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作者 施俊伟 黄磊 李唯 《中国卫生产业》 2023年第20期125-128,共4页
目的探究医联体合作模式应用链式管理的效果分析。方法选择2021年5月—2023年6月杭州市中医院等医联体单位中部分在职医护人员420名,根据时间不同记为管理前(2021年5月—2022年5月)和管理后(2022年6月—2023年6月),管理前实施传统管理模... 目的探究医联体合作模式应用链式管理的效果分析。方法选择2021年5月—2023年6月杭州市中医院等医联体单位中部分在职医护人员420名,根据时间不同记为管理前(2021年5月—2022年5月)和管理后(2022年6月—2023年6月),管理前实施传统管理模式,管理后实施链式管理,对比管理前后医护人员临床技能、医院管理质量以及业务指标。结果管理后医务人员临床专业技能评分显著高于管理前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);管理后医院管理质量评分显著高于管理前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);管理后业务指标量显著高于管理前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论医联体合作模式中应用链式管理模式在提高医务人员临床技能、改善医院整体管理质量和业务指标等方面有较好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 链式管理 合作模式 医院管理 管理质量
作者 颜卓越 廖西琳 《戏剧之家》 2024年第14期71-73,共3页
米罗斯拉夫·斯科里克(Miroslav Skorik)是20世纪乌克兰杰出的音乐学家和作曲家,他精通多种音乐风格,创作的作品具有鲜明的个性,他常常将各种不同的音乐元素融合在一起,尤其擅长使用爵士(jazz)、民谣(ballad)和先锋音乐(moderately ... 米罗斯拉夫·斯科里克(Miroslav Skorik)是20世纪乌克兰杰出的音乐学家和作曲家,他精通多种音乐风格,创作的作品具有鲜明的个性,他常常将各种不同的音乐元素融合在一起,尤其擅长使用爵士(jazz)、民谣(ballad)和先锋音乐(moderately avant-garde)等风格来创作作品,这种创作理念的音乐作品引起了部分人的关注。斯科里克的作品主要是交响乐和室内乐,以及为歌舞秀和爵士风格的演出创作的作品,另外还有许多优秀的钢琴作品。其中,他改编贝多芬《升c小调第十四钢琴奏鸣曲》第一乐章的钢琴四手联弹作品《月光》引起了笔者的注意。本文介绍了解斯科里克的生平,从研究他的作品入手,通过原版与改编版的音乐的对比分析,探究二者在曲式结构、节奏、和声调式上的联系和区别,基于理论研究,结合实际演奏,从速度的转换、节奏的重音、力度的变化、音色的处理、指法的编排五个方面分析其演绎技巧,研究如何演奏才能在古典音乐的基础上突出爵士乐的风格。最后探索四手联弹作品中演奏双方的配合技巧,从聆听、节奏韵律、音色的统一与音量的把控、踏板的运用四个方面阐述如何配合才能从整体上让音乐表达效果更好。 展开更多
关键词 米罗斯拉夫·斯科里克 改编曲 爵士与古典的融合 四手弹的合作
浅谈电视新闻中省级媒体与各地市台的通联合作 被引量:1
作者 韩金金 《活力》 2014年第6期98-98,共1页
通联,顾名思义是通讯联络的简称,是新闻媒体上通下联获取新闻信息或新闻线索并配合新闻报道的行为,他加强了媒体与社会的紧密联系,延伸了新闻机构关注视野的灵敏度、广度和深度。作为一名省级媒体的通联编辑,我更多的任务是筛选、... 通联,顾名思义是通讯联络的简称,是新闻媒体上通下联获取新闻信息或新闻线索并配合新闻报道的行为,他加强了媒体与社会的紧密联系,延伸了新闻机构关注视野的灵敏度、广度和深度。作为一名省级媒体的通联编辑,我更多的任务是筛选、编辑省内各地市台上传的稿件和片子,所以本文浅析的也是省级媒体与各地市台的合作与融合。 展开更多
关键词 电视新闻 合作 方法
电视新闻中省级媒体与各地市台的通联合作研究 被引量:1
作者 郑旋玲 《卫星电视与宽带多媒体》 2021年第15期150-151,共2页
在电视新闻中,通联合作是非常重要的一种报道形式,通过通联合作能够有效加强各媒体间、媒体与社会间的紧密联系,对于媒体视野的深度与广度有着积极的延伸作用。省级媒体与各地市台的通联合作看似简单,其实专业度非常高。本文结合通联合... 在电视新闻中,通联合作是非常重要的一种报道形式,通过通联合作能够有效加强各媒体间、媒体与社会间的紧密联系,对于媒体视野的深度与广度有着积极的延伸作用。省级媒体与各地市台的通联合作看似简单,其实专业度非常高。本文结合通联合作的写作原则,对电视新闻中省级媒体与各地市台的通联合作做出研究,以便推动电视新闻工作进步。 展开更多
关键词 电视新闻 省级媒体 各地市台 合作
联合起来闯市场 依靠科技增效益——高邮市司徒镇兴联鸭业合作社发展纪实
《农村合作经济经营管理》 北大核心 2001年第11期11-12,共2页
关键词 司徒镇兴鸭业合作 合作经营 立体混养 养殖业 产业经营格局
作者 徐盼 《山西林业》 2021年第S02期8-9,共2页
关键词 “1局3县”合作造林 成果
作者 覃春华 李建 陈良存 《现代农业科技》 2013年第19期313-314,317,共3页
关键词 枣阳市金烟叶生产专业合作 专业化服务 现状 问题 对策
“合作学习”理念下的国培发展策略研究——基于怀化学院“‘四个一’农村初中英语课堂教学研讨会”的思考 被引量:4
作者 张斌 张慧春 《科技视界》 2015年第4期14-15,9,共3页
对怀化学院"基于‘四个一’农村初中英语课堂教学研讨会"的实证分析发现,其实质和核心是"合作学习",这种理念符合"国培计划"的培训宗旨,能够充分发挥高校、基地校和国培学员三方面的联动优势;在"国... 对怀化学院"基于‘四个一’农村初中英语课堂教学研讨会"的实证分析发现,其实质和核心是"合作学习",这种理念符合"国培计划"的培训宗旨,能够充分发挥高校、基地校和国培学员三方面的联动优势;在"国培计划"中实施"合作学习",需要处理好"联动大合作"与"微观小合作"等关系。 展开更多
关键词 国培计划 合作学习 动效应 动大合作 微观小合作
作者 徐进 陈一丹 +1 位作者 吕简承 文秋生 《现代医院管理》 2013年第1期48-49,82,共3页
关键词 建共创”合作 发展 意义 办法
作者 董飞 乔赛男 张宁 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2023年第6期8-11,共4页
依托“百万扩招计划”,以分类教学理论为指导,结合石家庄财经职业院校教学改革模式,构建符合当下时代要求和学生成长发展的高职学生职业素质多元化评价体系,能够有效提高高职院校教育的质量和水平。本文对石家庄财经职业学院护理学生分... 依托“百万扩招计划”,以分类教学理论为指导,结合石家庄财经职业院校教学改革模式,构建符合当下时代要求和学生成长发展的高职学生职业素质多元化评价体系,能够有效提高高职院校教育的质量和水平。本文对石家庄财经职业学院护理学生分类教学实践进行具体阐述,研究高职学生多元评价体系构建的措施,并且在上述分析的基础上,有针对地为高职学校分类教学和学生多元评价机制提供建议和切实可行的路径。 展开更多
关键词 高职扩招 分类教学 多元评价机制 合作
围绕三个重点 培育新型农业经营主体
作者 郝达军 《江苏农村经济》 2015年第8期23-,共1页
江苏省宝应县围绕破解"谁来种地"、"地怎么种"难题,积极做实专业合作社、做特家庭农场、做专农业企业,不断壮大新型农业经营主体队伍。一是以带动农户增收为根本,加快发展专业合作社。加强农民合作社名录管理,提出... 江苏省宝应县围绕破解"谁来种地"、"地怎么种"难题,积极做实专业合作社、做特家庭农场、做专农业企业,不断壮大新型农业经营主体队伍。一是以带动农户增收为根本,加快发展专业合作社。加强农民合作社名录管理,提出以名录为范围,规范各类财政扶持项目的承建实施,县级以上"五好"示范社应在名录中产生。开展合作社典型示范调查摸底,对符合条件的逐一过堂,确保真正发挥典型示范作用。今年。 展开更多
关键词 农业经营主体 家庭农场 扶持项目 农业企业 典型示范作用 江苏省宝应县 商务网 适度规模经营 合作联
测绘地理信息科技项目管理的现状与思考 被引量:1
作者 刘静 李涛 《测绘》 2014年第6期278-279,共2页
关键词 科技项目 管理机制 合作 成果沉淀
作者 伍思成 《广东建材》 1995年第Z1期54-54,共1页
一种专为陶瓷、铝型材设备设计,防高温、低噪音、全封闭、无漏油的高节能、高效率的东海牌减速机系列产品,在广东省陶瓷、铝型材设备配件市场崭露头角,这是浙江省平阳东海减速机厂与广东佛陶集团陶瓷设备配件分公司合作联销的成果,从而... 一种专为陶瓷、铝型材设备设计,防高温、低噪音、全封闭、无漏油的高节能、高效率的东海牌减速机系列产品,在广东省陶瓷、铝型材设备配件市场崭露头角,这是浙江省平阳东海减速机厂与广东佛陶集团陶瓷设备配件分公司合作联销的成果,从而加快了这些行业引进设备传动装置国产化的步伐。 展开更多
关键词 减速机 东海牌 铝型材 引进设备 合作联 装置国产化 系列产品 陶瓷设备 设备设计 设备配件
Clinical Benefit with Intraoperative Radiotherapy Combined with Regional Chemotherapy for Advanced Pancreatic Carcinoma
作者 康华峰 王西京 +4 位作者 代志军 刘小旭 薛兴欢 薛锋杰 纪宗正 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2003年第4期213-215,251,共4页
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) in combination with regional chemotherapy in the treatment of advanced pancreatic carcinoma.Methods: 17 patients with advanced pancreatic ... Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) in combination with regional chemotherapy in the treatment of advanced pancreatic carcinoma.Methods: 17 patients with advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma were treated with IORT and regional chemotherapy with 5-FU, Epirubucin and Mitomycin, and 6 cases accepted external radiotherapy postoperatively.Results: 35.29% (6/17) of the patients were clinical benefit responders and 23.53% (4/17) had a partial response. The median survival time was 11 months and the 1-year survival rate was 35.29% (6/17)Conclusion: IORT in combination with regional chemotherapy had a good impact on clinical benefit without severe side effects in locally advanced pancreatic carcinoma and led to a significant prolongation of the survival time. Key words pancreatic cancer - intraoperative radiotherapy - chemotherapy 展开更多
关键词 pancreatic cancer intraoperative radiotherapy CHEMOTHERAPY
作者 张杨杨 《全国商情》 2014年第13期24-25,共2页
常熟,自古以来就是江南富庶之地,有广告云:世上湖山,天下常熟。常客隆作为当地知名的零售品牌,在常熟人心中的地位不可代替,不仅仅是因为"常来常熟常客隆"这句广告语,更是因为它的生意背后所关乎的民生工程。"我们做的... 常熟,自古以来就是江南富庶之地,有广告云:世上湖山,天下常熟。常客隆作为当地知名的零售品牌,在常熟人心中的地位不可代替,不仅仅是因为"常来常熟常客隆"这句广告语,更是因为它的生意背后所关乎的民生工程。"我们做的是民生工程,这也是我喜欢做的"。 展开更多
关键词 民生工程 以民为先 零售品牌 富庶之地 外资零售企业 董浜镇 蔬菜基地 合作社社员 城市发展 合作联
Enhanced Viscosity of Poly(acrylamide)Solution in the Presence of Chromium Citrate Triggered by Release of CO2 被引量:2
作者 莫爱国 王玉普 +4 位作者 刘义坤 周万富 周泉 艾克热木·牙生 杨海洋 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期117-122,I0002,共7页
Partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) has been widely used for water shut-off and profile control to enhance oil recovery. Herein, we reported a novel technique by which the crosslinking between HPAM and Cr3+ ... Partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) has been widely used for water shut-off and profile control to enhance oil recovery. Herein, we reported a novel technique by which the crosslinking between HPAM and Cr3+ in aqueous solutions at 60 ℃ can be delayed effectively. Citric acid was selected as an organic complexing agent of Cr3+ so that the crosslinking between HPAM and Cr3+ can be prevented completely. Due to the decomposi- tion of the bicarbonate (HCO3-) embedded in solution, CO2 released from solution and the pH value of solution increased gradually. The degree of ionization of HPAM and its ability to complex with Cr3+ increased accordingly. When the complexation of Cr3+ with HPAM is stronger than that with citric acid, the viscosity of the HPAM solution increased signif- icantly. Under the closed condition, together with the existence of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4), the release of CO2 was very slow and the condition was highly con- trolled so that the ionization of HPAM was prevented initially. Furthermore, the hydrogen bonding interactions between HPAM and melamine embedded in solution previously also postponed the ionization of HPAM. As a result, the crosslinking between HPAM and Cr3+ can be delayed for almost one month, completely meeting the requirements for deep water shut-off and profile control to enhance oil recovery. 展开更多
关键词 POLYACRYLAMIDE Delayed cross-linking pH responsibility COMPLEXATION
Optimization of sensing time and cooperative user allocation for OR-rule cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio network 被引量:4
作者 刘鑫 仲伟志 陈琨奇 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2646-2654,共9页
In order to improve the throughput of cognitive radio(CR), optimization of sensing time and cooperative user allocation for OR-rule cooperative spectrum sensing was investigated in a CR network that includes multiple ... In order to improve the throughput of cognitive radio(CR), optimization of sensing time and cooperative user allocation for OR-rule cooperative spectrum sensing was investigated in a CR network that includes multiple users and one fusion center. The frame structure of cooperative spectrum sensing was divided into multiple transmission time slots and one sensing time slot consisting of local energy detection and cooperative overhead. An optimization problem was formulated to maximize the throughput of CR network, subject to the constraints of both false alarm probability and detection probability. A joint optimization algorithm of sensing time and number of users was proposed to solve this optimization problem with low time complexity. An allocation algorithm of cooperative users was proposed to preferentially allocate the users to the channels with high utilization probability. The simulation results show that the significant improvement on the throughput can be achieved through the proposed joint optimization and allocation algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio energy detection cooperative spectrum sensing throughput optimization
Combined Effect of Nutrient and Pest Managements on Substrate Utilization Pattern of Soil Microbial Population in Hybrid Rice Cropping System 被引量:9
作者 LIAOMIN S.KLOSE 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期219-228,共10页
A field experiment was conducted to study the combined effect of nutrient andpest managements on soil biomass phospholipid contents, functional biodiversity and substrateutilization patterns of soil microbial populati... A field experiment was conducted to study the combined effect of nutrient andpest managements on soil biomass phospholipid contents, functional biodiversity and substrateutilization patterns of soil microbial populations in hybrid rice cropping system. The mineral N, Pand K fertilizers (as urea, calcium superphosphate and KCl respectively) were incorporated at 100,25, and 100 kg ha^(-1), respectively, and the various pesticides were applied at the recommendedrates. The results of the experiment demonstrated a decline in the microbial abundance and soilmicrobial biomass phospholipid contents with the advancement of crop growth, and significant changesin substrate utilization pattern of soil microbial population studied were observed with differentmanagement practices and at different growth stages. The principal component analysis (PCA) usingall 95-carbon sources (BIOLOG plates) gave good differentiation among the treatments, indicatingthat they have different patterns of carbon utilization under different habitats. The data showedthat diversity in microbial community continuously changed with the progression in crop stage,particularly at physiological maturity (PM) stage that was evident from the utilization of differentcarbon sources at various crop stages. 展开更多
关键词 BIOLOG NUTRIENT pest management soil microbial population substrateutilization pattern
OvBNN authentication based on cooperative signature for wireless sensor networks 被引量:1
作者 秦丹阳 Zhang Yan +1 位作者 Ma Jingya Ji Ping 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2018年第3期287-295,共9页
The universality of the application of wireless sensor networks( WSN) makes more attention be paid on the security problem. Node authentication is not only the basis of network security,but also the premise of key man... The universality of the application of wireless sensor networks( WSN) makes more attention be paid on the security problem. Node authentication is not only the basis of network security,but also the premise of key management and secure routing protocol. Although the signature mechanism based on symmetric encryption is high in energy efficiency,it is vulnerable to be attacked and there is a time delay during authentication. Traditional public key encryption mechanism with improvement in security brings in complex algorithm and costs much time,which is not suitable for WSN. In this paper,a signature authentication mechanism,an optimized variant Bellare Namprempre Neven( OvBNN) is presented to quickly complete the authentication by mutual cooperation between nodes so as to make the nodes use the intermediate calculation results of their neighbor nodes directly.Simulation results show that the proposed mechanism is superior to traditional authentication mechanisms both in energy consumption and authentication time. 展开更多
关键词 optimized variant Bellare Namprempre Neven (OvBNN) digital signature authentication speed energy consumption wireless sensor networks (WSN)
Cooperative Differential Game for Model Energy-Bandwidth Efficiency Tradeoff in the Internet of Things 被引量:3
作者 LIN Fuhong LIU Qian +2 位作者 ZHOU Xianwei CHEN Yueyun HUANG Daochao 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期92-102,共11页
Internet of Things (IoT) refers to an infrastructure which enables the forms of com- munication and collaboration between people and things, and between things themselves. In order to improve its performance, we pre... Internet of Things (IoT) refers to an infrastructure which enables the forms of com- munication and collaboration between people and things, and between things themselves. In order to improve its performance, we present a tradeoff between bandwidth and energy con- sumption in the loT in this paper. A service providing model is built to find the relation- ship between bandwidth and energy consump- tion using a cooperative differential game mo- del. The game solution is gotten in the condi- tion of grand coalition, feedback Nash equili- brium and intermediate coalitions and an allo- cation policy is obtain by Shapley theory. The results are shown as follows. Firstly, the per- formance of IoT decreases with the increasing of bandwidth cost or with the decreasing of en- ergy cost; secondly, all the nodes in the IoT com- posing a grand coalition can save bandwidth and energy consumption; thirdly, when the fac- tors of bandwidth cost and energy cost are eq- ual, the obtained number of provided services is an optimised value which is the trade-off between energy and bandwidth consumption. 展开更多
关键词 Internet of things bandwidth con- sumption energy consumption cooperative diff- erential game theory
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