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太湖南岸古白土层的形成 被引量:1
作者 张雪林 《浙江师大学报(自然科学版)》 1999年第4期96-100,共5页
关键词 白土母质 沉积环境 太湖 古白土层 湖相沉积
作者 邓建辉 周小棚 +3 位作者 赵思远 李化 叶成林 谢和平 《工程科学与技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1-9,共9页
近年来,作者在横断山脉三江并流区开展历史堵江滑坡调查,在金沙江上游发现系列沿江分布的残碉,其中以左岸的白玉县卓英村残碉分布最为集中,共17座,且未见公开报道。这些残碉是一个历史部落或村庄的遗迹,是藏彝走廊历史文化遗存的组成部... 近年来,作者在横断山脉三江并流区开展历史堵江滑坡调查,在金沙江上游发现系列沿江分布的残碉,其中以左岸的白玉县卓英村残碉分布最为集中,共17座,且未见公开报道。这些残碉是一个历史部落或村庄的遗迹,是藏彝走廊历史文化遗存的组成部分。鉴于藏彝走廊研究主要集中在社会科学方面,本文尝试采用自然科学方法拓展相关研究。基于现场调查和地质测年,结合前人工作成果,确定残碉群的建造时间与历史归属,分析历史滑坡堵江事件对河流地貌与河谷文明演变的影响。结果表明:1)卓英村残碉群兴建于1780~1490 a BP,相应的历史年代为东汉末期至南朝时期,按地域极有可能是古白狼国遗迹;2)残碉的修建高程和时间与措拉古滑坡堰塞湖尾部的湖滩高程和溃决时间等具有较好的一致性,湖泊淤积、干热河谷气候、取水便利等为卓英村的兴起奠定了基础;3)约1510 a BP前的一次大洪水事件导致措拉堰塞坝完全溃决,岸坡塌岸引起的耕地逐渐消失,以及取水不便等人居环境恶化是导致卓英村被遗弃的自然因素;4)横断山脉河流历史堵江滑坡引起的河道淤积为民族迁徙提供了良好的通道,也留存了丰富的历史遗迹,类似卓英村残碉的深入研究有望丰富和拓展白狼国与藏彝走廊的研究内容。 展开更多
关键词 金沙江 残碉 藏彝走廊 古白狼国 古滑坡堵江 淤积 溃坝
作者 刘青海 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期151-162,共12页
从现存4首李白赠孟浩然的诗作可知,两人交游颇为密切,孟浩然对李白的诗学思想和诗歌创作产生了积极的影响。孟浩然、李白都是盛唐复古诗学的代表人物。“文章推后辈,风雅激颓波”是孟浩然复古诗学的总纲领,他标举“风雅”“六义”以革... 从现存4首李白赠孟浩然的诗作可知,两人交游颇为密切,孟浩然对李白的诗学思想和诗歌创作产生了积极的影响。孟浩然、李白都是盛唐复古诗学的代表人物。“文章推后辈,风雅激颓波”是孟浩然复古诗学的总纲领,他标举“风雅”“六义”以革除齐梁的颓靡文风,继承了陈子昂等人关于比兴寄托的思想。在创作上,他强调伫兴而作,追求一种以“清”为突出特点的风格。孟浩然在创作实践上以五言为主,前人称其“大得建安之体”,突出表现为五律一体中“以古运律”的创作特点。无论在复古诗学观念,还是重五言轻七言,以及在五律一体中表现突出的“以古运律”的创作实践,孟浩然和李白都堪称同调。 展开更多
关键词 孟浩然 李白 复古诗学 以古运律
江西古树展新姿 被引量:1
作者 杨清心 聂永清 +6 位作者 熊惠苏 高小青 陈志刚 欧央 宇华 飞泉 福桥 《国土绿化》 2004年第11期24-24,共1页
关键词 江西 古树 古银杏 古樟树 古白桂木 形态特征 保护
错误,需要真诚面对 被引量:1
作者 尹振洋 《江苏教育研究》 2008年第6X期62-63,共2页
关键词 我不知道 事使 人说 李兵 古白 丁庄 知之为知之 课堂气氛 闻道 濒临灭绝
作者 伍驰 《学习与研究(北京)》 1989年第9期62-62,共1页
这次动乱中自称“黑手”的刘晓波有一句名言:“我无所谓爱国、叛国,你要说我叛国,我就叛国!就承认自己是挖祖坟的不孝子孙,且以此为荣。”这里有一个很奇怪的现象,就是刘晓波居然也会谈论什么“光荣”的问题。我们知道,刘晓波做事,历来... 这次动乱中自称“黑手”的刘晓波有一句名言:“我无所谓爱国、叛国,你要说我叛国,我就叛国!就承认自己是挖祖坟的不孝子孙,且以此为荣。”这里有一个很奇怪的现象,就是刘晓波居然也会谈论什么“光荣”的问题。我们知道,刘晓波做事,历来是不顾什么脸面的。他的主张是:“ 展开更多
关键词 刘晓波 社会主义祖国 荣气 社会主义大国 自我评价 方励之 古白 亿人 办不到
作者 张绮玲 《惠阳师专学报》 1981年第1期81-82,共2页
山行(杜牧) 远上寒山石径斜,白云深处有人家, 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。〔译文〕寒山肖疏,石径斜上,白云深处,有几户人家隐约掩现。簇簇红叶,漫山遍野,夕阳之下,更比二月里开放的红花还鲜。嫣红的枫叶啊,你不感到秋意的浓重,你... 山行(杜牧) 远上寒山石径斜,白云深处有人家, 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。〔译文〕寒山肖疏,石径斜上,白云深处,有几户人家隐约掩现。簇簇红叶,漫山遍野,夕阳之下,更比二月里开放的红花还鲜。嫣红的枫叶啊,你不感到秋意的浓重,你不觉得寒冬即将来临,而一时用你火一般的热情将寒山点染? 啊,我明白了,酷爱秋天是你的性格,你和秋天结下了不解之缘。任凭严霜的鞭打,你愈是红得浓艳. 展开更多
关键词 二月花 白云深处 霜叶红 我爱 如水 时用 静夜思 山川草木 古白 乳色
作者 缪大江 《剧影月报》 2021年第5期118-120,共3页
现在的戏剧表演者古白台词常常运用的是现代汉语的概念来处理,导致古白不古,失去了原有的韵味。戏剧古白台词说表,其最大的语言特征就是"律散交替",而它直接来源于旧体诗的律句形式和文言句式。而戏剧古白"起承转合"... 现在的戏剧表演者古白台词常常运用的是现代汉语的概念来处理,导致古白不古,失去了原有的韵味。戏剧古白台词说表,其最大的语言特征就是"律散交替",而它直接来源于旧体诗的律句形式和文言句式。而戏剧古白"起承转合"的吟诵,是它的"节拍律动、韵律和谐"的低吟曼声,因为文言不同文法句式的交替出现,决定了它转化为古白台词后,有很强的音乐性和节奏感。因此,大大提高了古白台词说表艺术的审美鉴赏力。 展开更多
关键词 起承转合 律句 旧体诗 审美鉴赏力 古白 吟诵 文言句式 音乐性
作者 刘玉升 《农业知识》 2001年第10期20-20,共1页
关键词 生芽 花生品种 种皮 育苗盘 露芽 腐根 淋水 洁净水 古白 上下左右
作者 杨源忠 《云南档案》 2015年第5期25-28,共4页
厚重就是敦厚持重,有分量的意思,它能给人以绵延、恒久的渗透力量。处于滇中、滇西、滇西北交界处的大波那是著名的“铜棺出土处,青铜文明乡,滇王发祥地,白国故都里”,用厚重二字对大波那界定,是恰如其分的。大波那就是“大勃弄”,古白... 厚重就是敦厚持重,有分量的意思,它能给人以绵延、恒久的渗透力量。处于滇中、滇西、滇西北交界处的大波那是著名的“铜棺出土处,青铜文明乡,滇王发祥地,白国故都里”,用厚重二字对大波那界定,是恰如其分的。大波那就是“大勃弄”,古白族语称“岛勃脑”。“岛”为大之意,“勃”为首领、尊长、祖先之意,“脑”为方位、地方之意,连起来就是大首领所在的地方,曾为白子王国“白崖国”的首府,是古人用汉字读音记录下来的古地名。 展开更多
关键词 白崖国 波那 二字 祥云县 古地名 青铜文明 滇王 古白 滇西北 青铜文化
作者 薛勇 《中国供销商情(村官)》 2003年第1期56-56,共1页
1、红辣酱 配料:红辣椒10千克,食盐150千克,花椒30克。大料50克。 加工:先将辣椒洗净,晾干,再将调料粉碎,与辣椒末拌匀,并入缸密封,经7天后即成。 2、腌青辣椒 配料:青辣椒10千克,盐1.40千克,水2.
关键词 天后 介公 古白
《新疆新闻出版》 2004年第6期88-88,共1页
关键词 延安北路 解放南路 阿勒泰市 绿洲路 古白 北大街 三院 巴音郭楞 新华路 友谊路
作者 赵晓霞 大海 《百姓》 2010年第12期74-79,共6页
关键词 田园气息 欧式风格 奇诺 软装 古典风格 私密空间 装饰作用 古白 金色池塘 包布
作者 杨倩 《中小学作文教学》 2005年第12期19-19,共1页
今天早晨,我和妈妈去菜市场。提着菜篮回来的路上,我看见了两个外国人。他俩都长着一双蓝色的眼睛,白色的皮肤,高高的鼻子上架着一副眼镜。为了表示我对他们的友好,我顺口说了一句:“哈罗,哈罗!”他们对我笑了笑,举着手大声说:“好啊... 今天早晨,我和妈妈去菜市场。提着菜篮回来的路上,我看见了两个外国人。他俩都长着一双蓝色的眼睛,白色的皮肤,高高的鼻子上架着一副眼镜。为了表示我对他们的友好,我顺口说了一句:“哈罗,哈罗!”他们对我笑了笑,举着手大声说:“好啊友,好啊友!”我又说了一句:“古白,古白。”他们也回了一句:“古白。”并且对我竖起大拇指。我冲着妈妈直眨眼,似乎在说:乖女儿棒不? 展开更多
关键词 古白
Paleocene Wuyun Flora in Northeast China: Amersinia and Beringiaphyllum of Cornaceae sensu
作者 冯广平 Albert G ABLAEV +1 位作者 王宇飞 李承森 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第4期481-487,共7页
Specimens of Amersinia obtrullata and Beringiaphyllum pseudoantiquum in Paleocene Wuyun flora, Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China, were described and assigned to Cornaceae sensu. Infructescences formally allocated... Specimens of Amersinia obtrullata and Beringiaphyllum pseudoantiquum in Paleocene Wuyun flora, Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China, were described and assigned to Cornaceae sensu. Infructescences formally allocated in Trochodendron sp. were reviewed and assigned to Amersinia obtrullata. Leaves described as Populus carneosa, Celastrophyllum subprotophyllum, Viburnum antiquum, V. asperum, Viburniphyllum finale, Protophyllum wuyunense, P. cf. haydenii, P. ovatifolium, Credneria inordinata were also restudied and assigned to Beringiaphyllum pseudoantiquum. 展开更多
关键词 Amersinia Beringiaphyllum CORNACEAE Paleocene
Tracking temporal palynofloral changes close to Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in Deccan volcanic associated sediments of eastern part of central Deccan volcanic province 被引量:1
作者 Bandana Samant D.M.Mohabey 《Global Geology》 2016年第4期205-215,共11页
Deccan volcanic sequences (DYS) in the central Deccan volcanic province (CDYP) are designated as Sahyadri Group having -500 m thick lava pile associated with multiple sedimentary beds at different strati-graphic l... Deccan volcanic sequences (DYS) in the central Deccan volcanic province (CDYP) are designated as Sahyadri Group having -500 m thick lava pile associated with multiple sedimentary beds at different strati-graphic levels. In the eastern part of CDYP between the latitude 19°55-20°25 ′N and the longitudes 78°15-78° 30′E, palynological investigation of the intertrappean sedimentary beds at five stratigraphic levels was carried out. The study was basically aimed for tracking the floral and environmental changes across the Deccan transi-tion. The resulting finds indicate that the intertrappean sediments at the lowest stratigraphic level between the earliest lava flows are characterized by presence of marker Maastrichtian palynomorphs - Gabonisporis vigour- ouxii, Aquilapollenites bengalensis, Azolla cretacea and Farabeipollis associated with triporate and tricolpate pol-len grains, phytoliths of Oryzeae of Poaceae family and peridinoid dinoflagellate cysts. The increasing volcanism deteriorated the existing flora as evident by absence of pollen-spores and presence of only structured biodegraded organic matter, fungal spores, acritarchs and algal (Botryococcus) remains in the sediments of higher-up in the sequence. For chronostratigraphic constraints on the lava flows magnetic polarity of the flows bracketing the in-tertrappean beds was investigated. The results indicated presence of N-R-N-R magnetic polarity in the basal la-va pile that are interpreted as representing the magnetochron C30N to C28R ( Maastrichtian-Paleogene). The floral change begins with the onset of volcanism in the chron C30N and floral deterioration is observed in C29N with increasing volcanism and it is only in the chron C28 R ( Danian) that some evidence of recovery of flora is recorded. The current study shows that in eastern part of CDYP the post Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary erup-tions represent the main phase of eruptions that triggered deterioration of the flora. 展开更多
关键词 Palynofloral changes Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary DECCAN volcanic associated sediments India
Late Cretaceous biota and the Cretaceous-Paleogene(K--Pg)Boundary in Jiayin of Heilongjiang,China 被引量:9
作者 Sun G. Akhmetiev M. +17 位作者 Markevich V. Ashraf A. R. Bugdaeva E. Godefroit P. Bolotsky Yu. Dong Z. M. Golovneva L. Yang H. X. Sun C. L. Sun Y. W. Quan C. Kodrul T. Kezina T. Johnson K. Nishida H Dilcher D. L. Harding I. Chen Y. J. 《Global Geology》 2011年第3期115-143,共29页
An international cooperative study of the Late Cretaceous biota and non-marine strata including the Cretaceous-Paleogene(K--Pg) boundary in Jiayin near the Heilongjiang River,China during 2002-2010,is summarized in th... An international cooperative study of the Late Cretaceous biota and non-marine strata including the Cretaceous-Paleogene(K--Pg) boundary in Jiayin near the Heilongjiang River,China during 2002-2010,is summarized in this paper. The strata includes the Upper Cretaceous Yong'ancun-,Taipinglinchang-,Yuliang-zi-,and Furao formations,and the Paleocence Wuyun Formation consisting of Baoshantou Member and a Coalbearing Member. Seven palynological assemblages from Santonian to Paleocene are recognized,which is used for definition of the K--Pg boundary. Through the palynological analysis of three drilled boreholes (XHY-2005,2006,2008) in Xiaoheyan of western Jiayin,the K--Pg boundary is defined within 20. 00-20. 05 m in the borehole XHY-2006 (as a standard boundary) which is just between the top of Furao Formation (late Maasterichtian) and the base of Baishantou Member (early Danian) . These new research results are supported by paleo- magnetic,geochemical and other analyses,also. On the other hand,the presence of eight taxa of Maasterichtian dinosaurs (mostly hadrosaurids) have been recognized by the authors; and two mega-plant assemblages from the Yong'ancun Fm (Santonian) to Taipinglinchang Fm (Campanian) are confirmed. These research a-chievements indicate that the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene in Jiayin can be well correlated to the strata in the neighboring Zeya-Bureja basin,Russia. The K--Pg boundary definited in Jiayin is the first well documented non-marine K--Pg boundary in China. Also the related paleoclimate,paleoenvironment and the mass extinctions in this area during the Cretaceous-Paleocene transition are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 BIOTA Late Cretaceous PALEOGENE K-Pg boundary Heilongjiang River Jiayin
Characteristics and tectonic setting of volcanic rocks in Early Cretaceous Baiyingaolao Formation of Keyouzhongqi area,Inner Mongolia 被引量:8
作者 KONG Yuanming MA Rui +3 位作者 HE Zhonghua YANG Deming WU Qing WANG Yang 《Global Geology》 2014年第2期78-85,共8页
The authors studied zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating,the zircon Hf isotope and geochemistry of acidic volcanic rocks in Baiyingaolao Formation of Keyouzhongqi area,Inner Mongolia,and discussed the chronology,source region... The authors studied zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating,the zircon Hf isotope and geochemistry of acidic volcanic rocks in Baiyingaolao Formation of Keyouzhongqi area,Inner Mongolia,and discussed the chronology,source region and tectonic setting of the volcanic rocks in the studied area. The clear oscillatory zoning of zircons indicates a typical magmatic origin,and the results of dating show that the volcanic rocks of Baiyingaolao Formation were formed in Early Cretaceous( 121. 5 ± 1. 0 Ma). The features of major and trace elements show that the rocks are alkali-rich,poor in calcium and magnesium with enrichment in LILEs like Th,U,K and Gd and depletion in HFSEs,e. g. Nb,Ta,Sr and Ti. The fact implies that they were the products of partial melting of the crust. εHf( t) =( +6.30--+9.06) and TDM2= 600--835 Ma,suggest the magma originated from partial melting of the young crust. Combined with the evolution of regional tectonic structure,the authors conclude that the acidic volcanic rocks of Baiyingaolao Formation may be formed under the extensional environment related to the subduction of Paleo-Pacific Plate. 展开更多
关键词 Daxing'anling Baiyingaolao Formation acidic volcanic rocks Early Cretaceous zircon U-Pb dating
On paleoecology of carnivorous dinosaurs(Tyrannosauridae,Dromaeosauridae) from Late Cretaceous fossil deposits of Amur region,Russian Far East 被引量:1
作者 Ivan U.Bolotsky 《Global Geology》 2011年第1期1-6,14,共7页
Present article is on Russian Far East carnivorous dinosaur paleoecology.Described summary is based on detailed study and comparison of isolated shed teeth morphology.
关键词 dinosaurs Blagoveschensk Kundur CRETACEOUS THEROPODA
New taxa of angiosperms from coal-bearing continental deposits in Amur area
作者 Tat’yana V.KEZINA 《Global Geology》 2008年第2期78-82,共5页
Considered the question about stratigraphic position of coal-bearing continental deposits of the Amur area,the main attention is paid to the definition of pollen of angiosperms.Khlonova(1960),Zaklinskaya(1963),Bratsev... Considered the question about stratigraphic position of coal-bearing continental deposits of the Amur area,the main attention is paid to the definition of pollen of angiosperms.Khlonova(1960),Zaklinskaya(1963),Bratseva(1969) and other scientists reported a lot about the significance of the pollen.Among the new taxa the special interest represents the first description of Engelhardtia pollen of late Maestrichtian and Paleocene deposits.A new kind of pollen Vacuopollis triplicatus sp.nov.is described. 展开更多
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