disease 被引量:14
Major advances have been made over the last decade in our understanding of the molecular basis ofseveral cardiac conditions. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) was the first cardiac disorder in whicha genetic basis was... Major advances have been made over the last decade in our understanding of the molecular basis ofseveral cardiac conditions. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) was the first cardiac disorder in whicha genetic basis was identified and as such, has acted as a paradigm for the study of an inherited cardiacdisorder. HCM can result in clinical symptoms ranging from no symptoms to severe heart failure andpremature sudden death. HCM is the commonest cause of sudden death in those aged less than 35 years,including competitive athletes. At least ten genes have now been identified, defects in which cause HCM.All of these genes encode proteins which comprise the basic contractile unit of the heart, i.e. the sarcomere.While much is now known about which genes cause disease and the various clinical presentations, very littleis known about how these gene defects cause disease, and what factors modify the expression of the mutantgenes. Studies in both cell culture and animal models of HCM are now beginning to shed light on thesignalling pathways involved in HCM, and the role of both environmental and genetic modifying factors.Understanding these mechanisms will ultimately improve our knowledge of the basic biology of heart musclefunction, and will therefore provide new avenues for treating cardiovascular disease in man. 展开更多
Properties, Formation and Fertility of Vertisols in Fujian Province 被引量:1
作者 ZHU HE-JIAN TAN BIN-HUA +1 位作者 CHEN JIAN-FEI ZHENG JIAN-MIN and JIANG YONG-FEN(Research Centre of Natural Resources , Fajian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007 (China)) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第1期11-20,共10页
The zonal soils in the south subtropical zone of Fujian are lateritic red soils. A type of dark clayeysoils, which was historically defined as lateritic red soils, derived from weathering products of the basalts wasin... The zonal soils in the south subtropical zone of Fujian are lateritic red soils. A type of dark clayeysoils, which was historically defined as lateritic red soils, derived from weathering products of the basalts wasindicated by the investigation results to be markedly different from lateritic red soils and could be classifiedas Typical Hapluderts. They are distributed as complex zones with the lateritic red soils. The vertisolsin this region were considered as a type of lithogenic soils and the vertic chararteristics delay and inhibitthe soils from allitic processes and then formed an independent soil type. The vertisols have higher fertilityand better agricultural production characters than the lateritic red soils. The different ways in utilizing andmanaging these soils arcording to their properties and fertility are also suggested. 展开更多
关键词 fertility characteristics soil formation soil properties VERTISOLS
作者 庞方向 《装备制造技术》 2020年第6期254-256,共3页
为了克服现有的垃圾处理方法不能解决城市生活垃圾强制分类后在收集、转运、集中处理中带来的二次污染问题,本文找出现有环保治理方案的不足,同时分析了适应城市居民小区生活垃圾环保治理的方案,提出对污染环境的城市生活有机垃圾源头... 为了克服现有的垃圾处理方法不能解决城市生活垃圾强制分类后在收集、转运、集中处理中带来的二次污染问题,本文找出现有环保治理方案的不足,同时分析了适应城市居民小区生活垃圾环保治理的方案,提出对污染环境的城市生活有机垃圾源头处理的结构功能建议,明确餐厨(有机)垃圾治理的工艺方案,对终端设备研发及推广应用具有较大意义。 展开更多
关键词 餐厨(有机)垃圾治理 工艺方案 废为 终端设备
Relationship between adipose tissue dysfunction, vitamin D deficiency and the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 被引量:11
作者 Flavia A Cimini Ilaria Barchetta +5 位作者 Simone Carotti Laura Bertoccini Marco G Baroni Umberto Vespasiani-Gentilucci Maria-Gisella Cavallo Sergio Morini 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第19期3407-3417,共11页
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)is the most common chronic liver disease worldwide.Its pathogenesis is complex and not yet fully understood.Over the years many studies have proposed various pathophysiological ... Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)is the most common chronic liver disease worldwide.Its pathogenesis is complex and not yet fully understood.Over the years many studies have proposed various pathophysiological hypotheses,among which the currently most widely accepted is the"multiple parallel hits"theory.According to this model,lipid accumulation in the hepatocytes and insulin resistance increase the vulnerability of the liver to many factors that act in a coordinated and cooperative manner to promote hepatic injury,inflammation and fibrosis.Among these factors,adipose tissue dysfunction and subsequent chronic low grade inflammation play a crucial role.Recent studies have shown that vitamin D exerts an immune-regulating action on adipose tissue,and the growing wealth of epidemiological data is demonstrating that hypovitaminosis D is associated with both obesity and NAFLD.Furthermore,given the strong association between these conditions,current findings suggest that vitamin D may be involved in the relationship between adipose tissue dysfunction and NAFLD.The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of recent advances in the pathogenesis of NAFLD in relation to adipose tissue dysfunction,and in the pathophysiology linking vitamin D deficiency with NAFLD and adiposity,together with an overview of the evidence available on the clinical utility of vitamin D supplementation in cases of NAFLD. 展开更多
关键词 Adipose tissue dysfunction Vitamin D Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease STEATOSIS Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis OBESITY ADIPOKINES
Effect of Fertilization on the Impact of Weather Changes on Crop Yield
作者 CUI DEJIE and YAO YUANXI (Laiyang Agricultural College, Shandong 2652O0 China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1996年第4期379-382,共4页
EffectofFertilizationontheImpactofWeatherChangesonCropYieldCUIDEJIEandYAOYUANXI(LaiyangAgriculturalCollege,S... EffectofFertilizationontheImpactofWeatherChangesonCropYieldCUIDEJIEandYAOYUANXI(LaiyangAgriculturalCollege,Shandong2652O0Chin... 展开更多
关键词 climatic factors crop yield long-term fertilization experiment
Evolution of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizer Application Rates in Cotton Fields and Its Influences on Cotton Yield in the Yangtze River Valley
作者 Naiyin XU Jian LI 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1727-1729,1792,共4页
[Objective] The historical evolution pattern of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizer application rate and its effects on lint cotton yield were explored to provide the theoretical basis for ... [Objective] The historical evolution pattern of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizer application rate and its effects on lint cotton yield were explored to provide the theoretical basis for reasonable fertilizer management strate-gy in the cotton planting region of the Yangtze River Val ey. [Method] GGE biplot analysis method was adopted to analyze the correlation among N, P and K fertilizer application rate and lint cotton yield with the dataset of national cotton regional trials of the Yangtze River Val ey during 1991-2013. The linear and nonlinear regression analysis method was used to reveal the evolution of the fertilizer applying patterns, and analyze the effects of N, P, K application rates on cotton lint yield. [Result] The application rates of N, P and K fertilizer presented highly significant positive corre-lation with lint cotton yield, among which the potassium fertilizer was the strongest relative factor with lint cotton yield, fol owed by phosphorus fertilizer, while nitrogen fertilizer was the weakest factor. The application rate of nitrogen fertilizer was relat-ed with the test year in the pattern of a quadratic function, while phosphate and potassium had progressive increase linear relation with the test year in the cotton planting region of the Yangtze River Val ey. Meanwhile, cotton lint yield was in re-sponse to nitrogen fertilizer content increase with a quadratic parabola function, and increased with the applying phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer content with linearly increasing function. [Conclusion] The increasing application amount of N, P and K fertilizer was general y beneficial to cotton yield improvements, however, ex-orbitant applying nitrogen fertilizer was unfavorable for cotton production, and a reasonable mixture formula of N, P and K fertilizer was better in terms of cotton yield-increasing effect. 展开更多
关键词 Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) GGE biplot Nitrogen phosphorus andpotassium fertilizer The Yangtze River Valley
Aerobic composting of paper mill sludge and the reuse of compost in agriculture 被引量:3
作者 LIN Yun-qin ZHOU Shao-qi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2009年第1期29-36,共8页
Paper mill sludge (PMS) is a kind of bio-solid waste. The technology of aerobic composting of PMS was investigated. The ratio of the material components was as follows, sludge:chicken dung:spill=6kg:2kg:4kg, whi... Paper mill sludge (PMS) is a kind of bio-solid waste. The technology of aerobic composting of PMS was investigated. The ratio of the material components was as follows, sludge:chicken dung:spill=6kg:2kg:4kg, which could attain 55% moisture content (MC) and 25 the ration of carbon to nitrogen (C/N). The aeration rule of fan was controlled by single chip microcomputer (SCM). During composting, the system temperature more than 55℃ lasted for 3 days, pH changed in the range of 6.5-8.5 and MC changed between 53% to 60%. PMS became mature on the 20th day. The germination index (GI) of compost attained 95% or so and coliform was 23/100 ml volatile solid (VS) and organic carbon (OC) were stable at the content of 60% and 30%, respectively. The result showed that this technology could make the sludge stable and innocuous. A pot experiment with latosolic red soil mixed with paper mill sludge compost (PMSC) was carried on. The result showed that PMSC could increase the crop biomass, the soil nutrients and the physical characteristics of the soil, such as OC, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP). The total amount of heavy metals in the soil was measured to be lower than the Environmental standard for soil in China (GB15618-1995). So PMSC was a good and safe soil amendment. 展开更多
关键词 aerobic composting paper mill sludge COMPOST reuse in agriculture
Between and Within-Farm Variability in Soil Fertility Management and Status in the Central Highlands of Kenya
作者 J. M. Muthamia D. N. Mugendi +1 位作者 J. B. Kung'u B. Vanlauwe 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第2X期270-284,共15页
The processes of nutrient depletion and soil degradation within smallholder farms of central Kenya are spatially heterogeneous, determined by both biophysical and socio-economic factors. A monitoring study involving n... The processes of nutrient depletion and soil degradation within smallholder farms of central Kenya are spatially heterogeneous, determined by both biophysical and socio-economic factors. A monitoring study involving nutrient stocks, flows and balances was conducted in central Kenya to explore between and within-farm variability in soil fertility management and identify spatial niches for targeting soil fertility management strategies. Focus group discussions were conducted and farms grouped into 3 farm types (rich, medium and poor). Nine case-study farms - three from each of the farm types - were randomly selected from the 50 farms studied, for detailed resource flow mapping. The farms were visited to record movement of nutrients inputs using a monitoring protocol covering soil, crops, livestock, and socio-economic aspects of the farm. Soil in different plots were sampled at a depth of 0-20 cm and analyzed for texture, pH, C, N, available P, exchangeable K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+. Results revealed that wealthy farmers added an average of 51.3 kg/ha N, 37 kg/ha P, and 244 kg/ha K, compared to 25.9 kg/ha N, 14.5 kg/ha P and 50.7 kg/ha K for the poor farmers. In all farm types, home fields received more nutrient inputs compared to the outfields. Consequently, maize grain yields, partial nutrient balances and soil nutrient stocks were significantly higher in wealthy farms and home fields compared to poor farms and outfields, respectively. These results imply that different soil management strategies are required to achieve similar yields on the different field and farm types and avert soil degradation. 展开更多
关键词 Soil fertility home fields outfields soil degradation soil nutrient budgets.
Activating lignite and sludge by electro-hydraulic impulse
作者 陈德淑 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2003年第2期36-38,共3页
A device to activate lignite and sludge by electro-hydraulic impulse is presented. It comprises an impulse current generator constituted by a high voltage transformer, a high voltage silicon rectifier, a current-limit... A device to activate lignite and sludge by electro-hydraulic impulse is presented. It comprises an impulse current generator constituted by a high voltage transformer, a high voltage silicon rectifier, a current-limiting resistor, a capacitor bank and an air-break switch, and a lignite and sludge appliance made up of two plane electrodes and a working chamber. The installation activates the lignite or sludge delivered to the working chamber by the impulse current that is from the generator to puncture the main gap in the working chamber, raise the temperature therein up to (20 000 to 40 000) K and the energy density to as high as 109 Jm-3, and form a plasma piston. The alternative development and attenuation of plasma expansion makes the lignite in a number of physical and chemical processes resulting in diverse active radicals and ions, and also breaks it into grains mostly smaller than 250 mm. It is founded by experimental study that the technology can raise the content of nitro-nitrogen by 1.4 to 1.5 times and that of dissoluble organic substances by 5 to 10 times which is probably attributed to the decomposition of the ample germs in the lignite. The calculated power requirement to activate lignite is about (50 to 60) kWht-1. In comparison with muck applied to cucumber cultivation, the activated lignite demonstrates its features as an effective and economical green fertilizer by the same yield with half amount. These findings imply a promising access to green fertilizer. 展开更多
关键词 LIGNITE PLASMA Electro-hydraulic impulse SLUDGE
作者 王晓明 罗妍 《小学生时代》 2005年第6期32-33,共2页
关键词 汉堡包 恐龙 暴龙 变肥 彗星撞击 冲击波 喷嚏 哺乳动物 地球 动植物
Temporal changes in soil bacterial and archaeal communities with different fertilizers in tea orchards 被引量:5
作者 Hua WANG Shao-hui YANG +3 位作者 Jing-ping YANG Ya-min LV Xing ZHAO Ji-liang PANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第11期953-965,共13页
It is important to understand the effects of temporal changes in microbial communities in the acidic soils of tea orchards with different fertilizers. A field experiment involving organic fertilizer (OF), chemical f... It is important to understand the effects of temporal changes in microbial communities in the acidic soils of tea orchards with different fertilizers. A field experiment involving organic fertilizer (OF), chemical fertilizer (CF), and unfertilized control (CK) treatments was arranged to analyze the temporal changes in the bacterial and archaeal communities at bimonthly intervals based on the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) profiling. The abundances of total bacteria, total archaea, and selected functional genes (bacterial and archaeal amoA, bacterial narG, nirK, nirS, and nosZ) were determined by quantitative poly- merase chain reaction (qPCR). The results indicate that the structures of bacterial and archaeal communities varied significantly with time and fertilization based on changes in the relative abundance of dominant T-RFs. The abundancy of the detected genes changed with time. The total bacteria, total archaea, and archaeal amoA were less abundant in July. The bacterial amoA and denitrifying genes were less abundant in September, except the nirK gene. The OF treatment increased the abundance of the observed genes, while the CF treatment had little influence on them. The soil temperature significantly affected the bacterial and archaeal community structures. The soil moisture was signif- icantly correlated with the abundance of denitrifying genes. Of the soil chemical properties, soil organic carbon was the most important factor and was significantly correlated with the abundance of the detected genes, except the nirK gene. Overall, this study demonstrated the effects of both temporal alteration and organic fertilizer on the structures of mi- crobial communities and the abundance of genes involved in the nitrogen cycle. 展开更多
关键词 Bacterial and archaeal communities FERTILIZER Soil Temporal changes Tea orchard Functional genes
Effects of Point Application on Celiac Mast Cell Degranulation in Mice with Allergic Rhinitis: An Experimental Study 被引量:1
作者 陈劼 赖新生 +2 位作者 唐纯志 何利雷 金炳旭 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2010年第2期75-79,共5页
Objective: To investigate effects of different treatment on celiac mast cell degranulation in mice with allergic rhinitis induced with ovum albumin (OVA). Methods: 60 female mice were randomly divided into five gr... Objective: To investigate effects of different treatment on celiac mast cell degranulation in mice with allergic rhinitis induced with ovum albumin (OVA). Methods: 60 female mice were randomly divided into five groups, 12 mice in each, which were treated with different methods. Then, the celiac mast cells were separated and degranulation rate was calculated after stained with neutral red. Results: the rates of mast cell degranulation were (15±6)%, (53±11)%, (37±13)%, (31±15)%, and (47±14)% in normal group, OVA group, point application group, hormone group, and PBS group. There is obvious degranulation in the celiac mast cells of mice with OVA-induced allergic rhinitis. Point application and dexamethasone treatment could relieve the mast cell degranulation, whereas, PBS has no effect on the mast cell degranulation. Conclusion: the mechanism of antianaphylaxis of point application may lie on stabilizing the mast cell membrane, and inhibiting degranulation to reduce the inflammatory mediator. 展开更多
关键词 Acupoint Sticking Therapy Allergic Rhinitis Mast Cells MICE
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