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作者 马珍珍 《现代园艺》 2024年第8期177-179,共3页
加强森林可持续经营是提高森林质量的迫切需要,也是提高森林生态功能的根本途径。黑龙山林场是张家口市面积最大的天然林林场,肩负着森林生态资源保护和水源涵养的重要职责,加强对林场森林资源的有效管理和可持续经营具有重要意义。基于... 加强森林可持续经营是提高森林质量的迫切需要,也是提高森林生态功能的根本途径。黑龙山林场是张家口市面积最大的天然林林场,肩负着森林生态资源保护和水源涵养的重要职责,加强对林场森林资源的有效管理和可持续经营具有重要意义。基于此,阐述了黑龙山林场基本概况和森林资源现状,分析了林场经营中存在的突出问题,并提出了具体的森林可持续经营措施,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 黑龙山林场 森林资源 现状 问题 可持续经营措施
设施园艺害虫可持续控制措施 被引量:3
作者 陈学英 《中国森林病虫》 北大核心 2002年第6期11-14,共4页
论述了我国设施园艺几种类型———日光温室、节能日光温室、玻璃温室、塑料大棚温室等的利用状况及温室园艺害虫发生特点。围绕可持续控制理论 ,提出温室园艺害虫防治措施。以蔗扁蛾Opogonasacchari (Bojer)、美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyzasativ... 论述了我国设施园艺几种类型———日光温室、节能日光温室、玻璃温室、塑料大棚温室等的利用状况及温室园艺害虫发生特点。围绕可持续控制理论 ,提出温室园艺害虫防治措施。以蔗扁蛾Opogonasacchari (Bojer)、美洲斑潜蝇LiriomyzasativaeBlanchard、土粉蚧Ripersiellasp .3种重要害虫的发生、蔓延趋势 ,说明植物检疫的必要性及重要性。列举了国内目前可行的栽培管理、物理防治、生物防治等方面具体措施及防治技术 。 展开更多
关键词 设施园艺 害虫 可持续控制措施
大连市草坪主要病害发生特点与可持续治理措施 被引量:2
作者 王建梅 胡慧芳 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第17期78-80,共3页
大连是具有明显海洋性特点的暖温带大陆性季风气候,土壤比较贫瘠,草坪病虫害种类发生较多。该文对大连市中山区草坪上发生的草坪褐斑病、草坪腐霉枯萎病、草坪币斑病、草坪蘑菇圈、草坪锈病、草坪白粉病等主要病害的发生特点及其可持续... 大连是具有明显海洋性特点的暖温带大陆性季风气候,土壤比较贫瘠,草坪病虫害种类发生较多。该文对大连市中山区草坪上发生的草坪褐斑病、草坪腐霉枯萎病、草坪币斑病、草坪蘑菇圈、草坪锈病、草坪白粉病等主要病害的发生特点及其可持续治理措施进行论述。 展开更多
关键词 草坪 病害 可持续治理措施
通化市森林病虫害防治实施可持续控灾措施 被引量:1
作者 秦莉 李桂清 《吉林林业科技》 2003年第3期53-54,共2页
关键词 通化市 森林 病虫害 防治 可持续控灾措施
浙江省缙云县森林资源可持续发展的主要问题与经营措施 被引量:1
作者 蔡卓勤 《华东森林经理》 2010年第1期31-33,36,共4页
阐述了缙云县森林资源的现状,结合了森林资源特点和存在的问题,提出了三条促进森林资源可持续发展的对策:一是继续做好松材线虫病监控防治工作;二是在商品林区大力发展竹林、经济林和短轮伐菇木林,进行林种结构、树种结构调整;三是在生... 阐述了缙云县森林资源的现状,结合了森林资源特点和存在的问题,提出了三条促进森林资源可持续发展的对策:一是继续做好松材线虫病监控防治工作;二是在商品林区大力发展竹林、经济林和短轮伐菇木林,进行林种结构、树种结构调整;三是在生态公益林区对以马尾松为主的次生针叶林进行积极改造,促进森林群落的顺向演替,提高防病抗灾减灾能力。 展开更多
关键词 森林资源现状 可持续发展 存在问题 可持续经营措施 缙云县
流域水资源可持续利用——长江保护法立法原则解读 被引量:5
作者 王文革 陈耿钊 《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2019年第5期1-15,111,共16页
流域水资源可持续利用是可持续发展观在流域水资源立法领域的体现,它的法律渊源及内涵丰富,在以水资源为调整对象的可持续法律框架中,处于基础性的地位。在长江保护法中,确立流域水资源可持续利用原则,首先是长江流域的战略地位及国家... 流域水资源可持续利用是可持续发展观在流域水资源立法领域的体现,它的法律渊源及内涵丰富,在以水资源为调整对象的可持续法律框架中,处于基础性的地位。在长江保护法中,确立流域水资源可持续利用原则,首先是长江流域的战略地位及国家对其战略定位所决定的;其次符合长江保护法的整体性、协调性及前瞻性综合处理流域问题的定位,能够促进长江保护法的立法目的的实现;最后,作为立法原则,可持续利用原则更具备法律意义的功能、在实际法律规则缺位的时候发挥弥补漏洞及解决冲突的功能,同时还将为具体规则的设计及评价提供支持。在《长江保护法》中,确立流域水资源可持续利用原则,对传统流域水资源立法及管理模式提出了挑战。要保障该原则的实施,《长江保护法》的立法内容,首先应综合囊括开发利用及保护,保护生态应成为立法的重点;其次贯彻流域治理的新理念,摆脱目前割裂立法的格局;再次是平衡水资源利用上的私人及公共利益;最后要求政府根据流域水资源可持续利用的要求,清晰厘清自身定位与职责。 展开更多
关键词 长江保护法 流域可持续利用措施 流域治理理念 流域立法模式 流域管理模式
中国水资源节约与可持续利用问题探析 被引量:2
作者 温鲁哲 《资源节约与环保》 2020年第6期112-112,共1页
人的生存离不开水,水作为一种宝贵的资源,水资源的科学利用无论是在国际上、还是在国内都是重中之重的研究对象。而我国作为世界第一人口大国,水更是与人民生存、生活息息相关,可持续性的水资源利用关系国计民生。与他国不同,我国虽然... 人的生存离不开水,水作为一种宝贵的资源,水资源的科学利用无论是在国际上、还是在国内都是重中之重的研究对象。而我国作为世界第一人口大国,水更是与人民生存、生活息息相关,可持续性的水资源利用关系国计民生。与他国不同,我国虽然水资源总有用量排在世界前列,但却是水资源缺乏最严重的国度。归根结底都与水资源分布不均、不合理使用等存在相关性,部分地区连年干旱,而有的地区又受洪涝危害,形成我国水土资源与生产力分布不匹配的基本国情。因此,结合我国国情,根据水资源现状,探究一套切实可行的水资源节约方案意义重大。 展开更多
关键词 水资源 可持续利用 可持续措施
作者 刘金城(译) 《铸造》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第9期1194-1194,共1页
维苏威(Vesuvius)通过其品牌福士科(Foseco),正在北美各地投资制造和工程计划以缩短客户交货期,提供持续的产品创新,并为客户提供可持续的耗材和解决方案。一家新的最先进的制造工厂已开工建设,从2023年开始将满足北美75%的客户需求。... 维苏威(Vesuvius)通过其品牌福士科(Foseco),正在北美各地投资制造和工程计划以缩短客户交货期,提供持续的产品创新,并为客户提供可持续的耗材和解决方案。一家新的最先进的制造工厂已开工建设,从2023年开始将满足北美75%的客户需求。新地点的工厂和现有的工厂正在配备最新的技术和可持续措施,以减少碳排放,提高整个生产过程的速度和产品交付期。 展开更多
关键词 制造工厂 交付期 可持续 客户需求 可持续 交货期 创新 可持续措施
江苏沿海转Bt基因抗虫棉棉盲蝽重发原因及可持续控制技术 被引量:1
作者 陈进和 王永山 陈华 《现代农业科技》 2008年第5期110-110,112,共2页
关键词 转BT基因抗虫棉 棉盲蝽 重发原因 可持续控制措施 江苏沿海棉区
南水北调来水对河北省受水区影响度评价 被引量:1
作者 王殿茹 邓思远 《河北经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期125-128,143,共5页
南水北调中线工程的通水,将有效改善河北省水资源人口承载能力严重不足的境况,促进生产力的合理布局,为产业结构、地区结构调整创造机会,也将有效增加农田灌溉面积,为农业增产增收、居民饮水安全和生态环境修复等提供坚实保障。为此,河... 南水北调中线工程的通水,将有效改善河北省水资源人口承载能力严重不足的境况,促进生产力的合理布局,为产业结构、地区结构调整创造机会,也将有效增加农田灌溉面积,为农业增产增收、居民饮水安全和生态环境修复等提供坚实保障。为此,河北省应充分做好水价的调节作用,形成科学的阶梯水价机制,严控水资源开发利用红线、用水效率红线以及限制纳污红线等。 展开更多
关键词 南水北调 河北受水区 影响度评价 水资源 正能量机制 可持续政策措施 产业结构 农田灌溉 生态环境
论区域财务集中管理在证券行业中的应用 被引量:1
作者 唐建龙 《财会学习》 2016年第11期242-242,255,共2页
关键词 区域财务 集中管理 证券行业 可持续措施
River Rafting in Mountainous Regions of Uttarakhand:Impacts,Suggested Mitigation Measures and Sustainability 被引量:2
作者 Parth Sarathi MAHAPATRA Rajiv PANDEY Sonali PRADHAN 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期511-522,共12页
Uttarakhand state in India is well known for its mountainous ecosystems, traditional communities and a variety of ecotourism destinations. Among various tourism activities, River Rafting along the banks of the Ganges ... Uttarakhand state in India is well known for its mountainous ecosystems, traditional communities and a variety of ecotourism destinations. Among various tourism activities, River Rafting along the banks of the Ganges River has increased tremendously for two decades, and has had unprecedented impacts on the traditional communities and the bio-diversity. Therefore, it is meaningful to do a comprehensive study on the various impacts associated with river rafting so as to suggest the pathways to achieve the environmental sustainability in this region. In this study, we collected primary data from randomly selected population units across all stake holders such as local people (n = too), and camp personnel (n = 22), through a pre-tested questionnaire survey between August 2009 and May 2010. The questionnaire contains issues on culture, social, economic, institutional and associated perceived impacts on pollution and biodiversity including views for sustainability. Secondary information was also collected from various sources and government records to supplement and strengthen the analysis. The impacts were analyzed qualitatively through a ranking mechanism to facilitate the decision making process. The perception of the interviewee about the various possible impacts of rafting was discussed with mitigating mechanism. The ranking analysis as percollected data reveals that economy and education of local community was improved significantly; however aquatic and terrestrial fauna, social cohesion and pollution (water, air, land) were significantly deteriorated. The results show that the existing practices are not sufficient to address the adverse impacts. Improvement in practices is necessary, mainly in the policy regime. Based on the analysis, some measures are recommended on how to protect community interest and environment with the development of river rafting as an ecotourism opportunity. 展开更多
关键词 ECO-TOURISM The Ganges Impactranking Traditional community
Practice and Research Progress on Ecosystem Conservation in Transboundary Areas 被引量:1
作者 TANG Lina GUI Liuming +2 位作者 SHAO Guofan WANG Luyan SHI Longyu 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期109-116,共8页
Many ecosystems extend across national or political boundaries. The consistent and effective protection of these ecosystems in transboundary areas(ETAs) is an important global research focus. Previous research on the ... Many ecosystems extend across national or political boundaries. The consistent and effective protection of these ecosystems in transboundary areas(ETAs) is an important global research focus. Previous research on the protection of such areas can be categorized into seven themes: 1) ecological conservation of a single ETA; 2) investigation of the effects of a single conservation measure on a specific ETA; 3) determination of species-level effects due to ETA conservation; 4) comparison of the same protection measures between different ETAs; 5) introduction of a single conservation measure to a specific ETA; 6) understanding the relationship between conservation and sustainable development; and 7) generalization across multiple ETA conservation cases. The protection of ETAs involves various considerations, including funding support, demand and will for collaboration, community and public participation, historical and cultural factors, political backgrounds, uniqueness of biological resources, formulation of laws and regulations, founding of specialized administrative departments, non-governmental organizations, and fairness. Here, we briefly explain the research themes and considerations related to ETA conservation. The most important finding is that most major research themes do not focus on the challenges of ETA conservation. We use two nature reserves located between China and North Korea as examples to identify specific ways to improve ETA conservation on Changbai Mountains. The efficiency of ETA administration still remains low. The study of ETA conservation should focus on concrete regional information and aim to improve existing measures through the accumulation of experience. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem in transboundary area (ETA) intemational cooperation transboundary cooperation regional sustainable development terrestrial ecosystem
Effects of Land-Cover Changes and Other Remediations on Hydrology of Xinjiang River Sub-Watershed
作者 Ambika Khadka Chun Fu +2 位作者 Maungmoe Myint Chadwick Oliver James Saiers 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第7期416-425,共10页
To determine whether reforestation efforts in the denuded hills have significant impacts on hydrology in the Xinjiang River watershed, the authors examined eight land-cover scenarios to compare hydrologic responses an... To determine whether reforestation efforts in the denuded hills have significant impacts on hydrology in the Xinjiang River watershed, the authors examined eight land-cover scenarios to compare hydrologic responses and to provide a conceptual basis for restoration practices. The authors analyzed a 17-year time period using remote sensing to develop land-cover classification for the watershed. Climate, soil and terrain data for the watershed were used as input in the SWAT (soil and water analysis tool) to quantify and compare the impacts on hydrologic processes. The model was calibrated to a two-year record of stream discharge measurements. The results show significant increase in forest-cover on hills (13%). However, the hydrological response is not very significant considering the changes in forest-cover, the surface runoff and percolation ratios only changed by 2% and 1% over time. Installment of earthen irrigation ponds in the outlets of sub-basin with maximum runoff had provided the most significant hydrologic improvements and could provide irrigation water to increase crop yield on remaining cropland. The study will provide information to the local government to aid decision-making in sustainable reforestation programs resulting in better hydrologic functioning for sustainable water resource management. 展开更多
关键词 SWAT (soil and water analysis tool) hydrologic responses surface runoff PERCOLATION reforestation efforts.
作者 黄志红 陈琳 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2014年第12期70-72,共3页
新农村建设是一个新生事物,并没有既定的模式和标准,中国是农业大国,农村并不是落后的代名词,相反,农村也存在着独特的优势,有些农村交通不便,受外界影响小,因为保留了属于自己的生活习俗已经一些优秀的传统文化。另外,由于全球化的影响... 新农村建设是一个新生事物,并没有既定的模式和标准,中国是农业大国,农村并不是落后的代名词,相反,农村也存在着独特的优势,有些农村交通不便,受外界影响小,因为保留了属于自己的生活习俗已经一些优秀的传统文化。另外,由于全球化的影响,人们对于文明的怀念和眷顾愈加强烈,更加向往青山绿水和宁静的田园生活。相较城市,乡村与自然环境诸多要素接触更多,人工环境与自然环境联系更为紧密,乡村对自然的依赖更强,所以可持续设计上的重点是,在考虑以上问题的前提下,将设计与生态联系在一起,并且要对农村环境中的农舍、景观、建筑和道路设施等人工因素与庄稼田地河湖山川和动植物自然因素进行整体安排、形成有别于城市风貌,延续当地乡土特色的新环境空间。文章以可持续发展的生态观念理论为出发点,通过分析当前农村现状,从经济可持续、设计可持续、生态技术可持续、意识可持续等方面探讨新农村建设的可持续措施。 展开更多
关键词 可持续设计 新农村 可持续措施 生态补偿
Analyzing Environmental Stress Counter-measures in Agricultural Heritage Sites in China 被引量:1
作者 孙雪萍 闵庆文 +1 位作者 白艳莹 Anthony M.FULLER 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2014年第4期328-334,共7页
In recent years, with climate change, many agricultural systems are facing severe environmental stress, which are seriously threatening the food security and sustainable development of agricultural system. Although ma... In recent years, with climate change, many agricultural systems are facing severe environmental stress, which are seriously threatening the food security and sustainable development of agricultural system. Although mainstream agro-system can effectively reduce the adverse agro-production effect rapidly by using modern technology, but many of them bring serious ecological crisis at the same time. For the sustainable development of agro-systems, the stress mitigation options must give full consideration to ecological protection. The Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) sites, relying on its unique land use, water conservancy facilities, traditional crops, etc., form unique production system creating a better match with local natural conditions. Based on disaster mitigation system theory and practice, this paper analyzes environmental stress counter-measures of several GIAHS sites in China. The water requirement of milet, a drought-tolerant crop in Aohan Dryland Farming System (recognized as a GIAHS pilot site in 2012), has a better match with local water conditions. By reducing vulnerability of crops, agriculture survived healthily in semi-arid regions. Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System (recognized as a GIAHS pilot site in 2010), relying on the unique land and water use patterns, has successfully reshape disaster inducing environment, and effectively reduce the risk/effects of droughts. Besides, due to the high price, rich crop diversity and variety of income channel, the Agricultural Heritage sites can ensure the economic income and agro-system health when facing environmental stress. Stress counter-measures of traditional agricultural systems make full use of the regulation and spontaneity ability of the natural system, which is an important way to achieve sustainable development of ecological agriculture. 展开更多
关键词 traditional agricultural systems environmental stress stress counter-measures ecological protection sustainable development GIAHS
作者 梁晓丹 《建筑学报》 北大核心 2016年第11期104-107,共4页
以常州市武进区绿色建筑产业集聚示范区绿色研发中心为案例,通过从自然与环境、能源与资源、环境与保护3个角度出发,对项目中采用的主动及被动的绿色建筑技术进行了详细的阐述,一方面总结设计经验,体现绿色建筑群的创新;另一方面研究其... 以常州市武进区绿色建筑产业集聚示范区绿色研发中心为案例,通过从自然与环境、能源与资源、环境与保护3个角度出发,对项目中采用的主动及被动的绿色建筑技术进行了详细的阐述,一方面总结设计经验,体现绿色建筑群的创新;另一方面研究其设计的合理性、技术的适应性及经济的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 常州绿色研究中心 被动式设计 绿色可持续措施 成本分析
Effect of Farming Practices on the Variability of Phosphorus Status in Intensively Managed Soils
作者 SUN Wei-Xia HUANG Biao +4 位作者 QU Ming-Kai TIAN Kang YAO Li-Peng FU Ming-Ming YIN Li-Ping 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期438-449,共12页
Phosphorus(P) in agricultural soils is an important factor for soil quality and environmental protection. Understanding of P and its fractions in soils on a regional scale is imperative for effective management or uti... Phosphorus(P) in agricultural soils is an important factor for soil quality and environmental protection. Understanding of P and its fractions in soils on a regional scale is imperative for effective management or utilization of P and the improvement of P availability in soils. To study spatial variability and changes of soil P and its fractions as affected by farming practices, soil samples were taken in Rugao County, Jiangsu Province of China, an intensive agricultural area in the Yangtze River Delta region, in years of 1982(n = 1 514), 1997(n = 1 651), and 2002(n = 342). High spatial variabilities of Olsen P and total P(TP) were observed throughout the study area. Loamy Stagnic Anthrosols and clay or loamy Aquic Cambosols had significantly higher concentrations of Olsen P and TP than sandy Ustic Cambosols and Aquic Cambosols. Olsen P and TP were increased from 1982 to 2002. The accumulations of Olsen P and TP in the cultivated soils were likely related to the increased application of P fertilizer, organic input,and soil incorporation of crop residues as well as conversion of soil use. Accumulated soil P was dominantly in labile and semi-labile P fractions. These P fractions may be utilized by future crop production by adjusting management practices, but they also pose a serious threat to nearby water bodies. Future strategies should include decreasing P fertilization in soils and supporting sustainable management. The information from this study can be used to monitor changes in soil fertility and environmental risks so that the use of fertilizers can become more rational. 展开更多
关键词 agriculture management Olsen phosphorus phosphorus availability phosphorus fractionation total phosphorus
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