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合丰(合交、合农、佳豆)号系列大豆品种的亲本分析 被引量:3
作者 郭美玲 郭泰 +5 位作者 刘忠堂 王志新 郑伟 李灿东 徐杰飞 赵星棋 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期147-156,共10页
为深入了解合丰(合交、合农、佳豆)号系列大豆品种的亲本选用情况,本文对黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院大豆育成品种所涉及的亲本进行了分析,通过总结已往的亲本选用经验,为今后品种改良创新提供技术指导。截止到2022年,佳木斯分院共育... 为深入了解合丰(合交、合农、佳豆)号系列大豆品种的亲本选用情况,本文对黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院大豆育成品种所涉及的亲本进行了分析,通过总结已往的亲本选用经验,为今后品种改良创新提供技术指导。截止到2022年,佳木斯分院共育成大豆品种119个,包括杂交大豆品种3个。涉及亲本124个,包括国内祖先亲本11个,国外亲本13个,国内直接亲本(创新种质与选育品种)100个;骨干亲本或核心亲本(育成品种≥2个)46个,一般亲本78个(育成品种1个)。其中北丰11和合丰50分别育成品种9个,满仓金育成品种7个,合丰34和合丰35分别育成品种6个,黑河45、北豆5号和HOBBIT分别育成品种5个,黑河43、合农69、合丰55、垦丰16和黑河38分别育成品种4个,秃荚子、荆山朴、克4430-20、合丰26、绥农10、华疆4号、黑河35、合农71、美国扁茎大豆、日本小粒豆和黑农54等11个亲本分别育成品种3个,黑河54、黑龙江41(俄罗斯)、合丰24、钢201、俄亥俄、绥农14、公84112-1-3、合丰39、合丰41、合丰42、合丰51、合丰57、北丰9号、九丰10、合93-793、垦农19、合农68、黑农48、克山1号、绥02-529和黑交01-1032等21个亲本分别育成品种两个。分院选用的亲本中农家品种(地方品种)占亲本总数的8.87%;自育亲本材料占亲本总数的34.68%;引自国内(黑龙江、吉林、辽宁和内蒙古)的亲本材料占亲本总数的46.03%;引自国外(美国、日本、俄罗斯和意大利)的亲本材料占亲本总数的10.48%。这些亲本材料包括超早熟亲本5个,极早熟亲本3个,早熟亲本42个,中早熟亲本63个,中熟亲本1个,中晚熟亲本9个,晚熟亲本1个。分析结果说明分院选用亲本来源广泛,既体现地理远缘又有生态差异,既体现遗传基础改良又有遗传多样性,既体现正宗的血统又拓宽血缘关系,保证了品种改良创新与水平提升,这一做法与经验值得推广与借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 丰(交、农、豆)系列 大豆品种 亲本分析
合丰(合交、合农、佳豆)号大豆品种育种方法与代表性品种分析 被引量:1
作者 郭美玲 郭泰 +5 位作者 王志新 郑伟 李灿东 徐杰飞 赵星棋 王象然 《种子科技》 2023年第5期28-33,共6页
大豆育种方法影响品种选育的成败与效果,分析已育成品种的育种方法,既可以总结过去又可以指导未来,在大豆品种改良创新方面具有重要意义。黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院采用常规育种方法已育成合丰(合交、合农、佳豆)号系列大豆新品种11... 大豆育种方法影响品种选育的成败与效果,分析已育成品种的育种方法,既可以总结过去又可以指导未来,在大豆品种改良创新方面具有重要意义。黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院采用常规育种方法已育成合丰(合交、合农、佳豆)号系列大豆新品种119个,其中有性杂交育成品种97个,系统选择育成品种6个,无性嫁接育成品种2个,有性杂交与辐射育种结合育成品种7个,有性杂交与航天育种结合育成品种4个,杂优利用育成杂交大豆品种3个,说明常规育种仍是最有效的育种方法。大豆分子育种代表了大豆育种的发展方向,主要包括分子标记育种、转基因育种和品种分子设计育种。目前,我国大豆分子育种技术已进入快速发展阶段,但尚未在育种上广泛应用,推进常规育种方法与分子育种技术结合成为当务之急。 展开更多
关键词 丰(交、农、豆)号系列 大豆新品种 大豆育种方法分析 代表性品种
合丰(合交、合农、佳豆)大豆育种工作回顾与系列品种分析 被引量:2
作者 郭泰 刘忠堂 +5 位作者 王志新 郑伟 李灿东 徐杰飞 赵星棋 郭美玲 《黑龙江农业科学》 2022年第9期1-13,共13页
为丰富大豆育种经验,进一步提升育种创新能力与水平,本文回顾了黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院76年的大豆育种工作。“合丰(合交、合农、佳豆)号”大豆为佳木斯分院审定推广品种系列名称,截止到2022年已审定推广大豆品种119个,包括不同... 为丰富大豆育种经验,进一步提升育种创新能力与水平,本文回顾了黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院76年的大豆育种工作。“合丰(合交、合农、佳豆)号”大豆为佳木斯分院审定推广品种系列名称,截止到2022年已审定推广大豆品种119个,包括不同熟期、积温带和类型的品种,年推广面积,在大豆鼎盛时期达到80万~100万hm^(-2),最高达到133.33万hm^(-2),占黑龙江省大豆年种植面积的30%~50%;在大豆低谷时期稳定在53.33万~66.67万hm^(-2),占黑龙江省大豆年种植面积的20%~25%,累计推广面积达到4200万hm^(-2),年均推广面积54.79万hm^(-2),推广范围由佳木斯地区扩大到全省乃至全国。育成了建国以来推广面积最大的品种合丰25、全国年度推广面积最大的品种合丰35(1999年)、合丰45(2006年)和黑龙江省年度推广面积最大的品种合丰50(2010-2011年)和合丰55(2012-2013年);有4个品种(合丰50、合农85、合农71和合农91)7次刷新区域或全国大豆单产纪录,其中合农71小面积实收产量达到6712.05 kg·hm^(-2),大面积实收产量达到4621.5 kg·hm^(-2);育成了合丰27、合丰28、合丰29、合丰30等国内首批抗灰斑病品种;育成了油分含量≥22%的品种33个,其中合农77油分含量高达24.13%;在国内领先育成了合丰42、合农60和合农91等一批含有美国矮秆基因(dtdt)的矮秆、半矮秆品种;审定品种获省部级以上成果奖励31项,其中国家科技进步二等奖2项,三等奖1项;黑龙江省政府科技进步一等奖2项,黑龙江省重大科技效益奖2项。 展开更多
关键词 丰(交、农、豆)大豆 育种工作 回顾 系列品种分析
1亩地年产值8000~12000元的种植项目 《农村新技术》、广西合浦佳永金花茶开发有限公司联合举办金花茶栽培技术培训班
《农村新技术》 2004年第8期66-66,共1页
誉满全球的金花茶,国色天香,风姿绰约,不仅具有极高的观赏价值,还有无与 伦比的保健价值。因而有“植物界的大熊猫”、 “花中皇后”的美誉,被列为国家一 级、世界二级珍稀保护植物。广西合浦佳永金花茶开发有限公司创始人傅镜远总经理,... 誉满全球的金花茶,国色天香,风姿绰约,不仅具有极高的观赏价值,还有无与 伦比的保健价值。因而有“植物界的大熊猫”、 “花中皇后”的美誉,被列为国家一 级、世界二级珍稀保护植物。广西合浦佳永金花茶开发有限公司创始人傅镜远总经理, 1979年率先运用人工无性繁殖技术培育金花茶获得成功,填补了世界园艺界一项空白。 该公司还创造了金花茶种植的一系列新技术、新成果。 展开更多
关键词 年产值 种植项目 《农村新技术》 广西永金花茶开发有限公司 金花茶 栽培技术
作者 王卫国 《教育实践与研究(理论版)(C)》 2018年第11期39-43,共5页
通过对专家学者、 一线校长等对教师核心素养的梳理, 找到观点中的优势与不足;结合中共中央、国务院颁布的《关于全面深化新时代教师队伍建设改革的意见》 文件的要求与学习实践感悟, 提出教师核心素养的维度建构, 即德高、 合佳、 乐... 通过对专家学者、 一线校长等对教师核心素养的梳理, 找到观点中的优势与不足;结合中共中央、国务院颁布的《关于全面深化新时代教师队伍建设改革的意见》 文件的要求与学习实践感悟, 提出教师核心素养的维度建构, 即德高、 合佳、 乐学、好思、 善研.以此, 期待以教师之核心素养, 涵养学生的核心素养, 更好的把立德树人落到实处. 展开更多
关键词 核心素养 德高 合佳 乐学 好思 善研
物理实验中“过原点”线性回归方法的讨论 被引量:3
作者 阮亮 《物理实验》 北大核心 2004年第3期20-22,共3页
对在理论上满足过原点的线性方程的实验数据处理中人为规定a0 =0提出了质疑 .在保证理论推导和实验验证统一的条件下 ,对a0 的估计值的取值范围进行了讨论 ,并举了 2个实例来证明 .
关键词 物理实验 线性方程 最小二乘法 线性回归 效拟 过重心直线拟 哈勃定律 温差电动势
Applications of the Aversion Order of Risks in Reinsurance 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Rui ZANG Zhen-chun SU Bai-yun LI Hai-yin 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2010年第2期267-275,共9页
The aversion order is a way of ordering of risks. Is there the optimal in aversion order in reinsurance contracts of reinsurance? This paper discusses these objects and gives some optimal reinsurance contracts in cer... The aversion order is a way of ordering of risks. Is there the optimal in aversion order in reinsurance contracts of reinsurance? This paper discusses these objects and gives some optimal reinsurance contracts in certain sets of feasible reinsurance contracts. 展开更多
关键词 RISK aversion order reinsurance contract the optimal reinsurance contract
Nonlinear Approximation in Linear 2 Normed Spaces
作者 史志仙 叶新淘 倪仁兴 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 1999年第2期108-114,共7页
The best approximation, best Σ approximation and best sup approximation in linear 2 normed spaces are discussed in this paper. The characterization and uniqueness theorems for these nonlinear approximations are gi... The best approximation, best Σ approximation and best sup approximation in linear 2 normed spaces are discussed in this paper. The characterization and uniqueness theorems for these nonlinear approximations are given. 展开更多
关键词 normed space best approximation best Σ approximation best supapproximation
Synthesis and Characterization of Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid Tetrasodium Salt Loaded in Microcapsules with Slow Release Properties 被引量:8
作者 谢志章 陈能场 +5 位作者 刘承帅 周建民 徐胜光 郑煜基 李芳柏 徐燕玲 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第1期149-155,共7页
The microcapsules with cores of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt(Na4-EDTA)and walls of polyurea were synthesized via an interfacial polycondensation reaction with 2,4-tolylene diisocyanate as an oil-s... The microcapsules with cores of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt(Na4-EDTA)and walls of polyurea were synthesized via an interfacial polycondensation reaction with 2,4-tolylene diisocyanate as an oil-soluble monomer and diethyl triamine as a water-soluble monomer.Various manufacturing parameters,including the amount of emulsifier,agitation speed,stirring time and ratios of the wall materials to core materials,were altered to optimize process variables during the synthesis of microcapsules,and the effects of these parameters on the characteristics of the microcapsules were examined.The structure,morphology,mean particle size and size distribution were characterized by optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy(SEM),showing that the mean diameter of optimal microspheres was approximately 6μm,and microcapsules were spherical.In vitro release of Na4-EDTA from these microcapsules was performed in distilled water.Under the optimal preparation conditions, the Na4-EDTA release profiles were biphasic with a burst release followed by a gradual release phase.After an initial burst,a continuous Na4-EDTA release was up to 5-7 days.The optimal synthesis conditions for the microcapsules with stable,good morphology and good controlled-release properties were as follows:emulsifier Span-80 10% (by mass),agitation speed 900 r·min1,stirring time 30 min,and the ratio of the wall materials to core materials 0.15. 展开更多
关键词 Na4-EDTA microcapsules interfacial polymerization controlled release
作者 Yang Peifeng Li Jingchun Yu Qi Wang Xiangzhan Yang Mohua (Dept. of Microelectronic Science and Eng., UEST of China, Chengdu 610054)He Lin Li Kaicheng Tan KaizhouLiu Daoguang Zhang Jing Yi Qiang Fan Zerui(National Key Laboratory of Analog IC’s, Chongqing 400060) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2002年第1期108-112,共5页
Based on theoretical analysis and computer-aided simulation, optimized design principles for Si/SiGe PMOSFET are given in this paper, which include choice of gate materials,determination of germanium percentage and pr... Based on theoretical analysis and computer-aided simulation, optimized design principles for Si/SiGe PMOSFET are given in this paper, which include choice of gate materials,determination of germanium percentage and profile in SiGe channel, optimization of thickness of dioxide and silicon cap layer, and adjustment of threshold voltage. In the light of these principles,a SiGe PMOSFET is designed and fabricated successfully. Measurement indicates that the SiGe PMOSFET's (L=2μm) transconductance is 45 mS/mm (300K) and 92mS/mm (77K), while that is 33 mS/mm (300K) and 39mS/mm (77K) in Si PMOSFET with the same structure. 展开更多
Selection experiments for the optimum combination of AMF-plant-substrate for the restoration of coal mines 被引量:7
作者 WANG Li-ping ZHANG Wei-wei GUO Guang-xia IAN Kui-mei HUANG Xiao-pei 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第4期479-482,共4页
A complex substrate consisting of fly ash, coal gangue and excess sludge was used as an experimental soil in pot culture experiments. Different soil compositions were tested by observing the growth of arbuscular mycor... A complex substrate consisting of fly ash, coal gangue and excess sludge was used as an experimental soil in pot culture experiments. Different soil compositions were tested by observing the growth of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi inoculated white clover, rye grass or com. The biomass of the host plants, the mycorrhizal colonization (MC) rate and the mycorrhizal depen- dency (MD) were measured. The research addresses the preferable AMF-plant-substrate combination appropriate for restoration of coal mines. We used two inoculation methods: single-inoculation with Glomus versiforme or Glomus mosseae and a dual inocula- tion with both Ctv and Gm. The results show that G^m is the preferable fungi and that dual inoculation does not show advantages for the restoration of coal mines. White clover inoculated with AM fungi is the most suitable condition for restoration of coal mines. The best weight ratio of fly ash, coal gangue and excess sludge was found to be 20:60:20. The optimum treatment conditions of AMF-plant-activated-substrate are described. 展开更多
关键词 AM fungi BIOMASS mycorrhizal colonization rate activated substrate ecological restoration of coal mines
Separation process of butanol-butyl acetate-methyl isobutyl ketone system by the analysis to residual curve and the double effect pressure-swing distillation 被引量:4
作者 Chunli Li Yuanyuan Song +3 位作者 Jing Fang Yang Liu Weiyi Su Yuqi Hu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期274-277,共4页
The separation of ternary mixture of butanol, butyl acetate, and methyl isobutyl ketone(MIBK) was initially analyzed by the residual curve. In this process, MIBK was chosen as the azeotropic agent during the first ste... The separation of ternary mixture of butanol, butyl acetate, and methyl isobutyl ketone(MIBK) was initially analyzed by the residual curve. In this process, MIBK was chosen as the azeotropic agent during the first step of separation. The optimum mass ratio of extra MIBK was 1.6 in the modified feed stream according to the residual curve. Thus on this condition the top product was butanol-MIBK azeotrope while the bottom product was butyl acetate in the preliminary separation of the mixture. Then the butanol and MIBK azeotrope was separated by the double effect pressureswing distillation with the low pressure column performing at 30 kPa and the atmospheric pressure column at 101 kPa. The optimal operating conditions were then obtained by using Aspen Plus to simulate and optimize the process. The results showed that the mass purities of butanol, butyl acetate, and MIBK were all more than 99% and reached the design requirements. Additionally, compared with the traditional distillation with outside heating, the double effect pressure swing distillation saved the reboiler duty by 48.6% and the condenser duty by 44.6%. 展开更多
关键词 Residual curve Azeotropic distillation Pressure-swing distillation Aspen Plus
An Efficient and Stable Ionic Liquid System for Synthesis of Ethylene Glycol via Hydrolysis of Ethylene Carbonate 被引量:9
作者 MENG Zhenying SUN Jian +4 位作者 WANG Jinquan ZHANG Jianxin FU Zengzeng CHENG Weiguo ZHANG Xiangping 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第6期962-966,共5页
An ionic liquid system of [Bmim]X/[Bmim]OH(X Cl,BF4,and PF6,) was developed for the hydroly-sis of ethylene carbonate to ethylene glycol. The important parameters,such as the variety of ionic liquids,molar ratio of [B... An ionic liquid system of [Bmim]X/[Bmim]OH(X Cl,BF4,and PF6,) was developed for the hydroly-sis of ethylene carbonate to ethylene glycol. The important parameters,such as the variety of ionic liquids,molar ratio of [Bmim]X to [Bmim]OH,amount of ionic liquid,molar ratio of water to ethylene carbonate,reaction tem-perature,pressure and reaction time,were investigated systematically. Excellent yield(>93%) and high selectivity(99.5%) of ethylene glycol were achieved. Under the optimum reaction conditions,the ionic liquid system could be reused at least five times and the selectivity of ethylene glycol remained higher than 99.5%. 展开更多
关键词 ethylene carbonate ethylene glycol HYDROLYSIS ionic liquids CATALYSIS
Simulation of a Reverse Flow Reactor for the Catalytic Combustion of Lean Methane Emissions 被引量:2
作者 张佳瑾 雷志刚 +1 位作者 李建伟 陈标华 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第8期843-853,共11页
This work is focused on the performance prediction of pilot scale catalytic reverse flow reactors used for combustion of lean methane-air mixtures. An unsteady one-dimensional heterogeneous model for the reactor was e... This work is focused on the performance prediction of pilot scale catalytic reverse flow reactors used for combustion of lean methane-air mixtures. An unsteady one-dimensional heterogeneous model for the reactor was established to account for the influence of the reactor wall on the heat transfer. Results of the simulation indicate that feed concentration, switch time and compensatory temperature impose important influence on the performance of the reactor. The amount of the heat extracted from the mid-section of the reactor can be optimized via adjusting the parameters mentioned above. At the optimal operating conditions, Le. switching time of 400 s, feed concentration of 1% (by volume), and insulation layer temperature of 343 K, the axial temperature of the reactor revealed a comparatively symmetrical "saddle" distribution, indicating a favorable operating status of the catalytic reverse flow reactor. 展开更多
关键词 METHANE Catalytic combustion Reverse flow reactor MODELING
Variations of Snow Temperature and their Influence on Snow Cover Physical Parameters in the Western Tianshan Mountains,China 被引量:3
作者 CHEN Xia WEI WenShou +1 位作者 LIU MingZhe GU GuangQin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期827-837,共11页
This article discussed about snow temperature variations and their impact on snow cover parameters. Automatic temperature recorders were used to sample at lo-minute intervals at the Tianshan Station for Snow-cover and... This article discussed about snow temperature variations and their impact on snow cover parameters. Automatic temperature recorders were used to sample at lo-minute intervals at the Tianshan Station for Snow-cover and Avalanche Research, Chinese snow temperature Academy of Sciences. lo-layer and the snow cover parameters were measured by the snow property analyzer (Snow Fork) in its Stable period, Interim period and Snow melting period. Results indicate that the amplitude of the diurnal fluctuation in the temperature during Snow melting period is 1.62 times greater than that during Stable period. Time up to the peak temperature at the snow surface lags behind the peak solar radiation by more than 2.5 hours, and lags behind the peak atmospheric temperature by more than 0.2 hours during all three periods. The optimal fitted function of snow temperature profile becomes more complicated from Stable period to Snow melting period. 22 h temperature profiles in Stable period are the optimal fitted by cubic polynomial equation. In Interim period and Snow melting period, temperature profiles are optimal fitted by exponential equation between sunset and sunrise, and by Fourier function when solar radiation is strong. The vertical gradient in the snow temperature reaches its maximum value at the snow surface for three periods. The peak of this maximum value occurs during Stableperiod, and is 4.46 times greater than during Interim period. The absolute value of temperature gradient is lower than 0.1℃ cm-1 for 30 cm beneath snow surface. Snow temperature and temperature gradient in Stable period-Interim period indirectly cause increase (decrease) of snow density mainly by increasing (decreasing) permittivity. While it dramatically increases its water content to change its permittivity and snow density in Snow melting period. 展开更多
关键词 Snow temperature Vertical temperaturegradient Optimal fitting function Snow density Western Tianshan Mountains China
Changing human-environment interactions in medium mountains:the Apuseni Mts(Romania)as a case study 被引量:4
作者 TELBISZ Tamas IMECS Zoltan +1 位作者 MARl Laszlo BOTTLIK Zsolt 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第9期1675-1687,共13页
The study of human-environment relationships in mountain areas is important for both theoretical and practical reasons, as many mountain areas suffer similar problems, such as depopulation, unemployment and natural ha... The study of human-environment relationships in mountain areas is important for both theoretical and practical reasons, as many mountain areas suffer similar problems, such as depopulation, unemployment and natural hazards. Medium mountains constitute a special case within mountains, because they are more populated but less attractive as tourist destinations than high mountains. In this context, the Apuseni Mts (Romania) are considered as a ease study. In this paper, we apply GIS-based, quantitative methods to characterize the strength and dynamics of human-environment interactions, taking into consideration some environmental factors (elevation, relative height, slope, river distance, lithology, land cover, natural attractions) as well as historical population and recent tourism data. We found that population density has strong (r2〉0.8) relationships with all relief factors (elevation, relative height, slope, river distance), and that best-fit functions are nonlinear. We outlined the varying demographic scenarios by elevation zones and interpreted the historically switching sign of population change versus elevation relationship. We demonstrated that lithology also has an impact on the spatial distribution of population, although it is not independent from the relief effect. The land cover of the mainly cultural landscape is very strongly correlated with relief parameters (especially slope), which suggests good adaptation. We pointed out the dominance of karst objects in the natural tourism potential of the Apuseni Mts and also explored further components of real tourism (spas, heritage, towns). Finally, we concluded that the environmental settings investigated do in fact constrain the spatial framework of society, but soeio-economic changes in history can be explained from the side of society, which conforms to the theory of cultural possibilism. 展开更多
关键词 Human-environment relations ApuseniMountains Geographical information system (GIS) Possibilism TOURISM KARST
Tissue Culture and Rapid Multiplication Techniques of Apocynum L.
作者 高金秋 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2269-2272,2354,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate rapid multiplication of Apocynum by tissue culture so as to provide plantlet sources for its industrialized cultivation. [Method] The asepsis seedlings were obtained by deal... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate rapid multiplication of Apocynum by tissue culture so as to provide plantlet sources for its industrialized cultivation. [Method] The asepsis seedlings were obtained by dealing with Apocynum seeds. Its cotyledons, hypocotyls and shoot tips were cultured on the media containing different concentrations of hormones. Finally, the influence of different hormone combinations on differentiation of cotyledons and hypocotyls, rapid multiplication of shoot tips, rapid multiplication of regenerated shoots, and rooting of test-tube plantlets was com- pared. [Result] MS+2.0 mg/L BA+0.03 mg/L NAA and MS+0.07 mg/L NAA were the optimum medium for inducing regenerated buds from cotyledons and hypocotyls re- spectively; MS+2.0 mg/L BA+0.02 mg/L NAA was the best medium for rapid multi- plication of shoot tips; MS+1.9 mg/L BA+I.7 mg/L NAA was the best medium for rapid multiplication of regenerated buds: and 1/2MS+0.6 mg/L NAA was the best medium for inducing roots. [Conclusion] The optimum hormone combination was de- termined for Apocynum rapid multiplication by tissue culture, which provides technical support on Apocynum industrialized cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 Apocynum HYPOCOTYL COTYLEDON Shoot tip Tissue culture
Vertical Distribution of Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in Typical Chinese Terrestrial Ecosystems 被引量:9
作者 CHAI Hua YU Guirui +3 位作者 HE Nianpeng WEN Ding LI Jie FANG Jiangping 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期549-560,共12页
Characterization of the vertical distribution of soil organic carbon(C), nitrogen(N), and phosphorus(P) may improve our ability to accurately estimate soil C, N, and P storage. Based on a database of 21 354 records in... Characterization of the vertical distribution of soil organic carbon(C), nitrogen(N), and phosphorus(P) may improve our ability to accurately estimate soil C, N, and P storage. Based on a database of 21 354 records in 74 long-term monitoring plots from 2004 to 2013 in the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network(CERN), we built fitting functions to quantify the vertical distribution of soil C, N, and P(up to 100 cm depth) in the typical Chinese terrestrial ecosystems. The decrease of soil C, N, and P content with depth can be well fitted with various mathematical functions. The fitting functions differed greatly between artificial(agriculture) and natural(desert, forest, and grassland) ecosystems, and also differed with respect to soil C, N, and P content. In both the artificial and natural ecosystems, the best fitting functions were exponential functions for C, quadratic functions for N, and quadratic functions for P. Furthermore, the stoichiometric ratios of soil C, N, and P were ranked in descending order: grassland > forest > agriculture > desert, and were also associated with climate. This study is the first to build the fitting functions for the profile distribution of soil C, N, and P in China at a national scale. Our findings provide a scientific basis to accurately assess the storage of C, N, and P in soils at a large scale, especially for the integrative analysis of historical data. 展开更多
关键词 soil profile STORAGE STOICHIOMETRY vertical distribution China
Simulation and analysis of energy optimization for PEMFC hybrid system 被引量:1
作者 LIU Cheng-ze ZHU Xin-jian 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第11期1878-1885,共8页
The control objective and several key parameters of PEMFC hybrid system are analyzed. Control strategy design and energy optimization simulation are made individually for given cycle case and realtime operating case. ... The control objective and several key parameters of PEMFC hybrid system are analyzed. Control strategy design and energy optimization simulation are made individually for given cycle case and realtime operating case. For the given cycle case, genetic algorithm is adopted to solve the multi-constraint combinatorial optimization problem. Simulation result showed the algorithm's feasibility. As far as the realtime operation is concerned, based on the original fuzzy control strategy, the fuel cell voltage and voltage variance parameters are introduced to apply result reveals that the improved fuzzy control strategy can enhance the two-level modification on the fuzzy control output. The fuel cell efficiency and reduce the power fluctuations. 展开更多
关键词 PEMFC Hybrid system Energy optimization Fuzzy control
A new algorithm for stope boundary optimization 被引量:1
作者 TOPAL Erkan SENS Jeroen 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第2期113-119,共7页
Stopes can be simply defined as an underground opening from which ore has been excavated.Selection of the best combination of available stope boundary will directly affect the profitability of the operation.While a fe... Stopes can be simply defined as an underground opening from which ore has been excavated.Selection of the best combination of available stope boundary will directly affect the profitability of the operation.While a few attempts has been initiated to generate the optimum stope boundary for underground mining, they fail to guarantee a true optimality in three-dimension block models.This paper proposed a new methodology which can find optimum stope layout for a given resource model in three-dimensions.The paper initially critically reviewed important stope boundary optimisation studies thus far, then proposed a new methodology in order to find the best stope layout for a given deposit.Subsequently it applied the proposed methodology into a block model to test its ability of producing optimum results and demonstrated its applicability in a number of different scenarios.In the last section, further analysis on strategies to find the optimum stope boundaries were demonstrated.The results prove that the proposed algorithm can find optimum stope boundaries and layouts in three-dimension for different stope sizes and stope selections trategies. 展开更多
关键词 Stope design optimisation underground mining stope layout algorithm
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