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基于心理账户理论的离合框架效应研究评述 被引量:3
作者 王丹萍 庄贵军 周茵 《北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期57-64,共8页
通过回顾心理账户理论对离合框架效应的解释情况,发现已有文献对心理账户理论的支持情况并不理想。可能的原因是该理论的成立存在三个重要前提:不对广告价格信息重新加工;计算离框架各单品价格时,采用加法运算;加总离框架各单品价格时... 通过回顾心理账户理论对离合框架效应的解释情况,发现已有文献对心理账户理论的支持情况并不理想。可能的原因是该理论的成立存在三个重要前提:不对广告价格信息重新加工;计算离框架各单品价格时,采用加法运算;加总离框架各单品价格时权重相等。消费者特点、商品价格特点以及价格表现形式能影响各个前提的成立。后续的研究,一方面要谨慎应用心理账户理论解释离合框架效应,另一方面要深入探讨已有文献中的争议和尚未研究的问题。 展开更多
关键词 心理账户理论 合框架效应 参照点 决策权重
基于回传波射矩阵法的复合材料层合框架振动特性分析 被引量:1
作者 申雪静 孙国钧 《力学季刊》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期179-185,共7页
将求解弹性杆系结构动态响应的回传波射矩阵法应用于层合框架的固有频率和模态的求解。用回传波射矩阵法得到单位脉冲载荷作用下层合框架的频响函数,然后由频响函数曲线的波峰确定层合框架结构的固有频率。最后通过回传波射矩阵法控制... 将求解弹性杆系结构动态响应的回传波射矩阵法应用于层合框架的固有频率和模态的求解。用回传波射矩阵法得到单位脉冲载荷作用下层合框架的频响函数,然后由频响函数曲线的波峰确定层合框架结构的固有频率。最后通过回传波射矩阵法控制方程系数矩阵的伴随矩阵得到结构的振动模态。将对称铺层简支梁计算结果与用经典理论算得的解析解进行比较,验证了回传波射矩阵法计算结果具有很高的精度。然后对9根杆组成的平面层合框架进行计算,表明回传波射矩阵法可以有效地计算层合框架结构的固有频率和模态。 展开更多
关键词 回传波射矩阵法 合框架 振动模态 固有频率
联邦学习的个人信息保护合规分析框架 被引量:3
作者 朱悦 庄媛媛 《信息安全研究》 CSCD 2023年第2期162-170,共9页
联邦学习在个人信息保护意义下的合规分析需进一步完善,尤其需要技术与法律更紧密结合.故建立识别适用规定、定性数据流、识别处理行为、定性主体身份、识别责任义务和合规风险分析6步骤合规分析框架.框架对经典的横向纵向联邦学习架构... 联邦学习在个人信息保护意义下的合规分析需进一步完善,尤其需要技术与法律更紧密结合.故建立识别适用规定、定性数据流、识别处理行为、定性主体身份、识别责任义务和合规风险分析6步骤合规分析框架.框架对经典的横向纵向联邦学习架构足以给出具体、与适用规定存在紧密逻辑关系的合规结论;并可推广至其他架构或隐私计算技术合规分析;可融入其他国家或地区的合规要求;有助于满足《中华人民共和国个人信息保护法》对个人信息处理影响评估的要求.最后,基于框架及其分析结论,对联邦学习的个人信息保护标准制定提出建议. 展开更多
关键词 联邦学习 个人信息保护 规分析框架 个人信息处理影响评估 隐私计算
论我国环境合规法律框架的构建--以合规计划与合规抗辩为切入点 被引量:2
作者 高腾飞 《北京政法职业学院学报》 2023年第1期71-82,共12页
企业合规发轫于英美刑事法中的“暂缓起诉协议”制度,并逐渐扩张至民事、行政领域,其目的在于促使企业自主建立“合规管理体系”。由于其具有激励作用,能够减少企业违法风险,与现代环境法预防环境风险的要求相契合。我国环境合规广泛存... 企业合规发轫于英美刑事法中的“暂缓起诉协议”制度,并逐渐扩张至民事、行政领域,其目的在于促使企业自主建立“合规管理体系”。由于其具有激励作用,能够减少企业违法风险,与现代环境法预防环境风险的要求相契合。我国环境合规广泛存在于实践当中,但其适用场域、法律形式和法律后果尚不明晰,需要寻找其体系定位。事前已然合规的合规抗辩与事后承诺合规的合规计划是贯穿环境合规的两条主线。深入探讨二者在环境民事诉讼、行政行为、刑事诉讼等领域的适用方式及法律后果,能够串联起了我国环境污染责任体系,构建起我国环境合规法律框架。 展开更多
关键词 环境 规计划 规抗辩 环境规法律框架
非对称层合复合材料框架的动力响应 被引量:1
作者 缪馥星 孙国钧 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期1658-1661,共4页
将求解结构瞬态响应的回传波射矩阵法扩展到非对称层合梁框架结构动力响应的计算.求解了层合悬臂梁在自由端脉冲荷载作用下的瞬态速度响应,与有限元法的计算结果进行了比较.并且,求解了一个9杆层合梁框架在半正弦波力脉冲作用下的应变... 将求解结构瞬态响应的回传波射矩阵法扩展到非对称层合梁框架结构动力响应的计算.求解了层合悬臂梁在自由端脉冲荷载作用下的瞬态速度响应,与有限元法的计算结果进行了比较.并且,求解了一个9杆层合梁框架在半正弦波力脉冲作用下的应变瞬态响应,检验了节点处力矩的平衡,分析了应变响应随层合梁轴向-弯曲耦合刚度变化的规律. 展开更多
关键词 非对称层材料框架 弹性波 回传波射矩阵法 瞬态响应
大数据企业数据跨境之合规框架分析 被引量:1
作者 邹杨 齐佳音 《中国高新科技》 2021年第5期33-34,共2页
当前正处于互联网革命向信息革命过渡的关键时期,大数据和与之相关的产业可能带来国际政治和经济重心的重新洗牌,再加上2020年新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行所带来的国际秩序的不确定因素,大数据企业需要时刻关注其业务所涉及国家和地区的数... 当前正处于互联网革命向信息革命过渡的关键时期,大数据和与之相关的产业可能带来国际政治和经济重心的重新洗牌,再加上2020年新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行所带来的国际秩序的不确定因素,大数据企业需要时刻关注其业务所涉及国家和地区的数据隐私安全法律法规的出台对其相关业务的影响,制定数据合规框架,并将其上升到公司战略高度。 展开更多
关键词 数字经济 数据保护 框架 跨境
作者 佟玉峰 《河北金融》 2011年第10期23-24,共2页
关键词 现场监督 现场检查 合框架
中外商业银行合规风险的比较 被引量:5
作者 姚勇 周婧烨 《金融理论与实践》 北大核心 2007年第12期41-43,共3页
关键词 商业银行 规风险 框架 规文化
中国企业出口管制合规建设与要点分析 被引量:6
作者 韩爽 《企业经济》 北大核心 2020年第7期154-160,共7页
近年来国际形势发生重大复杂的变化,"防扩散"和地区安全成为国际社会关注的焦点。各国纷纷完善自己的出口管制规则和经济制裁法律,限制本国个人及企业在受管制物项和技术方面与受控实体进行交易。随着中国企业国际化程度提高... 近年来国际形势发生重大复杂的变化,"防扩散"和地区安全成为国际社会关注的焦点。各国纷纷完善自己的出口管制规则和经济制裁法律,限制本国个人及企业在受管制物项和技术方面与受控实体进行交易。随着中国企业国际化程度提高,企业经营中出口管制合规风险频发。本文首先明确了企业合规的概念及其两个关键部分:合规风险的管控和合规管理框架的构建;然后从合规风险管控的角度将研究重点延伸到出口管制合规领域,借鉴多国政府主管部门发布的合规指南,构建了出口管制合规管理的基本框架。最后在总结中国企业出口管制风险的基础上,从产品、交易伙伴、员工、市场及记录保存等方面提出了中国企业海外经营的出口管制合规要点以及完善的建议。 展开更多
关键词 出口管制规风险 规管理体系框架 实体清单 规要点
浅析国有企业合规管理的实现路径 被引量:8
作者 羊坤 《北京石油管理干部学院学报》 2020年第5期45-49,共5页
我国企业合规体系建设的兴起源于适应海外监管的需求。国有企业是我国企业合规管理体系化、制度化建设的“先行部队”。面对浩如烟海的合规规范、合规监管要求,国有企业如何建立科学性、适用性的合规体系,尤其是如何建立完善的合规运行... 我国企业合规体系建设的兴起源于适应海外监管的需求。国有企业是我国企业合规管理体系化、制度化建设的“先行部队”。面对浩如烟海的合规规范、合规监管要求,国有企业如何建立科学性、适用性的合规体系,尤其是如何建立完善的合规运行保障机制使其有效运行是一项非常重要的课题。文章立足于合规制度的国内外立法现状和目前合规制度的设计框架,通过分析国有企业合规制度存在的问题,尝试性地提出了国有企业合规管理的实现路径。 展开更多
关键词 国有企业 规管理 立法现状 框架 实现路径
宏基因组二代测序技术临床应用中的数据合规性研究与实践 被引量:1
作者 郑国栋 苏磊 《中国科技资源导刊》 2022年第4期51-55,82,共6页
数据已经成为重要的生产要素,宏基因组测序标本采集涉及面广,宏基因组二代测序技术数据是医疗健康领域重要的基础性战略资源。结合《网络安全法》和《个人信息安全规范》《数据安全法》《个人信息保护法(草案)》等相关规定,提出宏基因... 数据已经成为重要的生产要素,宏基因组测序标本采集涉及面广,宏基因组二代测序技术数据是医疗健康领域重要的基础性战略资源。结合《网络安全法》和《个人信息安全规范》《数据安全法》《个人信息保护法(草案)》等相关规定,提出宏基因组二代测序数据合规性框架和数据合规要点,为医疗机构在利用宏基因组二代测序数据开展医疗诊治活动的同时,切实保证测序机构不出现数据合规风险或法律纠纷,并建议强化内部管理,兼顾社会效益,承担相应的社会责任,积极开展数据合规培训和教育。 展开更多
关键词 宏基因组二代测序 数据规性框架 数据规风险
Composition of Model Interface--A Theorem of Model Composition
作者 张亚东 刘宏超 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2001年第3期61-68,共8页
Building a model for a object through model composition is a interesting topics, this paper research the interface composit ion of models in the Zeigler’s modeling methodology DEVS.
关键词 model composition model interface frame base order structure
Effects of interface slip and semi-rigid joint on elastic seismic response of steel-concrete composite frames 被引量:5
作者 戚菁菁 蒋丽忠 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第6期1327-1335,共9页
The stiffness matrix of semi-rigidly connected composite beams considering interface slip was established and the calculation method for elastic seismic response of composite frame was derived.The corresponding calcul... The stiffness matrix of semi-rigidly connected composite beams considering interface slip was established and the calculation method for elastic seismic response of composite frame was derived.The corresponding calculation programs were developed.Introducing the dimensionless quantities that were related to the connector shearing stiffness and the joint rotation stiffness,the influences of interface slip and semi-rigid joint on composite frame were transferred to quantitative parameter analysis,taking account of cross sectional properties,materials and linear stiffness of composite beam synthetically.Based on the calculation programs,free vibration frequencies and seismic responses of semi-rigid joint steel-concrete composite frame considering interface slip were calculated.The influences of interface slip and semi rigid joint on dynamic characteristics and seismic response were analyzed and the seismic design advices were presented.The results show that the interface slip decreases the free vibration frequencies and increase the seismic responses of composite frame.The semi-rigid joint reduces the free vibration frequencies and increases seismic responses of composite frame compared with rigid joint.With the increase of joint rotational stiffness,the elastic seismic responses of composite frame increase firstly and then decrease.The effects are related to the ratio of joint rotation stiffness to linear stiffness of composite beam. 展开更多
关键词 composite frame interface slip semi-rigid joint dynamic characteristic shearing stiffness rotation stiffness seismicresponse
Molecular Simulation of CO2/H2 Mixture Separation in Metal-organic Frameworks: Effect of Catenation and Electrostatic Interactions 被引量:3
作者 阳庆元 许青 +2 位作者 刘蓓 仲崇立 Smit Berend 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第5期781-790,共10页
In this work grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations were performed to study gas separation in three pairs of isoreticular metal-organic frameworks (IRMOFs) with and without catenation at room temperature.Mixture comp... In this work grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations were performed to study gas separation in three pairs of isoreticular metal-organic frameworks (IRMOFs) with and without catenation at room temperature.Mixture composed of CO2 and H2 was selected as the model system to separate.The results show that CO2 selectivity in catenated MOFs with multi-porous frameworks is much higher than their non-catenated counterparts.The simulations also show that the electrostatic interactions are very important for the selectivity,and the contributions of different electrostatic interactions are different,depending on pore size,pressure and mixture composition.In fact,changing the electrostatic interactions can even qualitatively change the adsorption behavior.A general conclusion is that the electrostatic interactions between adsorbate molecules and the framework atoms play a dominant role at low pressures,and these interactions in catenated MOFs have much more pronounced effects than those in their non-catenated counterparts,while the electrostatic interactions between adsorbate molecules become evident with increasing pressure,and eventually dominant. 展开更多
关键词 SEPARATION CATENATION electrostatic interactions metal-organic frameworks molecular simulation
Animal Idioms' Teaching in Cognitive Perspective——from the Contrastive Analysis on Chinese "Hu" Idioms and English "Lion" Idioms
作者 周红 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第1期18-23,共6页
In the actual idioms teaching, most students feel that idioms are difficult to comprehend, memorize and make actual application just because the overall meanings of idioms are unpredictable. Since cognitive linguistic... In the actual idioms teaching, most students feel that idioms are difficult to comprehend, memorize and make actual application just because the overall meanings of idioms are unpredictable. Since cognitive linguistics is based on embodiment, it can change the abstract things into comparatively concrete things, which provides a shortest way to grasp these idioms. Actually, most idioms are based on conceptual metaphor and metonymy composed of conceptual mappings between the source domain and the target one. Therefore, this paper is trying to probe into the role of cognitive principles in idioms teaching, especially animal idioms from the contrastive analysis on Chinese "hu" idioms and English "lion" idioms. 展开更多
关键词 METAPHOR METONYMY metonymic mapping frame and profile conceptual integration cognitive culture
Energy-Efficient Framework for Virtual Machine Consolidation in Cloud Data Centers 被引量:1
作者 Kejing He Zhibo Li +1 位作者 Dongyan Deng Yanhua Chen 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第10期192-201,共10页
With the advent of the era of cloud computing, the high energy consumption of cloud computing data centers has become a prominent problem, and how to reduce the energy consumption of cloud computing data center and im... With the advent of the era of cloud computing, the high energy consumption of cloud computing data centers has become a prominent problem, and how to reduce the energy consumption of cloud computing data center and improve the efficiency of data center has become the research focus of researchers all the world. In a cloud environment, virtual machine consolidation(VMC) is an effective strategy that can improve the energy efficiency. However, at the same time, in the process of virtual machine consolidation, we need to deal with the tradeoff between energy consumption and excellent service performance to meet service level agreement(SLA). In this paper, we propose a new virtual machine consolidation framework for achieving better energy efficiency-Improved Underloaded Decision(IUD) algorithm and Minimum Average Utilization Difference(MAUD) algorithm. Finally, based on real workload data on Planet Lab, experiments have been done with the cloud simulation platform Cloud Sim. The experimental result shows that the proposed algorithm can reduce the energy consumption and SLA violation of data centers compared with existing algorithms, improving the energy efficiency of data centers. 展开更多
关键词 cloud computing virtual machine consolidation energy efficiency virtual machine migration
Precisely Controlled Synthesis of Pt-Pd Octahedral Nanoframes as a Superior Catalyst towards Oxygen Reduction Reaction 被引量:2
作者 叶春苗 黄宏文 曾杰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期581-587,I0002,共8页
Pt-based nanoframes represent a class of promising catalysts towards oxygen reduction reaction. Herein, we, for the first time, successfully prepared Pt-Pd octahedral nanoframes with ultrathin ridges less than 2 nm in... Pt-based nanoframes represent a class of promising catalysts towards oxygen reduction reaction. Herein, we, for the first time, successfully prepared Pt-Pd octahedral nanoframes with ultrathin ridges less than 2 nm in thickness. The Pt-Pd octahedral nanoframes were obtained through site-selected deposition of Pt atoms onto the edge sites of Pd octahedral seeds, followed by selective removal of the Pd octahedral cores via chemical etching. Due to that a combination of three-dimensional opens geometrical structure and Pt-skin surface compositional structure, the Pt-Pd octahedral nanoframes/C catalyst shows a mass activity of 1.15 A/mgPt towards oxygen reduction reaction, 5.8 times enhancement in mass activity relative to commercial Pt/C catalyst (0.20 A/mgPt). Moreover, even after 8000 cycles of accelerated durability test, the Pt-Pd octahedral nanoframes/C catalyst still exhibits a mass activity which is more than three times higher than that of pristine Pt/C catalyst. 展开更多
关键词 Pt-based nanoframes Controlled synthesis Oxygen reduction reaction Mass activity
作者 Xu Xiaobin Wen Chenglin 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2009年第6期723-730,共8页
The more diverse the ways and means of information acquisition are,the more complex and various the types of information are. The qualities of available information are usually uncertain,vague,imprecise,incomplete,and... The more diverse the ways and means of information acquisition are,the more complex and various the types of information are. The qualities of available information are usually uncertain,vague,imprecise,incomplete,and so on. However,the information is modeled and fused traditionally in particular,name some of the known theories: evidential,fuzzy sets,possibilistic,rough sets or conditional events,etc. For several years,researchers have explored the unification of theories enabling the fusion of multisource information and have finally considered random set theory as a powerful mathematical tool. This paper attempts to overall review the close relationships between random set theory and other theories,and introduce recent research results which present how different types of information can be dealt with in this unified framework. Finally,some possible future directions are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Multisource information fusion Random set theory Imperfect information
Research advances of light-driven hydrogen evolution using polyoxometalate-based catalysts 被引量:10
作者 Mo Zhang Huijie Li +2 位作者 Junhao Zhang Hongjin Lv Guo-Yu Yang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第6期855-871,共17页
With the increasing concerns to energy shortage and environmental problems in modern society,the development of cheap,clean,and sustainable energy alternatives has been attracting tremendous attention globally.Among v... With the increasing concerns to energy shortage and environmental problems in modern society,the development of cheap,clean,and sustainable energy alternatives has been attracting tremendous attention globally.Among various strategies of renewable energy exploration,solar-driven water splitting into its compositional elements H2 and O2 is an ideal approach to convert and store renewable solar energy into chemical bonds.In recent few decades,as an emerging new type of catalysts,polyoxometalates(POMs)have been widely utilized for water splitting due to their versatile synthetic methodology and highly tunable physicochemical and photochemical properties.This critical review addresses the research advances of light-driven hydrogen evolution using polyoxometalate-based catalysts,including plenary POMs,transition-metal-substituted POMs,POM@MOF composites,and POM-semiconductor hybrids,under UV,near UV and visible light irradiation.In addition,the catalytic mechanism for each reaction system has been thoroughly discussed and summarized.Finally,a comprehensive outlook of this research area is also prospected. 展开更多
关键词 POLYOXOMETALATES Light-driven hydrogen evolution POM@MOF composites POM-semiconductor hybrids Catalytic mechanism
Poverty reduction within the framework of SDGs and Post-2015 Development Agenda 被引量:3
作者 LIU Qian-Qian YU Man WANG Xiao-Lin 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期67-73,共7页
The eradication of poverty is one of the largest global challenges facing the world. This article examines poverty reduction goals within the framework of Post-2015 Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development G... The eradication of poverty is one of the largest global challenges facing the world. This article examines poverty reduction goals within the framework of Post-2015 Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs). It also discusses the relationship between poverty reduction and sustainable development. Poverty reduction and sustainable development are inseparable and poverty reduction is the premise for sustainable development. Furthermore, several key bones of contention on the role of poverty reduction and sustainable development and implications of Post-2015 Development Agenda are also discussed. It concludes that to end poverty and inequality should continuously be given top priority for the Chinese government, because poverty reduction is China's soft power. Meanwhile, new ways of poverty alleviation should be explored and government should make great efforts to create a new partnership for poverty reduction and development. 展开更多
关键词 Poverty reduction Sustainable development Post-2015 Development Agenda
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