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作者 宋应离 《出版史料》 2003年第4期54-55,共2页
中国是一个具有悠久历史的文明古国,也是一个有着悠久出版历史的泱泱大国。鉴于历史的原因,至今还没有一部为世人公认的权威性的《中国出版通史》,这不仅和我国的国际地位不相称,也和当今出版事业的繁荣发展不相适应。伴随着出版事业的... 中国是一个具有悠久历史的文明古国,也是一个有着悠久出版历史的泱泱大国。鉴于历史的原因,至今还没有一部为世人公认的权威性的《中国出版通史》,这不仅和我国的国际地位不相称,也和当今出版事业的繁荣发展不相适应。伴随着出版事业的发展,这几年对出版史的研究已引起出版界的广泛重视。早在20年之前。 展开更多
关键词 叶再生 出版史研究 《中国近代现代出版通史》 书评
作者 张树栋 《中国印刷》 2002年第9期55-56,共2页
最近,北京华文出版社出版了著名出版史家叶再生先生的专著《中国近代现代出版通史》。该书系国家'九五'重点图书出版规划项目。现已出版的是该书的近代史部分。作者以4卷、21篇、105章、413节,近400万言之文字,全面、系统、详... 最近,北京华文出版社出版了著名出版史家叶再生先生的专著《中国近代现代出版通史》。该书系国家'九五'重点图书出版规划项目。现已出版的是该书的近代史部分。作者以4卷、21篇、105章、413节,近400万言之文字,全面、系统、详实地记述了自19世纪初到新中国成立这近一个半世纪印刷出版业在中国的历史性变迁。是继《中国印刷近代史》、《中华印刷通史》之后,又一部填补历史空白的宏篇巨著。观点鲜明、断代适宜,卷帙浩繁、纵横有序,信息密集、图文并茂,是该书的显著特点。 展开更多
关键词 《中国近代现代出版通史》 叶再生 书评 印刷史
断根对去叶黑麦草地上补偿性生长的影响 被引量:1
作者 崔中佳 郑岩 +3 位作者 兰菲 王丽莹 唐铭欣 王晓凌 《植物学研究》 2018年第6期550-557,共8页
以根诱导的叶片细胞分裂素为基础,以期通过断根措施来揭示根系对去叶黑麦草地上部分补偿性生长的影响。试验包括3个处理:1) 去叶且不断根(HF);2) 去叶留5厘米的茬高且断根(HS);3) 没有去叶(CK)。结果表明,在再生期间,HF处理的地上生物... 以根诱导的叶片细胞分裂素为基础,以期通过断根措施来揭示根系对去叶黑麦草地上部分补偿性生长的影响。试验包括3个处理:1) 去叶且不断根(HF);2) 去叶留5厘米的茬高且断根(HS);3) 没有去叶(CK)。结果表明,在再生期间,HF处理的地上生物量显着高于HS处理,表现出较强的再生能力,并且地上补偿性生长还发生在HF处理。在再生的早期,HS处理叶片中较高的细胞分裂素含量促进了其根系的生长。在再生期后期,HF处理叶片中较高的细胞分裂素含量促进了其再生。较高的细胞分裂素从根系到叶片的输送速率,导致黑麦草片中较高的细胞分裂素含量水平。总之,完善的根系功能和根系诱导的叶片细胞分裂素对黑麦草地上补偿性生长起着关键性的调控作用。 展开更多
关键词 黑麦草 叶再生 地上补偿性生长 细胞分裂素
Construction of Highly-efficient Direct Regeneration System of Different Chrysanthemum Species
作者 徐式近 徐忠传 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第3期370-374,共5页
Leaves and stems of 9 chrysanthemum species were taken as explants and inoculated to 6 differential media and root media to research effects of hor- mone combination and explants on chrysanthemum species. The results ... Leaves and stems of 9 chrysanthemum species were taken as explants and inoculated to 6 differential media and root media to research effects of hor- mone combination and explants on chrysanthemum species. The results indicated that stem of 9 chrysanthemum species and leaf of 6 chrysanthemum species all showed higher regeneration capacity, with regeneration rate in 84%-100% and re- generation coefficient at 2.3-9.4. However, none adventitious buds were found differ- entiated from leaves of "28" and "5-17", and leaf regeneration capacity of "11" was lower, either. Most chrysanthemum species proved higher in stem regeneration ca- pacity, instead of leaf. Therefore, chrysanthemum species can be applied for rapid reproduction and genetic engineering. 展开更多
关键词 Dend-ranthema morifolium LEAF STEM Direct regeneration
Direct Regeneration of Inflorescence from Callus in Dracaena fragrans cv. Massangeana Hort. 被引量:1
作者 陆文樑 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第1期113-116,共4页
以花叶千年木 (Dracaenafragranscv .MassangeanaHort.)的花被筒、花序分枝轴和花序轴为外植体成功地诱导了花序的直接再生。3种外植体首先在MS附加 1.0mg L 6_BA和 0 .5_0 .8mg L 2 ,4_D的培养基上诱导形成愈伤组织 ,然后转移到MS附加 ... 以花叶千年木 (Dracaenafragranscv .MassangeanaHort.)的花被筒、花序分枝轴和花序轴为外植体成功地诱导了花序的直接再生。3种外植体首先在MS附加 1.0mg L 6_BA和 0 .5_0 .8mg L 2 ,4_D的培养基上诱导形成愈伤组织 ,然后转移到MS附加 0 .5mg L 6_BA和 0 .0 0 5~ 0 .5mg L 2 ,4_D的培养基上分别诱导了花序的直接再生。 展开更多
关键词 Dracaena fragrans regeneration of inflorescence
作者 朱平 《农村实用技术》 2017年第2期55-56,共2页
1采收时间1.1叶子的采收时间春播板蓝根,在采收根前,可收割2-3次叶子。第一次"芒种"前后,6月上旬至中旬,苗高在25cm左右,苗茬2-3cm,以利新叶再生;第二次采叶在8月中旬,"立秋"前后采收,留茬3-4cm;第三次也是最后一次在"霜降"前后,1... 1采收时间1.1叶子的采收时间春播板蓝根,在采收根前,可收割2-3次叶子。第一次"芒种"前后,6月上旬至中旬,苗高在25cm左右,苗茬2-3cm,以利新叶再生;第二次采叶在8月中旬,"立秋"前后采收,留茬3-4cm;第三次也是最后一次在"霜降"前后,10月中旬采收。以第一次采收的叶子质量最佳。1.2根的采挖时间一般应在霜期来临前l周采挖,也就是"霜降"后1周,10月中旬或下旬,在第三次采叶的2周后即可采挖其根。在有的地区,于11月底至12月初采挖,认为11月底至12月初采挖的含量最高,质量较佳。 展开更多
关键词 采收方法 叶再生 质量最佳 周采 采叶 留茬 最后一次 仓储条件 根条 产地加工
《中国农村科技》 1994年第2期28-28,共1页
关键词 罐藏 无限生长 抗烟草花叶病毒 植株生长势 叶再生 单株结果 花果 始收期 番茄红素 高畦
Performance evaluation and chemical property analysis of RWMA binders with 100% artificial reclaimed asphalt 被引量:2
作者 陈静云 王维营 +2 位作者 孙依人 刘佳音 许斌 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2017年第1期91-95,共5页
The performance evaluation and chemical property analysis of the recycled warm mix asphalt (RWMA) binders containing 100% artificial reclaimed asphalt ( RA) are presented, and the combined effects of different p... The performance evaluation and chemical property analysis of the recycled warm mix asphalt (RWMA) binders containing 100% artificial reclaimed asphalt ( RA) are presented, and the combined effects of different percentages of the rejuvenator and warm mix additive (WMA) additives on RWMA binders are analyzed through laboratory tests. Three types of WMA additives ad one commercial rejuvenator named GST were selected to restore the artificial RA. The laboratory performace tests including the penetration test, softening test ad rotary, viscosity (RV) test were carried out. In addition, the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) test was performed to explore the chemical property of RWMA binders. The results of the performance tests indicate that the rejuvenator GST has the ability to restore the artificial RA; choosing the optimum content of WMA additives and rejuvenator is the key to restoring 100% artificial RA, since the combined effects of them play an important role in determining the basic laboratory performance of RWMA binders. The FTIR tests show that the process of recycling mainly adjusts the chemical component of aged asphalt and no remarkable change is observed in the FTI1R spectra of RWMA binders in terms of chemical functional groups with the introduction of WMA additives. 展开更多
关键词 artificial reclaimed asphalt recycled warm mix asphalt WMA aditives rejuvenator performance test Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Regeneration of Leaves in vitro in Cherry Rootstock Colt 被引量:2
作者 刘彦泓 方宏筠 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 2002年第2期112-117,共6页
Plants were regenerated from leaves of cherry rootstock Colt by two methods,the frequencies were 48 3% and 21 3%.Leaves were cultured on MS medium supplemented with NAA 1 0mg/L,KT 3 0mg/L and ZT 0 25mg/L.After 5... Plants were regenerated from leaves of cherry rootstock Colt by two methods,the frequencies were 48 3% and 21 3%.Leaves were cultured on MS medium supplemented with NAA 1 0mg/L,KT 3 0mg/L and ZT 0 25mg/L.After 5~7 days leaves dedifferentiated,and formed callus.About 25 days later,callus grew into greenish or pink compact ones,the induction frequency was 100%.The color and structural feature of callus depended on the medium,culture condition and physiology phase of leaves.To induce callus,NAA was the main factor.Leaves rooted in medium only with NAA.In order to inhibit rooting and make callus grow fast,KT and ZT were added to the medium.Leaves cultured without light could quickly form callus during the initial stage of dedifferentiation.Young leaves dedifferentiated more easily than old leaves.After had been cultured about 50 days,callus were transferred to MS medium supplemented with NAA 0 2mg/L,IAA 0 5mg/L,6 BA 0 5mg/L,KT 1 0 mg/L and GA 0 5mg/L,and redifferentiated at a frequency of 21 3%.The callus of Colt leaves were difficult to redifferentiate.GA was important in the redifferentiation of callus.The result showed that callus could redifferentiate in all the mediums with GA,and could not redifferentiate without GA.The ability of redifferentiation of big callus was higher than that of small ones.And the physiology character of callus was also important.High regeneration frequency was obtained from greenish or pink compact callus.The frequency of regeneration of petioles was higher than that of leaves.Leaf petioles' regeneration need high concentration of cytokinin(more than 5 0mg/L).Leaf petioles were cultured on MS medium supplement with 6 BA 6 0mg/L,NAA 1 0mg/L and GA 0 5mg/L,and regenerated at a frequency of 48 3%. 展开更多
关键词 cherry rootstock colt leaves in vitro CALLUS REGENERATION
Local signals in stem cell-based bone marrow regeneration 被引量:17
作者 Wei Han Yan Yu Xin Yuan Liu 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期189-195,共7页
The cellular basis of bone marrow (BM) tissue development and regeneration is mediated through hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Local interplays between hematopoietic cells and ... The cellular basis of bone marrow (BM) tissue development and regeneration is mediated through hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Local interplays between hematopoietic cells and BM stromal cells (BMSCs) determine the reconstitution of hematopoiesis after myelosuppression. Here we review the BM local signals in control of BM regeneration after insults. Hematopoietic growth factors (HGFs) and cytokines produced by BMSCs are primary factors in regulation ofBM hematopoiesis. Morphogens which are critical to early embryo development in multiple species have been added to the family of HSCs regulators, including families of Wnt proteins, Notch ligands, BMPs, and Hedgehogs. Global gene expression analysis of HSCs and BMSCs has begun to reveal signature groups of genes for both cell types. More importantly, analysis of global gene expression coupled with biochemical and biological studies of local signals during BM regeneration have strongly suggested that HGFs and cytokines may not be the primary local regulators for BM recovery, rather chemokines (SDF- 1, FGF-4) and angiogenic growth factors (VEGF-A, Ang- 1) play instructive roles in BM reconstitution after myelosuppression. A new direction of management of BM toxicity is emerging from the identification of BM regenerative regulators. 展开更多
关键词 bone marrow REGENERATION hematopoietic stem cells mesenchymal stem cells signaling molecules MYELOSUPPRESSION
Plants regenerated from mesophyll protoplasts of white mulberry 被引量:3
作者 WEI ZHIMING ZHIHONG XU +2 位作者 JIANQIU HUANG NONG XU MINREN HUANG.(National laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology, Academia Sinica, 300Fenglin Road. Shanghai 200032, China)(Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding Laboratory 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第2期183-189,共7页
Morus alba(white mulberry) mesophyll protoplasts were isolated from leaves of 30-45 day old sterile shoots,with protoplast yields of 2.5 x 107 g-1/F.W. after purification. The protoplasts were cultured in a modified K... Morus alba(white mulberry) mesophyll protoplasts were isolated from leaves of 30-45 day old sterile shoots,with protoplast yields of 2.5 x 107 g-1/F.W. after purification. The protoplasts were cultured in a modified K8P liquid medium containing 0.2 mg/L 2,4-D(2,4- Dichlorophe-noxy acetic acid), 1 mg/L NAA(Naphthyl acetic acid) and 0.5 mg/L BA(6-benzylaminopurine). A low plating density (5 x 104/ml) proved to be favourable to the division of protoplast-derived cells. The first divisioll occurred 4 days after culture, and the division frequency reached 24% at 10 days. A number of cell colonies and microcalli formed in 6 weeks. The microcalli were transferred onto MSB medium with 0.5 mg/L NAA and 0.5 mg/L BA for further proliferation. Shoot formation was initiated when the calli of 3-4 mm in size were transferred onto MSB differentiation medium with 0.1 mg/L NAA and 1 mg/L BA. The frequency of shoot formation was 35%. The shoots of 4-5 cm in height were excised from the callus and rooted on half strength MS medium with 0.5 mg/L IBA and 0.1 mg/L BA. After transplantation into pots, the regenerated plants grew vigorously in the phytotron. 展开更多
关键词 Morus alba L. white mulberry protoplast culture plant regeneration
An Efficient in Vitro Plant Regeneration System from Cotyledon of Kenaf(Hibiscus cannabinus L.)
作者 LI Hui TANG Hui-juan +2 位作者 LI Jian-jun ZHAO Li-ning LI Yu-jun 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2022年第2期32-37,共6页
[Objective]This study aims to develop an efficient regeneration system for kenaf(Hibiscus cannabinus L.),which is expected to lay a basis for breeding via genetic modification and improving the fibre yield.[Method]The... [Objective]This study aims to develop an efficient regeneration system for kenaf(Hibiscus cannabinus L.),which is expected to lay a basis for breeding via genetic modification and improving the fibre yield.[Method]The influence of kenaf variety,hormone for callus induction,and explant type on the regeneration was examined.[Result]The optimal variety and explant for the regeneration were K89 and cotyledon,respectively.The 6-benzylaminopurine(6-BA)was suitable for callus induction and the optimum concentration was 2 mg/L.In addition,with this cytokinin,1.7~4.0 adventitious buds were produced,and 27.7%~38.3% of the adventitious buds could grow to plants.Adventitious roots can be induced with 0.2 mg/L naphthylacetic acid(NAA)and 0.1 mg/L indole-3-acetic acid(IAA).[Conclusion]Cotyledon of K89 had huge potential for the regeneration of kenaf. 展开更多
关键词 Hibiscus cannabinus L. COTYLEDON REGENERATION
Direct Regeneration of Plants Derived from in vitro Cultured Shoot Tips and Leaves of Poplar (Populus×euramericana 'Neva') 被引量:1
作者 Chaoqiang Jiang Zhaopu Liu Qingsong Zheng 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第8期366-372,共7页
The purpose of the present study was to establish a regeneration procedure for Populus × euramericana 'Neva' by using in vitro shoots tips and leaves. For sterilization, 0.1% (w/v) mercuric chloride (HgCl2)... The purpose of the present study was to establish a regeneration procedure for Populus × euramericana 'Neva' by using in vitro shoots tips and leaves. For sterilization, 0.1% (w/v) mercuric chloride (HgCl2) solution for 8 to 10 min was the optimal treatment for this poplar cultivation. The effects of benzyladenine (BA) and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) added to Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium were tested on organogenesis. The highest regeneration rate and numbers of shoots/explant from shoot tips (96.7%, 9.8) and leaves (90.0%, 8.7) were obtained on the half-strength MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BA and 0.1 mg/L NAA. The optimal medium for in vitro rooting of shoots was on a half-strength MS medium containing 1 mg/L indolebutyric acid (IBA) with the highest rooting frequency (93.3%) and numbers of roots/explant (8.2). For acclimatization, in vitro rooted plantlets were transferred to plastic cups containing vermiculite and peat (1: 1). After acclimatization, transplanted plantlets grew well in a shade house. Therefore, we believe that this efficient plant regeneration protocol especially by leaf explants is very important for in vitro clonal propagation of Populus×euramericana 'Neva'. 展开更多
关键词 Poplar (Populus × euramericana 'Neva') In vitro culture adventitious shoot ROOTING micropropagation.
A 2011 drought event affecting distribution of nutrients and chlorophyll in the Zhujiang River estuary
作者 施震 黄小平 +4 位作者 张霞 叶丰 梁惜梅 倪志鑫 蔡伟叙 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期433-443,共11页
During the summer of 2011, a severe drought event occurred throughout the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Basin of South China. This decreased runoffinto the river, resulting in increased salinity and reduced suspended subst... During the summer of 2011, a severe drought event occurred throughout the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Basin of South China. This decreased runoffinto the river, resulting in increased salinity and reduced suspended substance. To examine the effects of this extreme drought on the distribution of nutrients and chlorophyll, we compared two surveys from 2006 and 20ll. Results show that dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration did not change from 2006 to 2011, whereas the proportions of NOR and NH4+ to DIN in 2011 increased. PO4 3- concentration was lower in 2011 than in 2006, whereas there was no difference in SiO3 2- concentration between these years. Correlation coefficients of salinity with levels of NO3-, NO2-, NH4+, PO4 3- and SiO3 2- in 2011 were all much higher than those in 2006, suggesting greater conservation of dissolved nutrients during the extreme drought event. Furthermore, calculated amounts of regenerated nitrate and phosphorus and their proportions to observed nutrients in 2011 were much lower than in 2006, indicating that nutrient regeneration decreased during the extreme drought period. Mean concentration of chlorophyll a (Chl-a) was considerably higher in 2011 than in 2006, and a harmful algal bloom of Cochlodinium geminatum was observed in the estuary, owing to water stagnancy and lower turbidity as a consequence of drought. Therefore, the extreme drought event in 2011 changed the composition ratio of nutrients, enhanced nutrient conservative behavior, and reduced nutrient regeneration. This affected some key ecological processes in the estuary. 展开更多
关键词 extreme drought nutrient behavior nutrient regeneration chlorophyll a Zhujiang (Pearl) River estuary
Mutated Clones of Caladium Humboldtii 'Phraya Savet' from in vitro Culture and Occurrence of Variants from Somatic Hybridization between Two Caladium Species
作者 Chockpisit Thepsithar Aree Thongpukdee Rungniran Sugaram Usanisa Somkanae 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第5期352-359,共8页
Variations in Caladium humboldtii cv. 'Phraya Savet' from in vitro culture were observed. Callus and small shoots were induced from unexpanded leaf segments cultured on modified MS medium supplemented with 2.69 p.M ... Variations in Caladium humboldtii cv. 'Phraya Savet' from in vitro culture were observed. Callus and small shoots were induced from unexpanded leaf segments cultured on modified MS medium supplemented with 2.69 p.M l-Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 17.76 μM N6-Benzyladenine (BA). Shoots were transferred onto modified MS medium supplemented with 8.88 μM BA for shoot multiplication. Subsequently, roots were induced on MS without growth regulator. The regenerated plantlets were vigorously grown in glasshouse conditions. From 4 morphological groups (leaf color ratio, leaf color, petiole and leaf pattern), the regenerated 'Phraya Savet' caladium plants were divided into 6 types. The occurrence of variants was 52%. Most of the mutated plants were observed from only leaf color ratio (green : white) and leaf shape. The most significance for commercial value from mutated clones was round leaf obtaining 20%. Characteristics of new clones from somatic hybridization between C humboldtii cv. 'Phraya Savet' and C. bicolor cv. 'Suvarnabhum' using thin cell layer technique from in vitro calli were investigated. Each thin cell layer of induced callus, about 0.5 - 1 mm thick, from both caladiums was alternately laid on the top of each other for 8 layers. Subsequently, the combination of thin cell layers was cultured and the regenerated plantlets were grown in glasshouse conditions. From 3 morphological groups (leaf pattern, leaf color and petiole), the regenerated caladium plants were found dissimilarly to both original caladiums at 85 percent with 8 types of different characters. Somatic hybridization between C. humboldtii cv. 'Phraya Savet' and C. bicolor cv. 'Suvarnabhum' gave rise to a number of most hybrids with all conserving C. bicolor characters. 展开更多
关键词 Caladium humboldtii Caladium bicolor mutated clones somatic hybridization in vitro culture.
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