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作者 蔡佳 朱梅娅 《四川烹饪》 2011年第10期25-25,共1页
关键词 烹饪法 西陵峡口肥鱼美 食材 美食
基于双吸肥口的低压文丘里施肥器设计与试验 被引量:18
作者 张建阔 李加念 +3 位作者 吴昊 马泽宇 Waleed Elnour Babekir Salih 胡赫谌 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第14期115-121,共7页
为降低文丘里施肥器的吸肥临界进口压力,使之适用于低压灌溉施肥系统,设计了一种双吸肥口文丘里施肥器。选取喉管收缩比、收缩段角度、扩散段角度和喉管长径比4个结构参数,采用正交试验设计方法,构建16种结构参数组合方案,运用CFD模拟... 为降低文丘里施肥器的吸肥临界进口压力,使之适用于低压灌溉施肥系统,设计了一种双吸肥口文丘里施肥器。选取喉管收缩比、收缩段角度、扩散段角度和喉管长径比4个结构参数,采用正交试验设计方法,构建16种结构参数组合方案,运用CFD模拟技术对每种方案的吸肥性能进行模拟,以吸肥性能为评价指标确定最佳结构参数组合,并根据最佳结构参数组合试制文丘里施肥器原型样品,并在0~0.15 MPa进口压力范围内对其吸肥性能进行分析。结果表明,最佳结果参数为:喉管收缩比为0.3、收缩段角度为20?、扩散段角度为8°、喉管长径比为1.1。最佳结构文丘里施肥器试制样品实测结果与模拟分析结果一致,在相同进口压力下各个实测值均略小于模拟分析值,实测与模拟吸肥量、进口流量比、肥液浓度和吸肥效率的均方根误差分别为0.22 L/min、0.96%、0.93%和0.68%。在相同进口压力下,相比于相同结构参数的单吸肥口文丘里施肥器,模拟得出的吸肥量提高了90%,进口流量比提高了85%,肥液浓度提高了80%,吸肥效率提高了80%,表明双吸肥口施肥器的吸肥性能比单吸肥口施肥器有较大提高;双吸肥口施肥器实测临界进口压力为0.007 MPa,当进口压力为0.05 MPa时其吸肥浓度可达13.6%,与现有文丘里施肥器相比,在获得同等或更高的吸肥性能时具有更低的工作进口压力,更适用于低压滴灌系统。 展开更多
关键词 结构 CFD 数值分析 文丘里施 双吸 低压 性能
水田高地隙自走式变量撒肥机设计与试验 被引量:52
作者 陈书法 张石平 +1 位作者 孙星钊 李耀明 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期16-21,共6页
为解决现有水田撒肥机械地隙低、撒肥量调节技术落后、工作效率低等问题,设计了一种水田高地隙自走式变量撒肥机,介绍了整机结构与工作原理,研究设计了高地隙专用底盘、撒肥盘及排肥口调节装置,并确定了关键结构和参数,对以AT89C51单片... 为解决现有水田撒肥机械地隙低、撒肥量调节技术落后、工作效率低等问题,设计了一种水田高地隙自走式变量撒肥机,介绍了整机结构与工作原理,研究设计了高地隙专用底盘、撒肥盘及排肥口调节装置,并确定了关键结构和参数,对以AT89C51单片机为核心的控制系统进行软硬件设计与系统集成。场地和水稻田间撒肥试验结果显示,推肥板推肥角度-20°~40°可调,机器最小转弯半径1.8m,撒肥盘离地高度可达1100mm,撒肥幅宽达14m,作业效率达到6hm2/h,试验结果表明撒肥机适合在水田里自主行走,整机与控制系统设计满足水田宽幅高效变量撒肥工作要求。 展开更多
关键词 农业机械 设计 试验 水田变量施 高地隙底盘 调节 单片机
变量施肥液压系统设计与试验研究 被引量:8
作者 陈书法 李宗岭 申屠留芳 《液压与气动》 北大核心 2011年第12期102-105,共4页
通过分析国内外变量施肥技术的研究状况,概述了水稻变量施肥机总体设计和结构特点,对驱动撒肥盘变速的液压驱动系统进行设计,确定了液压组件的型号、参数并进行了转矩与功率校核计算,对决定施肥量变化的肥料流速与落肥口长度之间的函数... 通过分析国内外变量施肥技术的研究状况,概述了水稻变量施肥机总体设计和结构特点,对驱动撒肥盘变速的液压驱动系统进行设计,确定了液压组件的型号、参数并进行了转矩与功率校核计算,对决定施肥量变化的肥料流速与落肥口长度之间的函数关系进行试验研究,确定了线性函数方程,用于变量施肥作业。通过施肥试验和实际应用,表明自走式水稻变量施肥机整机结构设计、液压变量施肥系统设计和电磁式排肥活门结构适合整机在水田里自主行走,在水稻生长期实施变量施肥工作要求。 展开更多
关键词 水稻变量施 液压系统 长度 函数关系
喉部结构对文丘里施肥器性能影响的数值研究 被引量:2
作者 张建阔 李加念 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2018年第11期28-32,共5页
采用CFD数值模拟方法研究吸肥口角度和喉管长径比两个主要参数对文丘里施肥器吸肥性能的影响,利用Fluent软件,针对吸肥口角度(75°、90°、105°、120°和135°)和喉管长径比(1.5、2.0和2.5)的15种组合方案,仿真分... 采用CFD数值模拟方法研究吸肥口角度和喉管长径比两个主要参数对文丘里施肥器吸肥性能的影响,利用Fluent软件,针对吸肥口角度(75°、90°、105°、120°和135°)和喉管长径比(1.5、2.0和2.5)的15种组合方案,仿真分析了其对吸肥性能的影响结果表明:当吸肥口角度为135°且喉管长径比为1.5时,其肥液浓度和吸肥效率分别比吸肥口角度为75°且喉管长径比为2.5时提高了110%和90%;两个参数对吸肥性能均有显著影响,其中吸肥口角度对吸肥性能的影响明显大于喉管长径比。 展开更多
关键词 文丘里施 角度 喉管长径比 CFD数值模拟 性能
作者 王恩田 刁春远 《土壤通报》 CAS 1965年第5期44-44,共1页
苏子是一种耐瘠薄、成熟快、灾害少、用途广的油料作物,苏子果实经过处理后,可做谷子口肥.这是农民固有增产措施之一.吉林前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县东三家子农业技术推广站同群众科学实验小组一起,总结了苏子做口肥的经验,认为这是一项投... 苏子是一种耐瘠薄、成熟快、灾害少、用途广的油料作物,苏子果实经过处理后,可做谷子口肥.这是农民固有增产措施之一.吉林前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县东三家子农业技术推广站同群众科学实验小组一起,总结了苏子做口肥的经验,认为这是一项投资少、成本低、施用方便、肥效高、增产显著的好肥料.1963年该县保安大队腰周生产队在1061亩谷子地施用了苏子,每亩施用1.2斤,每斤苏子增产7.6斤粮食,增产率为15.3%.林场大队后双龙生产队205亩瘠薄地每亩施用苏子1斤做谷子口肥,每斤苏子增产8斤粮食,增产率为19.6%.1964年瓦房大队瓦房生产队的120亩谷子,亩施苏子1斤,每斤苏子增产15斤谷子,增产率为16.6%.牛坨子大队第四队科学实验小组进行苏子做谷子口肥试验,小区面积337.5平方米,谷子品种为大头摆.5月21日种.7月3日进行生育调查,每亩施用苏子2.00和2.66斤的两个小区,茎叶繁茂。 展开更多
关键词 苏子 烘炒 谷子 口肥
四种叶面肥在棚栽草莓、紫甘蓝上的施用效果 被引量:3
作者 邱宏良 周宏华 胡德具 《内蒙古农业科技》 2001年第4期17-17,20,共2页
关键词 草莓 紫甘蓝 棚栽 叶面 万达液 禾施丰口肥 植物动力2003 天然芸苔素
《现代畜牧兽医》 2018年第10期66-66,共1页
关键词 价格表 月份 羊羊 猪肉 玉豆 肉粉 料目 元平 口肥 鸡牛
《现代畜牧兽医》 2017年第10期64-64,共1页
关键词 饲料市场 价格表 月份 羊羊 猪肉 玉豆 料目 白肉 和州 口肥
《现代畜牧兽医》 2019年第5期64-64,共1页
关键词 饲料市场 价格表 月份 羊羊 猪肉 玉豆 肉粉 料目 元平 口肥
《现代畜牧兽医》 2019年第4期64-64,共1页
关键词 饲料市场 价格表 月份 羊羊 猪肉 玉豆 肉粉 料目 口肥 鸡牛
作者 宋杰 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期47-59,共13页
自春秋后期至汉末董卓之乱爆发前,皖城附近在数百年内没有发生大规模的战争。三国时期,皖城地区被吴、魏双方频繁争夺,其军事地位陡然上升,这是因为当时中国战争的地理格局由东西对峙演变为南北抗衡,皖城所在的庐江郡位处江淮之间,是水... 自春秋后期至汉末董卓之乱爆发前,皖城附近在数百年内没有发生大规模的战争。三国时期,皖城地区被吴、魏双方频繁争夺,其军事地位陡然上升,这是因为当时中国战争的地理格局由东西对峙演变为南北抗衡,皖城所在的庐江郡位处江淮之间,是水陆通道交汇地带,所以引起各方的重视。但由于该地道路水陆相间,船只不能直航江淮;同时皖城地处平川,无险可守,因此,该地只是作为吴魏相争的一个次要战场。 展开更多
关键词 皖城 庐江 寿春 淮南
Physical activity, obesity and gastroesophageal reflux disease in the general population 被引量:9
作者 Therese Djrv Anna Wikman +3 位作者 Helena Nordenstedt Asif Johar Jesper Lagergren Pernilla Lagergren 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第28期3710-3714,共5页
AIM: To clarify the association between physical activity and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in nonobese and obese people. METHODS: A Swedish population-based cross-sectional survey was conducted. Participants... AIM: To clarify the association between physical activity and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in nonobese and obese people. METHODS: A Swedish population-based cross-sectional survey was conducted. Participants aged 40-79 years were randomly selected from the Swedish Registry of the Total Population. Data on physical activity, GERD, body mass index (BMI) and the covariates age, gender, comorbidity, education, sleeping problems, and tobacco smoking were obtained using validated questionnaires. GERD was self-reported and defined as heartburn or regurgitation at least once weekly, and having at least moderate problems from such symptoms. Frequency of physical activity was categorized into three groups: (1) "high" (several times/week); (2) "intermediate" (approximately once weekly); and (3) "low" (1-3 times/mo or less). Analyses were stratified for participants with "normal weight" (BMI < 25 kg/m 2 ), "overweight" (BMI 25 to ≤ 30 kg/m 2 ) and "obese" (BMI > 30 kg/m 2 ). Multivariate logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), adjusted for potential confounding by covariates. RESULTS: Of 6969 eligible and randomly selected individuals, 4910 (70.5%) participated. High frequency of physical activity was reported by 2463 (50%) participants, GERD was identified in 472 (10%) participants, and obesity was found in 680 (14%). There were 226 (5%) individuals with missing information about BMI. Normal weight, overweight and obese participants were similar regarding distribution of gender and tobacco smoking status, while obese participants were on average slightly older, had fewer years of education, more comorbidity, slightly more sleeping problems, lower frequency of physical activity, and higher occurrence of GERD. Among the 2146 normal-weight participants, crude point estimates indicated a decreased risk of GERD among individuals with high frequency of physical activity (OR: 0.59, 95% CI: 0.39-0.89), compared to low frequency of physical activity. However, after adjustment for potential confounding factors, neither intermediate (OR: 1.30, 95% CI: 0.75-2.26) nor high (OR: 0.99, 95% CI: 0.62-1.60) frequency of physical activity was followed by decreased risk of GERD. Sleeping problems and high comorbidity were identified as potential confounders. Among the 1859 overweight participants, crude point estimates indicated no increased or decreased risk of GERD among individuals with intermediate or high frequency of physical activity, compared to low frequency. After adjustment for confounding, neither intermediate (OR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.46-1.22) nor high frequency of physical activity were followed by increased or decreased risk of GERD compared to low frequency among nonobese participants. Sleeping problems and high comorbidity were identified as potential confounders for overweight participants. In obese individuals, crude ORs were similar to the adjusted ORs and no particular confounding factors were identified. Intermediate frequency of physical activity was associated with a decreased occurrence of GERD compared to low frequency of physical activity (adjusted OR: 0.41, 95% CI: 0.22-0.77). CONCLUSION: Intermediate frequency of physical activity might decrease the risk of GERD among obese individuals, while no influence of physical activity on GERD was found in non-obese people. 展开更多
关键词 Physical exercise Gastroesophageal reflux disease Population-based study Risk factor Body mass index OBESITY
Effect of CO_2 enrichment on competition between Skeletonema costatum and Heterosigma akashiwo 被引量:1
作者 徐达 周斌 +3 位作者 王悠 鞠青 于庆云 唐学玺 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期933-939,共7页
We investigated the effect of CO2 enrichment and initial inoculum density on competition between Skeletonema costatum and Heterosigma akashiwo,two common algae seen in algal blooms.The initial inoculum density(0.2... We investigated the effect of CO2 enrichment and initial inoculum density on competition between Skeletonema costatum and Heterosigma akashiwo,two common algae seen in algal blooms.The initial inoculum density(0.2×104,0.4×104,0.8×104 cells/ml) had a significant effect on population growth and competition between H.akashiwo and S.costatum.The time required for population growth to reach the exponential growth phase and stationary phase decreased significantly as the initial density increased.When the two species were cultured together,S.costatum tended to outcompete H.akashiwo,especially when present at higher initial ratios.CO_2 enrichment(5 000μl/L CO_2) increased the maximum population density and carrying capacity of H.akashiwo but decreased these measures for S.costatum.Thus,CO_2 enrichment favored the growth of H.akashiwo over S.costatum. 展开更多
关键词 marine microalgae population competition CO2 enrichment red tide microalgae Skeletonema costatum Heterosigma akashiwo
Changes of ghrelin following oral glucose tolerance test in obese children with insulin resistance 被引量:3
作者 Xiu-Min Wang You-Jun Jiang Li Liang Li-Zhong Du 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第12期1919-1924,共6页
AIM: To characterize changes in ghrelin levels in response to oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and to correlate changes in ghrelin levels with changes in insulin and glucose following OGTT in Chinese obese childr... AIM: To characterize changes in ghrelin levels in response to oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and to correlate changes in ghrelin levels with changes in insulin and glucose following OGTT in Chinese obese children of Tanner Ⅰ and Ⅱ stage with insulin resistance. METHODS: 22 obese children with insulin resistance state were divided into four groups according to their Tanner stage and gender: boys of Tanner Ⅰ (fir- Ⅰ ), boys of Tanner Ⅱ(BT-Ⅱ ), girls of Tanner Ⅰ (GT- Ⅰ ), girls of Tanner Ⅱ (GT-Ⅱ). Ghrelin, insulin and glucose were measured at 0, 30, 60 and 120 rain following OGTT. The control children with normal BMI were divided into control boys of Tanner Ⅰ (CBT- Ⅰ, n = 6), control boys of Tanner Ⅱ (CBT-Ⅱ, n = 5), control girls of Tanner Ⅰ (CGT- Ⅰ, n = 6), control girls of Tanner Ⅱ (CGT-Ⅱ, n = 5). Fasting serum ghrelin levels were analyzed. RESULTS: Ghrelin levels were lower in obese groups. Ghrelin levels of control group decreased in Tanner Ⅱ stage (CGT- Ⅰ vs CGT-Ⅱ t = -4.703, P = 0.001; CBT- Ⅰ vs CBT- Ⅱ t = -4.794, P = 0.001). Basal ghrelin levels in fir-Ⅱ decreased more significantly than that in BT- Ⅰ group (t = 2.547, P = 0.029). Ghrelin levels expressed a downward trend after OGTT among obese children. The decrease in ghrelin levels at 60 min with respect to basal values was 56.9% in BT- Ⅰ. Ghrelin concentrations at 0 min correlated directly with glucose level at 0 min in fir- Ⅰ (r = 0.898, P = 0.015). There wasn't a significant correlation of ghrelin changes with glucose changes and insulin changes during OGTT in obese children with insulin resistance. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, in obese children with insulin resistance, ghrelin levels decreased with advancing pubertal stage. Ghrelin secretion suppression following OGTT was influenced by gender and pubertal stage. Baseline ghrelin levels and ghrelin suppression after OGTT did not significantly correlate with the degree of insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity. 展开更多
关键词 GHRELIN Oral glucose tolerance test INSULINRESISTANCE Obese children
水田高地隙自走式变量撒肥机设计与试验 被引量:10
作者 李从浩 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期16-21,44,共7页
为解决现有水田撒肥机械地隙低、撒肥量调节技术落后、工作效率低等问题,设计了一种水田高地隙自走式变量撒肥机,介绍了整机结构与工作原理,研究设计了高地隙专用底盘、撒肥盘及排肥口调节装置,并确定了关键结构和参数,对以AT89C51单片... 为解决现有水田撒肥机械地隙低、撒肥量调节技术落后、工作效率低等问题,设计了一种水田高地隙自走式变量撒肥机,介绍了整机结构与工作原理,研究设计了高地隙专用底盘、撒肥盘及排肥口调节装置,并确定了关键结构和参数,对以AT89C51单片机为核心的控制系统进行软硬件设计与系统集成。场地和水稻田间撒肥试验结果显示,推肥板推肥角度-20°~40°可调,机器最小转弯半径1.8m,撒肥盘离地高度可达1100mm,撒肥幅宽达14m,作业效率达到6hm2/h,试验结果表明撒肥机适合在水田里自主行走,整机与控制系统设计满足水田宽幅高效变量撒肥工作要求。 展开更多
关键词 农业机械 设计 试验 水田变量施 高地隙底盘 调节 单片机
Activity of metalloproteinases and adiponectin in obese patients——a possible factor of incisional hernias after bariatric procedures
作者 Wojciech SZCZESNY Magdalena KULIGOWSKA-PRUSINSKA +3 位作者 Stanislaw DABROWIECKI Jakub SZMYTKOWSKI Adrian RESLINSKI Maciej SLUPSKI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期65-70,共6页
Purpose: Metalloproteinases are a key component of the pathogenesis of abdominal hernias. Obesity is considered a risk factor in herniogenesis and hernia recurrence. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum co... Purpose: Metalloproteinases are a key component of the pathogenesis of abdominal hernias. Obesity is considered a risk factor in herniogenesis and hernia recurrence. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum concentrations of metalloproteinase-2(MMP-2), MMP-9, MMP-13, and adiponectin in morbidly obese and nonoverweight controls. Materials and methods: The participants were recruited from among patients undergoing bariatric and non-bariatric surgery and divided into two groups: I(body mass index(BMI)≥35 kg/m^2, n=40) and II(BMI〈25 kg/m^2, n=30). Serum concentrations of MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-13, and adiponectin were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). Results: A statistically significant difference between groups was observed for MMP-2 concentration. The median MMP-9 concentration was higher in the obese group, but the difference was not statistically significant. Median MMP-13 concentrations did not differ between groups. Serum adiponectin concentration was insignificantly higher in the non-obese group. Conclusions: The elevated serum MMP-2 and MMP-9 concentrations in obese individuals may be related to the higher incidence of incisional hernias in this population. 展开更多
作者 王燕 《汉语史研究集刊》 2021年第1期254-259,共6页
對擬話本集《醉醒石》俗語"背手" "闖口面""口角兒""肥拱" "脫空脫騙""遊花"等數則辭書未收錄或雖收錄但釋義有缺漏的俗語詞加以考釋。
关键词 《醉醒石》 角兒 脫空脫騙
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