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新型可调磁永磁无刷直流电动机在电动汽车中的应用 被引量:4
作者 梁秀玲 李优新 +3 位作者 王鸿贵 何鸿肃 刘方铭 姚震 《广东工业大学学报》 CAS 2004年第4期1-4,36,共5页
关键词 可调磁 无刷直流电机 电动汽车 驱动系统
可调磁流变阻尼在汽车悬架的半主动控制中的应用 被引量:3
作者 杨绍普 申永军 《非线性动力学学报》 2001年第3期245-251,共7页
本文研究了采秀磁流变阻尼的汽车半主动控制悬架在确定性激励和随机激励下的运行效果,分析了可调磁流变阻尼半主动控制的控制规律及响应情况,并与采用传统阻尼的汽车被动悬架和主动悬架进行了对比,证实了磁流变阻尼应用于汽车半主动... 本文研究了采秀磁流变阻尼的汽车半主动控制悬架在确定性激励和随机激励下的运行效果,分析了可调磁流变阻尼半主动控制的控制规律及响应情况,并与采用传统阻尼的汽车被动悬架和主动悬架进行了对比,证实了磁流变阻尼应用于汽车半主动控制的可行性及优越性。 展开更多
关键词 半主动控制 可调磁流变阻尼 汽车 悬架系统 确定性激励 随机激励 隔振
作者 赵常敏 侯升魁 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第4期15-16,共2页
关键词 可调磁chi针 穴位按摩 近视眼
一种齿形磁楔快速可调电抗器 被引量:4
作者 魏新劳 王梦娇 官瑞杨 《哈尔滨理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第3期1-7,共7页
针对一般磁楔电抗器无法快速改变电抗值的问题,提出了一种新型可调的齿形磁楔式电力电抗器.与一般磁楔电抗器相比,这种电抗器可以通过成倍地减小调节距离来成倍地提高调节速度.以一台设计制作的220 V、8 k Var齿形磁楔电抗器样机为研究... 针对一般磁楔电抗器无法快速改变电抗值的问题,提出了一种新型可调的齿形磁楔式电力电抗器.与一般磁楔电抗器相比,这种电抗器可以通过成倍地减小调节距离来成倍地提高调节速度.以一台设计制作的220 V、8 k Var齿形磁楔电抗器样机为研究对象,应用ANSYS有限元分析软件,建立了该电抗器的三维磁场模型,计算磁楔在两个极限位置时的电抗器磁场分布,应用ANSYS的LMATRIX宏命令计算该电抗器的电感调节特性.研究结果表明:该电抗器与一般磁楔电抗器相比,不仅可以提供相同的电感调节特性,而且具有数倍的电感调节速度. 展开更多
关键词 可调电抗器 齿形 电感节特性
基于磁性介质棒的可调太赫兹波吸收器研究 被引量:1
作者 程伟 李九生 胡建荣 《电子元件与材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期42-44,55,共4页
设计了一种中心吸收频率可调的太赫兹波吸收器。在开口谐振环两侧引入磁性介质棒(钇铁石榴石),在改变外加磁场的条件下,通过影响开口谐振环周围环境的有效磁导率来控制中心吸收频率的大小。计算仿真结果表明,当磁感应强度从0T变化... 设计了一种中心吸收频率可调的太赫兹波吸收器。在开口谐振环两侧引入磁性介质棒(钇铁石榴石),在改变外加磁场的条件下,通过影响开口谐振环周围环境的有效磁导率来控制中心吸收频率的大小。计算仿真结果表明,当磁感应强度从0T变化到18T时,该吸收器的中心吸收频率变化范围高达4GHz(0.532~0.536THz),而且吸收率均超过99%。 展开更多
关键词 太赫兹波 钇铁石榴石 超材料 吸收器 开口谐振环 可调 吸收率
一种磁电可调双通带滤波器 被引量:2
作者 朱锋杰 周浩淼 +1 位作者 肖英 夏哲雷 《杭州电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第5期17-20,共4页
该文结合耦合带滤波器的微波传输原理和铁氧体/压电层合磁电材料的铁磁共振效应,设计了一款应用在2-10GHz频段范围的磁电双可调双通带滤波器。分析了其工作机理,通过HFSS平台进行模拟仿真,结果表明滤波器通带部分的插入损耗约为-3dB,阻... 该文结合耦合带滤波器的微波传输原理和铁氧体/压电层合磁电材料的铁磁共振效应,设计了一款应用在2-10GHz频段范围的磁电双可调双通带滤波器。分析了其工作机理,通过HFSS平台进行模拟仿真,结果表明滤波器通带部分的插入损耗约为-3dB,阻带部分最大插入损耗达到-20dB,同时验证了其磁电可调的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 共振 电耦合 可调
可调永磁阻尼托辊的有限元分析 被引量:1
作者 赵建飞 孟文俊 +1 位作者 王亚湖 宁泽 《现代制造工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期68-71,共4页
针对大功率下运带式输送机在运行时极易出现飞车、张力不均等问题,提出采用可调永磁阻尼托辊,通过改变永磁体与铜环啮合面积的大小来实现制动的调节。首先简述了可调永磁阻尼托辊的结构和制动原理,之后利用MAXWELL软件的瞬态场求解器得... 针对大功率下运带式输送机在运行时极易出现飞车、张力不均等问题,提出采用可调永磁阻尼托辊,通过改变永磁体与铜环啮合面积的大小来实现制动的调节。首先简述了可调永磁阻尼托辊的结构和制动原理,之后利用MAXWELL软件的瞬态场求解器得到了稳定条件下可调永磁阻尼托辊的磁感应强度分布图、阻尼力矩值,最后通过理论计算验证了阻尼力矩值的合理性。结果表明,可调永磁阻尼托辊在制动时有较好的阻尼效果,为下运带式输送机的稳定运行提供了保障。 展开更多
关键词 带式输送机 可调 MAXWELL软件 有限元 阻尼力矩
磁电双可调滤波器研究进展 被引量:1
作者 彭国豪 朱永忠 刘晓宇 《空间电子技术》 2020年第1期1-8,共8页
随着现代无线通信系统的快速发展和军事信息技术的日益进步,频谱资源越发紧张,这种发展对滤波器提出了更高的要求。滤波器作为无线通信系统中的重要设备,不管是在频率的拆分重组,降低电路串扰以及阻抗匹配等等都与滤波器息息相关,其性... 随着现代无线通信系统的快速发展和军事信息技术的日益进步,频谱资源越发紧张,这种发展对滤波器提出了更高的要求。滤波器作为无线通信系统中的重要设备,不管是在频率的拆分重组,降低电路串扰以及阻抗匹配等等都与滤波器息息相关,其性能影响着整个通信系统的性能。传统滤波器在无线通信系统中的局限也慢慢开始显现出来,磁电双可调滤波器因为其调节范围大、速度快、能耗小、体积小,在未来的发展中具有很大前景。文章结合近几年磁电双可调微波器件的相关研究成果,汲取他人经验,综述了国内外磁电双可调滤波器研究现状。首先介绍了磁可调以及磁电双可调滤波器基本现状,随后总结磁电双可调滤波器的小型化和全可调的实现方法以及存在不足,最后对未来进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 滤波器 可调 电双可调 钇铁石榴石 共振效应
磁光器件及其在光通信中的应用 被引量:3
作者 马昌贵 《磁性材料及器件》 CAS CSCD 2001年第6期35-39,共5页
简单介绍了几种主要磁光器件的基本结构与性能 ,接着概括叙述它们在光通信系统的应用 ,展望了市场前景。最后 。
关键词 光效应 法拉第转子 光隔离器 光环行器 可调磁光衰减器 光器件 光通信系统
可调介质超材料研究进展 被引量:4
作者 毕科 王旭莹 +2 位作者 兰楚文 郝亚楠 周济 《中国材料进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期1-13,41,共14页
超材料由于具有自然界材料所不具备的一些独特的电磁和光学特性而被广泛关注与研究。相比于传统金属结构超材料,介质超材料不仅可以低损耗地实现超常电磁特性,而且对外场具有很高的敏感度,其电磁参数随磁场、电场、温度等外场的变化而改... 超材料由于具有自然界材料所不具备的一些独特的电磁和光学特性而被广泛关注与研究。相比于传统金属结构超材料,介质超材料不仅可以低损耗地实现超常电磁特性,而且对外场具有很高的敏感度,其电磁参数随磁场、电场、温度等外场的变化而改变,因而受到了功能材料和信息器件领域研究者的广泛关注。分别从磁可调、电可调和温度可调3个方面介绍可调介质超材料。首先,对于磁可调介质超材料,介绍了基于铁氧体的多种磁可调结构的研究进展以及铁磁谐振原理;其次,对于电可调介质超材料,介绍了基于石墨烯、变容二极管和液晶材料的多种电可调结构的研究进展;最后,对于温度可调介质超材料,介绍了基于二氧化钒、锑化铟和钛酸锶材料实现温度可调性能的研究进展及其相应物理机制,并展望了可调介质超材料的发展趋势和潜在应用。 展开更多
关键词 超材料 可调介质超材料 可调 可调 温度可调
作者 郭华 张津 《矿业工程》 CAS 2020年第4期37-38,42,共3页
关键词 磨前预选 粗粒选机 可调磁翻干选机 悬浮式干选
Angular-tunable on-chip coding metasurface enabled by phase-change material with immersion liquid
作者 LI Xue-Nan ZHAO Zeng-Yue +4 位作者 YU Fei-Long CHEN Jin LI Guan-Hai LI Zhi-Feng CHEN Xiao-Shuang 《红外与毫米波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期806-812,共7页
Metasurfaces provide a potent platform for the dynamic manipulation of electromagnetic waves.Cou⁃pled with phase-change materials,they facilitate the creation of versatile metadevices,showcasing various tun⁃able funct... Metasurfaces provide a potent platform for the dynamic manipulation of electromagnetic waves.Cou⁃pled with phase-change materials,they facilitate the creation of versatile metadevices,showcasing various tun⁃able functions based on the transition between amorphous and crystalline states.However,the inherent limitation in tunable states imposes constraints on the multiplexing channels of metadevices.Here,this paper introduces a novel approach-a multi-functional metadevice achieved through the two-level control of the encoding phasechange metaatoms.Utilizing the phase-change material Ge_(2)Sb_(2)Se_(4)Te1(GSST)and high refractive-index liquid di⁃iodomethane(CH_(2)I_(2)),this paper showcases precise control over electromagnetic wave manipulation.The GSST state governs the tunable function,switching it ON and OFF,while the presence of liquid in the hole dictates the deflection angle when the tunable function is active.Importantly,our tunable coding metasurface exhibits robust performance across a broad wavelength spectrum.The incorporation of high refractive-index liquid extends the regulatory dimension of the metadevice,enabling dynamic switching of encoding bit levels.This two-level tun⁃able metadevice,rooted in phase-change materials,presents a promising avenue for the dynamic control of func⁃tions. 展开更多
关键词 coding metasurface tunable control phase change material electromagnetic wave manipulation
A Permanent Magnet Ion Source with Adjustable Magnetic Field
作者 崔保群 唐兵 +4 位作者 马鹰俊 马瑞刚 姜冲 陈立华 蒋渭生 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第z1期280-282,共3页
A permanent magnet microwave ion source with adjustable magnetic field is developed at China Institute of Atomic Energy.The magnetic field in the region of ionization chamber is generated by permanent magnets.Outside ... A permanent magnet microwave ion source with adjustable magnetic field is developed at China Institute of Atomic Energy.The magnetic field in the region of ionization chamber is generated by permanent magnets.Outside the magnet,an iron yoke is installed to adjust the magnetic field,and the yoke can be adjusted easily by hands.With adjustable magnetic field,the ion source can be tuned into the optimized operational condition.From an aperture of 3mm in diameter,17mA hydrogen beam has been extracted. 展开更多
关键词 permanent magnet ion source adjustable magnetic field
Tuning crystal structure and magnetic property of dispersible FePt intermetallic nanoparticles 被引量:3
作者 Jing Yu Weiliang Gao +6 位作者 Fei Liu Yanmin Ju Fan Zhao Ziyu Yang Xin Chu Shenglei Che Yanglong Hou 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第7期961-968,共8页
Dispersible FePt intermetallic nanopartides (NPs) with tunable composition were synthesized by thermal annealing of MgO coated A1-FePt (or A1-FePt-Fe304) NPs followed by an acid treatment to remove MgO. High-tem- ... Dispersible FePt intermetallic nanopartides (NPs) with tunable composition were synthesized by thermal annealing of MgO coated A1-FePt (or A1-FePt-Fe304) NPs followed by an acid treatment to remove MgO. High-tem- perature annealing facilitates the conversion of FePt from disordered alloy to ordered intermetaUics. Under the protec- tion of MgO, the diffusion of Fe and Pt atoms was limited, making it possible for the atom reconstruction in the lattice to give discrete FePt intermetaUic NPs after a facile acid etching process. FePt intermetallic NPs formed face-centered cubic and face-centered tetragonal structures with their magnetic properties tuned by composition. The saturation magnetiza- tion was adjusted from 8 to 52 emu g^-1 by increasing the Fe concentration, while the coercivity reached a max/mum of 33 kOe when Fe concentration was 44%. After surface mod- ifications by hydrophilic or hydrophobic molecules containing thiol groups, FePt intermetallic NPs could be dissolved into water or hydrocarbon solvents. The hydrophilic L10-FePt in- termetallic NPs were applied as contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging, showing a high transverse relaxivity of 328.6 mmo1^-1 L s^-l, which indicated the great potential of FePt intermetallic NPs as molecular probes for cancer diagnosis. 展开更多
关键词 FePt intermetallic nanoparticles chemical ordering magnetic materials contrast agent
Topology optimization of magnetorheological smart materials included PnCs for tunable wide bandgap design 被引量:1
作者 Kuan Liang Jingjie He +1 位作者 Zhiyuan Jia Xiaopeng Zhang 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第3期94-106,I0003,共14页
Design and application of tunable phononic crystals(PnCs)are attracting increasing interest due to their promising capabilities to manipulate acoustic and elastic waves effectively.This paper investigates topology opt... Design and application of tunable phononic crystals(PnCs)are attracting increasing interest due to their promising capabilities to manipulate acoustic and elastic waves effectively.This paper investigates topology optimization of the magnetorheological(MR)materials including PnCs for opening the tunable and wide bandgaps.Therein,the bandgap tunability of the PnCs is achieved by shear modulus variation of MR materials under a continuously changing applied magnetic field.The pseudo elemental densities representing the bi-material distribution inside the PnC unit cell are taken as design variables and interpolated with an artificial MR penalization model.An aggregated bandgap index for enveloping the extreme values ofbandgap width and tunable range of the MR included smart PnCs is proposed as the objective function.In this context,the sensitivity analysis scheme is derived,and the optimization problem is solved with the gradient-based mathematical programming method.The effectiveness of the proposed optimization method is demonstrated by numerical examples,where the optimized solutions present tunable and stably wide bandgap characteristics under different magnetic fields.The tunable optimized PnCs based device that can provide a wider tunable bandgap range is also explored. 展开更多
关键词 Topology optimization Tunable bandgap Phononic crystals Magnetorheological material
Multiferroics and magnetoelectric effects in charge ordered compounds 被引量:1
作者 SUN Young YAN LiQin CONG JunZhuang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期222-231,共10页
The coexistence of magnetic ordering and ferroelectricity, ing on the origin of ferroelectricity, multiferroic materials known as multiferroics, has drawn a lot of research effort. Depend can be classified into differ... The coexistence of magnetic ordering and ferroelectricity, ing on the origin of ferroelectricity, multiferroic materials known as multiferroics, has drawn a lot of research effort. Depend can be classified into different groups. In this paper, we review re cent progress in the field of multiferroics induced by different forms of charge ordering. In addition to a general description of charge order and electronic ferroelectricity, we focus on two specific systems: (1) charge order with frustration in RFe2O4 (R=Lu, Yb) system; (2) charge ordered perovskite manganites of the type (R1-xCax)MnO3 (R=La, Pr). The charge ordering can be tuned by external electric fields, which results in pronounced magnetoelectric effects and strong dielectric tunability. Other materials and possible candidates with charge order induced multiferroics are also briefly summarized. 展开更多
关键词 MULTIFERROICS charge order magnetoelectric effects
Magnetically responsive photonic films with high tunability and stability 被引量:4
作者 Yongxing Hu Le He Xiaogang Han Mingsheng Wang Yadong Yin 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期611-620,共10页
We demonstrate the fabrication of magnetically assembled one-dimensional chain-like photonic nanostructures with significantly high photonic stability. The key lies in the use of agarose hydrogel to prevent coagulatio... We demonstrate the fabrication of magnetically assembled one-dimensional chain-like photonic nanostructures with significantly high photonic stability. The key lies in the use of agarose hydrogel to prevent coagulation of the magnetic assemblies. When exposed to an external magnetic field, negatively charged Fe3O4@SiO2 particles can effectively assemble in the hydrogel matrix into one- dimensional chains with internal periodicity and display a fast, fully reversible, and tunable photonic response to the changes in the external field. The steric hindrance and the hydrogen bonding from the agarose network effectively limit the migration of the Fe304@SiO2 particles and their chain-like assemblies. As a result, the system shows remarkable stability in photonic response under external magnetic fields of large gradients, something which has previously been a challenge. The ability to stabilize the magnetic particle assemblies over a long period represents a major stride toward practical applications of such field- responsive photonic materials. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic field hydrogel REVERSIBLE assembly photonic nanostructures COAGULATION
NiaSi2O5(OH)4 Multi-Walled Nanotubes with Tunable Magnetic Properties and Their Application as Anode Materials for Lithium Batteries 被引量:13
作者 Yan Yang Qingqin Liang +4 位作者 dinghong Li Yuan Zhuang Yunhua He Bo Bai Xun Wang 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第9期882-890,共9页
Highly crystalline and thermally stable pure multi-walled Ni3Si2O5(OH)4 nanotubes with a layered structure have been synthesized in water at a relatively low temperature of 200-210 ℃ using a facile and simple metho... Highly crystalline and thermally stable pure multi-walled Ni3Si2O5(OH)4 nanotubes with a layered structure have been synthesized in water at a relatively low temperature of 200-210 ℃ using a facile and simple method. The nickel ions between the layers could be reduced in situ to form size-tunable Ni nanocrystals, which endowed these nanotubes with tunable magnetic properties. Additionally, when used as the anode material in a lithium ion battery, the layered structure of the Ni3Si2O5(OH)4 nanotubes provided favorable transport kinetics for lithium ions and the discharge capacity reached 226.7 mA.h.g-1 after 21 cycles at a rate of 20 mA.g-1, Furthermore, after the nanotubes were calcined (600 ℃, 4 h) or reduced (180℃ 10 h), the corresponding discharge capacities increased to 277.2 mA.h.g-1 and 308.5 mA.h.g-1, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Silicate nanotubes Ni nanocrystals lithium battery magnetic properties
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