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作者 郭硕 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第5期65-68,共4页
《十七史说》和《通鉴札记》是刘体智辟园史学研究的两部代表性著作,也是清末民初两部继承和发展了乾嘉考史著作史学方法的史著。相对于乾嘉以来的史著,辟园史学最重要的特点是不拘泥于文献的琐碎考证而极重义理之通达,恪守儒家思想的... 《十七史说》和《通鉴札记》是刘体智辟园史学研究的两部代表性著作,也是清末民初两部继承和发展了乾嘉考史著作史学方法的史著。相对于乾嘉以来的史著,辟园史学最重要的特点是不拘泥于文献的琐碎考证而极重义理之通达,恪守儒家思想的传统价值观。辟园史学方法变革的核心在着意于治乱兴衰的背后原因,较之乾嘉史学、传统史论其分析更为细致丰满。辟园史学思想中有强烈的以历史经验中获取救时良策的经世倾向,具有中西文化冲突背景下鲜明的时代特点,但其思想总体上是较为保守的。 展开更多
关键词 辟园 《十七史说 《通鉴札记》 史学思想
作者 朱志先 张霞 《咸宁学院学报》 2009年第5期34-36,共3页
明代是史汉评点的兴盛期,通过对既往史事的评析,充分展现士人张扬的个性及对历史事实的理性认识。洪垣在《史说》中,通过灵活多变的评史方法,对历代史实展开辨析。通过分析洪垣对秦汉史的论断,洞悉其史论的特点和史学意识,并借以揭示《... 明代是史汉评点的兴盛期,通过对既往史事的评析,充分展现士人张扬的个性及对历史事实的理性认识。洪垣在《史说》中,通过灵活多变的评史方法,对历代史实展开辨析。通过分析洪垣对秦汉史的论断,洞悉其史论的特点和史学意识,并借以揭示《史说》一书的史学价值。 展开更多
关键词 洪垣 史说 秦汉史论
作者 杨林夕 《长沙民政职业技术学院学报》 2021年第1期127-130,共4页
关键词 《聊斋志异》“史说同质”小说观 虚构 抒愤
作者 范静静 张伟 《枣庄学院学报》 2017年第1期33-38,共6页
邓实《史学通论》和马叙伦《中国无史辨》是20世纪初"中国无史说"论争中两篇立场不同的文章。二文有各自的发表背景,是学术范围内正常的学术讨论。《史学通论》认为自司马氏父子之后而"史"中绝,将"史"按... 邓实《史学通论》和马叙伦《中国无史辨》是20世纪初"中国无史说"论争中两篇立场不同的文章。二文有各自的发表背景,是学术范围内正常的学术讨论。《史学通论》认为自司马氏父子之后而"史"中绝,将"史"按照发展趋势分为"神史"、"君史"和"民史"三等,而彼时所处的社会正是发展"民史"的时代且必将大放光彩。《中国无史辨》认为中国有"史",《史记》和《通志》便是有力例证,在面对西学时,要坚守本位、保存国粹,不能唯西学是瞻,期待中国"史"的复兴。二文有同有异,论证的焦点落在如何进行历史的书写上。这是一个直击历史本体论、认识论和方法论的讨论,也是中国史学由传统向近代转型所应当解决的第一个问题。 展开更多
关键词 20世纪初 中国无史说 《史学通论》 《中国无史辨》
有关毛泽东与湘江战役关系的几个问题——与《史说长征》作者商榷 被引量:3
作者 李佑新 沈俊楠 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期1-7,共7页
毛泽东与湘江战役的关系问题,不时引起学术界的关注与研究。在《史说长征》一书的第三章中,作者夏宇立持这样的看法:毛泽东错误指责湘江战役前后的领导决策是"逃跑主义";湘江战役时红军行军缓慢是毛泽东造成的;湘江战役是历... 毛泽东与湘江战役的关系问题,不时引起学术界的关注与研究。在《史说长征》一书的第三章中,作者夏宇立持这样的看法:毛泽东错误指责湘江战役前后的领导决策是"逃跑主义";湘江战役时红军行军缓慢是毛泽东造成的;湘江战役是历史给毛泽东的"契机"。这些看法是错误的,不可不辩。 展开更多
关键词 毛泽东 湘江战役 史说长征》
周济的词学思想 被引量:3
作者 迟宝东 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期88-96,共9页
周济词学思想较前人更全面亦更准确地揭示出词之美感特质。其“词史”说强调词应反映与时代盛衰相关之“感慨”,极大拓展了词之内蕴的表现范围 ;其“有无寄托”说与“寄托出入”说则从艺术构思与运笔方法等角度总结了词创作过程中不同... 周济词学思想较前人更全面亦更准确地揭示出词之美感特质。其“词史”说强调词应反映与时代盛衰相关之“感慨”,极大拓展了词之内蕴的表现范围 ;其“有无寄托”说与“寄托出入”说则从艺术构思与运笔方法等角度总结了词创作过程中不同阶段的特点 ;周济将能否引发接受者之自由联想作为其评词之理论与实践的最高准则 ,提出了重视接受主体的鉴赏思想 ;而“空实”说与“浑厚”说则说明其词学观念中已具备词中另有“境界”的初步意识 ,可视为词境理论最早之萌芽。 展开更多
关键词 周济 常州词派 词学思想 美感特质 史说 寄托 境界 空实说 浑厚说 创作 鉴赏思维 接受主体
《山海经》西王母“戴胜”正解 被引量:13
作者 黄交军 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2014年第6期21-36,共16页
有人将"戴胜"释为头戴干戈之类的兵刑之具,结论失当。文章结合"层累造史说"史学理论与"礼失求诸野"调查法则,立足《山海经》原典,对照卜辞金文、战国文字等古文字材料,对"戴胜"一词进行多角度... 有人将"戴胜"释为头戴干戈之类的兵刑之具,结论失当。文章结合"层累造史说"史学理论与"礼失求诸野"调查法则,立足《山海经》原典,对照卜辞金文、战国文字等古文字材料,对"戴胜"一词进行多角度详尽论证,觅其正解。诸多文献史料语料充分表明"戴胜"是"(西王母)头上长了一团隆起突出的息肉,形如‘■’状",与戴胜鸟首羽冠形相似,二义语源联系密切,具有鲜明的政治功用与宗教职能,从而破解了西王母之真相,为学界更好地研究《山海经》文本提供了翔实确凿的疑难词语例证。 展开更多
关键词 《山海经》 戴胜 西王母 正解 层累造史说 礼失求诸野
如何正确理解“层累造史”理论在历史研究中的作用 被引量:2
作者 李锦全 《广东社会科学》 2002年第5期79-85,共7页
顾颉刚提出“层累地造成中国古史”的理论,可以说是二十世纪中国史学理论的重要创见。这套理论曾震惊一时,后来又转归沉寂,其原因值得探索。本文拟对这套理论的产生、成就和局限作出分析,以求能正确理解这套“层累造史” 理论在历史研... 顾颉刚提出“层累地造成中国古史”的理论,可以说是二十世纪中国史学理论的重要创见。这套理论曾震惊一时,后来又转归沉寂,其原因值得探索。本文拟对这套理论的产生、成就和局限作出分析,以求能正确理解这套“层累造史” 理论在历史研究中的作用。 展开更多
关键词 顾颉刚 古史辨派 疑古论 层累造史说 历史演进法
作者 李佑新 沈俊楠 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期8-12,共5页
在关于红军长征的研究中,红一、四方面军会合后党中央与张国焘的斗争不时引起学界的关注。在《史说长征》一书中,作者夏宇立持这样的看法:毛泽东应对张国焘的分裂行为负主要责任;毛泽东为“争夺军权”向张国焘设下“陷阱”;“密电”是... 在关于红军长征的研究中,红一、四方面军会合后党中央与张国焘的斗争不时引起学界的关注。在《史说长征》一书中,作者夏宇立持这样的看法:毛泽东应对张国焘的分裂行为负主要责任;毛泽东为“争夺军权”向张国焘设下“陷阱”;“密电”是毛泽东给出的“政治交代”。这些看法是非常错误的,必须予以辩驳。 展开更多
关键词 毛泽东 张国焘 史说长征》
作者 王浩 《宁夏师范学院学报》 2007年第5期10-14,共5页
孟子引诗呈现不同的特点:与国君谈话侧重"以史说诗";孟子个人语录中多断章取义且具有格言、警句的特色,表现出训诫的意味;与门弟子答问注重道德、人伦、学问的教诲。但就引诗方式而言,"一是作自己立说的证明,一是陈述历... 孟子引诗呈现不同的特点:与国君谈话侧重"以史说诗";孟子个人语录中多断章取义且具有格言、警句的特色,表现出训诫的意味;与门弟子答问注重道德、人伦、学问的教诲。但就引诗方式而言,"一是作自己立说的证明,一是陈述历史事实",而"以史说诗"是其显著的特点。这与孟子的"法先王"思想、"迹熄诗亡"诗学观念以及"权"的思想有关;亦是向国君谲谏的一种手段。 展开更多
关键词 孟子 引诗 史说 训诫 法先王 迹熄诗亡 行权 谲谏
文化二元对立格局中定位的中国古代小说概念 被引量:5
作者 张开焱 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第2期61-66,共6页
中国古代小说理论资料显示 :中国古代小说概念不是与西方 fiction和 novel对应的纯文艺学文体概念。它是在中国封建社会文化系统中定位和定义的一个知识论和价值论概念 ,“小说”是在与“经史”
关键词 经史 小说 二元对立 文化论
作者 沈敏特 《合肥教育学院学报》 2003年第3期1-5,共5页
关键词 大散文 文化 史说 哲理 人格 题材 体裁 时代
On the historic narrative features of Libra
作者 冯燕 张丽丹 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第2期136-140,共5页
As one of the masterpieces for Don Delillo, Libra was regarded as a classic postmodern novel once after its publication. Based on Kennedy assassination, this novel mainly deals with the isolation and dissimilation fee... As one of the masterpieces for Don Delillo, Libra was regarded as a classic postmodern novel once after its publication. Based on Kennedy assassination, this novel mainly deals with the isolation and dissimilation feelings for the American citizens. As a representative postmodern novel, Libra's stylistic features and narrative strategies are both quite typical. This thesis will discuss its narrative angles, its narrative structure and its dialogue expressions in order to understand Libra's postmodern narrative technique. 展开更多
关键词 historiographic metafiction LIBRA postmodern literature
作者 李咏健 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2012年第2期35-39,共5页
籀文出自《史籀篇》。《史籀篇》早佚,迄今能确证为籀文者,仅《说文》所录籀文225字。然《史籀篇》由西周传写至汉,字形或已非原貌,加以《说文》流传已久,籀文在其中传钞和刊刻的过程中产生讹误,亦不足为奇。文章结合出土古文字材料,为... 籀文出自《史籀篇》。《史籀篇》早佚,迄今能确证为籀文者,仅《说文》所录籀文225字。然《史籀篇》由西周传写至汉,字形或已非原貌,加以《说文》流传已久,籀文在其中传钞和刊刻的过程中产生讹误,亦不足为奇。文章结合出土古文字材料,为《说文》籀文中部分舛误的形体作了考订。籀文中的讹形,有部分源于笔误,也有部分是受晚周文字写法影响致讹的。 展开更多
关键词 籀文 《史籀篇》 《说文》 讹变
From Dangling Man to Mr. Sammler: A study of the American Jewish History in Saul Bellow's Fiction
作者 YANG Chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第6期493-498,共6页
As the owner of Nobel Prize for Literature, Saul Bellow's (1915-2005) fiction has always been a great concern in literary world. It has been studied from various perspectives since its publication. While comparativ... As the owner of Nobel Prize for Literature, Saul Bellow's (1915-2005) fiction has always been a great concern in literary world. It has been studied from various perspectives since its publication. While comparatively speaking, few studies were made from the historical lens. Actually, in his fiction, history is presented by fiction which contributes to the making of history. The purpose of the present paper is through close reading of his novels to find out the different historic periods of American Jews from "the strangers" to "the natives", the "More than Human" and "Less than Human" to the "Exact Human" presented in his fiction and thus help readers to have a better understanding about the Jewish life and identity. 展开更多
关键词 Saul Bellow American Jewish history Dangling Man Mr. Sammler
Geopoetical Analysis of Livonia During The Great Northern War Based on The Last Novik A Historical Novel by Ivan Lazhechnikov
作者 Erika Kuzmina 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第3期378-383,共6页
The term geopoetics has a wide interpretation. It is defined as a project of the cultural activity aimed at creating and changing territorial myths and research path, which considers the interaction between literary c... The term geopoetics has a wide interpretation. It is defined as a project of the cultural activity aimed at creating and changing territorial myths and research path, which considers the interaction between literary creativity and geographical space. Defining this term, it is possible to introduce a geopoetical analysis diagram based on three interconnected positions: the writer's personality, the universe of an artwork and its characters. The Last Novik--A historical novel by Lazhechnikov analysis example presented on a diagram reveals the relationship between time and space in the literary work, as well as the author's interaction with the described events. 展开更多
关键词 geopoetic The Great Northern War Livonia The Last Novik
Modem Iranian Literature: The Historical and Present Development of the Short Story Genre
作者 Oydin Turdiyeva 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第7期775-784,共10页
The following article is about the historical overview of the Persian literature and the emergence and development of the short story as a literary genre and its prominent role in the modem literature of Iran. It disc... The following article is about the historical overview of the Persian literature and the emergence and development of the short story as a literary genre and its prominent role in the modem literature of Iran. It discusses the origin of the short story in general and preconditions for the popularity of the new genre the Iranian literature of the 20th century, and also about the first successful collection of short stories that introduced it to the public. Also the development process of the short story and principle factors in every stage of its emergence as an independent genre of prose, as well as the thematic range are the main aspects among others to be analyzed in the article. It is historically documented that the Islamic state was established in 1979 after the fall of the Shah. And the very event had big impact not only on the social and political life of the country, but also on the cultural and literary life of the Iranians of the time. The significance of the revolution was such that it divided the literature to be known as the "pre-revolution" and "post-revolution" periods. Therefore this article is aimed to observe how this historic event had influenced the short story in particular and the distinct features of the works created during the two periods. The next period which stands out in the development of the short story is during the late 90s and the beginning of the 2000, where the genre experienced aesthetic innovations and experiments with new forms and styles. The distinct feature of the period is mainly in its topics it deals, among other the effects of the globalization and popular culture brought forth, isolated individual, urbanization, climate change and its destructive outcome and the social conflicts resulting from them. Such global issues caused the established writers to look out of their borders and open up to the concerns of the planet, and by doing so establishing new schools of thought and style among the writers of short story in modem Iranian literature. Finally the article will overview the role of the Iranian contemporary female short story writers, children's literature and the works of the immigrant Iranian authors that continue the traditions of the Persian literature outside Irma. 展开更多
关键词 the short story pre-revolution period post-revolution literature thematic range female writers immigrant authors subgenre "~z" modernism school children's literature
Exploration of Trauma Narrative in The Kite Runner
作者 YANG Chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第12期962-967,共6页
As the first Afghan novel written in English by Afghan American writer Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner provides reader a window into Afghan history and culture as well as the impact of trauma on individuals Through i... As the first Afghan novel written in English by Afghan American writer Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner provides reader a window into Afghan history and culture as well as the impact of trauma on individuals Through interweaving progagonist Amir's personal trauma from sin to self-salvation with the racial and national conflicts as the collective trauma of the Afghan, Khaled Hosseinni not only foregrounds the coming-of-age theme of sin, guilt, and redemption but also successfully presents the racial conflicts and national pain in Afghanstain. Under the framework of trauma theory and through close reading of the novel, the aim of the present paper is to analyze how trauma is narrated in the novel and thus help readers to have a better understanding about the Afghan history and life 展开更多
关键词 The Kite Runner trauma narrative individual trauma collective trauma racial trauma
Fiction, Docudrama and Joumalism in the Globo Group (Grupo Globo): A Memory of the Brazilian Military Dictatorship Directed at the General Public
作者 Monica Almeida Kornis 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2017年第3期142-148,共7页
From the early days of the moving image and its recordings of facts and events considered to be historical, followed by the consolidation of the classic narrative cinema grammar in the 1910s reaffirmed until today by ... From the early days of the moving image and its recordings of facts and events considered to be historical, followed by the consolidation of the classic narrative cinema grammar in the 1910s reaffirmed until today by a large part of the television production that turns to the past, without disregarding authorial aesthetic experiences produced especially since the 1920s, history has been present for over more than a century in several types of media. Movie theaters, people's homes and, nowadays, thanks to new media technology, any and every place are spaces for projecting historical narratives. They are both entertainment--by deploying strategies for constructing a "truth" about the past--and critical reflection, going against a belief in that possibility, in rendering explicit their nature as a language. Since all of these narratives presuppose an audience, a public, within different genres, styles and formats, with more realist overtones, more to the general public's taste, or anti-naturalist, in experiences for smaller audiences, it seems pertinent to discuss these issues considering that audiovisual narratives are powerful agents in constructing a memory of the past. Particularly in this text, we will examine how the most powerful communication enterprise in Brazil - Global Group - had construct a memory of the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985) until 2016. 展开更多
关键词 Brazilian history TELEVISION MEMORY media CINEMA national identity fictional narratives
A History of Personal Identification-- Growth of the Orator in Invisible Man
作者 ZHANG Ting 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第1期1-9,共9页
The notion of invisibility in Invisible Man is spoken out by the protagonist's growth as an orator. Rather than a recursive retrieving of his identity throughout the narrative, the invisible man reinvents his identit... The notion of invisibility in Invisible Man is spoken out by the protagonist's growth as an orator. Rather than a recursive retrieving of his identity throughout the narrative, the invisible man reinvents his identity in his pursuit of pure persuasion. Both being terms in the Burkean system of literature rhetoric, pure persuasion, and identification become one for the unconscious purpose and the other for the symbolic action respectively in the protagonist-speaker's growth from an ideal emulator to speaker-audience mediator. In his identification with the audience and his ardent pursuit of pure persuasion, he paradoxically finds himself distanced from both his identity-to-be and the identity of his audience, with great division in-between. Though temporary corporation is achieved and occasional identification is resolved in the last two speeches, the protagonist only finds himself in a rhetorical context which is much more varied and more manipulative than he imagined. Such a realization renders the invisible man invisible again from the public stadium, who decides to resort to the pen for a life-long identification with the broader battlefield of racial discontinuity 展开更多
关键词 Invisible Man Kenneth Burke pure persuasion identification DIVISION RACE
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