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作者 范坚 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2023年第2期153-153,共1页
作品《合菱壶》,壶体各部分比例恰当,壶盖与身筒严丝合缝,任意转动都吻合,筋纹线状壶嘴从壶腹胥出,出水干净利落,壶把同样饰以筋纹线条,端握舒适。从上往下看,线条结构呈现出的脉络规律有序,在线条的韵律起伏下,层次表现也更加丰富。远... 作品《合菱壶》,壶体各部分比例恰当,壶盖与身筒严丝合缝,任意转动都吻合,筋纹线状壶嘴从壶腹胥出,出水干净利落,壶把同样饰以筋纹线条,端握舒适。从上往下看,线条结构呈现出的脉络规律有序,在线条的韵律起伏下,层次表现也更加丰富。远远看去,充满了浓浓的祝福之意。 展开更多
关键词 合菱 工艺价值 线条
浅谈紫砂“合菱壶”的造型特征以及美学价值 被引量:2
作者 吴涛 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2021年第4期147-147,共1页
在紫砂茗壶的造型体系之中,有一种被称之为紫砂筋纹器,也是我们经常见到的一种器型,它主要是依照着植物花瓣以及瓜果的筋纹等进行创造和制作的,几种常见的形式有"合菊壶"、"菱花壶"等等,所制作出来的紫砂壶都呈现... 在紫砂茗壶的造型体系之中,有一种被称之为紫砂筋纹器,也是我们经常见到的一种器型,它主要是依照着植物花瓣以及瓜果的筋纹等进行创造和制作的,几种常见的形式有"合菊壶"、"菱花壶"等等,所制作出来的紫砂壶都呈现出规则的纹理组织,且整体的造型特征都是齐整协调、匀称丰腴、等分均衡的,因而整个壶看起来自然明快,给人以一种强烈的节奏韵律美,紫砂筋纹器在紫砂茗壶的造型体系之中是不可或缺的一种,与此同时,它也是具有代表性、有着丰富的形制、有着较大影响的一种类别。本文便主要以紫砂"合菱壶"为例,谈谈它的造型特征以及美学价值。 展开更多
关键词 紫砂 合菱 造型特征 美学价值
筋纹智慧,美菱盛放——论紫砂壶作品《合菱》的艺术创作 被引量:1
作者 钱晨 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2021年第11期71-71,共1页
筋纹器是紫砂壶艺术三大器型之一,与光器、花器共同彰显了紫砂壶创作的理念与工艺的特征。本文中的《合菱》紫砂壶以菱花为艺术原型,形象地再现菱花之美,体现了紫砂壶筋纹器的基本特征。本文对作品的艺术特征进行了分析,也由此揭示了紫... 筋纹器是紫砂壶艺术三大器型之一,与光器、花器共同彰显了紫砂壶创作的理念与工艺的特征。本文中的《合菱》紫砂壶以菱花为艺术原型,形象地再现菱花之美,体现了紫砂壶筋纹器的基本特征。本文对作品的艺术特征进行了分析,也由此揭示了紫砂壶筋纹器的艺术价值。 展开更多
关键词 紫砂壶 合菱 筋纹器 艺术特征
精气神兼具的《合菱壶》 被引量:1
作者 范秋琴 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2016年第10期99-99,共1页
《合菱壶》是一把精气神兼具的好壶,给人以大气之感,或让人感到敦实稳重,或让人觉得大智若愚,或给人充满活力的朝气,带给人刚健的雄风,让玩壶人各取所需,用壶时心灵有所感悟,深谙壶语内蕴儒道佛之崇高精神。此壶端庄凝重的外形给人留下... 《合菱壶》是一把精气神兼具的好壶,给人以大气之感,或让人感到敦实稳重,或让人觉得大智若愚,或给人充满活力的朝气,带给人刚健的雄风,让玩壶人各取所需,用壶时心灵有所感悟,深谙壶语内蕴儒道佛之崇高精神。此壶端庄凝重的外形给人留下了充分的想象空间。 展开更多
关键词 合菱 艺术形象 价值
简述精品紫砂壶《合菱壶》的艺术特色 被引量:1
作者 黄云霞 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2019年第2期97-97,共1页
关键词 合菱 筋纹 非物质文化
作者 沈艳(燕) 《江苏陶瓷》 CAS 2018年第5期7-7,11,共2页
紫砂壶的艺术性是建立在使用功能的基础上,其比起一般的艺术形式更具魅力。紫砂壶全靠素面素心呈现出来,壶体的每个细节具有鲜明的特色,制作的线条流畅,于虚实对比中凸现立体感。近代紫砂名家汪宝根制作的紫砂"上桃合菱壶"巧... 紫砂壶的艺术性是建立在使用功能的基础上,其比起一般的艺术形式更具魅力。紫砂壶全靠素面素心呈现出来,壶体的每个细节具有鲜明的特色,制作的线条流畅,于虚实对比中凸现立体感。近代紫砂名家汪宝根制作的紫砂"上桃合菱壶"巧得造化之工,值得鉴赏。 展开更多
关键词 上桃合菱 紫砂壶 汪宝根 近代
作者 许敏锋 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2021年第2期84-84,共1页
紫砂艺术的发展真正做到了藏富于民,让宜兴的紫砂艺人除了可以拥有安身立命、发家致富的技能之外,还可以把自己对于艺术的理解和心中的所思所想通过紫砂的形式展示出来,从而引起我们广大壶友的共鸣,可以说是非常有意义的艺术创作过程,... 紫砂艺术的发展真正做到了藏富于民,让宜兴的紫砂艺人除了可以拥有安身立命、发家致富的技能之外,还可以把自己对于艺术的理解和心中的所思所想通过紫砂的形式展示出来,从而引起我们广大壶友的共鸣,可以说是非常有意义的艺术创作过程,也展示了中国传统文化独特的魅力和与众不同的艺术风格。我的这件紫砂作品《如意合菱》是一把典型的筋纹器,在紫砂的造型艺术之中可谓是非常难以成型的一种选择,要把它制作到如此精致隽永、优美动人也是非常难得。此壶在继承传统的基础之上,大胆地求实创新,把我们喜闻乐见、耳熟能详的吉祥纹饰巧妙地装饰其上,同时也不破坏整体的韵律和谐之感,让我们感受到作者的匠心独运和高超的技艺水准。 展开更多
关键词 紫砂壶 如意合菱 造型艺术 吉祥内涵
作者 范坚 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2022年第12期189-189,共1页
作品《合菱壶》,壶体各部分比例恰当,壶盖与身筒严丝合缝,任意转动都吻合,筋纹线状壶嘴从壶腹胥出,出水干净利落,壶把同样饰以筋纹线条,端握舒适。从上往下看,线条结构呈现出的脉络规律有序,在线条的韵律起伏下,层次表现也更加丰富。远... 作品《合菱壶》,壶体各部分比例恰当,壶盖与身筒严丝合缝,任意转动都吻合,筋纹线状壶嘴从壶腹胥出,出水干净利落,壶把同样饰以筋纹线条,端握舒适。从上往下看,线条结构呈现出的脉络规律有序,在线条的韵律起伏下,层次表现也更加丰富。远远看去,充满了浓浓的祝福之意。 展开更多
关键词 合菱 工艺价值 线条
作者 周忠兴 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2013年第3期72-72,共1页
合菱,是一种传统的筋纹器造型。合菱壶的壶腹中部菱花筋纹肌理清晰舒展有力,从上看似覆菱花,下端似一朵盛开的菱花,两菱花相合,故名为合菱。紫砂陶艺留给我们极其丰富的遗产,只有我们不断地探索、追求,融入我们的思维,开拓创新才会有的... 合菱,是一种传统的筋纹器造型。合菱壶的壶腹中部菱花筋纹肌理清晰舒展有力,从上看似覆菱花,下端似一朵盛开的菱花,两菱花相合,故名为合菱。紫砂陶艺留给我们极其丰富的遗产,只有我们不断地探索、追求,融入我们的思维,开拓创新才会有的新的成果出现。 展开更多
关键词 合菱 筋纹器形
作者 高华 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2018年第8期95-95,共1页
壶的腹中部菱花阴阳相交,从上端看似覆菱花,下端似一盛开菱花,两菱花相合,故名为合菱。菱瓣阴阳相交,凹凸之变化,改变了传统筋纹纵向到底的表现方法,制作上难度大于以往的筋纹形。纽形与壶身筒形相同,整个造型饱满,无论是平视,还是侧视... 壶的腹中部菱花阴阳相交,从上端看似覆菱花,下端似一盛开菱花,两菱花相合,故名为合菱。菱瓣阴阳相交,凹凸之变化,改变了传统筋纹纵向到底的表现方法,制作上难度大于以往的筋纹形。纽形与壶身筒形相同,整个造型饱满,无论是平视,还是侧视,此壶都富于变化。 展开更多
关键词 合菱 造型 筋囊器
作者 徐秀华 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2021年第4期103-103,共1页
紫砂艺人在继承了传统的制壶之艺后,仔细观察菱花的自然形态,并从中获得感悟,从而设计制作了这一把《合菱壶》。作品从筋纹的数量、线条的韵律、几何学上的规则等份等出发,着眼于将自然之物的形态与壶艺的创作结合在一起,从而塑造出造... 紫砂艺人在继承了传统的制壶之艺后,仔细观察菱花的自然形态,并从中获得感悟,从而设计制作了这一把《合菱壶》。作品从筋纹的数量、线条的韵律、几何学上的规则等份等出发,着眼于将自然之物的形态与壶艺的创作结合在一起,从而塑造出造型优雅、意境高深的茶具。 展开更多
关键词 紫砂壶 合菱 美好寓意
作者 金国东 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2017年第9期82-82,共1页
合菱是筋纹器作品中经典的款式,是在名品"菱花壶"的基础上,结合老款"线园壶"的形制特点,全新创作而成,《线圆合菱》整个壶形比例精确,纹理清晰,深浅自如,明暗分明,壶盖与壶身上下贯通,浑然一体,壶盖可以任意调换角... 合菱是筋纹器作品中经典的款式,是在名品"菱花壶"的基础上,结合老款"线园壶"的形制特点,全新创作而成,《线圆合菱》整个壶形比例精确,纹理清晰,深浅自如,明暗分明,壶盖与壶身上下贯通,浑然一体,壶盖可以任意调换角度,与壶口配合严密,分毫不差,展现了点线面的最佳组合。 展开更多
关键词 线圆合菱 制作格律 艺术性
A new rhombohedral phase and its 48 variants inβtitanium alloy
作者 Xin-nan WANG Ming HAN +2 位作者 Fu-rong ZHANG Guang-ming ZHAO Zhi-shou ZHU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期2849-2863,共15页
A new rhombohedral phase(termed R′)in a solution-aging-treated titanium alloy(Ti-4.5Al-6.5Mo-2Cr-2Nb-1V-1Sn-1Zr,wt.%)was identified.Its accurate Bravais lattice parameters were determined by a novel unit cell reconst... A new rhombohedral phase(termed R′)in a solution-aging-treated titanium alloy(Ti-4.5Al-6.5Mo-2Cr-2Nb-1V-1Sn-1Zr,wt.%)was identified.Its accurate Bravais lattice parameters were determined by a novel unit cell reconstruction method based on conventional selected-area electron diffraction(SAED)technique.The orientation relationship between R'phase and BCC phase was revealed.The results show that the R′phase is found to have 48crystallographically equivalent variants,resulting in rather complicated SAED patterns with high-order reflections.A series of in-situ SAED patterns were taken along both low-and high-index zone axes,and all weak and strong reflections arising from the 48 variants were properly explained and directly assigned with self-consistent Miller indices,confirming the presence of the rhombohedral phase.Additionally,some criteria were also proposed for evaluating the indexed results,which together with the Bravais lattice reconstruction method shed light on the microstructure characterization of even unknown phases in other alloys. 展开更多
关键词 titanium alloy rhombohedral phase Bravais lattice reconstruction VARIANT orientation relationship
对称之美——紫砂筋纹 被引量:3
作者 嵇芳 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2023年第12期189-189,共1页
对称,被称为极致的中式美学。紫砂壶中也有这么一款以“对称”为创作精髓的器型,即紫砂筋纹器,也正是中国人对“对称”之美的执着与青睐,才有了“筋纹器”的出现,而正是筋纹器“上下印对,身盖齐同,分割精确,纹理清晰”这种全面极致的对... 对称,被称为极致的中式美学。紫砂壶中也有这么一款以“对称”为创作精髓的器型,即紫砂筋纹器,也正是中国人对“对称”之美的执着与青睐,才有了“筋纹器”的出现,而正是筋纹器“上下印对,身盖齐同,分割精确,纹理清晰”这种全面极致的对称要求,“筋纹器”才能发展成为紫砂的三大器型之一,被称为“极致的对称之美”,在紫砂的发展史上占据了重要的地位。 展开更多
关键词 紫砂 筋纹器 对称美学 合菱 筋纹君德
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Rhombus-like SmCO3OH Microplates and Its Photoluminescence Property Doped with Eu^3+ 被引量:1
作者 尹小斌 张悠金 +1 位作者 方志勇 徐振宇 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期102-106,I0002,共6页
Rhombus-like SmCO3OH microplates with the edge lengths ranging from 5 μm to 10 μm and the thickness about 1.5 μm were synthesized through a simple hydrothermal method using urea as the precipitance. The structure a... Rhombus-like SmCO3OH microplates with the edge lengths ranging from 5 μm to 10 μm and the thickness about 1.5 μm were synthesized through a simple hydrothermal method using urea as the precipitance. The structure and properties of the rhombus-like SmCO3OH microplates were characterized by X-ray diffraction, field-emission scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The optical property of the rhombus-like SmCO3OH microplates doped with Eu^3+ was investigated by photoluminescence. A broad and strong emission band at 677 nm was obtained, which can be contributed to producing light conversion film. 展开更多
关键词 SmCO3OH Hydrothermal method PHOTOLUMINESCENCE
Development of an Inactivated Iridovirus Vaccine Against Turbot Viral Reddish Body Syndrome 被引量:5
作者 FAN Tingjun HU Xiuzhong +4 位作者 WANG Liyan GENG Xiaofen JIANG Guojian YANG Xiuxia YU Miaomiao 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第1期65-69,共5页
Turbot(Scophthalmus maximus L.) reddish body iridovirus(TRBIV) was propagated in turbot fin cells(TF cells) and inactivated as the TRBIV vaccine with its protection efficiency evaluated in this study.TF cells were cul... Turbot(Scophthalmus maximus L.) reddish body iridovirus(TRBIV) was propagated in turbot fin cells(TF cells) and inactivated as the TRBIV vaccine with its protection efficiency evaluated in this study.TF cells were cultured in 10% bovine calf serum(BCS)-containing MEM medium(pH7.0) at 22℃,in which TRBIV propagated to a titer as high as 105.6 TCID50 mL-1.The TRBIV was inactivated with 0.1% formalin and formulated with 0.5% aluminum hydroxide.The inactivated vaccine caused neither cytopathogenic effect(CPE) on TF cells nor pathogenic effect on turbots.After being administered with the vaccine twice via muscle injection,the turbot developed high-tittered TRBIV neutralizing antibodies in a dose-dependent manner.The vaccine protected the turbot from dying with an immunoprotection rate of 83.3% as was determined via subcutaneous vaccination in the laboratory and 90.5% via bath vaccination in turbot farms,respectively.The inactivated vaccine was very immunogenic,efficiently preventing tur-bot from death.It holds the potential of being applied in aquaculture. 展开更多
关键词 turbot reddish body iridovirus turbot fin cell inactivated vaccine Scophthalmus maximus
Flotation of a new chelate collector on fine refractory iron ore-containing carbonate 被引量:1
作者 王婷霞 朱一民 桂夏辉 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1058-1065,共8页
A suitable and efficient flotation collector at normal atmospheric temperature for Donganshan iron ore was developed.A new chelate collector W-2 was synthesized.At 30 °C,condition flotation tests on mixed magneti... A suitable and efficient flotation collector at normal atmospheric temperature for Donganshan iron ore was developed.A new chelate collector W-2 was synthesized.At 30 °C,condition flotation tests on mixed magnetic concentrate of Donganshan sintering plant established the best reagent system.With the optimum reagent system,one direct flotation and one reverse flotation including one roughing,one cleaning and two scavenging stages have been conducted.After closed-circuit flotation,excellent indices were obtained with grade of siderite concentrate of 36.49%,recovery rate of 10.65%,and loss on ignition of 11.17%,and the grade of hematite concentrate reached 66.27%,with recovery rate of 78.25%,tailing grade of 16.22%,and recovery rate of 11.10%.To analyze the mechanism of action from W-2 to quartz and siderite,zeta potential and FTIR spectra were detected.Results showed that after reaction with W-2,the zeta potential of quartz and siderite evidently changed,which resulted from hydrogen bond between quartz and W-2,and a certain chemical action between siderite and W-2.In addition,the electronegativity equalization principle was used to calculate electronegativity of active adsorption sites and analysis on reagent molecular structure showed that W-2 molecule had five active adsorption sites.Results showed that the electronegativity of atoms N and O in W-2 presented a substantial increase,and the synergy of atomic sites allowed considerable enhancement of collecting ability. 展开更多
关键词 iron ore-containing carbonate FLOTATION COLLECTOR hydrogen bonding mechanism ELECTRONEGATIVITY
Protein-sparing effect of carbohydrate in diets for juvenile turbot Scophthalmus maximus reared at different salinities 被引量:6
作者 曾霖 雷霁霖 +2 位作者 艾春香 洪万树 刘滨 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期57-69,共13页
The aim of the present study was to investigate the protein-sparing effect of carbohydrate in diets for juvenile turbot(Scophthalmus maximus) reared at five salinities(12,18,24,30,and 36).The fish were fed three isoca... The aim of the present study was to investigate the protein-sparing effect of carbohydrate in diets for juvenile turbot(Scophthalmus maximus) reared at five salinities(12,18,24,30,and 36).The fish were fed three isocaloric and isolipidic diets for 60 days.The results show that specific growth rate(SGR)and feed conversion efficiency(FCE) were higher in fish reared at salinities of 18 and 36,but lower at 12.Fish fed with diet C25P40(25%carbohydrate and 40%protein) had lower SGR and FCE values compared with those fed with the C5P52(5%carbohydrate and 52%protein) and C15P46(15%carbohydrate and 46%protein) diets;however,there was no statistical difference between diet C5P52 and C15P46.SGR and FCE values were unaffected by diet composition in fish reared at salinity 36.Hepatic lipogenic enzyme activities were higher in fish reared at 18 and 36,but lower at 12,while glucokinase(GK) activity was higher in fish reared at 12,and lower at 18 and 36.Dietary starch enhanced GK activity while depressing lipogenic enzyme activity.However,lipogenic enzyme activity increased with increasing dietary starch in fish reared at 36.It is recommended that salinity should be maintained > 12 in the farming of juvenile turbot.In addition,an increase in gelatinized starch from 5%to 15%could spare 6%dietary protein in fish reared at salinities of 18-30,while higher salinity(36) could improve dietary carbohydrate use and enhance the protein-sparing effect,which is linked with the induction of lipogenic capacities. 展开更多
关键词 Scophthalmus maximus CARBOHYDRATE salinity protein-sparing effect hepatic glycometabolism
Palatability of Water-Soluble Extracts of Protein Sources and Replacement of Fishmeal by a Selected Mixture of Protein Sources for Juvenile Turbot(Scophthalmus maximus)
作者 DONG Chun HE Gen +2 位作者 MAI Kangsen ZHOU Huihui XU Wei 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第3期561-567,共7页
Poor palatability is a limiting factor for replacing fishmeal with other protein sources in aquaculture. The water-soluble molecules with low molecular weights are the major determinants of the palatability of diets. ... Poor palatability is a limiting factor for replacing fishmeal with other protein sources in aquaculture. The water-soluble molecules with low molecular weights are the major determinants of the palatability of diets. The present study was conducted to investigate the palatability of water-soluble extracts from single protein source(single extract pellets) and the mixture of these extracts with different proportions(blended extract pellets) in juvenile turbot(Scophthalmus maximus). Then according to the palatability of blended extract pellets, an optimal mixture proportion was selected, and a new protein source made from raw protein materials with the selected proportion was formulated to replace fishmeal. Summarily, the palatability of single extract pellets for turbot was descendent from fishmeal to pet-food grade poultry by-product meal, wheat gluten meal, soybean meal, peanut meal, meat and bone meal, and corn gluten meal. Subsequently, according to the palatability of single extract pellets, 52 kinds of blended extract pellets were designed to test their palatability. The results showed that the pellets presented remarkably different palatability, and the optimal one was diet 52(wheat gluten meal: pet-food grade poultry by-product meal: meat and bone meal: corn gluten meal = 1:6:1:2). The highest ingestion ratio(the number of pellets ingested/the number of pellets fed) was 0.73 ± 0.03, which was observed in Diet 52. Then five isonitrogenous(52% crude protein) and isocaloric(20 k J g^(-1) gross energy) diets were formulated by replacing 0(control), 35%, 50%, 65% and 80% of fishmeal with No.52 blending proportion. After a 10-weeks feeding trial, a consistent feed intake was found among all replacement treatments. Replacement level of fishmeal up to 35% did not significantly influence final body weight, specific growth rate, feed efficiency ratio, and protein efficiency ratio of turbot. Therefore, the water-soluble extracts of protein sources play an important role in improving the palatability of non-fishmeal protein sources in aquafeed. 展开更多
关键词 protein source water-soluble extract PALATABILITY fishmeal replacement TURBOT
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