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《素问·离合真邪论》学术思想探微 被引量:2
作者 易长兴 钟凯 冯国湘 《中医药通报》 2013年第5期30-32,35,共4页
《离合真邪论》作为《素问》第二十七篇,虽不是核心内篇,但其中各有精义。本文从"离合真邪的四个不同阶段"为切入点讨论,以了解真气与邪气的离、合同疾病的关系,从中把握到至关重要的"机",并从"知机道者不可... 《离合真邪论》作为《素问》第二十七篇,虽不是核心内篇,但其中各有精义。本文从"离合真邪的四个不同阶段"为切入点讨论,以了解真气与邪气的离、合同疾病的关系,从中把握到至关重要的"机",并从"知机道者不可挂以发,不知机者扣之不发"、"无逢其冲而泻之"、"其往不可追"、"卒然逢之,早遏其路"几个代表性语句入手,就其中医针灸的学术思想特点进行探讨。认为《离合真邪论》对中医针灸学理论的形成与发展有显著作用,本篇将各种自然变化与人体经脉气血脉搏相互类比,形象地描述了邪气入侵人体时邪气与真气的各种状态,同时阐明了在诊疗疾病中"机"以及"三部九侯"的的重要性,这些都为后世中医理论,特别是针灸理论的进一步完善发展奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 素问 合真邪论 知机
作者 顾天娇 宗兆睿 +2 位作者 陈欢 林沛哲 李德杏 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2022年第19期86-89,共4页
合真传统手工制香技艺1901年初创于沈阳,历经六代传承120年的发展,秉承“以方为法,以真为道”的制香理念,融会中医学理论和临床经验,倡导燃香、佩香、抹香、熏香、沐浴等用香之法,形成了完整的制香理论体系和工艺技法。在发展过程中积... 合真传统手工制香技艺1901年初创于沈阳,历经六代传承120年的发展,秉承“以方为法,以真为道”的制香理念,融会中医学理论和临床经验,倡导燃香、佩香、抹香、熏香、沐浴等用香之法,形成了完整的制香理论体系和工艺技法。在发展过程中积累起丰富的药香品类,具有较高的实用价值和文化价值,2018年入选天津市和平区非遗名录。合真在传承发展过程中守正创新,秉承中国传统制香技法,不断研发新产品,通过药香走进校园、开设分馆、举办展览,走出国门签订商贸协议等形式,积极宣传中国传统药香文化。同时,合真积极寻求与临床医院的合作,展开对药香防治疾病理论机制的研究。中华药香在抗击新冠疫情中消毒杀菌、清洁环境、调节情绪等效果显著,受到各界的广泛关注。非遗合真药香自身的发展对中医药非物质文化遗产传承保护路径研究具有积极的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 合真药香 芳香疗法 非遗 传承保护
参苓白术散合真人养脏汤治疗慢性结肠炎120例 被引量:2
作者 崔世军 高艺真 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2011年第22期200-200,共1页
目的:观察参苓白术散合真人养脏汤加减治疗慢性结肠炎的临床疗效。方法:120例慢性结肠炎患者采取口服中药汤剂参苓白术散合真人养脏汤加减治疗,每日1剂,每日2次,共治疗1个月。结果:治愈96例(80%),好转22例(18%),无效2例(2%),总有效率为... 目的:观察参苓白术散合真人养脏汤加减治疗慢性结肠炎的临床疗效。方法:120例慢性结肠炎患者采取口服中药汤剂参苓白术散合真人养脏汤加减治疗,每日1剂,每日2次,共治疗1个月。结果:治愈96例(80%),好转22例(18%),无效2例(2%),总有效率为98%。结论:口服中药汤剂参苓白术散合真人养脏汤加减治疗慢性结肠炎有较好的疗效。 展开更多
关键词 慢性结肠炎 参苓白术散合真 人养脏汤
合真之道 被引量:16
作者 闫志安 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期2725-2728,共4页
为切实把握祖国医学的特点,准确领会祖国医学的根本,继承弘扬祖国医学的真旨,使其更好地为人类健康服务,把祖国医学传承好、应用好、发展好。文章基于《黄帝内经》等传统经典文献,从求真、释真、悟真着手,重新解读,明彰经典。发现祖国... 为切实把握祖国医学的特点,准确领会祖国医学的根本,继承弘扬祖国医学的真旨,使其更好地为人类健康服务,把祖国医学传承好、应用好、发展好。文章基于《黄帝内经》等传统经典文献,从求真、释真、悟真着手,重新解读,明彰经典。发现祖国医学的根本认识方法是内求和返观内视;指出"真"是本元,是自然之源、人体之本,是人的先天禀赋,是天癸,是元精、元气、元神;文章提出合真之道是人生大道;由天真、信真、反真、乐真、全真、合真构成修证合真之道的状态和过程。认为祖国医学的真旨为"合真之道",祖国医学的当代医学属性和健康应用可定义为"合真医学"。 展开更多
关键词 黄帝内经 玄隐 本元 合真 合真之道 合真医学
麝香的本草文脉与合真之道略论 被引量:1
作者 王靖 王进 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期5577-5579,共3页
本草是中国知识分子理解自然界物类的窗口,更是中医药的本真精粹之一。研究以古代本草典籍为主,辅以古籍类书,首先从释真层面考辨麝香的字源学意涵,其次从求真层面深析麝香入药的源起与入典的注解,再次于悟真层面阐释麝香的实体滥用与... 本草是中国知识分子理解自然界物类的窗口,更是中医药的本真精粹之一。研究以古代本草典籍为主,辅以古籍类书,首先从释真层面考辨麝香的字源学意涵,其次从求真层面深析麝香入药的源起与入典的注解,再次于悟真层面阐释麝香的实体滥用与医学叙事,复次于合真层面探赜麝香之路的文化符号及学术思辨,以此彰显麝香的历史源流与价值维度,期冀建构出麝香文脉的合真之道历程。 展开更多
关键词 麝香 本草叙事 医史文脉 合真之道
作者 龙又嘉 《才智》 2015年第22期289-289,共1页
关键词 道教 审美境界 与道合真
合真玉版论 被引量:1
作者 闫志安 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期11-12,共2页
合真之道,玄元之妙,譬如宝船,护佑仙凡。上古天真,绵延至今,父母精血,相媾而成。悟自心始,真何外求,钩玄索隐,坐进此道。恬惔虚无,真气相从,信之为使,从之即得。反之若怡,神气相守,本自一家,何劳言守。甘食美服,安居乐俗,处之忘之,合之... 合真之道,玄元之妙,譬如宝船,护佑仙凡。上古天真,绵延至今,父母精血,相媾而成。悟自心始,真何外求,钩玄索隐,坐进此道。恬惔虚无,真气相从,信之为使,从之即得。反之若怡,神气相守,本自一家,何劳言守。甘食美服,安居乐俗,处之忘之,合之若一。积精全神,积弱养真,天真自生,惟德蓄真。天地相合,清静自得,形神俱妙,与道合真。上古天真,本自具足,但悟此真,自然合真。藏之玉版,诵受持之[1-5]。合其所诊,勿失其人,各个不同,各有所任。察阴与阳,色脉所量,观身于形,察其所伤。 展开更多
关键词 黄帝内经 合真 玄元 轩辕
养真丸合生发酊对斑秃患者免疫功能的影响观察 被引量:3
作者 覃永健 潘爱萍 黄小琪 《四川中医》 北大核心 2004年第8期78-79,共2页
目的 :观察纯中药制剂对斑秃患者免疫功能的影响。方法 :将 80例斑秃患者随机分为2组 ,治疗组 4 0例服养真丸并外用生发酊 ,对照组 4 0例服胱氨酸片、VitB6片、谷维素片并外擦0 0 5 %盐酸氮芥。结果 :治疗组总有效率为 90 % ,疗效优于... 目的 :观察纯中药制剂对斑秃患者免疫功能的影响。方法 :将 80例斑秃患者随机分为2组 ,治疗组 4 0例服养真丸并外用生发酊 ,对照组 4 0例服胱氨酸片、VitB6片、谷维素片并外擦0 0 5 %盐酸氮芥。结果 :治疗组总有效率为 90 % ,疗效优于西药对照组 (P <0 0 5 ) ;同时实验结果显示 ,中药制剂能降低CD8+ 的水平并抑制TNF -α的分泌。结论 :养真丸合生发酊对斑秃患者具有良好的免疫调节作用。 展开更多
关键词 生发酊 斑秃 免疫功能 T淋巴细胞亚群 皮肤科
作者 潘思安 赵钊 +2 位作者 李成文 卢享君 常小荣 《湖南中医杂志》 2014年第8期3-5,共3页
《素问·离合真邪论篇第二十七》论述了邪气侵入人体后,与真气相合及未合的不同情形,真邪离合的不同证候、针刺治疗原则及方法,故以"离合真邪"名篇。本文从天人相参、病形各异,补虚泻实、重守时机,真邪未合、施术有法,真... 《素问·离合真邪论篇第二十七》论述了邪气侵入人体后,与真气相合及未合的不同情形,真邪离合的不同证候、针刺治疗原则及方法,故以"离合真邪"名篇。本文从天人相参、病形各异,补虚泻实、重守时机,真邪未合、施术有法,真邪已合、救治有别等方面总结概括其学术思想,为指导后世针灸临床奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 《黄帝内经》 《素问》 《离合真邪论篇第二十七》 学术思想
再谈《诗经》之耕、真合韵 被引量:1
作者 吕胜男 《天中学刊》 2009年第1期83-85,共3页
对于《诗经》耕、真合韵问题,学界历来观点不一。大致分为两派:一派承认《诗经》中存在耕、真合韵;一派认为《诗经》中没有耕、真合韵。两派的分歧,主要源于对"令"声字的归部不一。以上古典籍文献、汉语方言及闽语歌谣作为研... 对于《诗经》耕、真合韵问题,学界历来观点不一。大致分为两派:一派承认《诗经》中存在耕、真合韵;一派认为《诗经》中没有耕、真合韵。两派的分歧,主要源于对"令"声字的归部不一。以上古典籍文献、汉语方言及闽语歌谣作为研究素材,可以确定《诗经》并无耕、真合韵现象,问题的根源在于其押韵字皆具-n、-ng两读。 展开更多
关键词 《诗经》 “令”声字 歌谣
作者 孙百琴 《全媒体探索》 2022年第5期111-112,共2页
加快县级融媒体中心建设是落实党中央重大决策部署,更好地服务人民、联系群众的需要。费县作为山东省第一批融媒体中心建设试点,吹响了融媒体改革的时代号角。在推进媒体融合发展中,费县坚持提前谋划、高点定位,着力推进县级融媒体中心... 加快县级融媒体中心建设是落实党中央重大决策部署,更好地服务人民、联系群众的需要。费县作为山东省第一批融媒体中心建设试点,吹响了融媒体改革的时代号角。在推进媒体融合发展中,费县坚持提前谋划、高点定位,着力推进县级融媒体中心建设。 展开更多
关键词 高点定位 融媒体矩阵 全媒体人才
Ablation behaviour and mechanical performance of ZrB_(2)-ZrC-SiC modified carbon/carbon composites prepared by vacuum infiltration combined with reactive melt infiltration
作者 ZHANG Jia-ping SU Xiao-xuan +2 位作者 LI Xin-gang WANG Run-ning FU Qian-gang 《新型炭材料(中英文)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期633-644,共12页
The development of advanced aircraft relies on high performance thermal-structural materials,and carbon/carbon com-posites(C/C)composited with ultrahigh-temperature ceramics are ideal candidates.However,the traditiona... The development of advanced aircraft relies on high performance thermal-structural materials,and carbon/carbon com-posites(C/C)composited with ultrahigh-temperature ceramics are ideal candidates.However,the traditional routes of compositing are either inefficient and expensive or lead to a non-uniform distribution of ceramics in the matrix.Compared with the traditional C/C-ZrC-SiC composites prepared by the reactive melt infiltration of ZrSi_(2),C/C-ZrB_(2)-ZrC-SiC composites prepared by the vacuum infiltration of ZrB_(2) combined with reactive melt infiltration have the higher content and more uniform distribution of the introduced ceramic phases.The mass and linear ablation rates of the C/C-ZrB_(2)-ZrC-SiC composites were respectively 68.9%and 29.7%lower than those of C/C-ZrC-SiC composites prepared by reactive melt infiltration.The ablation performance was improved because the volatilization of B_(2)O_(3),removes some of the heat,and the more uniformly distributed ZrO_(2),that helps produce a ZrO2-SiO2 continu-ous protective layer,hinders oxygen infiltration and decreases ablation. 展开更多
关键词 C/C composites ZrB_(2)-ZrC-SiC Vacuum filtration Reactive melt infiltration Ablation.
作者 詹石窗 詹至莹 《宁夏社会科学》 CSSCI 2020年第5期40-46,共7页
关于圣人,儒家与道家有不同的标准。儒家的圣人乃是一种践行社会伦理的人格典型,而道家讲的圣人则是一种"与道合真"的境界象征。在道家的精神文化世界里,圣人不仅要掌握自我完善的生命技术,而且需要在世俗生活中"和光同... 关于圣人,儒家与道家有不同的标准。儒家的圣人乃是一种践行社会伦理的人格典型,而道家讲的圣人则是一种"与道合真"的境界象征。在道家的精神文化世界里,圣人不仅要掌握自我完善的生命技术,而且需要在世俗生活中"和光同尘",通过具体的服务社会的体验来升华生命境界。 展开更多
关键词 道家 学以成圣 与道合真 道德经
Effect of brazing temperature on microstructure and tensile strength ofγ-TiAl joint vacuum brazed with micro-nano Ti−Cu−Ni−Nb−Al−Hf filler
作者 Li LI Yu-tong CHEN +3 位作者 Lei-xin YUAN Fen LUO Zhi-xue FENG Xiao-qiang LI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2563-2574,共12页
A novel micro-nano Ti−10Cu−10Ni−8Al−8Nb−4Zr−1.5Hf filler was used to vacuum braze Ti−47Al−2Nb−2Cr−0.15B alloy at 1160−1220℃ for 30 min.The interfacial microstructure and formation mechanism of TiAl joints and the rel... A novel micro-nano Ti−10Cu−10Ni−8Al−8Nb−4Zr−1.5Hf filler was used to vacuum braze Ti−47Al−2Nb−2Cr−0.15B alloy at 1160−1220℃ for 30 min.The interfacial microstructure and formation mechanism of TiAl joints and the relationships among brazing temperature,interfacial microstructure and joint strength were emphatically investigated.Results show that the TiAl joints brazed at 1160 and 1180℃ possess three interfacial layers and mainly consist of α_(2)-Ti_(3)Al,τ_(3)-Al_(3)NiTi_(2) and Ti_(2)Ni,but the brazing seams are no longer layered and Ti_(2)Ni is completely replaced by the uniformly distributed τ_(3)-Al_(3)NiTi_(2) at 1200 and 1220℃ due to the destruction of α_(2)-Ti_(3)Al barrier layer.This transformation at 1200℃ obviously improves the tensile strength of the joint and obtains a maximum of 343 MPa.Notably,the outward diffusion of Al atoms from the dissolution of TiAl substrate dominates the microstructure evolution and tensile strength of the TiAl joint at different brazing temperatures. 展开更多
关键词 γ-TiAl alloy micro-nano filler vacuum brazing interfacial microstructure tensile strength
作者 尹志华 《宗教与哲学》 2017年第1期150-161,共12页
道教以'道'名教,围绕着'道'而展开的论述,可以说是道教教义之基石。本文探讨了道与语言、道与万物、道与德、道与气的关系,辨析了'道法自然'蕴含的'本性制约'因素,论述了道教关于道显为神、道寓于心的... 道教以'道'名教,围绕着'道'而展开的论述,可以说是道教教义之基石。本文探讨了道与语言、道与万物、道与德、道与气的关系,辨析了'道法自然'蕴含的'本性制约'因素,论述了道教关于道显为神、道寓于心的说法,认为道教追求的超越境界是'与道合真'。 展开更多
关键词 道不离物 尊道贵德 道法自然 道显为神 与道合真
Effect of combination of ultraviolet radiation and biocide on fungal-induced corrosion of high-strength 7075 aluminum alloy
作者 Zheng-yu JIN Chao WANG +1 位作者 Hai-xian LIU Hong-wei LIU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期2787-2799,共13页
The effect of ultraviolet(UV)radiation and biocide benzalkonium chloride(BKC)on fungal-induced corrosion of AA7075 induced by Aspergillus terreus(A.terreus)was deeply studied using analysis of biological activity,surf... The effect of ultraviolet(UV)radiation and biocide benzalkonium chloride(BKC)on fungal-induced corrosion of AA7075 induced by Aspergillus terreus(A.terreus)was deeply studied using analysis of biological activity,surface analysis,and electrochemical measurements.Results demonstrated that the planktonic and sessile spore concentrations decline by more than two orders of magnitude when UV radiation and BKC are combinedly used compared with the control.UV radiation can inhibit the biological activity of A.terreus and influence the stability of passive film of AA7075.Except for direct disinfection,the physical adsorption of BKC on the specimen can effectively inhibit the attachment of A.terreus.The combination of UV radiation and BKC can much more effectively inhibit the corrosion of AA,especially pitting corrosion,due to their synergistic effect.The combined application of UV radiation and BKC can be a good method to effectively inhibit fungal-induced corrosion. 展开更多
关键词 fungal-induced corrosion Aspergillus terreus 7075 aluminum alloy ultraviolet radiation benzalkonium chloride
Microstructure and properties of alloying coating on AZ31B magnesium alloy 被引量:5
作者 刘奋军 孟庆森 李增生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2347-2354,共8页
Vacuum thermal diffusion technique was applied to preparing alloying coating on AZ31 B magnesium alloy. The microstructure and phase composition of the coatings prepared at different holding time were investigated in ... Vacuum thermal diffusion technique was applied to preparing alloying coating on AZ31 B magnesium alloy. The microstructure and phase composition of the coatings prepared at different holding time were investigated in detail using optical microscopy(OM), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), energy dispersive spectrometer(EDS) and X-ray diffraction(XRD), and so on. The microhardness tester and electrochemical workstation(PS-168a) were used to measure the microhardness and corrosion resistance of the alloying coating. The results showed that the alloying coatings gradually generated with the extension of holding time under constant temperature. And the obvious bonding interface between the coating and substrate was observed, and the bonding interface was changed from smooth to zigzag. EDS and XRD analyses showed that the microstructure of alloying coating mainly consisted of eutectic α-Mg phase and continuous network β-Al(12)Mg(17) phase. The average microhardness of the coatings increased by 113% in comparison to the substrate, and the self-corrosion potential increased from-1.389 to-1.268 V at the same time. 展开更多
关键词 AZ31B magnesium alloy vacuum diffusion surface alloying MICROHARDNESS corrosion resistance
Vehicle and terrain interaction based on Adams-Matlab co-simulation 被引量:5
作者 张晓阳 孙蓓蓓 +1 位作者 孙庆鸿 陈南 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第3期335-339,共5页
A kind of construction truck model is built in Adams based on multi-body dynamic theory. The rigid and elastic wheels of tire-soil contact models are proposed based on the Bekker pressure model and the Jonasi shear so... A kind of construction truck model is built in Adams based on multi-body dynamic theory. The rigid and elastic wheels of tire-soil contact models are proposed based on the Bekker pressure model and the Jonasi shear soil model, and they are described in the form of S-function to enhance the calculation efficiency and simulation accuracy. Finally, the interaction of truck and soil is simulated by Adams-Maflab co-simulation to study the influence of soft terrain on the ride comfort of vehicles. The co-simulation results reveal that the terrain properties have a great influence on the ride comfort of vehicles as well as driving speed, road roughness and cargo weight. This co-simulation model is convenient for adding the factor of terrain deformation to the analysis of vehicle ride comfort. It can also be used to optimize suspension system parameters especially for off-road vehicles. 展开更多
关键词 off-road vehicle vehicle terramechanics ride comfort CO-SIMULATION
Effect of multi-step slow shot speed on microstructure of vacuum die cast AZ91D magnesium alloy 被引量:3
作者 王青亮 熊守美 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期375-380,共6页
Two multi-step (two-step and three-step) slow shot speeds were used in the vacuum die casting process of AZ91D magnesium alloy. The vacuum pressure variation in the die cavity before mold filling was monitored by us... Two multi-step (two-step and three-step) slow shot speeds were used in the vacuum die casting process of AZ91D magnesium alloy. The vacuum pressure variation in the die cavity before mold filling was monitored by using a pressure sensor. The microstructures of the produced castings were analyzed with optical microscope and image analysis software. The experimental results demonstrate that, the vacuum pressure in the die cavity at the beginning of mold filling is significantly reduced by using three-step slow shot speed, resulting in a low gas porosity level in the produced castings. At an appropriate multi-step slow shot speed, the dwell time of the liquid metal in the shot sleeve before mold filling can be reduced and the flow of the liquid metal in the shot sleeve at the later stage of the slow shot process can be restrained, which cause a low externally solidified crystal content in the produced castings. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloy vacuum die casting slow shot speed gas porosity externally solidified crystal
Design of hydraulic motor speed control system based on co-simulation of AMESim and Matlab_Simulink 被引量:1
作者 孟凡虎 赵素素 +2 位作者 雷晓顺 王娜 高峰 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2016年第3期279-285,共7页
In order to design an effective hydraulic motor speed control system, Matlab_Simiulink and AMESim co-simulation technology is adopted to establish more accurate model and reflect the actual system. The neural... In order to design an effective hydraulic motor speed control system, Matlab_Simiulink and AMESim co-simulation technology is adopted to establish more accurate model and reflect the actual system. The neural network proportion-integration-differentiation (PID) control parameters on-line adjustment is utilized to improve system accuracy, celerity and stability. Simulation results indicate that with the control system proposed in this paper, the system deviation is reduced, therefore accuracy is improved; response speed for step signal and sinusoidal signal gets faster, thus acceleration is rapidly improved; and the system can be restored to the control value in case of interfering, so stability is improved. 展开更多
关键词 speed control system CO-SIMULATION neural network proportion-integration-differentiation (PID) control
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