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中国古代生物质能源的类型和利用略论 被引量:13
作者 王星光 柴国生 《自然科学史研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期421-436,共16页
我国有着悠久的生物质能源开发利用的历史,形成了较为完整的生物质能源体系。在对生物质能源的开发利用过程中,先民们积累了丰富的能源知识,根据不同的用途合理地选择能源,通过多样化的利用形式,充分满足了古代社会生活、生产等方面的需... 我国有着悠久的生物质能源开发利用的历史,形成了较为完整的生物质能源体系。在对生物质能源的开发利用过程中,先民们积累了丰富的能源知识,根据不同的用途合理地选择能源,通过多样化的利用形式,充分满足了古代社会生活、生产等方面的需要,为社会的发展和文明的延续提供了重要保障,是一笔值得珍视的科技文化遗产。 展开更多
关键词 中国古代生物质能源 燃料 薪柴 竹炭 生物油脂
古代生物分子在第四纪研究中的应用 被引量:8
作者 赖旭龙 杨洪 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期457-470,共14页
从第四纪化石和沉积物中获得的古代生物分子为第四纪研究者提供了丰富和独特的有关古代生物、遗传和古环境信息的定量和高分辨率的数据。过去 1 0多年的研究证实来自第四纪材料中的各种古代生物分子的分离、鉴定和应用的能力在不断增加... 从第四纪化石和沉积物中获得的古代生物分子为第四纪研究者提供了丰富和独特的有关古代生物、遗传和古环境信息的定量和高分辨率的数据。过去 1 0多年的研究证实来自第四纪材料中的各种古代生物分子的分离、鉴定和应用的能力在不断增加。文章总结了古代生物分子在第四纪研究中的最新进展 ,主要包括以下几个方面的内容 :1 )不同类型的古代生物分子在地质体中的保存和降解 ;2 )古DNA和古蛋白序列中的生物遗传学信息 ;3)单体分子同位素与第四纪古环境和古气候研究 ;4)建于古代生物分子水平上的第四纪年代学。作者预见对第四纪地层中的原位和分散保存的古代生物分子的研究将在广度上以多分子综合研究而深度上与单体分子同位素技术相结合 ,为第四纪科学家们提供大量解决地质学和演化生物学问题的高精度数据。随着地球化学和分子生物学技术的不断改进以及人们对古代生物分子的降解过程和机制的进一步理解 ,对古代生物分子的研究无疑将进一步促进和推动第四纪科学研究的发展。 展开更多
关键词 古代生物分子 第四纪 有机分子 游离有机分子 分子量 同位素分析
作者 季楠 《化石》 1997年第2期25-26,共2页
古代生物与环境保护季楠当今世界保护环境,减少自然资源的破坏,维持生态平衡,已成为全球关注的热点。地球是太阳系中唯一有生命的行星。这个星球已走过六十亿年的历程。在这漫长的岁月里,地球发生了翻天覆地的变化。最初,地球是一... 古代生物与环境保护季楠当今世界保护环境,减少自然资源的破坏,维持生态平衡,已成为全球关注的热点。地球是太阳系中唯一有生命的行星。这个星球已走过六十亿年的历程。在这漫长的岁月里,地球发生了翻天覆地的变化。最初,地球是一团均匀的火球,温度很高,不可有生命... 展开更多
关键词 生物 古代生物 环境保护
古代病原微生物基因组的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 崔银秋 张昊 +2 位作者 武喜艳 孙冰 周慧 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期764-774,共11页
古代病原微生物基因组研究对病理学、微生物学、考古学等领域均具有重要的价值。在过去的十年里,高通量测序和靶向富集技术的发展和应用使古代微生物基因组的获取成为可能,通过对古代人群样本中获取的宏基因组进行筛查,使得引发古代疫... 古代病原微生物基因组研究对病理学、微生物学、考古学等领域均具有重要的价值。在过去的十年里,高通量测序和靶向富集技术的发展和应用使古代微生物基因组的获取成为可能,通过对古代人群样本中获取的宏基因组进行筛查,使得引发古代疫情的相关病原体的基因组得以重建,为研究人类传染病的起源、传播和演化提供了一个独特的窗口。在当今全球化的背景下,新发及再发传染性疾病的出现频率促使我们回顾过去,以便更好地了解现代病原菌出现和古代病原菌重新出现的过程和生态环境。在这篇文章中,我们总结了近十年古代病原微生物基因组水平的研究进展,并提出了这项研究所面临的挑战以及未来的研究前景和方向。 展开更多
关键词 高通量测序 靶向富集技术 古代病原微生物 瘟疫 基因组
我国生物礁研究的发展 被引量:10
作者 赵焕庭 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 1996年第3期253-262,共10页
黄汲清教授研究我国南方二叠系,引发了我国对古代生物礁的研究工作。60年代起我国开始对古代生物礁的研究。现代珊瑚礁研究从20年代末兴起,80年代以来正在深入发展,同全球变化研究和珊瑚礁开发紧密联系,拓展了研究领域,积累... 黄汲清教授研究我国南方二叠系,引发了我国对古代生物礁的研究工作。60年代起我国开始对古代生物礁的研究。现代珊瑚礁研究从20年代末兴起,80年代以来正在深入发展,同全球变化研究和珊瑚礁开发紧密联系,拓展了研究领域,积累了许多新知。 展开更多
关键词 古代生物 现代珊瑚礁 环境变化 生物 礁岩
作者 王洪生 《地球》 2003年第3期4-4,共1页
古生物钟也称化石钟,是指古代生物化石身上所保留的生物生长的节律,它给我们带来了丰富的信息。一、古生物钟忠实地记录着古气候、大陆漂移的历史。在20世纪30年代初,留日的地质学家马廷英发现古生代早期的四射珊瑚化石上,有反映气候季... 古生物钟也称化石钟,是指古代生物化石身上所保留的生物生长的节律,它给我们带来了丰富的信息。一、古生物钟忠实地记录着古气候、大陆漂移的历史。在20世纪30年代初,留日的地质学家马廷英发现古生代早期的四射珊瑚化石上,有反映气候季节性变化的生长线,记录了寒季生长缓慢、生长纹密集;暖季生长迅速、生长纹稀疏的事实。1935年,他在研究了东沙群岛的造礁珊瑚以后认为:无论古代的四射珊瑚化石或是现代的造礁六射珊瑚,其组织内部和外部都有日生长现象和季候生长现象。 展开更多
关键词 生物 古气候 大陆漂移 月球 地球 古天文 古时间 四射珊瑚化石 生物生长 古代生物化石
古DNA分析技术在考古学研究中的应用 被引量:6
作者 常娥 《文物春秋》 2004年第1期22-31,共10页
保留在古代生物遗骸中的遗传物质DNA是一种重要的遗传学资源,古DNA分析技术在考古学中的成功运用已成为一个新兴的考古学研究领域,将现代分子生物学技术应用于考古学的研究中而形成的一个新兴的分支学科——分子考古学,即指利用分子生... 保留在古代生物遗骸中的遗传物质DNA是一种重要的遗传学资源,古DNA分析技术在考古学中的成功运用已成为一个新兴的考古学研究领域,将现代分子生物学技术应用于考古学的研究中而形成的一个新兴的分支学科——分子考古学,即指利用分子生物学研究技术,对出土的古代可研究对象进行分子水平的分析和研究。分子考古学在解决人类的起源与迁徙、动植物的家养和驯化过程、及农业的起源和早期发展等重大考古学问题上都具有重要的意义。本文时古DNA分析技术及其在考古学上的应用进行了综合论述,特别是对吉林大学边疆考古研究中心考古DNA实验室在近年来所取得的新进展做了系统的回顾和总结。 展开更多
关键词 考古学 DNA分析技术 分子生物学技术 古代生物遗骸 历史文化
The Gaoyuzhuang Palaeobiology 被引量:1
作者 徐兆良 阿拉米克S.M. 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第5期617-627,共11页
Black bedded, nodular, and lenticular chert and silicified parts of stromatolites from the approximately 1 400 - 1 600 million year-old Gaoyuzhuang Formation, North China, contain remark-ably well prep served microflo... Black bedded, nodular, and lenticular chert and silicified parts of stromatolites from the approximately 1 400 - 1 600 million year-old Gaoyuzhuang Formation, North China, contain remark-ably well prep served microflora composed of diverse prokaryotic and possible eukaryotic microbes. Macroscopic algae have also been found. This Formation provides important paleobiological information from which to assess status of Mesoproterozoic life, and to evaluate paleoenvironmental conditions and pre-Phanerozoic biostratigraphy. The Gaoyuzhuang Formation has yielded over 100 taxa described by over 10 investigators. Most of the microbial taxa can be divided into three different assemblages according to their paleobiological and paleoenvironmental characteristics. I. The oscillatoriacean/chroococcacean assemblage which occurs in the first member of the Formation and this is interpreted to represent an assemblage from shallow water mat-building and mat-dwelling taxa with some possible planktonic taxa; 2. the nostocacean assemblage found only in the second member, and includes benthic mat-building or mat-dwelling taxa; and 3. the chroococcacean assemblage of the fourth member, which represents intertidal to supratidal mat-building and allochthonous taxa. Proterozoic microfossils found in chert, especially cyanobacteria, are possibly more valuable as paleoenvironmental indicators than as chronostratigraphic tools because of their morphological conservation, although trends in diversity appear to exist for cyanobacteria in the Proterozoic. The general characteristics of Gaoyuzhuang microfossils, and the fact that most nostocacean chains occur and are. preserved with the chain perpendicular to bedding indicate that: (1) the individual size of Gaoyuzhuang microfossils are part of a general trend of increase with time; (2) Gaoyuzhuang deposits are possibly in a fresh water environment and the rate of sedimentation might be equal to or less than the microbial growth rate; (3) the sedimentary model of Gaoyuzhuang might be from intertidal to subtidal or deep sea, and then to intertidal or supratidal; and (4) the eukaryotic organisms had densely occurred when Gaoyuzhuang Formation deposited. 展开更多
关键词 North China MESOPROTEROZOIC Gaoyuzhuang Formation PALAEOBIOLOGY
Mechanism on bipolar distribution of Permian brachiopods 被引量:4
作者 Chengwen WANG Songmei ZHANG 《Global Geology》 2008年第2期59-77,共19页
By reasearch on geographic distribution, nine genera in bipolar distribution are selected from Permian brachiopods. These taxa originated from middle-high latitude areas in the boreal realm, of which five genera were ... By reasearch on geographic distribution, nine genera in bipolar distribution are selected from Permian brachiopods. These taxa originated from middle-high latitude areas in the boreal realm, of which five genera were derived from Late Carboniferous, and other four genera originated from Permian. They were all in bipolar distribution during some different stages in Permian. Specific diversity for each genus was high in the boreal realm, whereas in the Gondwana realm was very low. Perdurability was long in the boreal realm, and short in the Gondwana realm. It was the time when these nine genera came to their maximum diversity that these genera appeared in the Gondwana and formed bipolar distribution; while they also migrated to the low latitude from high latitude. This shows very close relationship between several main cooling events in Permian and the migration of genera from the boreal realm to the Gondwana reahn through the Tethys. Therefore, the cooling events might be the main drive which caused these cold-water-type brachiopods migrated to the Gondwana realm and being bipolar distribution. In this process, the planula tolerance to warm water would be another important factor. 展开更多
关键词 PERMIAN BRACHIOPOD bipolar distribution MECHANISM
A note on fructification of Plagiozamites Zeiller (Noeggerathiales) based on association 被引量:1
作者 Jun WANG 《Global Geology》 2008年第3期115-124,共10页
The fructification of the noeggerathialean foliage Plagiozamites is very likely a cylindric strobilus based on close associations from the Early Permian Lower Shihhotse Formation of Weibei Coalfield in Shaanxi and Den... The fructification of the noeggerathialean foliage Plagiozamites is very likely a cylindric strobilus based on close associations from the Early Permian Lower Shihhotse Formation of Weibei Coalfield in Shaanxi and Dengfeng Coalfield in Henan. The strobilus is articulated. Sporophylls arise from the node, with the proximal parts slightly united and with a tight angle to the axis; distal parts upturned pointing upwards and nearly parallel to the axis, coveting the neighboring sporophylls of the next node. A sessile sporangium is situated at the adaxial side of each sporophyll. There are 12-16 sporangia and sporophylls in each node. This type of strobilus may have been identified as some sphenophyllalean/equisetalean cones in previous study. 展开更多
关键词 FRUCTIFICATION Plagiozamites Noeggerathiales PERMIAN
Stratigraphy of southeastern flanks of Raichikhinsk brown coal field (Zeya-Bureya sedimentary basin) 被引量:1
作者 Tat'yana V. Kezina 《Journal of Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia》 2004年第2期110-119,共10页
The results of the palynologic and paleobotanic analyses have allowed determining the Paleocene (including Danian) and Eocene deposits in the series of coal-bearing sediments of southeastern flanks of the Raichikhinsk... The results of the palynologic and paleobotanic analyses have allowed determining the Paleocene (including Danian) and Eocene deposits in the series of coal-bearing sediments of southeastern flanks of the Raichikhinsk brown coal field. Their age was corroborated by the palynologic and paleobotanic data. The detailed biostartigraphic data were obtained in the area"Pioneer"for the first time. The coal-bearing strata were correlated with those from the sections of the Arkhara-Boguchan brown coal field and the stratotype of the Tsagajan Formation of the Bureya Belogor’ye. 展开更多
关键词 CENOZOIC Tsagajan Formation PALYNOSTRATIGRAPHY Kivda layers brown coal
Preliminary study on Late Triassic to Early Jurassic strata and floral variation in Hechuan region of Chongqing,southern Sichuan Basin
作者 Ning TIAN Yongdong WANG +2 位作者 Xiaoju YANG Qing NI Zikun JIANG 《Global Geology》 2008年第3期125-129,共5页
The end-Triassic mass extinction event is extensively known, however, the terrestrial response of this event is still poorly understood. Here we briefly report our preliminary results on the variation of floral divers... The end-Triassic mass extinction event is extensively known, however, the terrestrial response of this event is still poorly understood. Here we briefly report our preliminary results on the variation of floral diversity through the Triassic/Jurassic boundary deposits in the Tanha section of Hechuan region, Chongqing, southern China. It is recognized that the floral hiodiversity of the Hechuan region shows a distinct change through the Triassic and Jurassic transition; and the floral diversity loss reaches up to 92. 5% at species level. Meanwhile, in northeastern region of the Sichuan Basin, the floral diversity declines by about 50% across the T/J boundary at species level with a remarkable turnover of genera and species. The potential reasons and mechanisms that cause the floral diversity differentiation of the T/J boundary in the Sichuan Basin are briefly discussed in this note. 展开更多
关键词 Triassic/Jurassic boundary mass extinction floral variation Hechuan southern Sichuan Basin
Preliminary investigations on fossil diversity variation of Mesozoic Marattialean ferns in China
作者 Zikun JIANG Yongdong WANG Ning TIAN 《Global Geology》 2008年第3期130-134,共5页
The Marattiales is one of the oldest lineages of vascular plants with extensive fossil records dated back to the Carboniferous. Understanding the fossil diversity variation and distribution pattern is helpful for expl... The Marattiales is one of the oldest lineages of vascular plants with extensive fossil records dated back to the Carboniferous. Understanding the fossil diversity variation and distribution pattern is helpful for exploring the evolutionary history of this fern group. In this work, the preliminary analysis of diversity change and distribution of the Mesozoic Marattialean fossil records in China are reported covering the Triassic and Jurassic periods based on available published data. In addition, a brief discussion is made regarding to the potential causes for these variation and distribution of this fern group. 展开更多
关键词 diversity variation MESOZOIC Marattiales
作者 文充 《科学课(初中版)》 2003年第08X期54-55,共2页
关键词 火星探测器 火星探测 古代生物 大气
Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution in northern Korean Peninsula
作者 JON Guk Pu LYANG To Jun +2 位作者 LIU Yongjiang KIM Sung Hyon LIU Chengxian 《Global Geology》 2009年第2期94-99,共6页
Since Late Proterozoic era, the Korean Peninsula has been evolved into a state with relatively stable regions and orogenic belts which were developed differently each other. The Late Paleozoie (Late Carboniferous-Ear... Since Late Proterozoic era, the Korean Peninsula has been evolved into a state with relatively stable regions and orogenic belts which were developed differently each other. The Late Paleozoie (Late Carboniferous-Early Triassic) sediments are well developed in the Korean Peninsula, and called the Pyongan System. The Pyongan System from Late Carboniferous to Lower Triassic is distributed in the Pyongnan and Hyesan-Riwon Basins, and Rangrim Massif, and divided into Hongjom ( C2 ), Ripsok ( C2 ), Sadong ( C2-P1 ), Kobangsan and Rokam (Taezhawon) (P2-T1) sequences. The sediments of the Tumangang Orogenic Belt are called Tuman System which is composed of the Amgi Series, consisting of elastic formation with mafic effusive material, overlaid by the Kyeryongsan Series, consisting mainly of marie volcano sediments. The Songsang Series which rests on the Kyeryongsan Series mainly consists of elastic formation with minor felsic effusive material. In the Tumangang Orogenic Belt the tectonic movement, called Tumangang Tectonic Movement, occurred in the Lower Permian-Lower Triassic. 展开更多
关键词 Korean Peninsula Upper Paleozoic Pyongnam Basin Tumangang Orogenic Belt
Caring for Unclean Animals in Ancient Israel: An Ecological Perspective
作者 Daniel Berchie 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第1期68-75,共8页
In view of the biblical kosher law of clean and unclean animals, the question of whether unclean animals could be reared or not in Ancient Israel becomes an ecological concern (Lev. 7:21; 11:26) for religious bodi... In view of the biblical kosher law of clean and unclean animals, the question of whether unclean animals could be reared or not in Ancient Israel becomes an ecological concern (Lev. 7:21; 11:26) for religious bodies today who still consider certain animals as unclean. A theological study of the law in the Pentateuch suggests that, in Ancient Israel, unclean animals were well catered for. Physical contact with live unclean animals did not render one unclean. Rather, uncleanness could be acquired through the touching of the carcass of clean or unclean animals (11:24-28, 38-39). As part of their stewardship ordained by God (Gen. 1:26), the people of Israel touched and reared/cared for unclean animals. Amongst other things, analysis of Gen. 1:26, in the Hebrew text, indicates that the primary purpose of human creation, as cosmic stewards over all creatures (including unclean animals), is underlined. Hence, contemporary religious bodies, who still consider certain animals as unclean, should have an unfeigned care and positive attitude towards all unclean animals. 展开更多
关键词 unclean animals Stewards socio-ecological kosher ("kashrut") theo-Ecocentric Ancient Israel
《少年科普世界》 2013年第10期5-7,共3页
关键词 原始人 古代生物 剑齿虎 家猫 鹦鹉
作者 苏小谦 《小哥白尼(野生动物)》 2022年第5期34-37,共4页
化石是保存在地层中的古代生物的遗体、遗迹。作为自然博物馆里的常见展品,动物化石静静地躺在那儿,却生动地讲述着亿万年前的故事。假如有这么一只动物,它的梦想是死后成为化石,那么它要如何实现梦想?成为动物化石以后,它又如何才能“... 化石是保存在地层中的古代生物的遗体、遗迹。作为自然博物馆里的常见展品,动物化石静静地躺在那儿,却生动地讲述着亿万年前的故事。假如有这么一只动物,它的梦想是死后成为化石,那么它要如何实现梦想?成为动物化石以后,它又如何才能“走进”博物馆呢? 展开更多
关键词 动物化石 博物馆 实现梦想 走进 古代生物
作者 尹相宇 缪碧玉 张继超 《东方收藏》 2013年第1期98-101,共4页
一谈到历史,许多人最先想起来的可能就是图书馆里一本本厚厚的历史书。然而,自然界中还蕴藏着一本用特殊文字记载的巨大“史书”,书页就是地层,文字就是化石。这部巨著为我们很好地叙述了地质时期各种古代生物起源、发展、灭亡和相... 一谈到历史,许多人最先想起来的可能就是图书馆里一本本厚厚的历史书。然而,自然界中还蕴藏着一本用特殊文字记载的巨大“史书”,书页就是地层,文字就是化石。这部巨著为我们很好地叙述了地质时期各种古代生物起源、发展、灭亡和相互演替的事实真相。化石是指由于自然作用保存在地层中的地史时期的生物遗体和遗迹。化石反映了一定的生物特征,大多是古代生物的茎、叶、贝壳、骨骼等硬体部分,经过沙石掩埋的地质过程中矿物质的充填或交代作用,形成保持原来形状、结构或者是印模的钙化、硅化、黄铁矿化和碳化的生物遗体、遗物。也有少数化石由于特殊的保存条件, 展开更多
关键词 史书 生物起源 文字记载 古代生物 保存条件 地质时期 自然作用 生物特征
Late Paleozoic reefs and their significance for tectonics and oil-gas exploration in the Hinggan-Inner Mongolia area 被引量:8
作者 TIAN ShuGang ZHANG YongSheng +1 位作者 WANG JunTao NIU ShaoWu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期212-222,共11页
Many reefs of the Late Paleozoic have been discovered recently in the Hinggan-lnner Mongolia area. These reefs clearly are geographically extensive, and possess distinctive features and well-developed reef-facies. The... Many reefs of the Late Paleozoic have been discovered recently in the Hinggan-lnner Mongolia area. These reefs clearly are geographically extensive, and possess distinctive features and well-developed reef-facies. They have been found to contain five reef-building communities and were constructed in four periods. Colonial coral-algal reefs at Aohan and Chifeng represent a warm shallow-sea in the Carboniferous. Different reefs in the Xiwu Banner were formed in three periods: early Late Carboniferous, late Late Carboniferous and Early Permian. These reefs were built in warm sea conditions. Their buildup types include colonial coral frameworks, algae-buildings and lime-mud mounds. Bryozoan reefs in the Zhalaite and Dongwu banners were built in the late Middle Permian and thrived in a cold shallow-sea. All reefs grew independently on two kinds of sedimentary platforms, carbonate and carbonate-clastic mixed platforms. Four reef-forming periods occurred later from south to north, along a collisional course between the North China Plate and the Siberian Plate. These reefs can be arranged into three 'reef-links' or reef zones that extend along plate margins. Among these, the Aohan-Chifeng reef-link indicates a northern margin of the North China Plate, the Zhalaite-Dongwu reef-link marks a southern margin of the Siberian Plate, and the Xiwu-Beishan reef-link reflects the former existence of some inter-plates. The strata of each reef-facies are thick and contain rich asphalt deposits. Overlapping and heteropic layers are very thick and contain dark oil/gas-rich horizons; TOC analyses verify that most of these are good hydrocarbon source rocks. This study shows that the study area is an excellent candidate for oil-gas exploration. 展开更多
关键词 REEFS Late Paleozoic Hinggan-Inner Mongolia fold-zone oil-gas exploration
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