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台湾山地的雨影效应及其表现 被引量:1
作者 谢皎如 方祖光 《台湾海峡》 CAS CSCD 1993年第2期152-159,共8页
关键词 雨影效应 冬季风 夏季风 台湾山地
日本殖民控制下台湾山地的“换蕃”变迁(1895—1929) 被引量:2
作者 张振楠 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期64-72,共9页
“换蕃”通常指台湾少数民族将采集、猎取的山林物资与商人或政府提供的商品进行交换的行为。“换蕃”由来已久,在台湾山地社会生活中发挥着十分重要的作用。日据初期,为稳定山地治安和收集“蕃社”情报,抚垦署利用“换蕃”“抚育”台... “换蕃”通常指台湾少数民族将采集、猎取的山林物资与商人或政府提供的商品进行交换的行为。“换蕃”由来已久,在台湾山地社会生活中发挥着十分重要的作用。日据初期,为稳定山地治安和收集“蕃社”情报,抚垦署利用“换蕃”“抚育”台湾少数民族。随着殖民压迫的加重,殖民当局对台湾少数民族进行“换蕃”控制,打击汉人通事主导的“蕃产”走私,并最终将“换蕃”收归官营。武力征服山地后,殖民当局利用多样化的“换蕃”形式辅助“同化”台湾少数民族,将其日常生活纳入殖民地经济体系当中。“换蕃”的变迁具有相当明显的象征意义,深刻反映了总督府“理蕃”政策的扩张性和殖民控制的强制性。 展开更多
关键词 日据时期 台湾山地 “换蕃” 殖民控制
日据时期殖民当局对中国台湾山地社会的枪支管制述论 被引量:1
作者 张振楠 《台湾历史研究》 2023年第2期43-52,共10页
19世纪末,枪支在中国台湾山地社会中扮演着重要的角色,是山地少数民族狩猎、御敌、举行仪式和汉人通事巩固自身地位的重要工具。日本窃据中国台湾后,殖民当局为了侵占中国台湾山地空间和资源,建立新的殖民秩序,尝试对中国台湾山地社会... 19世纪末,枪支在中国台湾山地社会中扮演着重要的角色,是山地少数民族狩猎、御敌、举行仪式和汉人通事巩固自身地位的重要工具。日本窃据中国台湾后,殖民当局为了侵占中国台湾山地空间和资源,建立新的殖民秩序,尝试对中国台湾山地社会的枪支、弹药进行管制和收缴。以佐久间"理番五年计划"的开展为分界线,殖民当局前期的枪支管制主要依靠政策导向下的取缔枪支走私,而后期则转向武力征讨下的完全收缴。枪支收缴一定程度上为殖民当局的"理番"打开局面,但中国台湾山地社会传统的生产、生活方式随之遭到破坏,山地少数民族情感在枪支收缴过程中亦遭受极大伤害。这些直接导致中国台湾山地社会此后"番害"和汉"番"联合抗日事件频发,并最终爆发了更大规模的"雾社事件"。 展开更多
关键词 日据时期 枪支管制 中国台湾山地少数民族
作者 程振琇 《农业现代化研究》 1987年第3期60-62,共3页
台湾地狭人稠,四周环海,中央山脉纵贯全岛南北,全省有三分之二的土地是海拔100—3500米的山区。目前每平方公里的人口密度是528人,平地人口密度高达千人以上。在人口膨胀,工商业不断发展的情况下,开发利用山坡土地资源,势在必行。三十... 台湾地狭人稠,四周环海,中央山脉纵贯全岛南北,全省有三分之二的土地是海拔100—3500米的山区。目前每平方公里的人口密度是528人,平地人口密度高达千人以上。在人口膨胀,工商业不断发展的情况下,开发利用山坡土地资源,势在必行。三十多年来,台湾山坡地的开发利用,取得了很好的成效,积累了许多经验与教训,值得我们借鉴与参考。 展开更多
关键词 山坡地 农牧 开发利用 台湾山地 山边沟 山地开发 果树 水土保持效果 夏季蔬菜 中央山脉
作者 张正田 《龙岩学院学报》 2018年第3期14-20,共7页
清康熙收复台湾两岸一统,以闽客为主各籍汉人不断移民台湾,也造成汉人与台湾少数民族间利益矛盾争战不断,故从清康熙到乾隆为避免民族间族际之争,曾数次用"人为政治界线"如"土牛红线"等阻止汉人"越界扰番"... 清康熙收复台湾两岸一统,以闽客为主各籍汉人不断移民台湾,也造成汉人与台湾少数民族间利益矛盾争战不断,故从清康熙到乾隆为避免民族间族际之争,曾数次用"人为政治界线"如"土牛红线"等阻止汉人"越界扰番"。然任何"人为政治界线"实挡不住大时代潮流,汉人陆续开垦也造成民族间情感隔膜,隔绝达三百年。然至今日才约一百年演变,再经过现代的校园与社会教育后,汉人与台湾山地少数民族已可放下原先的民族情感隔膜而"融和",则世上任何所谓族际间之隔膜,或有可解之道。 展开更多
关键词 台湾苗栗 台湾客家人 土牛红线 台湾山地少数民族 历史地理
作者 林长华 《华人时刊》 2003年第2期14-14,共1页
曾有一首歌唱遍大江南北,让众多炎黄子孙为之动容,潸然泪下。曾有一部电视剧在央视黄金时段播出,令无数观众如痴如醉,回味无穷。歌与电视剧的名字叫《牵手》。 原来,这是借用闽南、粤东和台湾民间古往相通的语汇,人们对外介绍自己的配... 曾有一首歌唱遍大江南北,让众多炎黄子孙为之动容,潸然泪下。曾有一部电视剧在央视黄金时段播出,令无数观众如痴如醉,回味无穷。歌与电视剧的名字叫《牵手》。 原来,这是借用闽南、粤东和台湾民间古往相通的语汇,人们对外介绍自己的配偶称之“牵手”,甚至未婚情人也不例外。不过,闽南、粤东如今已希闻其言,而台湾至今一直在深情地延用着。“珠影”在闽南拍摄的故事片《寡妇村》中的对白就多次出现“牵手”。这真是一种诗意盎然的称呼! 展开更多
关键词 台湾高山族 电视剧 台湾山地 汉族人 诗意盎然 闽南方言 “爱人” 《还珠格格》 象征意义 故事片
作者 沙旭升 《中州统战》 1998年第5期44-44,共1页
碧波清弘日月潭沙旭升赴台湾之前我就有一个愿望,一定要去领略一下日月潭的秀奇风光。离开台中市的前一天,我一大早乘车直奔南投县埔里,然后转乘往水里的汽车直达日月潭。到达日月潭车站已是上午10点多钟了。走出车站前行,绕过一... 碧波清弘日月潭沙旭升赴台湾之前我就有一个愿望,一定要去领略一下日月潭的秀奇风光。离开台中市的前一天,我一大早乘车直奔南投县埔里,然后转乘往水里的汽车直达日月潭。到达日月潭车站已是上午10点多钟了。走出车站前行,绕过一个U形大弯上坡,忽然眼界开朗,一潭... 展开更多
关键词 玄奘大师 历史文献记载 内供奉 古典式建筑 抗日战争胜利后 青龙山 台湾山地 台湾 旅游码头 分成两部分
FLO-2D Simulation of Mudflow Caused by Large Landslide Due to Extremely Heavy Rainfall in Southeastern Taiwan during Typhoon Morakot 被引量:16
作者 PENG Szu-Hsien LU Shih-Chung 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期207-218,共12页
Daniau Village in Daniau Creek Watershed, Taitung County, Taiwan, sustained damages from landslides and mudflows during Typhoon Morakot in 2009. The purpose of this study is to adopt the FLO-2D numerical model recogni... Daniau Village in Daniau Creek Watershed, Taitung County, Taiwan, sustained damages from landslides and mudflows during Typhoon Morakot in 2009. The purpose of this study is to adopt the FLO-2D numerical model recognized by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to simulate the mudflow, and the Daniau Village was used as a case study, along with rainfall and digital terrain data for this simulation. On the basis of sediment yields, the residual sediment volume in the landslide area was determined to be 33,276 ma by comparison of digital elevation models (DEMs) and by using the universal soil loss equation (USLE). In addition, this study performed a hydrological frequency analysis of rainfall to estimate the flow discharge as conditions of the simulation. Results of disaster surveys were collected to compare with outputs of the numerical model. Results of the simulation conducted with FLO- 2D indicated that if the countermeasure was not destroyed, the drainage work would function without overflow. This study aimed to review the effectiveness of eountermeasure on the basis of simulation results obtained by using the model to provide references for future disaster prevention and resident evacuation plans. 展开更多
关键词 Typhoon Morakot LANDSLIDE Sedimentdisaster FLO-2D
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping by Using Landslide RatioBased Logistic Regression:A Case Study in the Southern Taiwan
作者 WU Chun-Hung 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期721-736,共16页
The object of the research is to compare the model performance and explain the error source of original logistic regression landslide susceptibility model(abbreviated as or-LRLSM) and landslide ratio-based logistic re... The object of the research is to compare the model performance and explain the error source of original logistic regression landslide susceptibility model(abbreviated as or-LRLSM) and landslide ratio-based logistic regression landslide susceptibility model(abbreviated as lr-LRLSM) in the Chishan watershed with a serious landslide disaster after 2009 Typhoon Morakot. The landslide inventory induced by 2009 Typhoon Morakot in South Taiwan is the main research material, while the Chishan watershed is the research area. Six variables, including elevation, slope, aspect, geological formation, accumulated rainfall, and bank erosion, were included in the two models. The performance of lr-LRLSM is better than that of or-LRLSM. The Cox & Snell R2, Nagelkerke R2 value, and the area under the relative operating characteristic curve(abbreviated as AUC) of lrLRLSM is larger than those of or-LRLSM, and the average correct ratio for the lr-LRLSM to predict landslide or non-landslide is larger than that of orLRLSM by 5.0%. The increase of the average correct ratio(abbreviated as ACR) difference from or-LRLSM to lr-LRLSM shows in slope, revised accumulated rainfall, aspect, geological formation and bank erosion variables, and only light decreases in elevation variable. The error sources of continuous variables in building the or-LRLSM is the dissimilarity between the distribution of landslide ratio and production of coefficient and characteristic values, while those of categorical variables is due to low correlation of landslide ratio and the coefficient value of each parameter. Using the classification of landslide ratio as the database to build logistic regression landslide susceptibility model(abbreviated as LRLSM) can revise the errors. The comparison of or-LRLSM and lr-LRLSM in the Chishan watershed also shows that building the landslide susceptibility model(abbreviated as LSM) by using lr-LRLSM is practical and of better performance than that by using the or-LRLSM. 展开更多
关键词 Logistic regression Landslidesusceptibility Landslide ratio Chishan watershed Typhoon Morakot
Model Analysis of Smoke Control in Long Tunnel: Findings from Hsueh-Shan Tunnel Accident in Taiwan
作者 Yi-Hong Chang Chen-Wei Chiu Chi-Min Shu 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第2期232-245,共14页
The common properties of risk in long tunnel fires are high temperature, extreme difficulty of evacuation, rescue urgency and obstacle to rescue operation. Therefore, a complete ventilation design is an indispensable ... The common properties of risk in long tunnel fires are high temperature, extreme difficulty of evacuation, rescue urgency and obstacle to rescue operation. Therefore, a complete ventilation design is an indispensable safety measure. Hsueh-Shan Tunnel is the longest in Taiwan, the fifth longest in the world. On May 7, 2012, a serious tunnel fire caused two deaths and numerous victims suffered from smoke inhalation injury. Apart from this, there was smoking entering the cross-passages and shafts which were important for evacuation. In this research, the current ventilation system in Hsueh-Shan Tunnel was simulated with FDS (fire dynamics simulator) software, and the statistics of smoke, visibility and temperature profile were analyzed. The results of this research showed that, with the current ventilation system, the time was shorter and the distance was longer for the smoke spreading windward than in other models. Furthermore, the visibility of windward victims was more affected and the temperature above the fire source was higher than those in other systems. When the wind speed in tunnel is within 2.0-4.0 m/s, the condition for turning off the ventilation fan within 250 m upwind from the fire source can be prominently reduced to 50 m upwind from the fire source. This not only could avoid plume disturbance but also could be maintained. If victims' evacuation should be given the highest priority, it is recommended to straightly activate the maximum power of the fan. 展开更多
关键词 Long tunnel fires ventilation system VISIBILITY plume disturbance victims' evacuation.
作者 武凯 《音乐天地》 1999年第3期36-36,共1页
高胜美在中国内地刚开始火爆的时候,正是中国流行音乐处于转型期的时候,而那时中国唱片市场的盗版和现在一样大肆横行,高胜美、龙飘飘等抒情风格偏于柔性的女歌手成为那时大街小巷四处流行泛滥的乐坛偶像并被疯狂的盗版。在中国的唱片业... 高胜美在中国内地刚开始火爆的时候,正是中国流行音乐处于转型期的时候,而那时中国唱片市场的盗版和现在一样大肆横行,高胜美、龙飘飘等抒情风格偏于柔性的女歌手成为那时大街小巷四处流行泛滥的乐坛偶像并被疯狂的盗版。在中国的唱片业,这是无法回避的事实,盗版成就了炒红了很多歌手,随着时间、环境、潮流的改变。 展开更多
关键词 台湾山地 山地少数民族 抒情风格 中国内地 流行音乐 转型期 盗版 《阿姐鼓》 女歌手 唱片
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