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评《表演、文本、语境、传承——蒙古族音乐的口传性研究》 被引量:1
作者 何雪 《内蒙古大学艺术学院学报》 2013年第4期93-98,共6页
蒙古族传统音乐的最基本特征是口传性,要想从根本上理解蒙古族音乐,就必须先从它的口传性入手。"口传音乐"是指口头编创、口头表演、口头传播、口头传承的音乐,从此意义上讲,蒙古族传统音乐体裁都属于口传音乐范畴,即蒙古族... 蒙古族传统音乐的最基本特征是口传性,要想从根本上理解蒙古族音乐,就必须先从它的口传性入手。"口传音乐"是指口头编创、口头表演、口头传播、口头传承的音乐,从此意义上讲,蒙古族传统音乐体裁都属于口传音乐范畴,即蒙古族传统音乐便是口传音乐。《表演、文本、语境、传承——蒙古族音乐的口传性研究》一书恰是从蒙古族音乐的口传性特点切入,通过对表演、文本、语境、传承四个着眼点展开论述,从而对蒙古族音乐的口传性进行分析与阐释的。 展开更多
关键词 表演 文本 语境 传承 蒙古族传统音乐 口传性研究
作者 徐艳 《文学评论》 北大核心 2024年第2期93-102,共10页
从传播和接受角度来谈的口传体式,具有用耳听而非用眼看所带来的体式特征,表现为声音关联在作品结撰中发挥的作用超过了语义关联起到的作用。以《乐府诗集》所录“本辞”、晋乐奏辞为基础来考察汉魏乐府中最具典型性的三类作品,包括以... 从传播和接受角度来谈的口传体式,具有用耳听而非用眼看所带来的体式特征,表现为声音关联在作品结撰中发挥的作用超过了语义关联起到的作用。以《乐府诗集》所录“本辞”、晋乐奏辞为基础来考察汉魏乐府中最具典型性的三类作品,包括以《塘上行》为代表的口传性较强的乐府,相对书面化的三曹乐府,及被视为“一字千金”的“古诗十九首”,可发现这些作品之口传性是如何在观念中被逐渐淡化,又如何被后代修改的作品所覆盖的。后人通过针对正文的现成主题叠加式结构特征的修改,及作者、题名、笺注等多层面增饰,将汉魏乐府改得符合书面标准,这种修改多发生在晋南朝时期,主要由文人拟作者、文集编撰者完成。现有研究常将那些被书面化修改后的文本作为依据,自然会导致汉魏乐府口传体式被忽视、遭争议。 展开更多
关键词 口传性 书面化 汉魏乐府诗歌 体式
晚清文学论述中的口传性与书写性问题 被引量:8
作者 陆胤 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期161-185,208,共26页
古代文明流播过程中“口传性”与“书写性”的升降,是西方古典研究界持久争议的问题。其实早在晚清时期,章太炎、刘师培等在论争上古文学缘起时,对此已多有涉及。有必要在中学传统与外来新知交互的网络中,追索这一议题形成的脉络。乾嘉... 古代文明流播过程中“口传性”与“书写性”的升降,是西方古典研究界持久争议的问题。其实早在晚清时期,章太炎、刘师培等在论争上古文学缘起时,对此已多有涉及。有必要在中学传统与外来新知交互的网络中,追索这一议题形成的脉络。乾嘉之际,章学诚和阮元先后注意到“声音”在上古知识传承过程中的特殊作用,关注传播媒介从“口耳”向“竹帛”的迁变。晚清今文经学大兴,公羊家主张传经“口说”胜于“明文”。而受西方社会学说濡染,章太炎则针锋相对地提出了以书写性为中心的文学缘起论和古文经说。在“口耳”与“竹帛”两极之间,这些论述虽出自不同的知识背景和发言动机,却有共通的思维结构,折射出近代学人关于文化模式转型的各种期许或想象。 展开更多
关键词 口传性 书写 文学缘起论 今古文之争
作者 王娟 《小学语文》 2022年第10期4-8,共5页
民间故事作为口传文化,与作家创作的书面文学相对。统编小学语文教科书选编了多篇民间故事类课文,教师进行教学前,应当先了解民间故事的口传性、框架性、有限性、工具性特点,后三个特点其实也是由于口传性这一本质特点而产生的;在把握... 民间故事作为口传文化,与作家创作的书面文学相对。统编小学语文教科书选编了多篇民间故事类课文,教师进行教学前,应当先了解民间故事的口传性、框架性、有限性、工具性特点,后三个特点其实也是由于口传性这一本质特点而产生的;在把握口传文学特点的基础上,设计适当的教学活动。 展开更多
关键词 民间故事 口传性 小学语文教学
作者 博特乐图 《音乐研究》 北大核心 2024年第1期105-114,共10页
乔建中先生音乐地理学的基本理论立场,以及有关汉族山歌、山东民歌、青海花儿、两句体民歌旋律类型、曲牌论和时序体民歌等研究所运用的方法和提炼出来的相关理论阐述,体现出他对中国传统音乐口传性本质的敏锐洞察,以及对口传规律的自... 乔建中先生音乐地理学的基本理论立场,以及有关汉族山歌、山东民歌、青海花儿、两句体民歌旋律类型、曲牌论和时序体民歌等研究所运用的方法和提炼出来的相关理论阐述,体现出他对中国传统音乐口传性本质的敏锐洞察,以及对口传规律的自觉把握,与民俗学口头程式理论、表演理论中一些基本理论与方法有异曲同工之妙。 展开更多
关键词 乔建中 音乐地理学 中国传统音乐研究 口传性
表演视角下的中国少数民族器乐及其变迁研究 被引量:2
作者 博特乐图 《音乐艺术(上海音乐学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期31-41,M0003,共12页
乐器是“人的延伸”,口传性是传统器乐的基本属性。为此,对非“书面—乐谱”存承的少数民族传统器乐而言,“表演”既是奏乐过程,亦是创乐过程,故“表演”应成为传统器乐研究的中心词。少数民族社会文化中的器乐通过其表演,与他们所生存... 乐器是“人的延伸”,口传性是传统器乐的基本属性。为此,对非“书面—乐谱”存承的少数民族传统器乐而言,“表演”既是奏乐过程,亦是创乐过程,故“表演”应成为传统器乐研究的中心词。少数民族社会文化中的器乐通过其表演,与他们所生存的自然环境、社会文化相连,并在音乐生活中往往与其他地方音乐表现形式同构为一体,成为地方音乐整体的组成部分。在传统器乐的基本属性中,物质的器与非物质的曲目、奏技、风格构成四层关联整体。民族器乐的现代化,便是其舞台化、专业化过程,它造就了一件乐器的传统与现代两张面孔,两者之间充溢着涉及传承、改革、消亡、创新、发明等命题。少数民族器乐研究,既要关注传统的这一面,亦要重视现代的那一面,更要重点关注两者间的关联,尤其要重视传统在当代表演实践中的变迁,并对传统器乐在当代非遗领域和舞台实践中的复兴、再演释及其内因和外因进行深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 表演 中国少数民族器乐 口传性 现代化 变迁
简论戏曲的民间艺术特征 被引量:2
作者 方岳民 《湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2005年第3期32-35,共4页
尽管中国的专业音乐艺术有了很大的发展,但戏曲这种专属民间艺术在中国人的文化生活中仍是一股强大的生命力量。根据文献资料法显示,中国戏曲根植于广大人民生活之中,长期在民间活动,具有广泛群众性、口传性、地域性和多样性。本文试图... 尽管中国的专业音乐艺术有了很大的发展,但戏曲这种专属民间艺术在中国人的文化生活中仍是一股强大的生命力量。根据文献资料法显示,中国戏曲根植于广大人民生活之中,长期在民间活动,具有广泛群众性、口传性、地域性和多样性。本文试图从戏曲的诸多民间艺术特征中,阐述在现代人民生活中的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 戏曲 民间艺术 群众 口传性 地域 多样
作者 王银梅 《淮北职业技术学院学报》 2021年第4期107-109,共3页
民间说唱艺术作为一种话语形态,产生于特定的地域环境之中,反映同一族群的文化认同,带有明显的地域化特征。作为一种口传文化活动,民间说唱伴随着卖艺乞讨的记忆,映射了农耕时代的社会生活,并嵌入到当时的民俗传统之中。以淮北大鼓为例... 民间说唱艺术作为一种话语形态,产生于特定的地域环境之中,反映同一族群的文化认同,带有明显的地域化特征。作为一种口传文化活动,民间说唱伴随着卖艺乞讨的记忆,映射了农耕时代的社会生活,并嵌入到当时的民俗传统之中。以淮北大鼓为例的文本分析发现,“互文性”是说唱艺术文本的基本特性,它从垂直向度和水平向度实现历史与现实的互相关照,参与建构时代的社会文化秩序;说唱艺术属于意识形态范畴,能反映农民和市民阶层的愿望,传播统治阶级意志强化阶级统治,也建构了社会现实。 展开更多
关键词 说唱艺术 文本分析 地域 口传性 互文
作者 苏雅 《歌海》 2014年第1期16-22,共7页
关键词 口传性 民间定调 套路 风格
Hepatitis A virus infection and hepatitis A vaccination in human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients: A review 被引量:7
作者 Kuan-Yin Lin Guan-Jhou Chen +6 位作者 Yu-Lin Lee Yi-Chia Huang Aristine Cheng Hsin-Yun Sun Sui-Yuan Chang Chun-Eng Liu Chien-Ching Hung 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第20期3589-3606,共18页
Hepatitis A virus(HAV)is one of the most common infectious etiologies of acute hepatitis worldwide.The virus is known to be transmitted fecal-orally,resulting in symptoms ranging from asymptomatic infection to fulmina... Hepatitis A virus(HAV)is one of the most common infectious etiologies of acute hepatitis worldwide.The virus is known to be transmitted fecal-orally,resulting in symptoms ranging from asymptomatic infection to fulminant hepatitis.HAV can also be transmitted through oral-anal sex.Residents from regions of low endemicity for HAV infection often remain susceptible in their adulthood.Therefore,clustered HAV infections or outbreaks of acute hepatitis A among men who have sex with men and injecting drug users have been reported in countries of low endemicity for HAV infection.The duration of HAV viremia and stool shedding of HAV may be longer in human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)-positive individuals compared to HIV-negative individuals with acute hepatitis A.Current guidelines recommend HAV vaccination for individuals with increased risks of exposure to HAV(such as from injecting drug use,oral-anal sex,travel to or residence in endemic areas,frequent clotting factor or blood transfusions)or with increased risks of fulminant disease(such as those with chronic hepatitis).The seroconversion rates following the recommended standard adult dosing schedule(2doses of HAVRIX 1440 U or VAQTA 50 U administered6-12 mo apart)are lower among HIV-positive individuals compared to HIV-negative individuals.While the response rates may be augmented by adding a booster dose at week 4 sandwiched between the first dose and the 6-mo dose,the need of booster vaccination remain less clear among HIV-positive individuals who have lost anti-HAV antibodies. 展开更多
关键词 Epidemiology Viral hepatitis Acute hepatitis Fecal-oral transmission Oral-anal sex Men who have sex with men Injecting drug use IMMUNOSUPPRESSION IMMUNIZATION
A non-synonymous coding SNP Lys45Glu of mmp3 associated with ESCC genetic susceptibility in population of Henan, China 被引量:1
作者 Gang Ouyang Pinfang Yao +4 位作者 Wenjuan Hu Qjngbo Chen Hong Wang Lidong Wang Jin Li 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2009年第9期510-515,共6页
Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the association of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) genetic susceptibility with the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs679620 (-Lys45Glu-) in exon... Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the association of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) genetic susceptibility with the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs679620 (-Lys45Glu-) in exon 2 of the romp3 gene, and the population in high incidence region of Henan (China) was selected for exploring the mechanism by case-control study, Methods: The romp3 SNP was genotyped by PCR-RFLP analysis in total 605 cases of Henan population, in which there were 227 ESCC cases and 197 controls of An-yang in Henan plus 181 controls of emigrants in Hubei from Xi-chuan of Henan, China. Results: The statistic data showed that GIG and G/A genotype frequencies of SNP rs679620 were significantly different between the controls of emigrants of Xi-chuan in Hubei and controls of An-yang in Henan (P 〈 0.01) also the ESCC cases of An-yang in Henan (P 〈 0.01), respectively. Conclusion: This study suggests that the SNP rs679620 (-Lys45Glu-) in exon 2 of the mmp3 gene might be associated with ESCC genetic susceptibility. 展开更多
关键词 PCR-RFLP single nudeotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) genetic susceptibility Henan population
Dynamic genetic features of eukaryotic plankton diversity in the Nakdong River estuary of Korea
作者 LEE Jee Eun CHUNG Ik Kyo LEE Sang-Rae 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期844-857,共14页
Estuaries are environments where freshwater and seawater mix and they display various salinity profiles.The construction of river barrages and dams has rapidly changed these environments and has had a wide range of im... Estuaries are environments where freshwater and seawater mix and they display various salinity profiles.The construction of river barrages and dams has rapidly changed these environments and has had a wide range of impacts on plankton communities.To understand the dynamics of such communities,researchers need accurate and rapid techniques for detecting plankton species.We evaluated the diversity of eukaryotic plankton over a salinity gradient by applying a metagenomics tool at the Nakdong River estuary in Korea.Environmental samples were collected on three dates during summer and autumn of 2011 at the Eulsukdo Bridge at the mouth of that river.Amplifying the 18 S rDNA allowed us to analyze 456 clones and 122 phylotypes.Metagenomic sequences revealed various taxonomic groups and cryptic genetic variations at the intra-and inter-specific levels.By analyzing the same station at each sampling date,we observed that the phylotypes presented a salinity-related pattern of diversity in assemblages.The variety of species within freshwater samples reflected the rapid environmental changes caused by freshwater inputs.Dinophyceae phylotypes accounted for the highest proportion of overall diversity in the seawater samples.Euryhaline diatoms and dinoflagellates were observed in the freshwater,brackish and seawater samples.The biological data for species composition demonstrate the transitional state between freshwater and seawater.Therefore,this metagenomics information can serve as a biological indicator for tracking changes in aquatic environments. 展开更多
关键词 18S rDNA clone library METAGENOME ESTUARY salinity gradient
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome: a report of 5 cases
作者 Wang Xingwei Fan Chaoqiang +5 位作者 Que Dan Guo Hong Wang Lei Ling Xianlong Deng Lei Zhao Xiaoyan 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2011年第4期238-241,共4页
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS), also known as hereditary intestinal polyposis syndrome, is an autosomal dominant genetic disease characterized by the development of benign hamartomatous polyps in the gastrointestinal tr... Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS), also known as hereditary intestinal polyposis syndrome, is an autosomal dominant genetic disease characterized by the development of benign hamartomatous polyps in the gastrointestinal tract and hyperpigmented macules on the lips and oral mucosa. Here, we reported 5 cases of PJS and our experience about its diagnosis and treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Peutz-Jeghers syndrome DIAGNOSIS TREATMENT
Inbreeding and genetic diversity analysis in a hatchery release population and clones of Rhopilema esculentum based on microsatellite markers
作者 田涛 陈再忠 +2 位作者 王陌桑 胡玉龙 王伟继 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期580-586,共7页
Ten microsatellite markers were used to analyze the levels of genetic diversity and inbreeding in a hatchery release population of Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye (Scypbozoa: Rhizostomatidae). A total of 85 alleles... Ten microsatellite markers were used to analyze the levels of genetic diversity and inbreeding in a hatchery release population of Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye (Scypbozoa: Rhizostomatidae). A total of 85 alleles were detected in 600 individuals. Within-population levels of observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosity ranged from 0.152 to 0.839 (mean=0.464) and from 0.235 to 0.821 (mean=0.618), respectively. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of each marker ranged from 0.207 to 0.795 with an average of 0.580, indicating that the hatchery population maintained a high level of genetic diversity. Inbreeding levels were estimated in the hatchery population and the inbreeding coefficient was 0.203. This result revealed that a certain level of inbreeding occurred within the population. Meanwhile, we also determined genetic diversity at the clone level. Several polyps from the same scyphistomae were genotyped at the ten microsatellite loci and there was virtually no difference in their genotypes. Furthermore, we calculated the probabilities of exclusion. When both parents were known, the average exclusion probability often loci was 99.99%. Our data suggest that the ten microsatellite markers can not only be used to analyze the identity of individuals but they can also be applied to parentage identification. Our research provides a theoretical basis and technical support for genetic diversity detection and reasonable selection of R. esculentum hatchery populations. These findings support the use of releasing studies and conservation of R. esculentum germplasm resources. 展开更多
关键词 Rhopilema esculentum hatchery release genetic diversity INBREEDING microsatellite markers clones
作者 Dai Fei Han Guodong Gu Changqing 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2009年第4期532-536,共5页
Characteristic Basis Function Method (CBFM) is a novel approach for analyzing the ElectroMagnetic (EM) scattering from electrically large objects. Based on dividing the studied object into small blocks, the CBFM is su... Characteristic Basis Function Method (CBFM) is a novel approach for analyzing the ElectroMagnetic (EM) scattering from electrically large objects. Based on dividing the studied object into small blocks, the CBFM is suitable for parallel computing. In this paper, a static load balance parallel method is presented by combining Message Passing Interface (MPI) with Adaptively Modified CBFM (AMCBFM). In this method, the object geometry is partitioned into distinct blocks, and the serial number of blocks is sent to related nodes according to a certain rule. Every node only needs to calculate the information on local blocks. The obtained results confirm the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method in speeding up solving large electrical scale problems. 展开更多
关键词 Adaptively Modified Characteristic Basis Function Method (AMCBFM) Parallel algo- rithm Static load balance
Genetic diversity and population structure of a Sichuan sika deer(Cervus sichuanicus) population in Tiebu Nature Reserve based on microsatellite variation 被引量:1
作者 Ya HE Zheng-Huan WANG Xiao-Ming WANG 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期528-536,共9页
Cervus sichuanicus is a species of sika deer (Cervus nippon Group). To date, research has mainly focused on quantity surveying and behavior studies, with genetic information on this species currently deficient. To p... Cervus sichuanicus is a species of sika deer (Cervus nippon Group). To date, research has mainly focused on quantity surveying and behavior studies, with genetic information on this species currently deficient. To provide scientific evidence to assist in the protection of this species, we collected Sichuan sika deer fecal samples from the Sichuan Tiebu Nature Reserve (TNR) and extracted DNA from those samples. Microsatellite loci of bovine were used for PCR amplification. After GeneScan, the genotype data were used to analyze the genetic diversity and population structure of the Sichuan sika deer in TNR. Results showed that the average expected heterozygosity of the Sichuan sika deer population in TNR was 0.562, equivalent to the average expected heterozygosity of endangered animals, such as Procapra przewalsldi. Furthermore, 8 of 9 microsatellite loci significantly deviated from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and two groups existed within the Sichuan sika deer TNR population. This genetic structure may be caused by a group of Manchurian sika deer (Cervus hortulorum) released in TNR. 展开更多
关键词 Sichuan sika deer MICROSATELLITE Genetic diversity Population structure
长调民歌的腔词关系及旋律结构 被引量:4
作者 博特乐图 《中国音乐学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期92-98,共7页
长调民歌纷繁复杂的形态背后,其实是一种高度简练而程式化结构和规则在支配。唯有将其还归到口头演唱的实践当中,并通过腔词关系的整体观察,才能揭示其内在的逻辑。长调唱词"段——句——行"的结构逻辑以及"头——腰——... 长调民歌纷繁复杂的形态背后,其实是一种高度简练而程式化结构和规则在支配。唯有将其还归到口头演唱的实践当中,并通过腔词关系的整体观察,才能揭示其内在的逻辑。长调唱词"段——句——行"的结构逻辑以及"头——腰——尾"韵式关系,是长调旋律"上下两个大乐句的对仗结构"基本模式的思维基础。每一首长调的旋律都是由"陈述性旋律——长音旋律——华彩性旋律"三种旋律因素的组合所构成的,具有鲜明的模式化特征。 展开更多
关键词 长调民歌 口传性 腔词关系 对仗结构 旋律类型
跨界民族音乐之曲调互文研究——以中蒙乌珠穆沁部长调为例 被引量:4
作者 吴云 《中国音乐》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期41-50,共10页
跨界民族音乐学是对同源民族在不同地域、不同国度的音乐文化研究,它不仅具有跨地域性、跨国性,还具有跨文化性的特点。音乐作为整体文化的组成部分,会以不同的方式呈现于跨界民族的音乐生活中,但不同呈现方式下隐含的、境内外共有的文... 跨界民族音乐学是对同源民族在不同地域、不同国度的音乐文化研究,它不仅具有跨地域性、跨国性,还具有跨文化性的特点。音乐作为整体文化的组成部分,会以不同的方式呈现于跨界民族的音乐生活中,但不同呈现方式下隐含的、境内外共有的文化本质特性却会被延续下来,成为该民族亘古不变的本质属性。乌珠穆沁部,作为跨界部族,其代表性声乐体裁乌珠穆沁部长调,流传于中、蒙两国境内,且各具特色。但作为口传音乐,乌珠穆沁部长调的共性特征却被保留了下来,这一共性特征体现在曲调、唱词、腔词关系、装饰技巧等多个方面。本文欲从其曲调框架探寻其共性因素,从曲调互文探究其差异性特质,阐释乌珠穆沁部跨界音乐的本质属性。 展开更多
关键词 跨界民族 乌珠穆沁部长调 口传性 曲调框架 曲调互文
Genetic variation in birds in relation to predation risk by hawks: A comparative analysis
作者 Anders P. MOLLER Jan T. NIELSEN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期1-9,共9页
The level of genetic variation among individuals may affect performance by reducing the ability of prey to detect and escape from predators if lack of genetic variation reduces flight ability directly or indirectly th... The level of genetic variation among individuals may affect performance by reducing the ability of prey to detect and escape from predators if lack of genetic variation reduces flight ability directly or indirectly through reduced parasite resistance. We investigated vulnerability of common avian prey species to predation by the sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus and the goshawk A. gentilis in relation to an index of genetic similarity among adults of potential prey species. We estimated a prey vulnerability in- dex that reflects the abundance of prey relative to the expected abundance according to local population density, and related this index to band sharing coefficients based on analyses of minisatellites for adults in local breeding populations. The prey vulnera- bility index was positively correlated with the band sharing coefficient in both predators, even when controlling for potentially confounding variables. These findings indicate that prey species with high band sharing coefficients, and hence low levels of genetic variation, are more readily caught by avian predators. Therefore, predation may constitute a major cost of low levels of genetic variation in extant populations of prey [Current Zoology 61(1): 1-9, 2015]. 展开更多
关键词 Band sharing BIRDS MINISATELLITES Predation risk
作者 YUKIHIKO NAKATA YOICHI ENATSU YOSHIAKI MUROYA 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2012年第1期127-155,共29页
We study global asymptotic stability for an SIS epidemic model with maturation delay proposed by K. Cooke, P. van den Driessche and X. Zou, Interaction of maturation delay and nonlinear birth in population and epidemi... We study global asymptotic stability for an SIS epidemic model with maturation delay proposed by K. Cooke, P. van den Driessche and X. Zou, Interaction of maturation delay and nonlinear birth in population and epidemic models, J. Math. Biol. 39(4) (1999) 332-352. It is assumed that the population has a nonlinear birth term and disease causes death of infective individuals. By using a monotone iterative method, we establish sufficient conditions for the global stability of an endemic equilibrium when it exists dependently on the monotone property of the birth rate function. Based on the analysis, we further study the model with two specific birth rate functions BI(N) = be-aN and B3(N) = A/N + c, where N denotes the total population. For each model, we obtain the disease induced death rate which guarantees the global stability of the endemic equilibrium and this gives a positive answer for an open problem by X. Q. Zhao and X. Zou, Threshold dynamics in a delayed SIS epidemic model, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 257(2) (2001) 282-291. 展开更多
关键词 SIS epidemic models nonlinear birth rate function disease induced deathrate global asymptotic stability the basic reproduction number permanence.
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