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作者 吕姝洁 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期94-101,共8页
在侵权法完全赔偿原则的影响下,关于故意的研究主要包含在过错问题中,涉及过错程度的研究较少。尤其在第三人侵害债权、纯粹经济利益损失等问题上,“故意”是否为要件仍存在不确定性。在责任范围上,“故意”在何种程度上影响责任范围,... 在侵权法完全赔偿原则的影响下,关于故意的研究主要包含在过错问题中,涉及过错程度的研究较少。尤其在第三人侵害债权、纯粹经济利益损失等问题上,“故意”是否为要件仍存在不确定性。在责任范围上,“故意”在何种程度上影响责任范围,也存在不确定性。侵权法关注行为人的道德可责性,故意正属于这一趋势的环节之一;且动态系统论等新理论对民法典的影响,需要梳理、分析故意在侵权法中的影响与作用。通过对英美法系和大陆法系关于故意对侵权损害赔偿责任认定和责任范围影响的情形的比较与分析,结合中国目前关于故意的相关法律规定和司法实践,探究故意在中国民法典话语体系下适用的路径。 展开更多
关键词 故意 任成立 任范围 道德可责 客观标准
侵权补充责任类型的反思与重定 被引量:25
作者 刘海安 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期121-131,共11页
我国民法上的现有侵权补充责任分为不作为补充责任、受益补充责任和监护、抚养补充责任三类。不作为补充责任的赞成理由并不妥当,非但如此,该种责任违背自己责任的理念,使当事人间的利害关系失衡,因而并不合理。适用补充责任,要求补充... 我国民法上的现有侵权补充责任分为不作为补充责任、受益补充责任和监护、抚养补充责任三类。不作为补充责任的赞成理由并不妥当,非但如此,该种责任违背自己责任的理念,使当事人间的利害关系失衡,因而并不合理。适用补充责任,要求补充责任人不具有一般可责性且受害人承担先究成本具有合理性,这使得监护、抚养补充责任失去其合理性。受益补充责任符合该要求,救助行为中的补充责任、个人帮工中的补充责任和紧急避险中的补充责任均是其体现。 展开更多
关键词 补充 不作为 受益 一般可责 先究成本 侵权任法
歧视可以“间接”吗?——对间接歧视可责性问题的分析 被引量:10
作者 金韬 《法制与社会发展》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期51-67,共17页
间接歧视离我们对歧视的日常理解较远,我们应将后果而非意图作为认定间接歧视的标准。禁止间接歧视在司法实践中遭遇了诸多挑战,这主要是因为我们难以说明这类歧视的可责性。"侵权法解释"和"分配正义解释"提供了两... 间接歧视离我们对歧视的日常理解较远,我们应将后果而非意图作为认定间接歧视的标准。禁止间接歧视在司法实践中遭遇了诸多挑战,这主要是因为我们难以说明这类歧视的可责性。"侵权法解释"和"分配正义解释"提供了两种不同的责任基础,但是它们都是片面的。"双层可责性理论"则提供了一幅完整的关于间接歧视可责性的图像,它能同时说明个体层面的可责性和结构层面的可责性。这两个层面的可责性以群体身份为连接纽带,间接歧视的可责性在两个层面之间双向动态循环,最终根源于群体之间不公正的社会结构。在间接歧视的情境中,尽管行为人同等对待了不同群体的成员,但是群体之间的不平等依然会导致相关行为产生具体损害。同时,受歧视者遭到的损害也进一步彰显并加固了不公正的社会结构。可责性问题与责任归属问题密切相关,由行为主体承担间接歧视的责任既是合理的,也是符合理性的。 展开更多
关键词 间接歧视 歧视意图 可责 反歧视法
生态环境损害适用惩罚性赔偿否定论 被引量:1
作者 刘倩 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期1032-1035,共4页
《民法典》规定了生态环境侵权的惩罚性赔偿制度,但该制度是否适用于生态环境损害存在争议。从必要性角度看,目前的生态环境损害赔偿与行政处罚相结合的方式与生态环境损害惩罚性赔偿存在功能重叠;从可行性角度看,生态环境损害行为的道... 《民法典》规定了生态环境侵权的惩罚性赔偿制度,但该制度是否适用于生态环境损害存在争议。从必要性角度看,目前的生态环境损害赔偿与行政处罚相结合的方式与生态环境损害惩罚性赔偿存在功能重叠;从可行性角度看,生态环境损害行为的道德可责性低,生态环境损害行为的“故意”难以认定。为避免制度重叠和适用的操作难题,生态环境损害不应适用惩罚性赔偿。 展开更多
关键词 生态环境损害 惩罚性赔偿 行政处罚 道德可责 故意
论犯罪的认识与评价标准 被引量:1
作者 张晶 解立 《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期103-108,共6页
人们对犯罪的认识是一个逐渐发展的过程,不同的时代、地域和文化,以及不同的政体对犯罪都有不同的认识与评价。可憎性、可责性和可罚性则是基于伦理学、社会学和法律学对犯罪特征的不同评价标准,同时,三者也存在着渐进性、包容性、循环... 人们对犯罪的认识是一个逐渐发展的过程,不同的时代、地域和文化,以及不同的政体对犯罪都有不同的认识与评价。可憎性、可责性和可罚性则是基于伦理学、社会学和法律学对犯罪特征的不同评价标准,同时,三者也存在着渐进性、包容性、循环性和互联性的关系。 展开更多
关键词 犯罪 可憎性 可责 可罚性
作者 刘亮 《呼伦贝尔学院学报》 2013年第2期80-83,共4页
城管执法过程中的违章停车不属于违法行政行为,也不同于一般的行政违法行为,虽然没有直接对公民权利义务作出非法处分,引起强烈的反弹,但城管作为与市民接触最为密切的行政机关之一,其行为直接关系到政府法制权威以及依法行政的落实,有... 城管执法过程中的违章停车不属于违法行政行为,也不同于一般的行政违法行为,虽然没有直接对公民权利义务作出非法处分,引起强烈的反弹,但城管作为与市民接触最为密切的行政机关之一,其行为直接关系到政府法制权威以及依法行政的落实,有必要对城管的违章停车行为进行深入的分析,更好地规避这类行为。 展开更多
关键词 城管执法 违章停车 可责 豁免权
作者 方加亮 《新乡师范高等专科学校学报》 2003年第4期13-15,共3页
在大陆法系国家,期待可能性理论对于犯罪的成立有着重大的意义,目前在其刑法理论中已处于通说地位。而在我国刑法理论中对此并无相应的概念。是否引进期待可能性理论,学界有不同的观点。本文在对期待可能性的理论渊源、地位的介绍分... 在大陆法系国家,期待可能性理论对于犯罪的成立有着重大的意义,目前在其刑法理论中已处于通说地位。而在我国刑法理论中对此并无相应的概念。是否引进期待可能性理论,学界有不同的观点。本文在对期待可能性的理论渊源、地位的介绍分析的基础上,对此进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 期待可能性 犯罪构成 可责 刑法理论体系
反思少年司法理论运用发展差异研究对科学和法律的影响 被引量:2
作者 杜文静(译) 《青少年犯罪问题》 2016年第2期105-120,共16页
美国联邦最高法院近期作出的三个少年司法判决采纳了发展差异研究学者提出的弱可责性模型,认为少年与成年的发展差异致使其具有较轻的可责性,进而推导出对少年犯罪采用弱报应模型,减轻对少年犯罪的处罚力度。首先,发展差异研究存在很多... 美国联邦最高法院近期作出的三个少年司法判决采纳了发展差异研究学者提出的弱可责性模型,认为少年与成年的发展差异致使其具有较轻的可责性,进而推导出对少年犯罪采用弱报应模型,减轻对少年犯罪的处罚力度。首先,发展差异研究存在很多方法论缺陷。其次,弱报应模型仍以报应论作为刑罚的依据。而报应论把犯人视为具有固化坏品质的自主个体,他们有意识地选择违法,因此罪有应得。但这一人类行为模型严重脱离了行为科学、神经生理学、临床科学等领域的最新发展成果,即人类行为的生理心理社会学模型认为人类行为受多重因素影响,并且不断发展变化。少年司法及刑事司法哲学应该放弃报应论,转向以多种科学理论为支撑的结果主义司法惩罚理论。 展开更多
关键词 发展差异研究 可责 报应 后果主义 少年司法
算法的伦理问题及其解决进路 被引量:72
作者 刘培 池忠军 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期118-125,共8页
算法作为强大的参与者介入甚至主导人类社会各领域。然而,日益复杂且自主的算法引发了透明性、公平性、算法歧视、自主性、隐私安全以及可责性等诸多伦理问题。从解决算法伦理问题的内部进路看,至少有算法的伦理设计和应用范围限定两种... 算法作为强大的参与者介入甚至主导人类社会各领域。然而,日益复杂且自主的算法引发了透明性、公平性、算法歧视、自主性、隐私安全以及可责性等诸多伦理问题。从解决算法伦理问题的内部进路看,至少有算法的伦理设计和应用范围限定两种方式;从解决算法伦理问题的外部进路看,应该注重设计者的伦理责任与多领域合作、鼓励公众参与算法设计以及对算法进行监管。只有采取切实有效的措施解决算法的伦理问题,才能走向公平、透明、负责任的算法。 展开更多
关键词 算法歧视 自主性 可责 透明性 伦理
作者 洪珊珊 林曦 《福建警察学院学报》 2022年第2期69-77,共9页
舆论场域信息失真是社会治理的重要命题,对散布谣言的行为进行治安查处是公权力介入治理的重要方式。《治安管理处罚法》以简单描述的方式规定了散布谣言的违法行为,而其具体内涵和本质属性皆属法律空白。治安处罚中的谣言认定应满足事... 舆论场域信息失真是社会治理的重要命题,对散布谣言的行为进行治安查处是公权力介入治理的重要方式。《治安管理处罚法》以简单描述的方式规定了散布谣言的违法行为,而其具体内涵和本质属性皆属法律空白。治安处罚中的谣言认定应满足事实层面的言论虚假性以及价值层面的可责性。言论虚假性的评价对象应限定为陈述性言论,事实符合论与科学认识论可成为虚假性审查的重要工具;价值可责性既包括处罚必要性的参考要件,也包括处罚幅度的参考要件。在谣言案件查处中,公安机关应兼顾正义与效益、平衡自由与秩序、实现风险控制与人权保障,根据案件查处的不同阶段,分次序、有重点地完成审查工作,建立起一套相对完备的谣言案件查处的科学流程。 展开更多
关键词 治安案件查处 谣言 事实符合论 科学认识论 可责
作者 段月德 《早期教育(幼教·教育教学)》 1999年第9期27-27,共1页
科学进餐,对于儿童健康和发育都至关重要。不过,科学进餐的“道道”不少,家长应注意帮孩子把好关。 进餐前 不要让孩子大量饮水,以免冲淡胃液,影响食物消化。不要让孩子吃零食,饭前吃了零食,吃饭时饭菜就不香了,影响食欲。饭前不可责骂... 科学进餐,对于儿童健康和发育都至关重要。不过,科学进餐的“道道”不少,家长应注意帮孩子把好关。 进餐前 不要让孩子大量饮水,以免冲淡胃液,影响食物消化。不要让孩子吃零食,饭前吃了零食,吃饭时饭菜就不香了,影响食欲。饭前不可责骂孩子,不良情绪会使孩子胃口大减。 展开更多
关键词 零食 食物 免冲 可责 儿童健康 胃液 血液供应 营养素缺乏症 直丝 进餐时间
检察机关开展行刑反向衔接范围探讨 被引量:1
作者 杨宽 《中国检察官》 2024年第11期65-68,共4页
行刑反向衔接是行政检察承担的一项新的职能,实践中对其范围存在难以把握的情形,需要从行刑反向衔接的本质出发予以精准界定。行刑反向衔接是一个多元共治的体系,检察机关是其中的一个环节,在刑事司法机关之间划分行刑反向衔接职能的标... 行刑反向衔接是行政检察承担的一项新的职能,实践中对其范围存在难以把握的情形,需要从行刑反向衔接的本质出发予以精准界定。行刑反向衔接是一个多元共治的体系,检察机关是其中的一个环节,在刑事司法机关之间划分行刑反向衔接职能的标准是由作出实体终局决定的机关承担行刑反向衔接职能。检察机关开展行刑反向衔接是将案件移送行政机关并表达法律观点,并无对行政机关的责难。对于不起诉案件中的关联违法行为,不应纳入行刑反向衔接范围。对于不起诉的涉嫌犯罪行为损害公益符合检察行政公益诉讼范围的情形,应作为行刑反向衔接案件办理。 展开更多
关键词 行刑反向衔接范围 检察意见 可责
Bottom-Up or Top-Down: Which Is the Best Approach to Improve CSR and Sustainability in Local Contexts? Reflections From Italian Experiences 被引量:1
作者 Mara Del Baldo Paola Demartini 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第3期381-400,共20页
This paper reflects on the theme of sustainability and territorial social responsibility, which, in this context, is defined as a pathway promoted by a plurality of public and private actors, for- and non-profit, who ... This paper reflects on the theme of sustainability and territorial social responsibility, which, in this context, is defined as a pathway promoted by a plurality of public and private actors, for- and non-profit, who find that social cohesion and the relationships that are cultivated in the place from which these diverse "protagonists" come, are the drivers in the construction of shared territorial governance. The efficacy of such processes in the local context (communal, provincial, and regional) is predicated on the culture and on the values that the diverse, networked stakeholders-actors accumulate in their territory (meso level). In developing this theme, the paper is divided into several parts. The first part describes the theoretical context, which is illustrated by an enumeration of experiences realized at the local level in Italy. We then focus our analysis on the experience of territorial govemance promoted in the Marches Region. This project was selected as a case study, because it is emblematic of the Italian context; the territory is characterized by the diffuse presence of small businesses in the soeio-economic fabric and by the proactive role of the local government. The case allows us to evaluate this paper's fundamental proposition, that the policies of the European Commission [EC] and the Government of Italy for promoting Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability are not concretely effective when they are not fostered by regional authorities together with local private actors. Furthermore, public initiatives, to be effective, should take into consideration the influence of local culture, the social milieu, and economic factors shaping the environment in which public-private networks arise. 展开更多
关键词 corporate social responsibility (CSR) small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) SUSTAINABILITY regional network territorial responsibility territorial governance
A Spatio-Temporal Odyssey Around the Concepts of Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility: Boundaries to Be Determined?
作者 Azzedine Tounes Wafa Chakroun Fafani Gribaa 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第10期1158-1168,共11页
The aim of this research is to analyze the emergence of the concepts of sustainable development (SD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in companies in time and space. A spatio-temporal reading will indicat... The aim of this research is to analyze the emergence of the concepts of sustainable development (SD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in companies in time and space. A spatio-temporal reading will indicate the most important socio-political and environmental events that have emerged with these two concepts. In order to complete the odyssey, a spatio-temporal analysis has retraced the epistemological evolution of these latter, whilst at the same time remarking the appropriation that has been made by the different institutional and organizational actors. The historical and epistemological reviews tell us that these two concepts, which came into existence almost 80 years, have indefinite outlines; one can be substituted for the other. However, thanks to this odyssey, we have reduced the boundaries even further between sustainable development and social responsibility and shown their theoretic and historical association. The perspective adopted shows that the concept of corporate social responsibility is closely connected to that of sustainable development. This connection means that researchers in management science are faced with more new problem issues reaching further than the simple lack of conceptual consensuses. 展开更多
关键词 corporate social responsibility eco-development spatio-temporal analysis sustainable development
Sustainable Waterfront Development-A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt 被引量:1
《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第4期380-394,共15页
Sustainable waterfront development is about creating a vision for an area and then deploying the skills and resources to realize it after involving a dialogue with the customer within an area. Also, it draws together ... Sustainable waterfront development is about creating a vision for an area and then deploying the skills and resources to realize it after involving a dialogue with the customer within an area. Also, it draws together many strands of place making such as environmental responsibility, social equity and economic viability, planning and transportation policy, architectural design into the creation of places of beauty and distinct identity. The development of waterfronts shapes communities around the water bodies and reflects the ability of cities to adapt to altered economic and social circumstances. The aim of this paper is to identify some approaches for applying sustainable waterfront development. By respecting the quality of life and defining sustainability in a broader context, a case will he made for enhancing the waterfront development, through the place making criteria, analyzing the Bahary waterfront in Alexandria, Egypt. The paper concludes some recommendations to develop Bahary waterfront based on the principles that are collected from the theoretical study in order to well design a waterfront responded to the wishes of the community. 展开更多
关键词 Place making quality of life Bahary sustainable waterfront development.
Sustainability: Corporate Responsibility for the Future Classroom
作者 Jeremy Cripps 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第9期1235-1245,共11页
The machinery, equipment, inventory, and other assets of the 21 st century company without people to work them. Corporations, by leave of the accounting profession, have no real economic value continue to omit the val... The machinery, equipment, inventory, and other assets of the 21 st century company without people to work them. Corporations, by leave of the accounting profession, have no real economic value continue to omit the value of human. And yet, there is a growing realization that people represent the largest proportion of corporate productive capacity relative to the current assets and fixed assets shown in corporate financial statements. This paper provides research on the top 50 of the Fortune 500 companies which confirm this material deficiency. There is a need to provide stakeholders with a "fair" knowledge of the value of corporate human capital to provide a higher standard of transparency and accountability in international financial reporting and to provide the basis for research into the sustainability and potential expansion of growth in the world economy. An appropriate standard for the valuation of human capital will provide the knowledge base for effective and efficient investment in human capital. Effective and efficient investment will be particularly valuable for governments and service industries and for those who wish to promote growth in Europe. Indeed, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is questioning the veracity of financial statements which fail to include "the most valuable" of corporate assets in their financial statements. Recently, the OECD has noted that human capital may be measurable "by the output potential of specific competencies"; "the fruits of (corporate) investment"; the objective measurement of the market "rental" price of human capital; and lastly, perhaps self-evident when it comes to physical capital, the output potential of corporate investment in their human capital inventory. This paper considers the conditions in the context of literature which reassesses theory and assumptions which have been made on the valuation of human capital. Human capital is a pre-requisite for tangible assets to be productive. The valuation of human capital will trigger the same sort of activity-based analysis of people power as computers brought to cost accounting. The knowledge century analysis of people power will take off when human capital is at last included in the list of assets on the corporate balance sheet. 展开更多
关键词 human capital human competence asset valuation measuring knowledge
Reflections on the Connotations of Ecotourism
作者 Zhang Meng Yuan Jun Wu Zhengzheng 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第2期67-70,共4页
As the most desirable option for sustainable development of tourism industry, ecotourism still suffers from lack of a clear-cut and widely accepted definition, posing many risks and threats in its practices. Based on ... As the most desirable option for sustainable development of tourism industry, ecotourism still suffers from lack of a clear-cut and widely accepted definition, posing many risks and threats in its practices. Based on collection and collation of various concepts and explanations of ecotourism both at home and abroad, this paper reflects on the current connotations of ecotourism in terms of four aspects, namely, objects of ecotourism, ecotourists, nature of ecotourism as well as the relationship between ecotourism and communities. In-depth analysis was performed in an effort to revise the misinterpretation of ecotourism and provide implications for ecotourism initiatives. The main conclusions and fruits of this article include: 1) The objects of eeotourism should go beyond natural, pristine, or even only primitive natural areas to including cultural resources together with their natural context which also deserve preservation. 2) Tourism operators, compared to tourists, have more leverage and hence should shoulder more responsibilities for conservation. 3) Ecotourism should serve as a principle to guide tourism initiatives towards sustainability, rather than merely a special tour package. 4) The theoretic foundation was laid for community participation in ecotourism. 展开更多
Corporate Social Responsibility: An Analysis on Consumer Perception
作者 Flavio Boccia Virginia Samo 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第9期1119-1125,共7页
The purpose of this paper is to consider and analyze the profile of modem consumer (careful to consequences of its purchasing decisions in terms of social, ethical and environmental aspects), in order to identify th... The purpose of this paper is to consider and analyze the profile of modem consumer (careful to consequences of its purchasing decisions in terms of social, ethical and environmental aspects), in order to identify the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for consumer through a study on critical, ethical and responsible purchase of food products. The problem is investigated empirically through a choice experiment method, which is a stated preference method based on a household survey, and through the analysis of the survey on consumer perception. In the food industry, the choice of goods and services requires the consumer decisions that seem to be increasingly dependent on factors not attributable only to the quality/price relationship, instead, they also involve issues directly related to ethics, environment and protection of labor. Today, companies do not limit themselves to undertake CSR, but often they choose to bring the stakeholders aware of such conduct, in an attempt to improve corporate reputation and business results. Therefore, it is to outline a synergy between companies' businesses and consumer's choice. The findings are based on data from an Italian region, and as such are not directly extendable elsewhere, although they may result to be of interest to other industrialized areas. The paper offers a comprehensive view of relationship between consumers and theme of social responsibility, and how they interface with firms (especially agri-food big companies) and their products; role that CSR plays in relation to the impact it can have on the consumption of food products from buyers; importance that the consumer gives to CSR when purchasing a food product and consumers' receptiveness towards sustainable strategies; knowledge degree of particular food categories; consumer willingness to purchase ethically oriented companies' products. 展开更多
Sustainable Data Analytics for Environmental Performance Monitoring in Dynamic Supply Chain Infrastructure
作者 Eugene Wong Tony Wines Serena Li 《Management Studies》 2017年第6期483-492,共10页
The increase in climate change raises the awareness of societal stakeholders to act as key-drivers in motivating and pushing corporations to monitor their sustainability data transparency, analyse their operations per... The increase in climate change raises the awareness of societal stakeholders to act as key-drivers in motivating and pushing corporations to monitor their sustainability data transparency, analyse their operations performance, and improve their operations related to environment, social governance, and corporate social responsibility. This paper evaluates the current importance of the societal stakeholders that impact the compliance of companies towards these environmental, social and governance practices in their supply chain operations. The latest review on the sustainability reporting and its data analytics are carried out, followed by a review of the development of a sustainability reporting and data analytics model, including sustainability software and online platforms in facilitating and supporting supply chain practitioners in their decision-making process. The model has been further developed as a dashboard and applied to a maritime supply chain firm. A case analysis has been conducted to illustrate the importance of analytics data in supporting complex decision-making process. Additional intelligent data analytics functionalities are recommended as future development for the sustainability reporting and data analytics dashboard in supply chain operations. 展开更多
关键词 sustainability reporting supply chain management global reporting initiative corporate socialresponsibility
Themes in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Rural Development Thinking: 1950s-2000s
作者 Fuad Madarisa 《Sociology Study》 2013年第8期580-587,共8页
This paper describes a brief overview of both corporate social responsibilities (CSR) and rural development (RD) ideas since the last 50 years. It aims at comparing and contrasting the both (CSR and RD) thoughts... This paper describes a brief overview of both corporate social responsibilities (CSR) and rural development (RD) ideas since the last 50 years. It aims at comparing and contrasting the both (CSR and RD) thoughts, and searches an initiative to expand the sustainable development achievement. Using secondary data from libraries studies, the progress of each thought will be identified to find out its advantages and weaknesses. Then, the result showed that the timeline perspectives come up with the conjunction idea of sustainability. In order to be more sustainable in development, then, the idea of CSR--as a tool for gaining sustainability in RD--should be transformed into "social business" approach. Here, there is a change in the time of taking decision about profit from "the last to the first". The paper contains four sub-topics: (1) definition and progress of CSR; (2) change in RD themes; (3) CSR, RD and social business; and (4) transformation of CSR to social business. The process of transformation from CSR to social business should include following agenda: (1) tailoring public-private partnerships to the local context; (2) providing resources, horizon and commitment; and (3) encouraging further innovation. This new position requires a shift in corporate law as well as establishing good corporate governance. 展开更多
关键词 Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) rural development (RD) social business
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