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登陆中国热带气旋台风季参数的气候特征分析 被引量:12
作者 胡娅敏 宋丽莉 《气候变化研究进展》 CSCD 2009年第2期90-94,共5页
利用1949—2006年登陆中国的热带气旋(TC)资料,分析登陆TC台风季参数的气候特征,结论如下:1)登陆中国的初旋①以南海生成为主(占5成半),终旋以西太平洋为主(高达8成),近50多年来初、终旋源地分别呈现向东北、西北移动的趋势;2)广东(浙江... 利用1949—2006年登陆中国的热带气旋(TC)资料,分析登陆TC台风季参数的气候特征,结论如下:1)登陆中国的初旋①以南海生成为主(占5成半),终旋以西太平洋为主(高达8成),近50多年来初、终旋源地分别呈现向东北、西北移动的趋势;2)广东(浙江)初旋最早(晚),广西、浙江(广东、海南)终旋较早(晚),广东(浙江)台风季最长(短)。近50多年来除浙江台风季呈延长的线性趋势外,其余各省台风季变短或变化不明显。 展开更多
关键词 登陆热带气旋 初旋 终旋 台风季 气候特征
基于探空资料的上海台风季GIIRS/FY-4A卫星温度廓线反演精度研究 被引量:11
作者 黄艺伟 刘琼 +4 位作者 何敏 陈勇航 赵兵科 夏卫祖 刘统强 《红外》 CAS 2019年第9期28-38,共11页
利用上海宝山站L波段探空资料,分析台风季无云、有云和全天空条件下不同质量控制以及台风登陆前后24 h内FY--4A干涉式大气垂直探测仪(Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder,GIIRS)温度资料的反演精度。结果表明:(1)GIIRS温... 利用上海宝山站L波段探空资料,分析台风季无云、有云和全天空条件下不同质量控制以及台风登陆前后24 h内FY--4A干涉式大气垂直探测仪(Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder,GIIRS)温度资料的反演精度。结果表明:(1)GIIRS温度反演产品在无云条件下反演精度最高,质量控制为0的数据均方根误差(Root Mean Squared Error,RMSE)为1.74 K,表明该产品在对流层中上层具有一定可信度。(2)云层降低了GIIRS温度反演的精度,有云条件下质量控制为0的数据RMSE为3.57 K,超出了美国环境监测系统给出的标准误差范围。(3)有云天空条件下,当温度大于230 K时,GIIRS反演温度均低于探空数据。(4)台风“安比”、“云雀”登陆前24 h内,在500 hPa高度至近地面附近和对流层顶,GIIRS反演温度偏高;台风“云雀”登陆后24 h内,GIIRS在800 hPa高度至近地面附近反演温度偏低,并且反演会产生大量无效值。 展开更多
关键词 GIIRS/FY-4A 探空资料 温度廓线 台风季
《民防苑》 2008年第4期46-46,共1页
关键词 台风 低压(气象) 台风季 台风季 门窗
台风季节典型岬湾沙滩的变化分析 被引量:2
作者 黄世昌 李新文 +1 位作者 黄君宝 姚文伟 《泥沙研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期74-80,共7页
采用建立的天文潮-风暴潮-台风浪模型,计算2019年台风季浙江沿海岬湾4处沙滩前沿的波浪和潮位过程。根据现场实测资料,台风季早期,滩面潮间带及潮上带主要为冲刷,强波浪对天然沙滩的冲刷影响不大,幅度在0.2 m以内。沙滩潮间带泥沙粗化,... 采用建立的天文潮-风暴潮-台风浪模型,计算2019年台风季浙江沿海岬湾4处沙滩前沿的波浪和潮位过程。根据现场实测资料,台风季早期,滩面潮间带及潮上带主要为冲刷,强波浪对天然沙滩的冲刷影响不大,幅度在0.2 m以内。沙滩潮间带泥沙粗化,滩面的倒坡比与波高综合参数H/DT~2基本呈线性关系。台风季中晚期,东沙和皇城沙滩总体上继续冲刷,洞下和渔寮沙滩回淤,两处沙滩存在季节内的恢复和泥滩向沙滩供沙的现象。台风季前后对比,天然沙体积变化1.5%,修复沙滩减少5.0%,部分沙滩潮下带出现泥化。研究成果可为沙滩修复和泥滩上沙滩的修建设计提供重要的参考。 展开更多
关键词 岬湾沙滩 台风季 粒径变化
热带气旋与多尺度气候变异:2018年西北太平洋台风季概况 被引量:2
作者 武亮 张宏杰 +1 位作者 冯涛 汤玉莲 《中国科学:地球科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期581-592,共12页
2018年是西北太平洋热带气旋异常活跃的一年,该年台风季(6~11月)共有26个热带气旋生成,远超气候平均的22个,是近20年来第二活跃的台风季.2018年,热带气旋多形成于西北太平洋东部和南海北部,台风活动区域偏东北,移动路径多由西北行转为... 2018年是西北太平洋热带气旋异常活跃的一年,该年台风季(6~11月)共有26个热带气旋生成,远超气候平均的22个,是近20年来第二活跃的台风季.2018年,热带气旋多形成于西北太平洋东部和南海北部,台风活动区域偏东北,移动路径多由西北行转为偏北行登陆,造成了中国大陆重大经济损失(约697.3亿元).这一年,多尺度气候变异共同作用引起了西北太平洋季风槽的增强和副热带高压减弱,从而导致了热带气旋异常活跃.在此过程中,年际气候背景条件起了主导作用,而年代际气候变异仅起到了弱的抑制作用.在年际尺度上,一个发展的中太平洋厄尔尼诺事件和正相位的太平洋经向模态(PMM)共同作用形成了2018年有利于热带气旋活动的大尺度环流背景条件.进一步研究表明,中太平洋海温强迫在西北太平洋热带气旋活动中起到了关键调节作用,而PMM通过中太平洋海温间接影响西北太平洋热带气旋活动.在中太平洋厄尔尼诺年,中太平洋海温增暖引起的对流异常通过大气的Gill型-罗斯贝波响应导致了西北太平洋上异常气旋性环流,这使得西北太平洋上副热带高压减弱、季风槽增强东北移,有利于热带气旋在此形成和发展.短期气候及天气变化,如季节内振荡(ISO)和天气尺度扰动(SSD)的活动,与增强的季风槽相互作用,加剧了2018年异常的西北太平洋热带气旋的活动. 展开更多
关键词 热带气旋 多尺度气候变异 2018年台风季 西北太平洋
作者 张宇昕 沈阳 马旭林 《气象科学》 北大核心 2021年第4期463-470,共8页
西北太平洋地区晚季(10-12月)66%的热带气旋可以发展成为台风,其比率高于盛夏季节。基于贝叶斯突变分析的研究结果表明,西北太平洋晚季台风频数在1998年前后发生了年代际转折,即相对于1979-1997年,台风频数在1998-2016年显著减少。台风... 西北太平洋地区晚季(10-12月)66%的热带气旋可以发展成为台风,其比率高于盛夏季节。基于贝叶斯突变分析的研究结果表明,西北太平洋晚季台风频数在1998年前后发生了年代际转折,即相对于1979-1997年,台风频数在1998-2016年显著减少。台风生成的空间分布情况表明,西北太平洋台风频数总体呈减少状态,减少最多的区域出现在东南部(0°~17.5°N,135°~180°E)。相应的,台风生成潜在指数(Genesis Potential Index,GPI)在该区域也明显减小。通过对比分析涡度、垂直切变、相对湿度和最大潜在强度四个主要因子对GPI变化的相对贡献大小,结果表明动力因子(垂直切变和涡度)对西北太平洋台风生成频数的年代际变化起关键作用。 展开更多
关键词 台风频数 年代际变化 台风生成潜在指数 大尺度环境因子
香蕉风灾防范与补救 被引量:1
作者 林奋 《中国热带农业》 北大核心 2005年第5期47-,共1页
关键词 香蕉 植株 芭蕉属 台风季 台风季 吸芽 风灾 气象灾害 补救办法
我国木薯产业的抗风救灾措施及对策 被引量:5
作者 黄洁 李开绵 +3 位作者 叶剑秋 许瑞丽 陈三鲁 胡生 《中国热带农业》 北大核心 2005年第6期41-43,共3页
2005年9月26日,“达维”台风中心横扫海南岛中部山区的木薯主产区,在重灾区,大部分木薯歪斜或全倒,薯块断裂,茎枝断残,有些地方木薯被回旋风卷扫后,植株几乎光杆无叶,估计全省木薯的歪倒率达50%左右和减产20%以上。木薯种植专家在此总... 2005年9月26日,“达维”台风中心横扫海南岛中部山区的木薯主产区,在重灾区,大部分木薯歪斜或全倒,薯块断裂,茎枝断残,有些地方木薯被回旋风卷扫后,植株几乎光杆无叶,估计全省木薯的歪倒率达50%左右和减产20%以上。木薯种植专家在此总结的有关抗风救灾研究结果和经验教训、提出的我国木薯抗风救灾措施及对策,相信对管理者和生产者都会大有帮助。 展开更多
关键词 木薯产业 海南 地上部 抗风救灾 台风季 台风季 鲜薯产量 施肥配比 种茎 淀粉含量 茎枝 植株 结薯
“台风哨兵”揭秘 探访舟山普陀区气象局
作者 何长欢 唐志远(摄影) 《博物》 2024年第9期28-35,共8页
每当台风到来时,气象局总是最忙碌、最紧张的单位之一。他们不但要时刻跟踪台风,确定台风强度和路径,还要向各部门和公众提供预报、预警信息。这些业务的背后,用了哪些“科技狠活”?台风季的气象人,工作生活状态又是什么样?让我们到浙... 每当台风到来时,气象局总是最忙碌、最紧张的单位之一。他们不但要时刻跟踪台风,确定台风强度和路径,还要向各部门和公众提供预报、预警信息。这些业务的背后,用了哪些“科技狠活”?台风季的气象人,工作生活状态又是什么样?让我们到浙江舟山一探究竟。 展开更多
关键词 台风强度 浙江舟山 气象局 台风季 预警信息
作者 何洁琳 管兆勇 农孟松 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2008年第1期69-72,共4页
Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, the structure of a wintertime typhoon named Nanmadol that landed on Taiwan 4 December, 2004 has been examined in this paper. It is found that Nanmadol looks similar in structure and time ev... Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, the structure of a wintertime typhoon named Nanmadol that landed on Taiwan 4 December, 2004 has been examined in this paper. It is found that Nanmadol looks similar in structure and time evolution to summer typhoons;the central part of it is warm and humid, and the convergence is observed in the lower troposphere while there is divergence in the upper troposphere. The differences between wintertime and summertime typhoons are found. The southwest stream flow in the lower troposphere and cyclonic disturbance in the upper troposphere seem significantly weaker in Nanmadol than in summertime typhoons. The EOF analysis performed for sea level pressure (SLP) of Nanmadol shows that about 90% of the total variance of temporal changes in typhoon circulation can be explained by two leading EOF modes of EOF1 and EOF2. EOF1 shows the structure and intensity variations of Nanmadol while EOF2 shows the changes in environmental SLP distributions that influences the moving direction of Nanmadol. 展开更多
Does the Asian monsoon modulate tropical cyclone activity over the South China Sea? 被引量:1
作者 黄茜 管玉平 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期960-965,共6页
To investigate whether the Asian monsoon influences tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the South China Sea (SCS), TCs (including tropical storms and typhoons) over the SCS are analyzed using the Joint Typhoon Warning... To investigate whether the Asian monsoon influences tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the South China Sea (SCS), TCs (including tropical storms and typhoons) over the SCS are analyzed using the Joint Typhoon Warning Center dataset from 1945 to 2009. Results show an increasing trend in the frequencies of TC-all (all TCs over the SCS) and TY-all (all typhoons over the SCS), due mainly to an increase in the number of TCs moving into the SCS after development elsewhere. Little change is seen in the number of TCs that form in the SCS. The results of wavelet analysis indicate that the frequency of typhoons (TY) shows a similar oscillation as that of TCs, i.e., a dominant periodicity of 8-16 years around the 1970s for all TC activity, except for TC-mov (TCs that moved into the SCS from the western North Pacific). To examine the relationship between typhoon activity and the summer monsoon, a correlation analysis was performed that considered typhoons, TCs, and five monsoon indexes. The analysis reveals statistically significant negative correlation between the strength of the Southwest Asian summer monsoon and typhoon activity over the SCS, which likely reflects the effect of the monsoon on TC formation in the western North Pacific (WNP) and subsequent movement into the SCS. There is a statistically significant negative correlation between TY-loc (typhoons that developed from TCs formed over the SCS) and the South China Sea summer monsoon and Southeast Asian summer monsoon. 展开更多
关键词 TYPHOON South China Sea summer monsoon
作者 周学鸣 魏应植 吴陈锋 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2006年第1期16-23,共8页
By using data of serially numbered typhoons in northwestem Pacific and NOAA OLR data and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data of wind field, based on the statistics and study of the relationship between the calendar years with m... By using data of serially numbered typhoons in northwestem Pacific and NOAA OLR data and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data of wind field, based on the statistics and study of the relationship between the calendar years with more (or fewer) summer typhoons and ENSO events, we compared the composites of OLR eigenvectors and tropical summer wind fields during E1 Nino and La Nino events with more or fewer than normal summer typhoons, respectively. The results show that, in summer, without remarkable systematic anomalies of Mascarene High and Australia High in South Hemisphere, the anomaly of Walker circulation will dominate and follow the rule of ENSO impacts to atmospheric circulation and typhoon frequency. Otherwise, when systematic anomalies of Australia High appear during the El Nino events, circulation anomalies in the South Hemisphere will dominate, and many more typhoons will occur. In 1999, which is a special year of La Nina events, northward and eastward monsoon was induced by the stronger Mascarene High, and fewer typhoons arose. The typhoon source are regions where weak vertical wind shear, warm pool in westem Pacific and the area with monsoon troughs are overlapping with each other. Finally, this paper analyzes and compares the source locations and ranges of more (fewer) typhoons in the events of El Nino and La Nino, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 typhoon frequency ENSO events atmospheric circulation anomalies
The Long-Term Field Experiment Observatory and Preliminary Analysis of Land-Atmosphere Interaction over Hilly Zone in the Subtropical Monsoon Region of Southern China 被引量:2
作者 LIU Jian-Guo XIE Zheng-Hui +8 位作者 JIA Bing-Hao TIAN Xiang-Jun QIN Pei-Hua ZOU Jing YU Yan SUN Qin WANG Yuan-Yuan XIE Jin-Bo XIE Zhi-Peng 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第4期203-209,共7页
To improve current understanding of the water cycle,energy partitioning and CO2 exchange over hilly zone vegetative land surfaces in the subtropical monsoon environment of southern China,a long-term field experiment o... To improve current understanding of the water cycle,energy partitioning and CO2 exchange over hilly zone vegetative land surfaces in the subtropical monsoon environment of southern China,a long-term field experiment observatory was set up at Ningxiang,eastern Hunan Province.This paper presents a preliminary analysis of the field observations at the observatory collected from August to November 2012.Results show that significant diurnal variations in soil temperature occur only in shallow soil layers(0.05,0.10,and 0.20 m),and that heavy rainfall affects soil moisture in the deep layers(≥ 0.40 m).During the experimental period,significant diurnal variations in albedo,radiation components,energy components,and CO2 flux were observed,but little seasonal variation.Strong photosynthesis in the vegetation canopy enhanced the CO2 absorption and the latent heat released in daylight hours;Latent heat of evaporation was the main consumer of available energy in late summer.Because the field experiment data are demonstrably reliable,the observatory will provide reliable long-term measurements for future investigations of the land-atmosphere interaction over hilly land surfaces in the subtropical monsoon region of southern China. 展开更多
关键词 field observation subtropical monsoon reion hilly zone surface flux land-atmosohere interaction
Further Study of Typhoon Tracks and the Low-Frequency (30-60 Days) Wind-Field Pattern at 850 hPa
作者 TIAN Hua LI Chong-Yin 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2010年第6期319-324,共6页
The association of typhoon tracks over the western Pacific with the low-frequency wind-field pattern of atmospheric intraseasonal (30-60 days) oscillation at 850 hPa is further studied by using observational data anal... The association of typhoon tracks over the western Pacific with the low-frequency wind-field pattern of atmospheric intraseasonal (30-60 days) oscillation at 850 hPa is further studied by using observational data analyses. Comparative analyses of the composite wind fields at 850 hPa, contrasting the atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) with the original circulation, show that the typhoon tracks are closely related to the wind pattern of the ISO but are not obviously related to the original wind fields. Case studies of two typhoons in 2006 also show that the low-frequency wind-field pattern, particularly the maximum-value line (belt) of low-frequency cyclonic vorticity at 850 hPa, is closely related to the typhoon track. Therefore, the lowfrequency circulation pattern and the maximum-value line (belt) of low- frequency cyclonic vorticity at 850hPa can be used to predict typhoon tracks over the northwestern Pacific. 展开更多
关键词 tropical intraseasonal oscillation Northwest Pacific. tvohoon track comoosite analysis
Change in Spring Meridional Circulation and Its Relation to Summer Typhoon Activities
作者 CHEN Dong WANG Hui-Jun LI Guo-Ping 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第3期144-148,共5页
This study documents the decadal changes of the spring meridional circulation (SMC) over 110°E- 165°E and the relationship between the SMC and summer (June-July-August-September) typhoon activity over th... This study documents the decadal changes of the spring meridional circulation (SMC) over 110°E- 165°E and the relationship between the SMC and summer (June-July-August-September) typhoon activity over the Western North Pacific (WNP) during 1948-2010. The authors found that the SMC was changed after 1969. Before its change, the SMC had no clear relation with the summer typhoon number over the WNP (TNWNP), but after the change, it has become positively correlated with the TNWNP, with a correlation coefficient of 0.57 be- tween them (above the 99% confidence level). It was ob- served that after the SMC was changed, the positive tropical sea surface temperature anomaly associated with the SMC was shifted from the Equatorial Eastern Pacific (El Nifio) to the equatorial middle Pacific (El Nifio Mo- doki); at the same time, the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) pattern over the North Pacific, which is associated with the SMC, was enhanced. The SMC and the TNWNP are both modulated by the E1 Nifio Modoki after 1969, so the relationship between them becomes significant. 展开更多
关键词 spring meridional circulation summer tynhnon activity Modoki.
Responses of Guangdong coastal upwelling to the summertime typhoons of 2006 被引量:4
作者 PAN AiJun GUO XiaoGang +2 位作者 XU JinDian HUANG Jiang WAN XiaoFang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期495-506,共12页
The effects of typhoon intrusion on the Guangdong coastal upwelling system were investigated on the basis of in situ CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) cruise observations and especially upward-looking ADCP (Acou... The effects of typhoon intrusion on the Guangdong coastal upwelling system were investigated on the basis of in situ CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) cruise observations and especially upward-looking ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers) measurements obtained from a comprehensive survey of the Guangdong coastal region carded out by the Chinese Off- shore Investigation and Assessment Project in the summer of 2006. It was found that northeastward geostrophic advection driven by the summer monsoon has a significant near-seabed onshore component adjacent to Shantou, which in conjunction with upper-level offshore Ekman flow, constitutes the canonical Guangdong coastal upwelling system. Further analyses suggested that the Guangdong coastal upwelling system is sensitive to subtle changes in the typhoon intensity and migration pathway. On one hand, as a typhoon approaches from north of the upwelling system (e.g. Typhoon 0604 (Bilis) and Typhoon 0605 (Kaemi)) in the early phase of inmasion, the enhanced southwesterly leads to exceptional enhancement of the onshore flow; i.e., enhanced upwelling. Afterward, irrespective of the forced ocean responses resulting from the stronger local winds (Typhoon 0604) or the moderate typhoon-induced inertial oscillations (Typhoon 0605), the situation is not conducive to sustaining a stable, persistent upwelling system. On the other hand, when there is typhoon intrusion south of the upwelling system (e.g. Typhoon 0606 (Prapiroon)), the favorable southwesterly tends to be substituted by an anomalous northeasterly, which destroys the traditional coastal upwelling pattern. However, the canonical upwelling system tends to recover within 1-2 days of the typhoon passing. 展开更多
关键词 TYPHOON coastal upwelling inertial oscillation Ekman flow geostrophic advection
Subtidal variability in the Taiwan Strait induced by combined forcing of winter monsoon and topography 被引量:3
作者 Li LI Xiaogang GUO +1 位作者 Enhui LIAO Yuwu JIANG 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期483-493,共11页
As an important channel connecting the East and South China Seas, circulations in the Taiwan Strait are strongly influenced by the East Asian monsoon and the topography of the strait, especially the Taiwan Bank(TWB), ... As an important channel connecting the East and South China Seas, circulations in the Taiwan Strait are strongly influenced by the East Asian monsoon and the topography of the strait, especially the Taiwan Bank(TWB), which is a remarkable topographic feature located at the southern entrance to the strait. Based on a series of pressure gauges deployed roughly 40 km offshore along the western Strait, subtidal sea-level variability under the combined impact of winter monsoon and topography was studied. The analyses show significant along-strait coherences of subtidal sea levels and their coherences with the large-scale monsoon wind for periods from 2 to 14 days. It is suggested that these fluctuations are mainly forced waves driven by the large-scale winds. In addition to the normal cross-shore wind setup, a sea-level setup in the along-strait direction is confirmed, which is induced by the combined forcing of the fluctuating winter monsoon and the blocking of the TWB. A southward current surge driven by a northerly wind event will cause a rising sea level over the TWB inducing a southward alongshore slope anomaly to the north of the TWB and a reversed slope anomaly to the south The subtidal current through the channel to the west of the TWB is found to be influenced by the reversed slope anomalies generated via the along-shore setup. 展开更多
关键词 Subtidal variabilities Along-strait sea level setup Taiwan Strait Taiwan Bank
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