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作者 雷春辉 《科学.经济.社会》 CSSCI 2011年第4期172-174,180,共4页
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作者 彭喻杰 戴永 +1 位作者 谢建斌 李文涛 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 2016年第2期259-263,共5页
字母连写智能指导是文字书写教学系统重要研究内容。针对字母连写笔画结构复杂多变,单体字母书写笔迹分析方法无法直接套用于字母连写笔画分析的现状,提出基于图域时域关键点分割笔画的字母连写笔画分析方法。分别从图域、时域提取关键... 字母连写智能指导是文字书写教学系统重要研究内容。针对字母连写笔画结构复杂多变,单体字母书写笔迹分析方法无法直接套用于字母连写笔画分析的现状,提出基于图域时域关键点分割笔画的字母连写笔画分析方法。分别从图域、时域提取关键点;融合两域关键点;按二次曲线等三类标准曲线笔段,在两域关键点向量中进行笔段分割;通过与三类标准曲线的拟合建立笔段系数向量模板;依据实写笔画的各类关键点与系数向量重构的拟合曲线的贴近度实现连写笔画分析。实验表明,该方法关键点误提率、笔段误提率、实时跟踪时间及贴近度等重要指标均满足实用要求。 展开更多
关键词 联机书写指导 字母连写画分析 图域时域 关键点融合笔段分割与拟
运用“微机控制等离子喷焊”新技术生产复合型(轧钢)导板的研究 被引量:4
作者 温卿生 邹庆渊 +1 位作者 黄建勇 闵福春 《江西冶金》 1998年第2期33-37,共5页
微机控制等离子喷焊新工艺试制轧钢复合型导板,其设备工艺先进,参数稳定,该导板经生产试用效果良好,强度与耐磨性及各项性能指标均满足生产工艺要求;焊层使用寿命比原导板提高25%;并可多次修复使用,可节省大量贵重金属材料,... 微机控制等离子喷焊新工艺试制轧钢复合型导板,其设备工艺先进,参数稳定,该导板经生产试用效果良好,强度与耐磨性及各项性能指标均满足生产工艺要求;焊层使用寿命比原导板提高25%;并可多次修复使用,可节省大量贵重金属材料,具有推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 等离子喷焊 导板 轧机 微机控制
上博馆藏楚简文字考释四则 被引量:1
作者 陈斯鹏 《江汉考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期122-128,共7页
上博简《周易》30号对应今本"说"之字由"又"、"兑"二部件构成,因二者发生合笔而难识,字实为"敚"之异体。《曹沫之阵》16号简原释"繲"之字应分析为从"纟"、"■",... 上博简《周易》30号对应今本"说"之字由"又"、"兑"二部件构成,因二者发生合笔而难识,字实为"敚"之异体。《曹沫之阵》16号简原释"繲"之字应分析为从"纟"、"■",读"属",训为"连属",与"纪"为近义连文。《君子为礼》6号简原释"正"之字应释作"■"。读为"俛"。《弟子问》简5原释"连"之字应释"■",读为"略",义为要约:"■"由"■"之省体"■"变形声化而成。 展开更多
关键词 上博楚简 古文字 合笔 省体 变形声化
Can Reference Be Naturalized? Notes toward an Integrational Causality
作者 Daihyun Chung 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第5期289-304,共16页
As physicalisms of various kinds have faced difficulties in recent years, the time has come to explore possible alternatives, one of which is yinyang ontology. A yinyang theorist is expected to provide a plausible acc... As physicalisms of various kinds have faced difficulties in recent years, the time has come to explore possible alternatives, one of which is yinyang ontology. A yinyang theorist is expected to provide a plausible account of causation to replace the traditional notion of causation. The present paper is critical of the Humean tradition, which understands the relata of causal relations in terms of passive materiality so that humans use referential terms to describe causal relations constructively. But an alternative notion of reference is available according to which causal relata are active processors of the information with which they interact. On this latter view, humans use referential language to describe the structure in which the relata interrelate themselves so that the structure can be understood hermeneutically. Reference on this view is naturalized. In this article, I advance two arguments for this thesis, one concerning the informationality of states and the other related to the essentiality of properties. 展开更多
关键词 yinyang causality hermeneutical reference intentionality of states causality as natural kinds essentialproperties
Extended Cognition as a Case of Bottomless Theory Building
作者 Gerhard Chr. Bukow 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第12期1071-1087,共17页
Extended cognition is the thesis that vehicles realizing cognitive systems can possibly extend beyond traditional boundaries of brain, skin, or skull. It is a popular thesis because of its counterintuitive consequence... Extended cognition is the thesis that vehicles realizing cognitive systems can possibly extend beyond traditional boundaries of brain, skin, or skull. It is a popular thesis because of its counterintuitive consequence that coupled systems of vehicles of very different entities could form a realizer of one cognitive systems. Popular examples consist of human-handy-systems or human-notebook-systems, and it is a thesis that could non-dogmatically decide what individuates the realizers of cognitive systems. But the thesis is in need for individuation-criteria: How could we individuate a coupled system of different systems of vehicles? We inspect some of the usually handled candidates for individuation-criteria and argue that in principal there will be no successful candidate due to methodological problems. We aim to show this by using a cookbook theory of extended cognition and add different types of candidates. No candidate is non-arbitrary or non-intrinsic, which leads the proponent to the forced selection between arbitrary or intrinsic candidates. We argue that without criteria, the talk about extended cognition is a bottomless pit that should only serve as an example for bottomless theory-building. 展开更多
关键词 extended cognition cognitive system coupled system individuation-criteria
浅谈书法教育对中小学语文教学的重要性 被引量:3
作者 包宏光 《中国钢笔书法》 2017年第5期60-62,共3页
关键词 书法教育 和毛 语文教学 培养品格意志审美的重要性
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