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加强茶产业链建设 助推茶叶强市富民
作者 代成山 胡芳芳 《学习月刊》 2014年第22期116-116,共1页
因得天独厚的生态环境和资源优势,恩施市被农业部和湖北省政府确定为优势茶叶区域,先后被授予湖北省茶叶大县、全国重点产茶大县、中国名茶之乡等荣誉称号,是"恩施玉露"的发源地和"宜红功夫茶"的传统优势产区。去年10月,恩施州委六... 因得天独厚的生态环境和资源优势,恩施市被农业部和湖北省政府确定为优势茶叶区域,先后被授予湖北省茶叶大县、全国重点产茶大县、中国名茶之乡等荣誉称号,是"恩施玉露"的发源地和"宜红功夫茶"的传统优势产区。去年10月,恩施州委六届五次会议提出建设"六大产业链"; 展开更多
关键词 产业链建设 茶叶 湖北省政府 富民 叶强 资源优势 生态环境 中国名茶
作者 叶强 《天津美术学院学报》 2003年第2期21-21,共1页
关键词 叶强 油画作品 《心相之七》 《心相之十五》
作者 苏水良 《中国证券期货》 2013年第7期51-52,共2页
福建产茶制茶始于晋代,兴于唐宋,发于明清,盛于当代。福建有着丰富的茶树资源,众多的茶树晶种,精湛的制茶经验,独特的制茶技艺,优良的茶叶品质,多彩多姿的茶文化积淀,是我国茶叶宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠。福建省农业厅厅长陈绍军... 福建产茶制茶始于晋代,兴于唐宋,发于明清,盛于当代。福建有着丰富的茶树资源,众多的茶树晶种,精湛的制茶经验,独特的制茶技艺,优良的茶叶品质,多彩多姿的茶文化积淀,是我国茶叶宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠。福建省农业厅厅长陈绍军说,福建省正在实施“茶叶强省”战略,重点抓质量、抓市场、抓品牌。 展开更多
关键词 制茶技艺 福建省 叶强 茶叶品质 文化积淀 省农业厅 茶树 厅长
作者 乌苏拉 《中国艺术》 2012年第1期64-69,共6页
叶强,1973年7月生于四川成都。2001年毕业于四川美院造型艺术系油画专业,获艺术学硕士学位。1996年—2008年执教于四川美院,2009年执教于北京航空航天大学新媒体艺术与设计学院。在中国传统绘画中,水墨山水是最受重视的绘画形式,它由历... 叶强,1973年7月生于四川成都。2001年毕业于四川美院造型艺术系油画专业,获艺术学硕士学位。1996年—2008年执教于四川美院,2009年执教于北京航空航天大学新媒体艺术与设计学院。在中国传统绘画中,水墨山水是最受重视的绘画形式,它由历代精通诗书琴画的文人画家们创作。 展开更多
关键词 当代中国 叶强 北京航空航天大学 文化 伪装 本性 受伤 中国传统绘画
作者 卢旭峰 田波 +1 位作者 刘大波 文叶飞 《当代贵州》 2012年第20期I0005-I0005,共1页
2012年6月15日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝向缠溪镇湄坨村群众回信。在回信中,温家宝总理肯定了湄坨村“从当地实际出发,依靠科技发展茶产业,并实行生产、加工、销售相结合,带动群众就业和增收致富”。温家宝总理嘱咐... 2012年6月15日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝向缠溪镇湄坨村群众回信。在回信中,温家宝总理肯定了湄坨村“从当地实际出发,依靠科技发展茶产业,并实行生产、加工、销售相结合,带动群众就业和增收致富”。温家宝总理嘱咐湄坨村将“茶产业做大、做精、做强,促进更多的群众增收致富”。 展开更多
关键词 生态茶 中共中央政治局常委 温家宝总理 叶强 国务院总理 实际出发 科技发展 茶产业
茶叶强国之中国梦 让建设茶叶强国成为“中国梦”的重要组成部分
作者 邹建中 沈立江(摄影) 《茶博览》 2013年第9期13-15,共3页
周国富指出,茶的根在中国。茶与茶文化是中国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,是中华民族对人类社会的一大贡献,也是世界文明和文化宝库中的一朵奇葩。纵观人类发展历史,无论是柴米油盐酱醋茶,还是琴棋书画诗歌茶,都可以得出这样一个... 周国富指出,茶的根在中国。茶与茶文化是中国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,是中华民族对人类社会的一大贡献,也是世界文明和文化宝库中的一朵奇葩。纵观人类发展历史,无论是柴米油盐酱醋茶,还是琴棋书画诗歌茶,都可以得出这样一个结论:世界上没有哪一利,食品饮料具有那么悠久的历史,那么历经沧桑而经久不衰,那么受到各国人民群众的认同和喜爱,那么能够承载文明和文化的多样性,那么能将经济、社会、文化、 展开更多
关键词 茶文化 中国梦 中国优秀传统文化 组成 叶强 人类社会 世界文明 发展历史
作者 叶强 《美苑》 2003年第3期78-79,共2页
关键词 叶强 油画 美术作品 《雪悸》
作者 何桂彦 《艺术当代》 2009年第5期56-61,共6页
一 将“挪用”作为一种文化观念,让“挪用”具有独特的“叙事”性,并让“叙事”产生的意义与一种当代文化话语发生联系——这正是叶强作品的显著特点。
关键词 叙事 作品 叶强 文化观念 文化话语
灵光乍现 叶强作品展
《文化市场》 2009年第3期12-15,共4页
叶强 1973年生于成都。 2001年毕业于四川美院造型艺术系油画专业,获艺术学硕士学位。 现执教于四川美院油画系。生活,工作于北京,重庆。
关键词 叶强 作品 硕士学位 艺术系 艺术学 油画 美院 四川
作者 王志成 《经济》 2008年第4期82-84,共3页
关键词 茶叶 叶强 农业总产值 茶园面积 平均单价 总产量
作者 王林 《艺术当代》 2004年第3期48-51,共4页
在中国,“后现代”正被人描绘为这样一种状态,十五分钟的明星轮流登场,商品化使观念成为消费现象,历史失去纵向压缩为平面,变化差异在文汇时被国际化逼得无处逃生……艺术仿佛不再需要道义,责任和出发点,不再需要历史知识,专业... 在中国,“后现代”正被人描绘为这样一种状态,十五分钟的明星轮流登场,商品化使观念成为消费现象,历史失去纵向压缩为平面,变化差异在文汇时被国际化逼得无处逃生……艺术仿佛不再需要道义,责任和出发点,不再需要历史知识,专业评价和任何深刻性。——这是当代艺术的现状吗?如果它们成为中国文化的历史趋势,唯一的问题,我们还需要干什么呢? 展开更多
关键词 叶强 绘画艺术 青年画家 后现代主义 艺术观念 艺术风格 绘画特征
《艺术当代》 2009年第6期123-124,共2页
关键词 上海美术馆 叶强 艺术中心 理性因素 情感因素 视觉冲击 综合体 艺术家
Photoinhibition in Shaded Cotton Leaves After Exposing to High Light and the Time Course of Its Restoration 被引量:24
作者 杨兴洪 邹琦 王玮 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第12期1255-1259,共5页
Chlorophyll fluorescence emission, pigment composition and photosynthetic rate of shade-grown cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants were measured immediately after suddenly exposing to full sunlight and at regular in... Chlorophyll fluorescence emission, pigment composition and photosynthetic rate of shade-grown cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants were measured immediately after suddenly exposing to full sunlight and at regular intervals there after within 15 d. Photoinhibition occurred in shade-grown cotton leaves immediately after exposed to full sunlight. The chlorophyll fluorescence parameter F-v/F-m and PhiPS II, which reflect the efficiency of PS II,obviously decreased in shade-grown leaves, much lower than that of the full sunlight-grown leaves. On the contrary, F-o value was sharply increased. Neither of these parameters could completely recover till next morning. The photoinhibition was chronic and continued for about 4 d, while the F-v/F-m and the net photosynthetic rate ( P-n) continued to decline, then began to increase gradually 6 d later and turned stable after 10 - 12 d, appearing as an acclimation phenomenon. However, the final value of F-v/F-m and P-n did not reach the level as in those leaves grown in the full sunlight ever before. The final P-n was higher by 60% than that before exposure, but lower for more than 40% than that of the full sunlight-grown leaves. The most notable response of chloroplast pigment composition was a pronounced increase in the pool size of carotenoids in xanthophyll cycle over a period of 3 d. The results indicated that when shade-grown cotton seedlings were suddenly transferred to the full sunlight, the decline of F-v/F-m and P-n might associate with the damage of the PS II reaction center. During the light acclimation, photoprotective mechanisms such as the xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy dissipation were increased, so that photodamage in leaves transferred from low to high light might be reduced. 展开更多
关键词 Gosstypium hirsutum SHADING PHOTOINHIBITION PHOTOPROTECTION xanthophyll cycle
Effect of Radiative Forcing on Growth and Photosynthetic Responses of Elaeocarpus glabripetalus Merr.
作者 杨爽 江洪 翟秀丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第6期1240-1246,共7页
[Objective] This study aimed to reveal the impact of radiative forcing on the woody plants in subtropical regions of China through the study on the effect of radiative forcing on growth and photosynthetic responses of... [Objective] This study aimed to reveal the impact of radiative forcing on the woody plants in subtropical regions of China through the study on the effect of radiative forcing on growth and photosynthetic responses of Elaecarpus glabripetalus Merr. seedlings. [Method] Three gradients of radiative forcing treatments were applied to the species namely, control group (100% natural light), weak radiative forcing group (39% natural light) and strong radiative forcing group (16% natural light). The relative contents of chlorophyll, photosynthetic parameters of E. glabripetalus in different periods were measured to analyze the effects of different gradients of radiative forcing on plant height, ground diameter, chlorophyll content, gas exchange parameters, light response cure parameters. [Result] The increased ground diameter of E. glabripetalus in different treatments was the control weak radiative forcing group strong radiative forcing group; the increased plant height in the early period was strong radiative forcing group weak radiative forcing group control, but there was no significant difference during the late period; the relative content of chlorophyll was strong radiative forcing group weak radiative forcing group control. The light compensation point (LCP), light saturation point (LSP) and the maximum net photosynthetic rate (A max ) were reduced in radiative forcing treatments. The stomatal conductance (G s ), transpiration rate (Tr) of E. glabripetalus in strong radiative forcing group were significantly smaller than that in the control group, while there was no significant change in dark respiration rate (R d ) and apparent quantum yield (AQY). [Conclusion] In summary, the radiative forcing can change the environmental factors which have significant effect on the ground diameter, plant height, relative content of chlorophyll and photosynthetic physiological parameters, but with the processing of treatment the effects on ground diameter and plant height increase are not significant in the late period, indicating that E. glabripetalus seedlings have some resistance and adaptability to the radiative forcing environment. 展开更多
关键词 Radiative forcing Elaeocarpus glabripetalus Merr. Chlorophyll relative content Photosynthetic characteristic
Photochemical Efficiency of PSⅡ and Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in Leaves of indica and japonica Rice (Oryza sativa) Under Chilling Temperature and Strong Light Stress Conditions 被引量:18
作者 季本华 朱素琴 焦德茂 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第2期139-146,共8页
Relationships between fluorescence parameters and membrane lipid peroxidation in leaves of indica and japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) during later growth stage were studied under chilling temperature and strong light ... Relationships between fluorescence parameters and membrane lipid peroxidation in leaves of indica and japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) during later growth stage were studied under chilling temperature and strong light stress conditions. Results showed that D1 protein contents of PSⅡ in photosynthetic apparatus dropped, the generation of antheraxanthin (A) and zeaxanthin (Z) of xanthophyll cycle were inhibited partly, PSⅡ photochemical efficiency (F v/F m)and non-photochemical quenching (q N) were also decreased obviously. In addition, endogenous active oxygen scavenger—superoxide dismutase (SOD) reduced, superoxide anion radical (O -· 2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) accumulated, as a result, photooxidation of leaves occurred under chilling temperature and strong light stress conditions. Obvious differences in the changes of the above mentioned physiological parameters between indica and japonica rice were observed. Experiments in leaves treated with inhibitors under chilling temperature and strong light conditions showed that indica rice was more sensitive to chilling temperature with strong light and subjected to photooxidation more than japonica rice. Notable positive correlation between D1 protein contents and F v/F m or (A+Z)/(A+Z+V), and a marked negative correlation between F v/F m and MDA contents were obtained by regression analysis in indica and japonica rice during chilling temperature and strong light conditions. According to the facts mentioned above, it was inferred that PSⅡ photochemical efficiency(F v/F m) was the key index to forecast for the prediction of photooxidation under stress circumstances and the physiological basis were the synthetic capacity of D1 protein and the protection of xanthophyll cycle. 展开更多
关键词 D1 protein PSⅡ photochemical efficiency (F v/F m) membrane lipid peroxidation xanthophyll cycle RICE
A study on the shade tolerance of Muehlewbeckia complera
作者 岳桦 关学瑞 姜斌斌 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期83-85,J004,共4页
Muehlewbeckia complera was introduced to China in 2002 as indoor-hanging ornamental foliage plant. The experiment of the shade tolerance for this species was carried out in different light intensities (0.14–946.00 μ... Muehlewbeckia complera was introduced to China in 2002 as indoor-hanging ornamental foliage plant. The experiment of the shade tolerance for this species was carried out in different light intensities (0.14–946.00 μmol·m?2·s?1). After 40 days in experimental areas, leaf photosynthentic characteristics indexes ofM. complera in different photosynthesis active radiation (PAR) were measured with LI-COR6400 apparatus, such as the light compensation point, light saturation point, and maximum net photosynthesis rate, at the same time, the increments of total leaf area and leaf amount were measured. The results showed that the optimum light intensity range forM. complera was from 9.26 μmol·m?2·s?1 to 569.00 μmol·m?2·s?1 (463–28150 lx, relative humidity (RH) for 46–60%, temperature at 16–22°C). Under this condition, leaf photosynthetic efficiency was tiptop. AlthoughM. complera belonged to the moderate sun-adaptation plant species, the plant growth was inhibited when PAR increased to the level of 569.000 μmol·m?2·s?1 or above.M. complera could sprout new leaves in photosynthesis active radiation of 0.16–19.22 μmol·m?2·s?1 (8–961 lx), or 10 μmol·m?2·s?1 for above 6 h. Keywords Muehlewbeckia complera - Shade tolerance - Cultivation - Photosynthesis CLC number S602.1 Document code A Foundation item: This study was supported by the Research Foundation of Northeast Forestry University.Biography: YUE Hua (1962-), female, Associate professor in Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P. R. China.Responsible editor: Zhu Hong 展开更多
关键词 Muehlewbeckia complera Shade tolerance CULTIVATION PHOTOSYNTHESIS
Feasibility analysis for monitoring fatigue crack in hydraulic turbine blades using acoustic emission technique 被引量:2
作者 王向红 朱昌明 +1 位作者 毛汉领 黄振峰 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第3期444-450,共7页
In order to investigate the feasibility of monitoring the fatigue cracks in turbine blades using acoustic emission (AE) technique, the AE characteristics of fatigue crack growth were studied in the laboratory. And the... In order to investigate the feasibility of monitoring the fatigue cracks in turbine blades using acoustic emission (AE) technique, the AE characteristics of fatigue crack growth were studied in the laboratory. And the characteristics were compared with those of background noise received from a real hydraulic turbine unit. It is found that the AE parameters such as the energy and duration can qualitatively describe the fatigue state of the blades. The correlations of crack propagation rates and acoustic emission count rates vs stress intensity factor (SIF) range are also obtained. At the same time, for the specimens of 20SiMn under the given testing conditions, it is noted that the rise time and duration of events emitted from the fatigue process are lower than those from the background noise; amplitude range is 49-74 dB, which is lower than that of the noise (90-99 dB); frequency range of main energy of crack signals is higher than 60 kHz while that in the noise is lower than 55 kHz. Thus, it is possible to extract the useful crack signals from the noise through appropriate signal processing methods and to represent the crack status of blade materials by AE parameters. As a result, it is feasible to monitor the safety of runners using AE technique. 展开更多
关键词 FATIGUE CRACK acoustic emission hydraulic turbine BLADE
A two-stage blade-packing rotating packed bed for intensification of continuous distillation 被引量:6
作者 Yong Luo Guangwen Chu +3 位作者 Le Sang Haikui Zou Yang Xiang Jianfeng Chen 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期109-115,共7页
A two-stage blade-packing rotating packed bed(TSBP-RPB) was designed and developed for the intensification of continuous distillation. The mass transfer parameters of the TSBP-RPB were investigated using a chemisorpti... A two-stage blade-packing rotating packed bed(TSBP-RPB) was designed and developed for the intensification of continuous distillation. The mass transfer parameters of the TSBP-RPB were investigated using a chemisorption system. Continuous distillation experiments were conducted in the TSBP-RPB by the methanol–water binary system. Experimental results showed that values of the effective interfacial area and liquid-side mass transfer coefficient of the TSBP-RPB were 93–337 m^2·m^(-3) and 0.05–0.19 cm·s^(-1), respectively. The height of equivalent theoretical plate(HETP) of the TSBP-RPB ranged from 1.9 to 10 cm. Moreover, the TSBP-RPB is easy to be manufactured, which shows great potential for the application of continuous distillation. 展开更多
关键词 Two-stage blade-packing rotating packed bed Mass transfer Distillation
5-Azacytidine induces changes in electrophysiological properties of human mesenchymal stem cells 被引量:20
作者 Bartosz Balanal Cecilia Nicoletti +4 位作者 Ihor Zahanich Eva M Graf Torsten Christ Sabine Boxberger Ursula Ravens 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第12期949-960,共12页
Previously, mouse bone marrow-derived stem cells (MSC) treated with the unspecific DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-azacytidine were reported to differentiate into cardiomyocytes. The aim of the present study was t... Previously, mouse bone marrow-derived stem cells (MSC) treated with the unspecific DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-azacytidine were reported to differentiate into cardiomyocytes. The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficiency of a similar differentiation strategy in human mononuclear cells obtained from healthy bone marrow donors. After 1-3 passages, cultures were exposed for 24 h to 5-azacytidine (3 μM) followed by 6 weeks of further culture. Drug treatment did not induce expression of myogenic marker MyoD or cardiac markers Nkx2.5 and GATA-4 and did not yield beating cells during follow-up. In patch clamp experiments, approximately 10-15% of treated and untreated cells exhibited L-type Ca^2+ currents. Almost all cells showed outwardly rectifying K^+ currents of rapid or slow activation kinetics. Mean current amplitude at +60 mV doubled after 6 weeks of treatment compared with time-matched controls. Membrane capacitance of treated cells was significantly larger than in controls 2 weeks after treatment and remained high after 6 weeks, Expression levels of mRNAs for the K^+ channels Kv 1,1, Kv 1,5, Kv2,1, Kv4,3 and KCNMA 1 and for the Ca^2+ channel Cav 1.2 were not affected by 5-azacytidine. Treatment with potassium channel blockers tetraethylammonium and clofilium at concentrations shown previously to inhibit rapid or slowly activating K^+ currents of hMSC inhibited proliferation of these cells. Our results suggest that despite the absence of differentiation ofhMSC into cardiomyocytes, treatme.nt with 5-azacytidine caused profound changes in current density. 展开更多
关键词 human mesenchymal stem cells 5-AZACYTIDINE cardiac differentiation outward K^+ currents
Impact of two typhoons on the marine environment in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea 被引量:5
作者 付东洋 栾虹 +5 位作者 潘德炉 张莹 王立安 刘大召 丁又专 李薛 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期871-884,共14页
This study investigated the ef fects of two typhoons(Nari and Wipha) on sea surface temperature(SST) and chlorophyll- a(Chl- a) concentration. Typhoons Nari and Wipha passed through the Yellow Sea on September 13, 200... This study investigated the ef fects of two typhoons(Nari and Wipha) on sea surface temperature(SST) and chlorophyll- a(Chl- a) concentration. Typhoons Nari and Wipha passed through the Yellow Sea on September 13, 2007 and the East China Sea(ECS) on September 16, 2007, respectively. The SST and Chl- a data were obtained from the Aqua/Terra MODIS and NOAA18, respectively, and the temperature and salinity in the southeast of the study area were observed in situ from Argo. The average SST within the study area dropped from 26.33°C on September 10 to a minimum of 22.79°C on September 16. Without the usual phenomenon of ‘right bias', the most striking response of SST was in the middle of the typhoons' tracks, near to coastal waters. Strong cooling of the upper layers of the water column was probably due to increased vertical mixing, discharge from the Changjiang River estuary, and heavy rainfall. During the typhoons, average Chl-a increased by 11.54% within the study area and by 21.69% in the off shore area near to the southeast ECS. From September 1 to 13, average Chl-a was only 0.10 mg/m^3 in the of fshore waters but it reached a peak of >0.17 mg/m^3 on September 18. This large increase in Chl-a concentration in of fshore waters might have been triggered by strong vertical mixing, upwelling induced by strong typhoons, and sedimentation and nutrient infl ux following heavy rainfall. 展开更多
关键词 typhoon Yellow Sea East China Sea chlorophyll-α concentration sea surface temperature
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