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冷湖五号燕山期叠瓦逆冲构造的发现 被引量:1
作者 戴俊生 《西北地质》 CAS CSCD 2001年第1期68-72,共5页
笔者通过钻井、电测、地震等资料的解释 ,在柴达木盆地冷湖五号背斜核部的下侏罗统中发现了叠瓦逆冲构造 ,并认为其形成于燕山运动晚期。该发现对认识本区燕山运动的性质和正确评价本区的石油及煤炭资源有重要意义。冷湖五号中新生代的... 笔者通过钻井、电测、地震等资料的解释 ,在柴达木盆地冷湖五号背斜核部的下侏罗统中发现了叠瓦逆冲构造 ,并认为其形成于燕山运动晚期。该发现对认识本区燕山运动的性质和正确评价本区的石油及煤炭资源有重要意义。冷湖五号中新生代的构造发育历史可划分为 5个阶段 ,即早侏罗世伸展裂陷阶段、燕山晚期叠瓦逆冲构造发育阶段、早第三纪早期同生逆断层发育阶段、早第三纪晚期至晚第三纪中期背斜构造发育阶段和晚第三纪晚期至第四纪背斜构造改造阶段。 展开更多
关键词 柴达木盆地 下侏罗统 叠瓦逆冲构造 燕山运动 地震剖面 钻井资料
龙门山多层分层拆离地壳结构:新构造变形与深部构造证据 被引量:16
作者 颜丹平 李书兵 +1 位作者 曹文涛 张维宸 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期106-116,共11页
2008年5.12汶川地震发生后,对于龙门山地壳结构及其与汶川地震的成生联系成为构造地质学研究极为关注的科学问题。然而,现有的多种龙门山地壳结构模式在综合解释表层构造变形及深部构造时与调查和探测资料均有不符。利用前人地球物理探... 2008年5.12汶川地震发生后,对于龙门山地壳结构及其与汶川地震的成生联系成为构造地质学研究极为关注的科学问题。然而,现有的多种龙门山地壳结构模式在综合解释表层构造变形及深部构造时与调查和探测资料均有不符。利用前人地球物理探测成果,结合穿过龙门山主要发震构造单元彭灌杂岩及雪隆包岩体的综合构造剖面,将地表构造与深部地壳探测资料结合进行了综合解释,认为龙门山逆冲构造带中的多重冲断推覆构造由约10 km深处的拆离断层分隔,因而应该只是浅层次构造变形的组合样式;在中、下地壳韧性流壳层的主导下,扬子地块基底被动?入并形成多层拆离的韧性流变构造组合。5.12汶川地震及余震是由于以彭灌杂岩和雪隆包岩体为代表的刚性体,在上部韧性流壳层前端的持续推挤作用下,发生破裂而形成的。 展开更多
关键词 龙门山 多层拆离地壳结构 地壳韧性流壳层 叠瓦逆冲构造
Contrast of Seismic Reflection Characteristics of Gas Hydrate Distribution between Northeast SCS Slope and Hengchun Ridge 被引量:1
作者 尚继宏 李家彪 章家保 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2008年第1期64-74,共11页
By analyzing and interpreting the newly acquired seismic profile supported by the national 973 Program and synthesizing the data with other geologic & geographic information, we draw conclusions as follows, a) Two s... By analyzing and interpreting the newly acquired seismic profile supported by the national 973 Program and synthesizing the data with other geologic & geographic information, we draw conclusions as follows, a) Two seismic reflections located at the northeast South China Sea (SCS) slope and the Hengchun ridge are the Bottom Simulated Reflections (BSRs). Yet, the genesis and process of the gas hydrate in these two areas are different because of different regional tectonics and geological environments; b) The genesis of gas hydrate located at the northeast SCS slope area is related to the broadly existing fracture zones, slumping tectosomes, and the distinctive shielding environment of pressure masking field formed by them. But the genesis of the gas hydrate at the Hengchun ridge is associated with the thrust nappe structures and accretionary wedges formed along the Manila subduction zone and the related sub-floor fluid channel system built by them; c) Since the analogous geologic bodies are broadly distributed at slope areas around SCS and the temperature-press environment is very suitable to the formation and conservation of the gas hydrate, we suggest that much more of this resource should be stored in these areas. 展开更多
关键词 BSR gas hydrate slumping block accretionary wedge thrust nappe tectosome DIAPIR
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