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多肉植物雪国万象叶片诱导组培苗生产体系的建立 被引量:3
作者 轩华强 朱方平 张伟 《中国种业》 2018年第8期60-63,共4页
探讨了利用雪国万象叶片来进行组织培养生产种苗。选取雪国万象成熟叶片为材料,在MS培养基中添加不同浓度和比例的激素来进行组织培养。结果表明,适于叶片诱导愈伤组织的培养基是MS+6-BA 2.5 mg/L+NAA 0.2 mg/L;适于愈伤组织继代培养的... 探讨了利用雪国万象叶片来进行组织培养生产种苗。选取雪国万象成熟叶片为材料,在MS培养基中添加不同浓度和比例的激素来进行组织培养。结果表明,适于叶片诱导愈伤组织的培养基是MS+6-BA 2.5 mg/L+NAA 0.2 mg/L;适于愈伤组织继代培养的培养基为MS+NAA 0.1 m/L+6-BA 1.0 mg/L;适于愈伤组织分化的培养基为MS+NAA 0.15 mg/L+6-BA 1.0 mg/L;适于生根的培养基为MS+NAA 0.3~0.5 mg/L。 展开更多
关键词 万象 雪国 叶片诱导 组培苗
诱导轮叶片数对超高速泵性能影响的研究 被引量:2
作者 杨从新 刘洋 《甘肃科学学报》 2017年第5期147-152,共6页
针对航空航天领域的一台超高速泵(38 500r/min),基于SIMPLEC算法,采用雷诺时均Navier-Stokes方程和RNGk-ε湍流模型,对带诱导轮和不带诱导轮两种结构下的流动进行三维湍流数值模拟,分析其在各工况下的内、外特性,就诱导轮叶片数对超高... 针对航空航天领域的一台超高速泵(38 500r/min),基于SIMPLEC算法,采用雷诺时均Navier-Stokes方程和RNGk-ε湍流模型,对带诱导轮和不带诱导轮两种结构下的流动进行三维湍流数值模拟,分析其在各工况下的内、外特性,就诱导轮叶片数对超高速泵性能的影响进行探讨。结果表明,添加诱导轮可以改善泵的性能及流动状态;Z<3时,增加叶片数可改善诱导轮内的流动状态,提升诱导轮的水力性能,提高叶轮的汽蚀能力,使泵的整体性能逐渐上升;而当叶片数继续增加,泵的扬程虽然继续上升,但功率增大,效率下降,叶轮的汽蚀性能逐渐下降。诱导轮叶片数为3枚时,诱导轮内流动情况最优。Z=2时泵的整体性能最好。 展开更多
关键词 超高速泵 诱导叶片 数值计算
加州软籽甜石榴茎段和叶片组织培养研究初探 被引量:4
作者 李林瑜 周龙 +2 位作者 程云霞 马梦婷 姚春苑 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2018年第1期132-135,共4页
建立加州软籽甜石榴稳定的快繁体系,为加速新品种推广和无病毒植株的使用提供参考。以加州软籽甜石榴的茎段和叶片为试材,研究初代培养,遏制褐变,愈伤组织增殖培养过程中各环节影响因子和生长调节剂种类配比。茎段初代培养最适宜的培养... 建立加州软籽甜石榴稳定的快繁体系,为加速新品种推广和无病毒植株的使用提供参考。以加州软籽甜石榴的茎段和叶片为试材,研究初代培养,遏制褐变,愈伤组织增殖培养过程中各环节影响因子和生长调节剂种类配比。茎段初代培养最适宜的培养基为MS培养基;叶片初代培养最适宜的培养基为WPM培养基。遏制茎段褐变最佳措施为接种后连续转接3次;遏制叶片褐变最佳措施为接种后先暗处理1周再连续转接2次。愈伤组织最佳增殖培养基为WPM+6-BA2.0mg/L+2,4-D 0.3mg/L,2,4-D增殖效果优于NAA。初步建立了加州软籽甜石榴的快繁体系,为以后的繁殖和生产提供材料。 展开更多
关键词 软籽石榴 茎段快繁 叶片诱导 褐变 增殖
前置不同诱导轮的高速离心泵性能 被引量:5
作者 黄锡龙 陈炜 +2 位作者 王文廷 严俊峰 许开富 《火箭推进》 CAS 2020年第2期64-70,共7页
为研究分流叶片诱导轮及变螺距诱导轮对离心泵水力性能及汽蚀性能的影响,对具有前置诱导轮的高速离心泵进行了试验和数值模拟。外特性试验表明,两种前置诱导轮对高速离心泵效率的影响均不显著,前置分流叶片诱导轮的离心泵扬程相对于前... 为研究分流叶片诱导轮及变螺距诱导轮对离心泵水力性能及汽蚀性能的影响,对具有前置诱导轮的高速离心泵进行了试验和数值模拟。外特性试验表明,两种前置诱导轮对高速离心泵效率的影响均不显著,前置分流叶片诱导轮的离心泵扬程相对于前置变螺距诱导轮有显著下降。汽蚀试验表明,小流量工况下前置分流叶片诱导轮的离心泵抗汽蚀性能较优,大流量工况下前置变螺距诱导轮的离心泵抗汽蚀性能较优,其余工况下两者的抗汽蚀性能相当。仿真结果表明,大流量工况下分流叶片诱导轮扬程较低,不能满足离心轮进口能量需求,致使前置分流叶片诱导轮的离心泵汽蚀性能变差。 展开更多
关键词 离心泵 高速 分流叶片诱导 变螺距诱导
离心泵叶片数抗汽蚀性双因素方差分析数值模拟 被引量:2
作者 杨德轩 陈吉 王守晶 《辽宁化工》 CAS 2020年第8期945-949,共5页
针对离心泵的汽蚀问题,选用描述黏性不可压缩流体动量守恒的纳维-斯托克斯方程(简称N-S方程)、标准k-ε模型以及SIMPLEC算法计算求解离心泵内部的流场,应用双因素方差分析的方法研究了诱导轮叶片数n1和叶轮叶片数n2的组合对离心泵抗汽... 针对离心泵的汽蚀问题,选用描述黏性不可压缩流体动量守恒的纳维-斯托克斯方程(简称N-S方程)、标准k-ε模型以及SIMPLEC算法计算求解离心泵内部的流场,应用双因素方差分析的方法研究了诱导轮叶片数n1和叶轮叶片数n2的组合对离心泵抗汽蚀性能的影响。基于离心泵内部流场的压力云图和速度云图分析,发现汽蚀现象易发生在诱导轮叶片前缘和叶轮叶片的吸入口处,n1和n2之间的匹配组合对离心泵的抗汽蚀性能有显著影响。结合离心泵外特性分析发现,n1=4、n2=7时为最佳匹配,与基础模型(n1=2、n2=6)相比,离心泵的汽蚀性能约提升了31%,扬程提升2.2%,效率提升3.7%。基于双因素方差分析的结果,诱导轮叶片数较叶轮叶片数对离心泵抗汽蚀性能的提高贡献更大。 展开更多
关键词 离心泵 汽蚀性能 双因素方差分析 诱导叶片
川东獐牙菜体外高效再生体系的建立 被引量:3
作者 于叶霞 林虎绒 +2 位作者 王元忠 黄衡宇 李鹂 《核农学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期2444-2451,共8页
为了构建川东獐牙菜(Swertia davidii Franch.)高效稳定的再生体系,以川东獐牙菜带叶茎尖、带芽茎段和叶片为材料,在单因素试验的基础上,通过完全组合及L9(34)正交试验,探究不同激素对其离体培养的影响。结果表明,川东獐牙菜3种外植体中... 为了构建川东獐牙菜(Swertia davidii Franch.)高效稳定的再生体系,以川东獐牙菜带叶茎尖、带芽茎段和叶片为材料,在单因素试验的基础上,通过完全组合及L9(34)正交试验,探究不同激素对其离体培养的影响。结果表明,川东獐牙菜3种外植体中,叶片适宜作为间接器官发生材料,在MS+2.0 mg·L^-16-BA+1.5 mg·L^-1 KT培养条件下,培养7 d便可见愈伤组织从切口处产生,培养30 d后即可分化出大量丛芽;不定芽在相同培养基中培养30 d后,增殖系数可达8.75。带芽茎段则适宜直接器官发生途径,其在MS+2.0 mg·L^-16-BA+1.0 mg·L^-1 NAA中培养7 d后,节上腋芽开始萌动,培养30 d后腋芽发生系数可达4.06;试管苗适宜的生根培养基为MS+NAA 0.05 mg·L^-1,培养30 d后即可获得再生植株,生根率为100%;生根苗经过炼苗,移栽30 d后成活率达90%以上。在川东獐牙菜的离体培养中,间接器官发生途径较直接器官发生途径效率更高。本研究通过叶愈伤组织-不定丛芽途径建立了川东獐牙菜高效再生体系,为保护其野生资源和种苗繁育提供了技术支撑,也为其遗传转化奠定了试验基础。 展开更多
关键词 川东獐牙菜 叶片诱导 丛芽 正交试验 体外培养
Characterization of Endopeptidases in Wheat Leaves During Dark-induced Senescence 被引量:4
作者 芮琪 徐朗莱 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第9期1049-1054,共6页
The characterization of senescence-associated endopeptidase (EP) isoenzymes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Yangmai 158) leaves during dark-induced senescence was performed. It was found that there was much higher ... The characterization of senescence-associated endopeptidase (EP) isoenzymes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Yangmai 158) leaves during dark-induced senescence was performed. It was found that there was much higher endoproteolytic activity in dark-induced wheat leaves than in control. Six endopeptidase isoenzymes (EP1-EP6) were identified by natural gradient-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) co-polymerized gelatin in the gel, five of which (EP1, EP2, EP4, EP5 and EP6) were only detected in senescing leaves. Treatment with 6-benzyl aminopurine (6-BA) delayed the expression of these EP isoenzymes and abscisic acid (ABA) accelerated it. The activity of EP3 could be detected at a wider range of pH and temperature levels while EP4, EP5 and EP 6 could be only detected at pH 4-5 and 30 -45 degreesC, EP1 and EP2 at pH 3-5 and 30-45 degreesC. All of the EP isoenzymes showed high thermal stability, especially EP3, EP5 and EP6 which still had activitiy even by incubation at 55 degreesC for 1 h. By using different class-specific inhibitors, EP1 and EP2 were characterized as metal-dependent cysteine-proteases, EP4 as a serine-protease. 展开更多
关键词 ENDOPEPTIDASE leaf senescence WHEAT
蓟马诱导的鹅掌柴叶片虫瘿组织的生理生化响应(英文) 被引量:2
作者 杨明挚 张汉波 +1 位作者 李程晨 马双敏 《云南植物研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期339-346,共8页
以蓟马诱导的鹅掌柴叶片管状虫瘿为材料,分析了虫瘿和非虫瘿组织的抗氧化活性及其它生理响应以及营养物质的含量、分配等。结果发现虫瘿组织中许多生理指标如过氧化氢浓度、过氧化物酶和苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性以及丙二醛含量都比非虫瘿组... 以蓟马诱导的鹅掌柴叶片管状虫瘿为材料,分析了虫瘿和非虫瘿组织的抗氧化活性及其它生理响应以及营养物质的含量、分配等。结果发现虫瘿组织中许多生理指标如过氧化氢浓度、过氧化物酶和苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性以及丙二醛含量都比非虫瘿组织低。虫瘿组织比非虫瘿组织光合速率下降而呼吸速率增强,虫瘿组织转变为一个营养库能够富集较多的营养物质。仅仅使用植物激素和蓟马萃取物不能诱导虫瘿的形成,但是,细胞分裂素类植物生长调节物可以引起类似蓟马诱导虫瘿的早期反应。 展开更多
关键词 虫瘿诱导 鹅掌柴叶片虫瘿 生理生化响应
Structural Changes of Lignified Tissues from Sugarcane Leaves Induced by Smut (Sporisorium scitamineum) Virulence Factors
作者 Borja Alarcon Rocio Santiago +1 位作者 Carlos Vicente Maria Estrella Legaz 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第3期287-299,共13页
Sugarcane leaf shows the classical arrangement of cells, which defines a C4 species. Vascular bundles consist of xylem, phloem and fibres, surrounded by an outer layer ofsclereids and an inner ring of stone cells asso... Sugarcane leaf shows the classical arrangement of cells, which defines a C4 species. Vascular bundles consist of xylem, phloem and fibres, surrounded by an outer layer ofsclereids and an inner ring of stone cells associated with the phloem. Some sclereids located below and above the vascular bundles act as docking cells and connect the vascular bundle to the internal surfaces of upper and lower layers of the epidermis. A compact mass ofsclereids occupies the total internal volume of the leaf edge. Neither docking cells nor the internal mass of sclereids in the edge were markedly coloured by phloroglucinol, indicating the absence of lignin in their cell walls. However, such staining indicated that fibres of the vascular bundle and the external layer of sclereids were strongly lignified. Incubation of leaf discs with an virulence factors produced by the pathogen Sporisorium scitamineum increased the thickness of the lignified cell walls of sclereids as well as the mid and small xylem vessels, as a possible mechanical defence response to the potential entry of the pathogen. This mechanism was mainly revealed for the resistant cv. Mayari 55-14, whereas lignification decreased for the susceptible cv. B 42231. 展开更多
关键词 Saccharum officinarum Sporisorium scitamineum fungal virulence factors LIGNIFICATION plant defence sclereids.
Characterization of Pro-embryogenic Calli and Somatic Embryogenesis of Byrsonima intermedia A. Juss.
作者 Luciano Coutinho Silva Renato Paiva +4 位作者 Diogo Pedrosa Correa Da Silva Sandro Barbosa Rairys CravoHerrera Lisete Chamma Davide Patricia Duarte De Oliveira Paiva 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第8期962-970,共9页
Byrsonima intermedia A. Juss. is a species from the Brazilian Cerrado that produces edible fruits and, in common with other species from the Byrsonima genus, has pharmacological potential. Previous attempts to propaga... Byrsonima intermedia A. Juss. is a species from the Brazilian Cerrado that produces edible fruits and, in common with other species from the Byrsonima genus, has pharmacological potential. Previous attempts to propagate the species through conventional methods showed difficulties. Thus, the purpose of this work was to characterize pro-embryogenic masses of Byrsonima intermedia callus, aiming for their in vitro propagation through somatic embryogenesis. Leaf segments from in vitro germinated seedlings were employed as explants for callus production. The calli were then subcultured and exposed to dyes to fulfill their embryogenic potential. Digitalizations of the cytological preparations were made in order to measure the area that was stained by both Aceto-Carmine and Evans-Blue, using image tool software. Somatic embryos were induced after treatments with l-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The percentages of double-colored areas (by Aceto-Carmine and Evans-Blue) were calculated and the data were analyzed by using the Skott-Knott test (P ≤ 0.05) and, the embryogenic callus, as well as the formation of somatic embryos were analyzed by using the Krsuskal-Wallis rank test (P ≤0.05). The results show that double coloration is effective at identifying cells showing embryogenic potential. Early callus subculture phases show a larger percentage ofembryogenic area (83%) Somatic embryos were induced by using high auxin level. 展开更多
关键词 Double staining aceto-carmine evans-blue somatic embryogenesis native plant auxin.
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