河北植物区系自然分布中国种子植物特有属18属,含17种2变种,归13科.对河北种子植物特有属分析表明:河北种子植物特有属以残存的古特有属为主,温带性质显著,热带渊源明显;草本属(尤其多年生草本属)占显著优势,占总属数的61.1%,而木本属...河北植物区系自然分布中国种子植物特有属18属,含17种2变种,归13科.对河北种子植物特有属分析表明:河北种子植物特有属以残存的古特有属为主,温带性质显著,热带渊源明显;草本属(尤其多年生草本属)占显著优势,占总属数的61.1%,而木本属仅占27.8%.单种属和双种属占明显优势,占总属数的84,2%.中国特有属种无毛独根草(Orestitrophe rupifraga Bunge var.glabrescens W.T.Wang)、缘毛太行花(Taihangia rupestris Yu et Li vat.ciliata Yu et Li)(河北无原变种)和长裂太行菊(Opisthopappus longilobumShih)仅在河北分布.展开更多
Let F q be a finite field with qelements where q=p~α. In the present paper, the authors study the existence and structure of Carter subgroups of singular symplectic group Sp (n+t,n)(F q), singular unitary group U (n+...Let F q be a finite field with qelements where q=p~α. In the present paper, the authors study the existence and structure of Carter subgroups of singular symplectic group Sp (n+t,n)(F q), singular unitary group U (n+t,n)(F (q^2)) and singular orthogonal group O (n+t,n)(F q)(n is even) over finite fields F q.展开更多
文摘河北植物区系自然分布中国种子植物特有属18属,含17种2变种,归13科.对河北种子植物特有属分析表明:河北种子植物特有属以残存的古特有属为主,温带性质显著,热带渊源明显;草本属(尤其多年生草本属)占显著优势,占总属数的61.1%,而木本属仅占27.8%.单种属和双种属占明显优势,占总属数的84,2%.中国特有属种无毛独根草(Orestitrophe rupifraga Bunge var.glabrescens W.T.Wang)、缘毛太行花(Taihangia rupestris Yu et Li vat.ciliata Yu et Li)(河北无原变种)和长裂太行菊(Opisthopappus longilobumShih)仅在河北分布.
文摘Let F q be a finite field with qelements where q=p~α. In the present paper, the authors study the existence and structure of Carter subgroups of singular symplectic group Sp (n+t,n)(F q), singular unitary group U (n+t,n)(F (q^2)) and singular orthogonal group O (n+t,n)(F q)(n is even) over finite fields F q.