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作者 赵英 《环境保护》 CAS 1981年第1期39-41,44,共4页
随着农业生产的不断发展,世界氮肥用量越来越大。据联合国粮农组织统计,一九七六至一九七七年度氮肥消费量占世界化肥总消费量的百分之四十八,磷肥只占百分之二十八,而钾肥仅占百分之二十四。氮肥用量远远超过其它肥料的用量。而我国氮... 随着农业生产的不断发展,世界氮肥用量越来越大。据联合国粮农组织统计,一九七六至一九七七年度氮肥消费量占世界化肥总消费量的百分之四十八,磷肥只占百分之二十八,而钾肥仅占百分之二十四。氮肥用量远远超过其它肥料的用量。而我国氮肥用量又高于世界平均水平,每公顷耕地中氮肥用量的增长速度也高于世界其它先进国家(见表1)。 展开更多
关键词 氮肥用量 合理施用氮肥 减少环境污染 氮素利用率 氮肥利用率 氮素损失 挥发损失 反硝化作用 氮肥深施 农业生产
Study on Absorption Law of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium and Proper Nitrogen Application in Chuanxiangyou 9838 under No-tillage Cultivation
作者 孙锡发 涂仕华 +3 位作者 秦鱼生 冯文强 廖鸣兰 周先龙 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第2期143-146,151,共5页
The aim of the study is to investigate the absorption laws of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and proper nitrogen application in Chuanxiangyou 9838 under no-tillage cultivation. Five nitrogen application treatmen... The aim of the study is to investigate the absorption laws of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and proper nitrogen application in Chuanxiangyou 9838 under no-tillage cultivation. Five nitrogen application treatments were designed to analyze the absorption laws of N, P and K, and to discuss the effects of different N fertilizer application amounts on yield and yield composition factors of Chuanxiangyou 9838. The results showed that gross nutrient absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 was greatly varied at different developmental stages under rice-rape rotation with no-tillage. The maximum N absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 appeared at jointing stage followed by heading stage, thirdly the tillefing stage ; the P absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 presented the consecutively slight increase during seedling stage and mature stage ; the K absorption in Chuanxiangyou 9838 was mainly conducted from jointing stage to heading stage, during which K absorption accounts for 73.4% of the total absorption in whole developmental stage. Consequently, N fertilizer should be applied earlier ( before jointing stage), P fertilizer is suitable as base fertilizer and application of K fertilizer should be preferably conducted at early-middle period. When the yield reached 11 t/hm^2, the optimal N application amount in Chuanxiangyou 9838 was about 165 kg/hm^2. 展开更多
关键词 Chuanxiangyou 9838 NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS POTASSIUM Application amount
Scheme of Nitrogen Reasonable Fertilization in Mulberry Gardens of Sichuan Hilly Areas
作者 殷浩 张建华 +5 位作者 佟万红 刘刚 黄盖群 危玲 罗春燕 王丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1933-1936,共4页
Abstract In the research, five test groups were set, including urea at O, 120, 240, 360 and 480 kg/hm^2, respectively, and analysis was conducted on mulberry leaf yield and some characters of the quality in order to e... Abstract In the research, five test groups were set, including urea at O, 120, 240, 360 and 480 kg/hm^2, respectively, and analysis was conducted on mulberry leaf yield and some characters of the quality in order to establish utility functions of ap-plied N in mulberry gardens with different production purposes and to provide schemes of rational N fertilization. The results indicated that yield of mulberry leaf and content and yield of active nutritional substances in the leaves would be reduced either by insufficient or excessive N quantity. In addition, 240 kg/hm^2 of applied N significantly improved active nutritional substances in leaf and 360 kg/hm^2 of applied N significantly improved yields of mulberry leaf and active nutritional sub-stances. Therefore, utility functions of applied N quantity with leaf yield, DNJ content and yield were established accordingly. The optimal N quantity in mulberry gardens for sericulture is recommended 360 kg/hm^2 and the optimal N quantities in mulberry gardens for increase of yield and content of DNJ are 299.56 and 294.72 kg/hm^2, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Mulberry tree N quantity Yield of mulberry leaf Nutritional active sub-stances 1-DEOXYNOJIRIMYCIN
作者 杨兴良 《浙江柑桔》 北大核心 1995年第2期36-37,共2页
溃疡病在胡柚上的发生特点及其防治杨兴良(浙江省常山县特产站324200)常山胡柚又名金抽,是常山县特有的地方良种。现种植面积约2700hm2.近几年来,溃疡病在胡柚上发生日趋严重,如不及时加以制止,将成为我县胡柚发展... 溃疡病在胡柚上的发生特点及其防治杨兴良(浙江省常山县特产站324200)常山胡柚又名金抽,是常山县特有的地方良种。现种植面积约2700hm2.近几年来,溃疡病在胡柚上发生日趋严重,如不及时加以制止,将成为我县胡柚发展上的一个重要问题。为此,笔者将多年... 展开更多
关键词 发生特点 常山胡柚 溃疡病 发病时间 常山县 幼龄树 潜伏性 合理施用氮肥 防治措施 杀菌效果
作者 程季珍 《山西农业(致富科技版)》 1994年第12期43-43,共1页
关键词 蔬菜生长 朋友 养分量 菜田土壤 条施 品质与产量 养分流 合理施用氮肥 施肥问题 施肥量
作者 李淑霞 于忠河 《吉林农业》 1995年第5期11-11,共1页
玉米纹枯病的发生及防治近年来,玉米纹枯病的发生日趋严重,巳成为影响玉米产量的主要病害,产量损失程度可达60%左右。1、玉米纹枯病的症状玉米纹枯病从苗期穗期均可发生。危害叶鞘、叶片、果穗和茎秆。发病始于近地下的叶鞘,由... 玉米纹枯病的发生及防治近年来,玉米纹枯病的发生日趋严重,巳成为影响玉米产量的主要病害,产量损失程度可达60%左右。1、玉米纹枯病的症状玉米纹枯病从苗期穗期均可发生。危害叶鞘、叶片、果穗和茎秆。发病始于近地下的叶鞘,由下而上发展。叶鞘受害者,病斑开始呈... 展开更多
关键词 玉米纹枯病 发生及防治 立枯丝核菌 病害发生发展 合理施用氮肥 综合防治措施 温湿度 产量损失 叶鞘腐败 间作轮作
作者 乔楠 《中国农垦》 1999年第10期30-30,共1页
关键词 垦原多霉威 油菜菌核病 有效防治 垦原保多收 施用技术 合理施用氮肥 垦原丰产素 化学防治 相对湿度 种子处理
施氮量对杂交中稻产量的影响 被引量:1
作者 陈爱忠 刘玲 《中国农技推广》 2015年第11期33-35,共3页
以超级杂交中稻扬两优6号为试验材料,研究施氮量对杂交中稻产量的影响以及生产实际中合理氮肥施用量的确定。结果表明:扬两优6号在亩施0~20 kg氮时,产量随施氮量的增加呈先增后减的趋势,当施氮量为15 kg/亩时,产量达到最大;在施氮量为1... 以超级杂交中稻扬两优6号为试验材料,研究施氮量对杂交中稻产量的影响以及生产实际中合理氮肥施用量的确定。结果表明:扬两优6号在亩施0~20 kg氮时,产量随施氮量的增加呈先增后减的趋势,当施氮量为15 kg/亩时,产量达到最大;在施氮量为16.56 kg/亩时,经济效益最佳。实际生产中扬两优6号的合理施氮量为15.0~16.56 kg/亩。 展开更多
关键词 杂交中稻 氮肥用量 产量 合理氮肥施用
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