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《楚地出土战国简册合集》图版札记二则 被引量:1
作者 于梦欣 《汉字汉语研究》 2022年第3期23-30,126,共9页
通过考察《楚地出土战国简册合集》中的新图版,我们发现两处过去没有注意到的字形问题:曾侯乙墓中的“凫”,过去认为从独立的“勹”旁,新图版可见“隹”“勹”共笔,此可联系并解释包山简从“凫”之字,同时望山简新图版中“凫”字也存在... 通过考察《楚地出土战国简册合集》中的新图版,我们发现两处过去没有注意到的字形问题:曾侯乙墓中的“凫”,过去认为从独立的“勹”旁,新图版可见“隹”“勹”共笔,此可联系并解释包山简从“凫”之字,同时望山简新图版中“凫”字也存在共笔现象;曾侯乙简新图版中有一从“兕”之字过去漫漶不识,对比古文字“兕”及相关字形,可推此形释“兕”合理。 展开更多
关键词 楚地出土战简册 图版
作者 赵大利 《财经问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第10期67-69,共3页
1999年 1 0月 1日正式实施的《中华人民共和国合同法》对于规范社会主义市场经济秩序必将发挥非常重要的作用。合同欺诈行为与合同诈骗行为是妨害市场交易的大敌 ,必须依法铲除。本文以《刑法》和《合同法》的依据 ,分别论述合同欺诈和... 1999年 1 0月 1日正式实施的《中华人民共和国合同法》对于规范社会主义市场经济秩序必将发挥非常重要的作用。合同欺诈行为与合同诈骗行为是妨害市场交易的大敌 ,必须依法铲除。本文以《刑法》和《合同法》的依据 ,分别论述合同欺诈和合同诈骗行为的现实状况及法律特征 ,并就如何在实践中界定这两种违法行为谈些看法。 展开更多
关键词 同欺诈 合国诈骗罪 界定 同法
“共和”涵义的近代化及Republic在19世纪中国的译释 被引量:6
作者 李爱军 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期5-10,共6页
Republic并非进入中国之始便与"共和"相连。事实上,在19世纪下半叶,republic的中文翻译与"共和"涵义的近代化各自行有自己的路径。直至19世纪末,随着"共和"使用频率的增加,二者之间的关联才被学者们所关... Republic并非进入中国之始便与"共和"相连。事实上,在19世纪下半叶,republic的中文翻译与"共和"涵义的近代化各自行有自己的路径。直至19世纪末,随着"共和"使用频率的增加,二者之间的关联才被学者们所关注和讨论。 展开更多
关键词 REPUBLIC 共和 民主 公共之政
晋国的卿族政治 被引量:6
作者 聂淑华 《晋阳学刊》 2004年第3期17-20,共4页
春 秋时 代 是中 国 历 史 上家 国 由 合 一走 向 分 离 的大 转 折 时 期,晋 国的 卿 族 政 治是 这 一 时 期典 型 的 社 会政治现 象。其于“ 君之 ”又“ 宗之 ”旧例 在 国君 层面 遭到 破 坏之 时,通过 文 公大 分封 及 六卿 制... 春 秋时 代 是中 国 历 史 上家 国 由 合 一走 向 分 离 的大 转 折 时 期,晋 国的 卿 族 政 治是 这 一 时 期典 型 的 社 会政治现 象。其于“ 君之 ”又“ 宗之 ”旧例 在 国君 层面 遭到 破 坏之 时,通过 文 公大 分封 及 六卿 制度 的 建立 而确 立 。其不 断 发展的 结 果 是 六卿 集 团 取 代国 君 成 为 统治 系 统 的 中心 ,同 时使 源 于 国 君层 面 的 君 、宗 分 离潮 流 开 始 向卿 大 夫 以 下 各 个层面 扩展 ,最 终 使晋 国分 裂 成为 三个 具有 家 国分 离特 征 的新 型国 家 。 展开更多
关键词 卿族政治 分离
作者 单连高 《中国劳动科学》 北大核心 1994年第12期26-28,共3页
青岛市全面推行劳动合同制见成效单连高青岛市现有市属和县以上企业5299户,在职职工891495人。1993年全面推行全员劳动合同制,现有5015户企业816609名职工实行了劳动合同制,分别占企业和职工人数的94.6... 青岛市全面推行劳动合同制见成效单连高青岛市现有市属和县以上企业5299户,在职职工891495人。1993年全面推行全员劳动合同制,现有5015户企业816609名职工实行了劳动合同制,分别占企业和职工人数的94.6%和91.6%。中央、省属驻青企业... 展开更多
关键词 劳动合国 劳动制度 劳动经济 青岛市
作者 小约瑟夫.R.拜登 龚伟同 《商务周刊》 2003年第6期30-30,共1页
关键词 对伊动武 法理基础 伊拉克 政治基础 外交关系委员会 鲍威尔 政治目标 萨达姆 合国 大规模杀伤
分散固相萃取-气相色谱-串联质谱法测定动物源性食品中9种N-亚硝胺类化合物 被引量:23
作者 赵博 邓美林 +3 位作者 杨小珊 段云鹏 吴晓琴 屠大伟 《色谱》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期998-1004,共7页
建立了分散固相萃取-同位素稀释-气相色谱-串联质谱同时测定动物源性食品中9种况-亚硝胺的方法.样品用乙腈提取,上清液经分散固相萃取(dSPE)净化后浓缩.选用DB-WAX极性毛细管色谱柱对待测物进行分离,经EI源电离后以多反应监测(MRM)... 建立了分散固相萃取-同位素稀释-气相色谱-串联质谱同时测定动物源性食品中9种况-亚硝胺的方法.样品用乙腈提取,上清液经分散固相萃取(dSPE)净化后浓缩.选用DB-WAX极性毛细管色谱柱对待测物进行分离,经EI源电离后以多反应监测(MRM)模式采集数据并做定性筛查和定量分析.9种况-亚硝胺在相应的浓度范围内线性关系良好,相关系数均大于0.99,对4类典型的动物源性食品进行3个不同浓度的加标试验,平均回收率为62.5%-118%,只80为2.11%-25.6%,检出限([00,5/况=3)为0.02-0.31μg/kg.该方法成本低廉、灵敏可靠,适用于同时对动物源性食品中9种况-亚硝胺进行定性和定量测定. 展开更多
关键词 分散固相萃取 同位素稀释 气相色谱-串联质谱 N-亚硝胺 动物源性食品
作者 李勤璞 《西部蒙古论坛》 2019年第1期37-45,126,共10页
官印体现社会地位、权力与义务,是十分重要的制度。元朝封投降的南宋末帝赵?为瀛国公,其印章文字应该是"瀛国公印"。印章流传的情形是:瀛国公被忽必烈皇帝派往萨思迦寺学佛经,因之把印携往吐蕃,后来赐死于河西,印章大致遗留... 官印体现社会地位、权力与义务,是十分重要的制度。元朝封投降的南宋末帝赵?为瀛国公,其印章文字应该是"瀛国公印"。印章流传的情形是:瀛国公被忽必烈皇帝派往萨思迦寺学佛经,因之把印携往吐蕃,后来赐死于河西,印章大致遗留河西地区。清中叶洪亮吉流放伊犁,途经河西一带、或在伊犁时得到它,展转到了清末民初,入于江南上海的博物家刘体智手中,他请郑孝胥题诗以纪其事,其后又不知下落。同时了解到汉奸郑孝胥诗史实错误很多,并无学问。 展开更多
关键词 印制 流传 蛮子尊(瀛公赵?)
升平之境:从《意大利游记》看康有为欧亚文明论 被引量:3
作者 王铭铭 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期1-56,共56页
本文以康有为完成于1904年底的《意大利游记》为说明性个案,试图呈现其欧亚文明论的基本面貌。文章将文本与这位"先时之人物"所处的时代相联系,勾勒出康氏的旅欧行程、意大利考察和文明叙述的轮廓,梳理了康氏在其"异域志... 本文以康有为完成于1904年底的《意大利游记》为说明性个案,试图呈现其欧亚文明论的基本面貌。文章将文本与这位"先时之人物"所处的时代相联系,勾勒出康氏的旅欧行程、意大利考察和文明叙述的轮廓,梳理了康氏在其"异域志"中表达的有关升平一统(帝国)、中西文明之异、文明关联互动等看法。文章指出,《意大利游记》是古代华文异域志的近代遗响,而康有为借之表达的看法,实构成一种"文明—现代性"主张。本文为作者所写有关法国社会学年鉴派文明与文明研究构想之论文的续篇。文章指出,康有为对文明的界定与其同龄人涂尔干的看法有诸多相通之处,但也有不同点:康氏与涂氏都将现实发生的文明界定为"超社会现象",视其为国族与世界之间的中间范畴,但相比于从结构观点看文明的涂尔干,康氏在考察文明的存在方式时更关注其历史的治乱轮替动态,也更为重视其政体实现形式。文章最后,作者思考了20世纪康氏欧亚文明论的遭际,指出相比"国族营造"之社会科学,康有为融通"我他"文明的叙述依旧有其启迪。 展开更多
关键词 文明 欧亚 合国 升平 中间环节 人类学
Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine:What Has Changed Over the Past 20 Years
作者 Charlie Changli Xue Anthony Lin Zhang +2 位作者 Brian H May Louise Pobjoy Iris Wenyu Zhou 《广州中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第10期2555-2567,共13页
Chinese medicine has been used for centuries to treat a range of health conditions.This history has produced a wealth of classical literature,case studies and clinical research data detailing its use and effectiveness... Chinese medicine has been used for centuries to treat a range of health conditions.This history has produced a wealth of classical literature,case studies and clinical research data detailing its use and effectiveness.However,high-quality and conclusive evidence that meets modern requirements for clinical decision support is lacking.This evidence gap limits the integration of Chinese medicine with contemporary medicine,which in turn limits global access and acceptance of Chinese medicine as a form of safe and effective health care.Over the past 20 years,researchers and organisations around the world,including the World Health Organization(WHO)and United Nations,have worked to support the integration of traditional medicines,such as Chinese medicine,with conventional medicines to improve global health care.This paper provides an overview of Chinese medicine studies published in the top four general medical journals(BMJ,JAMA,Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine)from February 2005 to February 2024 in the past 20 years to highlight the progress in the development of this evidence base.It also highlights key actions taken to promote evidence-based clinical Chinese medicine,including product and practitioner regulation,formalising education standards,and international collaborations.Research conducted at the China-Australia International Research Centre for Chinese Medicine demonstrates the benefits of such a collaboration.Through development of its unique and inclusive‘whole-evidence’approach,plus clinical studies and systematic reviews,the Centre has significantly contributed to the evidence base for clinical Chinese medicine.In addition,its high-impact papers and groundbreaking monographs have been cited in international conventional medicine guidelines.While progress has certainly been made during the past 20 years to build a stronger evidence base for clinical Chinese medicine,there is still a considerable gap that limits its integration with conventional medicine.Future funding and research are needed to continue this work and achieve to safe,effective and accessible traditional medicine as part of the WHO’s Universal Health Coverage strategy. 展开更多
关键词 evidence-based medicine traditional Chinese medicine whole-evidence approach integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine integrative medicine China-Australia International Research Centre for Chinese Medicine
作者 蒋永萍 姜秀花 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 1992年第3期50-50,共1页
关键词 持续发展 合国 环境与发展 世界3 妇女研究 合国 妇联 人口问题 非政府组织 培训中心
Clarifying the relationship between PM2.5 and ozone complex pollution and synoptic patterns in a typical petrochemical city in the Bohai Rim region of China:Implications for air pollution forecasting and control 被引量:1
作者 Yongxin Yan Cong An +7 位作者 Junling Li Yuanyuan Ji Rui Gao Hong Wang Fanyi Shang Linlin Ma Xiaoshuai Gao Hong Li 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2024年第6期45-52,共8页
Meteorological conditions are vital to PM_(2.5)and ozone(O_(3))complex pollution.Herein,the T-mode principal com-ponent analysis method was employed to objectively classify the 925-hPa geopotential height field of Don... Meteorological conditions are vital to PM_(2.5)and ozone(O_(3))complex pollution.Herein,the T-mode principal com-ponent analysis method was employed to objectively classify the 925-hPa geopotential height field of Dongying from 2017 to 2022.Synoptic patterns associated with four pollution types-namely,PM_(2.5)-only pollution,O_(3)-only pollution,Co-occurring of PM_(2.5)and O_(3)pollution,Non-occurring of PM_(2.5)and O_(3)pollution-were characterized at different time scales.The results indicated that synoptic classes conducive to PM_(2.5)-only pollution were“high-pressure top front”,“offshore high-pressure rear”,and“high-pressure inside”,while those conducive to O_(3)-only pollution were“offshore high-pressure rear”,“subtropical high”,and“high and low systems”.The Co-occurring of PM_(2.5)and O_(3)pollution were influenced by high pressure,and the Non-occurring of PM_(2.5)and O_(3)pollution were linked to precipitation and strong northerly winds.The variation in dominant synoptic patterns is crucial in the frequency changes of the four pollution types,which was further validated through the analysis of typical cases.Under the favorable meteorological conditions of high-pressure control with strong northerly winds or a subtropical high and inverted trough both with strong precipitation,there is potential to achieve coordinated control of PM_(2.5)and O_(3)in Dongying.Additionally,measures like artificially manipulating local humidity could be adopted to alleviate pollution levels.This study reveals the importance of comprehending the meteorological factors contributing to the formation of PM_(2.5)and O_(3)complex pollution for the improvement of urban air quality in the Bohai Rim region of China when emissions are high and the concentration of air pollutants exhibits high meteorological sensitivity. 展开更多
关键词 Synoptic classification T-mode principal component analysis Complex air pollution Correlation analysis Bohai Rim region
To establish CMOC China as an important component of marine data and service international cooperation in China 被引量:2
作者 杜琼玮 林绍花 王丰 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2013年第1期91-96,共6页
JCOMM has strategy to establish the network of WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs) under the new Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) in 2012 for improving the quality and... JCOMM has strategy to establish the network of WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs) under the new Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) in 2012 for improving the quality and timeliness of the marine-meteorological and oceanographic data, metadata and products available to end users. China as a candidate of CMOC China has been approved to run on a trial basis after the 4th Meeting of the Joint IOC/WMO Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM). This article states the developing intention of CMOC China in the next few years through the brief introduction to critical marine data, products and service system and cooperation projects in the world. 展开更多
关键词 MARINE data and service international cooperation future development
作者 王秋颖 《大连大学学报》 1997年第5期114-117,共4页
在腐朽的中唐时代,年轻有为的柳宗元曾以“兴尧舜孔子之道,利安元元为务”的热情和抱负积极投身于以王叔文为首的政治革新运动。然而,强大的反动势力摧毁了这支新生力量,柳宗元因党连之祸被贬永州,至死未得复任于朝。被贬永州是柳宗元... 在腐朽的中唐时代,年轻有为的柳宗元曾以“兴尧舜孔子之道,利安元元为务”的热情和抱负积极投身于以王叔文为首的政治革新运动。然而,强大的反动势力摧毁了这支新生力量,柳宗元因党连之祸被贬永州,至死未得复任于朝。被贬永州是柳宗元一生重大转折,若说贬前他主要直接从事政治革新运动,被贬后,由于各方面条件的变化。 展开更多
关键词 柳宗元 哲学思考 “自然” 散文 永州山水 政治革新 合国 基褥 自然之乐 利安元元
作者 梁文斌 《棋艺(象棋)》 1998年第6期37-38,共2页
关键词 仙人指 战术信息 赛中 二战 特级大师 合国 吕进 理论根据 象棋 四平
作者 麦吉莲 《中国减灾》 2013年第5X期4-4,共1页
又一个国际儿童节即将到来,我很高兴能够欢迎您阅读本期杂志,了解和关注儿童与防灾减灾这一议题。联合国儿童基金会在紧急情况(自然灾害和人为紧急状况)援助和人道主义援助领域的工作历史悠久。从成立之初被命名为联合国儿童紧急情况基... 又一个国际儿童节即将到来,我很高兴能够欢迎您阅读本期杂志,了解和关注儿童与防灾减灾这一议题。联合国儿童基金会在紧急情况(自然灾害和人为紧急状况)援助和人道主义援助领域的工作历史悠久。从成立之初被命名为联合国儿童紧急情况基金会的事关可以看到,联合国儿童基金会创立的目的在于为第二次世界大战后生活受到影响的儿童提供人道主义援助。从成立至今,世界变迁巨大,而联合国儿童基金会的基本使命依然未改。国际社会面临日益增长的复杂人道主义危机。这些危机对儿童和女性的生活构成了巨失的威胁。平均来说,联合国儿童基金会每一年要在全球范围内应对超过200个主要的灾害。在针对儿童和女性的紧急援助领域。 展开更多
关键词 人道主义援助 际社会 合国 表本 界变 四川雅安 补助标准 彝良 政策调研 三分之一
《软件世界》 2005年第4期100-100,共1页
Mozilla中国中心挂牌;McDATA联合神码拓展中国业务;合力思扩展代理业务;NEC RFID技术亮相CRM系统;IC设计工程师紧缺;神舟软件连获三项大奖;IT职教市场北大青鸟三连冠;PTC加入商业软件联盟。
关键词 Segue软件公司 合国思软件(中)有限公司 金山软件公司 信息化 商业软件联盟 PTC公司
New Tineid Genus and Species (Lepidoptera, Tineidae) from China 被引量:1
作者 肖云丽 李后魂 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期31-35,共5页
A new genus Unilepidotricha gen. nov. is proposed based on the type species U. gracilicurva sp. nov. collected from Yunnan, China. The photographs of the adult and the genitalia as well as the drawings of the wing ven... A new genus Unilepidotricha gen. nov. is proposed based on the type species U. gracilicurva sp. nov. collected from Yunnan, China. The photographs of the adult and the genitalia as well as the drawings of the wing venation are provided. 展开更多
关键词 LEPIDOPTERA TINEIDAE Unilepidotricha new genus new species China
Seismogenic fault and topography control on the spatial patterns of landslides triggered by the 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake 被引量:16
作者 WU Chun-hao CUI Peng +3 位作者 LI Yu-sheng Irasema Alcántara AYALA HUANG Chao YI Shu-jian 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期793-807,共15页
Jiuzhaigou National Park, located in northwest plateau of Sichuan Province, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of the most popular scenic areas in China. On August 8, 2017, a Mw 6.5 earthquake occurred 5 km to t... Jiuzhaigou National Park, located in northwest plateau of Sichuan Province, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of the most popular scenic areas in China. On August 8, 2017, a Mw 6.5 earthquake occurred 5 km to the west of a major scenic area, causing 25 deaths and injuring 525, and the Park was seriously affected. The objective of this study was to explore the controls of seismogenic fault and topographic factors on the spatial patterns of these landslides. Immediately after the main shock, field survey, remote-sensing investigations, and statistical and spatial analysis were undertaken. At least 2212 earthquake-triggered landslides were identified, covering a total area of 11.8 km^2. Thesewere mainly shallow landslides and rock falls. Results demonstrated that landslides exhibited a close spatial correlation with seismogenic faults. More than 85% of the landslides occurred at 2200 to 3700 m elevations. The largest quantity of landslides was recorded in places with local topographic reliefs ranging from 200 to 500 m. Slopes in the range of ~20°-50° are the most susceptible to failure. Landslides occurred mostly on slopes facing east-northeast(ENE), east(E), east-southeast(ESE), and southeast(SE), which were nearly vertical to the orientation of the seismogenic fault slip. The back-slope direction and thin ridge amplification effects were documented. These results provide insights on the control of the spatial pattern of earthquake-triggered landslides modified by the synergetic effect of seismogenic faults and topography. 展开更多
关键词 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake LANDSLIDE Seismogenic fault TOPOGRAPHY Spatial pattern
Assessment of prospective hazards resulting from the 2017 earthquake at the world heritage site Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan, China 被引量:8
作者 CHEN Xiao-qing CHEN Jian-gang +6 位作者 CUI Peng YOU Yong HU Kai-heng YANG Zong-ji ZHANG Wei-feng LI Xin-po WU Yong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期779-792,共14页
On August 8, 2017, a Ms = 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in the Jiuzhaigou Valley, in Sichuan Province, China(N: 33.20°, E: 103.82°). Jiuzhaigou Valley is an area recognized and listed as a world heritage... On August 8, 2017, a Ms = 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in the Jiuzhaigou Valley, in Sichuan Province, China(N: 33.20°, E: 103.82°). Jiuzhaigou Valley is an area recognized and listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1992. Data analysis and field survey were conducted on the landslide, collapse, and debris flow gully, to assess the coseismic geological hazards generated by the earthquake using an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV), remote-sensing imaging, laser range finders, geological radars, and cameras. The results highlighted the occurrence of 13 landslides, 70 collapses, and 25 potential debris flow gullies following the earthquake. The hazards were classified on the basis of their size and the potential property loss attributable to them. Consequently, 14 large-scale hazards, 30 medium-sized hazards, and 64 small hazards accounting for 13%, 28%, and 59% of the total hazards, respectively, were identified. Based on the variation tendency of the geological hazards that ensued in areas affected by the Kanto earthquake(Japan), Chi-chi earthquake(Taiwan China), and Wenchuan earthquake(Sichuan China), the study predicts that, depending on the rain intensity cycle, the duration of geological hazard activities in the Jiuzhaigou Valley may last over ten years and will gradually decrease for the following five to ten yearsbefore returning to pre-earthquake levels. Thus,necessary monitoring and early warning systems must be implemented to ensure the safety of residents,workers and tourists during the construction of engineering projects and reopening of scenic sites to the public. 展开更多
关键词 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake Disaster risk Geological hazard LANDSLIDE World heritage site Jiuzhaigou Valley
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