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企业合作竞争力探析 被引量:1
作者 林子华 黄茂兴 李军军 《当代经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期35-38,共4页
从动态角度讲,企业合作竞争力与非合作竞争力是可以相互并存和转化的。企业合作竞争力与企业间合作体竞争力既有区别,又有联系。考察企业合作竞争力要从企业自身的网络组织条件、软硬件匹配、市场协作能力等方面进行。对企业合作竞争力... 从动态角度讲,企业合作竞争力与非合作竞争力是可以相互并存和转化的。企业合作竞争力与企业间合作体竞争力既有区别,又有联系。考察企业合作竞争力要从企业自身的网络组织条件、软硬件匹配、市场协作能力等方面进行。对企业合作竞争力的评价应考虑敏捷性、结网能力、合作成本、权益利润率等方面。 展开更多
关键词 合作竞争力 合作竞争力 模糊评价
长三角区域旅游合作竞争力研究 被引量:2
作者 胡豹 《中国商贸》 北大核心 2010年第11期76-77,共2页
长三角区域旅游合作现状 长三角地区以中国东部地区发达的经济环境为背景,以独具江南特色、兼具现代都市风貌和历史文化底蕴的丰富的旅游资源为依托,以良好的旅游服务和方便的旅游交通为基础成为中国最具吸引力、发展潜力最大的旅游... 长三角区域旅游合作现状 长三角地区以中国东部地区发达的经济环境为背景,以独具江南特色、兼具现代都市风貌和历史文化底蕴的丰富的旅游资源为依托,以良好的旅游服务和方便的旅游交通为基础成为中国最具吸引力、发展潜力最大的旅游经济圈。1992年,长三角区域就曾经共同举办“江浙沪旅游年活动”,开创了中国旅游区域合作的先河,在海内外旅游市场形成了较好的影响。2005年以后。长三角的区域旅游业取得了突飞猛进的发展,政府部门出台了各种措施以促进长三角区域旅游业的一体化。 展开更多
关键词 区域旅游业 长三角地区 合作竞争力 中国东部地区 历史文化底蕴 旅游区域合作 旅游经济圈 长三角区域
作者 罗海平 《深圳职业技术学院学报》 CAS 2013年第6期18-23,共6页
本文构建了"环境-能力-潜力"三维一体的中部地区与东部沿海区域经济合作竞争力评价模型,分析了中部与东部沿海合作基础和潜力、一体化势差及问题。研究认为,中部六省在与东部沿海地区的合作中,沿海地区的主要优势在于较高的... 本文构建了"环境-能力-潜力"三维一体的中部地区与东部沿海区域经济合作竞争力评价模型,分析了中部与东部沿海合作基础和潜力、一体化势差及问题。研究认为,中部六省在与东部沿海地区的合作中,沿海地区的主要优势在于较高的经济规模和发展水平,以及长期以来优先开发和开放过程中所形成的较高的对外开放与经济自由化程度。中部地区的相对优势则在于发展速度和效率以及较好的科教基础、要素资源储量和较大的内需市场容量。在此基础上提出增强中部地区和东部沿海区域经济合作竞争力的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 中部地区 东部沿海 合作竞争力
抓住RCEP机遇,持续增强国际合作竞争力 稳链固链RCEP纺织服装产业专题培训在雄安举办
作者 董笑妍 《纺织服装周刊》 2023年第38期12-13,共2页
为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于持续高质量实施RCEP的重要决策部署,受商务部委托,中国纺织工业联合会于9月26—27日在河北省雄安新区举办了《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)稳链固链系列专题培训——纺织服装产业专场培训。本次培训... 为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于持续高质量实施RCEP的重要决策部署,受商务部委托,中国纺织工业联合会于9月26—27日在河北省雄安新区举办了《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)稳链固链系列专题培训——纺织服装产业专场培训。本次培训由商务部主办,中国纺织工业联合会承办,河北省商务厅、雄安新区管委会为支持单位。商务部国际司处长傅波主持开班仪式。 展开更多
关键词 纺织服装产业 雄安新区 中国纺织工业 专题培训 系列专题 合作竞争力 商务部 《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》
物流联盟竞争力的提升路径 被引量:3
作者 苑雅文 《环渤海经济瞭望》 2011年第11期19-21,共3页
物流联盟是一种虚拟组织形式,物流联盟竞争力不是指单个企业的竞争力,而是作为企业合作体的整个联盟的竞争力。当前的研究大都着重于联盟中单个企业竞争优势的培育,或者着眼于整个联盟的稳定性与协调性,很少关注物流联盟整体的竞争力问... 物流联盟是一种虚拟组织形式,物流联盟竞争力不是指单个企业的竞争力,而是作为企业合作体的整个联盟的竞争力。当前的研究大都着重于联盟中单个企业竞争优势的培育,或者着眼于整个联盟的稳定性与协调性,很少关注物流联盟整体的竞争力问题。本文根据物流联盟的组织特性,对其竞争力进行解析,有针对性地提出了物流联盟竞争力提升的路径。 展开更多
关键词 物流联盟 竞争力 合作竞争力
Chinese and US Economies in Comparison and Interaction:Now and Future as China Economist Surveys 被引量:5
作者 李钢 李欧美 《China Economist》 2017年第4期110-133,共24页
China Economist has continuously carried out surveys among economists and this round of survey focuses on comparison and interactions between China's and the United States' economies. The result of the survey shows ... China Economist has continuously carried out surveys among economists and this round of survey focuses on comparison and interactions between China's and the United States' economies. The result of the survey shows that economists are generally optimistic about the outlook of both countries'economies. Respondents believed that great differences exist in the components of industrial competitiveness of China and the US; while the US leads in terms of talent, creativity, social system, industrial system integrity and financing, cost is the biggest barrier to improvement in US competitiveness. In comparison, China leads in infrastructure, cost competitiveness and government driving force but inadequate technology is the biggest barrier to improvement in China's competitiveness. Respondents believed that in the coming 20years, China's economic growth will be 5.2% and US growth will be 2.4%. Around 2034, China's economic aggregate will equal the US level but it will take over 60 years for China to catch up with the US in terms of per capita GDP. China's manufacturing technology will equal the US level around 2045. More than 62% of economists believed that the Trump administration will effectively re-shore manufacturing and the average score they give to Trump's "first 100 days "" in office is 76 points. More than 61% of economists considered it unlikely that a serious trade war will break out between China and the US. They generally believed that China and the US cooperate and compete with each other and that China-US trade enjoys great potential to grow. According to the survey, respondents are more confident about China's debt sustainability in comparison with the US. 展开更多
关键词 China-US interaction China-US trade China-US cooperation COMPETITIVENESS Trump administration
《求知》 2002年第1期33-34,共2页
1、按规则办事的观念。我国外经贸部副部长、中国入世首席谈判代表龙永图曾把什么是WTO概括为12个字:“制定规则、开放市场、解决纠纷。”他强调,按规则办事很重要。中国入世后标志着全面融入世界经济主体,中国市场成为国际市场的一... 1、按规则办事的观念。我国外经贸部副部长、中国入世首席谈判代表龙永图曾把什么是WTO概括为12个字:“制定规则、开放市场、解决纠纷。”他强调,按规则办事很重要。中国入世后标志着全面融入世界经济主体,中国市场成为国际市场的一部分,在享受世贸组织成员权利的同时,也要履行自己的承诺,按WTO通行的规则办事。政府和企业都有按规则运作的问题。不按规则办事,就要受到制裁,就要付出代价。政府按规则运作主要应解决:从政策导向型的对外开放,转变到按以世贸组织协议为基础的对外开放;从地方和部门对企业的不合理保护,转变到根据世贸组织制定的非歧视、公平贸易等原则,为企业创造公平、公开的竞争环境;从强化管理和审批制度,转变到健全法制充分发挥市场配置资源机制的作用,要克服和扭转讲面子、讲人情,不讲规则的习惯。企业按规则运作主要应解决:熟悉掌握WTO的游戏规则,减少进入国际市场的盲目性,提高企业的核心竞争力,参与国际市场的竞争。在必要时,运用WTO的贸易争端解决机制维护自己的权益,而不是像过去那样依赖于政府的政策优惠和保护,吃偏饭,谋特殊。我们要按规则办事,首先要熟悉规则,掌握规则,学会在实践中运用规则。 展开更多
关键词 入世 WT0规则 合作竞争力 企业核心竞争力 品牌战略 经营理念
作者 董建华 《智囊.财经报道》 2003年第2期54-57,共4页
关键词 医药企业 合作竞争力 药品招商业 市场营销 产品
Focus on the Green Competitiveness
《China's Foreign Trade》 2008年第11期29-29,共1页
The enhancement of enterprises' green competitiveness is favorable not only to the benign development of eco- environment and commercia value generation,but also to avoid trade conflicts caused by environmental pr... The enhancement of enterprises' green competitiveness is favorable not only to the benign development of eco- environment and commercia value generation,but also to avoid trade conflicts caused by environmental protection. 展开更多
关键词 绿色竞争力 环境保护 经济发展 可持续发展 绿色经济
Complex Standardization as the Factor of Flexibility and Competitive Ability
作者 Gustav Tomek Vera Vavrova 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第6期438-444,共7页
Research, performed by the authors proved that one of the most significant factors affecting the increase in flexibility and competitive ability of a firm is the conceptual, complex intra-plant standardization. The en... Research, performed by the authors proved that one of the most significant factors affecting the increase in flexibility and competitive ability of a firm is the conceptual, complex intra-plant standardization. The enterprise implementing the standardization is capable of flexible responding to customer's demands for the assortment, accelerates considerably research, and offers satisfactory delivery terms. That means the selection of types of the input factors and the method how to use them, the selection of working procedures and procedures of intermediary consumption, definition of the relations in the process of control, rational structure of the final products etc.. The permanent innovative atmosphere is presupposed. 展开更多
The Wine Chain in Puglia: A Cluster Analysis
作者 Contb Francesco Fiore Mariantonietta La Sala Piermichele 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第10期696-716,共21页
The food industry is evolving more towards new forms of organization much more complex and characterized by a greater degree of coordination, whether in the form of vertical integration of explicit or implicit contrac... The food industry is evolving more towards new forms of organization much more complex and characterized by a greater degree of coordination, whether in the form of vertical integration of explicit or implicit contracts between players of different levels of the industry. Therefore, the aim of this work is the search for mechanisms that can provide value to the production phase to better increase competitiveness of the sector. For the first time, in fact, discussion about food chains have as reference a recognized legal entity, which is the integrated projects of food chain as a result of actions of agricultural policy at community, national and regional levels. The methodology is related to two steps: the administration of questionnaires to the three companies participating in food chain partnerships that have proposed a draft of integrated design of food chain in response to the notice of the Apulia region for the submission of the integrated projects of the food chain; and a cluster analysis in the wine sector of the Italian regions. The results showed, thanks to Network Analysis, the importance for the chain development of relationships formed by market relations and cooperation relations (formal and informal) and the need for more actions for the enhancement of products by research and development activities. 展开更多
关键词 Apulia wine food chain rural development integrated project of food chain cluster analysis.
Aims and First Assessments of the French Hydrogen Pathways Project HyFrance3
作者 Alain Le Duigou Marie-Marguerite Quemere +9 位作者 Pierre Marion Philippe Menanteau Pascal Houel LaureSinegre Lionel Nadau Aline Rastetter Aude Cuni Philippe Mulard Loic Antoine Thierry Alleau 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第1期34-40,共7页
The HyFrance Group was originally formed in France to support the European project HyWays, by providing (former projects HyFrancel and HyFrance2) the French data and possible hydrogen pathways according to national ... The HyFrance Group was originally formed in France to support the European project HyWays, by providing (former projects HyFrancel and HyFrance2) the French data and possible hydrogen pathways according to national specificities. HyFrance3 is a new project that focuses on the economic competitiveness of different steps of the hydrogen chain, from the production to end usage, at the time horizon of 2030 in France. The project is coordinated by CEA with the other partners being: ADEME (co-funding), AFH2, CNRS, IFP, Air Liquide, EdF, GdF Suez, TOTAL, ALPHEA. The project is divided into 4 sub-projects, that address present and future French hydrogen industrial markets for chemical & refinery uses, the analysis of the interplay between wind energy production and storage of hydrogen for different automotive requirements (refuelling stations, BtL plants, H2/NG mix), massive hydrogen storage to balance various offer and demand characteristics, and the supply network (pipeline option competitiveness vs. trucked in supply) to distribute hydrogen in a French region for automotive applications. Technical and economical issues, as well as GHG emissions, are addressed. 展开更多
关键词 HyFrance HYDROGEN industrial techno-economy storage wind energy infrastructure.
六月论坛连粤港 四大聚会联心愿
《中小企业投融资》 2011年第4期66-72,共7页
1第三届珠三角工商领袖粤港合作峰会:优势互补 金融合作 创新机遇 时间:2011-06—10 地点:深圳君悦酒店 2011年6月10日,第三届珠三角工商领袖粤港合作峰会在深圳隆重举行。会议活动围绕粤港金融合作展开,汇聚政府、专家、企业三... 1第三届珠三角工商领袖粤港合作峰会:优势互补 金融合作 创新机遇 时间:2011-06—10 地点:深圳君悦酒店 2011年6月10日,第三届珠三角工商领袖粤港合作峰会在深圳隆重举行。会议活动围绕粤港金融合作展开,汇聚政府、专家、企业三方代表共同探讨粤港合作竞争力的提升,企业产业转型, 展开更多
关键词 粤港合作 粤港金融合作 论坛 心愿 聚会 合作竞争力 优势互补 创新机遇
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