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司法鉴定管理视野下司法鉴定公信力的提升 被引量:5
作者 盛舒弘 《中国司法鉴定》 2021年第6期28-36,共9页
鉴定意见通过为法官提供专业的参考依据,进而影响法官对案件的判断并决定当事人之间的利益分配情况。司法鉴定行业的发展状况在一定程度上决定着国家司法的整体水平。司法鉴定的负面新闻频发,极大地破坏了司法鉴定公信力,而司法鉴定公... 鉴定意见通过为法官提供专业的参考依据,进而影响法官对案件的判断并决定当事人之间的利益分配情况。司法鉴定行业的发展状况在一定程度上决定着国家司法的整体水平。司法鉴定的负面新闻频发,极大地破坏了司法鉴定公信力,而司法鉴定公信力受损必然会给国家司法公信力带来冲击。立法健全司法鉴定管理制度,清除司法鉴定行业当前存在的顽瘴痼疾,清正司法鉴定行业的风气,促进司法鉴定与司法的良性互动以及重塑司法鉴定公信力是司法鉴定行业良性发展的必然选择,也是对群众关切的合理回应。 展开更多
关键词 司法鉴定管理 司法鉴定信力 行业准入 监督机制
司法鉴定公信力视角下的当事人自行委托鉴定的证据效力 被引量:5
作者 史长青 《中国司法鉴定》 2021年第5期20-31,共12页
当事人自行委托鉴定的证据效力判断,是与司法鉴定公信力息息相关的现实问题。当事人自行委托鉴定作为当事人获取证据的重要手段,其证据资格已经获得法律承认,但证明力的审查判断却长期处于模糊状态。究其原因,主要是性质定位不明确,长... 当事人自行委托鉴定的证据效力判断,是与司法鉴定公信力息息相关的现实问题。当事人自行委托鉴定作为当事人获取证据的重要手段,其证据资格已经获得法律承认,但证明力的审查判断却长期处于模糊状态。究其原因,主要是性质定位不明确,长期存在鉴定意见、证人证言、书证和当事人陈述等学说之争。鉴于我国主要采纳严格证明制度,若某证据材料被排除在法定证据种类之外,将无法为其明确证据审查判断规则。因此,有必要将当事人自行委托鉴定归入与其最相类似的法定证据种类,即书证之中。但区别于普通书证,私鉴定意见证据效力的审查重点是其实质证明力,并且审查判断应区分四个阶段:举证、实质证明力的初步认定、质证以及实质证明力的最终认定。此外,当事人自行委托鉴定与其他证据相比,通常法院委托鉴定、行政委托鉴定的证明力较大,当事人单方委托鉴定较共同委托鉴定的证明力要小,但仍应在具体案件中具体分析。 展开更多
关键词 司法鉴定信力 当事人自行委托鉴定 证据效力
民事证据制度改革视角下司法鉴定制度的完善--兼论司法鉴定公信力的提高 被引量:2
作者 杨小利 《中国司法鉴定》 2021年第5期9-19,共11页
民事司法鉴定制度涉及民事证据制度和司法鉴定管理制度,其完善需要两种制度的“双向奔赴”。从产生之日起,两种制度对司法鉴定的含义有着不同的界定,从分歧走向统一的过程也是对鉴定制度的定位逐渐清晰的过程。沿着历史发展的脉络,对包... 民事司法鉴定制度涉及民事证据制度和司法鉴定管理制度,其完善需要两种制度的“双向奔赴”。从产生之日起,两种制度对司法鉴定的含义有着不同的界定,从分歧走向统一的过程也是对鉴定制度的定位逐渐清晰的过程。沿着历史发展的脉络,对包括民事鉴定制度在内的民事证据制度改革进行梳理,以举证责任制度改革为中心的证据制度改革带来了鉴定制度各方面的完善。对于尚待解决的问题,则需从对鉴定制度的科学认知、司法鉴定人定位的明晰、鉴定释明权的内容以及鉴定与举证责任关系的明确得以实现。当然,制定一部《民事证据法》也是新时代的呼唤。 展开更多
关键词 司法鉴定 举证责任 司法鉴定人 民事证据制度 司法鉴定信力
重塑司法鉴定公信力的重要举措 被引量:3
作者 纪念 《中国司法鉴定》 2005年第4期34-35,38,共3页
《全国人大常委会关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》是我国第一部规范司法鉴定活动的重要法律性文件。笔者通过对《决定》的研读,指出了《决定》对于规范司法鉴定活动,保障当事人的合法权益,重塑司法鉴定公信力,促进司法公正所具有的里程碑... 《全国人大常委会关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》是我国第一部规范司法鉴定活动的重要法律性文件。笔者通过对《决定》的研读,指出了《决定》对于规范司法鉴定活动,保障当事人的合法权益,重塑司法鉴定公信力,促进司法公正所具有的里程碑式的重要意义;分析了《决定》的特点和亮点所在,论述了《决定》所确立的”两项重要原则”和“六项基本制度”。以求更加准确地把握《决定》的精神实质。 展开更多
关键词 司法鉴定信力 两项基本原则 六项基本制度
作者 李正生 《湖南社会科学》 2002年第6期61-62,共2页
关键词 宪法司法公 宪法监督 违究审查机制 立法 民基本权利 宪法
作者 韩志国 《社会心理科学》 2003年第3期100-102,共3页
当前,在执行工作中,仍然存在着执行难和执行乱的问题,其原因是多方面的,曾有不少专家、学者和审判人员论述过这些问题,从理论和实践方面发表过许多前瞻性的明见,对于促进民事强制立法、规范强制执行行为具有指导和启示作用。我们认为,... 当前,在执行工作中,仍然存在着执行难和执行乱的问题,其原因是多方面的,曾有不少专家、学者和审判人员论述过这些问题,从理论和实践方面发表过许多前瞻性的明见,对于促进民事强制立法、规范强制执行行为具有指导和启示作用。我们认为,执行难与执行乱在某些方面有一定的联系,由于执行难,当执行人员办案陷入困境,感到无奈时,为把案件尽快办结,往往在实际操作中带有主观随意性,(排除主观恶意)在一定程度上造成执行乱。 展开更多
关键词 执行工作 执行人员 素质 民事强制执行法 民事管制 司法公信度
《福建省人民代表大会常务委员会公报》 2011年第2期91-93,共3页
省人大常委会:我院收到《关于省人大常委会会议对〈关于民事审判工作情况的报告〉的审议意见》(闽常综[2010]10号)后,省法院党组高度重视,党组书记、院长马新岚立即主持召开党组会议进行专题研究,要求全省法院严格依照《中华人民共和国... 省人大常委会:我院收到《关于省人大常委会会议对〈关于民事审判工作情况的报告〉的审议意见》(闽常综[2010]10号)后,省法院党组高度重视,党组书记、院长马新岚立即主持召开党组会议进行专题研究,要求全省法院严格依照《中华人民共和国各级人民代表大会常务委员会监督法》及我省实施办法的规定,认真贯彻落实省人大常委会会议审议意见(以下简称审议意见)。 展开更多
关键词 民事审判 工作报告 党组会议 基层法院 案件请示制度 民事案件 审判经验 实施办法 法官裁判 司法公
《福建省人民代表大会常务委员会公报》 2009年第5期1-1,共1页
2009年9月22日至25日(2009年9月22日福建省第十一届人大常委会第十一次会议第一次全体会议通过)一、传达学习中共十七届四中全会精神及省委常委(扩大)会议精神。二、审议《福建省航道条例(草案修改二稿)》。三、审议《福建省促进散装水... 2009年9月22日至25日(2009年9月22日福建省第十一届人大常委会第十一次会议第一次全体会议通过)一、传达学习中共十七届四中全会精神及省委常委(扩大)会议精神。二、审议《福建省航道条例(草案修改二稿)》。三、审议《福建省促进散装水泥发展条例(草案修改二稿)》。四、审议《福建省林权登记条例(草案修改稿)》。 展开更多
关键词 会议议程 日至 议案办理 福建省人大 代表资格 林权登记 会议主席团 计划执行情况 检查报告 司法公
王渔洋廉政思想及其时代价值初探 被引量:2
作者 文景刚 刘永昆 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第3期95-98,共4页
王渔洋的《手镜》浓缩了其廉政思想的精华,主要表现在进一步拓展了传统"民本"思想的外延并使之具体化,提出了具有现代文明要素的司法、财经、税收、教育等领域的部分科学理念,严格规范了官员的工作作风与生活作风等方面。王... 王渔洋的《手镜》浓缩了其廉政思想的精华,主要表现在进一步拓展了传统"民本"思想的外延并使之具体化,提出了具有现代文明要素的司法、财经、税收、教育等领域的部分科学理念,严格规范了官员的工作作风与生活作风等方面。王渔洋的廉政思想具有朴素的以人为本、司法为公、执政为民理念,对当今的社会主义政治文明建设具有极大的启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 王渔洋 《手镜》 以人为本 执政为民 司法
Minority Protection in Proceedings for the Settlement of Disputes Between Shareholders 被引量:1
作者 Nore Delang 《Sociology Study》 2015年第6期452-468,共17页
“A limited company is more than a mere judicial entity, with a personality in law of its own: Behind it, or amongst it, there are individuals, with rights, expectations and obligations inter se”. The competitive at... “A limited company is more than a mere judicial entity, with a personality in law of its own: Behind it, or amongst it, there are individuals, with rights, expectations and obligations inter se”. The competitive attitude of the member states of the EU (European Union), to become the most attractive for companies results in law reforms aiming at more flexible conflict between shareholders. Besides, the economic objective of avoiding a company's dissolution, the English, Dutch, and Belgian exit proceedings for the settlement of disputes between shareholders set up a social objective: protecting the interests of the minority shareholder of a private limited company. The paper consists of four chapters. The introduction lays out the necessity of buy-outs for shareholders of a private limited company. The first chapter describes the different facts justifying the buy-out of a shareholder on the basis of serious grounds. The second chapter presents the findings of a comparative research of the valuation of the shares transferred in an English, Dutch, and Belgian procedure. Finally, the conclusion summarises in which way the English, Dutch, and Belgian legal system protect the interests of the minority shareholder of a private limited company. 展开更多
关键词 Company law settlement of disputes between shareholders social objective of exit proceedings unfair prejudice procedure fairness of the price for compulsory transferred shares reflective loss
Incentive and Entrenchment Effects of Large Shareholdings: Evidence from Chinese Public Corporation
作者 XIE Jun 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2007年第2期31-34,40,共5页
This paper studies incentive effect and entrenchment effect of the largest shareholder. Author investigates 763 listed companies in SHSE, explores the statistical relationship between the largest shareholding and corp... This paper studies incentive effect and entrenchment effect of the largest shareholder. Author investigates 763 listed companies in SHSE, explores the statistical relationship between the largest shareholding and corporate performance. Author observes that the largest shareholder has the incentive effect and entrenchment effect on corporate valuation. Empirical relationship between the largest shareholding and corporate valuation shows that the firm value decreases with the equity ownership of the largest shareholders, consistent with a negative entrenchment effect, when the largest equity ownership is below 40.28% of the whole share. Then firm value rises when the proportion of the largest shareholder's rights was increased to 69.29%, being consistent with a positive incentive effect. But with the increase of the share of the largest shareholding, firm value falls again. 展开更多
关键词 the largest shareholder incentive effect entrenchment effect corporate valuation
从政府信息公开中获得的启示 被引量:1
作者 龙飞 《法制资讯》 2009年第7期76-78,共3页
政府信息公开与司法公开的范围和模式无法简单对比,行政权的主动性和积极性意味着政府必须主动执法和主动公开,确保政府决策的民主透明,而司法权的被动性和中立性决定了司法公开的最终目的是为了司法公正,而不仅仅是满足公众的知情权。... 政府信息公开与司法公开的范围和模式无法简单对比,行政权的主动性和积极性意味着政府必须主动执法和主动公开,确保政府决策的民主透明,而司法权的被动性和中立性决定了司法公开的最终目的是为了司法公正,而不仅仅是满足公众的知情权。但是,政府信息公开表现出来的智慧和勇气对于司法公开的制度建设不无启示。 展开更多
关键词 司法公 司法公 审判 案件请示制度 简单对比 制度建设 审判工作 审判活动 诉讼过程 司法公
A Study on the Acts of Civil Disobedience That Have Nationwide Significance in Republic of Turkey
作者 Atil Cem Cicek Selcuk Aydin Eda Akgul 《Sociology Study》 2016年第1期1-17,共17页
When the relationship between the government and the citizens is taken into consideration, at the times when the government is misusing its power, the citizens may express themselves about the injustice in various way... When the relationship between the government and the citizens is taken into consideration, at the times when the government is misusing its power, the citizens may express themselves about the injustice in various ways and civil disobedience is one of them. If the injustice still exists after all the judicial proceedings are taken, then, this act that has nonviolence as its fundamental philosophy is seen to take place. The most important representatives of civil disobedience in the world are Socrates, Henry David Thoreau, M. Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. These thinkers with their discourses and actions put forth what constitutes as civil disobedience and set an example to other societies. In this study, firstly, the aforementioned notion of civil disobedience is explained. Then, some demonstrations that took place in Turkey are evaluated in the framework of civil disobedience. The aim is to determine whether or not these demonstrations can be considered as examples of "civil disobedience". Also, the reasons why some of these demonstrations are not in the scope of civil disobedience are discussed. In this study, depiction and historical methods are used. 展开更多
关键词 Passive resistance civil disobedience nonviolence
The Demand of Ordinary People for Justice in Early China
作者 ZHANG Zhao-yang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第6期626-631,共6页
In early China, ordinary people had a "right" to demand for justice and they often exerted that "right". Due to the nature of our sources, which are preoccupied with the concerns of the governing elite, the ordina... In early China, ordinary people had a "right" to demand for justice and they often exerted that "right". Due to the nature of our sources, which are preoccupied with the concerns of the governing elite, the ordinary people's voices are often lost, but even the scanty evidence that we have suggests that ordinary people did not always passively wait for justice to be delivered to them by the authorities. On one hand, the elites recognized that all human being had the sense of justice and its expression was a natural tendency, on the other hand, ordinary people and elites actively demanded justice at least in three ways: they cried out to redress the injustices they had encountered; they honored the impartial judges for their honesty and fairness; and they protested against injustices through collective actions. 展开更多
关键词 early China JUSTICE ordinary people RIGHT
Mathematical Programming Method as a Means of Calibration of NIR Analyzers
作者 Ilya Skutin Konstantin Zharinov Maria Sushkova 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第8期692-697,共6页
In addition to the conventional methods of the calibration model construction, such as PCR (principal components regression) and PLS (partial least-squares), a MPM (mathematical programming method) is developed ... In addition to the conventional methods of the calibration model construction, such as PCR (principal components regression) and PLS (partial least-squares), a MPM (mathematical programming method) is developed and proposed for practical use in NIR analyses of agricultural and food products. The proposed method involves the mathematical programming techniques to seek the regression coefficients for the calibration model calculation. It is based on the optimization theory used for finding the extremum of the objective function in the given domain of a vector space and employs the method of the complementarity problems solving. The MPM algorithm is described in detail. The MPM was tested on an InfraLUM FT-10 NIR analyzer of Lumex company with samples of dry milk (for fat), corn (for protein) and rye flour (for moisture). The obtained results show that the MPM can be used for constructing multivariate calibrations with the qualitative characteristics superior over those of the classical PCR and PLS methods of analysis. 展开更多
关键词 CHEMOMETRICS multivariate calibration mathematical programming simplex table method.
Improvements on environmental DNA extraction and purification procedures for matagenomic analysis
作者 谢建平 吴力游 +6 位作者 J.D.van Nostrand 贺志理 吕镇梅 于浩 熊金波 刘新星 周集中 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期3055-3063,共9页
Our previously described environmental DNA extraction method has been widely used in environmental microbial community analysis. However, residual humic substances may remain with obtained environmental DNA, which int... Our previously described environmental DNA extraction method has been widely used in environmental microbial community analysis. However, residual humic substances may remain with obtained environmental DNA, which interferes downstream molecular analyses. To remedy this situation, two DNA extraction buffers (PIPES and Tris-HCl) and four purification strategies including our new modified low melting point gel purification method and three commercial kits from QIAEX, Omega and Promega were evaluated with diverse soil samples. The PIPES buffer (pH 6.5) is found to be more effective for removing the humic substances, but it leads to lower DNA yield and causes more severe DNA shearing than using the Tris-HC1 buffer (pH 8.0). Gel purification and the Promega purification kit achieve much higher DNA recoveries than QIAEX or Omega kit, and higher purity of DNA is obtained by gel purification than by the Promega kit with both DNA extraction buffers mentioned above. Considering all results together, two alternative methods for DNA extraction and purification are proposed: one uses Tris-HCl buffer extraction and gel purification as the primary approach when the amount of soil or biomass is not a major concern, and the other uses PIPES buffer extraction and the Promega kit purification when severe DNA shearing and/or limited biomass occurs. Purified DNA samples by both methods are amenable for use as templates for whole community genome amplifications and PCR amplifications of bacterial 16S rRNA genes. It is demonstrated that these two alternative methods could be applied to a wide variety of environmental samples. 展开更多
关键词 DNA extraction DNA purification metagenomic analysis GeoChip PYROSEQUENCING
Effect of severe acute pancreatitis on pharmacokinetics of Da-Cheng-Qi Decoction components 被引量:16
作者 Han-Lin Gong Wen-Fu Tang +5 位作者 Qin Yu Jin Xiang Qing xia Guang-Yuan Chen Xi Huang Mao-Zhi Liang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第47期5992-5999,共8页
AIM:To investigate the effect of severe acute pan- creatitis(SAP)on pharmacokinetics of Da-Cheng-Qi Decoction(DCQD)components in rats. METHODS:Rats were divided into SAP group and sham-operation group as a control gro... AIM:To investigate the effect of severe acute pan- creatitis(SAP)on pharmacokinetics of Da-Cheng-Qi Decoction(DCQD)components in rats. METHODS:Rats were divided into SAP group and sham-operation group as a control group(n=6). Rhein,chrysophanol,rheochrysidin,magnolol,hesperidin and naringin in DCQD were quantified in rat serum by high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for studying their pharmacokinetics. RESULTS:Early absorption of each DCQD component was tended to degrade in SAP group after treatment with DCQD by gavage.The Cmax(chrysophanol,P= 0.0059;rheochrysidin,P=0.0288;magnolol,P= 0.0487;hesperidin,P=0.0277;naringin,P=0.0023) and AUC(rhein,P=0.0186;chrysophanol,P=0.0013; magnolol,P=0.001;hesperidin,P=0.0081;naringin, P=0.0272)of DCQD component were obviously lower in SAP group than in control group.The T1/2α of chrysophanol and rheochrysidin(P=0.0467 and 0.0005,respectively)and Tmax of chrysophanol and rheochrysidin(P=0.0101 and 0.0037,respectively) lasted longer in SAP group than in control group. CONCLUSION:SAP can significantly impact the ab-sorption of DCQD components in rats and their phar-macokinetic parameters. 展开更多
关键词 Severe acute pancreatitis Da-Cheng-Qi Decoction Pharmacokinetics Components
How value relevant are earnings when they are transitory? Empirical evidence for France
作者 Melita Charitou 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第12期42-49,共8页
Capital market participants take seriously into consideration the value relevance of earnings for security valuation. This study examines the value relevance of earnings when earnings are transitory, i.e., there is gr... Capital market participants take seriously into consideration the value relevance of earnings for security valuation. This study examines the value relevance of earnings when earnings are transitory, i.e., there is great variability in earnings. It hypothesizes that the relationship between earnings and security returns worsens when earnings are transitory and this robustness is country specific. The dataset consists of more than 1,100 French firm-year observations over a nine year period. Empirical results show that when earnings are transitory, investors pay more attention to operating cash flows and less attention to earnings, a result indicating that investors penalize firms with unstable earnings. These results should be of great importance to financial analysts, investors and bankers for investing and credit decisions, especially after the recent global financial crisis. 展开更多
关键词 Transitory earnings capital markets EARNINGS FRANCE empirical
Sino-French Cooperation in Oil and Gas Development
作者 Wang Wei 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2016年第2期55-58,共4页
Them is a bright future for cooperation in oil & gas development in China. Total and other French companies strengthen communication and cooperation with Chinese partners to develop oil & gas in China as well as in ... Them is a bright future for cooperation in oil & gas development in China. Total and other French companies strengthen communication and cooperation with Chinese partners to develop oil & gas in China as well as in other countries. Chinese and French companies continue to benefit from cooperation in petroleum upstream industry, gas industry as well as in other fields. 展开更多
A Corpus-Based Study on the Acquisition of the Modal Adverb Fanzheng by Foreign Learners of Chinese
作者 DING Xue-huan TANG Chuan-si 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第9期1202-1213,共12页
This study investigates foreign learners' acquisition of the Chinese modal adverb fanzheng on the basis of interlanguage corpus. We find that the sentences written by foreign learners of Chinese (hereafter simplifie... This study investigates foreign learners' acquisition of the Chinese modal adverb fanzheng on the basis of interlanguage corpus. We find that the sentences written by foreign learners of Chinese (hereafter simplified as FLC) with the wordfanzheng are quite similar to those by Chinese native speakers in the distribution of the syntactic categories, semantic types, semantic functions, pragmatic or discourse functions. These characterize basically the wordfanzheng as one of the modal adverbs in such three aspects as syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Most of the FLCs study the basic meanings and typical contexts of the wordfanzheng at primary stage, and later the functions emphasizing reasons, summary or explaining, and then the function of textual cohesion at the intermediate and advanced stage. The main causes of errors reflect that the FLCs are not able to differentiate the usage offanzheng and that of other causal or adversative conjunctions. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese modal adverb fanzheng interlanguage system acquisition process errors foreign learner ofChinese (FLC)
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