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气象台站网布局优化研究综述 被引量:12
作者 程勇 杨玲 +3 位作者 行鸿彦 王伟 王峰 周勇 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第6期511-518,共8页
气象台站网的布局优化可以提高气象台站观测资料的代表性、准确性和可比较性.简述了气象台站网布局优化方法的国内外研究进展,讨论了气象台站网布局优化方法的关键技术和存在的问题,重点介绍和分析了利用线性内插法、最优内插法、信息... 气象台站网的布局优化可以提高气象台站观测资料的代表性、准确性和可比较性.简述了气象台站网布局优化方法的国内外研究进展,讨论了气象台站网布局优化方法的关键技术和存在的问题,重点介绍和分析了利用线性内插法、最优内插法、信息论法、因子分析法和经验模式法来进行气象台站网的布局优化,总结了这些方法的可行性.结合气象业务需求变化,提出了气象台站网布局优化方法的改进方向. 展开更多
关键词 气象台站网 布局优化:最优插值
基于GIS的中国地面气象台站网 被引量:4
作者 曾燕 邱新法 刘明丽 《气象科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期338-342,共5页
本文利用地理信息系统的空间数据管理、分析和制图等功能 ,分别将我国的国界、省界、县界、县城位置和全国 16 0个标准气象站、194个公开气象站、4 79个内部气象站及“92 10”工程的 2 5 13个气象站的有关信息加载到地理信息系统中 ,并... 本文利用地理信息系统的空间数据管理、分析和制图等功能 ,分别将我国的国界、省界、县界、县城位置和全国 16 0个标准气象站、194个公开气象站、4 79个内部气象站及“92 10”工程的 2 5 13个气象站的有关信息加载到地理信息系统中 ,并以不同的图层分别进行管理 ,建立了全国气象台站网信息库 ,为利用地理信息系统进行有关大气科学、环境科学及其它相关科学研究提供了基础信息 。 展开更多
关键词 地球信息系统 地面气象台站网 GIS 文件格式 气象信息
GPS台站网在新世纪中的应用前景 被引量:5
作者 周兴华 赵吉先 黄长军 《全球定位系统》 2005年第6期56-59,共4页
关键词 台站网 RTK 虚拟参考站系统 单参考站系统 GPS气象学
上海市VRS GPS台站网系统应用与管理 被引量:7
作者 季善标 《城市勘测》 2007年第5期12-14,共3页
详细介绍上海VRS GPS台站网建设和应用状况,提出了针对商业服务的VRS GPS台站网系统服务与管理措施,对VRS GPS台站网系统的建设和管理具有一定的参考意义。
关键词 VRS GPS 台站网
作者 陆建华 程效军 《现代测绘》 2008年第6期11-12,共2页
本文在分析GPS RTK定位工作模式的基础上,以苏州市为研究对象,讨论了"多对多"模式GPS台站网系统设计,研究了相应的操作规程,并进行了该模式下的定位试验,对定位结果的精度进行了分析,最后给出了结论。
关键词 “多对多”模式 RTK GPS台站网 数据链
USB接口通信控制卡在地震前兆台站(网)的应用 被引量:2
作者 赵刚 何案华 《地震地磁观测与研究》 2004年第6期105-108,共4页
关键词 USB 通信控制 地震前兆台站()
作者 林贤恩 《江西测绘》 2009年第1期31-33,共3页
关键词 台站网 虚拟参考站 单参考站系统 应用前景展望 GPS气象局
作者 肖佩 刘云腾 +2 位作者 吕用洋 余永福 李学明 《农业灾害研究》 2024年第7期197-199,共3页
关键词 气象台站网 布局优化 插值
华南5—6月降水量场统计特征与站网关系 被引量:4
作者 陈长胜 杨琼 +1 位作者 林开平 王盘兴 《南京气象学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期353-357,共5页
由华南区15、42个测站构成了相互独立的低、高密度两种站网。用1958—2000年5—6月逐日降水资料,分析了两种站网华南前汛期降水量场特征的异同。统计表明:1)两种站网给出的华南区域平均季、月降水量无显著差异,候、日降水量有显著差异;2... 由华南区15、42个测站构成了相互独立的低、高密度两种站网。用1958—2000年5—6月逐日降水资料,分析了两种站网华南前汛期降水量场特征的异同。统计表明:1)两种站网给出的华南区域平均季、月降水量无显著差异,候、日降水量有显著差异;2)两种站网给出的逐日气候及其异常场均存在显著差异。 展开更多
关键词 华南 降水 时间尺度 空间分布 台站网
城市地下管线普查工作流程及新技术思路探讨 被引量:3
作者 查宁 罗军荣 《科技资讯》 2015年第20期97-98,共2页
城市综合地下管线普查作为数字城市的基础性数据保障,对城市的信息化建设起着至关重要的作用。该研究针对笔者参与的某测区地下管线普查的相关工作实践,提出了一套地下管线普查的工作流程,并详细探讨了一些新技术方法:VRS多功能GPS台站... 城市综合地下管线普查作为数字城市的基础性数据保障,对城市的信息化建设起着至关重要的作用。该研究针对笔者参与的某测区地下管线普查的相关工作实践,提出了一套地下管线普查的工作流程,并详细探讨了一些新技术方法:VRS多功能GPS台站网、多种探测方法合理运用、嵌入系统PDA技术的具体应用思路。 展开更多
关键词 地下管线 工作流程 VRS多功能GPS台站网 嵌入式系统PDA
作者 任志杰 张影 王邦中 《气象科技进展》 2023年第6期76-80,共5页
东北地区解放后,气象事业百废待兴,东北气象教育培训在弥补空白中探索起步,立足需求开办短期训练班,为恢复和组建东北地区气象台站网提供了人才支撑。抗美援朝战争爆发后,因军事对气象保障的迫切需求,气象业务发展迅速,气象人才缺乏问... 东北地区解放后,气象事业百废待兴,东北气象教育培训在弥补空白中探索起步,立足需求开办短期训练班,为恢复和组建东北地区气象台站网提供了人才支撑。抗美援朝战争爆发后,因军事对气象保障的迫切需求,气象业务发展迅速,气象人才缺乏问题格外突显,在中央军委气象局的统一部署下,东北军区司令部气象处气象训练队有序开办,东北气象教育培训迎来空前发展。 展开更多
关键词 气象教育培训 东北军区 气象事业 气象保障 抗美援朝战争 气象业务 气象台站网 新中国成立前后
作者 姜效泉 向晋良 徐鹏炜 《地理与地理信息科学》 1986年第2期45-48,33,共5页
在浙江省“七山一水二分田”的土地结构中,海拔高度在200米以上的气象台站仅有四个,按全省国土面积计,相当每个气象台站平均代表着1500平方公里的范围,因此难以反映出错综复杂的丘陵山区的气候面貌。为使气候要素场的分布更接近于实际... 在浙江省“七山一水二分田”的土地结构中,海拔高度在200米以上的气象台站仅有四个,按全省国土面积计,相当每个气象台站平均代表着1500平方公里的范围,因此难以反映出错综复杂的丘陵山区的气候面貌。为使气候要素场的分布更接近于实际、需要把大尺度气候要素场转化为中、小尺度的要素场,即把气象台站网所代表的范围(平方公里)由10~3转化为10~2、10′—10°量级。本文采用中尺度小网格法,绘制地面温度场图,进而探讨它的地域性分布与应用。 展开更多
关键词 热量资源 中尺度分析 地面温度场 气象台站网 积温 浙江省 格法 气候要素场 立体气候 海拔高
农业野外科学观测试验站现状及贡献分析——以中国农业科学院为例 被引量:6
作者 高峰 张雨 李宁 《广东农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期212-214,共3页
对土壤、植被、森林、水文、气象等相关农业发展的基础数据进行野外科学观测(监测)、试验(实验)、研究的台站统称为农业野外科学观测试验台站(网)。其具有定位、监测、对农业灾害监测预警等功能,并以中国农业科学院农业野外科学试验站... 对土壤、植被、森林、水文、气象等相关农业发展的基础数据进行野外科学观测(监测)、试验(实验)、研究的台站统称为农业野外科学观测试验台站(网)。其具有定位、监测、对农业灾害监测预警等功能,并以中国农业科学院农业野外科学试验站为例就其特色、优势展开论述,总结、分析农业野外科学观测试验站(网)对我国政策制定及经济社会发展的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 农业 野外台站() 贡献
The Distribution of Audiovisual Content Over the Intemet: Regional Television Stations
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第8期516-523,共8页
In this research project, we analyse the presence of video on the websites of regional television stations in Spain, and study the use of different internet-related audiovisual content viewing and distribution technol... In this research project, we analyse the presence of video on the websites of regional television stations in Spain, and study the use of different internet-related audiovisual content viewing and distribution technologies. The current television model is undergoing a deep-rooted change, and its future depends, to a large extent, on its presence in cyberspace. For the purposes of this study, we selected the internet homepages of the 12 regional radio-television stations which together make up the Spanish Federation of Regional Radio and Television Organizations (FORTA). The aim was to carry out a research project using content analysis techniques. 展开更多
关键词 regional television stations WEBSITES cyber-media
Distribution Characteristics of the Seismicity of Zipingpu Reservoir Region after the Wenchuan Earthquake
作者 Li Hai'ou Ma Wentao +3 位作者 Xu Xiwei Xie Ronghua Yuan Jingli Xu Changpeng 《Earthquake Research in China》 2011年第3期293-299,共7页
815 earthquakes recorded by 12 seismic stations of the Zipingpu reservoir seismic network in 2009 were relocated using the double difference algorithm to analyze the seismic activity of the Zipingpu reservoir.Relocati... 815 earthquakes recorded by 12 seismic stations of the Zipingpu reservoir seismic network in 2009 were relocated using the double difference algorithm to analyze the seismic activity of the Zipingpu reservoir.Relocation results show that the earthquakes are concentrated relatively in three zones.The distribution characteristics of focal depth are obviously different among different concentration zones.This means earthquakes in different concentration zones may have different causes.Compared to relocation of earthquakes taking place before the Wenchuan earthquake done by other researchers,the seismic concentration zones in the reservoir area shifted obviously after the Wenchuan earthquake.These variations are related to local stress adjustment in the reservoir area and may also be related to the diffusion depth and range of increased pore pressure caused by rock failure in the course of Wenchuan earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan earthquake Zipingpu reservoir Double-difference algorithm Pore pressure diffusion
An Implication of E-business in Destination Development: A Case Study of Hainan Rural Tourism
作者 Zhou Jinquan Liu Jiajia He Wenjin 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期61-65,共5页
With the rapidly development of rural tourism, tourism e-commerce provides an internet platform for it that promotes the combination of e-tourism and rural tourism. Based on the research on electronic information serv... With the rapidly development of rural tourism, tourism e-commerce provides an internet platform for it that promotes the combination of e-tourism and rural tourism. Based on the research on electronic information services, website features and mode of operation of rural tourism, a case study was employed to develop rural e-commerce in Hainan where its topical website type and function were studied. In this paper, questionnaire was using to identify existing problems in the perceptions and expectations of rural tourism tourists website features module, we recommend B2B2C model is proposed to develop rural tourism e-commerce in Hainan. 展开更多
关键词 Rural tourism E-COMMERCE HAINAN
Research on Optimized Allocation of English Teaching Resources Based on Network Cloud Platform
作者 LIU Yajuan 《International English Education Research》 2018年第1期73-76,共4页
The allocation of resources in English teaching can improve the ability of resource sharing, in order to optimize the allocation of resources, so as to improve the performance of English teaching, and promote the cons... The allocation of resources in English teaching can improve the ability of resource sharing, in order to optimize the allocation of resources, so as to improve the performance of English teaching, and promote the construction of English teaching resources database, a method of optimizing the allocation of English teaching resources is proposed based on network cloud platform. Text semantic key words conceptual decision tree model is constructed for massive English teaching resources allocation, semantic information conversion method is used to compute key semantic features of English Teaching resources, the concept convergence point of English Teaching resource allocation is formed in semantic model. According to the set between the upper and lower relationship, a decision tree model of English Teaching semantic subject words is constructed, semantic conversion and information extraction are realized. English teaching resources optimization allocation simulation is taken in the cloud platform, simulation results show that the scheduling performance of English teaching resources is better, and the adaptive allocation ability of English teaching resources is stronger, and the resource utilization rate is higher. 展开更多
关键词 Network cloud platform English teaching resources Allocation: Decision tree model
Research on Website Construction of Quality Course based on Network Teaching Platform
作者 Rong Rong 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第1期89-92,共4页
through the teaching design of online course quality and application practice, the instructional design process based on B/S learning are analyzed, and discusses several key problems in the design and teaching. The pr... through the teaching design of online course quality and application practice, the instructional design process based on B/S learning are analyzed, and discusses several key problems in the design and teaching. The proposed resource-based learning teaching design network course should adapt to the application mode of network teaching and traditional classroom combination; will provide teaching demonstration, teaching content self testing evaluation for students, and to provide jobs for teachers management, online Q & A, BBS, database and knowledge construction and other functions, greatly improving the efficiency of teaching "excellent course" . 展开更多
关键词 ASP technology B/S structure system quality course
Study on V_P/ V_S Variation Behavior in the Shanxi Region by the Wadati Single Station and Multi-earthquake Method
作者 Weng Zhaoqiang Liang Xiangjun +2 位作者 Wu Haoyu Liu Linfei Li Li 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2015年第4期514-526,共13页
Based on arrival time data of seismic phases of ML≥2. 0 earthquakes measured at Shanxi Digital Seismic Network for the period from January 2001 to October 2014,V_P/ V_S in the Shanxi region is calculated using the Wa... Based on arrival time data of seismic phases of ML≥2. 0 earthquakes measured at Shanxi Digital Seismic Network for the period from January 2001 to October 2014,V_P/ V_S in the Shanxi region is calculated using the Wadati single station and multi-earthquake method,and an investigation is conducted into the variation behavior of V_P/ V_S in the Shanxi region before and after the three earthquakes of MS≥4. 5 in 2010. Our study finds that abnormal V_P/ V_S appeared earlier at distant stations before all of the three earthquakes,which is at the time range from 6 months to 1 year before the earthquakes,and later at near stations,at the time range 10 days to 2 months before earthquakes. Therefore,it s possible to narrow down the scope of the location in earthquake prediction from the distant and near station data. The calculations of Dongshan seismic station indicate that the size of the residual of the origin time has impact on the detail of V_P/ V_S variation,thus,appropriate thresholds should firstly be set for the residuals of origin time at each seismic station in practical application,to ensure scientific and steady V_P/ V_S calculations. 展开更多
关键词 Wadati single station and multi-earthquake method VP/ VS Shanxi region
Fine Velocity Structure and Relocation of the 2010 M_L 5.1 Earthquake Sequence in the Rongchang Gas Field
作者 Wang Xiaolong Ma Shengli +7 位作者 Lei Xinglin Guo Xin Wang Qiang Yu Guozheng Gou Xianbin Kuwahara Yasuto Imanishi Kazutoshi Jiang Xiadong 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第4期467-478,共12页
Based on data collected from a temporal seismic network, and in addition to the data from some nearby permanent stations, we investigate the velocity structure and seismicity in the Rongchang gas field, where signific... Based on data collected from a temporal seismic network, and in addition to the data from some nearby permanent stations, we investigate the velocity structure and seismicity in the Rongchang gas field, where significant injection-induced seismicity has been identified. First, we use receiver functions from distant earthquakes to invert detailed 1-D velocity structures beneath typical stations. Then, we use the double-difference hypocenter location method to re-locate earthquakes of the 2010 MLS. 1 earthquake sequence that occurred in the region. The re-located hypocenters show that the 2010 MLS. 1 earthquake sequence was distributed in a small area surrounding major injection wells and clustered mostly along pre-existing faults. Major earthquakes show a focal depth less than 5km with a dominant depth of -2km, a depth of major reservoirs and injection wells. We thus conclude that the 2010 ML 5. 1 earthquake sequence might have been induced by the deep well injection of unwanted water at a depth - 3km in the Rongchang gas field. 展开更多
关键词 Induced earthquake Receiver function Double difference location Rongchang
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