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作者 骆宾基 《龙岩学院学报》 1983年第1期35-36,共2页
一 前记 一九八一年九月在绍兴参加鲁迅先生诞辰百年大典之际,得机会去有名的“禹陵”参观,并从绍兴市文物保管委员会得到一份有关大禹后裔的世系资料。这个姒姓谱系首有宋代范仲淹之跋,明万历年间及清康熙、乾隆、光绪各年代的序。计... 一 前记 一九八一年九月在绍兴参加鲁迅先生诞辰百年大典之际,得机会去有名的“禹陵”参观,并从绍兴市文物保管委员会得到一份有关大禹后裔的世系资料。这个姒姓谱系首有宋代范仲淹之跋,明万历年间及清康熙、乾隆、光绪各年代的序。计从一世祖大禹起到一九三五年为止,姒姓一族已经绵延一百四十五世。 展开更多
关键词 世祖 明万历 司马公 允常 前记 禹陵 一九 九三 桓公 夏禹
作者 熊志军 《师道(人文)》 2020年第11期38-39,共2页
2012年5月,俞吾金先生在中山图书馆开讲“思想的维度”。讲座中,俞先生认为当前人们的精神生活,像是在历史的泡沫中游泳。他认为:一个人只有更好地认识当下现实,才能更好地认清历史。这让我想起了金克木先生《倒读历史》一文的题目。二... 2012年5月,俞吾金先生在中山图书馆开讲“思想的维度”。讲座中,俞先生认为当前人们的精神生活,像是在历史的泡沫中游泳。他认为:一个人只有更好地认识当下现实,才能更好地认清历史。这让我想起了金克木先生《倒读历史》一文的题目。二者颇能相互印证,譬若一人,只有拭清距肉眼最近的眼镜,方能更准确地看清远方的种种事物。这种成熟的、正确认知历史的心态,提示着我们必须要跳出当前种种商业文化对历史情怀的图解消费(如削足适履的迎合大众口味的历史宫廷剧、所谓历史言情小说等)。 展开更多
关键词 中山图书馆 言情小说 《通鉴》 金克木 司马公 历史情怀 相互印证 俞吾金
《重订司马温公等韵图经》“入派四声”问题再议 被引量:1
作者 周祺超 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2017年第10期40-44,共5页
关键词 重订司马温公等韵图经 入声 现代汉语
郭绍虞《明代的文人集团》拾遗 被引量:2
作者 李圣华 《文教资料》 2001年第1期140-149,共10页
关键词 丰干社 汪道昆 郭绍虞 《珂雪斋集》 徐火勃 文人集团 《太函集》 张时彻 司马公 葡萄社 小草斋文集
作者 王树林 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 1987年第1期39-42,65,共5页
关键词 兵部左侍郎 右都御史 曹变蛟 洪承畴 司马公 右副都御史 《明史》 礼部右侍郎 陈新甲 归德府
作者 何满子 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1984年第2期1-7,21,共8页
关键词 天人感应说 儒家正统 吕公著 吕陶 左司谏 傅尧俞 孔文仲 朱道 司马公 《四书》
作者 陈言 《学习月刊》 1994年第8期21-21,共1页
近读鲁迅先生的《阿Q正传》,对Q君似乎又有了一些新的了解。以往只注意了阿Q挨打后反倒觉得精神上占了便宜的一面,殊不知,他还有其热衷于盲目仿效一面。一次,他到庵堂去,见了尼姑,就动手揪其面皮,感觉滑滑的,很是舒服。这当然要遭贬斥,... 近读鲁迅先生的《阿Q正传》,对Q君似乎又有了一些新的了解。以往只注意了阿Q挨打后反倒觉得精神上占了便宜的一面,殊不知,他还有其热衷于盲目仿效一面。一次,他到庵堂去,见了尼姑,就动手揪其面皮,感觉滑滑的,很是舒服。这当然要遭贬斥,遭白眼,遭痛骂。对此,他感到不服。这不服。 展开更多
关键词 源清 小吏 贾桂 司马公 之纯 应作 清源
作者 罗文博 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 1985年第2期105-106,共2页
司马迁之书,名曰《史记》,初无此名。古书中屡见“史记”之名,是对古史的泛称,非专指司马公之《史记》。司马迁《史记》中屡见“史记”之名,亦不指其自撰之《史记》。此两者王国维《太史公行年考》已论之颇详。两汉诸书,述及司马氏之《... 司马迁之书,名曰《史记》,初无此名。古书中屡见“史记”之名,是对古史的泛称,非专指司马公之《史记》。司马迁《史记》中屡见“史记”之名,亦不指其自撰之《史记》。此两者王国维《太史公行年考》已论之颇详。两汉诸书,述及司马氏之《史记》 展开更多
关键词 太史公 《七略》 《论衡》 《世说新语》 《后汉书》 司马公 汉纪 范哗 史迁 风俗通
作者 鲍锦添 《茶(健康天地)》 2010年第1期60-61,共2页
关键词 香墨 张舜民 司马公 时论 茶酒论 试院煎茶 以色 里正 难以言喻 笔床
作者 孙莹 《语文教学与研究》 2021年第20期142-143,共2页
楚汉争霸是中国历史上兼具历史意义与文学意义的一段故事,其中,“鸿门宴”因为司马公的《史记》记述而更显精彩,也正因为如此,《鸿门宴》才是高中语文课本中的常客。在文本当中,构建了刘邦、项羽等众多人物形象,人们了解刘邦与项羽,第... 楚汉争霸是中国历史上兼具历史意义与文学意义的一段故事,其中,“鸿门宴”因为司马公的《史记》记述而更显精彩,也正因为如此,《鸿门宴》才是高中语文课本中的常客。在文本当中,构建了刘邦、项羽等众多人物形象,人们了解刘邦与项羽,第一选择往往也就是《鸿门宴》。古往今来,关于这两个人物形象的解读,真可谓百花齐放,百家争鸣。其中相当一部分观点就是在鸿门宴上,项羽没有把刘邦杀掉,以致留下后患,成为千古之恨。 展开更多
关键词 《鸿门宴》 司马公 项羽 鸿门宴 文学意义 人物形象 高中语文课本 百家争鸣
作者 唐远廷 《语文教学之友》 2012年第6期30-31,共2页
翻阅《语文教学之友》2011年第8期,一下子就被一个标题吸引住了,《千古<鸿门宴>,白璧说微瑕》(正文第30页)——居然有人敢在司马公头上动土!于是赶快翻到文本,一口气读完全文.待放下刊物,真的是感叹不已!太佩服江苏的这位吴老师了... 翻阅《语文教学之友》2011年第8期,一下子就被一个标题吸引住了,《千古<鸿门宴>,白璧说微瑕》(正文第30页)——居然有人敢在司马公头上动土!于是赶快翻到文本,一口气读完全文.待放下刊物,真的是感叹不已!太佩服江苏的这位吴老师了:既佩服其惊人的胆气——居然敢在有"史学之父"之誉的大文学家司马迁文章中找毛病,没有一点胆量是绝不敢如此干的,这充分说明了吴老师确实有敢于质疑一切的中国传统知识分子的真性情;更佩服吴老师过人的见识,根据吴老师文章内容,再对照《鸿门宴》原文,发现其所指出的司马公在《鸿门宴》中叙述刘邦金蝉脱壳的情节,确实存在瑕疵——不符合生活逻辑,不合情理. 展开更多
关键词 《鸿门宴》 司马公
Optimal energy-efficient power control for cognitive radio based on static and dynamic features of primary users
作者 Ge Wendong Ji Hong Si Pengbo 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2011年第4期350-353,共4页
In this paper, the energy-efficient power control problem in cognitive radio (CR) networks is studied not only to provide energy-efficient transmission, but also to guarantee the normal operation of primary users (... In this paper, the energy-efficient power control problem in cognitive radio (CR) networks is studied not only to provide energy-efficient transmission, but also to guarantee the normal operation of primary users (PUs). Moreover, the static energy-efficient power control (SEPC) algorithm is proposed in static scenario to maximize the capacity of secondary users (SUs) and to reduce the power consumption according to the interference from PU to SU. Furthermore, based on the analysis of PU's dynamic feature with Markov chain and SEPC algorithm,the dynamic energy-efficient power control (DEPC) algorithm is proposed taking into account the probability of detection and false alarm caused by sensing errors. Extensive simulation results show that the performance of the proposed algorithms is significantly improved compared with the existing algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio(CR) power control ENERGY-EFFICIENT MARKOV false alarm
Governance Structure, Surplus Free Cash Flow (SFCF), and Earnings Quality: Evidence From Malaysia*
作者 Redhwan Ahmed AL-Dhamari Ku Nor Izah Bt Ku Ismail 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第10期1437-1452,共16页
Prior researches focus mainly on the relationship between governance structure and earnings quality. Unlike the previous researches, this study attempts to empirically examine the role of surplus free cash flow (SFCF... Prior researches focus mainly on the relationship between governance structure and earnings quality. Unlike the previous researches, this study attempts to empirically examine the role of surplus free cash flow (SFCF) as a moderator in the relationship with the new requirements of Malaysian code on corporate governance (MCCG). By using the estimated generalized least square (EGLS) upon a sample of Malaysian firms, the results show that firms with an independent chairman experience persistent earnings numbers. The results also demonstrate that the current earnings of finns with small boards and independent audit committee members are more likely to persist in the future, when SFCF is high. However, in contradiction to the authors' expectation is the significant, but negative and interactive effect of current earnings and audit committee competence on earnings persistence. The findings, though disappointing, suggest investors to consider both the governance structure and free cash flow (FCF) agency problem when evaluating the sustainability of firms' earnings. They also call for more independent directors, effective meetings, and more competent audit committee members. 展开更多
关键词 characteristics of board of director characteristics of audit committee surplus free cash flow (SFCF) earnings persistence
Four-Closure: How Amazon, Apple, Facebook & Google Are Driving Business Model Innovation 被引量:1
作者 Nigel Walton 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第11期981-988,共8页
This paper explores the rapid growth of four internet-based corporations and critiques the extent to which the Internet has developed from being simply a powerful tool and enabler of industry innovation to achieving s... This paper explores the rapid growth of four internet-based corporations and critiques the extent to which the Internet has developed from being simply a powerful tool and enabler of industry innovation to achieving status as a fully-fledged technology-based business ecosystem. The need to develop new management theories, tools, and techniques to compete with the "Gang of Four" (Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook) is also discussed in some depth as well as providing a critique of traditional models/strategic approaches and more recent theories. This is considered to be an important area of research because as a new class of Internet company emerges, incumbent firms in traditional industries will need to know how to prepare for the new challenges that face them. 展开更多
关键词 business ecosystem PLATFORMS CATALYST infomediaries white space blue ocean strategy
An Enquiry Into the Responsiveness of Corporate Profitability to Corporate Governance Mechanism" Evidences From Malaysian Government-Linked Companies (GLCs)
作者 Mohammad Talha Abdullah Sallehhuddin +1 位作者 Md Shukor Masoud Musthafa Mohamed 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第6期683-693,共11页
Realizing the importance of corporate governance, many governments have embarked upon various initiatives. In Malaysia, the recently introduced Green Book program aims to strengthen the corporate governance among the ... Realizing the importance of corporate governance, many governments have embarked upon various initiatives. In Malaysia, the recently introduced Green Book program aims to strengthen the corporate governance among the government-linked companies (GLCs), in view of their significant contributions to the national socio-economic development. The Green Book initiative, launched in 2005, contains, among other things, a provision to create a high-performing board. Performance of GLCs, therefore, is likely to scale better heights with the modification of the constitution of the boards. The present paper aims to examine the association between the selected corporate governance attributes and performance of GLCs in 2010, approximately five years since the implementation of the transformation program. The regression analysis reveals that none of the selected corporate governance indicators has significantly impacted the performance of GLCs. The findings serve as a wake-up call to the authorities to appraise the effectiveness of the transformation program in enhancing the performance of GLCs. 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance government investment agencies government-linked companies (GLCs) Malaysia
Embedding Economic Excellence: A Transformational Definition of "Corporate Governance" for Malaysia
作者 Zulkiffiee Mohamed Garry James Clayton Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第2期124-129,共6页
The Malaysian government has carefully crafted policies to ensure that the nation achieves its aspirational goal to become a developed nation by 2020. Crucial for which is the success of the Securities Commission's ... The Malaysian government has carefully crafted policies to ensure that the nation achieves its aspirational goal to become a developed nation by 2020. Crucial for which is the success of the Securities Commission's "Corporate Governance Blueprint 2011" and "Capital Market Master Plan 2" designed to provide a business environment which attracts investment and talent. Somewhat overlooked in these otherwise robust policy shifts has been a critical critique of the definition, nature, and purpose of corporate governance itself. Recognizing this oversight, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Malaysia's Deputy Prime Minister, has directed that the definition of corporate governance be rejuvenated for the 21st century. This paper looks to answer that challenge by recommending the following transformational definition for corporate governance: "the proactive implementation of accountable ethical processes, procedures, and policies that inspires innovative aspirational economic activity to produce sustainable wealth and prosperity for shareholders, stakeholders, and society". 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (MCCG) SUSTAINABILITY MALAYSIA
Motivation Factors: Impact on Sales Commission Plan Employees in a Telecommunication Company in Malaysia
作者 Zainal Abu Zarim Hafizah Omar Zaki Nur Liyana Mohd Maridz 《Management Studies》 2016年第4期139-148,共10页
The purpose of this study is to uncover factors of motivation among account executives in a telecommunication company after the improvement of sales commission plan program in year 2014. Factors of motivation, such as... The purpose of this study is to uncover factors of motivation among account executives in a telecommunication company after the improvement of sales commission plan program in year 2014. Factors of motivation, such as monetary reward, recognition, affiliation, job security, and work environment that influence account executives motivation have been highlighted. Quantitative method was used in this study with the help of questionnaire data collection. The questionnaires were distributed among one of the telecommunication company account executives. The study found that there are significant differences in motivation level between gender, age, year of service, salary, and workplace of account executives. Monetary reward, job security, and work environment were found as the significant drivers to motivate account executives. The study also found that improvement on public recognition and affiliation factors failed to bring positive impact towards account executives motivation. Consistently, the findings can conclude that there is a relationship between account executives and sales commission plan that can lead to increase in motivation. Despite the positive result, the study can suggest the company to improve its bottom-line where sales commission plan program needs further revision in accordance with account executives factors of motivation. 展开更多
关键词 motivation factors sales commission plan account executives telecommunication company
Human Errors Monitoring in Electrical Transmission Networks
作者 Gheorghe Grigoras Cecilia Barbulescu +1 位作者 Gheorghe Cartina Daniela Comanescu 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第3期425-428,共4页
The electrical transmission networks are complex systems that are commonly run near their operational limits. Such systems can undergo major disturbances that have serious consequences. Individually, these disturbance... The electrical transmission networks are complex systems that are commonly run near their operational limits. Such systems can undergo major disturbances that have serious consequences. Individually, these disturbances can be attributed to specific causes, such as lightning strikes, ice storms, equipment failure, shorts resulting from untrimmed trees, excessive customer demand, or human errors. In the paper, the human errors from electrical transmission networks of Romanian Power Grid Company over period of 10 years are analyzed. It is hoped that obtained results will provide engineers a better understanding so they can cater to the needs of the human operators when to implement new interfaces for network monitoring tasks, not for the other technical objectives. 展开更多
关键词 Electrical transmission monitoring human errors accidental events clustering techniques.
Audit Reports of Financially Distressed Companies: Emphasis of Matter (EOM) Versus Disclaimers
作者 Hashanah Ismail Mazlina Mustapha 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第5期634-640,共7页
This paper examines audit reports issued to 39 Malaysian listed companies in financial distress categorized as Practice Note 17 (PNI7) companies by Bursa Malaysia. The study finds that for companies which experience... This paper examines audit reports issued to 39 Malaysian listed companies in financial distress categorized as Practice Note 17 (PNI7) companies by Bursa Malaysia. The study finds that for companies which experienced financial distress, the audit reports are not similar, despite all companies are similarly troubled financially. Companies receive either a disclaimer or an emphasis of matter (EOM) report. The study finds that which of the two reports is given is associated with three variables: current-year operating loss, shareholders' deficit, and default status, implying that audit reports do convey information that financial distress is not of the same level and severity among PN 17 companies. 展开更多
关键词 financial distress emphasis of matter (EOM) audit report disclaimers Practice Note 17 (PN17)companies International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 570
The Influence of the Foreign Companies in Developing the Technological Absorption Capacity of the Romanian Economy During the Current Financial Crisis
作者 Constantinescu Lucretia Mariana Cucui Ion Cucui Floriana Andra Goldbach Ioana Raluca 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第3期157-167,共11页
Creating companies abroad, in ex-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, has experienced a strong progression, following the amplification process of globalization of world markets, intensification of inter... Creating companies abroad, in ex-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, has experienced a strong progression, following the amplification process of globalization of world markets, intensification of international trade and technological development. We are witnessing a regional disparity regarding the volume of foreign investments in this area, which is due to the difference of attractiveness of host countries economy. The attractiveness of these economies is conditioned, in its turn, by the importance of economic factors and the quality of existing infrastructures, which is at their turn facing an increasing complexity of technology. Business relocation of foreign investors is influenced also by the institutional environment, because foreign investors hope to capitalize on the collateral effects offered by the investment environment in the host country, such as research laboratories and existing infrastructure, without neglecting the benefits of a highly qualified workforce at reduced costs, some geopolitical advantages, etc.. After EU accession, the attractiveness index of business environment in Romania has increased from (-59%) in 2005 to 66% (2008), and Romania was considered among the most attractive economies in Central and Eastern Europe, along with Russia where the attractiveness index increased from 63% (2007) to 72% (2008) and Ukraine which has seen an increase in the attractiveness index of the business environment from 56% (2007) to 67% (2008). This paper aims to highlight the positive effects induced by international business companies in assessing technological absorption capacity of the Romanian economy and to provide economic analysis of the "cause-effect" link between the attractiveness of the Romanian economy-governance--the intake of foreign investment straight to the active processing export of Romania under the impact of the overall effects of international financial crisis. 展开更多
关键词 direct foreign investment Romanian economy attractiveness COMPETITIVENESS governance foreign trade
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