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钢管生产短尺合同与非定尺合同组批优化算法 被引量:4
作者 刘桂林 《宝钢技术》 CAS 2007年第2期42-44,共3页
提出了一套解决钢管生产中短尺合同和非定尺合同组批优化问题的启发式算法。其中短尺合同组批优化算法,实现了客户要求的短尺率尽量降低,短尺合同中定尺部分尽可能长,非定尺部分尽可能短,热区切割长度尽可能长,管坯长度尽量长以及... 提出了一套解决钢管生产中短尺合同和非定尺合同组批优化问题的启发式算法。其中短尺合同组批优化算法,实现了客户要求的短尺率尽量降低,短尺合同中定尺部分尽可能长,非定尺部分尽可能短,热区切割长度尽可能长,管坯长度尽量长以及满足的合同数尽量多的目标,从而实现短尺合同的优化组批。非定尺合同组批优化算法则实现了对6~12m,9~12m以及其他任意规格非定尺合同提供不同的切割方法,实现尽可能不产生废料,交货长度尽量一致的目标,从而实现对非定尺合同的的优化组批。 展开更多
关键词 无缝钢管 合同组 短尺合同 非定尺合同 启发式算法
钢管生产的合同组批优化算法 被引量:8
作者 李虎 霍佳震 《工业工程与管理》 2004年第1期86-88,共3页
钢管生产的合同组批优化问题是一个典型的组合优化问题,对钢管生产企业的计划排程、生产效率及市场反应速度等有重要影响。以生产批量、热区分段长度为优化目标,考虑了多种约束条件,提出了一套解决该问题的算法,并已运用于生产实际中,... 钢管生产的合同组批优化问题是一个典型的组合优化问题,对钢管生产企业的计划排程、生产效率及市场反应速度等有重要影响。以生产批量、热区分段长度为优化目标,考虑了多种约束条件,提出了一套解决该问题的算法,并已运用于生产实际中,具有推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 合同组 合优化 启发式算法 无缝钢管
基于模糊聚类的冷轧合同组批优化方法 被引量:1
作者 潘瑞林 王学敏 +2 位作者 暴伟 李德鹏 茹伟 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期141-148,共8页
针对冷轧企业大批量生产模式与多品种、小批量的市场需求之间存在的矛盾,建立以合同交货期差异度、工艺路线差异度和调整次数最小化为目标,同时满足批次重量、出(入)口宽度、出(入)口厚度、抗拉强度等工艺约束的冷轧合同组批模型,构建... 针对冷轧企业大批量生产模式与多品种、小批量的市场需求之间存在的矛盾,建立以合同交货期差异度、工艺路线差异度和调整次数最小化为目标,同时满足批次重量、出(入)口宽度、出(入)口厚度、抗拉强度等工艺约束的冷轧合同组批模型,构建了基于改进粒子群的模糊聚类算法并进行求解.利用国内某冷轧企业实际生产数据对所提出模型和算法进行了验证,结果表明,所提出的方法优于FCM算法,能够满足企业批量计划的需求. 展开更多
关键词 冷轧 合同组 模糊聚类 改进粒子群算法
考虑质量设计的合同组批生产问题研究 被引量:1
作者 江雪 《世界科技研究与发展》 CSCD 2016年第5期1095-1100,共6页
针对在制定组批方案中可能会产生的质量浪费现象,在考虑质量设计因素的基础上,建立以质量离散度为优化目标的组批模型,进而设计出考虑质量设计的合同组批算法。该算法改进了粒子群算法以实现聚类组批,首先松弛设备容量限制,以合同的质... 针对在制定组批方案中可能会产生的质量浪费现象,在考虑质量设计因素的基础上,建立以质量离散度为优化目标的组批模型,进而设计出考虑质量设计的合同组批算法。该算法改进了粒子群算法以实现聚类组批,首先松弛设备容量限制,以合同的质量离散度最小为目标,运用粒子群算法进行聚类计算,得到初步的组批方案;然后考虑设备容量约束,基于质量离散度最小原则,对违背设备容量范围的批次进行修复调整,得到最终的组批方案。以某大型国有钢铁集团的无缝钢管厂为例,基于生产实际数据设计了数据实验,以质量离散度为评价指标,将本文算法与基本粒子群算法进行对比,探讨了批次数量对问题求解的影响。实验结果表明,本文提出的模型和算法是可行和有效的。 展开更多
关键词 合同组 质量设计 粒子群算法 无缝钢管
简析保险获取现金流量——《保险合同》会计准则探究 被引量:1
作者 杨家新 《金融会计》 2023年第5期9-13,共5页
保险获取现金流量是《企业会计准则第25号——保险合同》提出的一个新概念。它是保险公司为获取保险合同而发生的相关支出,是保险合同成本的重要组成部分。新的《保险合同》准则将保险获取现金流量纳入保险合同现金流量范畴并对其会计... 保险获取现金流量是《企业会计准则第25号——保险合同》提出的一个新概念。它是保险公司为获取保险合同而发生的相关支出,是保险合同成本的重要组成部分。新的《保险合同》准则将保险获取现金流量纳入保险合同现金流量范畴并对其会计处理进行了规范。 展开更多
关键词 保险获取现金流量 保险获取现金流量资产 合同组 通用模型法 保费分配法
新修《保险合同》准则的特色及应用探析 被引量:1
作者 杨景涛 《西部财会》 2021年第5期43-45,共3页
2020年12月,财政部修订发布了《企业会计准则第25号—保险合同》(简称"新准则"),这一新准则将对保险行业的会计实务产生较大影响和冲击,同时也给保险行业及保险企业会计带来挑战。针对此新准则,在比较修订前后的主要变化的基... 2020年12月,财政部修订发布了《企业会计准则第25号—保险合同》(简称"新准则"),这一新准则将对保险行业的会计实务产生较大影响和冲击,同时也给保险行业及保险企业会计带来挑战。针对此新准则,在比较修订前后的主要变化的基础上,分析总结新准则的特色,并提出其今后在实施过程中可能面临的新问题及其建议。 展开更多
关键词 会计准则 保险合同 保险合同组 信息披露
作者 高志刚 《商业文化》 2011年第5X期258-259,共2页
针对宽厚板产线订单批量小、品种规格较多、客户要求各异的特点与炼钢批量生产组织模式的矛盾,借助MES系统对不同用户的订单按照一定的原则进行精确分类并进行材料设计和组批,以达到批量组织生产、减少余材、提高成材率、方便生产管理... 针对宽厚板产线订单批量小、品种规格较多、客户要求各异的特点与炼钢批量生产组织模式的矛盾,借助MES系统对不同用户的订单按照一定的原则进行精确分类并进行材料设计和组批,以达到批量组织生产、减少余材、提高成材率、方便生产管理的目的。 展开更多
关键词 MES系统 合同组
求解炼钢—连铸批量问题的自适应遗传算法 被引量:1
作者 陈超武 董绍华 《制造业自动化》 北大核心 2007年第2期22-26,共5页
炼钢-连铸生产的批量优化问题是一个典型的组合优化问题。从物流成本优化的角度出发,研究钢铁企业炼钢-连铸生产计划的编制流程,建立作业计划的合同组批模型,并用自适应遗传算法求解。实际应用结果表明,混合钢铁流程炼钢-连铸的组批模... 炼钢-连铸生产的批量优化问题是一个典型的组合优化问题。从物流成本优化的角度出发,研究钢铁企业炼钢-连铸生产计划的编制流程,建立作业计划的合同组批模型,并用自适应遗传算法求解。实际应用结果表明,混合钢铁流程炼钢-连铸的组批模型是有效的,算法提高了企业浇次计划编制的准确性和编制效率。求解过程在流程式批量企业具有推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 作业计划 合同组 自适应 遗传算法
新保险准则会计处理变化及其对保险行业的影响 被引量:2
作者 赵英会 《财会月刊》 北大核心 2021年第11期106-110,共5页
财政部于2020年12月19日发布修订后的保险合同准则,并于2023年1月1日起实施。新准则完善了保险合同的定义和合同分拆相关规定,引入了保险合同组作为计量单元,在保险服务收入确认、计量方面更加合理,在保险合同服务边际的计量及分出再保... 财政部于2020年12月19日发布修订后的保险合同准则,并于2023年1月1日起实施。新准则完善了保险合同的定义和合同分拆相关规定,引入了保险合同组作为计量单元,在保险服务收入确认、计量方面更加合理,在保险合同服务边际的计量及分出再保险合同的会计处理等方面更加完善。其实施将有利于保险合同回归保险本质,促进保险行业更好发展;有利于提高保险行业会计信息质量,有效抑制利润操纵;有利于提升我国保险行业的国际影响力和综合实力;有利于体现保险核心规律,提高保险行业在金融体系中的地位。 展开更多
关键词 新保险准则 保险合同组 计量模型 确认原则 保险行业
Microstructure evolution and Al_3(Sc_(1-x)Zr_x) precipitates' kinetics in Al-Zn-Mg alloy during homogenization 被引量:6
作者 段佳琦 尹志民 +2 位作者 赵凯 邓英 雷学峰 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期579-586,共8页
The microstructure evolutions of two A1-Zn-Mg alloys, one of which was alloyed with Sc and Zr, and the kinetics of A13(SCl-xZrx) precipitates in the A1-Zn-Mg alloy during homogenization were investigated. Both alloy... The microstructure evolutions of two A1-Zn-Mg alloys, one of which was alloyed with Sc and Zr, and the kinetics of A13(SCl-xZrx) precipitates in the A1-Zn-Mg alloy during homogenization were investigated. Both alloys under as-cast condition with supersaturated, non-equilibrium T(Mg32(A1, Zn)49) phase and impurities phase were displayed. When the homogenization temperatures are below 350 ~C, Zn and Mg atoms precipitate from matrix; however, when the temperatures are above 400 ~C, T phase dissolves into matrix, enhancing solid-solution strengthening. Kinetics of A13(Scl.xZrx) precipitates was studied based on Jmat Pro software calculation and the difference values between the hardness of the two alloys in each homogenization condition. The calculations predict that the Sc and Zr solubilities in ct-A1 decline with the presence of Mg and Zn. Investigation of the difference values reveals that when the temperature is between 300 ~C and 350 ~C, the nucleation rate of A13(Sc1-xZrx) precipitates is the highest and the strengthening effect from A13(SCl_xZrx) precipitates is the best. After homogenization at 470℃ for 12 h, non-equilibrium T phase disappears, while impurity phase remains. The mean diameter of A13(Scl_xZrx) precipitates is around 18 urn. Ideas about better fulfilling the potentials of Sc and Zr were proposed at last. 展开更多
关键词 A1-Zn-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy HOMOGENIZATION A13(SCl_xZrx) precipitates KINETICS microstructures
(2+1)-Dimensional Combined Structures of Various Solitons with CompletelyNonelastic Interaction Properties 被引量:1
作者 ZHANGJie-Fang MENGJian-Ping 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第5期655-664,共10页
Starting from the variable separation solution obtained by using the extended homogenous balance method,a new class of combined structures, such as multi-peakon and multi-dromion solution, multi-compacton and multidro... Starting from the variable separation solution obtained by using the extended homogenous balance method,a new class of combined structures, such as multi-peakon and multi-dromion solution, multi-compacton and multidromion solution, multi-peakon and multi-compacton solution, for the (2+1)-dimensional Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov equation are found by selecting appropriate functions. These new structures exhibit novel interaction features. Their interaction behavior is very similar to the completely nonelastic collisions between two classical particles. 展开更多
关键词 combined structure dromion solitoff COMPACTON PEAKON
Adsorption mechanism of sodium oleate and styryl phosphonic acid on rutile and amphibole surfaces 被引量:4
作者 Wei XIAO Ya-xin REN +4 位作者 Juan YANG Pan CAO Jun WANG Wen-qing QIN Guan-zhou QIU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第9期1939-1947,共9页
A reagent combination of sodium oleate(NaOl)and salicyl hydroximic acid was employed as the roughing and scavenging collectors,whereas styryl phosphoric acid(SPA)and octanol were employed as the cleaning collectors.Re... A reagent combination of sodium oleate(NaOl)and salicyl hydroximic acid was employed as the roughing and scavenging collectors,whereas styryl phosphoric acid(SPA)and octanol were employed as the cleaning collectors.Results of bench-scale flotation demonstrate that the dosage of SPA can be reduced by about 80%,and that a better flotation index can be obtained using the proposed reagent system.The results of adsorption amount and contact angle measurements indicate that the rutile surface adsorbed not only a large amount of residual NaOl but also SPA and a small amount of NaOl remained on the amphibole surface in strong acidic solution.The hydrophobic difference between rutile and amphibole surfaces was therefore amplified in cleaning,and their further separation became much easier consequently. 展开更多
关键词 RUTILE amphibole flotation separation combined collector synergistic adsorption mechanism
Enabling Technology of Multiagent Manufacturing System:A Novel Mode of Self-organizing IoT Manufacturing 被引量:2
作者 WANG Liping TANG Dunbing +5 位作者 SUN Hongwei LIAO Liangchuang ZHANG Zequn ZHOU Tong NIE Qingwei SONG Jiaye 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2021年第5期876-892,共17页
As the manufacturing mode focuses more on network and community,the orders and production processes are becoming highly dynamic and unpredictable.The traditional manufacturing system cannot handle those exceptional ev... As the manufacturing mode focuses more on network and community,the orders and production processes are becoming highly dynamic and unpredictable.The traditional manufacturing system cannot handle those exceptional events such as rush orders and machine breakdowns.Nevertheless,the multiagent manufacturing system(MAMS)becomes a critical pattern to deal with these disturbances in a real-time way.However,due to the lack of universality,MAMS is difficult to be applied to industrial sites.A new multiagent architecture and the relay cooperation model based on a positive process relation matrix are proposed to address this paper’s issue.An optimized contract net protocol(CNP)-based negotiation mechanism is developed to improve the efficiency of collaboration in the proposed architecture.Finally,a case study of self-organizing internet of things(Io T)manufacturing system is used to test the feasibility and effectiveness of the method.It is shown that the proposed self-organizing Io T manufacturing mode outperforms the traditional manufacturing system in terms of makespan and critical machine workload balancing under disturbances through comparison. 展开更多
关键词 multiagent manufacturing system(MAMS) contract net protocol(CNP) internet of things(IoT) DISTURBANCE SELF-ORGANIZING
作者 韩相彦 《河北科技大学学报》 CAS 2015年第1期81-89,共9页
用公理化方法研究了局部有限空间中的连续映射及其扩张问题。给出了局部有限空间的公理化定义方法;利用邻近关系研究了局部有限空间中的连续映射、同胚和局部同胚等问题;通过对局部有限空间变形的研究,定义了局部有限空间的一种特殊收缩... 用公理化方法研究了局部有限空间中的连续映射及其扩张问题。给出了局部有限空间的公理化定义方法;利用邻近关系研究了局部有限空间中的连续映射、同胚和局部同胚等问题;通过对局部有限空间变形的研究,定义了局部有限空间的一种特殊收缩核,有效地解决了局部有限空间中连续映射的扩张问题。 展开更多
关键词 局部有限空间 ALF空间 最小开邻域 边界 邻近关系 同胚 局部同胚 合同 抽象 胞腔复形 扩张问题 收缩核
Construction of some hypergroups from combinatorial structures
作者 AliRezaAshrafi AhmadRezaEslami-Harandi 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2003年第1期76-79,共4页
Jajcay's studies( 1993 ; 1994) on the automorphism groups of Cayley maps yielded a new product of groups, which he called, rotary product. Using this product, we define a hyperoperation ⊙ on the group Syme (G) , ... Jajcay's studies( 1993 ; 1994) on the automorphism groups of Cayley maps yielded a new product of groups, which he called, rotary product. Using this product, we define a hyperoperation ⊙ on the group Syme (G) , the stabilizer of the identity e ∈ G in the group Sym (G) . We prove that ( Syme (G) , ⊙) is a hypergroup and characterize the subhypergroups of this hypergroup.Finally, we show that the set of all subhypergroups of Syme ( G ) constitute a lattice under ordinary join and meet and that the minimal elements of order two of this lattice is a subgroup of Aut (G) . 展开更多
关键词 Finite group Rotary closed subgroup HYPERGROUP Sub hypergroup Combinatorial structures
Quantification of photosynthetic inorganic carbon utilisation via a bidirectional stable carbon isotope tracer 被引量:7
作者 Hongtao Hang Yanyou WU 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期130-147,共18页
The amount of bicarbonate utilised by plants is usually ignored because of limited measurement methods. Accordingly, this study quantified the photosynthetic assimilation of inorganic carbon (COe and HCO3-) by plant... The amount of bicarbonate utilised by plants is usually ignored because of limited measurement methods. Accordingly, this study quantified the photosynthetic assimilation of inorganic carbon (COe and HCO3-) by plants. The net photosynthetic COa assimilation (PN), the photosynthetic assimilation of CO2 and bicarbonate (PN'), the proportion of increased leaf area (lEA) and the stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of Orychophragmus violaceus (Ov) and Brassica juncea (B j) under three bicarbonate levels (5, 10 and 15 mm NaHCO3) were examined to determine the relationship among PN, PN' and fLA. PN', not PN, changed synchronously with fLA. Moreover, the proportions of exogenous bicarbonate and total bicarbonate (including exogenous bicarbonate and dissolved CO2-generated bicarbonate) utilised by Ov were 2.27 % and 5.28 % at 5 mm bicarbonate, 7.06 % and 13.28 % at 10 mm bicarbonate, and 8.55 % and 17.31% at 15 mm bicarbonate, respectively. Meanwhile, the propor- tions of exogenous bicarbonate and total bicarbonate uti- lised by Bj were 1.77 % and 3.28 % at 5 mm bicarbonate, 2.11% and 3.10 % at 10 mm bicarbonate, and 2.36 % and 3.09 % at 15 mm bicarbonate, respectively. Therefore, the dissolved CO2-generated bicarbonate and exogenous bicarbonate are important sources of inorganic carbon for plants. 展开更多
关键词 KARST Bicarbonate - Photosynthesis -Inorganic carbonic utilization Stable carbon isotopecomposition
Development and Implementation of Antiradiation Respirator "ARR-1" for Use in Uranium Mining
作者 Aibassov Erkin Zhakenovich Baiguzhin Adil Alimbaevich Kenzhaliev Bagdaulet Kenzhalievich Tussupbaev Nessipbay Kuandykovich Bulenbayev Maksat Zhumabaevich Serikbaeva Gulbarshyn Kuanyshkanovna 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第9期847-849,共3页
It has been developed and implemented for use antiradiation mask "ARR-I" for use in the uranium industry. The outer layer is treated with a special solution with anti-gas composition, which holds the gaseous radioac... It has been developed and implemented for use antiradiation mask "ARR-I" for use in the uranium industry. The outer layer is treated with a special solution with anti-gas composition, which holds the gaseous radioactive isotopes. 展开更多
关键词 Antiradiation respirator personal respiratory protection protection against radioactive gases uranium industry.
Flame Retardants Nanocomposites-Synergistic Effect of Combination Conventional Retardants with Nanofillers of the Flammability of Thermoset Resins
作者 Ewa Kicko-Walczak Grazyna Rymarz 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第9期510-518,共9页
The consumption ofthermoset resins as building polymers is approximately over one million tone word wide. The thermoset resins are proven construction materials for the technical and highly demanding applications of t... The consumption ofthermoset resins as building polymers is approximately over one million tone word wide. The thermoset resins are proven construction materials for the technical and highly demanding applications of the transportation, electrical and building part industry. Heat stability, high thermal, low shrinkage, excellent mechanical properties are typical for their type of polymers. Above applications in addition to the mechanical properties also require good flame retardants of the materials. Undertaken activities refer to official draft, laws and legal recommendations in UE states. This paper presents positive effect of reduced flammability of thermoset resins (unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins) thanks to the use of nanocomposites containing multi-ingredient halogen-flee flame retardants which combine conventional phosphorus/nitrogen modifiers interacting with nanofillers (oMMT (organomodified montmorillonite), EG (expandable graphite), graphene, GO (graphene oxide), nSi (nanosilica)). 展开更多
关键词 FR (fire retardants) halogen-free FR additives NANOFILLERS nanocomposites flammability of thermoset resins test methods.
保险合同负债初始确认计量及账务处理探析 被引量:1
作者 王自荣 《财务与会计》 北大核心 2022年第2期56-61,共6页
合同组是保险合同负债确认计量的基础单元。就非亏损合同组而言,保险合同负债初始确认计量的方法有直接法和间接法,间接法的计量结果应经得起直接法校验。直接法下,保险合同负债等于保险获取现金流量与合同组内合同已产生现金流量之和... 合同组是保险合同负债确认计量的基础单元。就非亏损合同组而言,保险合同负债初始确认计量的方法有直接法和间接法,间接法的计量结果应经得起直接法校验。直接法下,保险合同负债等于保险获取现金流量与合同组内合同已产生现金流量之和。间接法有求差法与求和法。求差法下,保险合同负债等于合同服务边际减去履约现金流量;求和法下,保险合同负债等于合同服务边际加履约现金流量。本文还结合实例对保险合同负债初始确认的相关账务处理进行了探析。 展开更多
关键词 保险合同组 保险合同负债 初始确认计量 账务处理
Petrological characteristics,geochemical feature and metallogenetic relation of alkaline-rich rocks in northwest of Yunan Province,China
作者 张德贤 戴塔根 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1217-1225,共9页
The alkali-rich rocks, spreading along the suture zone of Jingsha River, refer to the alkali-rich porphyry rocks, which emplace during the Himalaya epoch in northwest of Yunnan Province, and consist of syenit, syenit ... The alkali-rich rocks, spreading along the suture zone of Jingsha River, refer to the alkali-rich porphyry rocks, which emplace during the Himalaya epoch in northwest of Yunnan Province, and consist of syenit, syenit porphyry, monzonite porphyry and granite porphyry. Petrological chemical analysis results suggest that silica is poor and aluminum is rich, and high potassium large ion lithophile elements (LILE), light rare earth element (LREE) and Sr are obviously detracted in these rocks. High field strength elements (HFSE) and heavy rare earth element (HREE) are depleted, especially Nb, Ta, P and Ti. 8Eu: 0.09--1.64 shows that plagioclase does not appear fractional crystallization during the formation of alkali-rich rocks, t^348, H and O isotopes and Pb isotopes suggest that ore-forming fluid is derived from the mantle, and Pb is possibly mixed by mantle, wall rock and crust. The age of Pb in alkali-rich rocks is about 250-220 Ma. The age of alkali porphyry rock (dykes) varies from 30 Ma to 50 Ma. Alkali rocks have strong metallogenetic relation. Au mineralization is associated to the alkali magrnatic activities with a relatively high temperature, low pressure and high oxygen fugacity. However, copper mineralization is mainly associated with alkali-sub-alkali magmatic activities in a process of relatively low temperature, high pressure and lower oxygen fugacity. 展开更多
关键词 alkali-rich porphyry rocks Sanjiang metallogenetic belt GEOCHEMISTRY metallogenetic relation
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