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k-部排序学习算法的可学习性分析 被引量:6
作者 兰美辉 甘健侯 +1 位作者 任友俊 高炜 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期177-183,共7页
关键词 统计学习理论 可学习性 k-部排序算法 样本复杂度 计算复杂度
结构化学习的噪声可学习性分析及其应用 被引量:2
作者 于墨 赵铁军 +1 位作者 胡鹏龙 郑德权 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期2340-2353,共14页
噪声可学习性理论指出,有监督学习方法的性能会受到训练样本标记噪声的严重影响.然而,已有相关理论研究仅针对二类分类问题.致力于探究结构化学习问题受噪声影响的规律性.首先,注意到在结构化学习问题中,标注数据的噪声会在训练过程中... 噪声可学习性理论指出,有监督学习方法的性能会受到训练样本标记噪声的严重影响.然而,已有相关理论研究仅针对二类分类问题.致力于探究结构化学习问题受噪声影响的规律性.首先,注意到在结构化学习问题中,标注数据的噪声会在训练过程中被放大,使得训练过程中标记样本的噪声率高于标记样本的错误率.传统的噪声可学习性理论并未考虑结构化学习中的这一现象,从而低估了问题的复杂性.从结构化学习问题的噪声放大现象出发,提出了新的结构化学习问题的噪声可学习性理论.在此基础上,提出了有效训练数据规模的概念,这一指标可用于在实践中描述噪声学习问题的数据质量,并进一步分析了实际应用中的结构化学习模型在高噪声环境下向低阶模型回退的情况.实验结果证明了该理论的正确性及其在跨语言映射和协同训练方法中的应用价值和指导意义. 展开更多
关键词 结构化学习 噪声PAC可学习性 词性标注 自然语言处理 协同训练 跨语言映射 半监督学习
作者 张绍群 张钊钰 +1 位作者 姜远 周志华 《计算机学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期2279-2289,共11页
在收集和处理时间序列数据的过程中,难免会产生误差,而在很多现实情形中误差是自相关非独立的.已有的预测理论在分析误差自相关的时序数据时,往往需要知道预测算法所输出假设空间的显式表达,而对于一些假设空间不明确的模型,比如神经网... 在收集和处理时间序列数据的过程中,难免会产生误差,而在很多现实情形中误差是自相关非独立的.已有的预测理论在分析误差自相关的时序数据时,往往需要知道预测算法所输出假设空间的显式表达,而对于一些假设空间不明确的模型,比如神经网络,尚未有系统的求解方法和理论保障来分析其在非平稳且误差自相关时序数据上的预测能力.本文基于误差截尾的假设,提出了时间序列的预测PAC可学习理论,并给出了数据依赖情形下的泛化误差界.该界限包含一个时序复杂度度量和一个差异度量,前者描述了序列数据的非平稳性,后者可在适当情形下从数据中估计得到.因此,该误差界并不依赖于假设空间的显式表达,具有较强的普适性.根据上述理论,本文提出了一种基于自回归模型的交替优化算法用于预测非平稳的时间序列数据.我们在真实数据集上进行实验,验证了本文提出算法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 机器学习 时间序列分析 自相关误差 预测PAC可学习性 差异估计 交替优化
高校精品课程网络资源的可学习性研究 被引量:20
作者 王佑镁 《中国远程教育》 北大核心 2011年第1期59-62,82,共5页
从软件工程中软件测评的一个重要指标——可学习性的视角,探索高校精品课程网络资源的建设与评价新维度;依据可学习性评估指标,对高校现有12863门各级精品课程采用计算机辅助分层抽样方式进行可学习性评估。结果发现,精品课程网络资源... 从软件工程中软件测评的一个重要指标——可学习性的视角,探索高校精品课程网络资源的建设与评价新维度;依据可学习性评估指标,对高校现有12863门各级精品课程采用计算机辅助分层抽样方式进行可学习性评估。结果发现,精品课程网络资源虽然在界面设计、导航的直观性、链接的有效性等方面基本满足学习需求,但却不能保证学习者顺利使用资源并在过程中感到一定的愉快感或者满足感,这直接影响学习效率和效果。通过可学习性分析与评估可以为新一轮高校精品课程及网络资源建设、应用与评估提供依据和参考指标。 展开更多
关键词 精品课程网络资源 可学习性 启发性评估
作者 王元琨 《旅游纵览(下半月)》 2017年第10期72-72,共1页
成功的酒店管理者会特别重视员工在酒店工作的学习,将员工的培训与职场的回炉学习作为员工福利待遇,同时与职业发展前景挂钩。而员工则认为酒店所提供的各种学习机会是职场成长的阶梯与动力,必要的学习是宝贵的工作财富。因此,酒店为员... 成功的酒店管理者会特别重视员工在酒店工作的学习,将员工的培训与职场的回炉学习作为员工福利待遇,同时与职业发展前景挂钩。而员工则认为酒店所提供的各种学习机会是职场成长的阶梯与动力,必要的学习是宝贵的工作财富。因此,酒店为员工提供的各种学习机会就成为了员工在酒店职场发展的重要资本。 展开更多
关键词 连锁酒店 香格里拉酒店 本土酒店 呼和浩特 可学习性
基于约束聚类的一种概念学习方法 被引量:3
作者 李敏强 李智 《系统工程学报》 CSCD 2004年第5期482-488,共7页
首先定义了字符属性例子空间中合取规则的可学习性,通过将正例集合划分为多个子集,其中每个子集在全体反例集合上均是合取规则可学习的,并建立了命题规则的一般学习模型.然后,提出了三种正例集合的自动聚类和划分方法:相似性度量、差异... 首先定义了字符属性例子空间中合取规则的可学习性,通过将正例集合划分为多个子集,其中每个子集在全体反例集合上均是合取规则可学习的,并建立了命题规则的一般学习模型.然后,提出了三种正例集合的自动聚类和划分方法:相似性度量、差异度量和规则长度等,并设计了一种快速的合取规则学习方法.同时,基于最小覆盖率和最小错误率给出了一种克服过学习问题的后处理方法.最后,针对一组典型的学习问题进行了实验计算,并与已有算法进行了对比分析. 展开更多
关键词 约束聚类 概念学习 合取规则可学习性 过学习 后处理 机器学习
分类超曲面算法复杂度研究 被引量:1
作者 何清 赵卫中 史忠植 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期666-671,共6页
分类超曲面算法是一种简单的基于覆盖的分类算法.实验证明该算法具有分类正确率高、速度快的优点.但是,关于该算法的相关理论问题需要深入研究.文中对该算法的几个相关理论问题进行了研究.首先给出并证明了在分割的最大层数给定时算法... 分类超曲面算法是一种简单的基于覆盖的分类算法.实验证明该算法具有分类正确率高、速度快的优点.但是,关于该算法的相关理论问题需要深入研究.文中对该算法的几个相关理论问题进行了研究.首先给出并证明了在分割的最大层数给定时算法假设空间的VC维,在此基础上结合可能近似正确(Probably Approximately Correct,PAC)学习框架,得出了对算法样本复杂度的估计,使得分类超曲面算法保证可PAC学习到任意目标概念.其次,分析了算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度.最后,给出了无矛盾样本集的概念,并证明当输入样本集是有限无矛盾样本集的条件下,算法一定是收敛的. 展开更多
关键词 分类超曲面算法 VC维 PAC可学习性 样本复杂度
大学生领导力培养教育 被引量:1
作者 施冰心 《教育教学论坛》 2013年第13期1-2,共2页
随着社会的发展,我国教育事业对如何培养大学生日益重视,因此高校不但重视大学生各种文化知识的教育,也要重注重各种能力教育,其中包括大学生领导力教育。领导力培养是在一定的教育理念和培养目标的指导下,以一定教育环境或条件为基础,... 随着社会的发展,我国教育事业对如何培养大学生日益重视,因此高校不但重视大学生各种文化知识的教育,也要重注重各种能力教育,其中包括大学生领导力教育。领导力培养是在一定的教育理念和培养目标的指导下,以一定教育环境或条件为基础,通过领导力理论教育和实践活动来拓展个人潜力,促进对领导力理论的理解、培养有效实施领导行为必需的技巧和能力,具备高尚的伦理道德修养,从而实现领导力的形成和提升。开展大学生领导力教育,有利于进一步整合资源,增强大学生思想政治教育的针对性和实效性,提升大学生思想政治教育的吸引力和感染力。本文笔者对领导力进行了概述,并分析了高校大学生领导力培养教育的重要性、必要性和可学习性,最后提出了高校大学生领导力培养教育的有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 领导力 培养教育 重要性 必要性 可学习性
MOOC教学模式的设计与应用研究——以《房地产市场营销》课程为例 被引量:1
作者 钱叶莹 《韶关学院学报》 2016年第4期95-99,共5页
当网络成为时代发展的工具,学习者成为"数字土著",教育也必须搭上网络的快车.MOOC能满足人们"随时随地学习"的需求,成为现代教育改革的新方向,但MOOC课程建设在我国还处在积累经验阶段.结合MOOC《房地产市场营销》... 当网络成为时代发展的工具,学习者成为"数字土著",教育也必须搭上网络的快车.MOOC能满足人们"随时随地学习"的需求,成为现代教育改革的新方向,但MOOC课程建设在我国还处在积累经验阶段.结合MOOC《房地产市场营销》建设经验,提出MOOC教学模式的设计原则,构建了与之相应的具体课程设计框架,以期为日后其他MOOC课程设计与实施提供实践支持,促进MOOC课程发展的不断完善. 展开更多
关键词 MOOC 教学模式 可学习性 认知负荷理论
基於稳态映照记忆模型的自学习控制 被引量:1
作者 王祥国 张展云 《微机发展》 1998年第4期21-24,共4页
关键词 自学习控制 记忆模型 可学习性 通用性
作者 赵国求 《武汉工程职业技术学院学报》 1998年第2期58-64,共7页
关键词 人工神经网络 数学模型 神经元 感知机 神经网络理论 可学习性 计算机 人脑 攀缘纤维 小脑皮层
三大MOOC平台Coursera、EdX和Udacity的可用性比较研究 被引量:3
作者 张岳 李德高 《中国教育信息化》 2016年第8期1-3,7,共4页
文章对三大MOOC平台(Coursera、Ed X和Udacity)进行网站可用性测试,从可靠性、可学习性和满意度三个角度来研究比较三个网站的可用性,找出每个网站的可用性缺陷,最后给出了提高网站可用性的建议和方法。
关键词 MOOC 可用性 可靠性 可学习性 满意度
评《柯林斯英语词典》(21世纪版) 被引量:2
作者 李爱华 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2006年第2期93-96,共4页
本文首先将《柯林斯英语词典》(21世纪版)与另外两部英国阅读型词典进行共时比较,从而归纳出该词典基于“可学习性”的四点特色;然后通过该词典与其第一版的历时比较,分析出该词典在收词、信息处理、释义、例证等方面的优点与不足。本... 本文首先将《柯林斯英语词典》(21世纪版)与另外两部英国阅读型词典进行共时比较,从而归纳出该词典基于“可学习性”的四点特色;然后通过该词典与其第一版的历时比较,分析出该词典在收词、信息处理、释义、例证等方面的优点与不足。本文认为,该词典虽然比同类其它词典具有较强的“可学习性”趋向,但亟需更大的改进。 展开更多
关键词 柯林斯 共时 历时 可学习性
The SPSS-Based Analysis of an English Mid-term Test ——Take Grade Eight Students for Example
作者 JIN Ying-ying QI Xiao-wen 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第3期131-135,共5页
Based on some language testing theories, an analysis of an English Mid-term Examination of grade eight students of Jingzhi Middle School is made in this paper. By means of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sci... Based on some language testing theories, an analysis of an English Mid-term Examination of grade eight students of Jingzhi Middle School is made in this paper. By means of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) statistical software, the paper makes a whole analysis of the test paper, which covers descriptive statistics, reliability, and validity. The study aims to find some problems of the test paper, teachers' teaching, and students' learning. Thus, based on the results of analysis, this paper aims to improve the quality of test papers and give some advice to language teaching 展开更多
关键词 reliability validity SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) descriptive statistics
Educational Achievement, Age Distribution and the Disables
作者 Jitesh Chandra Saha 《Management Studies》 2018年第5期414-424,共11页
Educational achievement and age correlatives may have significant bearings on generation, maintenance, and sustenance of environment to disseminate education for comprehensive development of learners as permeation of ... Educational achievement and age correlatives may have significant bearings on generation, maintenance, and sustenance of environment to disseminate education for comprehensive development of learners as permeation of learning and its diffusion rate may vary depending upon different achievements on literacy scale for different age groups. More so, for disable learners as such learners need additional initiatives and assisting environment of even more literate fellow beings constituting surroundings. From this perspective, this paper makes a descriptive analytical effort to present census (2011) results in evaluating overall literacy position and that for disable ones alongwith environment availability through simple statistical tools 展开更多
关键词 CENSUS LITERACY age composition educational environment disable learners
Usability and Effectiveness of Mobile Learning Course Content Application as a Revision Tool
作者 Ahmad Sobri Hashim Wan Fatimah Wan Ahmad Rohiza Ahmad 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第2期148-157,共10页
The use of mobile phone technologies in the education sector is getting more attention nowadays. This is due to the advancement of technologies equipped in majority of the mobile phones which makes the devices become ... The use of mobile phone technologies in the education sector is getting more attention nowadays. This is due to the advancement of technologies equipped in majority of the mobile phones which makes the devices become more capable of supporting the learning and teaching activities. Mobile learning (m-learning) is a learning tool which can be run on mobile devices. It can be considered as an enhancement to the electronic learning (e-learning). M-learning overcomes several limitations of e-learning especially in term of mobility. It provides more independent way of learning whereby learners can use the application to do the learning activities at anytime and any place. However, as with other learning and teaching applications, applications to be developed for mobile learning must also be developed based on certain learning theories and guidelines in order for them to be effective as well as usable. Therefore, in this paper, the development process of a mobile learning course content application called Mobile System Analysis and Design (MOSAD) as a revision tool will be shared and its testing's conduct and results will also be presented and discussed. MOSAD was developed with the content of a topic from the System Analysis and Design (SAD) course conducted at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). A heuristic test involving 5 experts in the area of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) were conducted after the first version of MOSAD was completed to strengthen its functionality and usability, followed by a Post Test Quasi Experimental Design which was conducted to 116 UTP second year students who took the SAD course to test the effectiveness and usability of MOSAD after it was revised. As a result from the post test, the students who had used MOSAD (66 out of the 116 students) as their revision tool for answering ten quiz questions obtained a mean score of 7.7576 as compared to 5.160 obtained by the other group of students (50 out of the 116 students) who used traditional methods of revision. Besides, usability test which tested on consistency, leamability, flexibility, minimal action and minimal memory load of MOSAD gave results above 3.5 for each metric based on the rating of 1 to 5. Thus, both results indicate that MOSAD is effective and usable as a revision tool for the higher education students. 展开更多
关键词 Mobile learning electronic learning HEURISTIC post test quasi experimental design usability.
Knowledge Representation for the Geometrical Shapes
作者 Abolfazl Fatholahzadeh Dariush Latifi 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2018年第3期77-83,共7页
This paper outlines the necessity of the knowledge representation for the geometrical shapes (KRGS). We advocate that KRGS for being powerful must contain at least three major components, namely (1) fu... This paper outlines the necessity of the knowledge representation for the geometrical shapes (KRGS). We advocate that KRGS for being powerful must contain at least three major components, namely (1) fuzzy logic scheme; (2) the machine learning technique; and (3) an integrated algebraic and logical reasoning. After arguing the need for using fuzzy expressions in spatial reasoning, then inducing the spatial graph generalized and maximal common part of the expressions is discussed. Finally, the integration of approximate references into spatial reasoning using absolute measurements is outlined. The integration here means that the satisfiability of a fuzzy spatial expression is conducted by both logical and algebraic reasoning. 展开更多
关键词 Knowledge representation integrated algebraic and logical fuzzy logic reasoning machine learning.
作者 王毅敏 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2007年第1期120-125,128,共7页
Learner strategies are of crucial importance in ESL/EFL learning and teaching. The importance lies to the fact that learners are encouraged to become autonomous language learners by self-evaluating their learning and ... Learner strategies are of crucial importance in ESL/EFL learning and teaching. The importance lies to the fact that learners are encouraged to become autonomous language learners by self-evaluating their learning and self-directing the process of language development. More effective learners differ from less effective ones in that they use more strategies and in greater variety. Research shows that learner strategies can be taught and can facilitate language learning if a number of factors, such as the explicitness of the strategy instruction, the individual differences of the learners, the appropriateness of the teaching materials, the teacher training on the strategy instruction etc. should be taken into consideration. 展开更多
关键词 learner strategies strategy instruction TEACHABILITY
S-*w-Principal Ideal Domains
作者 Hwankoo Kim JungWook Lim 《Algebra Colloquium》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期217-224,共8页
Let D be an integral domain, *a star-operation on D, and S a multiplicative subset of D. We define D to be an S-*w-principal ideal domain if for each nonzero ideal I of D, there exist an element s ∈ S and a princip... Let D be an integral domain, *a star-operation on D, and S a multiplicative subset of D. We define D to be an S-*w-principal ideal domain if for each nonzero ideal I of D, there exist an element s ∈ S and a principal ideal (c) of D such that sI (c) In this paper, we study some properties of S-*w-principal ideal domains. Among other things, we study the local property, the Nagata type theorem, and the Cohen type theorem for S-*w-principal ideal domains. 展开更多
关键词 S-*w-principal S-*w-principal ideal domain *-countable type *w-Dedekind domain
Coronarenes: recent advances and perspectives on macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry 被引量:2
作者 Mei-Xiang Wang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期993-1003,共11页
Synthetic macrocyclic host molecules always play an essential role in the establishment and development of supramolecular chemistry. Along with the continuous interests in the study of classical macrocycles, recent de... Synthetic macrocyclic host molecules always play an essential role in the establishment and development of supramolecular chemistry. Along with the continuous interests in the study of classical macrocycles, recent decades have witnessed the emergence and rapid development of the chemistry and supramolecular chemistry of novel and functional macrocycles. Owing to their easy availability, a self-tunable V-shaped cavity resulted from 1,3-alternate conformation, and diversified electronic features steered by the interplay between heteroatom linkages and aromatic rings, heteracalixaromatics act as a type of versatile and powerful macrocyclic hosts in molecular recognition and fabrication of supramolecular systems. Very recently, by means of engineering the bond connectivity or the recombination of chemical bonds within heteracalixaromatics, we have devised coronarenes, a new generation of macrocycles. In this concise review, macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry of coronarenes are summarized in the order of their syntheses, structural features, molecular recognition and self-assembly properties. In the last part of this article, personal perspectives on the study of macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry will also be discussed. 展开更多
关键词 coronarenes heteracalixaromatics macrocycles molecular recognition non-covalent bond INTERACTIONS
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