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作者 李德帅 彭建亮 马晓玲 《兵器装备工程学报》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第S02期227-229,239,共4页
为准确、快速地计算影响空投、空降准确性的一个关键因素合成风,通过分析其计算原理,采用先将风向量正交分解,再通过加权平均、求取合成值,然后将算法转换为计算机应用软件和手机APP程序。通过实际应用,验证该方法的有效性和实用性,结... 为准确、快速地计算影响空投、空降准确性的一个关键因素合成风,通过分析其计算原理,采用先将风向量正交分解,再通过加权平均、求取合成值,然后将算法转换为计算机应用软件和手机APP程序。通过实际应用,验证该方法的有效性和实用性,结果表明,该方法有利于提高空投、空降的精度和工作效率。 展开更多
关键词 合成风 计算 软件 空投空降
作者 王雨飞 王班 《才智》 2012年第3期64-65,共2页
本文对跳伞高度内的合成风给出了一种比较精确的计算方法,并且编制了VB语言计算程序;利用本程序进行合成风计算时只要给出跳伞各高度层的空中风速、风向,就可以得出空中合成风的方向、速度,近而计算出逆风跳伞投放时间和应飞磁航向,并... 本文对跳伞高度内的合成风给出了一种比较精确的计算方法,并且编制了VB语言计算程序;利用本程序进行合成风计算时只要给出跳伞各高度层的空中风速、风向,就可以得出空中合成风的方向、速度,近而计算出逆风跳伞投放时间和应飞磁航向,并最得到跳伞降落轨迹,为延迟开伞跳伞训练提供了方便条件。 展开更多
关键词 跳伞 合成风 程序
南海台风风场分析及其预报 被引量:2
作者 关芬呈 周强 +5 位作者 郑玲玲 宋萍 郭飞 陈群 杨平章 张建安 《海洋预报》 北大核心 1990年第2期20-27,共8页
根据台风在移动过程中,台风内部风场结构相对稳定的特点,利用1969~1987共十九年历史资料按不同天气形势分型,用合成法得到相应类型的台风合成风场。对各类合成风场作经验正交函数(EOF)分析,提取主分量。用主分量逼近预报时的初始风场... 根据台风在移动过程中,台风内部风场结构相对稳定的特点,利用1969~1987共十九年历史资料按不同天气形势分型,用合成法得到相应类型的台风合成风场。对各类合成风场作经验正交函数(EOF)分析,提取主分量。用主分量逼近预报时的初始风场。依据台风路径和强度预报可作出未来的台风风场预报。用1988年的实测资料检验台风风场的预报结果,若台风路径和强度预报正确,则未来24小时台风风场的平均预报误差为4.1m/s。 展开更多
关键词 合成风 台风中心 台风风场 南海台风 初始风场 风场分析 测风 预报 I型 经验正交函数
大洋风应力和风场的计算与分析 被引量:2
作者 李克让 林贤超 吴忠祥 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 1994年第3期44-52,共9页
关键词 大洋 风应力 合成风 风场
高速行驶遭遇侧风的SUV汽车气动特性模拟研究 被引量:1
作者 洪四华 丁能根 吴阳年 《汽车科技》 2007年第6期31-33,共3页
采用计算流体力学和合成风方法研究某SUV汽车高速行驶遭遇比较危险强度侧风下的外流场分布并得到气动力(矩)及系数。该方法使乘用车高速行驶遭遇危险侧风情况下气动特性预测成为可能。为深入研究高速行驶侧风作用下乘用车气动特性以及... 采用计算流体力学和合成风方法研究某SUV汽车高速行驶遭遇比较危险强度侧风下的外流场分布并得到气动力(矩)及系数。该方法使乘用车高速行驶遭遇危险侧风情况下气动特性预测成为可能。为深入研究高速行驶侧风作用下乘用车气动特性以及结合汽车操纵动力学对侧风稳定性进行动力学仿真提供了有利的参考。 展开更多
关键词 SUV汽车 合成风 侧风稳定性 计算流体力学
作者 胡军锋 宋文杰 尤泽萌 《科技创新与生产力》 2014年第11期48-49,共2页
介绍了一种手持式测风装置,其内部三轴加速度传感器用来测量船舶的横摇及纵摇摆信息,并通过相关算法来修正测量的风速风向值,利用内部GPS模块中航速、航向信息与测量的合成风通过矢量运算得出真风速、真风向,气压模块与电子罗盘模块可... 介绍了一种手持式测风装置,其内部三轴加速度传感器用来测量船舶的横摇及纵摇摆信息,并通过相关算法来修正测量的风速风向值,利用内部GPS模块中航速、航向信息与测量的合成风通过矢量运算得出真风速、真风向,气压模块与电子罗盘模块可以给用户提供不同的参数信息,为用户的使用提供了极大方便。 展开更多
关键词 手持式 合成风 电子罗盘 GPS
夏季雅安高空风的统计分析 被引量:6
作者 彭贵康 《高原山地气象研究》 1992年第1期3-7,共5页
本文利用雅安地区暴雨落区预报方法研究课题,在1989年夏季进行的中尺度观测试验中的高空风资料和1955~1957年夏季雅安地区气象台的高空风资料,分别与相应的成都高空风资料进行了统计研究,并分析了雅安“天漏”(暴雨)时高空风的变化。... 本文利用雅安地区暴雨落区预报方法研究课题,在1989年夏季进行的中尺度观测试验中的高空风资料和1955~1957年夏季雅安地区气象台的高空风资料,分别与相应的成都高空风资料进行了统计研究,并分析了雅安“天漏”(暴雨)时高空风的变化。结果发现:在850~700hPa,背风而立,雅安风向偏于成都之右,风速略偏小,500hPa风向偏于成都之左,风速略偏大,白天的风向和风速偏差均大于夜间;雅安“天漏”时,地面~400m为偏东风,5500m为偏西南风,1000~5500m为偏西南风暖平流;暴雨中比暴雨前,1000~5500m,各层的风和热成风的风向均发生显著的气旋式(逆时针)偏转,风速增大。 展开更多
关键词 高空风 暴雨日数 暖平流 合成风 成风 风矢 统计研究 偏南风 成分析 预报方法研究
冬季流入南印度洋的低空越赤道气流分析 被引量:1
作者 王凤娥 《应用气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1991年第4期416-422,共7页
本文利用1980—1987年850hPa 格点风资料和500hPa 高度场资料,分析了冬季自北半球流入南印度洋的越赤道气流的特征,指出在35°—135°E 的近赤道地区冬季低空有四支源自北半球的越赤道气流,它们具有明显的年变化和年际变化;它... 本文利用1980—1987年850hPa 格点风资料和500hPa 高度场资料,分析了冬季自北半球流入南印度洋的越赤道气流的特征,指出在35°—135°E 的近赤道地区冬季低空有四支源自北半球的越赤道气流,它们具有明显的年变化和年际变化;它们主要来自阿拉伯半岛—东亚地区大陆冷高压的东北季风,其强弱变化取决于东北季风的活动。 展开更多
关键词 越赤道气流 南印度洋 赤道地区 东北季风 年际变化 高度场 月平均 合成风 环流系统 冷空气活动
作者 光田宁.末延龙雄 顾强民 《浙江气象》 1992年第4期41-42,共2页
一、导言从测站资料研究台风中心附近风的分布,对进一步研究台风结构和台风灾害原因都是十分有意义的。然而,一个成熟的台风移经气象站,使能从台风中心进行观测的可能性是很少有的。在最近的25年中,经过日本群岛的最强的台风T6118,曾对... 一、导言从测站资料研究台风中心附近风的分布,对进一步研究台风结构和台风灾害原因都是十分有意义的。然而,一个成熟的台风移经气象站,使能从台风中心进行观测的可能性是很少有的。在最近的25年中,经过日本群岛的最强的台风T6118,曾对它进行地面风的分析,发现最大风是位于沿着台风气压中心路经右侧20公里处,但是,那时地面最大梯度风的半径化于约50公里处,而且最大地面风与最大地面梯度风在一些地方是一样大的,对这些作进一步分析成为不可能,因为大多数站位于小山顶上或岛的内陆部分,所以站与站之间由于地形不同影响到观测数据。 展开更多
关键词 超梯度风 台风中心 气压变化 于小山 云墙 合成风 经向气流 热带气旋 日本群岛 切向风
作者 余锡刚 《浙江气象》 1990年第4期56-56,共1页
浙江省气象科学研究所研制开发的“大气环境评价应用软件系统”于1990年4月10日在杭州通过了由杭州大学、省环保局、市环保局、省石化厅、省电力设计院和省气象局等有关专家组成的技术鉴定组的鉴定。该软件系统研究开发了有关大气环境... 浙江省气象科学研究所研制开发的“大气环境评价应用软件系统”于1990年4月10日在杭州通过了由杭州大学、省环保局、市环保局、省石化厅、省电力设计院和省气象局等有关专家组成的技术鉴定组的鉴定。该软件系统研究开发了有关大气环境影响评价的污染气象探测数据处理和污染物浓度估算两个方面共28个程序模块。第一部分主要包括地面测风、小球测风和平衡气球探测资料处理三个系列的程序,并相应配制了历史常规气象资料统计分析、多测点地面风的相关分析、风速幂指数、地面粗糙度、合成风、风的稳定度及大气扩散参数回归分析程序。还研制开发了部分通过显示屏幕或外部设备(xy仪)的图形绘制程序。 展开更多
关键词 大气环境评价 应用软件系统 环境影响评价 大气扩散 合成风 平衡气球 电力设计院 气象探测 图形绘制 显示屏幕
Model of wind-generated ambient noise in stratified shallow water 被引量:3
作者 林建恒 高天赋 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期144-151,共8页
In order to build a rapid ocean ambient noise model adapted for a stratified shallow water, a hybrid model of normal mode method (for far field) and ray method (for near field) is suggested which combines the advantag... In order to build a rapid ocean ambient noise model adapted for a stratified shallow water, a hybrid model of normal mode method (for far field) and ray method (for near field) is suggested which combines the advantages of both methods. Since the near field of wind-generated noise is not sensitive to the sound speed pro- file, the sound speed profile is regarded as a constant; which makes the model rapid and accurate. The simulation results are in agreement with those of the wave model. 展开更多
关键词 wind-generated ambient noise RAY normal mode hybrid model
作者 晏红明 段玮 肖子牛 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2004年第1期23-33,共11页
Based on the data of NCEP, OLR and rainfall of China, we studied the influences of the East Asian winter monsoon activities on the precipitation during the raining season over China by correlation analysis and composi... Based on the data of NCEP, OLR and rainfall of China, we studied the influences of the East Asian winter monsoon activities on the precipitation during the raining season over China by correlation analysis and composite analysis. The result shows that annual and interdecadal change of East Asian winter monsoon is distinct. It is strong from 1950s to the middle of 1980s but weak after the middle of 1980s. The effect of abnormal winter monsoon on the precipitation during raining season is significant over the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River basin. It is revealed that the precipitation will increase when preceding winter monsoon is weak but decrease when preceding winter monsoon is strong. In this paper, some appropriate reasons are given to explain the abnormal rainfall by analyzing the distribution of SSTA and the variation of summer circulation. It is pointed out definitely that the variation of SSTA and summer circulation is a primary cause for abnormal rainfall over the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River. 展开更多
关键词 East Asian winter monsoon East Asian subtropical summer monsoon summer precipitation over the middle and lower reaches area of the Changjiang River
Repair wind field in oil contaminated areas with SAR images
作者 过杰 何宜军 +3 位作者 隆霄 侯查伟 刘欣 孟俊敏 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期525-533,共9页
In this paper,we compared the normalized radar cross section in the cases of oil spill,biogenic slicks,and clean sea areas with image samples made from 11-pixel NRCS average,and determined their thresholds of the NRCS... In this paper,we compared the normalized radar cross section in the cases of oil spill,biogenic slicks,and clean sea areas with image samples made from 11-pixel NRCS average,and determined their thresholds of the NRCS of the synthetic aperture radar. The results show that the thresholds of oil and biogenic slicks exhibit good consistency with the corresponding synthetic aperture radar images. In addition,we used the normalized radar cross section of clean water from adjacent patches of oil or biogenic slicks areas to replace that of oil or biogenic slicks areas,and retrieve wind field by CMOD5.n and compare wind velocity mending of oil and biogenic slicks areas with Weather Research and Forecasting modeled data,from which the root mean squares of wind speed(wind direction) inversion are 0.89 m/s(20.26°) and 0.88 m/s(7.07°),respectively. Therefore,after the occurrence of oil spill or biogenic slicks,the real wind field could be repaired using the method we introduced in this paper. We believe that this method could improve the accuracy in assessment of a real wind field on medium and small scales at sea,and enhance effectively the monitoring works on similar oil or biogenic slicks incidents at sea surface. 展开更多
关键词 wind speed oil spill biogenic slicks normalized radar cross section
Use of agents stimulating erythropoiesis in digestive diseases 被引量:2
作者 Rosario Moreno López Beatriz Sicilia Aladrén Fernando Gomollón García 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第37期4675-4685,共11页
Anemia is the most common complication of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Control and inadequate treatment leads to a worse quality of life and increased morbidity and hospitalization. Blood loss, and to a lesser ex... Anemia is the most common complication of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Control and inadequate treatment leads to a worse quality of life and increased morbidity and hospitalization. Blood loss, and to a lesser extent, malabsorption of iron are the main causes of iron def iciency in IBD. There is also a variable component of anemia related to chronic inflammation. The anemia of chronic renal failure has been treated for many years with recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO), which significantly improves quality of life and survival. Subsequently, rHuEPO has been used progressively in other conditions that occur with anemia of chronic processes such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis or IBD, and anemia associated with the treatment of hepatitis C virus. Erythropoietic agents complete the range of available therapeutic options for treatment of anemia associated with IBD, which begins by treating the basis of the inflammatory disease, along with intravenous iron therapy as f irst choice. In cases of resistance to treatment with iron, combined therapy with erythropoietic agents aims to achieve near-normal levels of hemoglobin/hematocrit (11-12 g/dL). New formulations of intravenous iron (iron carboxymaltose) and the new generation of erythropoietic agents (darbepoetin and continuous erythropoietin receptor activator) will allow better dosing with the same eff icacy and safety. 展开更多
关键词 Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents Recom-binant human erythropoietin DARBEPOETIN Continuous erythropoietin receptor activator Inflammatory bowel disease ANEMIA
Comparative Study of the Flavor Compounds in two Different Milk with SPME-GCMS
作者 Ma Yanfen Wang Lifang Gao Min 《Feed & Livestock》 2012年第2期23-28,共6页
The flavor is very important in the dairy industry because it decides on the acceptance of milk and other dairy products. And the flavor compounds in two different milk were analyzed with SPME-GCMS. At present, the mi... The flavor is very important in the dairy industry because it decides on the acceptance of milk and other dairy products. And the flavor compounds in two different milk were analyzed with SPME-GCMS. At present, the milking mode includes automatic milking and manual milking in cat- tle farm. Milk samples, collected from six healthy early/mid-lactation Holstein cows, were analyzed by static headspace (SH) and solid phase microextraction (SPME) combined with gas-chromatogra- phy and mass spectrometry (GCMS) in this paper. The result showed that the aroma compounds in milk (automatic milking) were more than that of milk (manual milking), but the off-flavor com- pounds in milk (automatic milking) were less than that of milk (manual milking). So to preserve the good flavor, the milk should be extruded with the automate milking. 展开更多
关键词 flavor compounds raw milk COW SPME
A nature-inspired concise synthesis of (+)-ent-chromazonarol 被引量:1
《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期349-353,共5页
A large number of sesquiterpene quinone/hydroquinone natural products including (+)-ent-chromazonarol have been isolated and received great attention from the synthetic community. Herein, we report a nature-inspire... A large number of sesquiterpene quinone/hydroquinone natural products including (+)-ent-chromazonarol have been isolated and received great attention from the synthetic community. Herein, we report a nature-inspired concise synthesis of (+)-ent-chromazonarol in 4 steps from a readily available starting material. The synthesis relied on a Lewis acid mediated cy- clization which correctly installed two vicinal stereocenters in one step. This highly efficient synthetic route allows us to fur- ther prepare natural product congeners for further biological studies. 展开更多
关键词 SESQUITERPENE HYDROQUINONE total synthesis chromazonarol
Identifying storm-induced wave origins using SAR wave mode data 被引量:1
作者 WANG Xuan JIANG HaoYu +1 位作者 CHEN Ge YU FangJie 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第10期1971-1980,共10页
Because of weak dissipation effects, swells generated by fierce storms can propagate across an entire ocean basin;therefore, observing swell generation and decay and retrieving storm characteristics from a swell by sa... Because of weak dissipation effects, swells generated by fierce storms can propagate across an entire ocean basin;therefore, observing swell generation and decay and retrieving storm characteristics from a swell by satellite remote sensing are possible. In this study, based on the dispersion relation and geometrical optics principle, we used SAR wave mode data from 2003 to 2010 provided by GlobWave to track swells with peak wavelengths of more than 300 m to locate a storm-generated far-traveling swell and present the swell field related to this "static" origin. Through a comparison with ECMWF wind datasets, we conducted validations and explored some conditions that cause misjudgments in swell origins. Finally, we obtained the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of satellite-observed swell origins(i.e., the fierce wind condition) and their evolution. This work can be used as a reference for wave models, providing early swell warnings, determining air-sea surface interactions, and determining global climate change. 展开更多
关键词 SAR Fierce storm Swell tracking
Mortality weighting-based method for aggregate urban air risk assessment
作者 Qing-yu ZHANG Guo-jin SUN +5 位作者 Wei-li TIAN Yu-mei WEI Si-mai FANG Jin-feng RUAN Guo-rong SHAN Yao SHI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第9期702-709,共8页
This paper deals with a mortality-weighted synthetic evaluation (MWSE) method for evaluating urban air risk. Sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and particulate matter (PMl0) were used as pollution in... This paper deals with a mortality-weighted synthetic evaluation (MWSE) method for evaluating urban air risk. Sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and particulate matter (PMl0) were used as pollution indices. The urban area of Hangzhou, China is divided into 756 grid cells, with a resolution of 1 km× 1 km, and is evaluated using the MWSE and the air quality index (AQI), a widely-used method to evaluate ambient air quality and air risk. In an evaluation of one day in April 2004, the surface areas categorized as levels Ⅰ and Ⅲ, as defined by the integrated air risk evaluation, were 27.3% and 3.3% lower, respectively, than grades Ⅰ and Ⅲ defined by the AQI evaluation. Meanwhile, the areas classified as level Ⅱ or above level Ⅲ by the integrated air risk evaluation were 55.1% and 101. 1% higher, respectively, than grade Ⅱ or above grade Ⅲ when using the AQI evaluation. From this comparison, we find that the MWSE method is more sensitive than the AQI method. The AQI method uses a single index to assess integrated air quality and is therefore unable to evaluate integrated air risks due to multiple pollutants. The MWSE method overcomes this problem, providing improved accuracy in air risk assessment. 展开更多
关键词 Integrated air risk Mortality-weighted synthetic evaluation (MWSE) Air quality index (AQI) Air pollution
Development and evaluation of a regional ocean-atmosphere coupled model with focus on the western North Pacific summer monsoon simulation:Impacts of different atmospheric components 被引量:8
作者 ZOU LiWei ZHOU TianJun 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期802-815,共14页
A regional ocean atmosphere coupled model (ROAM) is developed through coupler OASIS3,and is composed of regional climate model RegCM3 and CREM (Climate version of Regional Eta Model) as its atmospheric component and o... A regional ocean atmosphere coupled model (ROAM) is developed through coupler OASIS3,and is composed of regional climate model RegCM3 and CREM (Climate version of Regional Eta Model) as its atmospheric component and of a revised Princeton ocean model (POM2000) as its oceanic component.The performance of the ROAM over the western North Pacific summer monsoon region is assessed by the case simulation of warm season in 1998.Impacts of different atmospheric model components on the performance of ROAM are investigated.Compared with stand-alone simulation,CREM (RegCM3) produces more (or less) rainfall over ocean area with inclusion of the air-sea coupling.Different biases of rainfall are caused by the different biases of SST derived from the coupled simulation.Warm (or cold) SST bias simulated by CREM_CPL (RegCM3_CPL) increases (or decreases) the evaporation at sea surface,then increases (or decreases) the rainfall over ocean.The analyses suggest that the biases of vertical profile of temperature and specific humidity in stand-alone simulations may be responsible for the SST biases in regional coupled simulations.Compared with reanalysis data,the warmer (or colder) and moister (or dryer) lower troposphere simulated in CREM (RegCM3) produces less (or more) sea surface latent heat flux.Meanwhile,the more unstable (or stable) lower troposphere produces less (or more) cloudiness at low-level,which increases (or decreases) the solar radiation reaching on the sea surface.CREM (RegCM3) forced by observed SST overestimates (or underestimates) the sea surface net heat flux,implying a potential warm (or cold) heat source.After coupling with POM2000,the warm (or cold) heat source would further increase (or decrease) the SST.The biases of vertical profile of temperature and specific humidity may be ascribed to the different representation of cumulus convection in atmospheric models. 展开更多
关键词 inter-comparison of regional coupling different atmospheric component western North Pacific summer monsoon model biases
Observation of the supercritical Pearl River plume front under the downwelling-favorable winds
作者 BAI Peng GU YanZhen +2 位作者 LUO Lin ZHANG WanLei FAN KaiGuo 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第11期2059-2066,共8页
For the Pearl River plume, the supercritical, distinct plume front appears in downwelling-favorable winds, which is easily observed due to the distinct boundary between the plume water and the ambient water. In this p... For the Pearl River plume, the supercritical, distinct plume front appears in downwelling-favorable winds, which is easily observed due to the distinct boundary between the plume water and the ambient water. In this paper, in situ and satellite observations of a plume front are utilized to explore the Pearl River plume front properties under the downwelling-favorable winds. Field observations clearly show frontal structure, especially the two-layer structure in the plume water and the downward-motion of water in the frontal region. The Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar(ASAR) images are also analyzed to unveil the plume front: there is a white stripe on the west side out of the river mouth under downwelling-favorable winds, which is identified as a supercritical plume front, and the width of the plume front is about 250 m. The normalized velocity gradient shows the intense velocity convergence in the front region. Also, analyses of ASAR images imply that the river discharge plays an important role in controlling the location and shape of the front. 展开更多
关键词 cruise observations Pearl River plume front ASAR winds
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