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论“岔路口条款”在国际投资仲裁中的限缩适用及我国的因应之策 被引量:1
作者 章歆翊 《浙江万里学院学报》 2018年第3期5-10,共6页
国际投资条约中的岔路口条款赋予了当事人选择当地救济或国际仲裁作为争端解决方式的自由,同时其择一即终的规定有利于防止平行程序的出现。然而,出于偏袒投资者的立场,晚近国际投资仲裁庭通过限制性解释,在适用岔路口条款时施加了诸多... 国际投资条约中的岔路口条款赋予了当事人选择当地救济或国际仲裁作为争端解决方式的自由,同时其择一即终的规定有利于防止平行程序的出现。然而,出于偏袒投资者的立场,晚近国际投资仲裁庭通过限制性解释,在适用岔路口条款时施加了诸多条件,使之名存实亡。有鉴于此,我国有必要在对外签订和修订双边投资条约中,对传统的岔路口条款进行优化,扩大当事人所指对象,增设"同一措施"的规定,防止投资者滥诉,从而使得该条款发挥应有的功能。 展开更多
关键词 岔路口条 国际投资仲裁 当地救济
作者 郭瑞 韩天竹 《淮阴工学院学报》 CAS 2021年第6期28-35,共8页
“岔路口条款”作为防止双重诉讼程序的条款,在发生国际投资争端时如何抉择国内诉讼与国际仲裁方式上,发挥着重要作用。条款规定,当投资争端出现时,投资者或诉诸东道国法院,或向国际仲裁庭申请。只能选择一次,并且在选定之后不能更改,... “岔路口条款”作为防止双重诉讼程序的条款,在发生国际投资争端时如何抉择国内诉讼与国际仲裁方式上,发挥着重要作用。条款规定,当投资争端出现时,投资者或诉诸东道国法院,或向国际仲裁庭申请。只能选择一次,并且在选定之后不能更改,该条款规定于双边投资条约中投资争端解决部分。其目的不仅是为了更好地保障投资者寻求救济的权利,更是为了防止投资者通过双重程序而不当获益,以保护东道国的利益。当投资者就同一争端诉诸东道国法院后又申请国际仲裁,“岔路口条款”理应启动。但是,对这一过程中的主体、标的、诉因三种要素是否完全一致的判定标准,要依靠仲裁庭根据个案进行解释。仲裁庭常常采取严格解释,认定投资者的行为不构成启动“岔路口条款”的条件,仲裁庭将继续受理争端。这种情形,使得“岔路口条款”形同虚设。结合具体案例,通过对“岔路口条款”适用进行具体分析,总结适用中存在的问题,并针对问题,立足我国实情,对我国双边投资条约中的“岔路口条款”提出改进建议。 展开更多
关键词 双边投资条约 岔路口条 三重同一标准 严格解释
作者 刘震慰 《四川烹饪》 2005年第11期7-8,共2页
关键词 《难忘盘餐市的口条 中国 故事 当代
作者 蔺军 《肉类工业》 2017年第5期8-9,共2页
关键词 陇西口条 加工 技术
论“一带一路”倡议下的岔路口条款研究 被引量:4
作者 张炳南 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第11期158-170,共13页
岔路口条款是投资协定中的重要条款,其旨在防止让投资者双重获利,致使"平行裁判"的发生,以导致投资东道国处于不利地位。探讨"一带一路"倡议下岔路口条款在国际投资实践中的具体情况与困境。经统计发现,在60份我国... 岔路口条款是投资协定中的重要条款,其旨在防止让投资者双重获利,致使"平行裁判"的发生,以导致投资东道国处于不利地位。探讨"一带一路"倡议下岔路口条款在国际投资实践中的具体情况与困境。经统计发现,在60份我国与"一带一路"沿线国家签订的有效的投资协定中,有24份双边投资协定并未规定岔路口条款,加剧了多重程序发生的风险。然而,"一带一路"背景下中国企业更多以投资者的身份进行海外投资,以及考虑到大部分"一带一路"沿线国家对我国的投资能力较低,岔路口条款的适用劣势暂时并不会对我国造成明显不利的局面。即便如此,传统岔路口条款在实践中所凸显出的诸多问题已迫切要求我国应该加快对投资协定的更新步伐。 展开更多
关键词 岔路口条 “一带一路” 双边投资协议 国际投资 投资仲裁
从“海乐·西亚泽诉中国案”看投资者与国家争议解决中当地诉讼与国际仲裁的竞合问题 被引量:3
作者 杜涛 《经贸法律评论》 2019年第3期130-147,共18页
德国投资者海乐公司在中国法院已作出二审判决的情况下,将其与中国政府机关之间的投资争议提交ICSID仲裁,违反了《中德投资协定》及其议定书的相关规定。海乐公司求助于最惠国待遇条款并不现实。对于东道国当地法院诉讼程序与国际仲裁... 德国投资者海乐公司在中国法院已作出二审判决的情况下,将其与中国政府机关之间的投资争议提交ICSID仲裁,违反了《中德投资协定》及其议定书的相关规定。海乐公司求助于最惠国待遇条款并不现实。对于东道国当地法院诉讼程序与国际仲裁程序之间的竞合问题,我国已订立的双边投资协定可以分为三种模式,三种模式都无法彻底解决竞合现象。竞合现象的产生本质上是商业化的仲裁方式与国家利益之间的矛盾所造成。要解决竞合现象,只有改变中外投资协定中过于倾向于投资者的争议解决模式,采用投资者利益和东道国利益兼顾的政策导向。在'一带一路'争议解决机制中,可以推广中国与伊朗投资协定中的做法。 展开更多
关键词 投资仲裁 用尽当地救济 岔路口条 竞合
“一带一路”倡议下国际商事争端解决机制“意思自治”问题研究 被引量:3
作者 王敏 《企业经济》 北大核心 2019年第4期89-94,共6页
"一带一路"倡议下的国际商事争端解决机制是以尊重当事人意思自治为核心原则的。意思自治原则在国际商事争端解决机制中体现为三个方面:当事人可自主决定适用一般国际私法和双边条约解决平等商事主体间的争端;当事人还可合理... "一带一路"倡议下的国际商事争端解决机制是以尊重当事人意思自治为核心原则的。意思自治原则在国际商事争端解决机制中体现为三个方面:当事人可自主决定适用一般国际私法和双边条约解决平等商事主体间的争端;当事人还可合理选择和适用"一带一路"投资条约中的"岔路口条款";当事人可自主选择替代性争端解决方法。对此,中国投资者首先要明确国际商事争端解决机制中"意思自治"的法律意义,并在此基础上积极适用意思自治条款,理性选择不同的争端解决机制。 展开更多
关键词 一带一路 国际商事争端解决机制 意思自治 岔路口条 ADR
论国际投资争端解决平行程序的规避——以程序安排为中心的思考 被引量:1
作者 刘梦非 《甘肃政法学院学报》 CSSCI 2020年第2期64-75,共12页
国际投资协定争端解决条款的文本设定与平行程序的生灭有直接因果关系。鉴于平行程序引发法律标准不统一、正义迟延等诸多问题,合理安排基于国际投资协定产生的冲突程序关系是解题之道。缔约方应善用用尽当地救济条款、岔路口和弃权条... 国际投资协定争端解决条款的文本设定与平行程序的生灭有直接因果关系。鉴于平行程序引发法律标准不统一、正义迟延等诸多问题,合理安排基于国际投资协定产生的冲突程序关系是解题之道。缔约方应善用用尽当地救济条款、岔路口和弃权条款、程序合并条款、合理建构国际投资协定的争端解决条文,并可以据此从位序、选择和合并三类安排上破解程序平行难题。 展开更多
关键词 平行程序 用尽当地救济 岔路口条 弃权条款 程序合并条款
《山东农机化》 1995年第2期21-21,共1页
1.用铁皮做一个和犁尖刃口处相似的样板,在废犁壁上画出与样板相同的形状,再用气割割下备用。 2.将犁尖刃口的磨损部分,在烘炉上加温截掉。 3.将割下的刃口条用电焊焊接在犁尖上。焊接时要从两边分段焊接,然后再焊剩余段。犁尖前端斜面... 1.用铁皮做一个和犁尖刃口处相似的样板,在废犁壁上画出与样板相同的形状,再用气割割下备用。 2.将犁尖刃口的磨损部分,在烘炉上加温截掉。 3.将割下的刃口条用电焊焊接在犁尖上。焊接时要从两边分段焊接,然后再焊剩余段。犁尖前端斜面处的焊缝头。 展开更多
关键词 犁铧尖 犁壁 犁尖 剩余段 磨损部分 分段焊接 烘炉 口条 正面焊缝 再焊
《山西农业(致富科技版)》 1994年第7期40-40,共1页
关键词 盐碱地 棉花生长 永济市 皮棉 植棉 百音 液体农药 农家肥 追氮 口条
作者 杨敬东 《棋艺(象棋)》 2004年第4期59-59,共1页
提问:如图,红方马七退五算不算打?有人认为不算打,原因是红此着不存在杀棋,得子也是五步以后的事。请问正确吗? 另外,黑方是不是对红方也存在三步棋两打,请予回答,谢谢。 (江西·佚名) 回答:《规则》规定,凡走子后能够造成在下一着... 提问:如图,红方马七退五算不算打?有人认为不算打,原因是红此着不存在杀棋,得子也是五步以后的事。请问正确吗? 另外,黑方是不是对红方也存在三步棋两打,请予回答,谢谢。 (江西·佚名) 回答:《规则》规定,凡走子后能够造成在下一着包括从下一着开始。 展开更多
关键词 棋迷 国家级裁判 《规则》 指点迷津 未到位 提问 红方 格口 尾甲 口条
作者 晓朱 《上海人大月刊》 2005年第11期19-20,共2页
上海名称中的"海"字,表明了上海作为一个港口城市的身份。当前,上海港已经成为我国最大的港口,地位之重显而易见,出台相应的地方性法规迫在眉睫。10月26日,市人大常委会第23次会议对新制定的《上海港口条例(草案)》进行了初... 上海名称中的"海"字,表明了上海作为一个港口城市的身份。当前,上海港已经成为我国最大的港口,地位之重显而易见,出台相应的地方性法规迫在眉睫。10月26日,市人大常委会第23次会议对新制定的《上海港口条例(草案)》进行了初审。本期栏目分别以对话篇和解读篇对这部法规草案来一番"探营"。 展开更多
关键词 王志一 《上海港口条例(草案)》 立法 港口管理体制
Laser Doppler Measurements of Twin Impinging Jets Aligned with a Crossflow
作者 Jorge M.M. Barata Pedro S.D. Carvalho +3 位作者 Femando M.S.P. Neves1, Andr6 R.R. Silva1, Diana F.C. VieiraI andDiamantino F.G. Duro Andre R.R. Silva Diana F.C. Vieira Diamantino F.G. Durao 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2014年第7期403-411,共9页
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the complex flow beneath two impinging jets aligned with a low-velocity crossflow which is relevant for the future F-35 VSTOL configuration, and provides a quantitative pictu... This paper presents a detailed analysis of the complex flow beneath two impinging jets aligned with a low-velocity crossflow which is relevant for the future F-35 VSTOL configuration, and provides a quantitative picture of the main features of interest for impingement type of flows. The experiments were carried out for a Reynolds number based on the jet exit conditions of Rej = 4.3 × 10^4, an impingement height of 20.1 jet diameters and for a velocity ratio between the jet exit and the crossflow VR = V/Uo of 22.5. The rear jet is located at S = 6 D downstream of the first jet. The results show a large penetration of the first (upstream)jet that is deflected by the crossflow and impinges on the ground, giving rise to a ground vortex due to the collision of the radial wall and the crossflow that wraps around the impinging point like a scarf. The rear jet (located downstream) it is not so affected by the crossflow in terms of deflection, but due to the downstream wall jet that flows radially from the impinging point of the first jet it does not reach the ground. The results indicate a new flow pattern not yet reported so far, that for a VSTOL aircraft operating in ground vicinity with front wind or small forward movement may result in enhanced under pressures in the aft part of the aircraft causing a suction down force and a change of the pitching moment towards the ground. 展开更多
关键词 VSTOL ground vortex TURBULENCE complex flows.
Seasonal Changes in Phytoplankton Biomass and Dominant Species in the Changjiang River Estuary and Adjacent Seas:General Trends Based on Field Survey Data 1959-2009 被引量:7
作者 YANG Shu HAN Xiurong +3 位作者 ZHANG Chuansong SUN Baiye WANG Xiulin SHI Xiaoyong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第6期926-934,共9页
The characteristics of seasonal variation in phytoplankton biomass and dominant species in the Changjiang River Estuary and adjacent seas were discussed based on field investigation data from 1959 to 2009. The field d... The characteristics of seasonal variation in phytoplankton biomass and dominant species in the Changjiang River Estuary and adjacent seas were discussed based on field investigation data from 1959 to 2009. The field data from 1981 to 2004 showed that the Chlorophyll-a concentration in surface seawater was between 0.4 and 8.5 ktg dm-3. The seasonal changes generally presented a bimodal trend, with the biomass peaks occurring in May and August, and Chlorophyll-a concentration was the lowest in winter. Seasonal biomass changes were mainly controlled by temperature and nutrient levels. From the end of autumn to the next early spring, phytoplankton biomass was mainly influenced by temperature, and in other seasons, nutrient level (including the nutrient supply from the terrestrial runoffs) was the major influence factor. Field investigation data from 1959 to 2009 demonstrated that dia- toms were the main phytoplankton in this area, and Skeletonerna costatum, Pseudo-nitzschia pungens, Coscinodiscus oculus-iridis, Thalassinoema nitzschioides, Paralia sulcata, Chaetoceros lorenzianus, Chaetoceros curvisetus, and Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu were common dominant species. The seasonal variations in major dominant phytoplankton species presented the following trends: 1) Skeletonema (mainly S. costatum) was dominant throughout the year; and 2) seasonal succession trends were Coscinodiscus (spring) →Chaetoceros (summer and autumn) → Coscinodiscus (winter). The annual dominance of S. costatum was attributed to its environmental eurytopicity and long standing time in surface waters. The seasonal succession of Coscinodiscus and Chaetoceros was associated with the seasonal variation in water stability and nutrient level in this area. On the other hand, long-term field data also indicated obvious interannual variation of phytoplankton biomass and community structure in the Changjiang River Estuary and adjacent seas: average annual phytoplankton biomass and dinoflagellate proportion both presented increased trends during the 1950s - 2000s. 展开更多
关键词 the Changjiang River Estuary and adjacent seas phytoplankton biomass dominant species seasonal variation
Predicting Siltation in Entrance Channel Based on Wind Conditions
作者 蒋学炼 曹祖德 李炎保 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2007年第5期349-353,共5页
The siltation induced by wind waves in an entrance channel is one of the prime factors influencing the operation efficiency of a port. It is necessary to predict the siltation accurately for dredging and ship operatio... The siltation induced by wind waves in an entrance channel is one of the prime factors influencing the operation efficiency of a port. It is necessary to predict the siltation accurately for dredging and ship operation passing through the entrance of the port. However, it is difficult to apply the traditional method to predicting entrance siltation because of its complex computational procedure and lacking the data of ocean dynamic elements in the specified sea area. From the view of energy conservation, a direct relationship between wind conditions and sediment deposition can be founded. On the basis of the above methodology, an empirical formula expressed by wind conditions for forecasting the siltation in the entrance channel is set up. The wind conditions are easily obtained from the local meteorological stations or weather maps, so the formula established in this paper is more convenient and practical than the traditional method. A case study is provided, in which the emopirical formula is calibrated and verified utilizing the measured wind and siltation conditions in the entrance channel of the port. Comparisons between computed values and measured data show satisfactory aqreement. 展开更多
关键词 wind conditions entrance channel SILTATION
Conversion of Existing Roundabouts into Turbo-Roundabouts: Case Studies from Real World
作者 Orazio Giuffrè Marco Guerrieri Anna Granà 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第8期953-962,共10页
Compared with roundabouts the main advantages of turbo-roundabouts are the reduction in the number of potential conflicting points and the lower speed of vehicles passing through the intersection, they both can improv... Compared with roundabouts the main advantages of turbo-roundabouts are the reduction in the number of potential conflicting points and the lower speed of vehicles passing through the intersection, they both can improve safety conditions at the .junction. Moreover, the physical delimitation among lanes limits the side-by-side accident risk. These aspects make turbo-roundabouts more appropriate than roundabouts when a higher level of safety has to be guaranteed, particularly in presence of relevant pedestrian and two-wheels traffic volumes. The present paper has three main objectives: (1) to discuss general design criteria and functional principles of turbo roundabouts, (2) to give the geometric design principles of the central island and circulating lanes and (3) to present three case studies from real world concerning the conversion of existing roundabouts into turbo roundabouts. 展开更多
关键词 ROUNDABOUT turbo roundabout capacity.
Seasonal export fluxes of size-fractionated particulate derived from polonium-210: A case study in Xiamen Bay
作者 杨伟锋 黄奕普 +1 位作者 陈敏 邱雨生 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期379-386,共8页
Size-fractionated 210Po and 210Pb, in the size fractions >0.4 μm, >2 μm and >10 μm, were examined to determine the seasonal variability of particulate fluxes in Xiamen Bay. Good correlations between 210Po ... Size-fractionated 210Po and 210Pb, in the size fractions >0.4 μm, >2 μm and >10 μm, were examined to determine the seasonal variability of particulate fluxes in Xiamen Bay. Good correlations between 210Po and particulate organic carbon (POC) or non-Particulate Organic Matter (nPOM) suggested that 210Po can be used to trace the export fluxes of POC and nPOM. Both steady-state (SS) model and nSS model were used to evaluate fluxes of size-fractionated 210Po, results showed that nSS model was better than the SS model in coastal areas. Based on the nSS model, size-fractionated POC fluxes decreased with increasing particle size. For the particle size studied, maximum POC fluxes occurred in autumn, followed by spring, winter, and summer. Fluxes of nPOM were an order of magnitude higher than the corresponding size-fractionated POC fluxes. Differences between size-fractionated nPOM fluxes indicated that hydrodynamic conditions were the main factor regulating transportation of particulate out of the inner Bay. In winter most particulates, including >10 μm particles, were transported under the strongest hydrodynamic conditions. In contrast, only a fraction of the <2 μm particulates were transported from the inner Bay in spring. This study suggested that 210Po is a powerful tracer of seasonal particulate export in coastal seas. 展开更多
关键词 POC 210Po 210Pb THORIUM size fractionation
Modeling the special intersections for enhanced digital map
作者 Ni Peizhou Li Xu +1 位作者 Xia Liang Huang Liang 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2020年第3期264-272,共9页
A new lane-level road modeling method based on cardinal spline is proposed for the special intersections which are covered by vegetation or artificial landscape in their central regions.First,cardinal spline curves ar... A new lane-level road modeling method based on cardinal spline is proposed for the special intersections which are covered by vegetation or artificial landscape in their central regions.First,cardinal spline curves are used to fit the virtual lanes inside special intersections,and an initial road model is established using a series of control points and tension parameters.Then,the progressive optimization algorithm is proposed to determine the final road model based on the initial model.The algorithm determines reasonable control points and optimal tension parameters according to the degree of road curvature changes,so as to achieve a balance between the efficiency and reliability of the road model.Finally,the proposed intersection model is verified and evaluated through experiments.The results show that this method can effectively describe the lane-level topological relationship and geometric details of this kind of special intersection where the central area is covered by vegetation or artificial landscape,and can achieve a good balance between the efficiency and reliability of the road model. 展开更多
关键词 enhanced digital map lane-level intersection model cardinal spline
Design principle for parameters and interferences of tungsten carbide insert interface on roller bits
作者 YIN Kun JONG Yonchol +1 位作者 BO Kun CHOE Jongman 《Global Geology》 2013年第1期43-47,共5页
The lifetime of roll-bits with inserted tooth will be obviously decreased while drilling in strata and the tungsten carbide can be integrally separated from the roll-cone,which will need more trip out time to replace ... The lifetime of roll-bits with inserted tooth will be obviously decreased while drilling in strata and the tungsten carbide can be integrally separated from the roll-cone,which will need more trip out time to replace the roller bit.This study provides an entire analysis on stress as well as strength for teeth and tooth holes in loaded conditions.Qualities of tooth drop from matrix within roller bit.The optimized interferences of teeth inserted into the bit can be reasonably obtained by the critical interference derived from some relevant influence factors on the tooth-fixing quality of roller bits. 展开更多
关键词 roller bits with inserted teeth insert interface interference fit interference parameter
Analysis on Rice Production and International Trade in Vietnam
作者 RUAN Liu-qing JIANG Yun-zhu +2 位作者 LU Li-xiang LIN Hai PANG Qian-lin 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第9期1320-1322,共3页
This paper introduces Vietnam's climate condition,main rice production regions and analyses the expansion of rice planting area,rice cropping system during the last decades.The result from the change of rice produ... This paper introduces Vietnam's climate condition,main rice production regions and analyses the expansion of rice planting area,rice cropping system during the last decades.The result from the change of rice production,planting area,yield,and rice trade indicates that the economic reforms in Vietnam from 1986 have contributed to a spectacular rise in rice production and exports.However,there are still problems and opportunities for rice production and export in Vietnam.The paper suggests that Vietnam should make the most use of the advanced international rice cultivars and technology to improve irrigation and water conservancy facilities to benefit rice farmer and consolidate Vietnam to be the major exporter of rice in the world market. 展开更多
关键词 VIETNAM Rice production Rice trade
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