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甘肃小陇山林区全新世中期以来古植被演替的研究 被引量:14
作者 巨天珍 陈学林 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 1998年第2期292-299,共8页
采用花粉孢子分析和14C测定年代的方法,来研究小陇山林区植被的历史演替。根据小陇山林区不同地点3个剖面的孢粉资料和14C数据,首次推断该区自全新世中期以来,古植被和古气候经历了3个演替阶段:距今7500-5000年,... 采用花粉孢子分析和14C测定年代的方法,来研究小陇山林区植被的历史演替。根据小陇山林区不同地点3个剖面的孢粉资料和14C数据,首次推断该区自全新世中期以来,古植被和古气候经历了3个演替阶段:距今7500-5000年,为以栎类为主的落叶阔叶林和局部为针阔混交林,气候温暖湿润;距今5000-2500年,为以栎类为主的针阔混交林,气候温和略干;2500年至今,早期为栎林和针阔混交林,晚期是以栎类占优势的针阔混交林,和早期相比,气候转凉变干。最后指出了该地区两种典型的植被类型。 展开更多
关键词 孢粉分析 古植被演替 植被 甘肃 小陇山林区
上海西南部地区晚第四纪孢粉组合与古植被演替 被引量:11
作者 张玉兰 《上海国土资源》 1994年第3期33-40,共8页
通过对上海西南部地区几个钻孔的孢粉分析,建立了晚第四纪以来的10个孢粉带,反映了古植被演替和古气候波动的10个阶段,且进行了地层划分。根据孢粉分析和^(14)C测年资料,进一步证实上海地区全新世沉积之下的暗绿色硬粘土层是晚玉木冰期... 通过对上海西南部地区几个钻孔的孢粉分析,建立了晚第四纪以来的10个孢粉带,反映了古植被演替和古气候波动的10个阶段,且进行了地层划分。根据孢粉分析和^(14)C测年资料,进一步证实上海地区全新世沉积之下的暗绿色硬粘土层是晚玉木冰期的沉积。 展开更多
关键词 晚第四纪 孢粉组合 古植被演替
Vegetation Evolution in the Northern South China Sea Region Since 40 ka BP - An Attempt to Reconstruct Palaeovegetation Based on Biomization 被引量:3
作者 罗运利 孙湘君 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第11期1202-1206,共5页
Vegetation evolution in the northern South China Sea region since 40 500 a BP is reconstructed using biomization procedure based on pollen data from deep sea core 17940. The result shows that, it is feasible to recons... Vegetation evolution in the northern South China Sea region since 40 500 a BP is reconstructed using biomization procedure based on pollen data from deep sea core 17940. The result shows that, it is feasible to reconstruct palaeovegetation using biomization procedure, when pollen, particularly Pinus pollen, transported by mind over long distance is excluded. Results from factor analysis suggest that humidity and temperature are the two main factors determining vegetation evolution on land around the northern South China Sea. From 40 500 a BP to 11 100 a BP, broad-leaved evergreen forest (WAMF), and montane conifers(MGRF) occurred on hills and low mountains; while steppe (STEP) predominated on the exposed shelf. The main feature of the vegetation evolution is the frequent alternation between MGRF (or WAMF) and STEP, implying abrupt changes in millennium scale between humid/cold and dry/temperate climate. All abrupt climate events could be broadly correlated with Henrich events and Dansggard-Oscherge events. One of the events around 12 700 a BP, sees the occurrence of MGRF, suggesting that climate turned humid and cold rapidly. This may be correlated with the Younger Dryas event; Broad-leaved evergreen (WAMF) predominates since 11 000 a BP. During the early Holocene and late Holocene tropical rainforest (TRFO) or tropical seasonal forest (TSFO) occurred several times. 展开更多
关键词 POLLEN Biomization factor analysis South China Sea PALAEOVEGETATION
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