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以“一带一路”为平台 促进包容可持续工业发展 被引量:3
作者 李勇 《东北亚经济研究》 2017年第5期5-10,共6页
当前新一轮产业革命和技术变革方兴未艾,工业互联网、大数据等技术快速渗透到工业等各个行业之中,联合国工发组织也在积极探索应用工业大数据为成员国实现包容可持续工业发展(ISID)服务。在中国倡导的"一带一路"背景下,工发... 当前新一轮产业革命和技术变革方兴未艾,工业互联网、大数据等技术快速渗透到工业等各个行业之中,联合国工发组织也在积极探索应用工业大数据为成员国实现包容可持续工业发展(ISID)服务。在中国倡导的"一带一路"背景下,工发组织将会加强与不同发展阶段、不同文化背景的国家与地区的深入合作,通过扩大国别伙伴关系方案(PCPs)等新业务模式,促进发展中国家和经济转型国家的工业发展水平,从而加大执行2030可持续发展议程的力度,共同促进包容与可持续工业发展,为打造人类命运共同体这一伟大目标做出贡献。 展开更多
关键词 工业发展组织 "一带一路" 可持续工业发展 国别伙伴关系
荷兰环境协议:分担可持续工业发展的责任 被引量:3
作者 Maarten de Hoog 《产业与环境》 1999年第1期27-30,共4页
工业界与政府共同努力,可以利用合作性协议来达到雄心勃勃的环境质量目标.这样的协议,只要能激励所涉及工业的革新性能力,就会比命令与控制思路更加卓有成效.政府在其颁发许可证时无法要求各公司开展有深远意义的革新,而且规定变... 工业界与政府共同努力,可以利用合作性协议来达到雄心勃勃的环境质量目标.这样的协议,只要能激励所涉及工业的革新性能力,就会比命令与控制思路更加卓有成效.政府在其颁发许可证时无法要求各公司开展有深远意义的革新,而且规定变革也不属于法规的性质,除非这些变革肯定能实现.各公司对它们自己的技术可能性要比法规当局清楚得多.然而,对于要取得成功的合作性协议来说。 展开更多
关键词 荷兰 环境协议 可持续工业发展 政策框架
作者 吕科建 《内蒙古科技与经济》 2006年第02X期95-97,共3页
实施以循环利用为主的可持续工业发展战略是对我国城市工业发展规律的正确认识,是对城市工业发展方向的正确把握。该战略的有效实施对于促进人与自然的和谐、工业发展和城市生态建设的同步、推动节约型城市和和谐社会的建设都具有重大... 实施以循环利用为主的可持续工业发展战略是对我国城市工业发展规律的正确认识,是对城市工业发展方向的正确把握。该战略的有效实施对于促进人与自然的和谐、工业发展和城市生态建设的同步、推动节约型城市和和谐社会的建设都具有重大的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 可持续工业发展 循环 生态安全
“一带一路”国际产能合作促进包容与可持续的工业化 被引量:7
作者 刘艳红 《经济与管理》 CSSCI 2019年第4期14-21,共8页
自21世纪第二个十年以来,中国工业进入一个引领国际发展合作、促进全球工业包容与可持续增长的新时期。在“一带一路”倡议的大力带动下,国际产能合作不仅推动了发展中国家之间工业合作模式的创新,而且为新形势下区域和全球工业发展,特... 自21世纪第二个十年以来,中国工业进入一个引领国际发展合作、促进全球工业包容与可持续增长的新时期。在“一带一路”倡议的大力带动下,国际产能合作不仅推动了发展中国家之间工业合作模式的创新,而且为新形势下区域和全球工业发展,特别是贯彻落实联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》所确立的包容与可持续的工业发展目标,开辟了新的发展路径,贡献了“中国方案”。其突出表现为:顶层设计与规划对接,构建机制化产能合作新模式;联通跨境基础设施,促进贸易投资与产业合作;合作区建设为中小企业参与产能合作提供重要平台;多元开放金融合作,破解区域发展金融瓶颈;科技合作与协同创新,引领沿线国家跨越式发展。 展开更多
关键词 “一带一路”倡议 国际产能合作 包容与可持续工业 工业合作模式创新
“钢铁绿舟”——汉阳钢厂工业遗产可持续利用研究 被引量:5
作者 田燕 董飞飞 《华中建筑》 2013年第8期91-94,共4页
该文通过对汉阳钢厂工业遗产的再利用研究,探讨了工业遗产在城市复兴背景下实现可持续利用的方法和途径,从汉阳钢厂的功能和区位入手,调研分析遗产现状、划分保护级别,并以"钢铁绿舟"为设计主题,对厂区进行整体保护与再利用... 该文通过对汉阳钢厂工业遗产的再利用研究,探讨了工业遗产在城市复兴背景下实现可持续利用的方法和途径,从汉阳钢厂的功能和区位入手,调研分析遗产现状、划分保护级别,并以"钢铁绿舟"为设计主题,对厂区进行整体保护与再利用的设计研究。 展开更多
关键词 工业遗产汉阳钢厂可持续利用城市复兴
作者 宋鸽 杨太艳 《信息记录材料》 2018年第2期243-244,共2页
本文从重庆市工业发展的现状出发,构建了重庆市工业可持续增长评价的指标体系,运用AHP灰色关联分析方法测度了重庆市工业可持续增长能力。研究结果表明:重庆市工业可持续增长能力总体呈逐年上升趋势,这主要得益于技术创新、经济发展、... 本文从重庆市工业发展的现状出发,构建了重庆市工业可持续增长评价的指标体系,运用AHP灰色关联分析方法测度了重庆市工业可持续增长能力。研究结果表明:重庆市工业可持续增长能力总体呈逐年上升趋势,这主要得益于技术创新、经济发展、资源利用三种能力的逐年提升,而信息化、环境承载、人力资源三种能力的增强对其促进作用不显著。鉴于此,本文分别从技术、经济、资源、信息、环境、人力资源方面提出了促进重庆工业可持续发展的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 工业可持续增长 AHP 灰色关联分析
新型工业化究竟“新”在哪里 被引量:7
作者 韩江波 龚唯平 《学习与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第12期5-17,共13页
工业化不仅是社会生产力和经济持续增长的动态变化过程,也是经济结构、经济制度、经济体制、社会生产力与劳动力素质的变革过程。传统工业化理论的最大缺陷就是始终把对工业化的研究局限于工业发展的狭隘领域,把工业化范畴仅仅看成是一... 工业化不仅是社会生产力和经济持续增长的动态变化过程,也是经济结构、经济制度、经济体制、社会生产力与劳动力素质的变革过程。传统工业化理论的最大缺陷就是始终把对工业化的研究局限于工业发展的狭隘领域,把工业化范畴仅仅看成是一个工业发展问题或落后国家追赶先进工业国的经济发展战略问题,而没有把工业化看成是人类社会发展中具有普遍意义的必经的历史阶段。新型工业化思想内涵具有工业化的某些核心特征,又是信息经济、知识经济背景下提出的一种"新理念",其深深根植于现代工业文明和信息文明的核心理念之中。认识和揭示新型工业化思想的渊源,关键并非寻找其定义,而应坚持历史与逻辑相统一的基本方法论原则,通过剖析新型工业化思想的演化维度、发展路径与生成逻辑,揭示新型工业化是可持续工业化和跨越式工业化的辩证统一,而这正是新型工业化与传统工业化的根本区别,也是新型工业化之所以"新"的主旨所在。 展开更多
关键词 可持续工业 跨越式工业 新型工业 发展路径
我国环境与经济可持续发展 被引量:2
作者 陈荻 《攀枝花大学学报(综合版)》 2002年第1期29-31,共3页
我国经济发面临的主要问题是 :( 1 )资源短缺对发展产生很大压力 ;( 2 )环境污染直接危及社会经济的发展 ;( 3)自然生态环境脆弱 ,自然灾害频繁。可持续发展的战略对策是 :( 1 )发展可持续工业 ;( 2 )
关键词 经济可持续发展 中国 环境污染 资源短缺 可持续工业 可持续农业
联合国工业发展组织与中国合作发展前景分析 被引量:3
作者 王圳 《东北亚经济研究》 2017年第4期61-74,共14页
随着发展中国家快速崛起,在世界经济中所占比重日益加大,传统的国际发展援助逐步向国际发展合作过渡,国际发展合作格局也向多元化方向发展。联合国工发组织在实施可持续发展目标过程中占重要地位,以绿色工业、食品安全和促进国际合作为... 随着发展中国家快速崛起,在世界经济中所占比重日益加大,传统的国际发展援助逐步向国际发展合作过渡,国际发展合作格局也向多元化方向发展。联合国工发组织在实施可持续发展目标过程中占重要地位,以绿色工业、食品安全和促进国际合作为重点,积极推动国际产能合作,配合"一带一路"沿线国家产业发展,进行全球价值链等战略研究。在新工业革命背景下,该组织创新业务模式,加强伙伴关系,与中国改革发展同步,为中国经济可持续发展和全球经济的振兴发挥了自身的比较优势。 展开更多
关键词 国际发展合作 可持续发展目标 包容可持续工业发展
作者 Jean Poerre L. Birat 《钢铁》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第z1期101-103,共3页
全球变暖给钢铁工业带来了巨大的挑战,挑战涉及使用碳的多少和能量利用率.低强度生产可以短期内达到减轻排放,使处于京都协议要求的水平.从中期看,更多地使用废钢也有助于减轻排放.但是为了实现更多地减少温室气体GHG的排放,也即等于实... 全球变暖给钢铁工业带来了巨大的挑战,挑战涉及使用碳的多少和能量利用率.低强度生产可以短期内达到减轻排放,使处于京都协议要求的水平.从中期看,更多地使用废钢也有助于减轻排放.但是为了实现更多地减少温室气体GHG的排放,也即等于实现京都协议之后的排放目标,钢铁工业必须设想有一个新的生产面貌,这形成了未来时期对它的最大挑战.碳的收集和吸收,碳使用中的代用剂,工艺流程中绿色来源的电和氢的应用,这些在未来10年中是必须要发展的,希望通过广泛地国际合作加以实现. 展开更多
关键词 全球变暖 可持续的钢铁工业生产流程的长期发展
产业互联——东莞TP-LINK产业园 被引量:3
作者 王浪 《世界建筑》 2018年第2期120-123,共4页
东莞TP-LINK产业园的设计是我们按照"可持续工业园"的理念来进行规划和设计的一次尝试,我们以自用型产业园人与生产工艺的需求为出发点,来进行产业园区的规划和建筑设计,为科研人员创造出一个高效舒适,能够激发灵感和创造力... 东莞TP-LINK产业园的设计是我们按照"可持续工业园"的理念来进行规划和设计的一次尝试,我们以自用型产业园人与生产工艺的需求为出发点,来进行产业园区的规划和建筑设计,为科研人员创造出一个高效舒适,能够激发灵感和创造力的新型生产和研发花园式环境。 展开更多
关键词 产业互联 可持续工业 步行尺度 交往空间 人车分流
第三届中国环境与发展国际合作委员会 第二次会议提交给中国政府的建议
《环境经济》 2004年第5期J009-J014,共6页
关键词 中国 环境与发展国际合作委员会 能源 可持续工业 循环经济 可持续能源系统
作者 ZHANGYao-guang DONGLi-jing +2 位作者 YANGJun WANGSheng-yun SONGXin-ru 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第4期308-313,共6页
China is a large marine country. Developing marine economy is an effective way to solve a series of problems with which man is faced, such as the want of natural resources, space limitation, the environmental deterior... China is a large marine country. Developing marine economy is an effective way to solve a series of problems with which man is faced, such as the want of natural resources, space limitation, the environmental deterioration, etc. This article analyzes the rich resources of marine biology, harbor, offshore oil and natural gas and coastal tourism resources in China and describes the developing features and regional differences of marine economy. To realize the sustainable development of marine economy in China, what we need to do are as follows: 1) to list exploiting ocean into national development strategy; 2) to realize integrated economy of sea and land; 3) to develop ocean by science and technology; 4) to perfect legal institution of marine environment: 5) to establish new idea of sea defending. KEY WORDS: marine resources: marine economy; marine industrial structure; sustainable development 展开更多
关键词 marine resources marine economy marine industrial structure sustainable development
Review on the nanoparticle fluidization science and technology 被引量:14
作者 Xiaolin Zhu Qiang Zhang +1 位作者 Yao Wang Fei Wei 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期9-22,共14页
Gas fluidization has an ability to turn static particles to fluid-like dense flow, which allows greatly improved heat transfer among porous powders and highly efficient solid processing to become reality. As the risin... Gas fluidization has an ability to turn static particles to fluid-like dense flow, which allows greatly improved heat transfer among porous powders and highly efficient solid processing to become reality. As the rising star of current scientific research, some nanoparticles can also be fluidized in the form of agglomerates, with sizes ranging from tens to hundreds of microns. Herein, we have reviewed the recent progress on nanomaterial agglomeration and their fluidization behavior, the assisted techniques to enhance the fluidization of nanomaterials,including some mechanical measures, external fields and improved gas injections, as well as their effects on solid fluidization and mixing behaviors. Most of these techniques are effective in breaking large agglomerates and promoting particulate fluidization, meanwhile, the solid mixing is intensified under assisted fluidization. The applications of nanofluidization in nanostructured material production and sustainable chemical industry are further presented. In summary, the fluidization science of multidimensional, multicomponent and multifunctional particles, their multi-phase characterization, and the guideline of fluidized bed coupled process are prerequisites for the sustainable development of fluidized bed based materials, energy and chemical industry. 展开更多
关键词 Nanomaterial Nanoparticle Fluidization Agglomerate Assisted technique Solid mixing Application
Measurement of Surplus Labor in Viet Nam Agriculture 被引量:1
《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第2期105-110,共6页
The large shift of surplus labor from agriculture to industry and services is seen in many countries around the world as well as in Vietnam in the process of industrialization and modernization of the country that has... The large shift of surplus labor from agriculture to industry and services is seen in many countries around the world as well as in Vietnam in the process of industrialization and modernization of the country that has set questions about the sustainability of rural surplus labor: is there still a source of surplus labor in rural areas? If so, how large is the source of surplus labor and how long it can be lasting? These questions were hotly debated in the literature abroad. But in Vietnam there is very little or hardly exchanged opinions about the concepts and methods of measurement of surplus labor in general and surplus labor in agriculture in particular. This article refers to the measurement approach of surplus labor in agriculture in Vietnam. 展开更多
关键词 Labor force agricultural labor surplus labor surplus labor in agriculture.
Questioning the Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage and Its Interventions in the Context of Sustainability 被引量:1
作者 Kagan Gunce Damla Mlslrhsoy 《Sociology Study》 2015年第9期718-727,共10页
Industrial buildings are valuable heritage structures that should be sustained as well as historic buildings since the preservation of the traditional values in the context of conservation is important in terms of a s... Industrial buildings are valuable heritage structures that should be sustained as well as historic buildings since the preservation of the traditional values in the context of conservation is important in terms of a sense of the continuity of the culture. Kadir Has University building has been selected as the case study of the research. Success of the conversion and interventions in terms of sustainability will be discussed. The aim of the study is to question adaptive reuse project of the Cibali Tobacco Factory as university within the framework of urban regeneration of Cibali district. The relation between adaptive reuse projects and its relationship among socio-cultural, economic, and physical dimensions of the sustainability, also its effects on the environment and region has been discussed. Adaptive reuse examples should not be accepted as single projects. Its contribution to the environment and the region is also crucial. Preservation of an individual building can be a catalyst to renewal of others. It can help the transformation of the whole area. There is always an interaction between the conversion projects and the environment. In order to achieve a successful conversion, appropriate functions should be given to the industrial heritage buildings according to the needs of the region. 展开更多
关键词 CONSERVATION adaptive reuse industrial heritage SUSTAINABILITY urban regeneration
An efficient methodology for utilization of K-feldspar and phosphogypsum with reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions 被引量:11
作者 Zhixi Gan Zheng Cui +5 位作者 Hairong Yue Siyang Tang Changjun Liu Chun Li Bin Liang Heping Xie 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期1541-1551,共11页
The issues of reducing CO_2 emissions, sustainably utilizing natural mineral resources, and dealing with industrial waste offer challenges for sustainable development in energy and the environment. We propose an effic... The issues of reducing CO_2 emissions, sustainably utilizing natural mineral resources, and dealing with industrial waste offer challenges for sustainable development in energy and the environment. We propose an efficient methodology via the co-reaction of K-feldspar and phosphogypsum for the extraction of soluble potassium salts and recovery of SO_2 with reduced CO_2 emission and energy consumption. The results of characterization and reactivity evaluation indicated that the partial melting of K-feldspar and phosphogypsum in the hightemperature co-reaction significantly facilitated the reduction of phosphogypsum to SO_2 and the exchange of K^+(K-feldspar) with Ca^(2+)(CaSO_4 in phosphogypsum). The reaction parameters were systematically investigated with the highest sulfur recovery ratio of ~ 60% and K extraction ratio of ~ 87.7%. This novel methodology possesses an energy consumption reduction of ~ 28% and CO_2 emission reduction of ~ 55% comparing with the present typical commercial technologies for utilization of K-feldspar and the treatment of phosphogypsum. 展开更多
关键词 Waste treatment Reactivity Mineralization K-feldspar CO2 emission reduction
Sustainable development and upgrading mode of coal industry in China 被引量:7
作者 Gao Zhenguo 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第3期335-340,共6页
It is an emerging realistic problem on how to promote a high level of technology in the coal industry, find new upgrading powers and create new competitive advantages, which are also the core problems to efficient tra... It is an emerging realistic problem on how to promote a high level of technology in the coal industry, find new upgrading powers and create new competitive advantages, which are also the core problems to efficient transformation pattern of economic growth for coal industry in the ''twelfth five-year'' period, involving the key to China's energy supply and energy security. Through field surveys and inductive analyses, analyzing of the content of upgrading the coal industry as an entry point, this paper analyzes the sustainable development mechanisms for the coal industry from the aspects of work force, power, methods, goals, and so on; and puts forward corresponding developmental modes according to the mechanisms which can improve resource recovery and mineral resources utilization rates by putting them into practice. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable developmentUpgrading mechanismUpgrading mode
Closed Loop Recycling of Chlorine for Sustainable Development of Polyurethane Industry 被引量:1
作者 丁建生 华卫琦 +2 位作者 胡兵波 宋锦宏 楼银川 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2011年第4期298-304,共7页
Increasing demand is fueling the booming polyurethane industry worldwide. An impeding issue for poly- urethane industry is how to handle the large quantity of hydrogen chloride byproduct generated from the synthesis o... Increasing demand is fueling the booming polyurethane industry worldwide. An impeding issue for poly- urethane industry is how to handle the large quantity of hydrogen chloride byproduct generated from the synthesis of intermediates, i.e., isocyanates. In the meantime, the traditional chloro-alkaline process sufibrs both from the high en- ergy intensity of electrolysis method and the disparity in the chlorine and caustic soda market. To solve these prob- lems, the state-of-the-art chlorine recycling technologies are reviewed and compared. Approaches for cost-effective utilization of chlorine in polyurethane industry are investigated. Chinese academies and enterprises' on-going effort on the development of a novel hydrogen chloride oxidation process for the synthesis of chlorine is presented. With this process, the closed loop recycling of chlorine can be realized. Tremendous economic, environmental and social bene- fits can be expected. A wide adoption of this technology will significantly advance the sustainable development of polyurethane industry. 展开更多
关键词 POLYURETHANE sustainable development hydrogen chloride oxidation CHLORINE chlorine recycling
A model of quality control based on recycling economy and sustainable manufacture 被引量:1
作者 Chert Xiangyu Liang Gongqian Ma Shining 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第1期16-24,共9页
People currentiy pay attention to a hotspot problem that how industrial production is evaluated and controlled based on sustainable development theory. Quality is one of the important indexes. Two mainstream theories ... People currentiy pay attention to a hotspot problem that how industrial production is evaluated and controlled based on sustainable development theory. Quality is one of the important indexes. Two mainstream theories guide us to realize the industrial sustainable development: mainly the circular economy and sustainable manufacturing are introduced. The basic characteristics of the sustainable manufacturing are introduced, and that quality management is important contents of sustainable development is indicated. Based on circular economy and sustainable manufacture theories, the drawbacks in the existing quality management models are analyzed. The requests that satisfy the big system "environment- society - economy" are summarized to build up a model. A Chinese traditional cultural principle is applied and the relevant contents are sublimated as the platform to set up the model. The new quality management concept models are put forward "T- D- R" three-dimensional structures and "ecological quality loop" model, from which the new quality concepts are formed The paper elaborates the contents and the process of setting up the models. The big quality problems of the system can be handled by the new quality concept and model that are validated in practice. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable development: Quality management Big system Three-dimensional structures MODEL
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